Masks and Government Authority
What do should we say about masks and government authority? Watch this clip from Apologia Radio in which we interview Gabe Rench from CrossPolitic.
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- 00:00
- And with this whole COVID thing that's been going on, so in our state, we have, we're supposed to have a
- 00:05
- Republican governor, but he's kind of governing a little bit more like the Washington governor than he is like a real Republican governor. The state of Washington, not
- 00:13
- Washington, DC. And he's locked down the state, you know, once, and he's allowing all the kind of, he's allowing face mask regulation to start being implemented in our state.
- 00:26
- And first, this is where it's real important. Just as Christians, we need to know certain things, certain things about our constitution and certain things about what the
- 00:33
- Bible says about our government. And summarizing here, but one of the basic things is the government never has the right to shut down your business.
- 00:43
- The government never has the right to tell you that you cannot provide for your family. Pandemic or no pandemic.
- 00:50
- Secondly, the government doesn't have the right to tell you what to wear, right? You know, should
- 00:57
- I wear a blue shirt or a purple shirt? Should I wear, now there's, now there are, I think, applicable and acceptable standards here that our government should have for its population.
- 01:09
- Like, you know, no women going around topless, but that has to do with immorality versus wearing a blue shirt or purple shirt kind of thing.
- 01:16
- And the government has no right to tell you to wear a mask. In the same way, we don't believe the government has a right to tell us to wear a condom.
- 01:23
- You know, we don't have the government that has the right to tell us to do all these things. And yet the government does it and we just follow.
- 01:31
- We just go, we sink in, we get right in line, like sheeple, right in line, we start doing it.
- 01:38
- And so what happens is, is we don't have for decades in Arizona, Idaho, all of us,
- 01:45
- Texas, where I'm originally from, for decades, we have not been exercising these local political muscles.
- 01:51
- The county commissioner should tell the governor right now that, you know, your shutdown, that happened back in April for us,
- 01:57
- April and end of May, or beginning of May, your shutdown does not apply to our county. You wanna know why?
- 02:03
- Because we are the sovereign, I wouldn't say sovereign over our county, but we're kind of the highest authority in our county in regards to these kinds of decisions.
- 02:14
- And then in addition, in Idaho, and this is, it might be similar to you guys in Arizona, but Idaho's quarantine codes are actually pretty biblical.
- 02:26
- So in Idaho, the state constitution specifically says that, I think it's a section 52 or 56, it's in one of those sections,
- 02:34
- I can't remember if it's two or six, but it specifically says that the government, given a pandemic, the government has the right to quarantine certain buildings, certain locations, and isolate the sick.
- 02:46
- Right. As opposed to what we have now is where the government is quarantining everybody, including the healthy, and isolating everybody, including the healthy.
- 02:59
- Right. So when we talk about, you know, of course, you brought up Romans 13 earlier, Jeff, but when we're talking Romans 13, what's the highest authority in the land?
- 03:08
- It's not our governor, it's the constitution. This is what a republic has established, that the highest authority in the land is the piece of paper.
- 03:17
- And so the governor, when he disobeys that constitution, I am, it's my duty,
- 03:23
- Romans 13, to actually obey that highest authority in the land, which is the constitution. So when the government says, hey,
- 03:30
- Gabe and your family, you guys need to quarantine your house. I know you're healthy, I know you're healthy, but you need to quarantine your house.
- 03:36
- Well, it's my job to actually say, no, you are not obeying the highest authority in the land. Romans 13, you governor.
- 03:42
- Amen. Right. I love it. Exactly, Doug actually did an amazing explanation of all this.
- 03:50
- What was the title of that particular one? It's at Canon Press. If you guys go check it out after the show, go to Canon Press and check out some of the last couple of episodes that Doug did on this particular issue.
- 04:00
- I think it was like mask or no mask. Was it the sermon, Jeff? Was it the sermon, Jeff? No, not the sermon, it was - It's blog and Mayblog. It was blog and Mayblog.
- 04:07
- And it was the one where he talked about, you know, the governor basically says, you know, you may not push this blue button and you can touch the red button, you can't push the blue button.
- 04:16
- And the governor does not have the right to wake up the next morning and say he has authority over all the blue buttons in the state.
