Incoming - White Knight in Defense of Mary Poppins

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And what it has to do with social justice movement in the church.


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Alright, well yesterday we talked a lot about the Mary Poppins article. We had a little fun with it and it was clearly a hilarious, hilarious article.
Although, I just gotta be upfront with you guys, I'm not so sure that everyone who sees that article doesn't understand that it's actually a serious article.
That author is very serious about it. He actually believes that about Mary Poppins when she puts the powder on her face and all that.
So it's a serious article. It's not supposed to be humorous. It's not supposed to be satire or anything like that.
Even though it's like... there's really not much else to say about that. But I did want to...
I think there's a teachable moment here because there's actually something in the Mary Poppins article that I think we can apply to social justice in the church as a whole.
And, you know, the other thing is I want to do a little white knighting for my lady, Mary Poppins.
Why's it gotta be white? Don't worry, it's not about the skin color. It's just like in the old movies, you know, the knight would have white armor.
He was the good knight. He would always, you know, defend the lady. And then the evil knight was the one who wore black armor.
It's like in Star Wars, you know, red and green don't mean anything, but dark side evil people have red lightsabers and Luke Skywalker...
Calm down, calm down. It's not a racial thing. And even if it is, everybody understands what we mean by being a white knight.
I'm going to be a bit of a white knight for Mary Poppins because I love Mary Poppins. I love Mary Poppins, yeah.
You know, when I was a kid, I didn't have a nanny because I was lucky enough to grow up and my mom stayed home.
And, you know, we didn't have a ton of money, but, you know, she was able to stay home and raise us and all that.
So I didn't have a nanny. But if I did have a nanny, wow, I would have wanted a nanny like Mary Poppins.
She was great. So much fun. Just a delightful person. So I am not going to let you sit here.
I'll be if I'm going to sit here and let you insult my lady, Mary Poppins.
But anyway, but here's the thing about this, right? So the whole idea that Mary Poppins is a racist movie or even just that Mary Poppins herself is a racist.
I don't know really exactly what the point is. Is the movie racist or is the person racist?
I think it's the movie is what they're saying because, you know, the way they describe it is that the whole idea of the people in Mary Poppins times, they were all racist, you know.
And so the movie doesn't do anything to change what the book supposedly felt like or taught about black people.
And so therefore, the movie is racist itself. And if you even if you read the end of the article, what his point of writing the article about Mary Poppins was to hopefully make the
Dumbo movie not racist. And I laughed at that in my last video because that's so stupid and so hilarious that it just there's nothing really to to really say about that.
And so the impression is that the Mary Poppins movie is racist. And one of the reasons it's racist is because of the scene where they get the soot on their face.
And Mary Poppins, you know, powders her face to, you know, you think it's to clean it up. But really, it just puts more dirt on there and all of that kind of stuff.
And that's supposedly blackface. She was flirting with blackface, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And so the movie's racist.
But here's the thing. Like, when I was a kid, right, when
I was a kid, you know, obviously, every good kids movie has two layers, right? So every good kids movie, you know, kids can enjoy it.
And I enjoyed it because of the visuals. People were flying on the ceiling. They jumped into the picture.
They were singing and dancing. I loved all that stuff. That was great. That kids love that kind of stuff. But every good kids movie is working on two levels, right?
So they've got the stuff that the kids like, and there's entertainment for the kids. But then there's also the level of the adults being able to appreciate it.
There's themes and there's messages in the movie that an adult can appreciate, too.
Every good kids movie is like that. I was watching Cars 3 the other night with my kids, and they love it because of the cars racing around and things like that.
But that movie, I mean, it has things that adults really understand. And the whole thing about, you know, you come to the end of your career, and then, you know, sometimes it feels like your life is over.
But it really isn't. Your life isn't over. It's just changing. And you can take people under your wing and things like that.
And Lightning McQueen figures that out at the end of the movie. It's awesome, right? That's what a good kids movie does. But when
I was a kid, I could even see the themes of Mary Poppins because they're so blatant.
They're so blatantly the opposite of racist. So here's the thing. Let's just accept the narrative, right, that the chimney sweeps represent black people, the black menace, right?
And all the chimney sweeps are wearing blackface, and it's supposed to be a threatening kind of thing.
Okay, let's just accept that narrative for what it is because, honestly, I don't really have any reason to deny that narrative.
I don't care. Because if you say that, therefore, it's a racist movie, you are interpreting movies like worse than a child.
Because when I was a child, I understood this very well. You are so superficial and so simplistic in your understanding of a message of a movie that all you see is the outside appearances.
You're literally judging by the most superficial, idiotic kind of way that you can.
Because if you notice, in that scene, Mary Poppins is taking these two hoity -toity kids that grew up with a silver spoon in their mouth.
They're in high society. Their father's a banker. They live in a huge house. They've got servants, all this stuff.
She's taking these kids, and she's bringing them up. She's bringing them up to the top of the roofs where all of these supposedly guys wearing blackface, these threatening people live.
And at first, they're a little bit scared, and it's a little bit mysterious and all of this. And who could blame them?
