She’s A “Christian” 0nlyf*ns Model?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth. In this video, we're going to talk about a disturbing new trend in modern society.
And to illustrate this, we will again turn to the Whatever podcast, a podcast that consistently displays the increasing depravity of our modern culture.
99 % of the time, the podcast showcases arguments and debates between so -called traditional people and scantily clad women who create adult content on the internet.
And please note that I will periodically be referring to this adult content as corn, so that I can avoid getting punished by YouTube for using that controversial word.
Here's the first video clip of a corn star on the podcast talking about why she wears a cross necklace while she makes her content.
Watch this. I'm noticing that - I am wearing a cross. You're wearing a cross. Yes. Do you consider yourself a
Christian? Yes. I believe in God. Let me ask you a question. Do you wear your cross while you're engaging in producing porn or only content?
I always wear my cross. You always wear your cross. I never take it off. Okay, so do you think that God approves of you doing porn, basically?
Yeah, it's not hurting anybody. I do it very safely. So first of all, I had to blur out pretty much everything below this girl's neck because the outfit she's wearing isn't really an outfit at all.
And just above the incredibly immodest lack of clothing, we of course find a cross necklace.
This is, as you know, the symbol of Jesus's sacrifice for our sins, and perhaps the most meaningful symbol of all time for Christian people.
So Brian, the interviewer, asks this girl if she's wearing her cross while participating in porn.
She says yes. And when asked if God approves of this, she again says yes. And the reason that this behavior is okay is because, in her words, it's not hurting anybody.
And this is a very common belief among liberal and libertarian -leaning people. Why do you
Christians hate adult content so much? It's not like it's hurting anybody. But what these people fail to understand is that there is more harm that exists in the world than just physical harm.
They've created this ridiculous and artificial standard that if an action is not physically hurting someone, then it ought to be allowed.
But adult content is destroying marriages and communities. It's robbing our children of innocence.
It's causing people to become addicted to their screens and utterly disinterested in long -term relationships in real life.
And more than that, it's morally reprehensible. Sexual intimacy is reserved between one man and one woman in one marriage.
And anything other than that is an offense against God. Hebrews 13, 4. So to take a video of people engaging in these kinds of acts and to sell it for money is absolutely wicked and depraved.
And it should obviously be illegal whether it's physically hurting someone or not. But we continue.
So now he asks, do you think that God wants you to do this? And she responds by saying that God loves everyone.
This is called avoiding the real question. Because whether or not God loves everyone is irrelevant to what
God thinks about corn. First John 4 .16 says that God Himself is love.
Yet we also know that He hates sexual immorality. Ephesians 5 .3. This is not a contradiction in any way.
In fact, it's Christianity 101. But then Brian asks her what Satan would want her to do, given that this is the kind of behavior
God wants her to do. And she's forced to say that Satan would actually want her to stop making her adult content.
But think about how insane that is. It's effectively the complete opposite of the truth. In her worldview,
God is a sweet old man who encourages you to sin as long as it makes you happy. And the devil is the one who wants you to repent.
And this is the ultimate outcome of modern society that makes the individual and their preferences the center of the universe.
So instead of, do the right thing, we end up with, do whatever makes you happy, at all costs.
And the effect of this has been an unmitigated disaster for everyone. But we continue. Here's another clip from the podcast.
This time, a conversation between a young professing Christian man named Chase and a different girl who also makes corn.
Watch this. I still consider myself a Christian. I still consider myself a
Christian. I do. And that's it. What does that mean? It just means that I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and I'm not a f***ing judgmental person like you.
So this girl passionately wants everyone to know that she is still a Christian. And to her, being a
Christian means that, quote, Jesus died for my sins, and I'm not a judgmental person like you.
And first of all, we need to notice the irony of that last statement. Imagine judging someone else for being so -called judgmental.
But besides that, this is a myopic and tiny view of Christianity. Someone could passionately believe all the things she said and not be a
Christian at all. And besides that, the Bible does not say that you can never judge. In Matthew chapter 7,
Jesus says, judge not, that you would not be judged. And He does warn that the standard you use to judge others will be applied to you.
