F4F | May Prophecy Bingo


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is
Prophecy Bingo! That's right, we're doing Prophecy Bingo today, and guess what?
We're doing something scandalous. I've invited on to the program today, there's
Doreen Virtue. Doreen Virtue, good to see you. So yeah, I've invited you on to do
Prophecy Bingo with us, and I will note this, and I will note, and that is that we are in the middle of some kind of a scandal regarding slanderous things said about you, and let me just get this out at the top of the program, you know, as we're doing with this.
And by the way, Josh and Nikki, you should say hi real quick. Hello! There you go.
Alright, now Doreen, say hi again so you come back to me. Oh, hello! So glad to be here. I'm glad that you're here too.
So the internet can sometimes turn into a tempest in a teapot, and it's always fascinating to me when people who claim to have discernment traffic in lies, and and slander, and things like that.
And we've known each other now, well, probably better part of a year at this point, and I would note,
I interviewed you on Fighting for the Faith not that long ago, and we talked about your history. You came out of the
New Age. I did. And when you first became a Christian, your theology was wingnut wackerdoodle.
It was all over the place, and I still was using New Age terms and Christian terms, and I was confused, so everyone else was confused listening to me.
Right, and so things that you said when you first were, well, like right before and then right after you became a
Christian, not helpful, or sound, or anything like that. In fact, you almost went NAR. I did.
I was following two, well, one for sure NAR teacher, one Word of Faith teacher, and were it not for God pointing me to Fighting for the
Faith and watching videos on these two teachers, I probably would be on your Prophecy Bingo on the other side saying things that people would be called, because this is the truth.
When I came out of the New Age, I thought, well, I have the gift of prophecy, so I'll be a prophetess, and that's where I was headed, and I was going to go to this women's prophecy school in Florida.
Oh yeah, how much were you gonna pay for that activation? Yeah, I know. I was gonna learn how to see sneaky squids.
Oh wow, yeah. So you really, really came to my rescue, and I'll be forever grateful, because if it wasn't for your discernment ministry videos,
I probably would be on a NAR stage telling people what God is saying. Yeah, and so we,
I thank God that God's Word in my mouth, you know, God's Word does all the work. Yes. It always makes me look a lot smarter than I am, but in talking about this real quick,
I mean, part of the kerfuffle is centered around a vision that you had that sent you into an
Episcopalian church of all places, and so as far as I know, in fact, all of our conversations, both public and private, you don't seem to be a purveyor of dreams and visions today.
I have not had a vision since that one, and then I had one more, and they're gone, and I don't want them back.
Yeah, I filmed a lot about the vision and really haven't put it into biblical context until recently with having conversations with yourself and Justin Peters.
I didn't know what was going on. I really thought I was seeing Jesus. Now I'm, you know,
I know I had that experience. I know it ended up pointing me to the Bible, which is what led to my salvation, and when
I had that vision, I was not saved. I was a professional psychic, seeing visions every single day, and so that's the context, and in fact, it's interesting.
The last time I was on your program, someone posted that old video of me in the tie -dye hippie gown on your
YouTube channel in the remarks, and I called him to the carpet about it. I said, wait a minute, that's a video of me before I was saved.
So, you know, it's hard because when you come to Christ in adulthood, you usually have baggage, and my baggage is just three years ago, so I'm still dealing with consequences of my sin.
Well, if it's any help, I mean, it's been, man, 25...
oh man. Okay, so it's been 30 years since I've been out of the latter rain. Yeah, I just did the math.
About as old as I am. Yeah, wow, okay. So if it's any consequence, I still have things that I'm working through.
Parts of my experience in the latter rain, I have not wanted to go back through, and only now feel like I can begin to process some of the things that happened to me, and the wickedness that I participated in when
I was in the latter rain. So, you know, 30 years later, it's something that I'm still working through.
Yeah, I can see that sanctification happens for a lifetime. Indeed. Yeah, you don't finish this side of your death, that's for sure.
Yeah. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing these false prophets on Prophecy Bingo, because I was a false prophet in the
New Age. Yeah, I think you might have some insight as to how their techniques work.
Now, I wanted to say this on the program. You and I talked about this privately, and I've maybe once or twice talked about this publicly.
I've had two really weird visions in my life, neither of them do I think come from God the
Holy Spirit. I mean, Hebrews 1 is so clear that, you know, in the past God spoke through the prophets, and now
He's spoken to us through His Son. But the most recent one, and Josh can back me up on this, because he was back from the
Navy when it happened, is so it's the day before they announced the new
Pope. So Pope Benedict had resigned, and all the Roman Catholic Cardinals had met together in the
Sistine Chapel, I think that's where they do it, you know, the white and the black smoke and all that kind of nonsense that goes along with their picking process, and they had been conclaved up for a bit of time, and it hadn't come to a decision yet.
Every time they took the vote, it was the wrong color smoke. And so went to bed that night, the day before the announcement, and so it was probably about 536 in the morning.
I had the most vivid dream slash vision I've ever had, and Josh, all of the members of our family, we're on this application on our iPhones called
Find Friends, and so my wife, she can track wherever I go, so if I head off to the casino, she can call...
no, I never do that. We call it in our family the I Absaron, or more specifically, the
I Absar Mom. The I Absaron Mom. It's a lot easier letting her know where I am than to get the phone call saying, where are you?
Because sometimes when I go shopping, I dawdle. But anyway, so there
I had this dream vision. I was in Rome. It was so clear.
It was all of these things, and I thought for a second, I said, oh my goodness, if Barb looks at the
I Absaron Mom, then she's gonna freak out. She's gonna see that I'm in Rome.
I didn't tell her I was going to Rome. So I was really worried. So in this vision,
I was heading towards like the back part of the Sistine Chapel. I mean, there was a dumpster, and there was a doorway that led to a set of stairs that went up and down, and this
Cardinal came running down the stairs, and he says, they picked the new Pope. And I said, they picked the new
Pope? I said, what's the name that he's gonna take for himself? He said, he's gonna take the name of Francis. And no sooner does he say this,
I woke up from this dream vision thing, and it was the weirdest experience. And when my wife got up in the morning,
I got up with her, and we were making the bed, and I told her what happened and what I'd seen, and she says, that's just weird.
And Josh, he had just recently come back from the Navy. He was living with us at the time, and I told him about it.
He's all, yeah, that's pretty weird, Dad. So three in the afternoon, they announced that they had picked the new
Pope, and so I was watching Fox News, and so in Rome, they cut to the balcony, and they said that they've chosen the new
Pope, and some lady who was a spokesman said, and he's chosen for his name the name of Francis. And I dropped the glass of water that I was holding, and it broke the glass.
And Barb's all, what? What did they name that guy? They said, he's gonna take the name Francis. She's all, no way!
And so at the moment, I sat there and go, okay, this is weird, because it was such a strong vision, it was so clear, and then
I got data that was clearly nine hours ahead of what the announcement was.
And at the time, I sat there and go, you know what, here's the thing, is that this vision doesn't have a return address on it.
I'm thinking, why would God tell me this? You know, it doesn't make any sense at all that God would tell me this.
And I was thinking about it, it's like, had I gone on Twitter, you know, in the morning and shared my dream, I could see how this would have played out, that there were people saying, oh
Rose, bro, you have a prophetic gift, and you deny that the gifts are for today. I mean, it was so clear that I'm pretty sure that Patricia King would have sold her mother into slavery in the
Sudan to have that kind of prophetic ability. And it's like, the whole thing, from beginning to end, there was never any indicator that said biblically that I should believe this was from God, and so I just chalked it up to a temptation of the devil, and just rested back on Scripture and said, you know, the
Bible's sufficient, I don't need any of this stuff, and it's quite the magic trick that I was able to know the name of the
Pope nine hours before the Pope's name was announced, but big deal. So you get the idea.
Absolutely, yeah. I feel so bad that what happened to me in my testimony has led to confusion, and I've repented for it and apologized.
I'm really trying to put it into context, but what I do know is that vision I had was before I was saved. Yeah, yeah, indeed.
So all of that being said, somebody pulling that vision from your time before you were saved forward as if somehow that's what you're teaching nowadays?
I don't know, that seems like lying and deceit to me, but you know, I just work here, what do
I know, you know? Yeah, it was pretty rotten of him. Yeah, indeed. All right, all of that being said, let's do something fun, shall we?
We're gonna play some Prophecy Bingo. Now a little bit of a note here, I need to let the audience of Fighting for the
Faith know this, yeah, you can find our Prophecy Bingo cards at FightingForTheFaith .com, FightingForTheFaith .com.
When you get there, in the search bar for the podcast, type in Bingo, and then you will find this post from 2017.
Oh my goodness, it's about the same time you had that vision. Anyway, it says Fighting for the
Faith Prophecy Bingo, click on the link that says click here to visit our Prophecy Bingo card generator. Now, we'll put a link to it down below in the description as a way of getting to it clicker, clicker, clicker, yeah, okay, so getting to it quicker.
