Promise of the New Covenant



If you have your copy of God's Word, please take it and open it to the book of 2 Corinthians and go with me to chapter 3 and find your place at verse 4.
Now we began last year an exposition of 2 Corinthians and then we took a couple of weeks off as Brother Mike preached on Christmas Eve morning on Zechariah 14 and then last week
I gave a message hopefully encouraging us in the new year to use our spiritual gifts for the good of the body from 1
Corinthians chapter 12 and Romans chapter 12. Well today we are back in our study of 2
Corinthians and I can think of no better subject to begin the new year with than what we are going to begin studying through this book this morning because it is this book that reminds us in this point that we are in of the glory of the new covenant and so it is my purpose and desire over the next several weeks to spend time in chapter 3 going through what
Paul tells us about the glory of the new covenant as well as the fact that the old covenant has not continued but rather has been replaced by the new covenant having been made obsolete and if that offends you or you don't understand it
I hope that by at least the end of today's message you will see what I mean and that those words are not mine but rather the words of the writer of the book of Hebrews who says that because the greater and more excellent covenant has come the old covenant has been made obsolete and there is a blessing in learning what that means and how it is to be applied.
So let us stand together and read from 2 Corinthians 3 and we are going to read verses 4 -6
Paul writes such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us but our sufficiency is from God who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant not of the letter but of the spirit for the letter kills but the spirit gives life.
Father I thank you for your word I ask that even now that I would decrease and Christ would increase that you would in this moment of time where I will be speaking with that you would keep me from error that you would fill me with your
Holy Spirit and that your spirit would be the teacher and Lord that as we all come under subjection to the word of God that we would not only hear the truths of the word of God but that we would apply those truths in our own lives.
I pray for those who are members of the new covenant by faith that they would recognize the glory of the new covenant as we go through that exposition over the next few weeks and Lord for those who are not yet members of this new covenant who have not bowed the knee to the
Lord Jesus Christ who have not entered into a relationship with God through faith in his Son and repentance of sin
I pray that today might be the day that you would in your mercy grant repentance that leads to life and we pray this in Jesus name amen.
It is an interesting reality that our Bible and our method of keeping a record of human history are both divided the same way.
The Bible is divided into two testaments the Old Testament and the
New Testament. The calendar is divided between BC and AD.
BC is before Christ. AD is Latin for Anno Domini which means in the year of our
Lord. So we are currently in the year of our Lord 2024.
Now modern scholars in an attempt to eliminate Christ from anything in academia have changed
BC and AD to BCE and CE.
BCE stands before common era and CE stands for common era.
When I was in university and I was doing my studies for my bachelor's every textbook
I had when it referenced a date and I have a degree in social studies so I did a lot of books reading books with dates and then every textbook
I had used CE and BCE. But here's what is funny about that even if you replace the before Christ and Anno Domini with BCE and CE you still have to admit that the point that made the difference is
Christ. What brought us into the common era was
Jesus and what was before the common era was before Jesus.
Jesus Christ is history's midpoint. As Paul Barnett says in his commentary the midpoint of history is not an invention, it's not the discovery of a continent, it's not a war, but it is a person and it is the person of the
Lord Jesus Christ. All events are calculated in relationship to him.
The world changed when the cries of the babe rang out from the manger in Bethlehem and it would never be the same after the cross was accomplished and the tomb was vacated.
And as I said not only is history divided by the coming of Christ but so is our
Bible. We call the longer section of our Bible the Old Testament.
In fact if you hold your Bible up and you flip to the New Testament and separate them you'll notice it's not half and half.
It's not even really three quarters and a quarter. It is so much more in the
Old Testament than it is in the New Testament. And what's interesting about that word testament is that word testament is actually just another word for covenant.
The word testament simply means covenant and therefore when we talk about the
Old Testament we are actually referring to the scriptures of the Old Covenant.
And when we talk about the New Testament we're talking about the scriptures of the New Covenant. This is what makes
Mormonism so foolish, well among many things. But if you've ever noticed in Mormonism what do they call their book of Mormon?
Another Testament of Jesus Christ because the way they're using the word testament is as if testament mean chapter, like another chapter in the story.
