Newsletter 2011 06 06




Okay, welcome to the Karm June 6th newsletter and we'll be doing this in video and hopefully also in written form as well trying to get things out and make it more enjoyable and more efficient and maybe not all that efficient.
It does take a while to produce all this but hey we're gonna do it. Alright, things have been going pretty well with Karm.
I want to appreciate every one of you's been praying for Karm and supporting us financially. It really does make a difference. Really, seriously, thank you very much.
Also, we're trying to produce an article with each video that we're doing here and it makes it a little bit slower but as we get better at things we're gonna be producing more and more.
What I like to do is end up writing articles and then just shooting video and give it to someone who can then edit it up and put it up on YouTube and link it into the site and things like that.
You know, we got to do one thing at a time and we're working on those kind of particulars. Now we're doing this because Google will be using social things like Twitter, Facebook, things like this, even
YouTube in calculating how to present their searches when people search for something.
So we need to be doing this kind of a thing more. We're going to be getting more efficient at it. That's why we have a Karm YouTube account,
Karm Facebook and Karm Twitter accounts. Check them out. They're on the Karm homepage if you want to get to those. Let's see, we've got an
Amazon wish list. There's two reasons we've got the Amazon wish list. One, as we produce stuff and as we grow, we need green screen.
I've got a green screen behind me right now. We can do things like change the background and we can do all kinds of really cool things and fade things in and put words right here.
You know, put a sentence right there, fade it out, things like that. We can use all kinds of tricks.
We're trying to do that. Well, we've got to buy software. We've got to buy green screens. We've got to buy other cameras and things like that.
And one of the things we're trying to do is produce videos that aren't just a single look at shot like this.
Now, if I could set up cameras, one over here, one over here, and we turn them all on at once and then I did the article.
Well, we could do one that zoomed in. It could look over here and do things like that. Make it look better. Make it more presentable and not only in videos, just for the newsletter, but also for articles.
Try and make them more compelling. Make them better because as Christians, we need to do better work. So that's one of the main reasons that we have the wish list.
If you want to support CARM, you believe in what we're doing, please go to the Amazon wish list and you'll see the
URL, the link down here, right there. You can go to that and you can check it out. I really appreciate that.
The second reason for doing the wish list is, well, to allow you the opportunity to be able to know what the
CARM needs are and to participate in the work of the Lord by equipping us and being able to do these things.
It does cost money. The cameras only cost about $400 each. We want two more. This one
I'm using right now is really quite a good camera. We don't need the other ones to have video, excuse me, to have audio.
We only need to have video in it. We can synchronize them pretty well. We need programs to be able to do editing and the tricks like changing backgrounds, like that, doing things like that.
So a lot of fun and hopefully make it look better. Alright, so anyway, like I said, if you're interested, go there and check out the
CARM wish list. Also, praise the Lord. We had a donor who contacted us and wanted to supply the need for the computer that we have that was needed for Carlos in Bogota, Colombia.
Now Carlos, what he does is he works on the
Spanish version. He's been translating material off of the CARM website for, I don't know, about two years now. We've got the schools finally up in Spanish and some other things.
We're hoping everything will work out there. He just really has an antiquated computer, really old, so we sent him one.
Praise God and thank you for that support for that. Also, hey, you know,
I went down to Southern California and visit my wife's brother who got out of Tijuana jail.
Now he has a brain problem, a neurological problem that causes him a lot of pain. Five years ago he went down to Tijuana, just on the other side of the border, without a prescription and bought a whole bunch of pills to kill his pain.
He got arrested and spent five years in jail. He had undergone things like being beat up by gangs, having to hide on the floor covering his head while guards are in there shooting over him, killing people during riots.
Some pretty serious stuff and hopefully we'll get him here on the radio show sometime when he gets acclimated. He still has the surviving instinct of being in five years in a foreign jail like that.
It's gonna take him a while to to get out of that mode. He has been born again, I forgot to mention. The woman that he was arrested with, she spent three months in jail.
They ended up getting married about a year, about six months ago. They ended up getting married. She became born again, he became born again.
They started talking, reconciling issues and they just fell in love and they got married.
We went down there and saw her and she's a great woman. Amanda is a great woman. She's putting up with him, with all his neurological problems and all those issues.
I just pray for them because they really are trying to just make it. They don't even have a place to stay. Well actually they just got a room and he can't even work because of his brain, the neurological problems.
TN for short, whatever it is. Please pray for him. Also, I went to Living Waters while I was down there seeing my brother -in -law and talked to Ray Comfort and others there at the headquarters and watched a film that they're producing about abortion.
Let me just say, it's very good. They really do good work there. Ray's a great guy and we all had lunch together and talked and just shot the breeze.
They also interviewed me on their On the Box show which is a
Ustream webinar, webcast kind of a thing. I'll put the URL down here so that you can check that out if you're interested.
Not a big deal but it was fun doing that. We want to start doing that with CARM as well.
I think that's about it. Now as far as the hate mail goes, I know a lot of people love the hate mail so what I'm going to do is end this video but at the end of this video
I'm going to put a URL for the hate mail video so that you can watch me read the hate mail and do comments.
I think I'm going to enjoy that. I do it on the radio and I think I'll start doing it here as well. So there you go. God bless and talk to you later.