Enough from you, enough from you. You don't have to brain today, it's your birthday. I know where you live.
Okay, what are you gonna do, call our pastor? Okay, enough from you.
So the idea here then is I need to tell everybody that when you get there, get, you know,
I like to click on the new card link until I find a card that I think might have some promise. Once you have that card, either print it out or make a screenshot of it, and then get off the website.
The reason why is because we've been swamping their servers. We broke the site.
Yeah, we broke, they broke the site and they want to start charging me for Fighting for the
Faith Prophecy Bingo, so we're trying to find a way to not break their site anymore. So just want to let you know, print out your card or make a screenshot of it and then get off the website so that VEVO can use it because we've been breaking their site.
So all of that being said, Josh and Nikki, you have your
Prophecy Bingo card? Got it right there. Alright, and everyone knows I cheat, so there's no point in disputing that.
And it's gonna double cheat on your birthday, so yeah. Right on, right on. And then Doreen, you have your Prophecy Bingo card?
I do indeed, although these are pretty stacked words here. Okay, alright, so all of that being said, here's my
Prophecy Bingo card. I'm gonna go ahead and take the free space because I can, and we're gonna get to it.
We're just gonna start working through some of these things, and I auditioned a bunch of these things to see if anyone would make the cut, and so today we're going to, what is this lady's name?
Ignite the Fire of Ministries? I think she's named Raina, and so this is her prophetic word for May of 2020.
Here we go. I am putting teachings on dreams and visions, and many of you,
I know you, I know you guys are having dreams because you guys are commenting on my video saying, oh
I had this dream and that, and so I'm not gonna be interpreting all your dreams.
I am teaching you how to interpret your own dreams, so watch them.
Watch these videos because you are going to learn what certain things are in your dreams, and pretty quickly you get the hang of it, and you begin understanding, oh, this animal symbolizes this, and...
Alright, dream interpretation. When you were in the New Age, Doreen, didn't you have... Yes, I actually wrote a book on the topic, so that was something
I was really into. Yeah, so does this sound any different than the stuff you were peddling when you were a
Christian veneer? This is just plain old occult. Okay, alright, which scripture forbids?
Alright, well let's continue. This, if I see this, it symbolizes that it's gonna take place or it's gonna happen maybe around this time, so anyways,
I am slowly teaching, and some of you are gonna learn, it's like learning a language.
You learn vocabulary, right, and dreams are very much the same. You will be learning vocabulary and language, so tune in.
I already downloaded part one and downloaded... Download is a prophecy bingo word,
I know that for a fact. Two, so go into my channel and you are going to find them, you guys, so I'm trying to teach you, so tune in, and again, like I said, don't forget to tap on that bell so that you get notified when
I'm putting something new in. Okay, so let's get right into the word, you guys. I am really excited to what the
Lord has been, has been placing in my heart, and seriously, the word that came to me and is for this month, and you can apply it every single day, and I know that you are watching right now because the
Lord wants to speak to you at this very moment. So, the... No, actually, the reason why
I'm watching is to play Prophecy Bingo. She's talking about dream interpretation, and I'm just sitting there thinking about all the crazy dreams
I've had through sleep deprivation, and there is no way, there is no way she'd be able to interpret any of my dreams.
I mean, me fighting somebody with spatulas for hands, I'm just thinking there is no interpretation for that.
What is the prophetic semblance of that? Well, she seems to be blending prophecy, the
Lord speaking to her, she's teaching people to speak or receive messages from the Lord with dream interpretation.
That's an interesting attempt to blend these two. Yeah, that's a hybrid that should not be permitted to occur.
All right, let's see what the prophetic word is, though, you know, let's see what this is all about.
What the Lord said to me was, Why not today?
Why not today? And when I heard that, I was like, Why not today? What do you mean,
Lord, why not today? He was saying to me that a lot of you, a lot of people are saying,
Lord, when is it gonna happen? Oh, Lord, I want this and all But he said to me,
Why cannot, why can it not happen today? Today can be the day where that one thing will change.
What thing? Oh, my goodness. And this reminds me so much of myself in the
New Age, that false hope she's giving. Yeah, straight out of Second Timothy four.
It's just, she's tickling itching ears. This is not good. And also,
God, if he did talk that way, he wouldn't talk this way. He wouldn't say, Why not today? Yeah, why not?
And for that one thing? Well, what is the one thing? Well, it might, that's whatever that one thing is, it might be different for you than it is for me.
You know, what's dangerous, too, is she could be encouraging someone to take whatever wacky idea they have in their head and think that it's confirmation, it's from God and go take care of something that's not biblical.
Yeah, you know, yeah, like, you know, killing their bookie, you know, or something.
Exactly. That's a rather extreme example. But yeah, sure. Let's go with that. I just, you know, reach it in trying to pull something absurd out.
So, you know, today's the day I'm going to tip that cow. There's a book called about cow tipping.
I'm not surprised by this. All right, let's keep going. Today will be the day that you will bring that one thing to change.
And let me tell you, things don't change because you have not spoken it into existence.
Wait a second. I'm God. You know, Doreen, how successful are you at speaking things into existence?
I used to think I was. That's what the New Thought, Word of Faith, Prosperity Gospel, New Age teaches, but it does not work.
And she's encouraging people to do that. I don't think God's talking to her.
I think there's probably good reason to think he's not. One of the things I want to point out is when you have a
YouTube channel like she does, and you're under pressure to have content come up, is that you really start just babbling like she's doing.
She's just talking. And, you know, there's obviously no inspiration behind it, but even more so when she seems to be just doing this to have content on YouTube.
Yeah, yeah, I think you're right. I think you're right. All right, so you got to get something out. So we'll just say a bunch of nothing, you know.
Got to chase that algorithm. Yeah, there we go. You got to get longer than 10 minutes, too. Yep. Let's see if we get to something substantive here.
I mean, this prophetic onesie seems to be a little weird, but okay. The Lord was saying to me, oh my goodness, you guys, this word is like, is like, wow, wow, wow.
Okay, so that the Lord was saying to me that we have the ability because of his son,
Jesus, to speak into the things that are not as though they were.
And so we are not. I'm pretty sure the biblical text says that God calls the things that are not as though they were, that we aren't the ones speaking to the things that are not as though they were.
That's a, yeah, you're misappropriating a biblical text here that talks about what the deity does, our
God, and now saying that's what we do. Okay, let's keep going.
Seeing changes. We are not seeing a transformation. We are not seeing things happening to our.
Transformation is a Bible prophecy word. Because we are not speaking into our situation.
We possess the power in the tip of our tongue, and you, you can make your own difference.
You can change your situation around by what you speak into the situation.
And the Lord was saying that we can change our situation. We can. That didn't work for Ken Copeland, you know, in the whole
COVID -19. COVID -19. Yeah. Yeah, that didn't work for him.
In fact, he even spoke to the atmosphere, man, and that didn't work. Just a bunch of wind.
All right, let's move along here. And she didn't really give me anything.
I'm really, I'm very disappointed. Let's go to Kevin Bridges. Hang on a second here. Yes, this is his prophetic word for May.
Let's dial this in and see if we can at least succeed in some prophecy. Bingo. See someone walking through a tunnel, and as they're walking, everything is dark.
Everything is dim. They can't see so clearly. At times, they're walking slowly, checking exactly where they're walking.
But they know that this tunnel is the right path, and they keep going. Then, suddenly.
Suddenly, suddenly. Yes! Drew first blood.
Yeah, I got it. I got first blood at the same time you did. Do we have the exact same card?
Oh my goodness. No, we might actually. Oh, yeah, we have the exact same card.
Oh, that's awkward. That's really awkward. All right, we'll just keep going. We can see how this is going to work.
Notice a glimmer of light. And what do they do? They begin to move more quickly.
They begin to run, because they know the end of the tunnel is near. The Lord says to you,
I'm giving you a glimmer of light. I want that you run towards me, that you run towards that which
I have promised you, that you run with all of your might, that you run in...
So, God wants me to run with all of my might in a dark tunnel that has no light.
That's like a really great setup for a Wile E. Coyote cartoon. This isn't going to end well.
Is it just me, or is this one just kind of extra creepy? This is really... Yeah, it's like a guided meditation or something that's mixing.
It's so blasphemous, too. Isn't that a picture of, supposedly, of the tomb?
Isn't that where... It may be. Because you can see the stone to the right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That may be an artistic depiction of the empty tomb of Christ. Okay, let's keep going here in this guided meditation where I'm supposed to run with all of my might in the dark.
For I am the one who is opening the way forward for you. I am the light at the end of the tunnel.
Come towards me. Run into my loving embrace and know that I am...
In the movie Poltergeist, weren't you supposed to avoid the light? No, don't go into the light.
This is so weird. Also, if you're a moth. I can't help it.
It's so beautiful. Yeah, okay. For you, I'm giving you a future and a hope.
I'm blessing you this day. Blessing! All right, yeah, okay.
So, blessing it is. Let's... Where is that? Oh, yeah, here it is. Okay, right there.
