DUMPSTER FIRE: Paula White's Divine Protection Racket


In this installment of Dumpster Fire we debunk Paula White's Divine Protection Racket where she told the people of her church that they needed to give up to 1 month's wages as a first fruit offering or there could be consequences for not giving God what belongs to Him. Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://www.http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/


Welcome to fighting for the faith dumpster fire for the second week of January 2018.
If you've ever been told that you have to send your money into a church or a televangelist because it's under a curse and you can't you have to redeem it from the curse by sending in a firstfruits or seed offering go ahead and click on the subscribe button below yeah you've been taught false doctrine you're gonna want to get notified when we update our channel so that you can be set free so joy subscribe below today we're gonna be talking about a topic that actually gets me a little bit hot under the collar so if I seem a little bit impassioned at times my apologies but this is one that kind of grinds my gears today we're gonna be talking about Paula White and her recent shakedown of her congregation and what we're gonna call it
Paula White's scumbaggery is it's this weird video that has made it into the media and people are talking about it but we're gonna do something that a lot of people are not equipped to do and that is is we're gonna break it down for you biblically so you can see for yourself that she is literally teaching for shameful gain and twisting
God's Word in order to you know manipulate people and get money I mean this woman clearly her her
Botox injections are expensive so she has to shake her congregation down by twisting
God's Word we're gonna begin with a biblical text we can take a look at two texts right now and kind of lay the foundation and talk about how the
Bible itself warns us about false teachers who literally teach for shameful gain things they ought not to teach and who manipulate and exploit people for gain within the church two passages where this is explicitly laid out for us is
Titus chapter 1 which is one of the pastoral epistles and Paul laying down the qualifications for a pastor says this starting at verse 7 an overseer as God's steward must be above reproach he must not be arrogant or quick -tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain but hospitable a lover of good self -controlled upright holy and disciplined he and this is this next part is the part that everybody seems to ignore nowadays he that pastor must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and to rebuke those who contradict it and then he goes on to explain why for there are many who are insubordinate they are empty talkers they are deceivers especially those of the circumcision party and this and Paul here is referring to one of the first heresies within Christianity the
Judaizing heresy and he says these are empty talkers they are deceivers they must be silenced yeah that's right
God wills for people who are teaching false doctrine in Christ's Church it's his not theirs that they be silenced and here's what he goes on to say they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach mm -hmm now one of the
Cretans a prophet of their own said Cretans are always liars evil beasts and lazy gluttons well this testimony is true therefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith and not devoting themselves to Jewish myths and the commands of those who turn away from the truth now ironically although Paula White is not a
Judaizer she is twisting the Mosaic Covenant and teaching stuff from the
Mosaic Covenant in a way that not even the Judaizers of old would have done so she's kind of engaging in that type of chicanery and scumbaggery if you would but we're gonna know she's gonna be teaching for shameful gain the whole motivation here is money lots of money and and then second
Peter and Peter himself warns us that in the church he says false prophets and false prophets also rose among the people talking about the people in the time of the
Old Testament just as there will be false teachers among you yeah they're coming in there here who will secretly bring in destructive heresies even denying the master who bought them bringing swift destruction upon themselves many will follow their sensuality and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed and I hate to say this because Christianity has not cleaned house regarding you know people like Paula White and the televangelists who are obviously manipulating people for money there are many unbelievers who think that's what
Christianity is and the way of truth is being blasphemed because of them it's time for Christianity you know and Christians to rise up and silence these people as God has made clear that's what he wills to happen in a
Titus chapter 1 which we just read but here's the last part of this so in their greed they will exploit you with false words their condemnation from long ago is not idle their destruction is not asleep so yeah to two very clear passages warning how false teachers teach for shameful gain the things they ought not to teach and exploit people with false words this is exactly what
Paula White did and this and we're gonna look at the video that everybody's talking about on in the media right now and we're gonna break this down biblically so you can see what she's doing so let's get to it here's
Paula White it's often not that we're doing something wrong it's that we're not doing enough of what is right
God says in his word that my people good people perish because of lack of knowledge yeah that's true but that by the way is like the setup she's gonna she's gonna claim oh
I'm gonna save you from perishing by giving you the knowledge that you lack yeah so you know if you want to look that passage up you can see what she's doing but this is the whole setup
