Paul's Warning to the Church | Sermon 05/28/2023

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2 Corinthians 11:3-4 To know Jesus is to know both Him and the Father, you cannot know the Father without knowing Jesus. Matthew 24 states that many false Christs will come into the world, there will be false prophets that deceive many. 1 John 4:1 echoes the same sentiment by saying that many false prophets have gone out into the world. That is the point of this sermon, to show in Scripture WHO Jesus is and how our knowledge of Jesus affects the Gospel. Our Knowledge of who Jesus is, comes directly from the source of that Knowledge. IF the source of that knowledge is wrong, we will unavoidably come up with wrong conclusions and fruit that may mimic Christ but ultimately lead us astray. The world seeks to lead us astray from pure devotion to Christ. Through False Religion, False Christs, False Prophets, Different Gospels, and Different Spirits. They all seek to subvert the person and work of Jesus Christ. They are all different sources of knowledge that lead to reinterpretations of Jesus Christ and to slavery. The word Gnosis (which is applied knowledge) comes from the word Ginosko (experiential knowledge) which is knowledge gleaned from first-hand (personal) experience. Our walk with Christ can be understood in this way, we have a relational, or personal experience with Christ (ginokso) which then is applied in our everyday lives (gnosis) the application is the fruit of the source. So the question is, is the source for your relational knowledge of Christ coming from the sources (the means of grace) that Jesus gave us, which are necessary to know Him? Or is it coming from a source that is not of God, and are you putting up with it readily enough?


Alright guys, so we're gonna be going over 2nd Corinthians 11 3 through 4 So you can pull out your
Bibles. Just keep them open there It's gonna be over Paul's authority in his apostleship.
But before we get into that I want to have a brief Introduction to the sermon just so you can understand a few points that we're gonna be going over.
All right We're told also by the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3 7 through 8
But whatever gain I had I counted as loss for the sake of Christ Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing
Christ Jesus my Lord Jesus Christ to the
Christian. He is our treasure He is our God and there is nothing more valuable to man than knowing hold on to that throughout this sermon knowing
Truly having certainty in our knowledge of Jesus Christ like the psalmist declares and we read it today in psalm 73
Whom have I in heaven? But you and there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you my flesh and my heart may fail
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever
So let's do a mental exercise guys Think about your future think about all your aspirations
Think about all the things that you want in this life Put them over on the left -hand side of your brain and then put
Jesus on the right In which does your soul seek refuge in whom does your soul delight in?
the things of this world or In Jesus really think about that challenge yourself
Jesus he was just a man of humble appearance. That's what the scriptures state. He was beaten and bruised
Put to shame for our glory. He opposed people in their sin.
He called them out He challenged us to pick up our cross and follow him For in what way can this man if he was only a mere man?
Truly battle with and hold the soul affections and desires of the human heart compared to the lusts of the world
Any lack for the desire of Christ comes from the lack of knowledge or the misunderstanding in some aspect of who
Jesus actually is and There are many things in this world that seek to undermine the person and work of Jesus Christ And there are many
Christians who we will see in the text who actually bear with these things The things that hold us back from knowing
Christ or the things that take us from one aspect of who the true Jesus is And try to make us follow something else
Some Christians even put up with it Jesus declared this to his disciples.
He said who do you say that I am think about it to yourself Jesus were to ask you who do you say that I am?
How would you respond? the most important aspect of human life is
Having a relationship with our Creator We must learn who he is.
We must walk in a way where we are growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ We must truly know him so that we do not deceive ourselves or even be led astray by false teaching
We must truly know him also in order to love others John says that he says they will know us by our love to know
Jesus is to both know him and The father you cannot know the father without knowing
Jesus Matthew 24 states this it states that many false Christs will come into the world. There will be false prophets that deceive many
First John 4 1 echoes the same sentiment by saying many false prophets have gone out into the world
And that's the point of this sermon to show in Scripture who Jesus is and how our knowledge of Jesus affects the gospel so in other words our knowledge of who
Jesus is comes directly from the source of that knowledge if the source of That knowledge is wrong
Then we will unavoidably come up with wrong conclusions about who Jesus is and we may have fruit in our lives that mimics the
Christian fruit, but ultimately it will lead us astray and poison others and the world
Seeks to lead us astray from pure Devotion to Christ through false religion false
Christ's false prophets different Gospels different spirits They all seek to subvert the person and work of Jesus Christ they are all different sources of knowledge that lead to reinterpretations or reinventions of Jesus Christ and every single one of them leads to a yoke of slavery a yoke of slavery
The word Gnosis, which is applied knowledge comes from the Greek word Gnosko, which is an experiential knowledge
It's knowledge gleaned from firsthand personal experience. So our walk with Christ can be understood in this way
We have a relational or personal experience with Christ Gnosko Which is then applied to our everyday life
Gnosis the application of that fruit is the source But if the source the relation that we have of that knowledge is wrong
The rest will be wrong as well If we challenge the authority of Scripture and supplant it with the words of men the source of that wisdom is wrong
So the question is this is the source for your relational knowledge of Christ coming from the means of grace
Which we'll get into near the end of the sermon That Jesus gave us is is it coming from that? Which is necessary to know him or is your knowledge of Jesus coming from an extra biblical source?
So we're gonna pray and we're gonna dig into the text and find out Lord thank you for allowing me to be up here today to open your word, which is a treasure trove of knowledge
Lord is a It's in the scary task Lord. I Love you, and I thank you for having this ability
Lord. Let me get out of the way. Let your word speak clearly Let us dive into the text
Lord. I pray that the body is edified Lord and that you are glorified And that we will know with certainty
Jesus who you are what the gospel is in which spirit it is that lives Inside of us that has brought us from death into life
All right. Take a look at your Bibles 2nd Corinthians 11 3 through 4
But I fear that as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness
Your minds will be corrupted from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ For if one comes and preaches another
Jesus whom we did not preach or you receive a different spirit Which you did not receive or a different gospel, which you did not accept you bear this
Beautifully, let's build some context here guys. We've been studying the book of Acts as a church every single
Wednesday Except for the first Wednesday of the month, that's where we have our little church prayer meetings But we go over a chapter every single time and we're gonna be on Acts chapter 21 next time
So we've been doing it for quite some time the book of Acts has been giving us awesome insight into the life in the ministry of Paul and also we know about The church in Corinth, which is you know, the letter that was written to the
Corinthians. We learn about that in Acts chapter 18 During Paul's second missionary journey
We find that Paul visits Corinth in verse 11 of Acts chapter 18
We find that Paul stayed in Corinth preaching that Jesus is hold on to this the
Christ That Jesus is the Christ to the Jew and Gentile for a year and a half Meaning that Paul himself
Helped establish the church that is in Corinth in the spirit in which
Paul came to the church in Corinth He tells us in 1st Corinthians 2 1 through 8 was not in superiority of word or in wisdom
It was in weakness and in fear and in much trembling So it was an eloquent speech that changed the hearts and minds of the
Jews and Gentiles there It was solely through the power and authority of the gospel It was in weakness and in fear in Acts 18.
