- 00:01
- Paul ministered his gift right up until the end of his life. That's so important.
- 00:11
- You've probably heard of pastors and missionaries. I've heard this throughout the years. When they talk about retirement, they'll say something to the effect that, you know, what's retirement?
- 00:23
- You know, I'm not going to re, you know what I'm going to say, right? I'm not going to retire until I expire.
- 00:29
- You've heard this. Oh, that's so true, but it's not just true for preachers. It's not just true for missionaries.
- 00:36
- This should be the goal for all of us to finish the race strong.
- 00:44
- Nobody should ever reach the age where they think, well, I've kind of paid my dues and now it's time for me to kind of sit back and relax.
- 00:54
- We should never reach that place. The Bible says about believers, and his servants shall serve him, right?
- 01:04
- And his servants shall serve him until they reach age 65. His servants shall serve him until they reach 85.
- 01:15
- Now, obviously there can be health issues or you can't do what you used to, obviously, but his servants shall do what?
- 01:21
- Serve, and in eternity, we're going to serve forever. It's never going to end.
- 01:27
- You're going to be serving God forever and ever and ever. And as long as you have breath in you, you should be serving
- 01:33
- God forever and ever in this life. So if you're conscious, okay?
- 01:40
- Are you conscious this morning? If you're listening, say amen. You conscious? Okay. That's half of the job of preaching, to keep people's attention.
- 01:48
- So you're conscious, you're responding. Good. So if you're conscious, you can do something for God.