Living in the House of Your Father (08/24/2003)


Pastor David Mitchell


Turn with me this morning, please to John chapter 3 where we've been talking about the finished work of Christ All that he has accomplished for us and we're talking about the fact of sonship
Talked about it for a couple of Sundays now And we're gonna continue on that theme
Let me review just a little bit in case we have some visitors who haven't been here the last couple of Sundays But in John chapter 3, we won't read through every verse again, but if you look at verse 8
It illustrates very well the first point about our sonship being the children of God By faith in Christ Jesus.
The first point was if you remember That Jesus used physical birth as an example or an illustration of spiritual birth
He used something that we're all familiar with to teach us something we didn't know anything about So he taught
Nicodemus and us that spiritual birth is like physical birth and One of the things that they have in common is this in physical birth
The cause of it is not the child The cause of the physical birth is the parents in other words
The child is born because of the will of the parents not because of his own will in Fact he is born by nothing that he did himself
In fact, wouldn't you agree with me that the child has to be born first before he has the opportunity to be obedient or disobedient
So therefore his birth is not a result of his obedience We all agree that that's true in the physical world
It's also true in the spiritual world, but a lot of people are confused about that In fact, most people who call themselves
Christians in this world today Think that something that you do plays a part in your own salvation
You have many camps on that some I know some think there's five steps in Salvation can't even remember them all
It's a lot of things you have to do. I know it's believe repent Confess Be baptized and I left one of them out probably tithe or something
I left one of them out, but there are five steps among that group to be saved There are other groups who say that salvation is like a gift that God gives but you have to do the receiving
And so if you don't do the receiving and exhibit your faith Then you you will not be saved and that if you do exhibit the faith, that's what causes you to be saved
None of that is true because the emphasis is on you and me and in salvation the emphasis should be on God Because he is the father and just as in natural birth
The birth of the child relies upon the work of the parents not the child It's the same in spiritual in the spiritual realm
John 3 8 proves it Look at verse 8 we won't read all the way down because we've already done that the last couple of Sundays But it says the wind bloweth where it listed
Now, what does that mean? The word listed means where it wants to? the wind blows where it wants to and You hear the sound thereof, but you cannot tell where it came from or where it's going
So is everyone that is born of the Spirit? And so we see that Salvation cannot be controlled by man
It is of God, it's interesting if you drop back to verse 4 When Jesus first told
Nicodemus you must be born again Nicodemus said how can these things be can a man enter his mother's womb again and be born?
Why was he asking such a question? Because like most of those who call themselves
Christians today I would call them Armenians because there are people who believe that they do something to help themselves be saved
That's most every one of your friends who call themselves Christians believe that now they may tell you they don't
But their actions and other words that they say later on in the conversation Will illustrate that they really do think that they have to do something to help
God Save them Nicodemus was like this Nicodemus said why you know, how can
I? Go back in my mother's room and be born. He's focusing on himself. What can
I do to be saved? He said that doesn't make sense because I can't do that and Jesus whole point was you're right.
You can't do that Therefore you can't save yourself. It's like the wind that blows where it listed you can hear it
You can Sense that it's there, but you cannot control where it came from or where it's going
So is everyone that is born of the Spirit? Nicodemus once again asks, how can these things be and Jesus reply is
Jesus answered and said to him art thou a master of Israel and know is not these things
We could say this to most of our quote Christian friends today If you made it very clear and very solid that you did nothing to save yourself
Nothing that you did played a role in it. It is all from the Father God drew you to Jesus Christ God placed within your heart the faith of Jesus Christ so that you could then believe and God called you to himself to see like he did the
Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus He wasn't going out trying to be saved. He was going out trying to kill
Christians He didn't have a little bumper sticker on his chariot that said I found
Christ. He wasn't looking He wasn't looking but God was pursuing him and on that road all of a sudden
God made it to be so in Paul's heart where he had eyes that could see and Ears that could hear and those around him didn't
The same event there were people there who didn't have that But Paul did because God had given it to him as a gift because God was birthing him
He was giving birth to another one of his children and Paul played no part in it All he did was say, oh,
I'm here now. What can I do? You see the birth has to take place before the obedience can come
And it's that way with every one of us But most of your friends don't know that and if you made it very clear to them
You know what? They would say to you. They said well, how could that be? See Nicodemus in chapter 3 verse 9
How can these things be that's exactly what they would say to you and your answer could be similar to that of Jesus in verse 10
Are you claiming to be a Christian and you don't know these things you're claiming to be a pastor
You claim to be a teacher of the word and you don't know this That's what Jesus said so Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3
John chapter 1 verse 12 and 13 where it speaks of Salvation that says we are born not of the blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man
But of God those verses all illustrate that point and then last time we went to a second point and Look at John chapter 3 verse 7.
