Joyce Meyer’s SUPER SHADY Preaching!

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Hey guys, Colin here and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about Joyce Meyer. Now, many people were commenting on our last video about her that we had somehow approached our critique in an unfair way.
If you'd like to watch that previous video, the link is in the description. Essentially, we took issue with the fact that Joyce Meyer seems to make the
Bible all about you. Now, of course, she does talk about Jesus and Matthew and David and Paul and Luke and all that good stuff.
But primarily, the focus of her preaching seems to be not a plain exegesis of the text for the edification of the listener.
Instead, the idea is to make the text, as much as possible, center around you. And this is what has become known as man -centered teaching.
In today's video, we're going to be looking at a prime example of this man -centered teaching in action.
If you recall, in our previous video about her, she was preaching on the 153 fish caught in John 21.
Here's a brief clip of Joyce's ultimate conclusion about that text. Watch this.
Now, many of you have already seen that clip, and much could be said, and has been said, about John chapter 21 and Joyce's conclusion here.
It is obviously man -centered, and frankly, as a result, it does not seem to be a genuine attempt at reading the passage.
But for a moment, let's put all of that aside, because John 21 is not the focus of this video.
No, you see, in favor of Joyce's conclusion, she offers yet another point of biblical evidence.
This time, it really will shock you. Watch this. I've been reading in Leviticus and Numbers.
Well, let me rephrase. I've been trying to read Leviticus and Numbers. And I mean, the detail of the ark, the detail of the tabernacle, the detail of how the priests had to dress.
I mean, just everything was just these intricate details. So God cares about all the little details of your life.
That's an encouraging thought, true enough. But how do we know this, according to Joyce Meyer? Well, you know this because of the detail and intricacies of the
Old Testament law and sacrificial systems. As you might expect, this is a statement that we take great issue with on this channel.
And here's why. While it is undoubtedly true that God cares about our lives and the details thereof,
I do not believe that the Old Testament law and sacrificial system is present in order to prove this to us.
That's very important. You see, essentially, Joyce is saying that the Old Testament is really about you.
And if there's any more man -centered way to read Scripture, I've certainly never heard it. In fact, this framework through which the text is being understood is very dangerous and deeply concerning.
Here's why. Joyce brings up three examples here, three practical instances of what she's talking about.
The Ark of the Covenant, the Tabernacle, and the priestly garments. Each one of these things is not really about you, first and foremost, as you're about to see, but rather about the promise of Jesus Christ.
Let's go over this point by point. First, the Ark of the Covenant. Does the Bible clearly lead us to believe through practical evidence that the
Ark of the of your personal life?
Well, let's take a look at some text of Scripture and see. First, we know that the Ark was a golden container of sorts.
We also know from Hebrews 9 -4 that the Ark contained, quote, the manna, Aaron's staff that budded, and the tablets of the covenant, end quote.
Now, I don't know about you, but none of this seems to be about the details of my life, but let's dig deeper and see if we can find out more.
Let's take a look specifically at what could be called the centerpiece of the Ark and its purpose, the mercy seat.
According to one article I read, quote, the term mercy seat comes from a Hebrew word meaning to cover, placate, appease, cleanse, cancel, or to make atonement for, end quote.
And moreover, once a year, the high priest was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies, a place in which the
Ark was kept. Once there, he would sprinkle the blood of a sacrificed animal without blemish on the mercy seat.
Mind you, this whole detailed process is described in Leviticus chapter 16, and breaking it for any reason came with disastrous consequences.
This would represent the appeasing of God through the blood of an innocent sacrifice to atone for the sins of Israel.
Now, all of this should be starting to ring a bell. According to the New Testament, who is Jesus and what did
He come to do? Well, Jesus is the Son of God, sometimes also called the Lamb of God, for example, in John 1 -29.
And what does this Lamb do? Well, 1 Peter 1 18 -19 says this, quote,
You were ransomed from the feudal ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot, end quote.
So, does the Ark of the Covenant symbolize the details of your life? Not really. Instead, the obvious indication given to us clearly in Scripture is that the
Ark was a foreshadowing of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Now, make no mistake, this has tremendous implications for your life, but it's not fundamentally about you.
That's the issue. The focus is not on you, but on Jesus. But let's look at Joyce's next example.
