The High Priestly Prayer: Part Two | Sermon 02/04/2024

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John 17:6-19 Jesus lifts His eyes to heaven in the presence of His disciples but more so in the presence of His Father. Of all the prayers of Jesus, this one we are all privy to. At the eve of the cross, before He goes back to the Father, Christ will pray for Himself, His disciples, and the future disciples who have yet to be born or believe. Here He prays for His immediate disciples: the eleven men who have remained with Him this whole time. Christ revealed the Father’s name to them and guarded them there and so as Jesus departs, He requests that they stay in the name, away from the evil one. The disciples have been chosen out of the world, plucked from it, protected from the evil one in it, and are being sent back now made holy and set apart for God to complete the mission Jesus has set before them. This they cannot do without being sanctified in the truth. This truth is all at once, God’s Word but also Jesus Christ Himself. These are the foundation of truth. And since we too, are saved from the world but left in it to deliver the truth as ambassadors of Christ we must pursue holiness. What gains ground in the world for the kingdom of God is not assimilation or isolation but the holiness that God puts into His people. This, with the Gospel, are our tools for seeing many more saved from the world unto eternal life.


All right, if you would, please turn with me in your Bibles to the Gospel according to John chapter 17,
John 17. We're going to be looking at verses 6 through 19 today.
The title of the sermon simply is The High Priestly Prayer Part 2.
If you haven't seen Part 1, I encourage you to check that out on our website, our YouTube channel,
Sermon Audio. But we are in Part 2 of The High Priestly Prayer today. So starting in verse 6, the
Gospel according to John chapter 17. Hear now the inerrant, infallible words of the living and true
God. I have manifested your name to the men whom you gave me out of the world.
They were yours and you gave them to me and they have kept your word. Now they have come to know that everything you have given me is from you.
For the words which you gave me I have given to them. And they received them and truly understood that I came forth from you and they believed that you sent me.
I ask on their behalf. I do not ask on behalf of the world, but of those whom you have given me, for they are yours.
And all things that are mine are yours and yours are mine and I have been glorified in them.
I am no longer in the world and yet they themselves are in the world and I come to you.
Holy Father, keep them in your name, the name which you have given me, that they may be one even as we are.
While I was with them I was keeping them in your name which you have given me and I guarded them and not one of them perished but the son of perdition so that the scripture would be fulfilled.
But now I come to you. And these things I speak in the world so that they may have my joy made full in themselves.
I have given them your word and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
I do not ask you take them out of the world but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world even as I am not of the world.
Sanctify them in the truth. Your word is truth. As you sent me into the world,
I also have sent them into the world. For their sakes I sanctify myself so that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth.
Thus ends the reading of God's holy and magnificent word. Let's pray once more as a church.
God, we thank you for this. We thank you for your word. We thank you, God, for this prayer.
That we are witnesses to it in this way. That your holy word has stood the test of time.
That today we have it as a testimony of what Christ has done and what he has petitioned you for regarding us and the disciples.
Lord, help us to see the majesty of this passage. Help us to see your intercession.
Help us to see today, Lord Jesus, your love for us in this today,
Lord. We praise you. We ask that you would illuminate the scriptures today.
We pray this in Christ's name, amen. We saw last week that the
Lord Jesus has begun one of the most heavenly and grand prayers that the world has ever seen.
This is Trinitarian communication. This prayer pierces heaven.
It opens wide its gate and it takes us into the throne room. We are seeing and reading something that is very unique to the
Gospels. In fact, it is even very unique to the entire Bible.
This isn't the way that Adam spoke to God. This isn't the way that Abraham spoke to God. This isn't even the way that Moses spoke to God.
This is not like the intercessory prayers of the prophets. It is better. It is better.
It is higher. It is not just a supplication, but a communion of equals.
Father and Son, I told you that this prayer in John 17 would be blasphemous if Jesus was not divine, if he was not
God. The way he speaks to God presupposes his co -equality, his co -eternality and co -essence with the
Father. Glorify me, Father. We talked about that, that glory, that God glory, the
God -only glory, the kind that he shares with no one. And Jesus says, Father, return me back to that glory that I shared with you before the creation of the world, in eternity past, before the world was.
And we ended on the fact that it was good and right for Jesus to be zealous for his own glory.
He ought to be after his own glory. He's not selfish. On the contrary, on the eve of the most selfless act in history, he is seeking not only his own glory, but the glory of the
Father. And every time that God has sought his own glory, it ends up working for the good of his children, and even his creation.
You see, because Christ was after the God glory, and because it has compounded into total and full glory after the cross and resurrection, those two events which are often called his exaltation, because he sought that glory, that God glory, now we have grace.
Now we have grace. That's the thing about God's glory. It is too bright, too brilliant, and too holy and too magnificent that we could not avoid it as people who have inherited eternal life.
We will get to see this glory forever. In that grace, we see his glory.
We get to feel it, see it, experience it. We will forever. And so Jesus' prayer shifts.
I told you his prayer can be kind of broken up into a focus of himself and the
Father in the first five chapters. Verses 6 -19 are about the immediate disciples.
And then moving on from 20 onward to the end of chapter 17 are about the disciples who have yet to be, yet to believe, speaking even of us.
And so that's what's happening now in this part of the chapter. Jesus' prayer shifts.
He's not going to be talking about the glory of the pre -incarnation reality. It now moves to the ones listening right within his vicinity.
They're walking to the garden. He's about to go to the Garden of Gethsemane. The apostles are with him.
And all of a sudden, in their presence, Jesus has stopped. And he looks, and he puts his eyes to heaven, and he prays to the
Father. And they're witnessing this right there, these 11 men who were chosen, and it says, gifted to him.
