Satanic Epistemology, Part 1 | Ep. 5

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Was Michael Cassidy wrong to tear down a satanic statue of Baphomet in the Iowa State Capitol? How does God's word guide our thinking in this? What types of epistemology would lead people to come up with different answers. Should we accept the claim that Satanic worshippers deserve the same protections as Christians to serve their Lord? Did the founders believe that freedom of religion should include the Church of Satan?


Satanic Epistemology, Part 2 | Ep. 6

Satanic Epistemology, Part 2 | Ep. 6

The first thing that needs to be said is that government is
God's servant And welcome to off the cuff my name is
Joe Gormley, I'm here with pastor Jeff clear We're and we are here again to bring you culturally relevant
Isis or exegesis, what are we doing? Okay, so we're gonna exegete the culture draw out from what's happening and rightly diagnose
And then we're gonna take our exegesis of the text. Okay, and see that through the biblical lens good
I'm glad you explained that because we had some questions actually very excited that we did last week We got everything out there.
We put out four podcasts and we've got more Recorded and but we're probably gonna put this one out because of the timing we have
Things going on in the in the culture that we want to discuss specifically something that happened in Iowa, right?
There was a few Satanists if you want to call them Satanists, they're Satanists that don't want to be called Satan They do their social justice warriors that are pretending to worship a
Satan They don't believe in right in order to do something like say hey We can have our statue to be kind of thing because they want to have because they want to have a positive
Impact they don't want to be negative. They don't want to be a theist, right? Not theist because it's obvious.
I mean, no, no and theist meaning God so they don't want to be no God Yeah, so they want to be something.
Yeah, because if they're just atheists, that's boring They're just like against something that they don't even believe in right, but if they could be
Satanists, then they have some crazy agenda or some rituals and traditions and Incantations or whatever they're gonna do.
Yeah, so that brings some kind of positivity to their yeah Platform because they want to be
Isaiah 520 up is down down is up. That's positive. There you go. Yeah, there you go so apparently they put up a statue in Iowa and We had a man by the name of Michael Cassidy who said no
No, that is that is not allowed in my town and he tore the things head off and stuffed it in a trash can
How about that? What do you think about that? Was he was he doing God's will or was he going against God's will?
So I think the intuition of every Christian just rightly Identifies that is good.
Okay, like I think you just know right like when when you know that there's a Satan statue
In the statehouse, right and a Christian man tears the head off the thing and stuffs in the trap
How does a Christian not cheer that? Yeah, like Intuitively we know that that's not the meaning of freedom right the freedom to erect
Satan statues that that's we know that but then you sort of have to back off for a second
What's our epistemology? Yeah, how do we know? How do we know like how do we justify this belief?
Yeah So yeah, and and when we try to apply an epistemology that's not biblical
Maybe where else do we get epistemologies? Where do we learn how we know something?
Yeah, a lot of people don't think about that You know epistemology is the study of how we know and for the
Christian our conscience is held captive by the Word of God So we have a standard
This is the our rule of faith now all people have the ability to reason but that's more or less perverted in the mind of People so reason actually is in epistemology.
You can't even know what the Bible Says unless you can read.
Yeah, unless you have the reasoning faculty to understand language Yeah, so these two things are not against each other.
Mm -hmm. And so there's this general revelation which includes Reason. Mm -hmm and that's built into man
But then you have the specific revelation of Scripture which will help us answer questions like this I love to talk about rabbit trails that we're not going to go down today.
Yeah, just for a future thought So I was watching Bonson and Sproul debate on this is how to do
Apologetics, yep, right and I couldn't figure out the difference between them This is why I call myself average Joe, right?
I don't I mean I listen to this stuff, but I don't really get it to me presuppositional is apologetics and evidentiary apologetics is
Two birds of the same feather or you know, I think there's differences. Um, but yeah I would be on the
RC Sproul side of that. Yeah. Yeah in that particular debate I'd probably be on the Bonson side
Yeah, not not necessarily because I disagree with the other one of them I think they're both great, you know, yeah
I know with both I'd load both guns, you know Yeah, and there's times when I'm witnessing where I will pull the
Bonson, you know And just by what standard, you know, just because I'm gonna deconstruct their worldview and show how incoherent it is right, but that doesn't mean that I'm a
Full -on right. Well, that's a position and that's a whole other show, which I think will be awesome.
Talk about that But but it goes back to epistemology and how do you know stuff right?
So, how do we know if tearing down a statue of Satan? Yeah is wrong, right and we're we're
Christians here, right and our audience is is for Christians, right? Nobody's gonna argue that just from a
Christian perspective, but right but but how do we? How do we get into a wrong epistemology?