We get insight on to Paul Jesus says this and comforts Paul it says in the Lord said to Paul in the night by a vision
Do not be afraid But go on speaking and do not be silent for I am with you and no man will lay a hand on you in order
To harm you for I have many people in this city It's quite beautiful The word the word the gospel was shown in a demonstration of the spirit and of power not eloquent speech
So the source of the faith was not in man, but the power of God He then states that the wisdom of the world in the book of Corinthians was being abolished because now the mystery of the wisdom of God is being revealed
We can see that the Corinthians in whom are receiving Paul's letters. They know him personally
They have seen him and they have learned from him. He was with them again for a year and a half
That is a long time his first letter to the Corinthians Challenged them on divisions
Factions within the church, which he learned by Chloe's people He then challenged them on bearing with the blatant sexual immorality
Which was taking place in the church of Corinth and in 2nd Corinthians Which is the sermon that we're going through today?
We find that Titus was with the church of Corinth for a time and actually recounts The letter that Paul sent to them the effect that it had on the church of Corinth States this in 2nd
Corinthians 7 8 through 11 for though I caused you sorrow by my letter I do not regret it though I did regret it for I see that the letter caused you sorrow though only for a while I now rejoice not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to repentance
For you were made to have godly sorrow so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us for godly sorrow produces a repentance without regret
Leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world brings about death So we find that in 2nd
Corinthians Paul starts commending the church in Corinth on the corrections that they have made the first section of the 2nd
Corinthians is Devoted just to that But it appears that there were people who were rising up in the church of Corinth who started challenging
Paul's Apostolic authority and you have to understand that He first sends correction to them
They take the correction But I'm sure there were people who were upset they were upset or perhaps his letters were strong But in person he was actually meek
Maybe this contributed to people questioning his apostolic authority But all in all the last part of letter the
Paul's letter to the church in Corinth is his defense on his apostolic authority And this is where our section of Scripture dwells
So we're gonna go back to 2nd Corinthians 11 and we're gonna start in verse 1 and 2 I'm gonna read it out loud and then we'll go into it a little bit more from there just for the context of our immediate passage
He says I wish that you would bear with me in a little foolishness But indeed you are bearing with me for I'm jealous for you with a godly jealousy
For I betrothed you to one husband so that I might present you as a pure virgin to Christ So right here in this section
Paul was bolstering his argument to the church in Corinth here He was reminding them about he was the one
That came and brought the gospel to them by the power of God that he's jealous
He is jealous for the church in Corinth with a godly jealousy that they are to be presented by Paul To Christ as a pure virgin to Christ.
What does that make you think about? It's like a spiritual father, right?
Paul aims to protect the church of Corinth from false Teaching that is is is his duty and one day he will present his work
Before God on behalf of his apostolic authority We've got to understand that Paul is held up also accountable to God He hears things that are going on in the church of Corinth and he sends them a letter to correct it
Why because one day Paul will also be held accountable He is the spiritual father of the church in Corinth and like a father it is his duty to keep
The church in Corinth pure as the father keeps his daughter pure and protects her before she is betrothed to her future husband with godly jealousy
He wants the church in Corinth to stay pure and that's the picture of the life of a minister before God right, he wants to keep his congregation pure through the preaching and teaching of the word and correction through love and godly jealousy
Remember that in our congregation here pastor Wade will be held accountable to God for how he shepherds the flock
It would go well for us to understand that any correction that he gives to us is down out of the spirit of love
For God and his duty to protect you All right remember that correction and rebuke are never done out of malice or anger but instead out of love for you in the fear of God and the
Authority in which pastor Wade may correct you is through the word of God because he is also held in subjection to the word and in now 2nd
Corinthians 11 3 Paul is telling the church that Although he is trying to present the church in Corinth as a pure virgin to Christ There are people who have crept in to deceive them by stating this verse 3
But I fear that as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness
Your minds will be corrupted for the from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ Let's break that down from here
We're supposed to understand the following number one false teachers have crept into the church of Corinth number two False teachers are compared to who the serpent
Who is the serpent? That's the question, right? Well, we find the serpent first in the garden in Genesis chapter 3 and then the book of Revelation The serpent is
Satan the deceiver of the world and then we're told in John 8 44 that the followers of Satan are ones who do as their father does they're compared
Jesus compares the Pharisees that of them says they do as their father does He does not stand in the truth because there's no truth in him.
He speaks from his own Nature for he is a liar and the father of lies
So the source of wisdom in which in which the serpent comes and speaks to man comes from his own in nature
Right from his own nature, which is that of lies not from truth, right not from truth
So there are people who have crept into the church in Corinth and they are those who mimic the devil
They speak of their own nature and are full of lies. Remember the two words from the introduction of the sermon
There's Gnosis and Gnosko. There's ones with Gnosko, which is the relational knowledge that we have, right?
Almost like the source from which that knowledge is derived and the Gnosis which is the application of that knowledge
So the source of knowledge from the false teachers here is from their father the devil
Right the source and the authority in which Paul speaks to them Comes from God.
He is an apostle. He is an apostle The question should be who are they to deceive and to what end is this deception?
Well the church in Corinth here in verse 3 is compared to Eve It's compared to Eve the pure virgin church in Corinth is compared to Eve in the garden
Eve was deceived By the serpents craftiness. That's what it says in 2nd Corinthians 11 here
But what's interesting the Greek word for craft craftiness can also be translated to false wisdom false wisdom
So think about this the serpent and his workers Seek to separate the source of knowledge from Christ to other things
This is false wisdom the wisdom of the world the serpent first tempted Eve by making her question
God's authority and the word. What is the point of what Paul is going through here in 2nd
Corinthians 11? He's telling them that he has authority from God He's arguing about his authority those who seek to question his authority are
Just like the serpent who made Eve questioned God's authority These false apostles in Corinth are doing the same thing
They are questioning Paul's Apostleship which then puts his word Which he is speaking on behalf of Jesus Apostle awesome messenger of the
King into question Paul is making an argument that is bulletproof again.
He's defending his apostleship the source For the wisdom that is coming from this these teachers is craftiness
It is false wisdom and it comes from the nature of the one who speaks it Scripture states that these false apostles, right?