No, no. The word testament means covenant and Christ came to give one covenant, not another covenant, not a covenant through some imaginary history here in the
Americas that happened before the time of Joseph Smith and was unearthed by some magical reading of some golden tablets that were handed down by an imaginary angel named
Moroni. No, that's not what is the truth. The truth is
Christ came and he gave a new covenant and that new covenant would last forever, not needing to be replaced, not needing to be re -established, but rather needing to be remembered.
What do we remember in the table? This is the new covenant in my blood, never to be repeated, never needing to be done again.
So as we consider the covenants of the Bible we begin with the simple distinction of old and new.
Now we can break the covenants down even more than that. If you go through the
Bible you'll see that there are many covenants in the Bible. Some of them are made between people and those aren't really the ones in view here, but they help us to understand what a covenant is.
A covenant is an agreement by two or more parties that come together and form a relationship around promises and expectations.
That's what a covenant is. When you're married you enter into a covenant. You come together under promises and expectations.
You make vows and you enter into a covenant relationship. Every time we see people be married we remind them that they're entering into a covenant that's supposed to last how long?
Till death do us part. And the Bible says
God made covenants with certain individuals in the Bible. The first time the word covenant is ever used in the
Bible is with the person of Noah. Noah, when he came off the ark,
God made a covenant with him that he would never destroy the world again by water.
And he gave Noah a sign. And the sign was the rainbow. Later God would make a covenant with Abraham.
Abraham was given a covenant from God, a promise and a command.
Go from your people and your kindred and go to a land that I will show you and I will make you a great nation.
I will bless those who bless you. I will curse those who curse you. And through you all the nations of the world will be blessed.
That's the promise made to Abraham which was later cut into a covenant in chapter, that was in chapter 12.
In chapter 15 God makes a covenant based upon that promise where he splits the animal in half and he passes through as a smoking pot and a fiery torch.
We remember this. This is all throughout the Old Testament. We read of these covenants God makes and these promises he gives.
Covenants with Moses. We see the promises in the covenant with David. We see these things happening throughout the
Old Testament. But then something new happens.
A new covenant comes and the new covenant is through the person of Jesus Christ.
The covenant made through the finished work of Christ. The final everlasting covenant.
Well today we are going to see Paul describe himself as a minister or a servant of this new covenant.
We're going to examine the history of this covenant as it was promised in the
Old Covenant. We're going to see the distinction between the Old Covenant and the
New Covenant. And when we say Old Covenant are we referring to simply every covenant or is there something specific that's in view?
And I'm going to show you what I believe is in view. And we're going to note the peril and this is the key.
We're going to note the peril of seeking to go back under the
Old Covenant once we have become members of the New Covenant.
Paul will say such a death and it's a false gospel.
He talks about this in Galatians. He talks about the fact that those who would seek to bring you back under the
Old Covenant are preaching a gospel that's not a gospel at all. So as I said we're in 2nd
Corinthians so let us at least examine the context so we know what has brought us to where we are.
I know some of you are not regular attenders here. Some of you are first -time visitors and so jumping in with both feet to a new book can be a little confusing at times.
And we have been away from this for two weeks so I want to remind us of what we have seen so far.
Paul is writing to the church in Corinth where a group has arisen in this church who is challenging his teaching and his authority.
He has described his vexed relationship with the Corinthians particularly in regard to the accusation of his lack of integrity particularly regarding his travel plans.
Paul said he was going to come and didn't come and some have used that as an accusation against his character to say here
Paul says one thing and he does something else. He says he's going to be here and then he doesn't come.
Paul can't be trusted and that was part of the issue that Paul is describing in 2nd
Corinthians. 2nd Corinthians is his most personal letter outside of possibly Philemon in the sense that it's autobiographical.
He's talking about himself. He's talking about his ministry. He's defending the integrity of his ministry and he says in defending his ministry that he has been willing to suffer for Christ.
He's described himself as one who's been taken captive by Christ and his very life has been a fragrance of life to the believer and the stench of death to the unbeliever as brother
Mike mentioned in his prayer this morning. Now in our last message we looked at chapter 2 verse 16 through chapter 3 verse 6 and we noticed that Paul asks a question.
If you have your Bible and you want to just glance back at chapter 2 verse 16 you'll notice the question
Paul asks. At the end of the chapter or end of the verse he says who is sufficient for these things?