I mean, they've grown up in this nursery where nothing could possibly go wrong and all of these things.
At first, they're scared, but then they realize that these are just people.
These are just people. And not only are they people, but they're having a killer time up there. They're dancing around.
They're singing. They're stepping in time. I love that song. I wasn't joking about that. I do love that song. In fact, before I was even a
Christian, so this was definitely before I had kids, I downloaded the Mary Poppins soundtrack when I was a crazy...
I was a sinner, man. I did a lot of awful stuff. I did a lot of drugs, drinking.
I downloaded the Mary Poppins soundtrack during that time of my life because I loved the music so much.
You see what I'm saying? I really do. I'm not joking. I like Mary Poppins very much. But the whole message though is that even though something might be different, even though something might be scary at first, it's actually not.
And in fact, if you go and join them, you could probably have a good time and you'll probably enjoy it. You'll probably want to become one of them and all of that stuff.
The message is so opposite of a racist message that you have to be stupid to interpret it any other way.
And I do mean that very specifically. If you interpret it as a racist idea that's being presented in that movie, that black people are scary and dangerous and that's the idea that's being presented, you're an idiot.
Okay? You're an idiot. Because that's the opposite of the message. That's the opposite of the message.
And you're the kind of person that if somebody says the N -word, even out of context, right?
Like let's say they're singing a rap song and there's just so happens to say nigger in the rap song, right? And you're a white person.
You're singing along and you say the word nigger. And then you're the kind of person that would try to ruin that guy's career. You're the kind of person that would want to ruin that guy's life.
You're the kind of person that that poor weatherman who accidentally said
Martin Luther King Park. And it was totally an accident. It was just because he was speaking fast.
Obviously, this is not up for debate. Obviously, he was speaking fast. He was trying to say Martin Luther King Jr.
Park and he put some words together accidentally and it sounded like Coon. And he lost his job for that.
The people who call for that guy to lose his job, they're idiots. They're idiots. Don't be an idiot.
And so here's the point though. So this is why I think, so look, I'm done defending my lady, Mary Poppins.
She is a delightful person. She's the opposite of racist. She was absolutely teaching the opposite message of what that person who wrote that article was trying to say.
She was actually trying to show the children that look, you might think this is scary. This is different. It's not what you're used to, but it's a lot of fun.
It's a lot of fun. So done defending Mary Poppins for I think every normal person can see that.
But what does that have to do with the social justice movement in general? Well, the reality is it has everything to do with it.
Everything. Because that article was so stupid that even most social justice warriors will say, wow, that's really a reach.
That's stupid. That's really stupid. Maybe not all of them. I mean, look, nothing surprises me anymore.
Listen, I'm done being surprised by how stupid the social justice movement can be. These people that are putting forward these narratives in the church, maybe they do believe
Mary Poppins is a racist movie. I don't know. I have no idea. I mean, if they do, they're stupid too. But here's the thing though.
Social justice looks at the very superficial level to decide what's what.
They don't look even one inch deep. It's all about appearances. It's all about what looks good.
And so that's why you'll get calls for we need to hire a black pastor. We need to hire a black pastor because it doesn't matter if we're racist or not.
What matters is that we have blacks in leadership and it looks like we're not racist. Because the idea is, and this is put forward all the time, that one of the ways you can see that the church is racist is because of statistical disparities.
And we don't have any ethnic minority pastors and things like that. And so it's very superficial.
You see what I'm saying? Like the way you exegete Mary Poppins is very superficial. If they have blackface on, well, then it's obviously a racist movie even when the message is the exact opposite.
But that's also the way you interpret the church. It's also the way you exegete the church. The way you look at a church and say is it racist or not is how many white people are in that church.
Is there a proportional representation of all the colors under the sun of that church? And if there's not, then it's a racist church.
But actually that's not even really true. Go ahead and listen to Vadi Bakum's Sovereign Nations, his presentation on social justice because he points out something that's very important.
It's that it's a racist church if it's an all -white church. But if it's an all -black church and so there's no proportional representation, then it's not a racist church obviously.
So it only works one way. But that's the thing. It's like the most basic stupidity kind of interpretation.
This reminds me of Matt Chandler in his MLK 50 speech. He said that when he was a kid, this is what he said.
He said when he was a kid, all he learned about in American history was how great white people were.
And I'm thinking to myself, you know, Matt's not that much older than I am. You know what
I mean? He's probably a little older than I am but not that much. Not that much. And when
I was in school, I didn't learn history that way. And what I mean is when they taught me about the different, you know, political, you know, fathers of the country kind of thing.
Yeah, most of them were white. But it wasn't presented to me as look at how great white people are, guys.
Let's have our white unit today. We're going to learn all about how great white people are. That's not how it was presented. It's just a matter of fact that many of the founding fathers had pale skin.
There's nothing wrong with that. But you see, Matt is interpreting it in this most basic sort of what does it look like to me and that's what it is.
So if I learned about American history and most of the key players were white in what
I'm learning about, and that's just a fact of history, by the way. Most of the key players were white. And again, we're talking political history, right?
