We Need Your Help for 2023! www.supportandrew.com

Apologia Utah iconApologia Utah


Hello Brothers and Sisters! We need your help to reach our goal of $55,000.00 in order for our family to continue full-time Missionary efforts in Salt Lake City Utah for 2023. Please prayerfully consider giving, anything helps! If you feel led to give please go to www.supportandrew.com


Hey brothers and sisters, my name is Andrew Sonkrant. I am a church planter that has been sent out here to plant
Apologia Church, Utah. I am one of the deacons there and I'm also an elder candidate, but you may also know me as the co -host of the
Cultish Podcast. Here's my beautiful family, and this image might look familiar to you because last time we had a video with my family, my wife was pregnant.
Here's the product of that pregnancy right there is a little finny, and now she's pregnant again, so praise
God. And it's about that time of year guys. This is why I come to you. You've been supporting us, supporting our family, and we're so thankful for you.
I wish I could go over all of the amazing things that the Lord has done out here in the Salt Lake Valley with LDS people coming to Christ through counseling that we've been part of, that babies have been saved through our local abortion mill efforts by preaching the gospel to women out there so they do not murder their children.
Things have been happening and the Lord is reclaiming this valley, and it's because of your support, so we thank you for that.
I wish I could go over all those countless things. However, our church is not at the point to where we're financially able to support my family and our full -time missionary efforts into the next year, and that's what
I'm asking today from you is for your help to continue praying for us, right?
To support us if you can monetarily so we can continue the full -time missionary effort out here in the
Salt Lake Valley to see this city turn to Christ. We want to plant roots out here. We want to have a legacy here, but it does take time and we cannot do it without your support.
So again, thank you so much for all that you have done for us, for praying for us, for contributing to these efforts.
One day this valley will turn to Christ and you are a part of that. So thank you so much and have a wonderful day.