Tuesday Guy on Thursday


Do Mike and Steve have a theological point? Today they discuss everything from summer plans, 'woodsies', Nazi's, Bible CGI and the Shroud of Turin.  Tune in to find out.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Ebendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry.
My name is Pastor Mike Ebendroth, and I'm here with Pastor Steve Esteban, Tuesday Guy, Cooley.
I have a long name. You know what? My daughter, two daughters, they have two middle names.
My wife never had a middle name, so. So she loaned her space to them.
Yeah, right. Uh -huh. Yeah. So, Steve, I'm going to be going out of town here for a little vacay.
And what will you be doing in terms of Sunday morning pulpit ministry when
I'm gone? I'm going to be doing, going to be back in the gospel of John. John 16,
I think, verses 17 and following, and I might even get to Romans or to John 17
Romans. Started reading Martyn Lloyd -Jones, you know, The Assurance of Salvation, and just kind of underlying, just getting ready.
And just thinking about Romans, I mean, Romans, John 17, just, it doesn't matter how, you
That's just one of those chapters where I feel like I would be falling short, no matter what I do. Better not mess that up.
Yeah. We need some more Rises of Servant Kings around here. Well, I mean, I was just thinking about the other night,
I was just laying in bed. These are the kind of things that you do when you're, you know, just stupid.
You start preaching these sermons in your head. And I just thought, you know, because he says, return me to, you know, the glory that I once had.
And I just started thinking about how, you know, in Isaiah, he says, you know, he'll not share his glory with another.
I'm going, so what does that tell us? Well, right there, God says, I will not share my glory with another.
And Jesus says, restore me to the glory. Well, we already know that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, that he's exalted, that he's in glory, you know, that he exalted above everybody else.
And he wants to be restored to the glory he had before. Well, the glory he had before was not some kind of Mormon pre -existence.
Pete Smith Mm -hmm. Or Jehovah's Witness subordination or something. He had, no, he had the full glory of God. And so, you know, it's just another testimony to the
Trinity. All these biblical truths are just kind of fleshed out in the high priestly prayer of Jesus.
Pete Smith The entire Gospel of John, as you know, has that refrain where Jesus is talking about, the
Father sent me, he sent me, and I've come to do his will. And of course, we have to ask the question, when did he decide to send him, right?
It wasn't Genesis 3 .15, right? It was pre -Genesis 1. As Feskos doesn't say eternity past, he just says in eternity, which is interesting way to put it.
But especially in John 17, you see that refrain, sent, sent, sent, sent.
And of course, that talks about pre -existence, that talks about the eternal plan of God, a covenant of redemption, pactum salutis, or whatever you'd like to call it, agreement if you're a dispensationalist.
Pete Smith You know, it just, it impacts me so much because just thinking, talking about the pre -existence, because Mormon Church teaches we all existed, right?
And we all existed and we were obedient little spirit children. Pete Smith Well, if you were obedient, then why send
Jesus? Or if you were only kind of obedient, then would Jesus have to show up? Pete Smith Because this is like a test for us, right?
I mean, honestly. Pete Smith How are you doing so far? Pete Smith Well, that's what they teach, you know, there's a testing place. And ultimately, we're to, you know, perfect ourselves and, you know,
I'm just like the absolute folly of this. But anyway, getting back to this pre -existence idea, Jesus was not like us, right?
And that's the teaching of Mormonism is that, you know, I've heard plenty of people say that they're appalled at the idea that Jesus and Satan were spirit brothers, right?
Well, I'm appalled at the idea that Jesus was my spirit brother, in other words, that I was in any way, shape or form, his equal, because I never was and I never will be.
You know, I didn't exist in eternity past. Pete Smith Of course, in Hebrews, it talks about Jesus is our brother, but he's only talking about that when people ask the question, how can
Jesus be greater than angels when he adds human nature to himself and he can be our brother by adding human nature, but he already had existed before he was born.
Pete Smith Yes. Yeah. Pete Smith It reminds me, Steve, when you have to perfect yourself.