A blessing. We've got the same card. Yeah, we have the same card. I don't know how that happened. I don't know how that happened either.
The random generator thingy wasn't random enough. It's going to make my editing job that much easier.
Yeah, okay. Yeah, we can see how this is going. Hopefully, under these circumstances, then
Doreen wins so that you don't. I don't have any squares yet. Oh, I'm sorry.
Maybe this is part of the birthday cheats is two more sets of eyes on the same card, huh?
Happy birthday. Okay, here's
Jolynn Whittaker and her prophetic word,
America, China, Stealth Plans, and Jesus, May 2nd, 2020. Okay, let's see what she said.
God did it for them. He will do it for me. So, you begin to not only establish a trust in the
Lord, but a confidence in the Lord and your faith increases. Amen. Praise God.
So, I'm used to God giving prophetic words that come to pass. Amen. Increase. Okay, all right.
See, this is awesome. I'm getting all kinds of help today. You might need it.
He definitely needs it. Yeah, this is not a might. This is for sure. Okay, let's keep going.
And that is nothing but a humbling privilege. However, today it's going to be a word that is highly prophetic.
This is definitely a prophetic release, but it's going to be... Release? It's definitely a prophetic release.
I mean, notice how she's talking up this... If it were really a prophetic release, would you need to say that it's a prophetic release, and that it really is that?
I'm prepared for maximum disappointment. Yeah, okay. Let's keep going here.
Regarding things that are of a global nature. Amen. And so, I guess I want to say that right at the top of the broadcast, that as I begin to delve into what the
Lord has given me as my assignment for this word, I just want to encourage you to open your heart and open your mind.
And let me just say this, I'm not going to be sharing my own opinions at all. We are going to just hear the word of the
Lord. This would... What? Why would you have to say that you're not going to share your opinions at all?
Again, this is fishy. This is false advertising. Okay, let's keep going.
Hear the word of the Lord, and then watch and pray. Keep your eyes open for things to just unfold and manifest.
Praise the Lord. But wherever you are tuning in from, I want to say welcome to the broadcast.
Praise the Lord. This is going to be a prophetic word for the month of May, 2020.
But everything the Lord is going to speak on today, we are going to see this begin to manifest immediately.
Somebody say immediately. But also, we are going to continue to see it unfold and come to pass and manifest right through even
November of 2020. You say, well, that's a very long span of time. It absolutely is.
So it's going to immediately manifest all the way through November. How is she defining the word immediately?
Okay, all right. I'm just getting ready to do some very big things.
This is an incredible and very exciting time to be in the body of Christ.
Amen. And you know, we know we've been saying this for quite some time that if you are alive here in this time, if you are alive here on the planet,
I assure you, nobody dead right now is watching this. We hope not.
Those poor souls. What on earth? I assure you, if you're alive right now, well,
I'm assuming everybody watching right now is. I mean, that kind of goes without saying. Unless it's a
Todd Bentley video where you get resurrected. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. This is such classic false prophecy where you just spit out whatever you're thinking without any kind of filter.
It is the word salad here. Okay, all right. So this is word salad, no filter, just jumbles.
Okay, none of this makes any sense. Means that you, excuse me, carry something very significant.
God always saves the best for last. Amen. Of course. For me, that's always the case.
Yeah. Notice she's scratching itching ears here. And coughing on screen.
She might got the rona. Oh no, she needs to be tested. We are deep into the last days.
We know that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is coming back soon. We can look around us and see all the confirmations that we are in the last moments of the last days.
It's not. Yeah. Like false prophets that Jesus told us about. I'm in agreement with her here.
Yeah. Question of, are we in the last days? Oh, we're in the last days. We are in the last moments of the last days.
And so the fact that you are here, the fact that God did not cause you to be born in any other timeline, any other period of history, any other area era, no, he chose you to be alive on the planet now.
And it doesn't matter how young or how old you are. Just the fact that you are here.
While all of these things are taking place. And you're going to be. This prophetic word from May of 2020 begin to manifest and unfold right through even
November of 2020. So to. I think that's her audio.
You know, that's doing that. Okay. And she didn't see that one coming. No. Yeah. I just feel like she's, you know, buttering people up.
Oh, wow. I'm important. Oh, wow. Yeah. I was, I was made for such a time as this.
Yeah. Yeah. That's a, that's not a good sign. Many of you see your destiny begin to blossom.
Your purpose began to blossom. I got purpose. Yeah. And I'm going to see if I can,
I'm going to see if I can do something to speed up my internet just in case there, there we go. All right.
Let's keep going. So you you're on the board now. You're on the board. Very good. A role.
The thing that God is going to call you to do opportunities and assignments. And he's going to open up for you.
Many people here are going to see those things coming to pass and opening up even
May, 2020 through November of 2020. Let that be a word of confirmation for somebody, because I hear the
Holy spirit saying that there are many people watching even now, even now you have been, you've just had a knowing in your spirit.
That is the very best way that I can possibly describe it. You've had a knowing in your spirit that something is building.
We have all been affected by the global lockdown that occurred as a result of the
COVID -19 virus, which none of the profits saw coming. Yeah.
Just saying that what you, what you've been feeling in your spirit isn't necessarily because of that.
It's nothing to do with that. It may, it may be coming about as a result of it, but it's not connected to it.
You simply know that there's something shifting around you, shifting, shifting, got that one.
Hang on. Yeah, there we go. Nice catch.
Yeah. I'm glad I can help out. He's pulling his weight on this team now.
Yeah, there we go. Yeah. That's we're now team Rose bro. Yeah. Okay.
Something coming alive inside of you. You know that God has put you here for such a time as this.
You know that this season is different. Many of you, I hear you Lord. Many of you thus say the
Lord that you can sense that there is something coming. It's going to be highly personal. It's going to be relative to the body of Christ.
It's going to be impactful to the kingdom agenda. Hallelujah. And so what on earth is she talking about?
Do you notice that every false prophet throws in that Esther verse and twists it and makes it about scratching someone's ears?
Yeah, I am so important. This is my time, man. And the best way
I can put it is these kinds of prophecies are like fishing for narcissists. People who are obsessed with themselves and believe, oh my goodness,
I know that I'm super duper important. And see the prophetess of God just told me how amazing
I really am. Ooh, you know, and then, but she's not saying anything.
All right, let's keep going here. This word is for you. Praise the Lord. What's the word again?
What word is it? Get on with it. There are going to be many more people who simply are highly concerned because you see the landscape of the world, not just the country that you are in, but you see the landscape of the entire world.
And you know that there are some very big, very insidious things going on.
I am not a conspiracy theorist. I don't keep up with conspiracy theories.
I couldn't tell you one. Here's the funny thing. My husband is here in the control booth and he can be my witness.
I don't even watch the news. The fact that the Lord has me to be speaking on these things is really a, it's, it's a mystery to me because I don't even keep up.
Oh, that proves that she's hearing from God because she doesn't know even one conspiracy theory.
It's true that she learns from learn stuff from God because she's completely clueless. Yeah, I guess that's the one way to put it.
On news. Um, but nevertheless, this is what the
Lord is going to be having us look at on today. This is going to be a prophetic word specifically for America, for China, for stealth plans that are underway for the
Lord's kingdom agenda. Everybody say kingdom agenda. There is an agenda that we in the kingdom of the
Lord, uh, lovers and followers of Jesus Christ, we've got to get in alignment with this thing.
Alignment is a prophecy. Bingo card word. Got to hear what heaven is saying.
Amen. And so this is going to be a prophetic word regarding all of those things. I believe it's going to answer a lot of your questions.
Praise God. I can't wait to have all my questions answered. Number one. My first question is what is the word?
We're 15 minutes into this and still hasn't said the darn thing. All right, I'm going to do what
I've done a few times. I'm going to put her on double speed because she ain't saying nothing. So she can say nothing twice as fast.
Okay, here we go again. My name is Jolynn Whitaker. For those of you who know me, you know that we are a prophetic ministry. This is simply what the
Lord has called me to do. And it is absolutely an honor. Definitely the most challenging thing I've ever done in my life, but also the most fulfilling thing. Amen. And I say that in case you are new to the ministry,
I want to invite you to take notes, write down everything the Holy Spirit is going to speak and impart on today. That will help you to build your faith.
And that will really help you to just get a little closer to the Lord and begin to really understand that he's faithful to reveal things. He's faithful to expose things.
He's faithful to honor his own word where he says, I do nothing without revealing it to my servants of prophets first. And that...
Micah, out of context. God does nothing unless he reveals it to his prophets first.
I would say COVID -19 was done without anybody, any prophets seeing it coming.
That just blows that out of the water. Have you noticed when she keeps kind of doing like the seeker -driven thing of everybody say this, or kingdom, or say whatever.
Gotta whip people up into a mantra frenzy, you know? Yes, me, robots, me, say thing you say. Are people really saying that at home though?
Oh, some people are probably. Yeah. And the whole purpose of that is to lower your mind's natural defenses when it comes to skepticism.
Because when somebody says, do something and then you do it, your mind goes, well, I guess it's okay for this person to tell us what to do.