Yet in John 7, Jesus also says, quote, judge with right judgment. In other words, the
Bible does not say that you can never judge, but rather that you should judge consistently. But the real problem is that people like this young woman don't actually care what the
Bible says. They just want to use the Bible against Christians who actually believe it. And that's precisely what she does next.
Watch this. I don't think I'm better than you. I don't think I'm better than anybody, okay? I'm a sinner that should be damned to hell, and Jesus rescued me from that, and I'm grateful for that, okay?
But if you want to talk about, you know, I'm just as good of a Christian too. Jesus said, if you truly love me, you will work to keep my commands.
And He also said, He also said, go, He also said, go and sin no more, okay?
And we're called to be models and examples for other people. We're called to model Christ. Do you think you're modeling
Christ by doing only f***? I don't see it so black and white as you do.
How? He said, He said, I'm going to be the type of Christian that I want to be. He said, the kind that doesn't follow the
Bible. So Chase responds brilliantly here. Jesus says that all who love Him must keep
His commandments in John 14 -15. But her response is to say that she doesn't see this as black and white as Chase does.
And it's honestly incredible to me how often secular and fake Christians actually sound like many modern, trendy pastors do.
It's not really black and white, guys. We need to approach all issues with lots of nuance and complexity.
Don't make basic truth statements. That's mean. And to be clear, sometimes Christians do need to offer complexity and or nuance.
But it's not the case that we should do this at the expense of the clear truth of God's word.
We don't have the right to make the water muddy where God has made it crystal clear. But then finally she says that, quote, she is going to be the
Christian that she wants to be. This, again, completely misunderstands what Christianity is.
It's not about self -actualization and finding yourself. It's about being saved from your sin and renewed in Christ by faith.
1 John 1 -9. So here's my question. Why is it that so many modern people are completely wrong about what
Christians believe? I mean, for goodness sake, there's practically a church on every street corner these days. So why are people so confused about the most basic elements of Christian teaching?
For example, 60 years ago, no one could have possibly thought that a corn star was a consistent
Christian. And now it's a topic of debate on one of the most popular podcasts in the country.
So what changed? Well, many things. But let me highlight one source of confusion. Modern, non -traditional popular churches.
For years, traditional Christians have been calling them out, saying you need to condemn sin. You're not being clear about sin and what we need to be saved from.
So it's not a coincidence that the average person doesn't seem to know what sin is anymore. And these popular churches have also promoted the idea of only
God can judge. And now, as you saw in the video, no one can judge between right and wrong anymore. They've also been saying, let's be known for what we're for and not for what we're against.
And now, no one seems to know what we're for or what we're against. Again, this is not a coincidence.
These hyper -modern churches have dumbed down the teaching of God's Word, making it basically a pep talk on Sunday with a few scriptures sprinkled in.
So again, we shouldn't be surprised that most people have little to no idea what scripture actually teaches.
And while modern people are so often ruled by their emotions, these trendy churches have made worship all about a personal emotional experience, often absent of sound doctrine and truth.
While the world has become infatuated by entertainment and fads and trends, these churches have structured their worship services to be as trendy and entertaining as humanly possible.
And you want to know what's most ironic about all this? The whole trendy church, emerging church, seeker -sensitive movement was made so that they could make
Christianity simpler, easier to understand for those seeking it. It was supposed to make
Christianity more clear and accessible. And yet somehow, Americans have seemingly never been more confused about Christianity than they are today.
Instead, we have many people like the girl in the video, who effectively worship their own sinful freedom, who actually believe that they're still real
Christians. So it's time for us to be realistic. The modern trendy church movement did not give us what it promised.
And the solution is to return to the robust, doctrinally sound Christian faith of our spiritual fathers, as described in the
Word of God. So please, find a good church and have fellowship there. Let's build powerful Christian communities for God's glory.
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