TGC, ERLC and Russell Moore - Monuments of White Privilege on YouTube

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Im starting to believe in institutional/systemic/problematic racism, white privilege, white supremacy, whiteness, and all of it.


You know, I think I'm starting to believe in this, uh, this, uh, systemic racism thing and white supremacy and, uh, and, uh, you know, disparities and things like that.
I think I'm starting to believe in it. I'm not gonna lie. Looking at like, like, it's like, honestly, like, I don't, I think that there's something really wrong.
We could, we could at least be honest, you know, in our, in our search for gospel unity. There is something wrong with the fact that my
YouTube channel has 3 ,000 subscribers and Russell Morris has almost 4 ,000. I mean, clear white supremacy here, his channel is, is nowhere near as good as mine.
I mean, there's no question about it, but it just goes to show you, I mean, you can be, you can be a white man and, and put out garbage every single day.
Well, maybe not every day, but every other day you could put out garbage like this and you know, thousands of people will watch it.
And then I put out gold, golden nuggets every single day, multiple times a day.
And I have less, I have less play here. I mean, this is just ridiculous. This is classic white supremacy.
I mean, look, is there anyone whiter than Russell Moore? I mean, he's even got the accent, the white accent, clearly.
No, there's nothing wrong with white people, but I'm just saying that it's just easier for him. It's just way easier for him. I mean, not only that, but you know, even, even white culture, he's got all these connections.
He's got Ben Shapiro on TV, John, Johnny Cash. He doesn't have
Johnny Cash. It's just about Johnny Cash. He's got Michael Carr. Let's listen to this crack squad of guests. Michael, Michael Carr, Thomas Kidd.
Let's see what else we got here. Ronald Sider, Kay Warren. Look at this,
Jonah Goldberg. I mean, he's got all these guests. He's got all the connections. It's a good old boys club. I mean, and then it just gets worse.
It just gets worse from here. I mean, look, there's the ERLC. I mean, this is, if there's any institution that is a symbol for white supremacy, it is the
ERLC. 7 .6 thousand, I'm sorry, hundred subscribers. That's more than double what
I have. And the reality is this is just this white guy after white guy after white guy. There was one black guy up here.
That's fine. Yeah, one black guy. But how many Puerto Ricans? I mean, honestly, how many Puerto Ricans?
There are in the United States. And yet, you know, someone like me, just I'm just behind. I'm starting to believe in this and this white supremacy stuff.
It's just it's white privilege is what it is. I've got to work twice as hard for half the result as Dr. Russell Moore.
And it's just absolutely preposterous. Look, it gets even worse from there. Gospel Coalition, 73 ,000 subscribers.
73 ,000. That's a lot of subscribers. I mean, just look at this white, white, white, white, white, white.
I mean, all they just pump out white supremacy again and again and again. There's no Puerto Ricans here. Look, there's a few dark skinned people.
But how many Puerto Ricans? That's what I'd like to know. How many Puerto Ricans? I mean, this is this is this is unacceptable,
I have to say. And they get the reputation for being diverse and all that, but they're not diverse. This is a this is a tool.
This is an institution of white supremacy. I work three times as hard on my
YouTube channel as the Gospel Coalition works on theirs. And yet they have 73 ,000 subscribers and 9 .6
million views. I don't even have a million yet. I'm starting to believe in this white supremacy stuff. I, for one, am tired, sick and tired of the underrepresentation of A .D.