Now, I'm certain that it's possible that he's speaking of even the disciples beyond the 11 right here, maybe the hundreds others that he had during this time.
And absolutely, what we're going to find next week in our final part of the High Priestly Prayer is that these things are in a derivative way for us.
But right here, chiefly, Jesus is praying about the apostles right now.
In verse 6, he continues, I have manifested your name to the men you gave me out of the world.
They were yours, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. So, what do we see first?
First, we see that Christ manifested the Father's name to these men. He manifested the
Father's name. This means to make something visible. God's name was made visible to these men.
And throughout the Bible, God's name is not just a title. It's not just a title.
It is meant to be an extension of Himself. God's name is
His character. God's name is who He is. God's name is not just that title.
And there, in this moment, Jesus would make the character of God known.
He has revealed the name of God in all His works, in all His words. Jesus has shown the name of the
Father by raising Lazarus, having power over death and life, healing the man who was born blind, and the lame man who was at the pools of Bethesda, whom
He healed, showing that He can reverse the effects of the fall. Jesus can walk on water.
He can tread on the chaotic sea of Galilee during a windstorm, showing He is master over creation and nature.
Jesus multiplied the fish and the bread for the 5 ,000, demonstrating creative abilities on demand.
And no doubt, the coming cross at Calvary was a monumental display of God's name.
And it's not that His name, God's name, was just out there. I've shown them
Your name. It's not like His name was just floating in midair and they looked at it. Jesus says the word,
I. I showed them Your name. God's name is tied to Christ. The manifestation was through Him.
And this fulfills Isaiah 52. Isaiah 52, verse 6. God says, My people shall know
My name. They shall know My name. Which presupposes at that moment, during the exile to Babylon, they did not know
His name. What? Because His name is beyond the title.
His name is beyond words. They did not know His name. And this has now happened. John 1 said,
No one has seen God at any time, but the Son has revealed Him. The Son has exegeted
Him in Himself. And I imagine what Jesus might even be referring to as well is all the moments that He declared what?
I Am. I manifested Your name to them. He called
Himself the I Am. He declared, I am the bread of life.
The one who has come down from heaven. Looking at that huge lamp in Menorah that was in the center of Jerusalem that lit up the sky during the
Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus and all the people were around this huge lamp, this huge torch, and He says,
I'm the light of the world. I Am. He said it before Abraham was.
I Am. He said, I Am the door when God has always been the door. He said,
I Am the Good Shepherd when God in the Old Testament has always been the
Shepherd of His people. He said, I Am the resurrection and the life at the tomb of Lazarus.
He said, He is the way to the Father's house. He said, I Am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father but through Me. He is the I Am. That is the name of God.
That is the very name of God. When Moses is at the burning bush in Exodus chapter 3,
God appears before him in a theophany, an appearance of God, and He says, Who do I tell?
Who do I say who you are to these people? And He says, I Am that I Am. I Am. That is
My name. That's what God says. He is Yahweh. And Jesus says this. He says He is the
I Am. He has manifested the Father's name to these men, further showing them who
God is because Jesus is God. Yahweh has come in the flesh.
They have seen it. They are beginning to understand it. I have manifested
Your name to the men who You gave Me out of the world. They came out of the world. They were in and of the world, but now they are out of the world, and its evil system.
They belong to the kingdom of God. As much as they have believed that they were the ones who chose to follow
Christ, it says the Father gave them to Jesus. The Father gave them to Jesus.
God is the initiator in this. He approached them, not the other way around.
And they belong to Christ. All things, all creatures, all creation belongs to God.
In Jesus' incarnation, these men were given to Him. They are given specifically during His earthly ministry.
It says here that they have kept the Father's word. They have kept Your word.
This is logos. They obeyed Your logos. In one sense, this could be talking about their obedience in that they have stayed with Christ.
The eleven still follow Him. The one who is the most special manifestation of revelation.
They have remained as His followers. They have stayed. Even though they have limited understanding, their faith is not compared to the faith that they'll have post -resurrection.
Right now, in this prayer, their faith is compared to who they were when they were in the world.
It is contrasted against the world. While everyone else rejected
Christ, they have remained. And it's not because they have anything to boast about.
It's not because of them. They have remained because they were, He says, given.
They were given and they have remained. They have kept Your word. You see, when everyone else left in John 6, do you remember?
Jesus said those hard sayings. He said, eat My flesh and drink My blood. John 6.
We talked about those hard sayings of Jesus and what they meant. And when everyone else left, it says they stopped following Him from that moment forward.
He turned to the twelve apostles and He said, are you going to go too? And they said, where else can we go?
You have the words of eternal life. Where else can we go? And then
Peter said that magnificent confession. He said, you are of the
Holy God. You are the Holy One of God. And in another sense, what's happening here, when
Jesus said they have kept Your word, it's like Jesus is saying, Father, they've done all things according to Your decree.
They've done all things according to Your decree. They've kept Your word as You said it beforehand. They have remained because the
Father said it. The one betrayer is gone also according to God's word. So they have remained because of God's word.
And the son of perdition, the betrayer, is gone because of God's word.
Despite all their failures, when God gives someone to Christ, they will remain.
Go to verses 7 and 8. Now they have come to know that everything
You have given Me is from You. For the words which You gave Me, I have given to them.
And they received them and truly understood that I came forth from You, and they believed that You sent
Me. So he's saying they understand now. You might be a little bit confused because at the end of chapter 16, we were talking about the fact that Jesus rebuked the apostles for their lack of understanding.
In fact, they had such limited understanding that He said, in fact, you're going to scatter.
You think you get it? You think you know Me? You're going to scatter. You're going to leave Me. But I'm not alone.