- 04:22
- That's specifically what you don't have authority over. I do not have to obey you. And it's important for us to recognize, it's interesting too,
- 04:31
- Gabe, because people will oftentimes say this. Yes, but Christians are persecuted to a much higher level and with worse government regimes all around the world today and in particular when the church was just breaking into history in Rome, there was a much worse government.
- 04:47
- My initial quick response to that, it's very well thought out. It's very quick though. It's this, that's called progress.
- 04:56
- It's called - Well, you got the additional layer there where it's like, you know, John the
- 05:01
- Baptist got charged, he got called, you know, you're a demon for not eating and drinking the wine.
- 05:06
- And then Jesus got charged with, oh, you're a glutton, you're a drunkard for drinking the wine.
- 05:12
- That's right. And so, and in the same way, I mean, you got these, you read
- 05:18
- Isaiah chapter one at the very beginning of all this talking basically about Levitical laws and liturgical laws.
- 05:24
- And God says, I hate your practice of that. Because in the same way, it's like, you look at these masks and now
- 05:32
- I'm not against masks in terms of where they're medical necessary and where they actually work.
- 05:40
- So, you know, put that aside, you know, like the N95 masks and so forth. But the mask that we're wearing right now is just one huge, big virtue signaling that God hates.
- 05:52
- Right? You sit there, you're gonna abort babies in the womb, but you're more concerned about the mask that you wear on your face than the babies in the womb.
- 05:59
- You're more concerned about the mask on your face than the governor actually obeying Romans 13. Right.
- 06:05
- That's right. So we've taken all these gnats and we've turned them into elephants and we ignore the elephant and we're just drinking these elephants, you know, one after another and all this with the mask.
- 06:18
- And in addition to this, there's been before the pandemic and even during the pandemic up to April, there's been several studies, one from University of Minnesota and for their center disease and control.
- 06:29
- And that said, that cloth masks are basically, have zero effect against the transmissibility of the coronavirus, cloth masks.
- 06:38
- Our whole city council last week took a picture of them up on the steps of city council, every single one of them wearing cloth masks, all seven of them wearing cloth masks.
- 06:49
- Because they mandated, they legislated in our city, city of Moscow, not the county, but the city of Moscow, they said, you need to wear a mask where you cannot social distance, six feet social distancing.
- 07:00
- And so they're sitting here trying to virtue signal and say, hey, look, we're wearing masks, we're with you on this, when those masks do not do a darn thing against the coronavirus.
- 07:08
- And God, that's the kind of hypocrisy, that's the kind of Isaiah chapter one hypocrisy that God hates.
- 07:15
- Exactly. And, you know, I think that's, I'm really glad you brought that up, Gabe. I think it's important.
- 07:20
- When Jesus is confronting in Matthew 23, just before he gives the final indictments and the promise of destruction in Matthew 24 upon that generation for their covenant unfaithfulness and the covenantal judgment is coming, now the sanctions are coming.
- 07:35
- In Matthew 23, he's challenging these religious people. And he says, Matthew 23, 24, he says, you blind guides straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel.
- 07:45
- A lot of people are like, I don't even know what the heck that means, but it sounds interesting. Straining out a gnat had to do with basically their wine and gnats getting into it.
- 07:53
- And they would strain out these little tiny creatures, like, you know, to make sure that the wine is pure and it's all together.
- 08:01
- So he's saying, you strain out the gnats, like you don't want that unclean thing, but then you swallow a camel.
- 08:06
- So it's supposed to be cartoonish. It's supposed to be like a cartoon. Like you're straining out these teeny tiny gnats, but you're swallowing this ginormous unclean camel that's in your cup.
- 08:16
- It's impossible. It's supposed to be like a cartoon. It's funny, actually. He's roasting them.
- 08:23
- Jesus is the original roaster. And he roasted them, straining out the gnat, swallowing the camel.
- 08:29
- And that gets to exactly what's happening in these cases with all the virtue signaling. You accept all the injustices around you, all around you, particularly let's talk about our hands are full of blood, all the murder of the innocents around us, but then you strain out the gnat, like you've got the virtue signal mask on saying,
- 08:46
- I want to love my neighbor, protect my neighbor, all the while you're killing your neighbors. It's absolute hypocrisy and I'm not buying it.