And one would ask naturally what things? Who is sufficient for what? Well he then goes on to describe what he's referring to there as the ministry and he goes on to describe how his ministry is sufficient because it is marked by sincerity it's marked by fruitfulness and it's marked by humility all of which would show that his ministry is genuine more importantly that his ministry was from God.
He said it's not as if I'm sufficient in and of myself but rather it is Christ who has made me a minister and this brings us to our verse for today.
You'll notice in this section when he is speaking he says that our sufficiency is from God that's verse 5 who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant.
Unlike Paul's opponents who needed letters of recommendation, Paul had a commendation from Christ.
Paul's message had gone out to the Corinthians was written on their hearts and now they were his letter of recommendation.
You want a commendation for my ministry? Look at yourselves. You are our letter of recommendation.
So it is in this context that Paul begins to address his role as a minister of the new covenant and I am convinced that the reason why
Paul now begins to defend the new covenant is because it is very likely that Paul's opponents are encouraging the
Corinthians to some form of old covenant worship.
This was one of the most common issues that we see Paul writing about in his letters and that is the issue and this is in Galatians, it is in Colossians.
In fact it is the whole reason for the letter of Galatians which I believe is Paul's first letter. Some argue not but I argue it is his first letter.
I believe it is his least encouraging letter because he starts with no gracious introduction but he just immediately lights them up for being foolish enough to go back to another gospel when it cannot be a gospel that saves because there is only one gospel that saves and that is by grace through faith alone in Christ alone and that is the whole book of Galatians.
But Paul also in Colossians spends time dealing with and I preached through Colossians last year so many of you remember dealing with these people who would come in and try to enforce the old covenant upon the new and I believe that like in Galatia and Colossae there are
Judaizers in Corinth. A Judaizer is someone who attempts to lay the burden of the old covenant law upon the new covenant church.
So Paul spends chapter 3 describing the surpassing glory of the new covenant over against the fading glory of the old covenant.
That is his words. He describes the old covenant as having a fading glory which is surpassed by the glory of the new covenant and I just have to mention this so you'll notice our banners all of the decorations for the
Christmas season are gone and I had these banners made about I don't know 10 years ago or so and I hadn't even looked at them in a while and I said boy what good banners and I know from the front it's hard to turn around but these banners were made for a reason and it is to remind us of two important truths.
The law came through Moses. Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. There is an Old Testament law that has purpose and we're going to see what it is and the law ultimately does just what that psalm says it does.
The law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul. The law is what shows us our need for salvation.
It shows us the depth of our depravity and the need for Christ and then that verse there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and understanding the distinction between law and grace between law and gospel is understanding the distinction between the old covenant and the new.
The old covenant the writings of the old covenant kill because we cannot be saved by keeping the law but the new covenant brings life because it shows us that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
Interestingly enough the way anyone's ever been saved even in the Old Testament no one was saved by keeping the law.
Everyone was saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone even though they didn't know who
Christ was at the time they had the pictures that pointed to Christ.
The bible says in Colossians that they had a shadow of things to come but the substance was
Christ. Every Old Testament ceremony, every Old Testament sacrifice, every
Old Testament feast, all of these Old Testament practices pointed forward to the fulfillment in the
Lord Jesus Christ. So I want us to understand that we as members of the new covenant do not need to go backwards into the old covenant.
You might say well brother Foskey the Corinthians had to deal with that but we don't have there's no one who's trying to bring us under the old covenant.
Au contraire there are entire movements which at their core are based in the idea of trying to reinforce old covenant theology, old covenant practice, old covenant law on the new covenant church.
We see this in the Hebrew Roots movement, we see this in Seventh -day Adventism, we see this in so many other places where they will tell you that if you truly want to please
God that you will do these things and where do they always go into the old covenant.
So today what I want to look at I want to look at the promise of the new covenant.
I want to look at the inauguration of the new covenant. I want to look at the exposition of the new covenant and then finally the members of the new covenant.
Think we'll get it all today? Well that's the hope because I got something for next week but we'll see.
I'm not in a hurry but I do hope that these all fit together because honestly if you don't understand these four things you're not going to understand the rest of the chapter.