My Father is with Me. They had limited understanding at the end of chapter 16. So what is Jesus saying here?
Let's think about primarily what they have not understood. What have the apostles not understood?
What they have not understood is that the Messiah must die and rise again. They have not gotten that.
The apostles can't fathom it that the Messiah must die and rise again. They don't get the suffering servant element of the
Messiah. They just don't get it. They don't see His kingship properly. They look at the promises of the
Messiah that He would be like a warrior king like David. Like David.
On an earthly throne. That's what they have not gotten. But what do they understand about Christ?
What do they understand? Despite these things, the apostles have come to a sincere conviction that Jesus is from God.
That's what He says. They know that I came forth from You. He is sent from God, and He is the revelation of God.
They believe that. He is able to do things they know only the Father can do.
He has God's words in Him. That's what it says. Words in verse 8 isn't the typical word logos.
It's not even meant to be His teachings or doctrine or anything like that. Jesus says here the word rhema.
Rhema. That is the word that means each individual word and utterance.
Jesus is saying that every individual word that He has ever given them is from the
Father and He gave those words to the disciples. They're all of heavenly origin.
And they have accepted and truly understood Jesus is from God. These are the things they know.
They know He's the Messiah. They know He's the revelation of God. They know He has the words of God, but they still have not gotten the fact that He must die and rise again.
That's what it is. And so what it says here is that they were given and chosen.
This is the amazing balance of Scripture. It says here that they were given and chosen.
Those are the words used in the Greek. Given and chosen. Then all at the same time, it says that they received, understood, and believed.
Those two things are held up. Of course, all those things, even the belief, and the receiving, and the welcoming, and all those things are gifts.
But what it shows is that the disciples of Christ are not passive. They're not passive.
They're active. When Christ saves someone, there is always an active response on the believer's part.
There's an activity there. But go to verses 9 and 10. We have a lot to cover.
We're going to keep going through. He says, I do not ask on behalf of the world, but of those whom
You have given Me, for they are Yours, and all things that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are
Mine. And I've been glorified in them. The Lord Jesus is asking for something on behalf of the apostles in His prayer.
And we're going to see that expanded more in a short while. But right here, we see a sharp distinction between the disciples and the world.
Now that distinction, or that contrast, is not so sharp that the
Father loses the love that we saw He has in John 3 .16. For God loves the world in this way that He gave
His one and only Son. That's not gone. That love is still there. But it's important to know that once someone belongs to Christ, he or she is not considered by God in simply a general way.
There is a specific and personal aspect to our relationship with the
Lord. Individuals are fiercely loved. They are loved with precision.
God doesn't just generally love you. He precisely and individually loves you.
He loves you with the scope shot, the sniper rifle shot. Each disciple, each name, each person is considered in the mind of Jesus Christ when
He makes this request. But the world doesn't get this treatment. The world won't get this.
That's what it says here. He says, I do not ask on behalf of the world. I won't ask this for the world.
Because in the end, He makes this request to the Father saying they are Yours. This is why He petitions,
Father, they are Yours, and they are Mine. The petition concerning the world is that those who are
God's will be brought out. That's what it is. He doesn't pray this specifically for the world, but what we see is in the back of John 3 .16
and all the other things that we've seen that God has come for the sinful world is that He has loved people in such a way,
He has loved those whom He has chosen, that they will come out of that world. It's almost as if their salvation, our salvation is so certain.
You and I weren't there back then, but He speaks about it in such a way that we're no longer of the world. He says they're
Mine. People will abandon the world.
They will join with the chosen who are out of it. That's the reality. They'll abandon the world. They'll abandon it.
And as a side note, do you see the eternal security in this? It's just shouting out of this.
We know who God is. And we know no one can thwart His plans. Jesus says they are
Yours. Father, they are Mine. Who can take what belongs to God?
Who can take what is God's possession? Who can steal from the hand of God? I submit to you, no one.
No one. What force can remove from His hands those who are God's possession?
You see, when we're His, He said no one.
In John 10, do you remember? In the Good Shepherd passage, Jesus said no one can snatch them out of My hand, nor will any of them perish.
He said My sheep are Mine. What force can remove these? You see,
I don't get the vacillating, the back and forth aspect of the other side. Love the other side, but I don't understand it.
Those who don't believe in the perseverance of the saints, I don't get it when you see a passage like this.
They are Yours, and they are Mine. And these people will say, well, you don't get human nature.
And to that I would say, well, you don't get the character and power of God. I think the character and power of God is stronger than man's ability to sin and leave
God. Because if given the possibility, if it were on us,
I think we would all leave God. I think He has to be the one who preserves us. He has to be the one that holds us.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love. That is the truth.
And so I don't look at human nature and think that that's more powerful than God.
He is the one. They are Mine, and they are Yours. And even though this is talking about the immediate disciples in His time, this is a principle for every disciple thereafter.
We belong to God. We belong to Christ. Who can separate us from them?
If God is for us, who can be against us? As the Word says. Now at the end of this here, we see mutual ownership.
Do you see that? With those words, they are Mine, and they are Yours. Between the
Father and Son, what have we seen thus far? We have seen mutual glorification in v. 1.
Glorify Me and I'll glorify you. Mutual glorification in v. 1. Mutual authority in v.
2. They both have all authority. Mutual objects of eternal life.
This is eternal life. To know the one and only God and to know Christ. That's v.
3. Mutual mission in v. 4. They have the same mission. They want to save people.
Mutual eternality in v. 5. Return to Me to the glory that I had with you, that I shared with you before the world was.