Well, let's let's just take this particular case study Okay, and I'll show you kind of how I think it's objectively
Right that he tore that that statue down You have to begin with your worldview of that there is a
God right and from general revelation Romans 1 teaches us you can know that much that there is a
God in heaven, right and that he has revealed himself classical apologetics would appeal to the evidence of the resurrection and The prophecies fulfilled and the miracles that Jesus did all these things point that God has revealed himself in the
Bible But so as far as epistemology goes, this is our standard and we have to ask the question
All right, what role has God given government and in the New Testament? You probably have two preeminent texts there, right?
Romans 13 first Peter to write the first thing that needs to be said is
That government is God's servant Romans 13 for Romans 13 you said is it?
Deacon of God Romans 13 for the government itself a governor is God's deacon
Mmm, his servant. So diakonos in the Greek and this servant of God is
Delegated authority from the absolute authority of God. So there's only the absolute authority of God now if you go to this atheistic worldview
Where there is no God then what's the highest? Power in the universe.
Well, it defaults to government Government takes that role as the the highest power, but that that's the wrong worldview, right?
It's wrong starting point right what's man humanism man at the center? We have to have a standard
Yeah, now the second important text is first Peter to Where we're to be subject to these human institutions whether to the
Emperor as supreme or to governors as sent by him To punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good
Punish and praise so if they're not doing punishing and praising right? So they're outside of God's will
Yeah, and the role of government actually there is very limited So we're getting this limited role of government from the
Bible and to limit the power of government is to set people free, right? So freedom is actually coming from here.
Why is that so limited because the the governor is gonna bear the sword Romans 13 right the use of a sword to initiate force to force or compel someone has to reach a very high standard in other words if somebody murders he should fear because The governor will hold a sword against them and and they're gonna take your life for taking someone else's and so the governor
Can rightly deter crime that's police Military, that's a proper role for government
But can a governor say I am going to compel you to pay taxes
In order to meet the need of someone who has less Marxism, right? Right. How can you use the sword you have to be willing to back up your taxes with jail time or or whatever
The punishment is going to be which you can't justify that from the Bible So you can't justify so much of what the government does in our culture
Because they're backing it up by the sword. You can't compel people with the sword now conversely you say well
Aren't they also supposed to reward the good It doesn't say in first Peter reward the good.
Mm -hmm. It says Praise the good praise that's very different Yes, then extracting money by the edge of the sword and stealing and and stealing so but we're not actually here getting into like Welfare and whatnot.
I bring it up because the government does have a rightful role to commend what is good and They can say yeah, we're gonna have a
Christmas tree in the Iowa Capitol because that's good because it's good and where do they get that understanding of good from the
Bible Yes Historically we do but our current culture wants to argue that we don't get right on the
Bible that we get that from some sort of social convention or social Agreement some right social covenant even if if they're gonna use that language, but and what's your big word like solopsis or something like that?
That you taught me solipsistic solipsistic That's when you're like looking through the lens of your own time and thinking that's the only standard and because you're so used to it
Sure, right so that's how people are today thinking that what we view as Liberty and The role of government is just the way it always was when it's not
That's like the 1950s onward the Supreme Court decisions Let's back it up earlier not be solipsistic
Yeah, and say how did the Supreme Court view this nation in?
1892 yeah, are you familiar with the case know which one Holy Trinity versus the
United States? All right, so this there was a law passed a few maybe five years earlier in the late 1880s
No, this was about bringing in labor you couldn't contract to bring an immigrant in to work
Well, there was a church Holy Trinity in New York that contracted an Anglican preacher to come and fill their pulpit and The law said no and this got chased all the way up to the
Supreme Court You can't contract to bring them in and that the ruling the lower court court ruling was overturned by the entire
Supreme Court On what basis? Well, they argued some on intent like it wasn't intended to target like intellectual labor.
It was more for You know manual labor, right? But then the second part of the argument was so important.
They said this is a Christian nation Yes, and in explicit terms
They said that this is a religious nation and they cited the oath They cited the
Declaration, you know of Independence appealing to God they cited the that every
Constitution of the states was decidedly Christian in fact, they the states at the writing of the
Constitution all had an Official religion for the state. Yeah, whether or not they had religious tolerance or religious free
But what about the First Amendment doesn't that didn't that overturn that kind of says that the First Amendment is really for that Federal that loosely held federal
Generalism that we so what is the First Amendment? Congress shall not impose correct.
So at the national federal level There's not going to be an establishment of religion and there's never to be prohibiting the free exercise of religion, right?