We started to introduce this point with this verse Marvel not that I said unto thee he must be born again and you look at the
Greek behind these words born again and You see the word Jeneo Which is the word that is used to come up with the
English word genes like you inherited genes from your parents So what the scripture really says?
Jesus tells Nicodemus. This is not a physical thing. We're talking about. There's nothing you can do to be saved nothing yourself
It is a gift from the Father. You're going to be born and he says marvel not at this
You must be gene From above born again means gene from above or another way you can
Translate the the word again is gene from the first Which meaning
God being the Alpha and the Omega the first the one who was there before anything else was there you must be gene by him and then you go into 2nd
Peter and Chapter 1 in verse 3 And also 1st
Peter 118 it uses the word born again. It's a slightly different word. It literally means to be regened
And 2nd Peter 1 3 explains exactly what happens when a person is born again
Spiritually he is born Look at this verse 2nd Peter 1 3 according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness
Through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue virtue
Do you see that it's God that does the calling it's God that is doing the action For us salvation is passive.
It's in the passive tense It means it's done to us by someone that is greater than us
But look at verse 4 whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these
He might be partakers of the divine nature You see that it says this is given to us.
It's not something we can do God must give this to us, but when he gives us birth
He regenes us he genes us from above We now can think of the old man and the new man
Paul talks about it all the time the old man being the natural man the flesh The new man being that which is born at the time of spiritual birth
So now we have we are two men with the old man We have the genes of our human mother and father
The new man has been regened and we now have the genes of God and it says we therefore have the divine
Nature we have been made partakers of it. See you see that's not us doing the work When it says we are made partakers that someone greater than us doing it to us
He makes us to be partakers of this at the moment. We're born go back to physical birth
Then I gave an illustration using Matthew last time we had four children before Matthew was conceived and so imagine that when
Matthew was in Charlotte's tummy He says mom.
Can you hear me? She says what is that? He says listen, I know you have four children
You know, I don't know if five is too much But I'll promise you this if you'll let me be born.
I will be perfectly obedient the whole my whole life So on the basis of that, please let me be born.
Do you think that happened? No, that didn't happen He was just simply born one day and from that moment on he had the opportunity to obey or disobey so the obedience had no role in his birth and Jesus is saying this look when you are born into this world
That's one thing but when you are born from above you are Regene you're given the genes of Jesus Christ and you are given the divine nature
You are made partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust
You know what that means? That means you have a nature that God has now we still have the old man hanging around unfortunately we live in him
We live in a body of flesh The whole thing of growing in Christ is learning how important it is to walk in the new man
Rather than in the old man because Paul said this about himself He's the greatest Christian that ever lived and yet he said in this flesh dwelleth.
No good thing There is nothing good that we can bring from the old man and use it in God's work.
We have to come from the new man We have to live in the new man and walk in the new man
And that is the goal that is the challenge and that is the part We must play is we must be in control of ourselves
You have to understand if you're born again today. The real you is the new man The old man is crucified now
He was crucified the day Jesus was crucified in reality spiritually But when
Jesus was risen from that grave your new man was risen with him as a matter of fact We'll see in a few points here if we get to him that when
Jesus Ascended into heaven after the resurrection You ascended in him the new man
And so you walk in the new man and you know what that new man has a nature that wants to do exactly what
God Wants you to do it pulls a hundred percent in the direction of God all the time without fail
There's a verse in 1st John chapter 5. I believe where it says the new man cannot sin So as long as you're walking in the new man
Some people call that spirit filled if you're walking in the new man You won't sin while you're doing that you can't and that is the real you by the way
Now what you have to do to be a good Christian is be a thinking Christian You have to think about you have to hear your thoughts
All sin is here. It's between the ears Now there may be actions that we call sins, but they start right here
So if we would all learn to think about what we're thinking about We can be a good
Christian Thoughts just pop into our minds all the time because the old man is there
He is very much has to do with your brain the organ. We call the brain. You've been putting input into there since You were born you get it from TV.