We can read through 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 and we can see the glory of the new covenant but if you don't know what it is and you don't know when it was promised and you don't know when it was inaugurated and you don't know who it's for then it's not going to make a lot of sense to you.
So that's what we're going to do today. So let's look first at the promise of the new covenant.
There is only one passage in the old testament that uses the phrase new covenant and if you have your bibles open turn with me to Jeremiah chapter 31 and go with me to verse 31.
If you're there say amen. All right it says in verse 31 of chapter 31 it says,
Behold the days are coming declares the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when
I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt my covenant that they broke though I was their husband declares the
Lord. Now stop right there. I just want to for a moment before we read the rest I want to make a distinction in verse 32.
Notice how he describes the old covenant as the covenant that was made when he took the people by the hand and led them out of Egypt.
So when we refer to the old covenant we can say the old testament is all of the writing but particularly what was given through Moses because that's what was given when they were taken by the hand and led out of Egypt and that's what is distinguished between when we say old and new we're referring to the covenant of the law made with Moses.
All right made through Moses. All right so continuing he says, for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days declares the
Lord. I will put my law within them and I will write it on their hearts and I will be their
God and they shall be my people and no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother saying know the
Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest declares the
Lord for I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more.
Amen. What a blessing. Boy I can just stop right there because that's a sermon to say that in this new covenant that one thing it's going to be is it's going to be all encompassing everyone in this new covenant will know the
Lord unlike the old covenant where men and women were born into the old covenant but didn't know the
Lord. In the new covenant you are born again and everyone in this covenant knows the
Lord. I don't want to get too far into that that's why I'm a Baptist by the way. Jeremiah 31 and Hebrews 8
I tell you what if you're a Baptist and don't know those passages you ought to because they're helpful because everyone in this covenant knows the
Lord. In fact for instance just for a moment every week
I call for anyone who does not believe in Christ to trust in Christ but you'll notice in this church we don't have a
Billy Graham style invitation where Laurie comes up and plays 48 verses of just as I am and we wait for somebody to come forward and if nobody comes forward we say play another verse sister we gotta gotta get somebody forward right.
Now why is that? Well the reason for that one is there is certain manipulation in that that we are trying to avoid but also because the gathering of the church is for the church the gathering of the church is for those who know the
Lord and therefore every week we come together I'm not calling you to know the Lord because if you're in the new covenant my assumption is you know the
Lord. Now I would never assume everyone in here is a member of this church and I would never assume that everyone in here is a member of the new covenant that's why every week
I call for repentance and faith and even as a believer don't we need to repent and believe always but there is something to be said about the fact that once we are in the new covenant we are all people who know the
Lord you if you are in the new covenant you know God and more importantly
God knows you because you know what the the great curse of Matthew 7 many will come unto me that day and say
Lord Lord did we not do this did we not do that and he will say depart from me you never knew me no that's not what he said he said depart from me
I never knew you so there is something important about the Lord knowing us and if we're in covenant with him he knows us if we're in the new covenant with him he knows us and we know him and that's the blessing that we see here this blessing of this there's there's so many and I am going to again in the weeks ahead we're going to expound more on these things but for now let it just be said that from the least of them to the greatest they shall all know me and I will remember their sin no more let me tell you something
God is we sang it this morning God omniscient and knowing right
God knows all things but when it comes to our sin he chooses not to remember he chooses not to hold a record of wrongs against us because our record of wrongs has been nailed to the cross it says in Colossians that Christ took our record of wrongs on himself and that's why he remembers our sin no more not because we deserve it but because Christ took what he didn't deserve and he gave us what we didn't deserve and that was his righteousness
I tell you I just we're going to be here all year because the new covenant I'm in part one of point one but the new covenant is just this grand thing that is worthy of our time and the problem
I have again with these people who want to go back under the old covenant is do you realize that you are trampling the blood of the covenant under your feet as you walk back so the writer of Hebrews says you are laying to waste the blood that was shed for you as you go back and try to find some righteousness in this old covenant when you have been given the perfect righteousness of Christ by faith it's an amazing reality we cannot do better than what
God has done and we don't know better than the Holy Spirit of God who wrote this now is well let me say this
