The Here I Stand Theology Podcast / The False Teaching of Priscilla Shirer


In this episode we will be examing the danger and subtlety of Priscilla Shirer's Teaching


Ruins you for church as usual. Oh, hey ruins you. Yeah that regular old mundane
Christian Read a verse a day to keep the devil away sit in church go because my mama went my grandmother went This is what we do all that goes away
Okay Because you're hungering for what you know You've experienced before actually sensing the voice of God his presence near you listen
Sometimes hearing God is less about having a specific word and more about just a nearness of his presence on this episode we are going to be discussing the dangerous nature of the subtlety that many false teachers use
Today we're going to be examining a recent interview with Priscilla Shower and her husband on the
TVN Network Here I stand
I Can do no other Will you recant or will you not?
Since your majesty and your Lordships desire a simple Reply I will answer unless I am convinced by scripture and By plain reason and not by popes and councils who have so often contradicted themselves the conscience
Is captive to the Word of God To go against conscience is neither right nor safe.
I cannot and I will not here
I stand Can do no
I can do no other you're right if you would today we want to welcome you to the here
I stand theology podcast where we are a podcast devoted to a pointed and spirited debate of biblical doctrine
With an emphasis on the biblical doctrine for we must keep guard on the words of the truth
We must hold fast to the integrity of the scriptures themselves Let's just go ahead today in front load this episode with the scripture for in 2nd
Timothy chapter 3 This is what the Word of God says 2nd Timothy chapter 3 but understand this that in the last days there will come times of difficulty
For people will be lovers of self lovers of money proud arrogant abusive disobedient to their parents ungrateful unholy
Heartless unappeasable slanderous without self -control brutal not loving good treacherous
Reckless swollen with conceit lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God Having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power
Avoid such people is what the scriptures teach us for among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women
Burdened with sins and led astray by various passions Always learning yet never able to arrive at the knowledge of the truth
Just as Jonas and John Brace opposed Moses. So these men also opposed the truth
They are men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith But they will not get very far for their folly will be plain to all as was with those two men
You however Paul is speaking to Timothy you however Have followed my teaching my conduct my aim in life my faith my patience my love instead fastness my persecutions and sufferings that happened to me at Antioch at Halkonium and at Lystra which persecutions
I Endured yet from them all the Lord rescued me
Indeed all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution
But as for you continue and what you have learned and a firmly believed
Knowing from whom you have learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings
Which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus All scripture is breathed out by God Improfitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete
Equipped for every good work Paul goes on I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus Who is to judge the living and the dead and by his appearing and his kingdom?
Preach the word be ready in season and out of season Reprove rebuke and exhort with complete patience and teaching for the time will come
The time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching but have itching ears
They will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths
Has for you always be sober minded endure suffering do the work of an evangelist
Fulfill your ministry All right So there we have read the words of the
Apostle Paul to young pastor Timothy and in this passage what we're seeing what we're looking at what we've read
There is the warning that goes out for Timothy to be on guard against false teaching now there are very overt false teachers
In the world today. There are some very subtle false teachers in the world today now
I'm giving the benefit of the doubt here to Priscilla Shirer. I'm going to call her a subtle false teacher.
I cannot say that It is with malicious intent that she's teaching what she's teaching for what she's teaching and what we're going to observe today
In in our time together is that what she says Half the time does not jive with what she says the other half of the time what she says in half a breath.
She reverses and changes in the second half of the that's a very same breath and This is what makes false teaching.
So this subtlety of false teaching so very Dangerous today, so let's jump right in on this and look at that.
Let's see what She's gonna say here next you've heard it. We're not talk We're not because my mama did it my grandmama did and I'm not trying to do that because it's the
Bible But listen to what listen to what they say the folks at TBN and her in the beginning of this discussion being the voice of God Today, we're gonna unpack that.
So why is this subject matter? something that is really important it is important because This facet of our faith is what separates our faith from every other so -called faith on the face of the earth
Okay that our God lives Amen, I don't believe there's any
Christian That would deny that is the truth that she says there our
God lives for we're taught in the scriptures that Christ died For our sins he was buried and that he rose again on the third day that he lives
He's alive and he speaks to us. We have an actual relationship with him and that that's so casually thrown around this whole relationship thing
But what good is any relationship if nobody's talking to each other if there's no communication if there's not a connectedness
That is ongoing and continual so this issue of discerning the voice of God first of all believing that he does speak but second of all trusting in the fact that as his kids we have the privilege to actually discern and Have a distinction of his voice between all the other voices that also want to get a word in edgewise
That's something that really can change and transform the trajectory of your entire Christian experience So did you notice that?
That we have the privilege to discern What is the voice of God and what is not the voice of God now the great?
Challenge herein lies for us as God's people as God's people we have a
Unwavering Objective standard as to the truth and the veracity of What is and what is not
God's Word? Now we could you can be in a crowded room and you can have the examples given you can have be in a crowded room
As a child and you can have a hundred voices in that room and some people will say Well when your mama your daddy hollers your name out, then you stop what you're doing you recognize
It doesn't matter who's hollering at you before that in a very in a very real way
That is true right in reality, but the fact of the matter is that as Christians We do not have
An external voice That is God audibly speaking to us.