You get it from music. You get it from videos You get it from bad company You've been around and from good company
And if you're born again, you get input from the Word of God from being around Christians You get it from all different directions
It all goes in that same brain and it's like a magnificent computer and you've put all that input in Unfortunately a lot of that input it comes from the world in the bad sense of that worldliness
Worldly thoughts worldly philosophies worldly ideas that are not even true that you thought were true because you've been taught those things sometimes by your mom
Sometimes by your grandmom So you think they're true and all that's programmed in and if we walk according to that We will walk surely as the world walks
But if we can learn to think about what we're thinking and a thought pops in our mind and it does not match the word
Jesus said by words they are spirit and they are life and if a thought pops into your mind
It doesn't match the word You need to hear that thought pay attention and cast it out of your mind and say no
You're not you can't think that way And you know, that's your old man. You know, you don't think that way you're not in control
I'm in control and I'm walking with the Lord My mentor dr.
Rocky Freeman said one time if any thought comes into your mind It does not edify you which means build you he said consider the source.
He said it's not from God It's either from a demon or from your own fleshly mind that you drug up from the past But he said it's not from God any thought that's from God will build you and edify you
So you have to think about what you're thinking about all the time There's even a place the
Bible where it says you're supposed to take your thoughts and bring them into captivity of the Lord Jesus Christ Now when we don't do that, we're disobeying the
Lord because he taught us to do that It's a great key and walking in the new man is making sure that you man's in control of The mind and so we have a divine nature
Now those people who feel that a person could be truly born again and then lose their salvation
Are so far off the mark That it barely merits arguing with them in fact
I joked in the last couple of Sundays about the fact that the real Subtitle of this message is the first second third and fourth of my 1 ,000 reasons.
You cannot lose your salvation But the first reason is because your birth had nothing to do with you it had to do with God bringing you into his family and Since you didn't do it.
You can't undo it It was a work of God The second reason is because at the moment of salvation you are rejeaned and given the divine
Nature now, let me ask you this if you have the divine nature Why would you do something or why would you do something unnatural to that nature?
For example, if you have the divine nature and it's very propensity is to move towards God and towards the heavenlies
How could that nature then say I don't want God You see that would have to be the nature of the devil
You don't have that nature when you're born again, you're given the new nature We talked about last time the reason a cow eats grass because it's his nature to eat grass
He doesn't go around to try to impress his fellow cows and say well, I'm religious I'm going to eat grass so that I may be a cow
Doesn't work that way He has the nature first and so he eats grass a truly born -again
Person does good works as we discussed in Sunday school in the book of James Simply as a result of what he is on the inside He does good works as a result of his very nature
That God has given him at the moment of spiritual birth that he did not have before that moment He did nothing to get that nature.
By the way, he didn't earn it. He can't work it up. He can't invent it He can't say I believe
I believe I believe I'm good. I'm good. I'm good You know, none of that works It's something that someone greater than you has to give to you and that's what
God has done So the second reason that you could not lose your salvation is because you've been given a nature
That would never want to do that. You've been given a nature that wants to walk with the
Lord Jesus Christ Now let's go to a third point
We're talking about characteristics of a child of God the first characteristic is that he is born
He's given birth by his father and his mother in the physical realm and the spiritual realm by the father
The second characteristic is that he now has the nature of his parents or spiritually the nature of his father.
The third Characteristic is this that when a child is born he lives in the house of his father.
Is that not true? And so that's true spiritually now. Look at John chapter 3 verse 12 a a
Born again child or a child who was born into God's family lives in the house of his father
John 3 12 I have told you earthly things and you believe not how shall you believe if I tell you heavenly things and no man
Hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which is in heaven now
I use this verse as a springboard to talk about this idea that if we are born again
We are currently dwelling in the house of the Lord already We shall dwell in a mansion that he's building for us now someday
But we right now on the planet Earth in time in space. We're already living in his house
Look at this verse again chapter 3 verse 12 and 13. Do you notice that Jesus is on the planet
Earth? Standing before a man named Nicodemus talking to him face to face and as he speaks to him
Look at verse 13 very carefully. You may not have noticed this But he says no man.