Here's Romans 2, he will render to each one according to his works. Pete Smith You know,
I'm done. Pete Smith By patience and well -doing, seek for glory and honor and immortality. He will give eternal life.
How's that working out for those people? Pete Smith I was doing pretty good until I woke up this morning.
Pete Smith But for those who are self -seeking and who do not obey the truth, but obey in righteousness, there will be wrath and fury.
Pete Smith You know, I never consciously sinned until I was conscious. Pete Smith And then things started going downhill, you know.
Pete Smith Verse 13 of Romans 2, it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified.
Perfect, perpetual, entire, personal obedience. Pete Smith Well, don't you think doers of the law just means you kind of try?
You give it the old, you know, college try. Pete Smith Uh -huh. How much did we really try in college?
I didn't try at all in college. I just sat around listening to Jimi Hendrix and got high. Pete Smith That's kind of a dumb saying, isn't it?
Pete Smith The college try, and you're out at keggers every night. We called them woodsies in Nebraska because you just get a keg of like Pabst Blue Ribbon and you take it out of the woods and charge people three bucks a cup.
Pete Smith I didn't do any of that in college. But then again, you know, I was driving back and forth to college and, you know, lasted a good semester.
So... What about the, give it a college try for people who tried college and never finished?
How did that work? Pete Smith Not too well. Pete Smith I was preaching in New Zealand, Steve, a while ago, and I didn't say anything about these verses that I just read, except I just read the verses in terms of if you'd like to get to heaven by your own goodness and righteousness or even self -righteousness, then it just needs to be a perfect obedience.
God doesn't, you know, say, well, I'll count maybe motive or, you know, you do your best, which isn't the best, but I'll make it seem like it.
And there was a person that came up to me afterwards and he said, I heard you read Romans 2, and I've always taken
Romans 2 as, you know, there should be enough sanctification in your life, this hypothetical thing, to justify your justification.
And I said, you know, it's interesting. Almost every commentary says that, but Haldane, I believe, says, this is the
Roman Catholic exposer. Do you have any latent
Roman Catholicism in you? And if you go to this verse, it'll find you out. And I just said to the guy, hey, that was insightful.
Remember, Romans 1, pagans, no righteousness, Romans 2 and 3 still trying to tell you you need
Christ's righteousness. Even if you're a moralistic Jew, self -righteous person, you still need righteousness because your righteousness better be perfect.
Then 3, 21, comes the good news, and he goes, yeah, that's, it's in context right there. I said, uh -huh.
Context is good. It's your friend. So, you're going to be preaching
John 17. Do you think you'll finish John 17 by the time I'm back? Because I think I'm gone seven
Sundays, but I think maybe, or one or two, maybe Phil Johnson might be here, and then another elder preaches or something like that.
You're off to Wonderland or Disneyland or Storyland or Bible Land. We're just going to Storyland this week.
So Bible Land. Are you just going to Bible Land? Hooray for Bible Land. I don't know. I'm going to go as far as I can, you know, so.
You know what? If we did have the money of a Disneyland and we made a Bible Land and you could have like real water separated, you could walk through the
Red Sea or something, right? And the Nephilim come and like, you know. That would prove the Bible.
They open up the Ark of the Covenant and like death angels come swirling around. And dissolve
Nazis. Dissolve Nazis. When I was reading that passage in the
Old Testament to the kids, you know, just reading verse by verse of the kids trying to teach them the Bible, and that came up,
I had to pull up on YouTube or pull up the old VHS and showed them.
And of course, it was hilarious because the, you know, the melting wax deal was just kind of hokey, but it was good in those days.
Really good. I just read an article, Steve, about how people don't identify with movie characters anymore.
Not only would there be no character development. We went and saw Casablanca the other day at an old movie theater.
And you know, you care about the people. I love that movie. My wife hates it because it doesn't have a happy ending.
But you're invested in the people because they're trying to make the plot line in such a way that the characters are, you know, endearing or interesting.
Anyway, the other reason why people don't care about movies anymore is because the more CGI there is, the less they care.
