Systemic SBC Abuse is REAL - Disturbing Details!

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right guys, welcome back to the channel. Hope you had a good weekend all that kind of thing. God bless you. I just wanted to draw your attention to what
I think was the best tweet of the weekend and If you don't follow this guy, I mean, I really think you're missing out.
I really do He's a smart guy, but also he comes up with bangers like this one and I quote
I'm kind of racist against hummingbirds. I'm not gonna lie like get over yourselves I can't
Take a break for a second. I can't believe he's only got 45 likes I really I really can't believe it this this tweet deserves at least a hundred times as this many likes
Let me let me start from the beginning I'm kind of racist against hummingbirds. I'm not gonna lie like get over yourselves
They already get too much attention and still not enough. Oh cool. Your wings flap really fast neat Wow, seeds are too good for you.
You need this sugar water. Okay, your highness And that's it
That's the whole tweet and I'm I'm pretty sure there's no context for it I just thought of it and tweeted it out.
There you go He's racist against hummingbirds and I got to be honest with you. I agree with his entire critique of hummingbirds here
And of course, we got Padre Sean Holtz who responds hummingbirds are not a race to which
Bendel replies Okay No, man, this is this stuff is out there for free guys, this is the thing about Twitter, you know
Twitter gets a bad rep, you know, you saw some SPC guys You know talking about Twitter and how bad it is and stuff like that But there's a lot of good on Twitter too.
And and this stuff look you don't even have to pay for this comedy This is really good stuff Padre here says hummingbirds are not a race totally, you know
Completely putting Bendel in his place because he's such an idiot and Bendel replies
Okay All right,
I've had enough of that Here we go. So this this new thing. This is really funny
So there's a lot of women out there that are that are all getting a little getting there. They're all they're all upset they're all they're probably quivering with rage because apparently
Mike Law The the pastor the SPC pastor who had the amendment to disfellowship, you know churches with women and stuff like that At least that's what
I don't I don't know if that was the actual amendment. I have no idea I have no idea but apparently
He he made a list of all of the churches that he could find that had
Female pastors in the SPC because a lot of people didn't even believe him You know a lot of guys were like, yeah, this is not a big problem
Sure, there's a few of them but you know to make it seem like this is a big deal You know, you guys are just you know, you're fundamentalist.
Yeah, you know Everyone was kind of saying that it was really nothing. It was a nothing burger. Yeah, I hate that phrase nothing burger
This is a nothing burger. What does that supposed to mean? Anyway, but everyone said this was a nothing burger.
And so Mike Law made a list, you know And he put some time into it. He compiled the list, you know He went on various websites for different churches and he said, oh, there's a woman pastor.
Oh, there's another one There's another one and he started making a list. So that way the next time someone says, oh, that's a nothing burger with cheese
He could be like well, no, it's not a nothing burger Here's the list of all the female pastors in the church
And so, you know That was a very smart idea because it's right there and black and white you could look it up yourself if you want to it's
Not like this was hidden information. This was just there and you know, somebody just did the work to say
Hey, this is actually a pretty big problem Here's the list and for all so for all you guys out there that want to pretend like nothing's going on.
Everything's fine Here's the list. And so Anyway, it was very effective to do that because they ended up passing this amendment, which was very good
Obviously not nearly enough, but it was a good start. That's what I would say And so the the females in the in the in the audience,
I guess started, you know Looking for a new angle. And so now they're saying this list is doxing
He doxed these women. How dare this man dox these women, you know by pointing out that they're female pastors in the
SBC There he's doxed them now and he's put them at risk And so now they're saying that he's an abuser because he's putting these women in harm's way
I gotta be honest with you. This was a pretty clever move on their part because you know, nothing nothing turns off effeminate men's brains like Oh, no, there's women that are at risk.