So this is the other thing, too. Like you can't expect a government school not to teach government history. So they're not going to teach about things that are –
I'm getting sidetracked. You interpret it in the most basic stupid way where it's like, oh, well, that must mean
I just learned all about white people. How great white people are. Like you don't interpret that way.
There's no reason to do that. That's an interpretation of what happened, not exactly what happened. Do you see what
I'm saying? Do you see the point I'm trying to make here? It's this Mary Poppins thing is so stupid, but it is how social justice warriors interpret everything.
It's how they interpret everything. People have been – this tweet has been making the rounds.
Let me see if I can find the tweet here. It's from Anthony Bradley. So you've probably seen this tweet already.
This is one of the most vile things I've ever read on Twitter. And I've read a lot of vile things.
I've read – I follow alt -writers. I follow the most vicious racists. You know what I mean?
Like I follow some real evil people. But the reason why I say this is the most vile thing
I've read on Twitter in a while is because this man calls himself a Christian. You know, a lot of the alt -writers that I follow, they don't even pretend they're
Christians. A lot of them actually pretend – a lot of them are open pagans, right?
Like they're okay with that. Look at this. I want you to see this.
This is just one of the most sick, disgusting things I've ever read. Here we go. Here we go. He says this.
He says, this is simple. Black people in America have relied on God's word to help them survive white people.
Okay, so again, this is how an idiot thinks. There's just two categories. Black people or white people.
And that's it. There's no nuance. It's just black people and white people. And black people are the victims and white people are the evil bigots.
He goes on. He says, when you're white and in the dominant culture, you've never needed the Old Testament, covenant -keeping, and redemptive
God. Yours became a Christianity of moralism and your kids walked. Other people have said this, so this is not me going on a limb here.
But let me just say it as plainly as I can. This is racism. This is evil.
This is showing partiality. Okay, that's it. You want to talk about it in a biblical way.
It's showing partiality is what it is. It's bearing false witness is what it is.
It's taking the Lord's name in vain is what it is. Anthony Bradley must repent of this.
His heart is not right before God. His heart is not right before God. But he won't listen to a guy like me.
I beg you, if you are friends with this man, Dr. Anthony Bradley, beg him. Beg him to repent.
Beg him to repent. God won't stand for this. God won't fool around with this.
Because this is the thing. This is the most simplistic, stupid way to interpret history.
American history. White people, they never needed the covenant -keeping God. There's only one issue.
There's only one issue, and that's the slavery issue. It's a racism issue. And there's no other reason why you might need the covenant -keeping
God of the Old Testament. The redemptive God. No, no, no, no, no, no. The only thing that matters in this guy's idiotic world is this black -white issue.
Because white people have never needed the covenant -keeping God. No, no. They've never needed the redemptive
God because why would they? I mean, they're on the long end of the stick here in America.
Why would they? Dr. Anthony Bradley doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.
He probably understands history very well, way better than I do. He likes to throw his credentials out there a lot of the times, too.
So granted, granted, you know more about history than I do, yeah. But with this kind of message, you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Your heart is not right before God. Stop interpreting the world the way that idiot interprets
Mary Poppins. Where it ends up that the exact opposite of the message of the movie is what he says is the message of the movie.
You're looking foolish. You're looking stupider every day. You're looking foolish more and more every day.
And you know what? In some ways, I hope you keep speaking and I hope you keep baring your soul on social media.
Because I'll tell you right now, it's making it much easier for a guy like me to point out the problems with you guys.
When you're more open and honest about this. This is evil. This kind of a message is evil.
Don't be like that. Anyway, I hope this was helpful. God bless. You know, there was another thing that I was thinking about.
You know, if you watch my most recent podcast on the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network.
I was saying how all of this stuff in social justice, it's a big hustle, right? It's a big hustle. It's not really about social justice.
It's not really about racial justice. It's really about money and some other things. And revenge and some other things.
And you know, I intend to talk more about that because it's a fully orbed issue.
But I was actually thinking about something that I've commented on before in a different light. And if you remember the
MLK50 conference with Matt Chandler's speech. I mentioned that earlier in this video.
Do you remember that time he was talking about how what we need to do is put blacks in power, right?
Black people need to be in leadership positions. And that's one of the ways that we can sort of have racial reconciliation.
That might sound good to a lot of you. But I want you to listen to the rest of that message. Because he actually contradicts himself and reveals that it's really not about race.
It's about ideology. It's about ideology. Because here's the thing. If you notice, if it was just about race and skin color, then it wouldn't matter really what they were teaching.
As long as they were teaching something godly, of course. I'm not talking that it wouldn't matter that they weren't teaching the gospel. Of course they need to teach the gospel.
But in that message he says, what I don't want you to do is to hire a black person who agrees with you on everything.
No. He wants you to hire a black person that follows in lockstep with the progressive leftist agenda that is being pushed by the social justice warriors.
So it's not about race. Because he would never hire a guy like me. Because I do not have the same ideology that he thinks
I should have as a dark -skinned person. I gotta think black. I gotta think Latino. And if I don't think
Latino, then I'm really not a Latino. So you see, it's not about racial justice. It's not about that. It's about the ideology.