She also mentioned next the tabernacle. One example I read said the following in summary about the tabernacle, quote,
The tabernacle of Moses was a temporary place of worship that the Israelites used until King Solomon built a temple.
The word tabernacle is a translation of the Hebrew mishkan, which means dwelling place, end quote.
So the tabernacle, you see, was the dwelling place of the Lord. And as we mentioned before, the tabernacle had the
Holy of Holies, the place in which the Ark was kept and where atonement was made by the high priest once a year.
Of course, we already mentioned this, but look at what Hebrews 20 verse 19 says about all of it, quote,
Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that He opened for us through the curtain, that is, through His flesh, end quote.
Who is it that allows us to enter into the holy places as represented by the divisions of the tabernacle?
Once again, the answer is Jesus. The tabernacle, too, was there to point us to the sacrifice of Christ.
And by the way, this is not at all being made up by me in order to refute Joyce Meyer. No, this is just what a plain, obvious reading of Scripture in context would show you.
And with that, let's go to her last example, the clothing of the priests. Now, does this clothing represent us and the details of our personal lives?
Once again, I would suggest that to say this would be missing the point entirely. Aaron and his sons were to be the priests of Israel throughout all their generations.
And Exodus 20 verse 2 says this, quote, And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother for glory and for beauty.
End quote. These garments were indeed very specific, very detailed. But for what reasons did they have to wear these things?
Interestingly, the passage answers that exact question for us. Exodus 28 verse 43, it says, quote,
They shall be on Aaron and his sons when they go into the tent of meeting or when they come near the altar to minister in the holy place, lest they bear guilt and die.
End quote. Besides the many other symbolic characteristics of the clothes themselves, they were being worn so that Aaron and his sons would not bear guilt before the
Lord as they interceded for Israel. That was the reason. And according to the New Testament, what is the ultimate significance of all of this?
Well, let's see. Hebrews 8 1 puts it beautifully, quote, Now the point in what we are saying is this.
We have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the majesty in heaven, a minister in the holy places in the true tent that the
Lord set up, not man. End quote. Jesus is our high priest who intercedes for us in the heavenly tabernacle in robes of pure white.
Here's the point. When we read about the Ark, what should we think about according to Scripture itself?
Jesus. When we read about the tabernacle, what should we think about? Again, according to Scripture itself,
Jesus. And then when we read about the clothing of the priest, for example, what should we think about?
Jesus. It's all there to point us to the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ, the one whom all of our praise and glory should go to.
And again, this is not some strange, complicated exegesis here that I've participated in. You'll notice
I haven't had to go to any great lengths in order to prove this to you. All I've done in this video is offer you a plain reading of the
Scripture on these topics, one that has been used by Christians for literally thousands of years.
This isn't new. But unfortunately, Joyce Meyer seems to have utterly ignored all of this in favor of an utterly different style of preaching.
And this is the issue I'm trying to get across, ladies and gentlemen. Joyce Meyer seems to want us to go in a fundamentally different direction.
When you read about the details of the Old Testament, Joyce primarily wants you to think about yourself, and more specifically, how much
God cares about the details of your personal life. It's all about how awesome and unique and special you are.
Again, I want to make it clear God does indeed care about our lives and treat us in a special way.
That's very true, very accurate. But the problem is that Joyce Meyer and teachers like her take this true fact out of context, they blow it out of proportion, and use it to dispense with virtually every other idea that we find in Scripture.
Instead of that, we need to read the Bible as it was meant to be read, in context as a whole, not through the framework of motivation and self -help.
Let us never forget that it was not faith in ourselves that saved us, but faith in Jesus Christ.
The very Messiah that the entire Old Testament points us toward is the one that we should still be pointed toward.
So please, ladies and gentlemen, steer clear of the man -centered teaching of Joyce Meyer. This, along with her dubious connections to other false teachers like Joel Osteen, should be enough warning for us to practice discernment here.
The Bible is deeply relevant to you and your life, but don't let this make you think that it's all about you.
It may feel encouraging to hear messages like this, but encouragement without Biblical support is nothing but a mirage.
Don't settle for teaching like this. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a
Biblical critique. And please, pray for this channel and for anyone discussed in the video. And if you're looking for teaching resources or trying to find a new church, check out the teaching ministries and church networks that we've linked in the description.
And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching that video.
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