It's so jarring watching that and nobody's responding. So Doreen, does she seem nervous to you?
She seems sad. I'm praying for her. She seems like she wants to be a female prophet, a female pastor almost, the way she's saying, can
I get an amen? That's what you see from the Pentecostal podiums, right?
So I just don't understand why she's here and why she's doing this.
Yeah. And there's a real frenetic, just kind of nervous energy to her that just makes me wonder.
Sometimes somebody asks me, they'll say, do these people know they're false prophets or are they just deceived?
And somebody who behaves this nervously, I sit there and think, they probably know they're just spinning their wheels.
Yeah. And when I was a false prophet, I really thought I was getting genuine messages from God and angels and Jesus.
It was blasphemous, but I didn't know that because I hadn't studied the Bible yet. So she seems like she's just got enough biblical knowledge,
Malachi and Esther, to be dangerous. Yeah. And she's just basically using these phrases that people would recognize as biblical to basically add legitimacy to this illegitimate prophecy.
Alright, let's keep going. We're going at twice the speed here because she's been saying nothing and taking a long time doing it.
Increase your faith, amen, which is critical and required for where you are going, praise the Lord. So without any further hesitation, why don't we do this?
I'm going to ask you to share the broadcast if you have not yet done so already, and I know that a lot of our followers, y 'all have probably already shared, and I love you so much for that,
I thank you so much for that. That has nothing to do with us trying to promote ourselves. You're not going to hear me promote anything or try to sell or peddle anything, but I am shamelessly and unapologetically...
I am pretty sure you're promoting yourself there. Share this, but I'm not promoting myself.
Okay, that's weird. To promoting the kingdom of Jesus Christ, to promoting the name of Jesus Christ, to preaching and prophesying salvation and new life through Jesus Christ, new life here on earth, everlasting life with Jesus after this life expires, amen.
So I'm unapologetic about that. And being in the last days, it's a very crucial thing, praise God. You may have some people in your family or even on your friends list, they don't want to talk to you about these things, they don't want to hear about it from you.
You've already tried to talk to them about salvation, you've already tried to talk to them about Jesus, you know, they don't want to hear it. They're just at a place where, you know, maybe they tell you something, listen, if that's your religion, that's fine,
I'll respect it, but don't shove it down my throat or something like that, right? Well that's okay, I'll be the heavy. You can just send them this link or share this broadcast with them, and maybe a prophetic word like this will be just what they need.
Isn't one of the signs that somebody's a false teacher is that they're double -minded, you know? I'm just saying that because on the one hand, she says that she doesn't promote herself, she promotes the kingdom, but then she's promoting herself, and I'll be the heavy, you know?
And she hasn't said anything. She's saying, oh yes, please share this video and I'll be the heavy. We're over 18 minutes in and she hasn't said anything.
If anybody sends them this, they're gonna be like, well that's it, I'm going for atheism. Yeah, she says nothing really slowly, you know, nervously though too.
To hear and to see as it manifests, to help them to understand that we serve a God who is not only ever -present, not only loves us with an everlasting love, but he is actively involved in the goings -on of men, that he has a very specific plan for every single person's life because he loves every single person.
Amen. I gotta be careful because I could easily just begin to prophesy and evangelize a little bit, praise the Lord, but today I have an assignment, and that is to release this prophetic word regarding America, regarding China, regarding some wicked things exposed, and the kingdom agenda, and what the
Lord is doing, and what he is calling us to in this season. So I want to thank you for the shares. Maybe you started a watch party. Season.
Did she say new thing also? I do believe she said that. I think she did. She also said kingdom.
Yep. I've got new thing, if she said that. Count it. Yeah, go for it. Yeah, we're gonna give that to you.
All right, let's keep going here. On Facebook, on Periscope, if you shared it with your followers, I want to thank you for that, praise the Lord. And on YouTube, I know that you can also just, you know, tag friends and people in the comments,
I think. However you share it, I want to say thank you, and I want you to pray with me. I want to just have the atmosphere, and then we're going to get right into the word. Amen.
Atmosphere. Yeah, that's a prophecy. Bingo word. COVID -19. Atmosphere. Yeah, okay.
Heavenly Father, I thank you, Lord, for the opportunity, Father, to serve you yet again. I ask you to saturate this place, O God, with your spirit, with your power, O Lord. Let your spirit,
Lord, just desaturate even from center to circumference, this whole place, Father, even crossing boundaries and barriers, O Lord, to touch every single person that has been drawn to receive this word.
God, and I do thank you that your Holy Spirit is going out all over the world, Lord, to all the corners of the earth, to the north, the south, the east, and the west, and drawing people to hear what you have to say, to hear what thus sayeth the
Lord. So many voices in this hour, O God, so many. Yeah, God is not drawing anybody to hear this drivel, you know, and I would say that anybody listening to this is not hearing the word of the
Lord. We kind of determined that already just by the pure number of buzzwords that she said, and that she isn't saying anything.
All right, let's keep going. Voices in this hour, O God, Father, I yield myself to you. I yield myself to you, Lord, in the name of Jesus, and I pray right now.
Let the people see not Jolynn Whitaker, but only you. Let them hear not my voice, Lord, but only your voice. Take from me my thoughts and my words and replace them,
God, with your thoughts and your words. Help me, God, to release this and to speak this the way you want me to, that you may be glorified and that the people may be helped,
O God. I'm careful, Lord, as always, to give you and only you the glory for all the things that are going to result as a product of this prophetic word, for the anointing that is present that's going to shift lives, for the revelation that's going to come forth, even the activation, prophetic activation,
God, I thank you. Activation is a prophecy word. She also said anointing. Yeah, she did.
Okay. That is going to shift lives and help people to step into the season that you're calling them to, O God. I give you the glory.
And so, Lord, as you do what you're getting ready to do among the nations, as you do what you are getting ready to do even in the church, hallelujah, glorify yourself,
Lord, and then glorify yourself again. I exalt you. I praise you. I worship you in the name of Jesus.
Amen and amen. Before I get started, I hear the Lord telling me to just confirm to every single person that is listening that you are precious to him, that he has a plan for your life, that he has...
Yeah, the scriptures tell me that I'm precious to God, that God in his mercy and his great love for me has sent his son to bleed and die for my sins.
God so loved the world, you know, things like that. Okay. Things for your life, you say, well, bring it on, because I haven't seen anything good.
I have been in a prolonged struggle. Where is this God you speak of? Did she say Ramah? Is that what she said?
Um... I thought she did, and that's on my card. Yeah, Ramah, I think I could have sworn she said. I don't even know what that word means.
Oh, Ramah is one of the Greek words for word, so Lagos and Ramah, and in the charismatic
Pentecostal circles, they claim that Ramah always means a prophetic word, a direct revelation from God, and it's just patently false.
Okay, well, that's on my card. All right. I don't think we would get that one. I died. Okay. Sweet.
Good catch, Joshua. I better take that while I can here. We're going to need a favor.
Yeah. Okay. Let's come back to JoLynn. And let me show you how fast I will draw near to you. Remove your doubts.
Let me come into your life. Let me heal you. Let me shift you. Let me get you to a place where your mind is healed, where your heart is repaired. I can heal even your broken heart, says the
Lord. Allow me to rebuild your life upon the solid rock that is Jesus Christ, and then I'm going to put you and put you and shift you into a new season, but you've got to come to me.
That is a brand new season. God wants to give you a new season. It's not going to end this way. He wants to give me a new season.
Well, if he wants to, we should just get on with it. I mean, honestly, we're still kind of stuck in winter land up here a little bit.
We kind of need spring to actually happen. Yeah. I'm with you on this one. And to that,
I say amen and amen. I'm going to renew your hope, and at the end of this message,
I'm going to pray with you, and it's going to begin a new season for you. Amen? Come on, dare to hope. Dare to hope. God is not like people. I know that people have been interesting, and that's probably a very nice word to use, right?
That's maybe even a mild word, but God is not like people. He doesn't betray you. He doesn't leave you. He doesn't tell you one thing and then do another. He's not going to change it up on you. He's not going to be nice one day and then jack up the next day.
No, God loves you, and he's not going to change. Amen? Well, let's build a foundation, and let's begin by releasing this prophetic word, and then we're going to pray together at the end.
Amen? I'm going to prophesy forever. So we are at the 23 -minute mark, and I've been playing this at double speed.
She still has not gotten to this prophetic word. Yeah, she hasn't gotten to the stuff about America and China. No. Or the stealth plan.
This is like, you know, if she was a hype man, she'd be so terrible. People are walking out of the theater.
Okay. Present, because there's an agenda for the kingdom of God, and we need to get into alignment. So last week...
Alignment is a word. Alignment. Yeah, that is a word. Yep. The Lord had me to prophesy that he was going to expose hidden agendas regarding the food supply of the nations, and I needed to do that, and I was repeating to the
Lord, and I believe it was just past Wednesday morning, as a matter of fact. Today is Saturday, May 2nd, so that was just a few days ago, and I'm very grateful because I don't watch the news, but somebody showed this to me, and it blew my mind.