Jeremiah 31 is the only passage in the old testament that says new covenant it's the only one where we have the word new covenant together but it is my conviction and I believe all of our elders conviction
I think most new testament scholars would say that it's not the only place that it's mentioned it's just the only place where we have the phrase new covenant so if it's mentioned other places where would that be well another place where you could go and if you have your bibles open there to Jeremiah just turn a few chapter or two few books over to the book of Ezekiel and find your place in Ezekiel 36 and go to verse 26 now in Ezekiel 36 26 we have the promise of what comes with the new covenant so even though the word new covenant is not used here we have the promise of what accompanies the new covenant therefore we can say this is a new covenant promise as well and this is what it says it says and I will give you a new heart and a new spirit
I will put within you and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh and I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules what is that church that is the gift of regeneration and the filling of the spirit that comes in the new covenant one of the things that we know about the old covenant is the administration of the spirit was different under the old covenant now there are some who disagree with me on that but I don't see how they can not because I'm the smartest guy
I'm not even the smartest guy in this room but I can say this the the very words of christ particularly in the gospel of john make it so clear that it is a new administration of the spirit that is coming with this new covenant it can't be any other way jesus said
I must go away and it behooves you that I go away because if I don't go away he cannot come and if I go away I will send you another comforter and he will be with you forever and it is the holy spirit of God who comes to live inside of you this is the promise
Ezekiel is making here I will put my spirit in you and the spirit of God is going to come and the spirit of God is going to seal you under the day of redemption he is going to empower you as I preached last week he's going to empower you to serve within the body and he is going to lead you in the ways of righteousness he is going to convict you of your sin he is going to be grieved when you sin the bible says grieve not the holy spirit of God and he is going to be your prayer partner yes
I know that might be a weird way of saying that but the bible says when we don't know what to pray the spirit of God intercedes praise on our behalf with groanings that we can't even understand see that's the blessing of the new covenant that the spirit of God would come and reside not behind the veil of the temple not within the ark of the covenant but within the person
Paul says we are now the temple of God because we are the body of Christ and so the promise of the old covenant in Ezekiel this promise
I will give you a new heart I will put a new spirit in you and I will remove that heart of stone boy how many
Calvinists love that verse we're always talking about Ezekiel take out the heart of stone and put in the heart of flesh well what is that beloved it's regeneration it's taking out that dead heart it's giving us a heart that beats for God beloved if you've never been born again you will never see the kingdom of God if you will if you if you are not born again you will not see the kingdom of God Jesus says and oh
Nicodemus he didn't understand that what he said I gotta go back into my mother's womb he said no knucklehead listen up that's not exactly what he said but that's
I mean think about the way should I go back into my mother's womb no you have to be born from above that's another way of translating the phrase born again means to be born from heaven or born from above born from God to have your heart of stone take it out and replaced or the heart of flesh let me ask you this and this is an important question have you been born again have you been born again again if you're a believer or the member of the new covenant
I'm not asking you to question your salvation every week we don't that every one of us will know the
Lord but if you haven't been born again beloved without being born again you will not see
God except in judgment and this is the promise of the new covenant this is what
Jesus meant when he talked to Nicodemus that night this is what we have to consider that the heart will change and the spirit of God will come that's the promise of the new covenant now are there other passages there are other passages and again the further
I get into this the less specific these passages are going to be but there are passages such as Isaiah 55 3 that references an everlasting covenant that seems to specifically be pointing to the new covenant but I want us to just for a moment before we leave the promise of the new covenant
I want us to consider that every covenant in the old testament in one way or another pointed to Christ in fact if we just consider
Abraham turning your bibles with me all the way back to Genesis chapter 12
Abraham is certainly the most important figure in Hebrew history even more important than Moses as the
Jewish people see Abraham as their spiritual ancestor in fact three religions you may not know this three religions claim
Abraham as their ancestor I wrote a I wrote a paper about this in again when
I was at university I wrote a paper and it was entitled don't don't call me a heretic or throw anything at me it was entitled three religions one
God I was not arguing that all three religions serve the same God what
I was arguing in the paper is that all three religions claim to be serving the
God of Abraham and that is true if you ask in a Muslim who is
Allah they will say he's the God of Abraham because that's what they believe they believe the