And they even compared the first Jurassic Park and the last one. And the first one had CGI, but it wasn't as much and it wasn't as good.
And they talked about characters and how you kind of cared for the kid and you cared about, you know, the old grandpa guy or whatever, the mosquito dude.
Anyway, it was fascinating. CGI. So if we only had CGI for the
Bible, we could make it come alive. Well, I want you to know I was still moved.
I was still moved at the last Avengers movie. So I, you know. I don't, I don't even know what an Avenger is.
Are they mad at people and they have to take revenge at people? Kind of. Really? Like what? Like what would they avenge?
Like aliens trying to wipe out the earth. Are Avengers aliens or just mutant humans?
Um, kind of neither one and both. Okay. Remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Yes. Down the street from our house in North Hollywood on Carpenter Street, one of the,
I think the Ninja Turtles lived. The actor who was inside there. Yeah. Well, our house in Valencia, they actually filmed some of the episodes for.
Really? I just was at, uh, um. Was it for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? I think.
Oh no. You know what it was? It was that other dopey show with the. Teletubbies? No. So close.
No. I'll, I'll, I'll think of it. Did you see my tweet a while ago?
I said, remember when evangelical, remember back in the days where evangelicals worst thing was Teletubbies?
Yeah. Fall. Well, went after those, right? Yeah. Those are the good old days, right?
I mean, today it's just, I, the news is so depressing. I watched less and less of it, but, uh, you know,
I mean, when, when, uh, they, they've got drag queens in libraries, reading to kids and stuff like that.
And you just go, what in the world, who thinks this is a good idea? You have pride month and if you don't participate in pride month, you're somehow, you know, an outcast.
Mm. Hmm. Uh, I don't know why, but, uh, when we were doing the New Zealand conference somehow the, there was a bot
I think that was listening to our YouTube live stream and they shut it down for a couple of days. I don't even know what was said.
Did they really? And I don't know if it was, you know, a homosexual or adulterer or fornicator. I mean, pretty, pretty soon you can't say, probably can't say fornication's the sin.
Well, I saw some, I don't know if you saw this video, but Canada, this guy's up there just street preaching and he's not, he's in a heavily homosexual area, but he's not even, not even like reading all these, you know, passage about homosexuality.
He's just says homosexual sin, heterosexual sin, dah, dah, dah, dah. They hauled them off in handcuffs in Canada.
Do you think the Raptors will win tonight? I don't know, but I know the
Bruins didn't win last night. We're filming, we're recording this in real time and that won't be posted for some time.
But when I watched the first seven minutes and I thought the Bruins were going to destroy them, they just couldn't score, right.
That was so frustrating because they did, you know, did so well and then after that they just got smoked.
I mean, it was, I think they probably outshot the other guys like two to one, but it didn't, it didn't matter. So here on No Compromise Radio, we take our news very seriously.
Breaking news. Breaking, breaking news. And here in the Christianity Today, it says something that it's going to also help me with my faith because as the
Bible comes alive with Disneyland kind of things and ARC experiences, the
ARC experience might be fun. I don't know. I wouldn't mind going down there. Yeah. I would check it out for sure. And so could this be the burial cloth of Jesus, an international conference on the
Shroud of Turin? No. August 14th to 17th, 2019. Now, here's my question.
How many presentations and abstracts on this farce could we hear in three days?
Can you imagine? No, I can't. And you know, all I can say is I can just hear, as soon as you started even talking about that,
I could just hear Hall and Oates firing up in my, in my mind because I can't go for that.
Well, you would have liked it when I was at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland about a month ago.
And I saw some Hall and Oates stuff there, a couple of, a couple of their guitars. I didn't even know they played the guitar.
Even Steve, if we say, why don't you go to Israel with No Compromise Radio, Bethlehem Bible Church and Omaha Bible Church in February, 2021, and I'm, I'm hoping to go then and you can go with us if you've got the shekels.
But if I said, it'll help you make, it'll help the Bible come alive more, what does that do with the illuminating ministry of the
Spirit of God? And what if people have never been there? We have the haves and have nots.
