Can A Christian Get Tatted Up?


Join the Bible Bashed Podcast as we explore the biblical perspectives on tattoos for Christians. #Christianity #tattoos Splash Page:


WARNING! The following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include but are not limited to professing Christians who never read their
Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of Almighty God is hanging over our heads.
They will hear His words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed and they will perish.
God wrapped Himself in flesh, condescended and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the
Father, where He sits now to make intercession for us. Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear
His words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come, in that final day, their house will stand.
Alright Tim, the question for today's episode is, can a Christian get tatted up? Now this is one of those topics that really seems to get a lot of people offended.
Oh yeah, yeah. It's a big... There's a lot of baggage with this conversation, it feels like, when you're talking to people, especially those who have already chosen to get tattoos, at least in my experience.
Yeah, I mean, it's a pretty strange phenomenon to watch. So, I mean, full, all cards on the table,
I don't actually have any tattoos. And, you know, I did grow up in a Christian culture that largely was skeptical of tattoos.
So, I mean, growing up we were told not to get tattoos, because if you get tattoos then you may not be able to get hired at certain forms of employment or something along those lines.
I mean, there's certainly something to that. I mean, in terms of, like, you do restrict certain job opportunities that you might have.
I mean, it's less the case now than it was growing up. But then,
I mean, growing up, if you try to get a respectable job and you come with, like, a sleeve full of tattoos, you're just not going to be able to get that job.
And so we were largely discouraged for getting them. And then I grew up in a Christian culture that largely viewed tattoos as overwhelmingly sinful.
So, if I were to do, like, a Twitter poll growing up, if Twitter existed,
I mean, it would be overwhelmingly, like, in Christian cultures, like, it's a sin to get tattoos. Most people would think that.
But then, you know, we've done, like, a Twitter poll on tattoos now, and, like, the results are very different now.
Like, it's not overwhelmingly obvious that in the minds of many people it would be sinful to get tattoos.
And, you know, a lot of that's due to the fact that, you know, so many people are now getting tattoos. And so many
Christians are getting tattoos. And it's even attached to certain, you know, like, tattoos and Calvinism are now, like, the new
Calvinism seem to be going together in that kind of way. And so many people are getting tattoos. Like, there's a dramatic increase in that in society in general.
And it's almost like, you know, with just pagan girls or pagan guys out there, it's almost like a rare thing to see someone with no tattoos even, right?
Uh -huh. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, as tattoo use is increasing, it doesn't seem like, like, if you're just a step back, turn your emotions off for a second.
I know that's hard for people to do. But you just take a step back and turn your emotions off. Then you might ask yourself, well, what has happened in the past, you know, two decades or whatever to where we've gone from a place where the overwhelming majority of Christians would say, this is wrong, and to now you're at a point where the overwhelming, you know, maybe not the overwhelming, but at least it's, you know, mixed maybe.
Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot of people who are in favor of it, or at least view it as, like, you know, a morally neutral thing.
Right. Right. Which would be legalistic to take a position on. So one of the things that's happened is, like, so you look at society and overwhelmingly, like, we're checking a
Christian morality at every single point. So we're checking Christian morality. And things aren't obviously getting better, you know?
Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's pretty bad out there right now.
Right. Right. So, I mean, in almost every single way imaginable, things seem to be getting worse and worse.
Like, we're just watching the wreckage of Western civilization and it's just chaos out there.
And, you know, then you see an exponential increase in tattoo usage at that point.
And then, you know, I think in that kind of framework, it seems to be a very reasonable question to ask, like, what changed?
Right? So did the Bible change on this or did just – is culture deteriorating at that point?
And, you know, the strange thing is, like, I haven't even given an answer on that yet. I'm just noticing, like, phenomenon.
Right? So I haven't even taken a side yet. But then there's a lot of people who are predisposed to be just, like, entirely offended by the fact that I haven't just come out and, like, overwhelmingly say, oh, yeah.
No, obviously, it's no big deal. Big nothing burger. Everyone needs to quit being legalistic and get over it. And, like, when you talk about this, like,
I mean, I think one of the most embarrassing things that people do is they instantaneously default to these – like, this ridiculous kind of antinomian posture that is just –
I mean, frankly, it's just embarrassing. Like, in terms of – like, if you were to say, you know – yeah, maybe, you know.
So, like, Leviticus 19, you know, 28 says you shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourself.
I am the Lord. And so if you just look at that and you're – even for a moment consider, well, maybe God hasn't changed his mind about that.
Right? Like, maybe he hasn't. Like, if you were to say that, then instantaneously what people do is they go, like, just full -on antinomian.
Oh, so you're saying that, like, you know, if I get a tattoo, I'm going to damn myself forever in hell?
