Is Joe Carter, ERLC/Gospel Coalition a CIA Asset?

AD Robles iconAD Robles


On the heels of UFO disclosure (less than a few weeks ago) Joe Carter picked a weird time to claim that you're in sin for not believing Epstein killed himself.....among other things. #NoDespair2020


In conclusion, it is for these reasons that I believe Joe Carter of the Gospel Coalition is in fact a
CIA asset He is connected to Russiagate and of course he is connected to George Soros and Bill Gates coronavirus conspiracy
Keep your eyes open The truth is out there This is gonna be a doozy
All right, so let's jump into this article I saw on May 8th when
Joe Carter posted this article Joe Carter is in fact an editor at the Gospel Coalition the official official evangelical newsletter
He is One of the one of the one of the prime voices of truth in our time
And he is very much against conspiracy theories And so what
I figured I'd do I don't think I'm gonna read this whole article Yeah, I mostly I do Gospel Coalition articles really not to get information, but really more to laugh
It's it's a good for a good laugh. If you ever feeling down read a Gospel Coalition article It's it's sure to make you laugh by its stupidity.
It's sophistry and Really it what the what the joke is is that they're dead serious
They write these articles and they're totally serious Joe Carter is serious about this. He's not kidding. He's not kidding
But anyway, let's just read some select portions of this article. I'll give you my take on this as well
This is called Christians are not immune to conspiracy theories I like that that he uses that the term immune because everyone's thinking about immunity and Theory in there somewhere to some predictive programming here.
Anyway, here's how he starts in the beginning God create God It's just gonna quote the scripture that's how he says in the beginning
God planted a garden in the East in Eden and there he put Adam and Eve soon after say it entered the garden and spread the first conspiracy theory
Spray hit Satan if you're if you're a conspiracy theorist, that's you're like Satan you're like the devil the devil
Is a conspiracy theorist just like just like you if you if you Don't believe the official narrative
Let's go on a Conspiracy theory explains an event or set of circumstances as a result of a secret plot usually by powerful conspirators
Satan convinced Eve that the most powerful of conspirators the father son and Holy Spirit We're secretly trying to keep the first humans from having their eyes open in a way that would make them quote like God knowing good and evil
Eve became the first in a long line from Gnostics to flat earthers to believe powerful forces were withholding
Secret information think about what's being said here for a second. This is this is interesting so so Satan was a conspiracy theorist you see and And he got he convinced
Eve to become a conspiracy theorist So, you know, I know I know that you think Satan was a fallen angel and that he convinced
Eve To rebel against God and stuff like that, but no no, no, no, no, no, no what was really going on there it
Joe Carter CIA asset wants you to think that actually what Satan was doing was he was a conspiracy theorist and He got
Eve to become a conspiracy theorist. And so the original sin if you really think about it, the original sin is actually
Conspiracy theories, that's the original sin You can always know if someone's playing with you when they start to replace what actually happened in the
Bible with it Whatever their pet peeve is that's something that a lot of people do And it's almost as stupid as how everything's
Nazis You know, I mean like do me a favor even if you think something is like something like the Nazis did
Don't use that as an example. It shuts people's brains off and nobody likes it Even if it's true, sometimes it's true
The Nazis did do something and you can compare it to the Nazis, but just don't do it. It's not it's not right
Well, it could be right, but it's not effective and this is even less effective So Joe Carter CIA asset is now trying to get you to believe that that the original sin was conspiracy theories
Something to that effect. Oh man, oh and and the other thing is the
Notice notice how he's kind of playing with the definition of conspiracy theory He defines it, but then he also connects it to this idea that powerful forces are withholding secret information
So now if you if anything you believe is has to do with powerful forces
Concealing secret information withholding secret information. Well that actually might be the original sin.
So Don't ever believe that that's how you can be safe with Joe Carter If you want to if you want to stay in Joe Carter's good graces
Then never believe that powerful forces are withholding secret information unless of course unless of course, there's one exception.