The craftiness comes from Satan whereas true knowledge that Paul has given the church in Corinth comes from God Comes from God he speaks for Christ and there's a separation occurring here between his apostleship and false teachers
So Paul is telling them if you listen to these people that are creeping in they are not like Me the truth that they think you are getting is a false wisdom.
It's not the actual truth He's separating his apostleship from false teachers the source
For Paul's wisdom and knowledge is Jesus himself meaning that it is true
The nature of God right truth comes from God since God created all things and upholds the universe
By the word of his power He in fact knows all things from mathematics to some atomic sciences anything that is true
Can be true and reliable only because of him it is a reflection of his order and character
With regards to revelation about who he is and the gospel God sent certain people to speak for him in the early
Christian Church when Paul spoke about Jesus He speaks truth because the source of the information is from God himself through the power of the
Holy Spirit The one who seeks to subvert his authority are like the serpent and again
Jesus says in John 8 they do not abide in the truth because the truth is not in them and That there's a deception that occurs that Paul warns about 2nd
Corinthians 11 3 here and that deception comes from the mind We find being corrupted.
It's a separation Between the person and the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ The mind right like mental perception thought is being corrupted when the source is bad
The outcome will be bad and the Greek word here for corrupted can mean four different things and I think it's very interesting
For Jews the temple was corrupted or destroyed when anyone defiled or in the slightest degree damaged anything in it
Or if it's guardians neglected their duties number two To lead away a
Christian Church from the state of knowledge and holiness in which it ought to abide Three to be destroyed or to perish or four in an ethical sense to corrupt or deprave
I think the first two meanings for the word corrupted here in 2nd Corinthians 11 for have some of the most power here
Corrupted from a purity a temple the body in which the Holy Spirit dwells if the guardians neglected their duties
Paul and his Apostleship is not neglecting his duties. He is correcting the church in Corinth again.
He is warning of the wolves in To a corruption occurring for the source of our knowledge the state of knowledge and holiness in which we ought to abide is corrupted by the serpents and When we are corrupted in mind
By the serpent it distorts simplicity and purity in devotion to Christ Think back to the fall
Adam and Eve worshipped God with simplicity and purity They did there was a relationship that they had according to their nature and their duty
Meaning they operated with the confinedness of their creatureliness and they were doing what they were supposed to do
What were they supposed to do be fruitful and multiply subdue the earth? That's what they knew and they acted according to it.
It was simple and there's a purity of devotion to God Adam knew What he had to do in the garden
Eve likewise the source of their relationship and their knowledge Of God came from their personal relationship with God He walked with them in the cool of the garden at that time.
It was simple and pure and then the serpent crept in and brought about a false wisdom a craftiness in Which Eve was deceived and the fallen man brought about a separation between God and man through sin now
We have a distorted View of God the simplicity and purity of God is gone.
It was gone after that Really tried to grasp that at that moment in time at the fall separation between God and man happened through embracing false wisdom and that created a cataclysmic shift a cataclysmic shift in history
Simplicity and pure right gardening eternal life naming animals being fruitful and multiplying taking dominion food was provided for them
God walking with them into the cool of the garden to corruption death dominion creating thistles and thorns painful childbirth
Sin literally distorts all the things that were to be simple and pure within our universe and God then required
Stipulations covenants right in order to dwell with his people Those aren't bad things.
That's grace and mercy given to us by God, but it wasn't simple and pure any longer But there was a reason for that Adam and Eve once would have learned from God directly
Now the shadow is that God spoke through prophets and his glory was veiled.
That's the shadow Yet God and all his stipulations to his people Pointed forward to the second
Adam Jesus Christ who would reverse the curse as far as the curse was found The shadow has been fulfilled.
What does it say in Hebrews 1 says long ago at many times and in many ways God spoke to our fathers through the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us
Through his son through his son God fulfilled that there's a simplicity and a purity of devotion that we have to Christ now through Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins the veil being split in the temple so that we can have a relationship with God the church in Corinth had it
But if they listen to these false apostles just like the serpent corrupted even the garden
They too will be corrupted and they will follow after something different Losing the simplicity and purity
So let's think about what Paul is saying in this paraphrase here of verse 3 There are false apostles in the church looking to subvert my apostleship like their father the devil
They aim to corrupt your thoughts to separate you from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ Paul is saying if you listen to them and not me you will be led astray from Christ You will end up believing other things things that are false for the source of their false wisdom comes not from God, but it comes from the devil and Jude warns us
Jude warns us about false teachers. Listen to what it says about false teachers in Jude 4 or Yeah in Jude verses 4 12 and 13
For certain persons have crept in unnoticed Those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation ungodly persons who turn the grace of our
God into sensuality and to deny our only master Jeep in Lord Jesus Christ Then verse 12 through 13 says these are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear
Caring for themselves clouds without water carried along by winds autumn trees without fruit
Doubly dead uprooted wild waves of the sea casting up their own shame like foam
Wandering stars for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever So understand this that God knew these men would come
God knew Satan would deceive Eve But like their father the devil the false apostles who seek to undermine
Christ Church are marked out for condemnation Black darkness is reserved for them
Satan never wins in his deception Never likewise his people do not win for their deception is
Appointed that they have reserved for them a special form of judgment just because we see false Teachers creeping into the church in the book of Jude in 2nd
Peter here in the Church of Corinth doesn't mean that the church ever Lost its truth. No, actually what we see is the opposite Paul defends the apostleship and he defends the gospel keeping the church in order and in line
They weren't appointed to win if you read the scriptures, they're appointed to judgment We'll see so in 2nd
Peter 2 9 through 20, but I'm only gonna hit on a few verses on this section So I want to make a point here to show you 2nd
Peter 2 verse 9 states this Then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from a trial and to keep the unrighteous
Underpunishment for the day of judgment and especially those who go after the flesh and its corrupt lust and despise authority
Authority remember we're talking about here people who are challenging the authority of Paul those who have crept in To make them question what the
Word of God is then number 12 in terms of those verse 12 for those who are questioning
Authority says this in verse 12 But these like unreasoning animals born as creatures of instinct to be captured and killed
Blaspheming where they have no knowledge. Remember false wisdom. The source of their wisdom is in error.
It comes from their father the devil Blaspheming where they have no knowledge will in the destruction of those creatures also be destroyed
Then we have Peter here mimicking what Jude was saying These are springs without water in verse 17 and mist driven by a storm for whom the black darkness has been kept
For speaking out arrogant words of vanity they entice by sensual lust of the flesh Those who barely escape from the ones who conducted themselves in error promising them freedom
Promising freedom giving a different gospel While they themselves are slaves of corruption for by what a man is overcome by this he is enslaved
And at the end of verse 20 it states this for if they are overcome having both escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of the
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Having again been entangled in them and the knowledge of the world then the last state has become worse for them
Than the first the Bible has a lot to say about false teachers. It never says that they win
It never says that they won. It says actually they're reserved for utter judgment Also what we show here is that it states that God preserves the godly through a trial.