God that made covenant with Abraham was Allah if you ask a
Jewish person who is their God they will say it's the God of Abraham and we would agree but we'll talk about the distinction in a moment because the
God of Abraham certainly is Yahweh and that's who we would say is the
God of the Jews the problem is in modern Judaism they have rejected
Jesus Christ and Jesus said to reject him is to reject the father so as brother
Mike said this morning in a very unpopular statement but I'll repeat it just to show that I stand beside him in his lack of popularity sorry modern
Judaism is a what was the word you used irrelevant religion because they are seeking to worship the
God of Abraham in a way that he is not prescribed and therefore they have a false worship it's irrelevant because it's false all the things you see the yarmulkes and all of the dress and all of the things of traditional rabbinic
Judaism are nothing but religious cosplay because they're not worshiping the
God of Abraham because they rejected his son so with that let us see what the
God of Abraham promised Abraham it says and by the way I think we're probably only going to get to point one today
I just I can't stop this is this is important the God of Abraham it says in chapter 12 this is when he was still called
Abram it says now the Lord said to Abram go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you and I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great so that you will be a blessing
I will bless those who bless you and him who dishonors you
I will curse and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed hear that last sentence again speaking to Abraham God says in you all the families of the earth will be blessed now very quickly with your nimble bible turning fingers turn to Galatians chapter 3 and verse 8 actually go to verse 7
Galatians 3 verse 7 Paul writes this he says know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham by the way if you have faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ you have been grafted into Israel you have been made a son of Abraham by faith
Romans chapter 4 says that Galatians 3 and other places and the scripture for seeing that God would justify the
Gentiles by faith preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham saying in you shall all the nations be blessed so then those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham the man of faith you hear what he just said he said in that verse we read a moment ago that verse which was written
I'll say 1500 years before this one and that verse which pointed to a reality that was 500 years before that during the life of Abraham when
God said in you all the nations of the earth shall be blessed what that promise was was a promise of the new covenant because what
Paul says in Galatians is the scripture was and by scripture by the way here's he's actually referring to God because he says the scripture uh what it says the scripture for seeing that God would justify the
Gentiles by faith preach the gospel so it seems as if it's saying the scripture preached the gospel but we're in no scripture during the time of Abraham there was the word of God that Abraham heard so what it's saying is that when
God spoke to Abraham and told him in you all the nations of the earth shall be blessed he was pointing forward to Jesus Christ and he was pointing forward to the new covenant so beloved don't you know that the new covenant has been promised ever since the time of Abraham but that's not all but wait there's more one more go all the way back to Genesis chapter 3 and this will be the last place
I ask you to turn because all the way back in Genesis chapter 3 when there was only two people on the earth
Adam and Eve and when those two people had in their sinful rebellion turned from the command of God and he command do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for dying you shall die and they ate and through their eating brought death disease and destruction into this world which was perfect and God cursed the serpent
God also cursed them but he cursed the serpent and notice what it says in verse 15
I will put enmity between you the serpent and the woman and between your offspring the word there is actually the word seed and between your seed and her seed he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel brothers and sisters scholars throughout the ages have seen this as what is known as the proto evangelium or the first promise of the gospel and might
I say the first promise of the new covenant because the promise here is that God is going to send a serpent crusher what the serpent came in to destroy what the serpent came in to bring down one is coming and he's going to crush the head of the serpent and he's going to do so on a
Roman cross and on that cross where Jesus died the wrath of God was satisfied and everyone in him who trusts in him alone will have life forever that's the promise of the new covenant and goes all the way back to the garden
God promised us a serpent crusher God promised us a savior and it's the
Lord Jesus Christ and I have to say as I say every week if you have never bowed your knee to the
Lord Jesus Christ if you've never recognized your sin and the power that he has to save you then
I encourage you today to turn from your sin and trust in him and if you are one who has already trusted in the
Lord Jesus Christ aren't you glad that you have the one that God sent to crush the head of the serpent who stands as your mediator now and forever let's pray father
I thank you for your word I thank you for your son I thank you for Jesus as we consider the promise of the new covenant this week and next week
Lord as we look at the inauguration of the new covenant in his blood Lord what a blessing what a mystery what a promise and what a revelation we have in him