And she doesn't know any conspiracy theories. The economy has shut down.
There might be a food shortage. Who could put those two together? Right, and I would note that two...
Was it two and a half, two, almost three weeks ago, we were told about the fact that the meat factories were having difficulties, and Trump had to order them to stay open, you know?
But she doesn't read the news. No, not at all. This is fresh from heaven, so...
Very next day, this is what happens. Can we put up that picture of the Whole Foods and the 365 brand? Now, I'm building a foundation as we move into the
Word that God is going to release here, but look at what God did just the very next day, and I gotta give God all the glory. Now, if you are a person who loves this particular store,
I mean, I have loved going there in the past. My mind was blown to find out that their store brand is primarily supplied by China, and this is a store that is very well known for its organics, for non -GMOs, for healthy food, and it just came out, and it hit just a few days ago that their own store brand, the organic status is highly questionable.
The agencies that they get their clearance and approvals from turn out to be a third -party, very sketchy agency over in China, and that's the question.
Why is this company bringing in foodstuffs from China, right? And so this is just... As long as they're not bringing in bat, I mean, we should be all right.
Sorry, sorry, we're gonna get demonetized. Okay, let's keep going.
Of the exposure that we have, that the Lord had to prophesy just a few days ago, and God would have me to say that He's just getting started.
We heard from the Lord this past Wednesday that there were even farmers here in America where I live, who have been under a great stress and duress because they have been instructed by companies they have contracts with to destroy their own crops, to pour out milk, to slaughter the meats, because there is no demand for it.
And that begs the question, how is there not a demand for it when some economists are calling, are predicting that we are potentially looking at a famine of biblical proportions?
Well, what this is, is further substantiation of what the Lord spoke on Wednesday morning, that there is a wicked plot that has been hatched in the bowels of hell, it is being perpetuated and carried out by wicked, greedy people here on Earth to contaminate and control the food supply.
That's what the Lord spoke on Wednesday. He said they want to contaminate it and they want to control it. Why? Why does anybody want to do that? Well, when you can contaminate the food, then you can control the population of the people.
And when you control the food, then you control the people. Because people are willing to do many things when they're hungry, when they're starving, when their families are going hungry, when families see their children starving.
All right? So let's just put that out there. And the Lord is, the Lord is exposing it. He's doing exactly what he said he was going to do. And I knew he was going to do it, man, I'll tell you what, when it happened the very next day, that blew even my mind.
Praise the Lord. At the beginning of this whole coronavirus - Okay, this went really weird. Yeah, it's Machiavelli 101.
What are they contaminating the food with? Oh, that doesn't, that's not important. It's just that it's contaminated.
Okay, yeah, we're - Oh, no. Okay. Have you heard of Princess, we call her
Princess Ebola. Have you heard of Princess Ebola Adelani? I'm sorry,
I shouldn't laugh. I was a sad person like this too, at one time, and people prayed for me. So I'm praying for all these false prophets.
Yeah, we need to be praying for this. This woman - Oh, big energy.
Yeah, she's got a lot of energy, and she has a huge following. I mean, this video alone has almost 10 ,000 views, and people watch her because they think that she's hearing from the
Lord. And she really is captivating and somewhat entertaining too.
Mm -hmm. She's an apostle and a prophet.
I think she's the entire five -fold ministry wrapped up in one person. So we keep going here.
Total success. I'm here with the prophetic word for May.
Welcome to spectacular May. My God, my
God. The month of magnificent wonders.
My God, my God. Get ready, people, I got a month of prophetic movements and shifts.
The Lord said, get ready for the spectacles and the spectacular.
Okay, praise God. Praise God. I'm going to break it down. You know I'm going to break it down. Yeah, this prophecy is already broken down.
Okay, this is not from God. This is weird. Okay. To me from Exodus 14 -15, and this is what the
Lord is saying. He says from Exodus 14 -15, and I'm quoting, why do you cry to me?
Have I not commanded you? Move forward. My God, my
God. Yeah, she just patted herself on the back there. So that's really frightening.
So from the book of Exodus, the children of Israel now up against the Red Sea, and God commanding
Moses to go and depart the waters of the Red Sea and for the children of Israel to move forward, and somehow, so the quote was, why do you cry out to me?
Have I not commanded you to move forward? Well, I ain't part of the you there. The you there is the children of Israel who were stuck at that moment whom
God miraculously delivered. So, and I don't usually make a habit of like, you know, patting myself on the back.
You know, after I preach a sermon, that would be weird. Okay, this is... Well, good word,
Holy Spirit. Catch this word. Catch this word. And so I'll give you a background of what's going on here before I kind of really break it down.
You see, the children of Israel, you know, have been delivered supernaturally.
I've got supernatural. Isn't deliverance a word as well?
Yeah, I do believe it is. So, yep. Okay. All right, let's keep...
Uh -oh. Yeah. Way to go, Dorian. Way to go. It's beginner's luck.
Don't worry. It doesn't matter who wins. We're listening to this. Everybody loses.
At some point, it'll turn into cheater's luck too. Yeah, I just have to see how the shape of my card downloads, you know.
How prophetic. Praise God. Ouch. Ouch. Hey, ouch.
Praise God. Okay, let's keep going here. And they were on their way to the promised land.
They were on the way to possess the promise. My God, my God. And then they suddenly seem to be faced with this giant, this opposition, you know, this obstacle that they didn't really see coming, you know.
They didn't see it coming. Praise God. Praise God. And that was when, you know, they cried.
They didn't see it coming. Praise God. That doesn't make any sense.
It's, again, another form of prophetic Tourette's, just like the Kay Nash effect. It's like Kay Nash. And there was a demon.
Jesus. You know, it's like, okay, I don't understand this weird stuff here.
They keep repeating themselves too. Yeah, they are really good at saying absolutely nothing.
Nothing, you know. God gave them this word prophetically. He spoke through Moses and said, why are you crying to me?
You know, go forward, move forward. Praise God. Praise God. And that is exactly what
God is saying to us. And I feel like we can relate to the children of Israel because, you know, many of us started 2020 on a very high note, you know.
Really very excited. We're going for the promised land. We're possessing the land, you know.
I was going for the promised land at the beginning of 2020. I was? We live in North Dakota.
There's nothing promised about this land. This is American Siberia. There's nothing promising about this.
Except for the fact, we promise you, it will be cold. This is weird.
Who was sitting there going, oh yeah, man. January 2020, I was going right for that promised land.
Yeah, this is, the theology behind this is nuts. And we thought, yeah, finally out of the wilderness.
And then voila, on the way, in comes COVID -19, which we did.
Yeah, which he didn't prophesy. Yeah, it's always bad, you know, when the prophets were completely caught off guard.
I loved it when Sean Bowles' prophecy conference was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
I mean, come on, Princess Ebola didn't see the coronavirus? No, she didn't see it coming.
It sounds like she's about to say that she said, which we did. And it sounds like you paused.
Is she going to say which we didn't see? Context! Yeah, we'll take a look at that.
But I will say this, as somebody who has watched many, too many, way too many,
Princess Ebola prophecies, she seems a little low energy to me compared to how she's been in the past.
Yeah, this is definitely a lower energy than normal. It's a little deflated. Yeah, it makes me wonder, have these false prophets finally, for real, taken the hit?
And people are seeing them as the false prophets they are. I've been following some of the analytics of some of these channels, and yeah, there has been an actual deep dive downward in actual viewers and new subscribers.
They are hurting financially. Okay, interesting. And especially during a time when most people are at home watching
YouTube or Netflix or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, okay. All right, I backed it up 10 seconds just to see if she was going to say that she didn't see
COVID -19 coming. Let's keep going here. Yeah, finally out of the wilderness, and then voila, on the way, in comes
COVID -19, which we didn't really see coming. You called it,
Nikki. You called it. Yeah. I must be a prophet. No, your pastor says no.
No, darn it. All right, let's keep going here.
So, you know, like the children of Israel, we're at this place where we had to pause, crying out to God, confused, bewildered, you know, really thinking it was the end.
Praise God. And the interesting - We think it's the end. Praise God. Praise God.
Ouch. This does not make any sense. Her praise gods are weird. So, what do you make of this,
Doreen? I mean, even at my worst as a false prophet, I don't remember repeating myself over and over like this.
So, I just think that she's trying to comfort herself like someone who rocks a lot tries to comfort themselves.
So, it's just her fallback to - I really, watching these prophets, I think they're getting convicted by the
Holy Spirit, and then they're trying to talk themselves out of the conviction. Ah, so that's a dangerous thing to do, by the way.
You do not want to suppress, you know, the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Over and again, when people do that,
Scripture refers to them as being stiff -necked and resisting the work of the Holy Spirit. So, yeah, this is kind of fascinating.
She's lower energy than she normally is. She just admitted she didn't see COVID -19 coming, which should cause her to hit the stop button on the recording of her video and go, you know,
I'm not a real prophet, or an apostle. She's not the whole five -fold ministry in one person, that's for sure.