It's what it says in 2nd Peter here So we can extrapolate from 2nd Peter that the church in Corinth is doing what is it going through an apostasy?
No It's undergoing a trial The church is being sanctified Paul is aware of this and that is why he is pleading with them
Giving the totality of Scripture at our disposal today We find that even
Peter compares false teachers to what? unreasoning animals Unreasoning animals and that they speak without knowledge.
They have a false wisdom Paul again Also made this sentiment
Comparing those who seek to undermine his authority to an animal to a serpent Who deceived
Eve with false wisdom? We then find Peter stating that these false teachers are under slavery
They're under slavery While they are trying to promote freedom. It says when the
Sun sets you free you shall be free indeed You cannot be free unless you have been bought with the blood of Jesus Christ these people
Though it seems like they once overcame it says in 2nd Peter at the end with the knowledge of the true
Jesus Christ They became entangled and their last state is worse than the first before they
Professed Christ we'll get back into that but getting back into 2nd Corinthians 11 3 Looking at it through the lens of Jude in 2nd
Peter we find that false teachers subvert the authority of the apostles and Then supplant the true knowledge of Christ with false knowledge that enslaves into the individual
This separates the person from what the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ because the simplicity and purity of devotion
To Christ comes from the perfect work that Christ did for us on the cross and us being in dwelt now by the
Holy Spirit Those who can worship God don't have to go to this mountain or to that mountain
They know him they'll learn from him and they worship in spirit and in truth by the blood of Jesus Christ And we know
That John tells us which we'll get into later It says they went out from us in terms of these false apostles or these false teachers in terms of apostasy
Because they were not of us in Hebrew states that they tasted of the heavenly gifts and they turned back
These false teachers will look to redefine words To corrupt the simplicity and purity of what
Christ has accomplished and what it is needed for us to be conformed to the image of Christ For example in Colossians 2
We're told that there are commands of men that promote Self -made religion false wisdom in one of the showing signs of it is that they create statutes and ordinance of which we are to follow
But then Paul condemns that in Colossians 2 and he says but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh no value
Because the source of these statutes is not in Christ In fact when Christ is subverted complexity occurs within our relationship with God simplicity and purity
Devotion to Christ gone. You must obey X Y and Z in order to get to heaven.
It's not correct We stand justified solely by the work of Christ on the cross and that justification is a forensic term
I am declared righteous. I was guilty, but now I'm declared Righteous by the work of Christ on the cross and then my sanctification comes from the means of grace
Which I have been given to live a life in devotion to God with a relationship with God through the source of that knowledge
Coming directly from God not a mediator of man But if someone comes and corrupts or twists
Christ in the gospel There will no longer be freedom in devotion because then we will submit to man -made principles in Order to please
God and this is shown by Paul continuing on in verse 4 of 2nd Corinthians 11
He states this for if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we did not preach or you receive a different spirit
Which you did not receive or a different gospel, which you did not accept you bear with this beautifully
Paul is showing that if Corinth the church in Corinth denies his apostleship and questions the very
Word of God that they will Inevitably fall into they'll fall into false teachings They'll follow what a different Jesus that was preached a different spirit that was received in a different gospel
That they will accept from the one that they had accepted and it says not only this that they'll follow But they will bear with it beautifully, but I like how that ESV states at the end of the verse
It says you would put up with it Readily enough So we should ask ourselves
Who is the Jesus starting with that? Starting with the first for if one comes and preaches another
Jesus whom we did not preach So who was the Jesus that the Apostles preached?
Since they have the authority to them given by Christ Who do they say that Jesus is and I love it
We've been going through the book of Acts and actually went through the book of Acts encountered a total of 12 times where Peter and Paul are preaching to the
Jews and the Gentiles and they preach that Jesus is the Christ they say is the Christ 12 different times
What did they preach? How do we know? Well Christ knowing the Christ it's a title and it means
Messiah Let's ask ourselves then who is the Messiah? According to Scripture and this isn't going to be an exhaustive list
But this is an example for us to show what the Apostles would have used to argue who
Jesus is They would do it from the Old Testament Scriptures. This will show us clearly who the Messiah was expected to be
There's a title the Christ and they say Jesus is the Christ. He fulfilled it So from the
Pentateuch in the historical books of the Bible if you guys have a pen and paper you can write some of these Verses down just to look up later.
It's pretty cool It's who is the Messiah who was the Christ supposed to be from the Old Testament Well, the
Messiah would be born from a woman and crushed the head of a serpent That's from Genesis 3 14 through 15.
The Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah Genesis 49 10 He will be the prophet that Moses prophesied of that's
Deuteronomy 18 verse 15 and 18 through 19 He will be a priest of God's order.
It's from first Samuel 2 35 Then from Job in the Psalms, we find that the
Messiah will be a physical redeemer. That's in Job 19 The Messiah is
God's son Psalm 2 quoted in Hebrews 1 and even the word son itself is a title thinking back to John 1 18
It says no one has ever seen God except for the unique and only The only one the monogamous deus which has made him known
Not a literal offspring But the title the one whom which all authority is derived that has guided
Israel from the beginning to his incarnation What does it say in the book of Jude? It was Jesus who led them out of Egypt He spoke on behalf of the father the whole time.
He like like Jesus when he's always condemning the Pharisees He says you think your children of Abraham or children of Moses?
He's like if you actually believed what Moses said you would believe in me because he spoke of me
But they denied that of course Again, the Messiah will suffer Psalm 22 1 16 and 18 the verses there
The Messiah will resurrect Psalm 22 verse 24 in Psalm 16 10
The Messiah will be rejected by his people Psalm 118 22 Isaiah 53
The Messiah will be a priest the only one in the order of Melchizedek and a king It's from Psalm 110 1 through 4 we can find that fulfillment in Hebrews chapter 1 in Hebrews 7
And then from the and then from the prophets we have the Messiah will bring a peace
Isaiah 2 2 through 4 the Messiah will bring judgment as they have 4 2 through 4
He will be born from a virgin Isaiah 7 14 The Messiah will be the eternal
God and this is one of the most important ones to grasp and this is from Isaiah 9 6 through 7 so important.
In fact, I actually want to pull that up so we can read it So just give me one second here. All right,
Isaiah 9 6 Remember we're thinking who is the Christ that the Apostles preached?