There's one exception Unless it has to do with white supremacy or whiteness or white privilege if it's something like that Which is an obvious in my opinion conspiracy theory
Well, then then you can believe it for sure because you know, that's different. That's different to Joe Carter CIA asset but anyway agent
Joe Carter Wants you to think that that the original sin was really Conspiracy theory
I'm gonna take my hat off so many so many of the comments got to me I think it was his non -tenant. He got to me said that I had knits cuz
I was playing with my hat too much I guess I gotta stop that anyway Since then
Satan has found no shortage of marks among God's children But our current technological aid has made it possible for conspiracy theories to Fred spread faster than the novel coronavirus
The online realm which can promote anti intellectual intellectualism and radical individualism has become a breeding ground for such bizarre
Conspiracy theories, you know, you might even say that Satan invented the Internet I think I think that's true
In fact, if you think about it when you look at the the the number computations
There's a lot of sixes in there, too If you look at the number computations of the of the of the logarithms in the
Internet is a lot of sixes in there I think Joe Carter's on something, you know Maybe Satan did invent the Internet because he's allowing his
Original sin of conspiracy theories to spread faster than ever before agent Joe Carter's on to something there.
No question about it Let's go on a prime example is the idea first promoted on a
French conspiracy website. I'm sorry agent Joe Carter It's actually a French Satanist website
You see because Satan is the one who invented the conspiracy theory that kovat 19 is caused by the millimeter -wave spectrum used by 5g technology
Interesting You might assume such a belief to be a dumb but harmless, but you'd be wrong
All across Europe the 5g conspiracy theorists are setting fires targeting cell phone towers and attacking telecom workers
That is quite problematic and that's just one of the dozens of new conspiracy theories related to coronavirus
There are other even more outlandish such as the virus is a human -made bioweapon created by Bill Gates Not surprisingly that one is connected with QAnon the most ludicrous uber conspiracy theory of our age and here we get the whole point of this article
Agent Joe Carter is very concerned that a lot of Christians are involved with QAnon QAnon is of course the ludicrous speed
Conspiracy theory of our age. We don't want you looking into any of the pedo stuff. No, definitely not
Agent Joe Carter does not want you thinking about pedophile rings or elite pedophile connections.
None of that stuff That's that's conspiracy that Satan invented that stuff. That's not true Powerful people don't do bad things like that.
No, no, no and powerful people certainly don't hide information ever They never do that never do that unless of course it's related to white supremacy
Then they always do it then it doesn't matter what they tell you then you can't Believe it because it's related to white supremacy, which is clear fact not a conspiracy theory at all
Agent Joe Carter would never call such a thing out but That's what we are going to go with here numerous spurious claims are also being made about Anthony Fauci director of the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the White House coronavirus task force a
Christian ministry American Family Association is promoting a conspiracy that Fauci has known since 2005 that Hydroxychloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses another
Christian group claims that Fauci is part of the quote deep state Attempt to destroy the economy and change election rules as Robert Anton Wilson co -author of the
Illuminatis trilogy Said quote you simply cannot invent any conspiracy theory so ridiculous and so obviously satirical that some people
Somewhere don't already believe it Now the whole idea of this I'm not I'm gonna stop there for the most part
I'm not gonna read any more this this article but the whole idea is that agent Joe Carter wants you to think that that anything that's not approved is
A sin if you believe something unapproved, that's slanderous. That's a sin and that's a conspiracy theory now
Let's just get this on the table I do not believe that Joe Carter is a
CIA asset or an agent I'm doing this for rhetorical effect just so you know because that would be a conspiracy theory
I have no evidence that Joe Carter is an agent of the CIA. I have no Evidence that Joe Carter is connected to Bill Gates or the who or dr.
Fauci or any of this stuff? no evidence whatsoever, so if I were to say that that would of course be a
Slanderous conspiracy theory, but the thing is guys And I think most of you understand this but but but Joe Carter doesn't understand this or if he does he's a liar
So here's the reality Skepticism is not the same as a conspiracy theory
Skepticism it's not the same as slander It just isn't so so the reality is what made me want to do this articles.
I saw Joe Carter Ripping someone on Twitter The other day and and and this person on Twitter was saying how happy he was he was referring to this article
How happy he was that he can? Publicly say I don't believe that Epstein killed himself.