He's speaking of himself Jesus is speaking of himself telling Nicodemus. I'm gonna tell you about me
He says no man has ascended up to heaven except he that came down from heaven even the
Son of Man Which is present tense in heaven now, how could
Jesus say that? Here is his feet are grounded on the earth and he's talking to Nicodemus and he says
I'm the Son of Man who is in Heaven that's present tense. How can he be on the earth and in heaven at the same time?
Well, we don't necessarily know but we know it states that he was Now my question to you would be is this possible for children of God for us?
Can we be on the earth and in heaven at the same time? Well, we'd better learn whether we can or not because you cannot walk in the new man
If you don't understand this concept you not only died in Christ, that's the old man You not only were resurrected in Christ.
That's the birth of the new man to life that you also Ascended in Christ and seated where he is seated at the right hand of God in Christ You are there as well.
And that is the whole key to walking in the spirit is Knowing that that's where it's coming from.
It's coming from there down this way rather than the body running everything We do my old man my flesh my urges my brain all the input
Telling me where to go who my friends are what I'm going to do what I like That's upside down for a true child of God It should all come from the heavenlies and move down into the life and in this body becomes an instrument in God's hand in the
Physical world to do God's work because Jesus is not here bodily. We are his body here
You know what? He is the mind there And we are in him now Let's look and see if this we see that it's possible for Jesus to be on the earth and in heaven at the same time
Is it possible for us? Turn to Ephesians chapter 2 verse 5. Let's look at this.
There's another place. We're running out of time You might want to mark Ephesians 1 3 But Let's just go to Ephesians 2 5 and we'll use one of these points to illustrate this we're gonna have to look at the grammar just a little bit because there are three phrases that are used in this passage and the three phrases have the same exact tense of the verbs and That's going to prove something to us as far as God's mind on this subject
So follow with me Ephesians 2 5 even when we were dead in sins
Hath quickened us together with Christ By grace you are saved you see you're not saved by something you do you're saved by unmerited favor.
That's what grace means You were quickened together with Christ now that happened 2 ,000 years before you were born almost in this world
It had nothing to do with your will or anything. You've done in this life
It was accomplished before you were born You God is omniscient.
He knows all things. God is not bound by time God does not have to wait and see what you're gonna do or what
I'm gonna do God knew you before the foundation of the world Ephesians chapter 1 teaches that and it says he chose you before the foundation of the world and predestinated you before the present foundation of the world to be his own and So what the
Bible says here is that 2 ,000 years before you were born. God is not bound by time
He spiritually took those who were his children Whom he knew from the foundation of the world and placed them in Christ spiritually so that when
Jesus died your old man was crucified So that Jesus paid the sin debt for you, but you were literally in him and your sins literally did die
But not only that three days later when Jesus came out of that grave by the power of God Which you'll see this word in a moment this word for power
The same word that is translated into the word birds You've probably had that in school some of you that have had some engineering classes.
It's it's a measurement of work But it is what God provides in the resurrection of Christ It is that same power that quickens us now.
Look what it says. He hath quickened us together with Christ This word together is very important because it means oneness in Union It means we were
I think brother Otis sometimes teaches. It's like being a Siamese twin You are so tied together with Christ that you're not one and he's one but you're one together
So you were that way with him when he rose from the grave when he was quickened when he was given life
Now it says he hath Quickened him half quickened is in English It sounds like past tense, but in the
Greek it's actually aorist. We don't have that in English But the aorist tense is a very interesting tense
And that's one reason God wrote the word in Greek is so we could have these different colors in shades of meaning
Let me read to you a definition of what aorist tense means It means the concept of the verb is
Considered without regard for past present our future. It's sort of an eternal tense the most common use of the aorist tense is
Is this it views the action as Already existing at a certain point in time in other words anywhere where you go in time and stop there
That action is already there. It meets you there. You see that you can't do that in English But well,
I just tried but it doesn't work real easily But when the Bible says he hath quickened us with him the same time he quickened
Christ He quickened us it is not in the past tense So it's not really only a reference to 2 ,000 years ago.
The day Jesus was on the cross in time It goes beyond that it says even at that point.
It was already really done by God He has quickened us in Christ its aorist active active means
God did it we didn't do it and it's indicative which means it just flat happened You can't change it.