Who is the Christ and how was Jesus the Christ and what does it mean that he is the Christ? Isaiah 9 6 and I'm actually gonna go through 7 as well
For a child will be born to us a son will be given to us and the government will rest on his shoulders in his
Name will be called wonderful counselor mighty God eternal father prince of peace there will be no end to the
Increase of his government or of peace on the throne of David and over his kingdom to establish it and to uphold it with justice and Righteousness from then on and forevermore the zeal of Yahweh of hosts will accomplish this
Beautiful the Messiah will be what the mighty God then Isaiah 10 if you go to the next chapter
It says he'll be the all -mighty God that he is the everlasting Father do not confuse when it says eternal father about Jesus with God the father because it's not what it's saying
It's a representation that he is the father of the nation of Israel going back to Jew Jesus is the one who led
Israel out of the arms of Egypt It was Jesus who led them through the wilderness the whole time one of the most important aspects to understand about Jesus and his deity is that he is the eternal
God the eternal God and because he's the eternal God he will be a light to all of the
Gentiles, which is shown to us in Isaiah 49 1 through 7 and Zechariah 8 23
And then it states that the Christ will be despised rejected and then resurrected Isaiah 52 13 through 15
Isaiah 53 Zechariah 12 10 and then also the scriptures even state in the
Old Testament that he will be betrayed Specifically for 30 pieces of silver. That's absolutely insane and that happened and Then again in the prophets the
Messiah will be a Redeemer Isaiah 59 16 through 20 Which states this the
Redeemer will come to Zion to those in Jacob who repent of their sins He put on righteousness as his breastplate and the helmet of salvation on his head and why is that because the other
Prescription for the Christ will be that he will remove sin from the people Remove the sins
Zechariah 3 8 through 9 states. I will remove the sin of this land in a single day
It's not a stipulation there. He will remove it from his people Zechariah 13 1 states on that day a fountain will be opened to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem To cleanse them from their sin and their impurity cleanse them
We could go over messianic prophecies for many weeks from the Old Testament. That was not an exhaustive list
I hope you guys did write some of those down to look at them later But the point is that the Jesus that Paul preached about the one who was the
Christ fulfilled all of what was spoken here So when it says that another
Jesus was preached it's going to have to change some aspect of the Christ Here are the most important aspects of Christ that we must consider
Number one the Messiah is the eternal God number two. The Messiah took on flesh number three the
Messiah died and rose from the grave and for the Messiah fully cleansed his people from their sin as the perfect prophet priest and king
Every aspect of those points is found in the Old Testament When Paul or the gospel was preached to the
Jews, this is what they were explaining They were explaining from the Old Testament scriptures
So the source from which they knew Jesus in how he was the Messiah was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy
Was it say in Acts 17 11 when Paul went to those who were in Berea? He said that they were more noble -minded than those in Thessalonica Because they received the word the gospel which was being preached to them by Paul with all readiness and eagerness in mind
But they searched the scriptures daily to see if what Paul was saying was so Because if the source of the wisdom comes directly from God the source that is coming now
Who's claiming to speak on authority on behalf of God is not going to contradict previous revelation and he commended them.
He said, thank you Thank you for cross -checking what I'm telling you to scripture because it's exactly through scripture.
I'm showing you that Jesus is the Christ The false apostle or the false teacher will undermine and subvert these core doctrines by Challenging the authority of scripture.
They'll challenge the authority of scripture. I'll give you some examples that we see today We have
Mormonism within the context that we live in Joseph Smith Attacking the authority of the Bible. What does it say in Nephi?
The Bible is missing many plain and precious truths number two
Mormonism teaches that Jesus Christ is not the eternal God Abraham 327 Our father said whom shall
I send? Two of our brothers offered to help our oldest brother Jesus Christ who was then called
Jehovah said here I am send me Satan who was called Lucifer also came saying behold here.
I am send me I will be thy son and I will redeem all mankind that one soul should not be lost and surely
I will do it Wherefore give me thine honor from Moses 4 1 in the gospel principles 1997 pages 17 through 18 which cite this work
The point is here is that according to LDS doctrine Jesus Christ and Lucifer are brothers.
They are also our brother Meaning that Jesus Christ is not the eternal God. He is a created being
He is the offspring of heavenly mother and heavenly father. What do false teachers do first?
They make you challenge the authority of the Word of God and then they will craftily with false wisdom Supplant court auctions of Christ because Jesus is the
Christ and replace it with an untruth. And how do we know? Contradicts previous revelation.
We have a source from God so that we do not fall prey to false doctrine and Then Abraham 327 states after hearing both sons speak
Heavenly father said I will send the first Jesus Christ is not the spirit brother of Lucifer. He created
Lucifer He is the God who sent Lucifer to Job He is the one in which
Lucifer can't do anything without essentially He has to bow down to God and he will one day be cast into a lake of fire number three
From Mormonism we find that the Messiah did not fully cleanse people of their sin
Moroni 10 32 Yea, come into Christ and be perfected in him and deny yourselves of all ungodliness
Here's an if -then statement and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness and love the
Lord with all your might mind and strength Then is his grace sufficient for you. You're not cleansed by sin through your faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ you must be obedient to the gospel ordinances and principles and Then is
God's grace sufficient for you. Can you love the Lord with all of your might mind and strength? Is that humanly possible?
My relationship with God is predicated on the perfect work of Jesus Christ the eternal
God Who was able to love the father with all his might mind and strength and I fail every single day.
It's a false gospel It can't it can't be achieved But notice first with regards to Mormonism the authority of Scripture is challenged
The Bible is missing many plain and precious parts the serpent in the garden tells
Eve did God say that? Did God say it?
Paul warns of people just like Joseph Smith in 2nd Corinthians these false apostles of Paul's day challenged his authority which then leads to people subverting the deity of Jesus the
Spirit and the gospel the Old Testament Plainly declares that Jesus Christ is the eternal
God from everlasting until everlasting uncreated creator of all things in heaven and on earth visible and invisible
John 1 echoes that in the beginning was the word The word was with God and the word was
God all things were created through him There was nothing that came into being apart from him but listen
False teachers will always try to change the source for the knowledge of God's written word to a feeling or an experience
The benefit of God's word though is that is outside of our sense experience It is a revelation or a source in which we can have a faith a full faith
And it's a means of grace one mean of great means of grace that will enable us to grow in our knowledge of Jesus Christ So the source of God's word is
God himself From his nature, which is truth false wisdom from false apostles
The source of the revelation is not in truth John 8 44 says it comes from their father the father of lies and when he condemns the
Pharisees, what does he do to them? He says that you are forsaking the law of God for the sake of your traditions giving extra
Stipulations for men in order for them to be right with God, which you yourselves don't even follow It's a much higher condemnation from Christ that we see today
Knowing that the full atonement for our sins has been cleansed on the cross Yet people will come and say did
God say that and this is what you need to do in order to be made right with God tell me what's better than the perfect work of Jesus.