Mutual words in v. 8. His words are Jesus' words. Jesus' words are
His words. Mutual words. And now right here in v. 9 -10, mutual ownership.
Mutual glorification. Mutual authority. Mutual objects of eternal life. Mutual mission. Mutual eternality.
Mutual words. They have the same words. Then, what's Mine is yours and what's yours is
Mine. All things that are Mine are yours and yours are Mine and I have been glorified in them. And I'll keep nailing it in, you guys.
The deity of Christ. Who can have all things of the
Father's if they're just a creature? Who can own and possess all that the
Father has if they're just a creature? No one. No one. This is unique.
This is one of a kind. And it says that this has led to Christ's glory.
Now what is incredible to consider is that His glory is about to be exponential at the cross and resurrection.
And then you have His glorious ascension and return to His Father. And that is why
His prayer has moved focuses to the disciples. He is leaving.
He is about to depart. Look at the beginning of verse 11. It says,
I am no longer in the world and yet they themselves are in the world and I come to you.
What is to happen in the near future is so divinely certain, it's as if it's now.
I'm not of the world anymore, He says. His heart and mind are still on the disciples.
They will face the world's temptations. They'll face the world's hatred. They'll face it all.
But His mind is still on the disciples. They will face the world's everything without the physical presence of Christ anymore.
The physical presence of Christ will be gone. His physical presence and His guidance and in His protection, it will be gone.
They are no longer of the world in the sense that they are out spiritually, but physically they're still in it.
They will, as we saw, be aided by the Holy Spirit. In fact, this is not something to be sad about.
Jesus is leaving. He's departing. They're going to face what the world has to throw at them without His physical presence there.
But do you remember what He said? He said that it's good. It's to your benefit that I leave.
The Holy Spirit, the Helper, will come. And I will be with you through Him.
That's the promise. You see, the ministry of Christ has gone from 12 men to millions of people.
And so the only way to serve and minister to every single believer is that He leaves and the
Holy Spirit comes. And so Jesus' ministry has expanded in that way. And He continues to be with them, but He is physically leaving right here.
Jesus then appeals to the first person of the Trinity with love. He looks up once again and He says,
Holy Father, Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which
You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are. He says,
Holy Father. You know what I see in that when He says, Holy Father? I see
Him acknowledging that God is transcendent. God is above all things.
There is a high aspect to who the Father is. And yet, He says, Holy Father. And there's this relational intimacy at the same time.
He loves His Father. That will lead way to later verses when
He talks about sanctifying them. Holiness comes from God. Holiness comes from God.
And His disciples will need that holiness. And holiness only comes to us because of the holiness of the
Son that is mutually tied to the Father. Now mutual holiness. That name that Jesus revealed to them, the
I Am, the works of God, the person of God in Christ, all of it. He says, Father, keep them in Your name.
Keep them in the I Am. Keep them in the person and work of Christ. Keep them in Me.
He's saying. Keep them in Me. The name which was given to the incarnate
Son of God on earth. Keep them in Your name. And one commentator translates this. Holy Father, protect them by the power of Your name.
This is often the way the psalmist spoke. Psalm 54 v. 1 Save me,
O God, by Your name. And vindicate me by Your power. Jeremiah shouts,
O Lord, we are called by Your name. Don't forsake us. To be in the name of God is to never be forgotten.
To be in the name of God is to never be abandoned. And I also think that he's requesting that they remain his disciples.
That even after his departure, the disciples would stay true to him.
You see, before Christ, when someone was a master or a teacher and they had disciples, when that master or teacher dies, his disciples stop following him.
They find someone else. Or maybe they become a master and they have people underneath them.
When a master dies, the disciples scatter.
That's what's always been the case. But this is different. Jesus will die and He'll retain
His disciples. And even more so, He'll gain millions of disciples.
It's the only one in history. No one has built followers like this even after their death.
This is magnificent. He has brought the revelation of God, the very words of eternal life, and He wants them to stay faithful to those.
And it's incredible to me. He knows that they're predestined.
He Himself is sovereign over all things, and yet He prays for them that they be kept. You know?
Lord, keep them. He knows they'll be kept. But He prays it anyways. Like when you and I might pray,
O Lord, be glorified. And it's like our prayer could change the glory of God.
God will get glory no matter what you and I pray. He will get the glory. There's no question about it.
It's asking what is already certain. So the Son's will is perfectly in line with the
Father's. I imagine He said this even for their sakes while they listened. And for our sake as we read, keep them.
That we see that Jesus prays for us that you be kept, that you remain a disciple.
Did you know that Jesus prayed for you that you would remain steadfast till you die? Jesus wants you to remain, and He prayed that for you right here.
This is the care of the Messiah for His followers, even until the end.
And the purpose of His prayer for their fidelity is what? That they would be one even as we are one,
He says to the Father. That is to say, the disciples of Christ will never remain in unity and oneness together if the
Father does not keep them in His name. And the Father and Son don't remain united themselves.
You see, let me explain it this way. Unity between Christians, unity between believers has more to do with the unity of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and them preserving us than our correct and right actions toward each other.
Do you get that? Our unity together, us being one together as a church has more to do with God being one.
Has more to do with their love for each other. We'll see that especially next week in verse 21.
Okay? I know that's a little cryptic. We'll talk more about that next week. Look at verse 12.
Jesus articulates the kind of protection of the disciples He petitions the Holy Father for.
He says, While I was with them, I was keeping them in Your name which You have given
Me, and I guarded them, and not one of them perished, but the son of perdition, so that the
Scripture would be fulfilled. So Jesus manifested God's name to these men who were given to Him by the
Father. They believed. They turned. They were brought into God's name, the one given to Christ, and He kept them there.