So in Iowa today, what does their Constitution say? I Don't know what the
Iowa Constitution the first line appeals to the Supreme Being Wow The Creator and and refers to him as the basis for everything that follows in Iowa to this day
So what happened in Iowa the lawlessness was not Michael Cassidy Who tore the thing down, right?
It was the lawlessness of Erecting a baphomet in the house in the state chamber
This was lawlessness on the part of those people who did that the highest authority there is their
Constitution and their Constitution specifically cites a dedication to the
Supreme Christ It the it says supreme being there. Okay ruler of the universe kind of thing.
Okay Yeah, so just and and this was actually dealt with early on in in the states very often so there was a case that the 1892 decision appeals to which is that,
Pennsylvania? I think that might have been Involving was it that Supreme Court justice?
No, it's keen. It wasn't we talked about Joseph story. It wasn't he was earlier But there was the Supreme Court Recognized in 1892.
They recognized that Pennsylvania was a Christian Commonwealth And other ones were explicitly but what they would say is it's generally
Christian So the the whole thing of what if the sectarian concern it was that and they talk about this in the in the decision it wasn't the difference between They'll mention
Muhammad ism and the Dalai Lama and say it's it's not to make room for that but for the sectarian differences between Baptists and the
Methodists and the Anglicans and Congregationalists that we're not going to have a religious test.
Well, it sounds to me like your big concern from a Epistemological standpoint. Yes. How are we learning these things?
Why do we even question? Yeah, that pulling down a statue of Satan could be wrong, right?
Because so what's happened then in the 1950s like the Supreme Court decisions to throw prayer out of school and then following along with How do we let that happen?
I wasn't here. Yeah, I don't I wasn't there either and then in 1973 Roe versus Wade Yeah, you know
They're redefining What was meant by the Constitution and by the early documents to to be this radical liberalism, right?
you know and and that liberalism there's a difference between Liberty and Liberalism.
Yeah, and this liberalism that's come up since the 1950s and 1960s is making the right to be unencumbered completely autonomous as This high value that kind of overrides everything so you're right to your own sexual identity or this or to make yourself whatever gender you want to be or to To have any religious thing that you want to do
All of these things have have to be protected as the highest value in the culture So we took the
Christian definition of Liberty Yeah, and we imposed maybe the French definition of Liberty on the
French Revolution, which is what's their definition? Their definition of Liberty is everything. It's it's libertarian.
Yeah, it's libertine Yes, it's everything is at your disposal. There are no limits.
There are no right standard There is no standard by which we live and how much of a problem if we can't have a standard
Yeah, what's gonna happen next in our culture? so the standard that The Constitution recognizes is the biblical standard that government actually is to be
Exceptionally small and do very little it is to bear the sword so to to deter these these major Crimes, it's not to to be like this parent in society the nanny state.
Yeah the nanny state It's not to be all those things. So Christianity gives us this Liberty and It took time because if you think about the
Reformation right Martin Luther was very big on Romans 13 because he was cracking down on a peasant's revolt that happened
And so the the role of government obey your your rulers kind of like in all things Meanwhile in the time of Martin Luther, they had a
Baptist locked up in the tower An Anabaptist an
Anabaptist. Yes when so Martin Luther is doing great things But simultaneously his political theory is very undeveloped at that time in history, right?
this poor man Fritz Erba is locked in the in darkness inside of a tower and just being thrown food and For like seven years, you know that reminds her nothing other than his baptism.
He refused to baptize his children So it hadn't developed yet. Let me just follow this train of thought and then
I'll don't forget what you want to remind us of but so you have a development of understanding
From Calvin's Institutes in his last section the last aphorisms. He talks about lesser magistrates interposing when there's tyranny
John Knox takes that to Scotland and the Scottish jurisprudence develops from that you get
Blackstone and witherspoon witherspoon is the one who trains James Madison Who comes up with the separation of powers that you'd have three different government three branches of government and in the legislature?
There's this bicameral situation based on population. Where does he get that? He's trained at Princeton by John Witherspoon In the
Scottish common sense in this biblical ethic. Listen to this. There was a study done by Donald Lutz and Went back and traced the quotes of the
Founding Fathers from I think it's 1760 until 1805 and it's just this vast study of all the literature of their writing and he isolated whenever something was cited quoted from One third of all the quotations came from the
Bible in their political writings one third. That's great The next after that was
Montesquieu But Montesquieu had less quotes than Deuteronomy just the book of Deuteronomy and then
John Locke is after Montesquieu, okay, and John Locke has like half as much as the book of Deuteronomy and then after that is you know
Somebody else. I don't know. I guess Blackstone would probably be the third But the point is the Bible formed the the jurisprudence of the country.