What can you offer God? That's any better The Word of God the Bible is from God.
It's God breathed. It's from the Holy Spirit It says holy men of God spoke as they are carried along through the Holy Spirit and then in 1st
Peter 1 21 It states that no prophecy ever came from the will of man But holy men of God spoke as they are carried along by the
Holy Spirit The Old Testament states about God's Word in Proverbs 35 through 6 every word of God proves true
He is a shield unto those who take refuge in him Do not add to his words lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar in the sentiments of Jesus He states heaven and earth shall pass away
But my words by no means will ever pass away. Do you believe Jesus when he says that?
Isaiah 40 verse 8 the grass withers and the flower fades, but the word of our
Lord will endure forever So the source for our knowledge as Christians of the
Christ comes not from ourselves in feelings, but from his word Which is one witness that testifies to the knowledge of Jesus Christ You can know and have certainty that Jesus is the
Christ as the Apostles declared by the scriptures Just like the Bereans in Acts 17 11 open your
Bibles and test the spirits In this by the authority of God's Word We can know that Jesus is the
Christ the one who is preached by the Apostles and continuing on We find Paul gives another warning the receiving of a different spirit
Which they did not receive in 2nd Corinthians 11 4 Understand that Jesus talked about the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit John 14 The helper who testifies of both him and the Father we have the scriptures who testify we have the
Holy Spirit who testifies the Holy Spirit is the one who is also blessing the church in Corinth with the
Miraculous gifts that they were experiencing in the first letter in the first letter Paul is also correcting the church in Corinth on the misuse of the spiritual gifts
So it would make sense that he would say you might be accepting another spirit the one in which
They would subvert is the Holy Spirit that actually brought them the miraculous gifts Remember when they came to believe it wasn't through the words and wisdom of Paul.
He was more meek in character It was through the power displayed through the Holy Ghost But Paul states that someone could come and have you receive a different spirit
But first it's through a preaching of a different Jesus or through a different message Altogether if Paul isn't the
Apostle who speaks on the behalf of Christ How are they gonna know? How are they gonna know if it's a different Jesus if Paul doesn't have the authority, how are they gonna know?
What could also be said could be thought about this way or you do not reject the different spirit
Which is not the Holy Spirit you obtained at salvation So the Greek word can be translated for receive if you receive a different spirit that you had not first received the first received can
Be translated as you do not reject Think about that so the church in Corinth what they should should be doing if there's any type of false pop
Prophet or false Apostle in the church trying to subvert the authority of Paul or the words of God We should reject it.
We should reject it. But Paul is saying you might not even reject it You might receive it You might welcome it if you believe them if you do not listen to what
I'm telling you if you not follow in the way That is the simple pure Devotion to Christ and we're warned in Scripture to test the spirits.
There are other spirits listen to this full Passage, please turn into your Bibles to 1st
John 4 1 please turn there. We're gonna read until the end of verse 6
This is important to understand Beloved do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God first How do you test the spirit?
Do you pray about the spirit that's coming to you? No, act 17 11 shows us in God's Word that you cross -check it with Scripture that contradicts previous revelation.
It's not from God Continuing on because many false prophets have gone out into the world by this, you know, the
Spirit of God This is how you know every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God Every spirit that does not confess
Jesus is not from God. Let's stop Let's stop when we see the words Jesus Christ We must understand that the title is being attributed to Jesus and in the
Old Testament We know what the expectation of the title of the Christ was. What is it? He will redeem people from their sin
He is the eternal God. He has taken on flesh He died and rose again and he sits in all power and authority
If you deny any one of those aspects you no longer believe Jesus Christ. You have a different Jesus That's the reality if you deny that Jesus Christ is the eternal
God though you may call him Jesus It's not the same Jesus. This is what Paul says
Every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the
Antichrist The spirit of the Antichrist denies the core doctrines that we find in the
Old Testament about who the Messiah will be who the Christ is number one if you never came in the
Flesh like the Gnostics that were preaching that day that John was correcting number two if you switch what it means to be the
Christ You're preaching a different Christ and it's from the spirit of the Antichrist It's heavy stuff
It says this is the spirit of the Antichrist of which you have heard that it is coming and now it is already in the
World you are from God little children and have overcome them because greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world
They are from the world therefore they speak as from the world and the world Here's them remember when it's talking about they are from the world the different spirits the different Apostles the false teachers
What does it say about the nature of the serpent again? It speaks from his own nature and so do his followers and the world
Believes it and the world accepts it because it's not from the spirit of truth in order to believe the spirit of truth
You must have a resurrected soul in Christ Jesus You must be crucified with Christ in order to believe the truth and when it says that we here are from God little children
It's meaning that we have been born from God in terms of our salvation because if we're gonna think about what
John is saying here In first John, we must go to the book of John and in the book of John It says that we come in our we are adopted as sons of God not by flesh or blood
But by essentially the Holy Spirit We're being saved not ontologically that we come from God know that God has actually saved us
It's pretty intense But those who are from the world
Speak as from the world and the world. Here's them. We have two sources of knowledge at battle here
We have the knowledge that comes from God Then we have false wisdom
Those who are not born again Believers of Jesus Christ They are from the world and they speak as from the world and the world will contradict the true knowledge of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God and Again, there's those two qualifiers the title
Christ and what it means that he has come in the flesh the spirit of the Antichrist does not confess
Jesus his title to Christ if they deny that he has come in the flesh or His deity as the
Messiah. It's a different spirit Those who preach a different Jesus in spirit preach to the world and the world accepts their message
Remember 2nd Corinthians 11 3 they are like the serpent preachers of false wisdom those
From the world speak from the world and the world listens Jesus tells us this in John 5 41 through 44
Jesus says this I do not receive glory from men But I know you that you do not have the love of God in yourselves
I have come in my father's name and you do not receive me if another comes in his own name. You will receive him
How can you believe when you do not receive glory from one another and you do not seek the glory that is from the only?
