Church Is NOT A Lottery Ticket!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a church service put on by World Overcomers Church in Durham, North Carolina.
The so -called pastor of this church is Andy Thompson, who seems to be yet another seeker -sensitive, hype church leader, as evidenced by the video you're about to see.
The following Mother's Day sermon clip demonstrates a disturbing trend in many modern churches.
Watch this. Not only did I want to bless all the single mamas, but every year
I wanted to do something special for one of the single mothers that is faithful in our church and comes and serves and is a big part of it and is doing so much.
And so I asked, oh, I didn't pick this person, but I asked the leaders and the folks that's the overall of the...
Who is a single mother at World Overcomers that we could really bless and really honor and really do something really special for her that will be a game changer?
And the person that they told me we should do something for is... Y 'all praise
God for her one more time. Y 'all want to get a picture of the... Yeah, stand right here.
Step back. Step back. Erica, step back for just a second. Sorry. So here's what happened.
Andy Thompson says that he wants to bless all the single mothers in their church, but each year he wants to pick one special single mother to bless even more than all the others.
So he asks his church staff which single mother is the most involved in the church, and then he gives that person a large gift.
This time it happened to be a $17 ,000 mega check to the single mother who's on stage.
Now, on the surface, this may sound biblical. It may sound kind and sweet and Christ -like and really just awesome.
But let me tell you, it's not. I'm very happy that this woman received some sort of help. That's great.
But this is not the way we're supposed to be helping people in the church. In fact, it's very, very dangerous.
So let's see what the Bible has to say about all of this. How does the church give in the New Testament?
That's the question. Well, first, let's recognize that the Bible does indeed tell us to give in the first place.
Hebrews 13, 6, it says this, quote, Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
End quote. Yes, we should give to others, but how is it that we should give in the church?
Let's see if we can find a specific example offered in Scripture. Acts 4, 32 -35 says this, quote,
Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common.
For as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.
End quote. Pay attention to that last part here. They gave their possessions to the apostles who distributed them as any had need.
Deuteronomy 15, 8 says something similar, quote, You shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be.
End quote. Again, it says to give according to the unfortunate person's need. So here we can see two things.
One, we ought to give our income to help others, especially our fellow brothers and sisters in the church.
And two, the money should ideally be distributed collectively according to the needs of each individual person being helped.
This biblical framework is being violated all over the place in that video you just watched of Andy Thompson and World Overcomers Church.
Again, he's giving to someone. That's step one, and that's a good thing, but the way in which he's giving is absolutely unbiblical, and it actually works against the overarching goal.
You see, church is not a lottery ticket. The funds of the church are not supposed to be pooled together and given away in large lump sums to random people periodically.
That is not how this works. Rather, the funds should be put together and given to all of those who need help, and it should be given according to the specific needs of each person, with, of course, special care and attention being given to orphans and widows.
That is the biblical model. But in this church, get ready, because one lucky winner is gonna get thousands of dollars.
Come back next week and see who wins the big, big money on The Price is Right. Oh, sorry,
I meant to say at church. But all jokes aside, this really is turning church into a game show.
You have a big check, and that check only goes to one person. One lucky winner, so to speak.
This is the opposite of biblical giving, the idea of helping each person according to their specific need.
But everything in the seeker -sensitive hype church is designed around entertainment. They could easily get all of the single mothers into one room and then ask each of them what they need to pay their bills that month, and then help all of them.
And then they could make a nice, calm announcement on Sunday about the church's resources being used in that way.
But that's not big. It's not exciting. And there's no showmanship in that. So they have to give away the money to one person on one stage with one huge check.
Why? Well, because little checks aren't as easy to see on camera, and they don't look as cool. And giving to dozens of people is harder to put on one stage, and it's not as gripping to watch.
But seeing one person on stage and the emotions, well, they're flying. You're one person's life being changed drastically, all in one moment.
Now that, that makes pretty good television. Sorry, I meant to say church. Matthew 6 -2 says this, quote,
Thus when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others, end quote.
Again, the principle is to give discreetly and to not actively seek attention for it.
But this is certainly not the case in the video you just saw. There is a massive check being given to a woman in the middle of a church service on stage.
If you watch the whole video, this exchange lasts at least five minutes. And then actually, they take a photo in the middle of the service as well.
I mean, it doesn't get any more attention -seeking than that. There is quite literally no way to give money in a more obvious and public way than what you just watched in that video.
But again, in the seeker -sensitive church, everything is about excitement and drama and entertainment and biblical giving.
Well, that just isn't very entertaining, is it? And therefore, it needs to be changed. So if you go to a church that does this, you need to leave and find a biblical one instead.
The gathering of the church is not a lottery and it's not a raffle or a game show either.
The way that this world -overcomer's church is giving money away is absolutely unbiblical.
And it's a serious problem. Don't get me wrong. It's great to help single mothers. We should do that.
But we need to do it biblically in the future. Unfortunately, this is becoming more and more of a trend.
For instance, I've seen Mike Todd do this as well at Transformation Church. The Bible says not to make your giving into a show.
Sound no trumpet before you, it says. But that video has as much showmanship in it as possible.
The Bible says to distribute to all people according to their need. But this video is giving to one person according to the selection of the church staff.
And until the seeker -sensitive church and prosperity gospel movements stop this madness, it's only going to multiply.
And please know this, I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So please, let's pray that this church in the video would stop the nonsense and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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