How does that work? I don't know. I mean, I think it's helpful to go. Do I think that helps the Holy Spirit?
No. You know, do I think it helps us in our feeble little minds understand things a little bit better?
Yeah, probably. You know, because, I mean, could you get much the same from the book of maps?
In some ways? Yes. Google Maps. Yeah. But we don't, you know, how many people sit around, open up the
Bible in one hand and a Bible atlas in the other, you know, and just kind of compare and try to figure things out or bring up all the pictures.
I bet there are enough pictures on somewhere on the internet, you know, of just about anything. I bet you could walk through,
I bet there's a video from through Hezekiah's tunnel. You know, I mean, everything's on the internet now.
I mean, what isn't on the internet? I think they've got the new Scratch and Sniff YouTube channel that you can actually smell the
Bedouins as you're walking in Bethlehem. The main reason I want to go back to Jerusalem to find out if Carto Pizza is still there, you know, in the old town.
And one of those pizza places actually serves a pizza with bacon. Oh. I think right in the
Jaffa gate. And then it's for people that aren't Jewish, you know, and are Muslim, but it's the Americans and other people, probably
Germans. Bacon pizza in Jerusalem, think about it. Killer.
If you do go to Israel, back to your point, if you got to see the Sea of Galilee and you could see the little mountains over there, or maybe if you stood on the mountain range of Carmel and you could see the
Mediterranean and then down into the Valley of Armageddon, as we might pronounce it,
I think it's helpful, right? When you go up to Jerusalem and you're really north, but you're going up because it's up Mount Moriah type of thing, that's good.
You get an idea of how long it would take to walk from Bethany or Bethphage down the
Mount of Olives and then up to Jerusalem. I think that's all helpful and really, really interesting.
But if you never get to go, it has nothing to do with the Spirit's illumination or making the
Bible come alive. It's just one of those things where, in my mind, it affirms what
I already know to be true by the Spirit's work in my life, first regeneration and then illumination. And I go, well, look at this.
This is true. They found stuff about Pilate. Jesus was not just some kind of Zephyr, some zeitgeist kind of idea.
He was a real person and he had footprints in the sand, Steve. Ooh. That's my favorite
Bible verse, by the way, that footprints one. I think one of the most impressive things to me is the things that you can't see.
For example, you can't see the temple, the full temple anymore.
But to just know that it would be so much higher than, you know, the temple, the dome of the rock thing, and to just think how it would just dominate everyday life.
Because no matter where you were in Jerusalem or anywhere around, right in there, you'd be able to see the temple.
And it's just, you know, like a constant reminder, right? So yeah,
I think that would have been so impressive to actually have seen that. Steve, then it would make sense all the more if you've got the temple still standing, right?
Jesus has died. The veil has been torn from top to bottom. But it still exists, the temple.
And, you know, I'm always talking about it in the book of Hebrews, how it was like a neon sign, essentially saying, come back to the glory, come back to the tactile and the sensual, that is the senses.
And you know, why get persecuted and follow some invisible God who's, you know, exalted to the right hand?
He's not with you anymore. Yep. Yeah. Can you imagine? Okay, Jesus dies.
It is finished. He's walking around after his resurrection. He ascends into heaven and people go back to start doing the
Old Testament. So wait a minute, you're telling us we don't need the temple anymore? You know, I mean, that, I mean, the temple has been the center of our lives, you know, the whole...
Yeah, yeah. So from 33 AD, or whenever the exact date was Jesus dies, to 70
AD, we're confident that in 70 AD, Titus destroys everything.
Can you imagine those 37 years? It's almost like business as usual before you, you know it, you've got the people for Passover and they're the money changers are back.
I have not thought about that. And all the ceremonies that would take place in the Temple Mount, you know, during the festival of lights and, you know, feast of booths and everything.
Yes, all these things that would go on and how everybody's coming in from all over the place. Hanukkah, menorahs are out.
Pentecost and, you know, and now you're just like, yeah, all that stuff doesn't matter. It doesn't matter anymore. I mean...