I should start a Facebook group for recovering false prophets. And I will turn some people, you do that,
I'll send some people to you. Okay, perfect. That's a great idea. False prophets anonymous sounds like a really good idea. That's right.
It needs to begin with people saying, like, hello, my name is Daniel Kalenda, and I'm a false prophet.
And I used to be a false prophet. That's right. Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, okay. All right,
I see what you're saying. But let's keep going here. This is interesting. The thing is that God's response was for them to move forward.
And you have to remember that at this point, He hadn't even performed the miracle yet.
He hadn't parted the Red Sea yet. Yet He was telling them to move forward.
People are God. Hear this word. This is what the Spirit of God is saying for me.
Move forward. Move forward. So get ready, like I said, for prophetic movements and shifts.
Move forward. Prophetic movements and shifts. She's not saying anything here.
And how does one exactly move forward? I generally do better when I am moving forward.
I don't run into things as easily. I remember that incident one time when we went on vacation when
Josh was an infant. And I was backing up at a gas station. And I knocked over a gas pump while going backwards.
In Utah. Your mother still reminds me of that sometimes.
Anyway, so moving forward is a good safety feature.
But she's not saying anything. Right. She's being as vague as possible. Right, exactly.
These aren't profundities. These are intentional vagaries. All right, let's keep going.
Obedience to the prophetic instructions that God then parted the
Red Sea, drowned their enemies, and the rest is history as they say.
And so, yeah, that's the background of what was going on, you know. And the circumstances under which
God spoke that word, that prophetic word to them, which, like I said, is very similar to this situation we find ourselves.
So the COVID -19 pandemic is just like being up against the Red Sea with Pharaoh's army behind you.
Yeah, I'm not seeing that. Okay. We then expect to see, you know, as prophetic manifestations and promises now really beginning to break it down.
You know, number one, expect spectacular. That's why God said it's a month of magnificent wonders, you know.
It's spectacular, me, because, you know, it was a spectacular miracle, you know.
Praise God. Ah, miracle. We have miracle. Okay. All right, miracle.
Okay. We just need an outpouring. You know, can
I just say how dangerous this is with this woman saying? Oh, yeah, please do.
She's encouraging people to move forward. You know, this is the consistent thing you see with false prophets. And I used to say before hearing
Alistair Begg, January 2015, is that this encouraging people to move forward, you're encouraging them to move forward with things that may be dangerous.
I've said it before, but no, it doesn't work like that.
Yeah. No, this is, you're right. She doesn't even know what she's encouraging anybody to do anyway.
Exactly. People might say, oh, I'm going to sell everything and move to Peru, or I'm going to divorce my husband, or I'm going to start a new business that wouldn't be viable.
She's saying just do it, and it's irresponsible. Yep, I agree.
You know, I'm reminded of the stories that we've heard from Christ Alignment and places like that, where they say, oh, we've, you know, they'll interview people that have done the readings or whatever, and that are practicing witchcraft or things like that.
And they go, this reading just gave me such affirmation. And it was, you know, told me that I'm on the right path, and all of this different stuff.
And it can be so dangerous. Yeah, it's extremely dangerous, and it can ruin people's lives.
I've heard from people who followed psychics, which is the same as a prophet, and changed their life, and now they're deeply regretting it.
Yeah. One of the things I've seen happen, and, you know, people coming out of the NAR, you know, where they've, they had a prophet or a prophetess prophesy something over them.
They'll say, oh, the Lord has told me that you're going to change the world, or you're going to have a huge impact in such and such an industry.
And that those prophecies, those types of prophecies really, really trip people up and bind them.
Because, you know, number one, they don't pan out. But number two, they then feel like if they don't change the world in that industry or whatever, you know, that somehow they've let
God down, or that He's angry with them, or whatever. And so these vague prophecies like this have a way of becoming balls and shackles around people's psyches, you know.
So, all right, I'm going to move on from Princess Ebola, and we've already done
JoLynn. I don't want to do him yet. Sorry.
So this is Nisi. This is Nisi. She's somebody who we featured for the first time in our last
Prophecy Bingo, and I believe she was one of the ladies last time who yelled at us.
So that's another feature is that some of these false prophets, they yell at me. It's a feature.
High decibel prophecy is a very big industry. Right. So I'm hoping
I don't get yelled at this time. But this is Nisi, and let's see what her prophetic words are. Can I start the timer to see how long it takes her?
You're the editor. You can do whatever you want. Yeah.
All right, let's keep going here. Spring has sprung here in Michigan. Not only is the weather getting warm, but suddenly trees are blooming and everything is turning green and beautiful with new life.
It feels like a time of awakening. And in my personal relationship with Awakening, by the way, is a
Prophecy Bingo word. Lord, spring tends to be the time. It's so close.
It's so close to a new beginning. Okay. A significant amount of prophetic revelation, as well as downloads.
And boy, do I have... Downloads is a Prophecy Bingo word. I have a word for you today.
I am feeling the fire of this word burning on the inside of me. So let's jump right in.
So the Lord took me into a phenomenal vision this week, where I began to see a number of Joseph's rising.
And similar to the Joseph in Scripture, I watched as Father God began to touch each of these
Joseph's and cloak them with what looked like a coat of many colors. So God's raising up a bunch of guys wearing colorful coats.
Yeah. Okay. That almost got Joseph killed, by the way. So, you know, just saying.
And as I sat and just observed this mantling of these
Joseph's... Mantle is a Prophecy Bingo word. I've got it here. Yeah.
She used it as a verb. I only have mantel. Well, that counts. Permutations of the same word still counts.
That counts, and we don't even count that as cheating. Okay, good. No, the cheating's still coming up.
Don't worry. I'm feeling an outpouring coming.
Oh, I don't know if you know the story, but anytime one of these peoples has started blathering and speaking in tongues, we can interpret what they're saying.
Yeah, that's right. That's right. I have the gift of discernment, so I can interpret gibberish.
I'm really good at it, too. Okay, let's keep going.
Beautiful cloaks that had just multi -dimensional colors as well as textures.
I heard the Lord say very clearly, Nisi, there is a massive wealth transfer that...
Oh, that's a big one. That's a big one. Oh, it's not on this card. Oh, man.
When I was in the latter reign, we were hearing about that wealth transfer all the way back then. Okay, let's keep going.
It's about to happen, and I am raising up many Josephs in this hour to steward the wealth transfer for my kingdom.
I really believe that the coat of many colors has many implications, one of which is that the coat of many colors represents multi -talented people.
There are many people who are watching me right now who have a lot of talent and a lot of abilities.
I'm seeing a number of people who have so many talents that it almost becomes overwhelming to know what to do with it.
I'm seeing people who are talented and skilled creatively in many different...
Creatively! Creativity. Creativity. Yep, I saw that. She's not saying anything either.
I see talented people. I see talented people. What was it that Robert Tilton said?
I've seen midgets grow. That's a direct quote from him.
I remember that. He was praying one time, and he says,
I don't make this stuff up. I've seen midgets grow. I'm not making...
Yeah, never mind. Insensitivity! You're looking at me weird.
Stop it. Okay, back to Nisi. ...as well as people who have multiple scientific and more analytical giftings.
I'm even seeing that there are a number of people watching me who have a unique combination of being able to function in the science realm, but also you have a...
Okay, realm is a prophecy bingo. What is the science realm? I think that's where Bill Nye the science guy holds dominion.
You know, he's a science pope, and he's like, I demand that there be global warming.
Oh man, that's terrible. Okay, okay, I shouldn't have asked the question. Continuing on.
Brilliant creative ability that's on your life as well. And so I really believe that the coat of many colors represents...
She's starting to amp up in her volume. And I want to just point out this meditative music she's got behind her.
That's exactly the music we used in New Age videos like this. It puts some people into kind of a trance, which makes them more open.
One of the working theories I have regarding some of the so -called manifestations of the
Holy Spirit is that these are people who are very sympathetic to hypnosis.
And I remember, oh man, this is decades ago, seeing a traveling hypnotist show and just shocked at how many people were very, well, let's just say, sympathetic to these things, whereas other people are immune to it.
It's a fascinating thing. And I remember watching him. He had called like five people up on the stage that had volunteered, and he put them into a trance.
And what was really fascinating is the way he did it, is that when he finally snapped his fingers, there were like another eight, nine, ten people in the audience who also flumped over as soon as he snapped his fingers.
I'm thinking, wow, there are that many people who are sympathetic to hypnosis that they weren't even on the stage and they were now in the trance that these other people were.
It was really weird. Yeah, they're suggestible. Yeah, they're suggestible.
There we go. All right, let's come back to Nisi. I hope she doesn't start yelling at me. I hate it when I get yelled at by these people.
All right, let's keep going here. In many ways, the different facets of talent and of ability and of creative gifting that the
Lord has placed on the Josephs who are watching this. The coat of many colors also represents the different facets of society that these
Josephs will be able to influence. Gone are the days when people are functioning in a single mode.