That's a ridiculous story. I don't believe it There's no way you're gonna. Tell me that this guy who everyone has a reason to want dead
Somehow the cameras don't work and somehow the guards don't remember anything there if honestly Everything fell in the place perfectly and he was able to off himself.
I don't believe that story. That's a ridiculous story I don't believe it He's happy to go to a church that he doesn't have to say that he doesn't have to be private about that his church is his elders won't won't
You know call a meeting and kick him out of the church and like that and and Joe Carter said I'm so sorry
That you don't have out He got his robes on got his stately robes on his Pharisee hat on and he said
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I'm so sorry that you don't have elders that will call out thin so so to Joe Carter It's it's a sin now to have to not believe the official story if MSNBC says it well
Then you better believe it Otherwise, you're a slanderer. That's the that's the thrust of this article
That's what he wants you to start believing anything. That's called a conspiracy theory must be
Slanderous because it's a fix a conspiracy theory then you don't know it's true And the reality is that's not how conspiracy theory is used these days
That's it's just it's not that that's not what a conspiracy theory is Like if I say I doubt that Joe Carter is saved.
I doubt he's a Christian if I say that That's not the same thing as me saying Joe Carter is a
CIA asset It's not the same thing at all One is skepticism that I it's just obviously my opinion and one is something that I have no idea is true or not
One would be a conspiracy theory one would not if I say that I doubt that Joe Carter has good intentions with this article
Well, I mean that would be that would be closer probably to a conspiracy theory. But again, it's skepticism.
There's nothing wrong with that That's my opinion And so let's let's let's let's let's see how he writes this article
Yes, we don't want to slander people of course, but at the same time We also don't want to be naive to the nth degree because powerful people do hide information all the time
In fact, the Bible talks about conspiracies Conspiracies are real conspiracies aren't anything that's like outlandish, you know
If people get together and plot something and then don't tell everybody about it. You could say that's a conspiracy I use this example the other day if you ever been fired before and know of anyone who's been fired before You know, they didn't just come up with the idea to fire you on the spot right there
They likely been talking about it for weeks. You could call that a conspiracy They didn't keep they didn't they didn't give you all the information up front and that's something that leaders do
All the time not to mention so many people have responded to it in this way and this is a legitimate response to this article there are
Dozens and dozens and dozens of things that at one point were called conspiracy theories that have come out to be a hundred percent
True a hundred percent True and the reality is that what one such thing is is
UFOs We you know people have said that the government has been studying UFOs for a while The government denied it though.
They recently came out and said yeah, we've been studying UFOs for a while So whether or not you believe that it doesn't matter.
There's a conspiracy there one way or the other So so again, so so Joe Carter wants your elders if you say
I think the government has been studying UFOs I mean, it makes sense that they are I don't know for a fact, but you know, look at all this stuff
Look at all these all this information Joe Carter wants your elders to discipline you on that Even though it was a hundred percent true, even though you knew it at the time you had evidence of it
You don't have to be a hundred percent sure of everything you believe now again, we don't want to slander people
We don't say things about fit people that we don't know are true. For example, I do not believe Epstein killed himself
I don't see how anyone would I just don't see how anyone would but that's very different than me saying and Hillary Clinton did it
See, that would be a conspiracy. I have no evidence that Hillary Clinton did it I have some evidence that probably
Hillary Clinton wanted him dead, but I have no evidence that Hillary Clinton did it So see that's the thing that you
Joe Carter is he wants to poison the the well so much that you don't even dare believe anything that's not official and I think
I know why Joe Carter wants this agent Joe Carter wants it like this because and This is a theory I'm this is just my opinion
Joe Carter cannot countenance you questioning the official narratives because Joe is in that same guild
Joe is in that it's that same guild. He's the editor of of Organization that is kind of has an air of official to it he wants you to believe official channels because the more you believe official channels the more credibility gospel coalition has because they are more of an official channel of Evangelical blogging and news he wants to give you suspicion for people that are uninitiated and not in the guild like me
That's what he wants He wants to I think that I saw Michael O 'Fallon said that he's angling for a job at like a
Christian Snopes or something like That and that wouldn't surprise me at all. I have no evidence of that that wouldn't surprise me at all
I think Joe Carter would love to be the Christian version of Snopes. He would love to be that gatekeeper
I think Joe Carter is probably burned up that he doesn't have a blue checkmark next to his name
Let's check it out make just to make sure because I don't think he does. Yeah, he doesn't Joe Carter executive pastor of McLean Bible Church editor of gospel coalition
Communication specialist specialists at ERLC and he does not have a blue checkmark next to his name. I bet you that burns him up He would love to be
Official official if you know what I mean, so people like me who are uninitiated have no connections nothing like that He hates that he hates regular people.