I'm gonna protect you from well destruction I'm gonna protect you from perishing because you didn't know that you had to send me money at the beginning of the year that's really what's going on here entering into a new year a new beginning and God has great things for you in 2018 in fact the number 18 means to be alive it means life and 18 means life when did numbers mean things like that that's weird okay yeah you know normally
I think of numbers numerically like you know if I had 18 of something that's a little bit more than a dozen you know it's like a dozen and a half what do
I know is a little less than dozen and a half but you get the idea I believe that God has life for you like the woman who was bowed over for 18 years but that year 18 she was loose from that spirit of infirmity right so because after 18 years of infirmity shoot 18 poof you know that means the 2018 poof you're gonna be set free from spirits of stuff and things uh -huh total manipulation this is going to be a supernatural year for you oh
I can hardly wait I just I can really use the supernatural year you've seen God's goodness and God's greatness but God has a way of doing things oh yeah see
God wants you to have a supernatural year and greatness and stuff but but you see that's a big but but yeah you know you
God has a way of doing things and you got to do things the way God wants them done or else you don't get the supernatural thing on himself all throughout his word said hey all first belong to me really all throughout his word he says that no
I know I'm not familiar with that I'm familiar with several things that were first that belong to God in the
Mosaic Covenant but we're not under the Mosaic Covenant we're under the New Covenant established by Christ he lays claim to it he says that first are holy it's the irrevocable giving over to God things that belong to him that he lays claim to oh yes the irrevocable you got to give the first stuff to God because you know it's all over the
Bible and stuff uh -huh we're gonna show you how she's twisting scripture here in a minute but we called the principle of firstfruits yeah the principle of firstfruits principle hmm not a command because in order to come up with this principle she has to twist the scripture yeah beware of principles by the way there's a season there's a first fruit offering yeah there's a first fruit feast yeah those are all part of the
Mosaic Covenant we're not under the Mosaic Covenant anymore this is the first fruit of many brethren first fruit literally means chief it means essential fundamental it is the yeah which what's the
Hebrew word for that and can you show me in context where first fruits means essential fundamental choice of the harvest thingy the choice part of the crop or again this is
Mosaic Covenant not New Covenant it also comes from a root word of a core which means birthright so oh yes it's birthright see
God he owns the birthright thingy yeah notice she's not showing where where these words show up in context and she can't because she's manipulating
God's Word to teach a doctrine that God's Word does not teach that your money's cursed until you send her her stuff firstborn belong to God all first of harvest belong to God all first of new beginnings belong to God you know it's all first of new beginnings you see she kind of slipped that one in there so here we are the beginning of the year 2018 so the first of this year that all belongs to God the new beginning stuff thingy yeah everything that is a first belongs to God everything everything that's a first belong you see yeah it's not yours it's his and it's cursed unless you redeem it you know this in Joshua chapter 7 the children of Israel have just entered in and they've conquered they've gone across the
Jordan they've conquered and now they're getting to their first city it's called AI and suddenly where they were having victory after victory they get yeah the first city was actually
Jericho yeah that's weird feed it why do they get defeated the
Bible says that Joshua falls down and he begins to cry out and he's praying and God says Joshua stop praying stop crying he said listen the problem is with a can he's touched the accursed thing yeah well see the thing is is that that's a historical narrative in Aiken had taken things from Jericho that didn't belong to him in fact all of the plunder of Jericho God said that belongs to me
Aiken took some of it and you know he suffered the consequences and some of the people of Israel also suffered the consequences of his sin but again you're what she's doing she's taking this historical narrative and pouring into it her own theology and we're gonna demonstrate in just a minute just how duplicitous this woman is that's a cursed mean it means devoted things and devoted is the same word as a first a first fruit so anytime you touch something that is first something that belongs to God oh yeah see there it is if you've touched something that belongs to God oh you're like Aiken oh boy you've touched the accursed that you're in deep trouble deep
Kimji here bring some kind of destruction oh yeah so you don't want destruction to happen to you do you so you better obey this principle of the first thingy or there's lots of destruction coming your way order into our life as we enter into January we recognize that there are two calendars in the earth but January is the first the beginning of a new year for us in the
Western world let us give to God what belongs to him yeah it belongs to him you know which means it it really she's saying it belongs to her cuz who do you think is gonna profit from this first hours of our day the first month of the year the first month of the year that's her laying the foundation because she's gonna ask the people here very shortly to send in the first month's wages to her first of our increase the first in every area of our life it's devoted when you devote something to God then whatever devoted here's the principle the principle first fruits is that when you give
God the first he governs the rest and redeems it there yeah no text says this not one this is