I'm seeing very clearly that there are multi -passionate, multi -talented people who are arising who not only function in business, but they're able to touch business and government as well as entertainment.
Oh, yeah, seven mountains here. Government, business, entertainment. She's pulling the whole N .A .R.
Dominionist thing here. Okay. At the same time, I'm seeing very clearly
Josephs arise who have a ministerial anointing on their life. Anointing is a prophecy.
Bingo word. Who also are able to tell stories and impact media.
I'm seeing many Josephs arise in the arts, whereby not only are they anointed with an understanding to do business, but they create beautiful projects and beautiful things that spread the kingdom of God.
The Lord is raising up a number of people who will be very influential in multiple sectors of society at the same time.
And I see very clearly that these people are going to be very instrumental in the wealth transfer that is happening.
Because the reality is we're coming into one of the greatest outpourings and one of the -
Outpouring. Outpouring. Bingo. Hey! Oh, wow.
We didn't even have to cheat. Maybe you can help Doreen out. Congratulations.
No, this is your birthday present. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There we go. It's a birthday miracle. Birthday. It's their birthday.
God bless us, everyone. It's my birthday! Oh, man.
So, Doreen, out of sympathy and for the rest of the people who are watching, it's a very rare thing that I actually get a bingo without cheating.
Fact. We will come back to our -
I'm going to move on from this lady because she's just spewing seven mountain mandate kind of stuff. And the whole wealth transfer thing,
I've been hearing that for decades. And, oh, no. Yeah, Russ Walden.
Oh, no. Okay. He yells. Okay, it's not that he yells.
It's just that he delivers his prophecies in an annoyed kind of tone.
Okay. And so it's like, you know, and I don't know if he's annoyed or if -
I don't know. I don't quite get it. But all right, let's check in with Russ Walden here. Great with child.
The Man Child Company is coming forth in this season.
The Man Child Company. Are these a bunch of guys living in their mom's basement playing video games? What is this?
No, usually it's the people that are the Man Child are like the ones who go about the big banana.
Okay, got it. Okay, let's keep going here. And know that there is a portion and that there is a place for you and that -
Portion is a - yeah, portion is a prophecy buzzword here. Which I'm about to do.
Regardless of what medical science says, fear not those things that are raging through the ranks of the unconverted.
Regardless what the financial analyst says, keep your mind stayed on me.
For I am not only your healing, I am your health. I am not only your provision,
I am your provider. As nations tremble. What was that,
Nikki? Is he implying - when he says the things that are medically raging through the ranks of the unsaved, is he talking about COVID -19?
It sure sounds like it. Is he implying that only people who are unsaved are susceptible to the virus?
It is sounding like that. But it's hard to exactly know what he's saying because he's not saying anything.
And he's not saying anything well. He's very good at not saying anything. That's terrifying though if that's what his audience is - if they hear this and that's what they interpret as coming from God.
Because he said regardless of what the medical community says, that's scary for the people.
And that's another danger of all of this. If he's really endorsing or promoting a theology that somehow makes it sound like Christians are exempt from potentially getting
COVID -19, he's going to be endangering people's lives. And in this particular case, it's not merely their physical life that's at stake, it's also their spiritual life, considering that they're listening to somebody who's a false prophet like this.
These people send people to hell. That's how dangerous they are. So, all right, let's keep going.
And as men shake and shudder and shake their fists in my face, know that -
By the way, shaking is a prophecy buzzword, so - You are hidden in the cleft of the rock that I am, says the
Father. No, that's ridiculous. Moses was the one hidden in the cleft of the rock while the goodness and glory of God passed by.
And that's where we learn. God revealed that he is slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, and pardoning iniquity.
And for him to take that self -revelation of God text and then say that we're hidden in the cleft of God and twist it that way, this is blasphemous.
So, we continue. Safe and secure under my mighty hand, as those around you see nothing but despair,
I will show you my glory. I will make myself known to you in the midst of the overthrow.
Fear not, neither be dismayed, for destruction and loss are not the bread of my table where you are concerned.
And what happens if somebody experiences destruction and loss in this time?
You know, he's going to destroy their belief in God altogether.
All right, let's keep going. The winds of adversity may blow, and the people say to the rocks, fall on us.
That is not your portion, says God. These are the days of the rock cut out of the mountain.
These are the days of my kingdom set up, even as the kingdoms of men are being cut off.
The rock cut out of the mountain, that's a reference to one of the visions of Daniel, or was it
Nebuchadnezzar? The rock that was cut out of the mountain that was not cut by hands and destroyed the kingdoms of the earth.
That's an eschatological reference, not something that even applies in the way he's putting it.
Oh, this is annoying. All right. Okay, guys, let's go ahead and rip this band -aid off. Are you ready?
Oh boy. No. Oh, no.
Okay, we're going to go all the way to the beginning because how she introduces herself is so interesting.
Here we go. Hi, welcome to Perfect Success. I'm Kay Nash. I'm a messenger and prophet. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I had her on double speed. Super speed, right from the beginning. She delves into the high decibel prophecies too, so beware.
Yeah, me putting her at double speed was a defense mechanism, but let me back this up.
I panicked. Sorry, I freaked out there. Here we go.
Hi, and welcome to Prophetic Success. I'm Kay Nash, and I'm a messenger and prophetess of the
Lord. I've been in full -time ministry for seven years, traveling domestically and internationally, and teaching people online and through resources such as -
The fact that people would put her on an airplane and send her to another country to spew this nonsense is just an indictment against the visible body of Christ.
The day we were hoping she wouldn't come back. Oh, Josh. Let's keep going.
And today, I feel led to share a word for the next two months.
Hallelujah. Jesus. Mmm. All right, so this word is -
Oh, I feel the Holy Ghost so strongly right now. This word is - She felt the Holy Ghost there.
Yeah. Yeah. She made the yummy sounds.
So, okay. May and June 2020, okay? So this next two -month period,
I believe we're in an eight -week time frame. We're in the time frame when Pentecost is going to happen, where people are going to come out of quarantine, and things are going to be different.
There's going to be some shifts and changes. Yeah, shifts and changes. There we go.
And so, I want to give you the word of the Lord. I have some rhema. I have some biblical -
Rhema. Yeah. Verses I felt highlighting. So, let's jump into it.
Jesus, Lord, I just pray right now that you are here amidst this thing,
God. You are here moving and shaking in our lives, God. You are moving and shaking in our lives for such a time as this.
You are qualified for the call. You are qualified for the call. Somebody needs to hear that.
You are qualified for the call. Hallelujah. It is time to go to the new place.
Your provision is there. Provision is a prophecy. Have you ever seen anything quite like this,
Doreen? Only on your channel. I don't even know how you find her on YouTube.
But it's shocking, and we see a clear pattern with all these false prophets. They are just babbling to stroke people's egos to have viewers.
Yeah. And I would note, as the time that we're recording this, which is May 11th, this video of hers has been viewed 17 ,000 times.
17 ,000. And I don't think the majority of the people watching her are watching her because they think she's
Looney Tunes. So they think there's a significant portion of these views of people who are thinking this lady's hearing from God, and she's not.
No. So, all right, let's keep going here. He says, just like Elijah with the ravens, he had to go somewhere to get his provision, okay?
And when the brook dried up, he had to go to the next place. Sometimes you have to know when to go to the next place.
You have to sense the move of the Holy Ghost. And I believe there's going to be a move of the Holy Ghost in the next two months that are going to bring us into a new land, just like Abraham was brought into a new land.
All right, let me read to you guys what I felt here. What is that?
It's this weird tick that she, and it's been there the whole time. It's getting worse.
All right, let's keep going. Some of this was coming out of around Genesis 11 and 12.
Okay. I am ready to expand my children, but are they ready to go to the new land
I have for them? I, Jesus, I have a land of prosperity like Abraham was given, but Abraham had to get the new
Jesus. He had to risk when his father died. We're going to go more on that in a minute.
Many of my children have felt pain recently, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't move for me.
It's time to scale a wall like David did. It's time to scale the wall.
Stop just looking at your wall, but start scaling it in the name of Jesus. What wall am
I supposed to be scaling here? I have no idea what she's talking about.
Being browbeaten in the process, it's just frightening. We're going to scale a giant, beautiful wall.
Oh no, Josh, you went there. Doreen pointed out something earlier that has got me thinking through all these.
These sounds that they're making, or the praise Jesus, or the hallelujah, or the amen, it almost sounds like they're filling in for what some congregations would give a pastor when they're preaching.
Oh yeah, yeah. They are their own bullpen. A little bit, yeah. That's a good theory.
I mean, it might have legs. I think that might be what's going on here. She's used to being one of those interactive congregations, and so without the interaction, she has to interact with herself, which only makes her sound looney tunes.
All right, okay. I don't think I want to be yelled at anymore. Notice all these things that you have to do.
You have to do them. Let's check in with... I'm going to get yelled at again.
One more person. One more person. Just a glutton for punishment today. This is all I can handle.
After this, I'm going to my happy place in the fetal position.