He guarded them. But He's about to be crucified. He's about to go to the grave.
And He'll go in the grave for the next several days. And then, 40 days after that,
He'll ascend to heaven. He'll be gone. Now I think His immediate concern is for the next few days while He's in the grave.
Luke 22 .31 -32 It's in your printout. Jesus says,
Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat.
But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.
Do you see that? Do you see that balance again? Jesus prays that Peter's faith will not fail.
Then prophetically with certainty says, and when you turn, will you strengthen your brothers? So He prays for him.
He petitions the Father for him. And then with certainty He says, and when you turn, when you come back from denying
Me three times, will you strengthen your brothers? That's Luke 22 .31
-32. Sure, Peter will deny Christ, but Jesus says
He will turn again. He will repent and He will return. He will come back to the name of God that He has been kept in and guarded in.
Jesus makes it as if He never left the name. Do you see that? I was keeping them in the name.
I guarded them in the name. Keep them in the name, Father, and it will be the same for the rest of those who scatter.
You see, the rest of the apostles will scatter. They'll run. They'll go to their own homes. But they'll be kept in the name.
They'll be kept in Christ. You see, being kept and guarded by Christ doesn't always mean that you will never doubt.
Being kept and guarded by Christ doesn't mean that you will never doubt.
It doesn't mean that you might even step away for a moment. But what it does mean is you will always come back by the power of God.
When you are guarded and kept by Christ in His name, whether you doubt or you leave for a short time,
God will always bring you back. See, how could Jesus' prayer not be answered?
How could His prayer not be answered? We see then that our faithfulness is just as much or more or really all
God's faithfulness. It's all God's faithfulness. It's Him who brings us back every time.
Yes, we're called to be faithful. Yes, we're called to have fidelity to God. Yes, we're called to be obedient.
But without God being faithful towards us, none of those things would be possible.
And He's faithful. He will guard us. He will keep us in the name. That's what it says here.
He'll always bring us back. But there was one who didn't come back, was there?
There was one who did not come back, and I would say who could not come back. There was one who could not come back, the one whom this prayer is not for, the son of perdition.
He's speaking of his betrayer, Judas Iscariot. And this is something that didn't surprise
Jesus, did it? He said it from the beginning of John. He had full awareness that one of His followers
He chose would be the one to fulfill the Scripture as the son of perdition. He said it from the beginning.
He even named Judas by name, that he would betray Him. The text that he has in view, the one that this fulfills, is most likely
Psalm 41, 9 -10. Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.
But you, O Lord, be gracious to me and raise me up. What's going to happen to Jesus? He's going to be raised up, and I will repay
Him. Who's going to judge Judas? Jesus. Striked Him on the heel.
Lifted up His heel against Him. Son of perdition here, in the Greek, is literally son of destruction.
Son of destruction. It speaks of two things. Son of destruction speaks to number one of who
He is in His unrighteous and destructive motives and actions. That's who
Judas is. He's destructive. He ruins things. He stole from the money bag.
He sought to undermine the ministry of Christ. Destruction is who He is. And the second thing about Him being the son of perdition or the son of destruction is that it's
His destiny. It's His destiny. His fate is destruction.
That's what this phrase means. Son of perdition. It always has been. Listen to this.
As Jesus is the archetype over all the ones who are faithful, over all the ones who remain,
Judas Iscariot is the archetype and leader of every person who will ever be apostate.
Judas is the leader of the apostates. He is the first in that sense.
All of those who have had some exposure to Christ, some sense of following Him as Hebrews 6 says, even tasted some of the heavenly gift, but turned from Christ to never come back again, to be lost, to go out from the midst of the body of Christ, they follow after Judas.
They don't follow after Jesus. It's either Jesus or Judas. And all those who go after Judas, their actions lead to destruction just like His.
Go to verses 13 and 14. Jesus continues His prayer,
But now I come to you, and these things I speak in the world so that they may have
My joy made full in themselves. I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world even as I am not of the world.
So once again, Jesus knows He's about to leave. But He's spoken to them and in front of them so that they may have joy.
But what does it say here? He says joy in Himself. Our source of joy is in Christ.
I speak these things in the world that they may have My joy made full in them.
This is the joy of Christ in other people. The joy of Christ in you. That's why
He said these things. No doubt hearing these things is for their benefit, but I think
He's speaking about everything that He's ever said. I said these things so that they may have joy.
Is not the source of joy Christ in His word? It's Christ. It's all that He said.
In John 15 -11 He said, These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, that your joy may be made full.
Now with that said, this prayer has always been about the intimate communion of the
Father and Son. That's been one of the biggest aspects of this. And that is the heart of joy, the heart of the joy of Christ.
His oneness of the Father and the Spirit. And so what makes the disciples and our joy so full is the love, communion, divinity, and power of the
Trinity. You see, their love, their connection, their oneness, their unity,
He's saying that's the source of your joy. Because they have joy and delight with each other, that's what gives us joy as well.
Which means, to have joy in the Christian life, one ought to find out what delights the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Are you missing out on joy in your life today?
You must find out what brings joy and delight to God. And then you seek after that.
What brings the Father joy in Jesus' earthly ministry? It was to do the
Father's work. It was that Jesus was obedient. It was that He healed people.
He taught people. He saved people. He encouraged people. He prayed with people. He had meals with people.
Worship of God is therefore the highest joy. You are most joyful when you are giving most of yourself to God.
That's where you'll find the most joy. When you give most of yourself to God, you will find the most joy in return.
So as to say, when you pour out your praise to God, you're emptying, but at the same time, according to this verse, you're filling.
So while you're pouring out, God is pouring in. Never to be emptied.