He wants to be the channel for information And that's why he cannot tolerate anyone Disrespecting or disbelieving something that MSNBC reported on or CNN or Fox News even though he knows that they report nonsense all the time he knows
You see what I'm saying? Like like there's so much going on here. This is just so interesting Another example,
I like to use is I don't know if Joe Carter's a creationist It wouldn't surprise me either way if he's an evolutionist or creationist but if you are a creationist like you have to believe some form of a
Conspiracy theory that there's these scientists out there publishing this information. That is actually not true about how the world was created
But but if you believe that then that's actually Satan's lie. So I guess you have to believe the evolution
It's gets really weird here. There's no principles here whatsoever. If you believe a conspiracy theory, well, that's satanic, of course and yet We've got all these creation or evolution scientists out there publishing nonsense
But we can't believe a conspiracy theory. So I guess we're all evolutionists now and that I guess that's how this works
Joe Carter one more thing I wanted to just point out here and We'll be done.
Let's see if I can find it Let's see if I can find it because Joe Carter is in elitist
In elitist of the highest order if there's one thing gospel coalition should be known for it's their elitism
We talked about a Kevin DeYoung article that I actually liked parts of the article But just the elitism just drips in the article and and and Joe Carter is the same here.
He hates Uninitiated folks like myself. He only likes you if you're in the elite
Categories, here's what? Okay, here it is Quote just as God doesn't give agent agent
Joe Carter says just as God doesn't give Christian politicians an exemption to lie He doesn't give aunt
Karen or pastor Bob a pass on slander simply because they believe the falsehoods
They are spreading That pens got some barbs to it, doesn't it? You can you can feel just the animosity and pastor pastor
Bob Billy Bob in the country Oh, he he believed in that Q anon spill Like he doesn't like regular
Joe six -packs. He doesn't you're not in the beltway. You're not in New York. You're not in LA Joe Carter just really doesn't care too much about you
He's got his elite friends and he's got his and we would never believe something so crazy as Pete's the gate
What Pete's the gate? That's a satanic if you believe Pete's the gate It's really really something
I don't really have much more to say about that. I think that one thing
I'll say in conclusion. This is a losing play This is the this is the strategy of a loser He knows that when it comes to the facts when it comes to the rational thinking about this
He doesn't have anything to stand on He has no reason he has no real principled reason to tell you to believe what you heard on CNN about about Epstein There's no real reason he just finds it icky when you don't when you don't believe the official channels
He finds that he doesn't like that. He just finds it gross. He it's Billy Bob. That's aunt
Karen. You know what I mean? Like He doesn't have anything really to say so the best he can do is to try to get you to believe that it's a sin
To doubt what you hear on Fox News or CNN or MSNBC if unless of course, it's white supremacy then definitely believe it but But that's the best he's got and that's a losing play
This stuff makes me laugh because the more that guys like him do this kind of stuff the bigger guys like my put me fine
Platforms will get I'm not saying me particular But people that are willing to sort of hear stuff out and to talk about UFOs before it's you know socially acceptable to talk about UFOs and to talk about Pizzagate as if it's a real
Thing that we should look into as opposed to oh, we already heard CNN told us. There's nothing to see here We're not gonna look into it any further like like if you if you're willing to do that kind of stuff your platform will
Will be growing if you're unwilling to do that and instead say well if you leave a conspiracy theorist That's Satan.
That's the original sin, by the way You just that's that's a loser play and Joe Carter is on the losing side
Of all of this and I don't know if he knows that or not. And that's why he's writing this article
I just don't know but That's all I got for you. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless You Actually, let me just say this one more time and just so it's clear and just so everyone everyone can hear