It doesn't even matter if it's true or not It's just you just gotta say it and it's true So here's
Beth Allison Barr PhD this she's a real this one's a real cupcake she says
For those who asked yes Mike law the SBC pastor behind the amendment to disfellowship churches with women in any sort of pastoral role created a physical list
With addresses of churches and faces of women. He was targeting He said it was for internal proof and then
Karen Swallow prior gets in on this now Karen's fall a prior the the dark the dark side
Sith Lord she gets in on this and she'll see she senses blood in the water, you know I gotta be honest with you.
I think you guys owe Pulpit and pen a little bit of an apology because when pulpit and pen came out and said that Karen Swallow prior
I mean, maybe she's just a witch, you know, listen, maybe she's not a witch witch. I think it's possible.
It's possible She's definitely a metaphorical witch so she sensed a little blood in the waters and she started gathering her her ingredients to do another spell and and she says making a public list doxing and targeting women in churches with whom you have doctrinal disagreements is the
Opposite of both Baptist polity and godly male headship if anyone knows about godly male headship, it's
Karen Swallow prior Anyway, it shouldn't take the women in the lady to say so but here we are
And so so so now Even looking into this like if you think hey, you know,
I'm worried because I've heard of a few female pastors in the SPC I heard there's a few, you know,
I wonder if this is a More common problem than than we know. Let me look into it let me look into this if you write any of that down as you look into it even doing that makes you a
Abuser you're now credibly accused Mike law as far as I know now is credibly accused and the the
Society not they're not sirens because they're not beautiful at least the sirens were at least beautiful in appearance
You know and they had a beautiful voice That drew you in and then and then they killed you at least the sirens had some kind of redeeming quality
They're wearing the the clothes of a witch and they look like witches and they are witches now
They're saying even looking into this now You're an abuser and you're putting these women at risk and now anyone with a brain like any person with a brain
Would look at that and their reaction would be something like this There's the reaction.
This is the appropriate when when women say crazy things like this You should say one of one of a few things.
There's only a handful of acceptable answers One of them is just to die laughing and that's what I did when I read this.
Honestly, this is this is funny I didn't even know this was Karen prior swallow prior when I first saw it and I just laughed and then
I saw that It was Karen swallow prior and I just laughed even more So that's one possible reaction. The other possible reaction is to say oh, oh dear dear, you know, you should really smile more
Let's let's let's try to be rational here something like that I'm not gonna tell you what to say
But but something like that to highlight the fact that they obviously have no brains. She has a
PhD That's more proof that she has no brains anyway, um You could do that and you could laugh.
I would suggest doing one or the other the other thing You could just ignore them. You could just ignore them But but but you know, some of you guys of course are gonna say something like this
I have not checked out this SPC hit list of women pastors, but if there are any near me I'm happy to act as a hedge of protection
Should anyone feel they need to be dealt with? I'm sure we can come up with others to do the same in other parts of the country
So now the research into women pastors where he wrote it down just so that people could say look
This is actually a real problem. It's not just one or two, you know crazy ladies. It's actually there's a lot of them
There's a lot of female pastors out there. And so this is a big problem in our denomination, which Specifically does not allow this we should probably do something about this now that research has become a hit list
This idiot who I mean, honestly this guy He has no brain cells left he now this is a hit list and he's gonna serve as the hedge of protection
Against the against all of the people that I guess want to now do these women harm all zero of these people
Someone needs to serve as a hedge of protection against it in any case Yeah, this is crazy.
This is absolutely insane. Of course, you know, this is Josh Abattoid you explaining the situation rationally
I mean, he's not gonna do a video like I will but he's in Mike loss said, you know There's a lot of egalitarian churches in the
SPC. Nobody believed him. JD Greer said that you know, this is not a problem You're you're ignorant.
You're disingenuous. And so Mike said, okay. Well, how about this? I'll come up with a list and I'll give you the list.
So now that you'll know that I'm not lying and So he did that and of course now he's credibly accused as an abuser for doing any research into this
Basically the message from the egalitarian feminists in the SPC Alexa stop is
Don't do anything about what we're trying to do Just let it happen. And if you're not gonna let it happen, you are now consider yourself credibly accused.
Well, here's my response to that Jimmy crack corn and I don't care.