But okay, Ryan Lestrange, he's our final guy here. How are you doing on your prophecy bingo card,
Doreen? Well, I'm looking at a screenshot. I don't have anything to mark my screen with, so I'll be waiting to see this on the video when
Joshua will superimpose it. We'll see how close you actually got. Okay, all right.
I can see that. Okay, let's keep going now here. Last but not least, the apostle,
Ryan Lestrange. I'm a stranger with the Monday Word. My word for you is the breath of God over your life.
The breath of God over your life. This is really a prophetic decree. I'm decreeing the breath of God over you.
You know, when God created man, he gathered the dust earth and breathed in them. And the Hebrew word there is ruach.
It means breath, wind. And all throughout the Bible, God uses the breath of God, the breath of heaven, the wind of God to inspire people, to heal people, to deliver people.
When the wind of God's blowing over your life, favor's blowing, refreshing's blowing, revival's blowing. Favor is a prophecy buzzword.
The wind of God came in as the Holy Spirit came into earth and began to blow. And what did it do?
It scattered preachers to all other, to the four corners of the known earth at that time. And revival broke out.
I believe the breath of God is coming over you. Job 33, 4 says the spirit of God has made me and the breath of the all.
What was that? Revival. He said revival. Yeah, he did. He did say revival. Okay, yeah. I'm spewing them out left and right.
Yeah. He's doing the machine gun thing here. God gives me life.
I decree the breath of God is giving you life today. I decree in every area of your life, the breath of God is blowing over you, refreshing you, guiding you, reviving you, delivering you, and healing you.
In Genesis 2, 7, the Lord formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living creature.
I bind up every spirit that's coming after you. Oh, I've got bind. Yep. Yep. Binding is a word.
I've got it here. All right. Okay. Breath, your wind, your revelation, and your life in the name of Jesus.
And I decree the breath of God is filling your lungs. Your physical lung capacity is healthy in Jesus name.
I declare that you're filled with revelation, insight, even inside information that God...
I declare that you're filled with all kinds of things. Okay. It's just machine gun fire. He's just...
Yeah, yeah. Here are all the buzzwords. Yeah, yeah. This is hard to keep up with.
This is like the fire hose of prophecy buzzwords. Mm, wow.
What was that? I said our physical lungs are healed though too. Oh yeah, clearly. Well, hey, at least we get to leave here with something.
Yeah, that was such a random one in there with the other stuff. Okay, coming back.
Here we go. Receive information and revelation that you will not move in the dark, but you are a child of the light and you move with light.
Revelation, wisdom, and insight in the authority of the name of Jesus.
I declare that over your life. As long as my breath is in me and the spirit of God is in my nostrils.
That's Job 27 .3. I say the spirit of God is in you. I say that as you speak, as you pray, as you stand before the
Lord, the spirit of the Lord flows from your belly and... Flow. I've got flow, yep.
It's online, yep. All right. That's a word. Okay, good catch. Thank you. Yeah, I'm the one who put the words together.
So, you know, I try to remember as many as I can, but okay, let's keep going here.
Out of your belly, I say your words are filled with the breath of God. I say your dream life. Yes, Lord, your dream life is filled with the breath of God, that God is coming to you in the night season with dreams and visions that the mind of God...
By the way, dreams and visions are part of our words here. Isn't breathe part of the words?
Say that again. Isn't breathe one of the words? It may be, it may be. And I think he also said declare at some point.
Yeah, we'll decree and declare. Yeah, decree and declare. Yeah, that, you know, so... Okay. God, the genius of God is open over your life.
I hear the Lord say expect it, believe for it. The genius, my genius, my ideas, my wit, my innovation, my understanding is coming alive in you, said the
Lord. I decree it in the name of Jesus. Psalms 150 verse 6. You know, sometimes I wonder if these guys actually just pull up my
Prophecy Bingo word list and just, ooh, I want this one this week.
He sounds like a rapper too. He sounds like he's rapping prophetic words. Yeah, there is a cadence to it.
Oh, you could put this to a beat. Right? I don't know, I don't know if he's being that consistent. Oh, don't worry, you could do the hard cuts and just put it to the beat.
Oh, you could do that. Oh, gosh. He's loathe to do that.
That's so much editing. I want to be able to get the video out this week.
All right, let's keep going. We're almost done with this here. We're in the final stretch, guys.
Everything that has breath, praise the Lord. I decree that you are a praiser.
I decree that your praise is a weapon. I decree that in the midst of trial, tribulation, adversity, you praise your way out in the name of Jesus.
2 Timothy 3, 16 says, all scripture is breathed out by God, profitable for.
Yeah, it is. But this isn't scripture. Yeah, this isn't. This is breathed out by Ryan Lestrange, you know, so aptly named.
She reproved correction and training. I decree in the name of Jesus that you love the word of God, that as you read the word of God, as you meditate the word of God, that refreshing comes to you, that life comes to you, that new ideas, new directions open up in the name of Jesus.
I declare it and I prophesy. Ezekiel 37, 9. He said, prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath.
This said the Lord God come from the four winds. Oh, breathe and breathe on these slain that they may live.
I prophesy and command prophetic breath to come out. What is with that ring in his hand that he's wearing?
That is huge. It looks like a like a high school class ring and it's red. I've seen guys that are like into like weird secret societies wearing stuff like that.
Okay, that's weird. That you are God's prophetic instrument. You say,
Ryan, I'm not a prophet. You're a believer. I decree that you're a God's prophetic instrument and you speak in alignment with the will of...
Alignment is... Yeah, that's a prophecy buzzword. And he's pointing his finger at me.
I can't handle this guy anymore. Okay, so let's... 30 seconds left.
You're like, no, abort. Yeah, I can't do this anymore. It's my birthday.
I need some sanity. So, Doreen, let me see if I can help you out.
All right. Okay. So, all right. So, out of mercy, I'm going to give like two completely random prophecy words.
And it might help you. It may not. Oh, thanks. I appreciate it. But we'll go along those lines.
And one of them is going to be one that never shows up unless I do
Jennifer LeClaire. It'll be Sneaky Squid. So, if you have Sneaky Squid, there you go. But on my bingo card, it's not capitalized.
Oh, well, that's... So? I cheat. What does that mean? All right.
And then the next one is super random. Like, it has never come up. I don't even know why I have it. It's going to be
Heidi Baker's Shabba. Yes. Yes. How did you know?
You must be prophetic to know that. Oh, man. No, no, no, no, no, no. Absolutely no coordinated cheating at all, folks.
No, no. I am pathetic. Okay. There's a difference. It's pathetic. It's like it's my birthday or something.
Or is it pathetic? Yeah. Now, those of you watching, and if you would like to take advantage of Sneaky Squid and if it's on your prophecy bingo card and you want actual credit for it, then you have to at least have subscribed to the channel and like the video.
Otherwise, you're cheating, and we don't allow you to do that. Only I am allowed to cheat. Touch not the anointed bingo card.
That's right. That's right. So, Doreen, real quick, I just want to thank you for coming on the program and giving us your insight.
Any parting thoughts here as we're wrapping up this installment of Prophecy Bingo?
This makes me more grateful for my salvation than ever, because I was in this world, and it is just a mess.
It's a hot mess, just like you're seeing here, to be in that world. So, thank you, Jesus, for pulling me out. Yeah, and the clarity of the
Word of God, the Bible, and the comforting message that we find there of what Christ has done for us, it's on every page of Scripture.
Of God's great love, His mercy for His fallen creation, and all the different ways in which
God has promised to rescue and redeem, to forgive us, and to give us a real hope.
The real hope is not that there's a shaking or a breakthrough or all this nonsense. The real hope we have is in the real inheritance we have, and that is the new earth.
After the resurrection from the dead and the day of judgment, we will see Christ face to face forever in a world without end.
And these people are sent not by God, they're sent by the devil to distract us away from the pure and wholesome words of the
Word of God, and to keep us from receiving and having that inheritance and that forgiveness that we have in God, which the
Word of God points us to. But these people are not hearing God's words, they're something else. So I appreciate the fact that in watching this, it reminds you of the great salvation and the mercy
God has had on you, and also that we should be praying for these people, because they are either deceived, or they are self -deceivers, or they are just intentionally lying and duplicitous.
There is no option here that makes them brothers and sisters in Christ who are just engaging in slipsy -oopsie -doopsies and small mistakes.
This is blasphemy. All of these words are not from God at all, and by them claiming that they're coming from God, they are breaking the commandment that says you will not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain, and so they are blaspheming God when they do this. So again, the whole point of all of this is to test these prophecies, and to demonstrate that these people are not hearing
God. This is not prophecy, I don't know what it is. Doreen, I want to thank you again for your time, and also for the work that you're putting in on behalf of the body of Christ, and we continue to really enjoy as we watch how
God is working through His Word to mature you and to have an impact, to open people's eyes to deception so that they can come out of darkness into the light of Christ.
So thank you very much. Thank you. All right. So we're going to wrap it up there, and Josh, I'm just going to let you end the video any old way you want at this point.