And you're like, what? I just said maybe.
Just maybe. I said maybe it's wrong. I mean, obviously Jesus died on the cross to forgive sins, and, like, you know, we're not justified by the works of the law.
But then people just go, like, full -on, like, so you're telling me if I have a tattoo, I've committed the unpardonable sin mode.
And these are people who are – they're not just, like, theological dunces in other areas or something like that.
But then they just go full, like, you know, full nominal
Christian, like – Incredibly defensive. Right, right.
And it's just like, well, wait a minute. I mean, like, I think it should be a live question to ask. Like, it's a very live question to ask.
Like, why did God put Leviticus 19 .28 there? And is that, like, a ceremonial aspect of the law that's been fulfilled in Christ?
Or was there something about that that God, like, objectively – like, should we put this, like, in more of, like, a moral law kind of category or a ceremonial kind of category?
I just think it's, like, a – like, it's a fair question to ask. And, you know, there's plenty of, like, sins that a person can commit that, you know, obviously are not going to – it's not like some kind of perpetual sin.
I mean, now if you get a tattoo, now part of the problem with getting a tattoo is it's not entirely easy to get it off, which is, you know, why – like, and a lot of people have, like, buyer's remorse.
Like, I don't know if you've seen – you've probably seen the no regerts meme or whatever. Oh, yeah.
Yeah. The tattoo meme. Really? Not even one letter? Yeah. Yeah.
But, I mean, it's, like, one of those things where, like, a former generation would basically look at people and say, hey, you might want to think pretty carefully about this because it's permanent.
And, you know, this is – you're made in the image of God and you may want to think through these things. And, you know, they just had kind of a moral intuition to say that you probably shouldn't, like, identify yourself with the degenerate, you know, forms of society.
So, I mean, like, you know, growing up is kind of like – Basically, you've got to think real hard about if you really want that Soli Deo Gloria tramp stamp, right?
Right. That's pretty much, yeah. Pretty much, yeah. I mean, but you even had expressions like that that would tell you – you know, it's kind of like getting a neon pink mohawk or something like that.
It's like you're doing that, you're making a certain statement, and everyone knew what you're making. It's kind of a sign of rebelliousness, and now it's kind of like losing some of that a little bit where it's not viewed so rebellious, like, to get a tattoo because it's become normalized.
But, I mean, you can't even – like, you can't even ask that question anymore without people just kind of going full anti -no man on you and just losing their mind and, you know, basically calling you a legalist or whatever else.
So, it's a strange phenomenon to watch for sure. That's all well and good, Tim, and I agree that people get –
I remember one time, you know, I was working a job, and this guy who wasn't a – this guy wasn't a
Christian. I mean, he said he wasn't a Christian to me, but he told me at one point in his life he had dated this girl who was a
Christian. And I think he said that she had broken up with him over all the tattoos that he had, and he pitched a big fit about it, you know, and he was like, what's the big deal?
You know, like, what's the deal with all the tattoos? Why do you not like them? And, you know, she was basically saying, well, you know,
I don't think they're very honoring to God or whatever she said. I don't remember her explanation.
And his – oh, no, what she had said was, you know, hey, our body is a temple, you know, and so we need to treat our bodies with respect.
And his response was to say, well, if my body's a temple, then
I want to decorate the temple. Decorate it. I mean, it's obviously not, like, a very good argument from any sort of, like, moral justification kind of view.
But I have seen – that's just to say I've talked to plenty of people who, for one reason or another, have tried to justify their tattoos and typically respond with a lot of emotionally charged answers as the reasons for why tattoos are okay.
The problem is, Tim, that no one comes to listen to the podcast for maybes.
That's right. So what is the – I know you read the verse, but then what is – when we're posing that question, you know, maybe it's sinful, what is the answer?
Is it actually yes, it is sinful? Or is it, you know, no, it's morally neutral?
Yeah, well, I think there's probably – like, you can have a yes, it's sinful. You can have a no, it's morally neutral.
Or you can have maybe a – what's called, like, in the language of ethics, like a morally dubious posture.
So there's another option. So, like, dubious would basically say, like, it should be frowned upon. And whether or not it's, like, absolutely airtight sinful, it should be frowned upon.
And you should, you know, like, I don't know if I'm willing to church discipline someone over it kind of thing.
And God can obviously forgive anything else. But I think you should frown upon it. And I think that's kind of where I've come down on it in terms of, like, my actual answer to the question.
If I'm not just talking about why I'm scandalized by everyone's reaction to the question in general. I would say
I don't know that I'm ready to say it's – like, it's clearly a sin. But until I get a better answer for what's happening in Leviticus 19 .28,
I'm going to say, you know, better to be safe than sorry kind of thing. So that would be kind of my posture.