God Jesus is saying this I come and I'm preaching the truth, but you don't believe me But if one comes and speaks of their own knowledge and false wisdom, you'll believe them
It literally takes a miracle for us to know Jesus He makes it so clear over and over again in the book of John there's a spirit of truth and there's a spirit of error the spirit of God's source of knowledge is a reflection of himself truth
Whereas the spirit of errors wisdom is from the devil it is lies and we can know this with certainty because we have his word
Remember the authority of which Paul is preaching and teaching. He is preaching through the spirit of truth and Questioning his authority can and will lead to a different spirit one that should be rejected not received not received
And understand this where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom When the
Sun sets you free you are free indeed When you submit yourself to the preaching of a false
Jesus and a different spirit you are putting on a yoke of Slavery remember what
Peter warned in 2nd Peter? he said for if they are overcome having both escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of the
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Having again been entangled in them. The last state has been become worse for them than the first Peter is making a statement that if it would have been better that they would have never made a false profession of faith
For the judgment of the one who professes faith and lives among the Saints and then denies
Christ the Spirit and the gospel Their outcome is worse than if they were just pagans
Jesus says the same thing in Matthew 11 21 through 22 Jesus says this woe to you
Bethsaida for if the miracles had occurred in Tyre and Sidon which occurred in you They would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes
Nevertheless, I say to you it'll be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon the day of judgment than for you making a false profession of faith and being around the
Christian body of believers and tasting of the heavenly gifts and then denying your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Seeking after other gods and subverting the true
God and implanting divisions and envy and faction within churches like false Apostles who create divisions and deny the authority of the
Word God the Word of God It will be worse for them in the day of judgment Than if they would have never professed faith at all
Jesus condemns tries in a Bethsaida for seeing the works of God in the fulfillment of the Messiah and then not believing just like them
They saw they tasted of the heavenly gifts. Jesus was there performing miracles. They didn't believe the
Christian apostate is the same They have like Hebrews Tasted of the heavenly gifts and partook of the
Holy Spirit by being with the body of believers and heard the word of the Lord Under sound teaching then denied
Jesus the Holy Spirit and the gospel and they face a different form of judgment a false profession of faith is based upon a false wisdom and That wisdom is attributed
Then to the Holy God That's using the name of the Lord in vain You have a false profession of faith under a false pretense and wisdom and then you apostatize
You're you you're saying that it's from God and it's not using the Lord's name in vain the source wisdom
And the one who professes faith and then falls away is not of God. It is of the world It's of the world.
I left out the end of 2nd Peter 2 for a reason, but I'll but I'll tell it to you here now 21 through 22
For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness Then do having known it to turn away from the
Holy Commandment handed out to them the message of the true proverb has happened to them a Dog returns to its own vomit in a sow after washing returns to the wallowing in the mire
So regardless of the profession of faith if it's based upon false wisdom a dog is still a dog and a pig is still a pig
With respect to 2nd Corinthians 11 3 through 4 a wolf is still a wolf
And we must be able to spot them and reject not receive any different spirit that they may offer
Regardless of the profession of faith just like 2nd Peter says here they were never saved to begin with a
Pig is still a pig a dog is still a dog and it will return to its own vomit
So we must be we must understand That this will happen But God will preserve the godly through trial
And this is the spirit in which Paul warns the Corinthians Do you not leave the faith following after a different Jesus reject the different spirit that the
Wolves offer you have the spirit of freedom? We must understand that any different Jesus or spirit will then lead to a different gospel
So the question is What is the gospel and how do you know it?
What is the gospel and how do you know it The gospel is that we are sinners
We have failed God in every breath of our lives in reality
God requires perfection and I cannot live up to that. You cannot live up to it
Since God is perfect Holy and just my sin, which is a transgression against the law of God requires a punishment
The Bible then declares that the wages of sin is death. This is my position This is your position before a holy
God the payment for my life lived is death in judgment For I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
I deserve hell in Hell is a place where the fires are never quenched and the worms never die with a wrath of Jesus abides on me on you for all eternity
We're just when I think the judgment of God cannot burn any hotter the heat of the flames
Increases and the worm devours all the more With the pressure of the foot of God presses all the more and the punishment increases with every tormenting breath for all eternity
This is what I deserve. This is what we all deserve. And if we're honest with ourselves, we know it
Psalm 49 7 through 9 states Truly no man can redeem his brother
He cannot give to God a ransom for him for the redemption price for their soul is costly and it ceases forever that he should
Live on eternally that he should not see corruption There is nothing in your life
Oh man by your own will or volition none of your so -called good works that can be presented to God without Iniquity, they're all stained.
They're all tarnished Nothing will or can stop his judgment from being poured out on you for all eternity
You cannot lift your hands to God in hell and offer him your own righteousness
His wrath will burn hotter for denying the work he did on your behalf
The reality is is we do not deserve mercy. We do not deserve grace. We deserve eternal death
We do we are sinners before a holy and just God We defy him every single day
But here's the beauty right but God Rich in his mercy provided a sacrifice for our sins in the
God -man Jesus Christ Jesus is the Christ as Testified by the scriptures.
He is the eternal God who was born from a virgin as prophesied and without sin He was blameless to the law without iniquity and he was obedient to the father to the point of death on a cross
He was crushed for our iniquities and pierced for our transgressions Upon him was the iniquity of us all as the sacrifice for our sins
He paid my penalty. He paid your penalty in full The wages of sin is death yet.
The one without sin paid the wage for me But then death could not stop him
He rose from the dead conquering death in the grave And he sits at the right hand of the father with a glorified body and through faith in him and his perfect work on the
Cross we can be saved from death and be brought into life by faith in God I can be declared righteous through a righteousness not of my own
One where the success of my salvation is predicated on the completed work of Christ on the cross
And now I can worship God in spirit and in truth indwelt by the Holy Spirit who is working out in me my
Salvation who is given to me as a promise of my inheritance to come now.
I am a new Creation in Christ Jesus. It's not do X Y and Z and then become a new creation
Now I am a new creation in Christ Jesus through my profession of faith, which is worked out by Jesus Christ That is the gospel and how do
I know it I Know this not because of my feelings or because the words of men
But because holy men of God spoke and they were guided by the Holy Spirit Not to mention that all the things were recorded were set aside by the will of God who is the source of truth?
And that also history points to the empty tomb history declares The reliability of Scripture I believe this because it is the truth
I believe this only though because God saved me from my sin. I do not believe because of me
I believe I believe because of him John 6 44 through 45 states this
No one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him
No one and I will raise him up on the last day It is written in the prophets and they all shall be taught by God everyone who has heard and learned from the father comes to me
So what is Paul telling the church in Corinth here in 2nd Corinthians 11? He's showing us that there is nothing better than the
Jesus who was preached the one who actually lived and breathed that the spirit Which was received there's nothing better of in the gospel that was taught in the freedom of men
Nothing, no false prophet with their false wisdom can offer you anything better than what Jesus did period the end
Anything other than the truth will be a yoke of slavery and of bondage and it will not
Satisfy the holy wrath of God. Jesus is the only one who can and yet here we are
Paul is warning the church in Corinth That there are these people among their church and they are putting up with them
They're putting up with them readily enough. They have not rejected them, but they bear with them an absolute foolishness
Can you believe it? They have the freeing power of the gospel the veil which was torn the
Holy Spirit and dwells within them yet They are putting up not with the authority of Paul questioning his authority
But putting up with the foolishness of false apostles and deceivers Think about it
What churches do the same today? Think about this Valley are there churches that put it up put up with false teaching readily enough
Pastor Wade and I will see it. You guys will see it all through the month of June You can just go drive downtown. You're gonna see pride flags all over the place.
