God Centered Theology Welcome Video


Thank you for watching the God Centered Theology Channel! Everything that we have and everything that we are is by the grace of God! https://godcenteredtheology.com


Hello there and welcome to God -Centered Theology. My name is
Andy Cain and I am a biblically qualified elder pastor in Christ's Church. I served one church in Emporia, Virginia called
Calvary Baptist Church from April 2017 to about September 2019. I'm also heavily involved in online ministry, as you can tell if you're watching this video.
I assist churches and ministries with building websites, helping them with audio and video editing, podcasting, all that good stuff.
So if you ever need any help, email me. You can email me through the website and I'll look forward to talking to you.
If you need me to come preach or do a revival meeting or speak at your conference, I'm available for that as well.
We currently attend Calvary Baptist Church in Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. My wife and my daughter attend there with me and we serve there because as great as online ministry is, and I love it, nothing takes priority over the local church, the local body of believers.
And I'm currently served there under the leadership of a pastor who has the same name as me, Andy. His name is
Andy Sloan, a wonderful expositor of scripture, and I enjoy being there for anything he needs.
And he'll call on me from time to time to teach and preach and different things. And I also help with the sound booth and with editing video sermons and all that good stuff.
So I try to use my abilities to edify the body and to serve under the leadership of the elders there as much as I can.
So with God -centered theology, this is the place for consistent, God -centered,
God -honoring, and God -glorifying biblical content. So what you'll find here is a whole array of things.
We've got things like Daily Bites of God's Word, which is a shorter devotional style podcast just meant to give you something quick in the
Psalms or in Proverbs or something like that to get you going. We've got Adventures with Calvinist Man, which is my alter ego, the superhero
Calvinist Man, who leads you into a deeper understanding of reformed theology. We've got the
God -centered Bible study, which is specifically focused on just the consistent, contextual exegesis of God's Word going through one book of the
Bible at a time. And as of this video, we're going through the book of Lamentations together. We also have preaching as it is available, as I have opportunity.
If it's recorded, I'll post that. We've also got a whole array of blog articles from guest authors like Sam Smith.
And also I write mental health journals and things about God -centered church, God -centered leadership, just a whole host of there.
And if you ever want to write or podcast with us, we will certainly love to talk to you about that. Make sure our belief statements match up, make sure we have the same goals, make sure it's a good fit.
And if it is, maybe we can do some work together. So we also have On the
Road. It doesn't really have a specific schedule. It's just if I'm on the way to work one morning and something pops in my head,
I'll do those and they're audio only. Sometimes I'll do some Q &A, things like that. So we have a lot to work with.
You can go to the categories page and find content by each book of the Bible, by special series, by the location the sermon was preached.
So we have a whole lot of content available. Use it as you choose.
I encourage you to get the Substack app. Subscribe. You can put in your email there and I send out a few things.
I don't send out too much during the week because I don't overload your inbox, but I do send out a content recap on Fridays with a link to everything we did that week.
So you won't miss anything. So you just go to the website, godcentertheology .com, put in your email address and you'll get all that.
But I also encourage you on your mobile device to get the Substack app. That's where you can engage with me and comment and things like that.
So I enjoy it. I appreciate all of you that have subscribed. I appreciate those of you that have engaged and commented.
And so I want to welcome you if you're a new subscriber, if you're a new to the God -Centered Theology Ministry, my name is
Andy. I appreciate you. I'm just someone that's trying to learn the Word of God the best
I can and apply it in my life. So this is the place for consistent God -Centered,
God -honoring, God -glorifying biblical content. Always remembering that everything that we have, everything that we are is by the grace of God.