Never to run dry. That's our source of joy and contentment and peace. As we give ourselves to Him, He gives
Himself to us. That's the reality. We see in verse 14,
Jesus affirmed the things He spoke in the world, the things He's told them, and the prayer they're witnessing now.
He says, I have given them Your Word, Father, and this is the truth.
This is the light. In other words, the truth and the light of revelation, and the world has hated them for it.
The world hates that the disciples have the Word of God. The world hates that we have this
Word. They hate it. They can't stand this Word. They are not of the world anymore, and the world only loves its own.
It hates those who are outside of it. Of course, the world hates them because the world hated
Jesus, He says. And the disciples of Christ, we are His possession.
We saw that in verse 10. Therefore, since Christ has never been of the world, but in it to save it,
He has always been hated, it says. He says, they hated Me. And this all relates back to the
Word that He gave us. You guys, as long as you and I side with the
Word of God, for the rest of your life, I'm telling you, do not be surprised.
If you and I side with the Word of God, we will always be hated by the world.
Always. That's the promise here. Falsehood hates truth.
Lies hate to be exposed. And that's what happens when we have been chosen out of the world and given
His Word. That's the reality. Look at verses 15 and 16. I do not ask you to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one.
They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Have you noticed this?
Look at this. Jesus prayed for many things, right? This whole time, all these verses,
Jesus has prayed for many things for the disciples. This is the first time that He says
He won't ask for this. He refuses to ask the Father for this.
He refuses to ask that they be taken out of the world, that you and I be taken out of the world. He won't ask for that.
He knows it's not time for the disciples to follow Him to the Father's house.
They'll go one day. We'll go one day. But it's not time yet. The death and resurrection of Christ are just the beginning.
By the power of the Spirit, these men have work to do. And what that means is even though you may despise the flesh, you despise your tendency to sin, and you're growing weary of the suffering in this world and the trials you've been facing, even though you hate your sin,
God, I'm sick of it. Why do I keep sinning against You? It's like you're speaking Romans 7 out loud.
God, I do what I don't want to do. And I don't do what I want to do, God. And you're saying this all the time and you despise the flesh and the sin that you still commit.
And you're done with the trials. You're done with suffering. All of that.
All the things that you face in the pursuit of faithfulness and following Christ, while you are here in the world, it's not
Jesus' desire to take you from it. While those things are happening, He knows you hate sin.
He knows you're getting weary by the trials. He knows it's hard for you to suffer.
And yet, He says, I don't want them out yet. I don't want them to come to Me yet.
It's a prayer that they would stay. I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one.
And that's the most loving thing He can do. That's what we need. He doesn't pray that we be taken out, but He prays that while we're still here in the world, you would be protected from the evil one.
Or evil in general. The translation can put it that way too. You see, what
Christ accomplished in His crucifixion, no doubt defeated the ruler of this world and it bound
Him in such a way so as to keep Him from thwarting the gospel call. But still, the evil one has some capacity to perpetrate harm on the followers of Christ if they are left without support.
Until the last enemy is defeated according to 1 Corinthians 15, at the consummation of all things, the world thought being changed by the gospel.
The world's thoughts, the people of the world though, are being changed by the gospel and yet those who remain in the world are still influenced by evil.
But Christians are not to retreat. Christians are not to run tail. We are not to dig holes in the ground and hide in them.
And we are not to seek to be rid of the world prematurely. So we're not to hide and we're not to seek death.
You know, in church history, there are some who saw what they would call the glories of martyrdom and they were hoping that they would be killed for their faith.
They would seek it out kind of in a sadistic way. Oh, if only I would be murdered today for my faith.
And so many elders and pastors have spoken against that, of course, throughout the history of the church. That was not what
God intended for us was to seek death prematurely. We don't withdraw from the world.
We advance into the world with the gospel. It's difficult, but it's what must be done.
We will see the victory of the gospel manifest in every corner of the earth and what
Jesus has promised for the disciples as well as us, is that while we're in pursuit of that, while we share the gospel, and while the world and its evil tries to come against us, the promise is we will advance and the gates of hell will not prevail against Christ and His church and that gospel message.
That's the promise. And He says in the midst of all that, in the midst of charging forward, He says they'll be guarded and kept.
Guarded and kept. In fact, those are the same words that were given to Adam in the
Garden of Eden. But what could Adam not do? He could not guard nor keep the garden nor his wife.
But Christ comes, and He does what Adam could never do. He actually guards and keeps.
He actually brings back the way to the tree of life. He restores the garden to us.
That's what Christ does. And the paraclete, the helper, who's the
Holy Spirit, will be in us and with us all the while Jesus will mediate on our behalf.
One theologian says in respect to this passage, she says this, doubtless, Christians in John's day were forced to ponder the implications of this prayer right here.
The cosmic spiritual nature of the conflict is laid bare. The followers of Jesus are permitted neither the luxury of compromise with a world that is intrinsically evil nor the safety of disengagement.
They're not given the luxury of compromise, and they're not given the luxury of disengaging from the world.
But if the Christian pilgrimage is inherently perilous, the safety that only
God Himself can provide is assured. As certainly as the prayers of God's own dear
Son will be answered. You guys, do you think the
Father answers Jesus' prayer right here? Do you think the Father will answer
Jesus' request? Absolutely. Without a doubt.
He will keep and guard us. Many people have gone to war or battle throughout the history of this world, but who, save Christians, have gone to war or to battle like us knowing that we have the victory?
No one. No one has truly, truly, even if you're facing a small army and you're really big, there's still a chance that they could still overtake you or there could still be someone to flank you.
There's been no group of soldiers, there's been no army who has gone to war or battle with complete certainty that victory is theirs.