It is something that happened that cannot be changed Now if that's true of our quickening
Look at verse 6 It says the same grammar Uses the exact same grammar when it says he hath raised us up together
He not only made us alive together with Christ He now raised us up together the same exact tense
We are in union with Christ the day. He came out of the grave and our new man is given birth
Really at that time We're not aware of it until the moment of our salvation in our lifetime is when we become aware of it the
Apostle Paul Walking along the road going out to kill Christians all of a sudden God Gives him that miraculous gift of faith.
He gives him a birth He looks up and he says Lord. He could never call him that before Lord, what would you have me to do the obedience followed?
He was risen. He knew he had been risen for the first time in his life Together now, but I want you to look at this last phrase in verse 6.
The tense is the same It is exactly identical to what we've looked at already.
The error is tense. Not only did he quicken us Not only did he raise us
But it says at the same time, which is not now it's already happened
It is not with really with regard to time because anywhere in time you go. This has already happened for God's children
We're aware of it at the point of our salvation, but it says he has made us to sit together
That's the same word for union In heavenly places in Christ now from our vantage point
This happened in the past 2 ,000 years ago the day Jesus was on the cross These things happen and they happen to him and to us together
That's why we say we have a co -death. We have a co burial
We have a co resurrection and a co ascension. We are together with him
Now we are united at the moment of birth. We are given the divine nature The Holy Spirit baptizes us or immerses us into Christ.
We become part of his body We are one with him and it counts for all time at that point somehow
Spiritually from God's viewpoint it baptizes us and makes us I shouldn't use that word.
It's a bad English word He immerses us is what the word really means into Christ We become one with him, but we were one with him from that point from our viewpoint looking back
We were in him when he died in him when he rose in him when he ascended and that's exactly what it means when it
Says we now right now already You come to any point in time and it's already there come to now today and this is already here
You are sitting together with him in heavenly places
Wow If we could understand what that meant the Greek word for heavenly places is just one word
It means in the heavenly regions So you could say this
If we are his feet on the earth, he is our head in the heavenlies or you could put it this way
Jesus and myself Or Jesus in yourself You are together in your body on this earth
But Jesus and yourself You are together in the head in heaven as well
So we don't think that way we think of what Jesus in my heart that is so true Jesus lives in me
My body is the temple of the Living God on this planet on this earth in space and time to do physical work in God's physical world with other human beings to be a witness to be a light
He is with me here, but we don't talk about this nearly enough. We are with him there
Now when you start Paying attention to your own mind Realize that you are the new man
You need to understand that you are seated spiritually in Christ in the heavenlies
Far above the things of this world. You're above your enemies You see you are living in the house of God now
Where is God's house? It is not here. This is his footstool You're living with him in the heavenlies now that is a characteristic of being born into the family you're living in God's house in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 19.
It says and what is the exceeding greatness of his power? Now that is the word that the
English word erg comes from. It's a word that means power that comes from God The exceeding greatness of his power to us word in other words toward us who believe according to the working of His mighty power salvation is of him
Salvation is of God. It's according to God's power verse 20 says which he wrought in Christ When he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenlies
That same power was wrought in you and me when we were born again Now this is a power in verse 21 to be far above all
Principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come and He hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church
Which is his body the fullness of him that filleth all in all
Do we realize that? Because we are in Christ Seated in the heavenlies.
We're above the enemy We're above the world. We're above the flesh.
We're above the temptations. We're above the devil We're above the law of the Old Testament those churches that are too legalistic.
They don't understand this concept We're seated in the heavenlies. The law doesn't apply there. It only applies here we're already above that in Christ and So because we are in Christ We walk in the law because that's what
Jesus does You go into Psalm 27 turn there with me for a moment
I've said this many times It's amazing to me how David in the Old Testament had such an insight to New Testament truths seem like He understood some of these concepts that we don't really learn from the
Old Testament except by reading some of David's songs But Psalm 27 for Talks about being in the house of the
Lord Says one thing have I desired of the Lord That will
I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life You see that's not talking about when when you die and go to heaven is talking about now
To behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple
That's not talking about the earthly temple. That was a pattern of the heavenly place Where the
Holy of Holies was it's talking about the place in heaven David simply said this if I could live and have my thought life in the house of the
Lord and Behold the beauty of Lord where he is in his temple that means in the heavenlies
Then I would have some results in my life. Let's look at what some of these results are He says first I would behold the beauty of the
Lord if we dwell in the heavenlies as David did we can then behold the beauty of God and communicate with him where he is and Then verse 5 says for in the time of trouble
He shall hide me in his pavilion in the secret of his tabernacle. Shall he hide me?
