The Nicest Mic in Christianity??

The Holy Nope iconThe Holy Nope

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The Holy Nope Breakdown: The Nicest Mic in Christianity 👇 First, not every NOPE will be the most outrageous video we’ve ever seen, and I won’t succumb to external or internal pressure to make it so.


Hey, it's just two friends goofing around. I'm just stirring up division. He's just having fun.
Just two friends joking around. Dude, take a joke. There's nothing wrong with ministers having fun.
Loosen up. This is not a big deal. He's just being silly. This isn't anything to be upset over.
I guess having fun with a fellow believer is against what God wants for us. I guess preachers aren't allowed to have a sense of humor and joke around.
God forbid. These comments are people's reactions to this video wherein Jonathan Shuttlesworth playfully challenges
Paula White to a competition over which one of them has the nicest microphone in Christianity after showing off his rhinestone -covered
DPA, which many commentators pointed out runs at about $1 ,100, which I can neither confirm nor deny from my research.
Now, when you're preaching at venues as big as he's preaching, you need a nice microphone. I get that. There's nothing wrong with having wealth.
Unless it's sordid gain, of course. Maybe it's a total joke and Jonathan simply wrapped fake rhinestone gems around a microphone to poke fun at Paula White, though I doubt it.
This is obviously friendly banter and that is not the point of the nope. This isn't a nope because it's people joking around as if I'm totally ignorant of what humor is.
Have you seen my page? It's a nope because it's two heretics, one false teacher to another, playfully bantering about who has the most expensive bedazzled microphone.
And people don't see anything wrong with this, frankly, because we don't fear God anymore. Celebrity preachers like this distort our vision of what a pastor is supposed to be.
So instead of shepherds caring for sheep, we have materialistic clowns entertaining hordes of goats.
This is Jonathan Shuttlesworth. I'm going to save you a lot of travel as we bring the top men of God and women of God from all over the world to one spot for one week of great meetings.
Dr. Jesse Duplantis. My dream has now come to pass. I've been believing a long time.
Ladies and gentlemen, I now own a Falcon 7X. I live in the biggest house in the state of Louisiana, the biggest house of any preacher in America.
It's a very expensive watch, 007 wear Omega. Delta wish they could fly me.
Evangelist Ted Shuttlesworth Senior, our great friend, Dr. Rodney Howard -Brown. I didn't take your keys.
No, I didn't. I'll bet you 50 bucks right now that I didn't. You can check all of my stuff.
You can check my car. I did check your stuff. I had to get a word of knowledge from the Lord of the what, what jacket of yours it was in, in the pocket.
It was at home. I had to pray in tongues to find the key.
You're so dramatic. You never drove. It was in the house. Yes, but you didn't drive.
How would I even know? Why would you even have my key? It's like a cruel jacket. Yesterday I drove the car.
I feel like you're trying to take control of this church and push me out. He's not right. I'm down to,
I'm down to like two fruit of the spirit right now. And they're not patients or long suffering. So God's purpose for you is to be blessed.
Amen. Amen. Amen. And he's empowered you.
You should thank God you're pretty. No more working all day and night and having under $200 in the bank.
From today you are blessed. You begin to multiply. No parent in the sound of my voice will bury a child this month.
You are declared free on this Saturday night from every oppression of the devil.
From this day forward, you're going to be fruitful and multiply. God has his hand on every one of these babies.
He has destined them to do great and mighty things and he's going to protect you and keep you all the days of your life.
Can you say amen? Try to stretch your hand out like exactly perpendicular to the ground.
Otherwise it looks like a 1937 Germany rally and we're not going for that. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry about that. The woman preacher he's just joking around with is Paula White. Victory for angels are being released right now.
Angels are being dispatched right now. Move.
Grab my hand. Move. Now! Write that P .O.
box and not just get the book and not just get this, which is exclusive to Jim and Laurie, not just send in $3 ,500 but you need to send in $3 ,500.
You need to send in $35 ,000. You need to send in that $100 ,000 check because you know
God has blessed you. You know what a blessing this ministry and now there's a launching of a network. I'm telling you and God has mandated.
This is how Peter speaks of the sensuality expressed in the microphone video. But false prophets also arose among the people just as there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies even denying the master who bought them bringing upon themselves swift destruction and many will follow their sensuality and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed and in their greed they will exploit you with false words.
Their condemnation from long ago is not idle and their destruction is not asleep. Bold and willful they do not tremble as they blaspheme the glorious ones whereas angels though greater in might and power do not pronounce a blasphemous judgment against them before the
Lord. But these like irrational animals creatures of instinct born to be caught and destroyed blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant will also be destroyed in their destruction suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing.
They count it pleasure to revel in the daytime. There are blots and blemishes reveling in their deceptions while they feast with you.
They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed, accursed children forsaking the right way they have gone astray.
These are waterless springs and mists driven by a storm. For them the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved.
For speaking loud boasts of folly they entice by sensual passions of the flesh those who are barely escaping from those who live in error.
They promise them freedom but they themselves are slaves of corruption." See it's the passivity of the church exemplified in comments like these that contributes to the poor state of the church today and the seeming free reign these false teachers have to spew their filth.
So instead let's fear God and recognize that two false prosperity preaching wolves playfully competing over who has the nicest microphone in christianity is a huge NOPE.