Triumph is guaranteed. That's us. That's the Christian. That's who we are.
In the end, it won't matter what battle scars you get. It won't matter what wounds you incur or the losses you face because both you and I serve the
King who is both victor and healer. He is friend and Father, sergeant and Savior, comforter and keeper.
You see, what can man do to me? If I get wounds, He'll heal them.
If I suffer loss and I die, He'll raise me to eternal life. If I get verbally torn down, if I get persecuted, if they ruin my name,
I have a name in heaven. They can't take anything from you. They can't steal anything from you, church.
It's guaranteed. It's yours. What can the world do when
Jesus has already overcome it? As Spurgeon says, a Christian man or woman need never be afraid of anybody.
If you are doing right, if you're in Christ, you have no cause to fear the greatest man who is serving the devil.
Even the greatest man who is serving the devil, you don't need to fear because you have
Christ. Now, to be able to do this, the disciples and all
Christians will need something from the Father. We're going to need something, though, to do this. Go to our final verses for the evening.
Look at verses 17 through 19. This is what we'll need to carry on.
He says, Sanctify them in the truth. Your word is truth. As you sent me into the world,
I also have sent them into the world. For their sakes I sanctify myself that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth.
So Jesus cries out to the Holy Father, as He called Him. He says,
Sanctify them in your truth. Your word is truth.
This word in the Greek, sanctify, is literally make holy.
Sanctify simply means make holy. Sanctification, I throw that word out a lot, it's a big word, but it simply means sanctification is the process in which
God makes us holy after He has justified us through the holiness of Christ.
Holy is who God is. God is holy. God is so different from everything else.
He is so other. God is so distinct. He is so above all things.
The Bible says that He is set apart as holy. You see in both Isaiah and the
Revelation, the angels cry out day after day in worship, Holy, holy, holy, is the
Lord God the Almighty. And therefore, things or people that He makes holy, or sanctify here, things or people that He makes holy are set apart for Him.
They're set apart. They are His possession. They love what God loves and they hate what
God hates. What God purposes, the holy person will seek to do. Here Jesus says, make them holy in the truth.
Lord, make them holy in the truth. That is to say, this
Christian life has never and will never be divorced from holiness or truth.
Holiness or truth. Those two things are part and parcel to the Christian life.
They're paramount. And holiness, get this, listen to this, holiness cannot be sought apart from the truth.
So just as much as holiness and truth can never be divorced from the Christian life, holiness and truth can't be divorced from one another.
Holiness and truth go together. That's why the most devout and spiritually disciplined person in a false religion or a cult is not truly sanctified because they have discarded the truth.
Do you get that? There are people who are sincere. There are people who believe they're sanctified.
There are people who have an appearance of holiness and devotion. They are devout.
They do these certain amount of prayers all day long. They go to specific temples. They make pilgrimage to certain holy places.
They do things through the human eyes that look and have an appearance of holiness, but holiness is never divorced from the truth.
They are not truly holy because they have discarded and rejected the truth.
How do they discard the truth? He says this, your word is truth. You discard the word, you discard truth.
You discard holiness. No one will ever be made holy without the truth and the word.
And what is Jesus called? He's called the word and he's called the truth. You need
Christ. They reject the word of God. They reject the word that's given in the
Old Testament. They reject the word given to and through the Son that we have on record.
And they reject the word given by the Spirit of God through the apostolic writers. You see, the
Bible is truth, church. It's the foundation of truth. God's word is the foundation of truth.
It's what's called revelational epistemology. Revelational epistemology, that is to say, how we know truth and what truth is, is based on the revelation of God.
That's the study of knowledge, epistemology. We have a revelational epistemology.
That is to say, the fear of the Lord, it says, is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge.
No one has true knowledge or wisdom apart from that fear of the Lord, that basic Christian worldview without the word of God.
Now, the disciples and all of us need to be sanctified or made holy in the truth for the mission in front of us.
That's what we need. To live faithfully in pursuit of knowing Christ and making Him known to this world, we can't do it without this process.
And it is so delicately intertwined with Christ. As I told you,
He's the Word in John 1. He's the truth in John 14. And so sanctifying the disciples or us, making us holy, can't be done without being made holy in Christ.
And that's in His death and resurrection, as well as His teachings, His life, His example.
He says He sanctifies Himself. What does that mean? Christ says,
I sanctify Myself. He's not sanctified in the same way that we're sanctified because Christ is already holy.
What He's trying to say is, Jesus is already set apart or consecrated for the role of high priest, but also
He's a consecrated perfect sacrifice. He's set apart. He will do what
He's about to do on the cross as the high priest and the perfect sacrifice. Unblemished, eternal in both senses.
He's set apart. And because He's set apart for this work, you and I are set apart by grace.
That's the key here. In Christ, we have learned the mind of God and no one can expect to be sanctified without storing the truth of God's mind into our very being.
For the believer, we are chosen by God while in the world we are plucked from the world and became citizens of the kingdom of God.
Then we are kept from the evil one in this world because we must still work in the world.
And finally, as we remain in this world, there's going to be a clear mark on you.
There's going to be a clear distinction. When He says that you're sanctified or made holy, you have the mark of the
Christian. You have the mark that Christ gave you. You are set apart. You are different.
You are citizens of another world in that sense. The disciples are to return back and they are to return back different and changed to the world that they were once citizens of and subjects of the devil but completely different now.
The followers of Christ are being made holy, not slaves to sin, but emissaries and ambassadors of King Jesus.
We are to be people of the truth, you guys. People who seek the truth above experience and feelings.
We are to look at everything in light of that truth. The Word of God.
Now as we wrap up tonight, I want to consider just a couple things here.
