THIS Bethel Worship Leader Commented On My Video!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So I've been running this channel for a while now, and I usually don't get much attention from the people that I call out, and that isn't something that I'm complaining about, it's just a fact.
But I made this video recently on False Doctrine in Bethel Worship Music, link in description, and in that video
I offered three examples of false and unbiblical teaching in Bethel's worship music catalog.
Much to my surprise, an actual worship leader from Bethel responded to that video in the comment section.
I have confirmed 100 % that this account actually belongs to him. In fact, if you click on his profile picture, it will take you to his official
YouTube account with over 100 ,000 subscribers. The singer's name is Dante Bowe, and he is a for not one but two of the most popular worship bands in the country,
Bethel Worship and Maverick City Worship. Dante took issue with my comments, and he used his supposed arguments to demonstrate why
I was wrong. Why do I say supposed arguments? Well, because his statements are hardly considered arguments at all.
They're not convincing, compelling, or coherent in the slightest way. Yet, while his arguments were so poorly constructed, they are still important to talk about, so I thought
I'd share them here with you. His comment said the following, Are you guys really listening to a kid sitting in his bedroom, gossiping about people who actually live what they sing about?
LOL, but you can honestly tell that you are socially unaware. Okay, that's all you'll get from me.
Everything is a miracle. Exclamation point, exclamation point. You get the picture. So we're going to deal with these arguments biblically in three points here.
Number one, he says, quote, Are you guys really listening to a kid sitting in his bedroom? There is so much wrong with this statement,
I don't even know where to begin. The fact that I am a kid in his eyes means absolutely nothing.
What we have here, folks, is what your professor might call a logical fallacy. Let me offer you a situational example.
If a five -year -old child says 2 plus 2 equals 4, and that child's 96 -year -old grandfather says, quote,
No kid, us old timers know that 2 plus 2, in fact, equals 5. Which person is correct, and which person is incorrect?
Of course, the child is correct, and the grandfather is not. Being older does not make your argument better, and by the same token, being older does not make your worldview more biblical.
1 Timothy 4, 12 says, quote, Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
So Dante Boe's argument here about my age is both illogical and unbiblical. Keep in mind, folks, because I forgot to tell you earlier, this guy isn't just a worship leader.
He's a pastor at his church. So this pitiful argument he offers with no basis in scripture at all, it's coming from the mind of a pastor, a leader in the church.
And unfortunately, that only makes this all the more disappointing. 2 Dante Boe then says, quote,
Gossiping about people who actually live what they sing about. Again, there's so much wrong with this statement, it's unbelievable.
First off, he says that I'm gossiping. He is correct that gossiping is a sinful activity. Proverbs 20, 19 speaks directly to this when it says, quote,
Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with a simple babbler.
Now I'm no rocket scientist, guys, but I'm pretty sure that when someone posts a public worship album, and then someone publicly criticizes that album, that's not called gossip.
That's called listening to music and talking about it. Gossip is sharing secret information about a person's personal life that you are not at liberty to share.
What I did was analyze a few songs that Bethel Worship put out for the entire world to listen to.
How do those two things compare? If Bethel was trying to keep these things under wraps, Dante, something tells me they did a pretty horrible job of it.
Usually, when I'm trying to keep a secret, I don't post that secret to literally thousands of people and ask them to listen to it publicly.
In Acts 17, 11, it says that the Berean Christians, quote, received the word with all eagerness, but they examined the
Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. Was it gossip when the Bereans compared
Paul's teaching to Scripture? No. Paul actually commended them for this. He called them noble for doing this.
So Dante's argument about me being a gossip simply doesn't hold water, biblically speaking. But it gets even worse, guys, because then he says that the people that I criticize, namely
Bethel Church, are, quote, people who actually live what they sing about. I agree,
Dante. My entire point in the video was that they sing about God inaccurately and in unbiblical ways.
So you are correct. They are indeed living out those things as well. In other words, not only are
Bethel Church's songs unbiblical, but so is their teaching and their church's practices. They sing about false prophecy, and they also give false prophecy.
So I guess they do indeed live out the songs they sing, as Dante says. I agree. Thank you for making my point for me.
Number three. Dante then says, quote, L -O -L, but you can honestly tell that you are socially unaware.
I think he's talking about me here, guys, but I don't know for sure on account of me being socially unaware.
But I digress. He continues saying this, quote, okay, that's all you'll get from me. Everything is a miracle, exclamation point, exclamation point.
You get the picture. He says I'm socially unaware. My response to that would be this. I'd rather be socially unaware than biblically unaware.
Regardless of how hypothetically socially unaware I am, my arguments are accompanied with scripture. Of course,
Pastor Dante Bow's arguments aren't even supported by a single verse. So I'll let the viewers decide whose perspective is more biblical.
He then declares, okay, that's all you'll get from me. My response to that would be good. I don't really want any more of your unbiblical arguments because that's all you're offering.
And finally, he says, quote, everything is a miracle. This particular statement is responding to one of my arguments in the video.
And in that argument, I talk about a song made by Bethel Church called Standing in Miracles.
And in that song, the singer says, quote, the kindness of a stranger's smile, the sound of rivers running wild.
These are examples of miracles. I simply noted in my video that this was an unbiblical statement in their song.
Biblically speaking, miracles are moments wherein God demonstrates his divine power in unnatural ways.
For example, parting the Red Sea or raising someone from the dead. These are miracles. To suggest that someone smiling at you or hearing the sound of a river are miracles on par with the miracles of Scripture.
That cheapens and devalues the magnitude and importance of real biblical miracles. But Dante Bow, using no biblical passage to defend his position, some pastor we have here, says everything is a miracle.
Really, Dante? Was the Holocaust a miracle? Was it a miracle when a child in a third world country starves to death?
Is it a miracle when two planes hit the World Trade Center in 2001? You said everything is a miracle,
Dante. I'm just wondering if you still believe that. It's a pretty unbiblical statement, and I think you should reconsider it.
Here's the point I'm trying to make here, folks. Here's why I brought Dante's statements to you. This guy, this man who said all of this incoherent and unbiblical nonsense, he is an active member of not one, but two of the most popular worship bands in the church right now.
These are wildly popular bands, Bethel Music and Maverick City Music. He's also a worship pastor at his church.
He's in a position of spiritual leadership. Your children are being led in worship by people like this, people who have little to no knowledge of the
Scriptures, at least not enough knowledge to present a biblical argument. These people cannot come up with biblically sound statements, and that is a serious problem.
Two massive worship bands included this guy in their lineup. That should concern you if you're a
Christian. Why? Because it means the church's discernment might just be at an all -time low. Hebrews 5 .14,
on the other hand, says that all mature Christians should, quote, have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.
So to my fellow Christians, let's avoid bands like Bethel Worship and Maverick City Music. They are led by people who cannot be trusted to create doctrinally sound worship music for the church.
They've demonstrated this time and time again. I know that we have a long way to go before we can really make the difference we want to make, but for now, let's focus on doing the things we can do.
Don't give up, Christians. Wake up and fight against this unbiblical nonsense before it's too late.
And pray for Dante and for Bethel Worship that they would leave these unbiblical movements and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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If you didn't like that video for any reason, then I invite you to watch my Frequently Asked Questions video, link in description, where I deal with some common objections and define the purpose and goal of my channel using
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.