Mosaic Covenant and this is a twisting even of the details of the Mosaic Covenant curse on all the mankind we know that Jesus which is why he became the first fruit of many brethren we understand that he's the first fruits of the new creation the first to rise from the dead the principle of first is so important that whatever you give
God first because it already belongs to him it redeems the rest so in the beginning it's very important Deuteronomy 16 now watch what she does here we're gonna take a look at this text she claims a
Deuteronomy 16 16 says don't appear before the Lord empty -handed as if somehow this has something to do with January 1st and it doesn't
God says do not stand before me empty -handed Leviticus chapter 3 God says now let's take a look at Deuteronomy 16 shall we and we're gonna note something here
Deuteronomy 16 16 she just says she gets to the bit that says they shall not appear before the
Lord empty -handed she left out the rest of the bit and here's what it says Deuteronomy 16 16 one of the requirements of the
Mosaic Covenant three times a year all of your males shall appear before Yahweh your
God at the place that he will choose at the Feast of Unleavened Bread at the
Feast of Weeks and at the Feast of Booths mm -hmm they shall not appear before Yahweh empty -handed every man shall give as he is able according to the blessing of Yahweh your
God that he has given you so you're gonna note Deuteronomy 16 16 when are they to not appear before the
Lord empty -handed answer when Jewish males under the Mosaic Covenant show up at the place that the
Lord had picked and that pick that place by the way is Jerusalem and the temple there in Jerusalem and they are to appear before the
Lord for three festivals the festive Feast of Unleavened Bread which is
Passover the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Booths and every man shall give as he is able so you're gonna note
Deuteronomy 16 16 has nothing whatsoever to do with you know the beginning of the year in January which is part of you know a calendar that isn't even in the
Bible but yeah fascinating here so she she's created this principle of the first and now she's twisted
Deuteronomy 16 16 don't appear before the Lord empty -handed here we are it's the first of the year are your hands empty yeah this this woman is so sick okay she continues all first belong to him all the way through now
I'm gonna back this up a little bit I want you to see what she does here with this Leviticus text because Leviticus 23 doesn't say this after three
God says all first belong to him all the way through the new yeah go ahead and read
Leviticus chapter 23 in context and you're gonna note that Leviticus 23 and I think
I have it over here it this this is a bunch of details regarding the Mosaic Covenant we're no longer under the
Mosaic Covenant the Mosaic Covenant has been fulfilled it is gone and so if you just kind of do a cursory look through this the
Lord spoke to Moses saying speak to the people of Israel say to them these are the appointed feasts of Yahweh that you shall proclaim a holy con and as holy convocations they are appointed feast and then goes on to describe describe what comes up first six days you shall work shall work be done seven days a
Sabbath uh -huh then you talk about the appointed feast you talk about the Passover you know the feast of booths and stuff like that and then you got the feast of the first you know the the first fruits you know you know the first fruits of the harvest that are then brought and they are waived the first fruit sheep is way before the
Lord as part of the Mosaic Covenant so what she's doing is basically falsely saying well
Leviticus 23 says all first things belong to God all it's here we are it's
January no no no that's not what scripture is teaching at all I meant that there was a practice of first fruits anytime there was a first of something it belonged to God in fact when you get into the book of Acts and you start to really study
Ananias and Sapphira you understand that had to do with the first fruits that no it didn't let's take a look at that by the way the story of Ananias and Sapphira is found in Acts chapter 5 and watch this has nothing to do with the first fruits watch this
Acts 5 1 a man named Ananias and his wife Sapphira sold a piece of property and with his wife knowledge he kept back for himself some of the proceeds and brought only a part of it and laid it at the
Apostles feet now here's what was happening earlier in the context people were selling property and giving the entire proceeds to the
Apostles and to the church Ananias and Sapphira they sold a piece of property and they were basically putting on the pretense that they were giving all of the proceeds to the
Apostles but Peter's having none of that it's a Peter said Ananias why is Satan filled your heart to lie to the
Holy Spirit see the issue is is that they're lying to the Holy Spirit to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of the land while it remained unsold did it not remain your own of course it did and after it was sold was it not at your disposal and yeah why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart you have not lied to man but to God you see they lied by saying oh yeah this is all of the proceeds they could have said no this is 50 % of the proceeds we kept out some for ourselves and they would have been fine the issue is they lied to God so when
Ananias heard these words he fell down and he breathed his last and great fear came upon all who heard of it the young men rose and wrapped him up and carried him out and buried him and after an interval of about three hours his wife came in not knowing what had happened and Peter said to her tell me whether you sold the land for so much and she said yes for so much yeah she lied about the amount just like her husband