We're almost done. Number one, we don't overcome the world and be victorious in Christ if we assimilate with the world.
That means to integrate or to conform to the world.
We don't assimilate with the world to overcome the world. We don't see the
Gospel victorious in our assimilation with the world. If you were taken out of the world, you're different.
You and I are set apart by God, so don't ever go back. Don't ever assimilate back into the world.
And number two, we don't overcome the world and be victorious in Christ if we isolate from the world.
So don't assimilate with the world. But number two, don't isolate yourself from the world.
We're not to dig a hole and stay down in that hole while the world continues to go on.
You see this balance with Christ. Hebrews 7, verse 26 says that Christ was the high priest.
It says He was holy, He was innocent, undefiled. It says that He was separated from sinners.
But likewise, all at the same time, in His earthly ministry, Matthew 11, verse 19 records that He was a friend of sinners.
There is a great balance here, my friends. Great balance. Like when you have heard
Christians are to be in the world but not of the world, that's the concept that we're talking about here.
In the world but not of the world. And Jesus wasn't a friend of sinners in the way that liberals make
Him. He was not. He called people to repentance. He called them to faith.
He gave them the truth. He told them He had something far better than their current life of slavery to sin.
You know, liberals will often use that verse to say that Jesus affirmed them in their sin.
I'm transgender. Jesus was a friend of sinners. I'm this.
I'm an adulterer. I'm a drunkard. But even Jesus was a friend of sinners. And that's misusing that verse.
He is all at once here, Hebrews 7 .26, He is separate from sinners, and yet friend of sinners all at the same time.
He used the truth when He interacted with them. You know, I challenge someone who thinks that way to look at the
Bible and find one way that Jesus affirmed people in their sin. And maybe even then, once they finally read it, they would see the truth.
Because they won't find what they're looking for. They won't find Jesus using it that way.
1 Corinthians 13 .6 says, real love rejoices in the truth. Real love rejoices in the truth.
You know, when we're out doing evangelism, we'll get people walking by and go, you guys are hateful.
You're judgmental. You're this, you're that. Number one, we know Jesus said the world would say that.
So no surprise. But you know what we tell them? We tell them this. We have left our families.
We have left these things to come out here to give you the truth. We're out here in the cold.
We're out here in the heat, wherever we may be. We're out here because the truth rejoices.
I'm sorry, love rejoices in the truth. Love rejoices in the truth. Real love for someone does not omit the truth.
Real love for someone gives the truth. That's the reality. It's always the best option.
In one sense, it's no option at all. It's a duty to give the truth. We give the truth to people. It will be all at once what makes believers love us and the world hate us when we give the truth.
Believers will love you for it. The world will hate you for it when you share the truth.
And that begs the question, when a believer hates when you share with them the truth, what does that mean?
Don't hate the truth when it comes to you. Don't hate it. Anyhow, we don't assimilate with the world.
We don't isolate from the world. What do we do then? If we don't assimilate, if we don't isolate, what do we do?
What we do is we make the world our mission like Christ did. We practice all things that keep us set apart.
You practice the things that God says makes one sanctified, makes one holy.
We cut off all the things that make us like the world. We go with Jesus' prayer in mind to be kept safe from the evil one, to know the
Father will sanctify us completely. That's the promise. And we go on this mission cherishing and knowing
His words. We don't compromise, but we also don't confine ourselves.
No compromise, no confinement. We go out into the world, and it's a tightrope walk, church.
It's a tightrope walk until the very end. Not of the world, but in the world.
Despite it all, though, He promises He'll keep you balanced. He will help you do it. You'll fight the good fight.
You'll finish the race. But first, we'll have to see
Jesus' prayer for you and me next week. And so we'll close for now, and we'll finish chapter 17 next
Lord's Day. Let's pray. Father, we come before You.
We thank You, God, for this amazing and glorious prayer.
We thank You, Lord. We see the care and mediation and intercession that Jesus has for His disciples, and we know what that means for us.
We know that these principles apply to us. He'll say it in the following verses.
We'll see that we are kept, we are guarded, that we are
Yours, we are Christ's. What and who could remove us from You since we are
Your possession set apart, made holy? And so,
Lord, we recognize that we're still in the world, but we're not of the world.
We recognize that we have jobs that are in the world and with worldly people.
We recognize we have to do business in the world and with worldly people.
We recognize our government, although ordained by You, is in the world and of the world.
And so, God, as we continue on and we face what we face, as we face the world every day, there's not one day where we don't face this world,
Lord. We pray like Christ prayed here, that while we're here in this world,
Lord, You would keep us, You would guard us, You would let not one of us perish. The son of perdition was not
Yours. He was not given to You salvifically, but we were given to You, God.
We were given to You, Christ, and we pray that You would uphold us, that You would cause us to persevere to the end.
God, that as I said, we would not assimilate with the world. We've been saved, we've been taken out,
Lord. And so, God, help us to stop acting like the world in the way that we speak, in the way that we think, in what we watch, in what we wear, in how we act.
All these things, Lord, change us that we not assimilate with the world.
And lastly, Lord, we pray, I pray, that not any of us would run away from this world.
There are so many teachers and so many false prophets out there telling us to run, turn around, make a
Christian bubble, make a campus, that no unclean thing would come into interaction with us,
Lord. But that's not what we pray. We know, God, we need to be in the world so that we could be the light, that we could be salt in this fallen world.
And that's how You continue to save people all around the world. Somehow, even we, who were once part of the world and its evil system,
You have taken us out. And You took us out because we heard the
Gospel, because we saw Your truth, because there were people who weren't afraid to share the truth.
So, God, I pray that You would sanctify us in the truth. Your word is truth.