He shall set me upon a rock and now shall mine head be lifted up above my enemies
Which are round about me therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy?
I will sing. Yeah, I will sing praises unto the Lord now. I don't know if you're if you're with me
This morning, but but I'm seeing this and I hope some of you are starting to see the fact that David is
Saying that I'm living on the earth, but my mind in my heart spiritually I'm already dwelling in heaven in the house of the
Lord and I'm beholding his beauty while my enemies are attacking me down here and as I behold his beauty from his true tabernacle in the heavenlies not here, but there while I'm looking in his face
Spiritually beholding his beauty. He lifts me up above my enemies who are still down on the earth
You know your enemies today you have three the world the flesh and the devil You need to learn how to fight each one
You don't fight them the same way But the truth is if you could dwell in your new man and dwell in Christ in the heavenlies at the right hand of God You don't even have to fight them because they're below you
They're down in a realm where you are not living you're living in this realm Your body is here as an instrument of God But your mind and your heart is there beholding
God in his house Because you're living in his house while you're still here. You're not waiting till you die many
Christians wait till they die Well when I die, I guess I'll see what it's like up there. Yeah, they never looked around before David did though David looked around up there by faith
David says I behold the beauty of the Lord. You're not gonna see him down here right now. Where did he seem?
He had to be there. David was dwelling in that realm when he wrote this song And now shall my head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me
Therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy joy as a result of living in that place in Christ Christians who have no joy are living in the world
They don't want to think of themselves as worldly or fleshly, but they are they all want it. We all gonna be spiritual
I'm the new man walking around. I'm so happy I'm the new man. No, you can't you can't fake this joy
This joy comes From looking around in that place and seeing his beautiful face by faith and Being seated there in Christ Not only do you have victory over your enemies
Which means you can have victory over specific sin habits that you have in your life that have plagued you for years
You can stop them right now Because guess what? They're not there. So if you live there you're above them
There's so much application in this message this morning. We'd take it home and think about it Verse 6 does one thing though.
It does a promise. It does promise us that our enemies are around us all the time You young people that are going back to college
This week and the younger ones that are going back to school pretty soon You need to understand that just because you're saved doesn't mean everything's cool now
Everything's gonna be great. What it means is you're absolutely surrounded by enemies Satan hates you because you belong to God So Satan is on your trail as an enemy.
He brings the world to get you He brings your own flesh to get you and sometimes he'll send a demon to get you but he's after you but as long as you're filled with the spirit and Walking in Jesus and realizing your position in Christ seated in him in the heavenlies
Then you're above Lifted up above your enemies by God My head is above my enemies the world the flesh the devil even the law is for this world
I can just live and walk in Christ and David said joy is
The great result of it You know, we don't find joy by seeking it We find joy by being in Christ and looking at his beautiful face
And looking around the heavenlies and letting our minds be there while our bodies are here
That's the whole key let's stand in that prayer together Father we thank you for your word.
We thank you that you teach us That because we're your children we have several
Facts that are true first. We didn't birth ourselves you birthed us Second we have been given your nature by you to live for you and third
We are seated in the heavenlies even while we're here Lord we thank you for this fact because it's what gives us rest
From the enemies. It says that you will set a table before us even in the presence of our enemies
We can be fellowshipping and supping with you in heaven While we're down here and the enemies are attacking
Lord give us this kind of faith that David had that Jesus had Help us to dwell more in that realm rather than down here so much
Help us to mind the things of the spirit and not the things of the world May our minds be upon those things father help us to be thinking
Christians help us to think about what we're thinking about And to call into line and to captivity any thought that is not from you
Or from the new man and to cast it out and to walk that way moment by moment in our days
We know that if we will do this that you provide you give us the provision To walk a holy life
Father help us to be a good testimony good light in this world because our minds are the mind of Christ We're in Christ in the heavenlies
Help our testimony to be a result of that Help us to grow in this area father.
We thank you for their time of fellowship We're about to have we ask you to bless the meal. We're about to have together and we pray in Jesus name.