That would be hard to do on a human level. Yes, it would be very hard. I mean, it's just like, you know, when you leave a particular religion and you become a
Christian, you know, to just jettison everything, you know, that was so much a part of your life.
Okay. Let's think about this a little bit more, because I'm quite fascinated by the topic. Paul, before he's saved, he sees what's going on.
He understands all this. He sees the offshoot nature of Christianity and he is persecuting and he's going house to house and he is on a seek and destroy mission to get rid of these people.
The whole time he's alive, the Temple's up. Yeah, that would really be, I mean, that would be motivation, right?
He's going to honor the God of this Temple, right? That is wild.
Not once, not twice, but three times in the book of Acts, you have Paul and his conversion.
I think trying to, in the spirit of God, as he is having
Luke write Acts to comfort and encourage the church, that you can have the person that's the most against the church, the most powerful man, a point man, destroying the church, and he's on his knees, essentially crying for his life.
The Lord Jesus meets him at Damascus. It's an amazing moment and, you know,
I mean, there are so many, when I think about people who just want to dispute or discard
Christianity altogether, there are a few things that they have to deal with, and one of them is the life of Christ, certainly, but the life of Paul is a remarkable testimony to the gospel.
Interestingly, in Acts 26, he's talking to Agrippa, that is Paul, for this, he's telling the people that they should repent and turn to God.
For this reason, the Jews seized me in the Temple and tried to kill me. So talk about the
Temple and Paul. So now Paul's got saved, it's Damascus Road, well, where's the best place to evangelize?
Let's go to the Temple. The Temple, yeah. And they seized him and tried to kill me. And so he is saying, to this day,
I've had the help that comes from God, and so I stand here testifying, both to small and to great, saying nothing but what the prophets and Moses said would come to pass, that the
Christ must suffer, and that by being first to rise from the dead, he would proclaim light both to our people and to the
Gentiles. And that'd be perfect. Paul's in the Temple. Yeah, talking about how
Jesus died for Gentiles. Oh, that's got to be, you know, they got to love that.
Yeah. When just on the other side of the wall, you know, you've got the court, then you've got the court of the women, then you've got the court of the
Gentiles, they're way, way off. And you're trying to tell me they can have access? No wonder. I'm trying to think of the spot in Acts 26 where Paul was talking about how he was, oh, here it is.
And I did so in Jerusalem. I not only locked up many of the saints in prison after receiving authority from the chief priest, but when they were put to death,
I cast my vote against them, and I punished them often in all the synagogues and tried to make them blaspheme.
In raging fury against them, I persecuted them even to foreign cities.
He tried to get them to blaspheme. I mean, that is an amazing testimony. Well, you know, all
I can do when I was reading that was just think, I wonder if he expensed those trips to Florida. Yeah, that's a per diem trip.
I'm sure he went places and whatever kind of shawl he had or something, Gamaliel's seal or whatever, they just probably pretty much comped him.
Well, I mean, just think about the zeal that you've got to have. I'm going to go get them, you know, wherever they are. I'm going to root them out.
I'm going to go, yeah. So this is, you know, we're going to go find Al -Qaeda people and we're going to just go until they're all gone.
I got an idea for a series, Paul the bounty hunter, because he'd be kicking in doors and stuff like that.
You can't do that. Oh, yes, I can. Well, I bet you he did get bounty, or maybe he was so zealous he didn't even care about the money.
He'd had to do it for principle's sake because he thought instead of, you know, Paul blaspheming, he thought these
Christians were blaspheming God and probably were having some kind of cannibalism and they were, you know, tritheists and everything else.
Yeah. Yeah. He would have thought the very worst about them. Wow. I think I heard someplace where Titus married
Bernice and Bernice was Agrippa's wife. She was somebody else's wife at 12, then got divorced, then married
Agrippa, the Acts 25 Agrippa. And then Paul stands before this Agrippa in chapter 27.
And then Bernice ends up marrying Titus, who then sacks Jerusalem. See how this all gets tied together?
Yeah, it was beautiful. Anything you want to say for five seconds? Let's go sack Jerusalem or visit or something.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.