Peter said to her how is it that you have agreed together to test the Spirit of the Lord behold the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door and they will carry you out immediately she fell down at his feet and breathed her last and when the young men came in they found her dead and they carried her out and buried her beside her husband and great fear came upon the whole church and upon all who heard these things so the story of Ananias and Sapphira has nothing nothing whatsoever to do with the principle of the firstfruits she's lying she's manipulating the people of her church in order to ingratiate herself she's exploiting them with false words for money why all of it was given to the
Lord so at the beginning of this year I want you to make a commitment the first hours of your day give to God I want you to spend time in prayer
I want you to spend time in his word but it's crucial because he says do not come before me empty -handed yeah whatever you do don't come before the
Lord empty -handed uh -huh Deuteronomy 16 16 is talking about Jewish males during the three feast days that were required as part of the
Mosaic Covenant has nothing to do with January 1st you see what you do in January no matter what happens in July or August or September you literally are sending a signal for the promise which is to come
I'm sending a signal by sending you money yeah the only signal I can think that that would signify is that I am deceived that I have no clue what
God's Word says and I refuse to actually investigate to see if what you're saying squares with Scripture it doesn't mean you can dictate or manipulate what's gonna happen in July or August but it means this that you have put
God first and yeah if you put God first you would never send money to Paula White God nowhere wills for you to send money to a false teacher and by the way
Scripture forbids women from being pastors that's absolutely the case so that should key you in that this is not a woman who values what
God's Word says she is a parasite she is a false teacher she is exploiting the people in her congregation in order to make her wallet fat aspect of this year so by doing that and by bringing him an offering a firstfruits offering and presenting to him an obedience to the
Word you were redeeming the rest no I'm not no text says that so I hope there's so much
I want to get to you there there's just so much to study oh I'm sure there is yeah what you really want is just to scare them to think that God is basically into you know the business of offering protection you know this is like the mafia dons you know it's like you know hey you know we just don't want anything bad to happen to you you know and so we're gonna get we're gonna we'll protect you but you know we need a little bit of something for to make sure that you know a safe doesn't fall on your head or something uh -huh go well how do
I do it well for your firstfruits offering because I don't even want to say gift because this is so holy oh yeah this isn't a gift no that got this already belongs to God so send it to Paula White it belongs to the
Lord for your firstfruits offering and firstfruits is the full of it's not the tithe tithe is one -tenth of your gross yeah this is above and beyond that yeah this one's got to hurt it's the first tenth not just any tenth that's why it redeems the curse but the first fruit is the whole of many of us bring one day some of us bring one week some of us bring an entire month's salary mm -hmm so there you got it
I mean this woman just bring you send in one month's salary you know you know because you know it belongs to God and you know if you don't do this well you know something bad might happen to you you know curses and stuff and you got to read it you don't want to touch anything that belongs to God I mean remember poor
Akin yeah so you to make sure that you don't suffer his fate send the first month's wages that you earn to Paula White mm -hmm let's come back to our initial text that we took a look at from Titus and and from first Peter Titus there are many who are insubordinate empty talkers and deceivers especially those of the circumcision party they must be silenced since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach mm -hmm that's exactly what she just did there and in talking about the false teachers
Peter writes in second Peter in their greed they will exploit you with false words yep this is a woman who is manipulating
God's Word in order to have money that's what
Paula White is about she has no love for God she has love for money and for herself and she is abusing and manipulating the
Christians that are under her care as a pastrix although God's Word forbids women from being pastrix is in order to make money it's all about the money and believe me when
I tell you this God does not will you to send send a penny to her instead God wills for you to rebuke her for her false teaching and to expose the you know expose her and her dark deeds to the church so others will not be manipulated and exploited by her yeah dumpster fire indeed all right we're at the end of our dumpster fire edition for this week just a reminder we are listener or viewer supported and so if you don't already support us please consider joining our crew it makes it so that we are able to continue to bring these resources to you and to the broader body of Christ to warn them and protect them
I cannot promise that God's gonna bless you or do anything and I'm not even saying that God requires you to do this this is quite simply if you found this resource to be valuable and you want to help us and assist us in getting the word out to warn people about these false teachers then please support us so that we can continue to do so so you can do that a couple of ways visit our website fighting for the faith comm click on the join our crew button you can become a patron on patreon the links for joining our crew and patreon by the way are below you can also donate an amount that you choose by clicking on the donate link down below so so what'd you think love to get your comments leave your comments down below we'd love to see your thoughts on this and until next time may