They're all over the place Think about this Mormonism rejects the Bible as the sole rule of faith and practice and they worship a
God that does not exist And they think that salvation occurs through obedience in works Why do churches in this
Valley cater to this false belief aren't they putting up with this different Jesus? Spirit in gospel readily enough.
Are they putting up with this different Jesus spirit and gospel readily enough ask yourself according to Paul They are putting up with the lies of the devil
Listen, there are people who are stuck within Mormonism. They are stuck. We love the people
We don't like the ism The ism preaches a different gospel a different Jesus and a different spirit and there are people who are trapped in a yoke of Slavery that think when they die, they will be able to present their works before God and say thank you
Now may I be a God? That's the reality Joseph Smith. You have imagined and supposed that God has been
God from all eternity I will refute the idea and take away the veil so that you may see you have got to learn to become gods like all
Gods have done before you Lorenzo snow as man is God once was as God is man may become
No No Absolutely, not the Bible states otherwise before me there was no
God formed neither shall there be after me God Said states that he shares his glory with no man
Numbers 23 19 God is not a man that he should line or a son of man that he should change his mind
Understand that there are people who are believing a false wisdom who are stuck in a works -based
Righteousness that when they meet and stand before Jesus on Judgment Day Jesus is going to say to them.
They're gonna say look at all the things I've done in your name He's gonna say depart from me. I never knew you and that should break our hearts
That should break our hearts. We don't like the ism. We love the people who are trapped in it but then we have progressive Christianity denies the
Bible as the inerrant Word of God and they Go even as far to say that Jesus didn't arise from the dead.
You don't believe me. Look it up Progressive Christians say oh the resurrection is not a historical reality and this isn't the inerrant infallible
Word of God hmm Why do churches put up with it readily enough?
It is because the source from which their knowledge is derived is flawed
When you deny the Word of God you deny Christ The question we need now is to point at ourselves and say where am
I and who do I say that Christ is? So let's go full circle.
Let's look back to the beginning of the sermon here Everything you stacked up to the left of you all of your possessions all of your aspirations everything in the future
Then put Christ to the right Which one? Which one means more?
Which one but whatever gain I had I counted his loss for the sake of Christ Indeed, I count everything is lost because of the surpassing worth of knowing
Christ Jesus my lord Think about that in your life Is that how you feel or if you don't receive specific things in your life?
Does it make you question the authority of Jesus Christ? We have been given means of grace to have knowledge of Jesus.
What is that? We have his word We have the reading of the word in prayer And then we have the hearing of the word preached and taught on Sunday by someone who is in authority
Do you understand that if you're questioning the authority of Paul? You're also going to be questioning the authority of the person that God has put in your life every
Sunday to bring the word to you Seriously, if you're not at church on Sunday, what are you doing?
This is a means of grace for us to know Jesus Christ. Are you subverting the authority of God by not listening to your pastor?
Remember he's held under the authority of Scripture according to what God says, but God says do not forsake the assembly
Where are you? Where are you? And then we also have means of grace as the sacraments coming and taking of the
Lord's table Reflecting on what Jesus Christ has done for us in the fellowship of body with the believers
Think about it. Are you comfortable right now Christian in your Christian walk? Because if you are comfortable in your walk, there must be some false wisdom that you're bowing down to Jesus said pick up your cross and follow me.
Is that comfortable? Are there pillows on the cross for your shoulders? How much does the cross weigh?
Upwards to 250 pounds? Carry it uphill? That's not it Put the cross up and then you're pinned to it
Pick up your cross and follow me does not mean the Christian walk is a walk of comfort We have a life of freedom absolutely
But sin being slaved in our lives is not a comfortable thing. It's not
True freedom is being found to be able to die to yourself and live for Christ That's true freedom.
It isn't always comfortable What are you believing in your Christian walk if you're sitting comfortable with your own life in Christianity and your relationship with Jesus?
If you are comfortable, what false wisdom and aspect of Jesus Christ are you bowing down to that is not the true
Christ of Scripture? We are commanded to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Christ Savior Jesus Christ We have an infinite
God Who is an infinite amount of wisdom in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge like it says in Colossians?
And you're comfortable with knowing what you know Hmm you think you've learned enough
I'm telling you for all eternity. We will never ever stop being just Solely just on our knees in awe in worship of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ guys get it We are creatures created by God and God is infinitely more and greater than we could ever understand
And for all eternity, we will just be in sheer awe of God Jesus said to his disciples in John 17 you will suffer
The Christian walk is not a walk of comfort. You will suffer. You're promised it you really are
The question is though when you suffer Is the source of the knowledge in which you have of Jesus Christ the means of wisdom that he has given to us like it
Says in James 1 5 if any of you lack wisdom Referring to the suffering that is going on at the early church in that time that you will not conform to the things of this
World that you will not flee from the God that has bought you and you will bow on your knees and praise Jesus Christ Like Job did understanding that all things that you are going through are for your good and for God's glory like it says in Romans We've got to think about those things we must challenge ourselves we must look and say where am
I trying to subvert the authority of God and Supplant that with false wisdom in order to be comfortable in our daily lives
If you were to get into a conversation with Jesus according to his word in which we can know about him Do you think he will not oppose you in your sin?
Oh Wretched man that I am Oh wretched man that I am Let's pray
Lord Thank you for your word. Thank you for preserving it throughout time.
Thank you for saving our souls Lord, let us bow down to your authority
Let us understand that we can have certainty in our knowledge of you because it has been professed through the prophets of old and fulfilled through Jesus that Jesus is the
Christ and there is no other spirit. No other gospel. No other Jesus that can satisfy the wrath of God All other religions all other things will look for us to complete what you completed on the cross
There's no better work than yours and yours alone. Jesus, please protect us and preserve us until the day of judgment.
I pray Lord That we don't have just a false wisdom profession of faith
But we have a profession based upon the Holy Spirit of God that testifies of both the Father and the
Son Lord, we love you, and we thank you in Jesus name.