Now, I mean, I think that, like, just looking at Leviticus 19 .28, like, if you think about the context, there's some things that would kind of push you in different directions.
And so most, like, smart aleck kind of people will say, OK, well, so you say, you know, Leviticus 19 .28,
you say, you shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourself, I am the Lord. But then you ignore Leviticus 19 .27.
You shall not round off the hair on your temples nor mar the edges of your beard. Right? So why do you say the tattoo thing is, you know, permanently binding but not the, you know, round off your hair on temples or mar the edge of your beard kind of thing?
So is getting a beard cut sinful? But then the problem is, I mean, you go to 29, it says, do not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, lest the land fall in prostitution and the land become full of depravity.
So I don't know that you want to – like, that was a good argument. Do you get what I'm saying? Uh -huh. Yeah. Like, because, like, you know, meaning if we're just, like, going to the next verse, well,
I don't think prostitution is OK now. Right. OK. So it's not – so I don't think you can really settle it that way now.
So, like, step one, like, it could go either way. Right? So it could be kind of like just an eternal reflection of God's character kind of law.
Or it could be something, you know, particular to making Israel like a distinct people.
So it could go either way depending on, like, context. Now the second step that people do is to say, well, hey, like, you shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourself.
I am the Lord. So the tattoos then is being, like, modified with the for the dead part, right?
Uh -huh. But that isn't really – it says you shouldn't cut yourself for the dead or tattoo yourself. It doesn't say or tattoo yourself for the dead.
But either way, I mean, I don't know that any people would think that it would be OK just to cut your body now for the dead or otherwise.
Would they? No. I mean, there are people out there who do that kind of thing. I mean, it's obviously not a
Christian impulse. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, and so, I mean, I think if you're looking at it like that, like if you're asking yourself, well, would you – do you think that you should cut yourself for the
Lord, right, and not cut yourself for the dead? And I would say, I mean, these are, like, deeply pagan kind of impulses to mar your body up and to mar the image of God in that way.
And so it's not intuitively obvious to me that either one of those things, like if they were for the dead or if they were for the
Lord, that doesn't necessarily make it any better, right? And so I think like in terms of wisdom, it's obviously like there's the wisdom check of like most people get – have regrets at a certain point.
And part of this is like a body modification kind of discussion as well. So there's like the kind of individual who wants to make their face like – look like a skeleton or some kind of animal or – like there's a –
I think there's like a very pagan impulse to mar the image of God.
And like by permanently altering God's fundamental design and I mean – and I don't know that it's intuitively obvious that when people get tattoos on themselves that they're making themselves objectively more attractive.
I think they're just like hiding. Like when you think about like how God made skin, it has so many different colors and it's like – it's kind of amazing when you think about it.
And then when you put like – you turn someone into an ugly snake looking person like with a sleeve full of tattoos.
I don't know if that necessarily helped. So like – so I mean looking at it,
I think there is like an image of God discussion that's related to this topic in general. Like how – like where is this impulse coming from?
Is this impulse coming from God or is it coming from like a pagan impulse to kind of mar the image of God there?
And so I mean all that kind of leads me to have basically just a suspicious posture and then the worst one is that Jesus has a tattoo kind of argument and that's where he has a name written on his thigh, right?
You know, at first I didn't know where you're – at first I didn't know where you're going with that and then you said the argument.
I was like, oh, you know, I have heard people – I have heard people say that actually.
So yeah, what's the answer to that, Tim? Yeah, on his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
So yeah, they're using it as a tattoo argument. It's like, oh, come on. Like do you think that Jesus like pulled his robe up and is showing off a tattoo on his thigh there?
Okay, so if that's not tattoo, what does it mean? It's just a name written on the robe, okay?
At the thigh location. At the thigh location. I mean but it's so stupid. That's why it's such a stupid like argument that's being made.
Like he doesn't have his thigh hanging out like of a robe or something like that with a tattoo on it. So that's neither here nor there.
That's not the point. So yeah, I think all in all,
I think most people get buyer's remorse with tattoos. I think it's most likely coming from some sort of pagan – there's a pagan impulse that's obviously taking hold of our society that is making this thing take off.
As Christians, I'd really want nothing to do with it myself. But then it's one of those things that God obviously forgives people.
But I mean I would ask people if they're suppressing some kind of something in them.
Like suppressing some kind of sense of like where is it coming from? What's the motivation coming from? Is it really – like is this really about honoring the
Lord or is this really about just living out some kind of rebelliousness there?
Okay, fair enough. This has been another episode of Bible Bashed.
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Now, go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.