We've we've heard it before right Justin Peter said it if you want to Hear God speak read the
Bible if you want to hear God speak audibly read your Bible out loud For it is in the
Bible 2nd Timothy 3 16 the Word of God is Inspired it's
God breathed. It is God's Word. The Bible tells us in another place Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the
Holy Ghost We have the divinely inspired inerrant infallible sufficient
Word of God and the dangerous idea of what's being communicated here in this in this
In these in these clips is the dangerous and subtlety of this of this false teaching so grabs the heart and the mind of so many
Christians because they true they truly do want more like Priscilla shower says they want more they want to Have a real tangible
Experience with God, but my friends I can assure you most certainly that when you are
Born again by the Holy Ghost of God. You are made a new creature you are
Translated out of darkness into the marvelous and glorious light of the gospel of Jesus Christ You are a new creature
You certainly have the Holy Spirit that indwells in you in the Holy Spirit at times and she'll say this in a little while illuminates the
Word of God to us, but then she says but and Then he speaks in other ways, so this is going to be our challenge as we go throughout this time
We're gonna discern the voice of God. Let me ask you a question in the Priscilla Jerry world.
Yeah Does God speak audibly? Does he only speak through his word does he speak how how what are the different?
Ways that you certainly know of that God speaks to you I've never heard the audible voice of God, babe.
Have you? Have not She puts her husband on the spot there, but no
But I think there is something internal Yeah, and you that you that you feel the presence of God and it lines up with Scripture which confirms.
Okay? This is what I'm hearing. That's right. So the Holy Spirit of God illumines Scripture the book
Truth right there truth the Holy Spirit of God illumines the Scripture Amen is alive and he causes the the old
Presets of Scripture to have a nowness and a newness that applies and intersects with our personal experience
So as Jerry mentioned the Holy Spirit in us confirms and corroborates and connects with The Word of God and causes it to intersect with our experience so that that verse that has something to do with David and Goliath All of a sudden it's not about David and Goliath.
It actually What you're facing right flag on the play no, you are not
David I wish I had the clip of Matt Chandler saying you're not David No The Scripture does not apply in that way the
Old Testament Scriptures point us to Christ into Christ Alone, we are not to look for ourselves in this
We're we're not trying to find principles on how to be a better businessman or a businesswoman
We're not trying to feed see principles on how to be a better boss We're not trying to find principles on how that we can
Attain the financial blessings of God. We are saw we are seeking in the Scriptures Jesus Christ Himself and no other we're not looking for anything else inside the
Scriptures themselves And in your life and you understand it as a directive straight straight from God and then there's the conviction
All right right there. So a directive straight from God when we are interpreting the
Circumstances are of our lives always as a directive from God We're gonna find ourselves in a mess
Action, you know the conviction of the Holy Spirit that that green light of ease and peace that says go
That that yellow light of warning and uneasiness that says hold up a minute So you get clarity and then that red light that is a straight -up.
No, there's no peace. There's confusion. There's dissension That's the Holy Spirit's way of telling you no, don't go there.
There's a better. Yes for you If you'll just wait and be patient What is a better yes,
I Agree God has gifted us as human beings with common sense
God has given to us Ability to discern Circumstances as a matter of fact even in speaking about the coming judgment on Jerusalem Jesus Jesus rebuked the
Pharisees. He said look you can you can tell that a storms coming right now I can look out the window here and I can see the storm looming over the mountain and I can see it coming toward us
Therefore I can say I can discern. Well, there's a storm coming. I probably need to have my
Umbrella Right, but that doesn't mean that there's a financial storm coming.
It doesn't mean that there's an emotional storm coming It doesn't mean that there's going to be a storm of this or a storm of that at looming on the on the horizon
Obviously, that's the truth as Christians as human beings. We're either coming out of a storm
Right or we're in a storm or about to go into a storm our lives are turmoil
That is not the natural Natural course for us as fallen human beings
Have you ever heard the still small voice of the Lord in a phrase and an impression?
Have what described some of what is in? Discerning the voice of God how the
Lord speaks or how this conversation unfolds with you. Yes. Well most of the time Now here again half a breath
Truth the other half error My friend if you've got a mixture of truth and error
You've got purity and poison Notice what she says here most of the time
God speaks to me through his word. It is exactly what I described It is reading through a portion of Scripture and on that day
It's like the Holy Spirit has taken out a highlighter and has highlighted this verse You have seen a million times before but on that day it leaps up off the page and it brings you that's the only way
I can really describe it is that it grips you in the depths of your soul and causes you to pause For a moment because it seems to be literally speaking to something that's happening in your life
Most of the time that is the voice of God we have discounted I think the power of Scripture Because if we say we want to hear from God and we never actually read the love letter that he wrote to us we don't want to really hear from God and we rarely will because the
Canon of Scripture is not only it not only provides the boundary Into which everything
God says to us will fall because he'll never say anything that manipulates The Scriptures or his character as revealed in the
Scriptures So it not only gives us the boundary But it also provides for us the number one mechanism through which we have the privilege to hear him in the first place beautiful Okay, so start us out on Because I know so many people
Wonder. Oh, you know, how can I hear God's voice for herself? And I know trust it or trust or trust it
How can I trust God's voice when I do hear it? Is that really him? Is it me? Is it?
Yeah Well, let me let me just start by putting a little grace over this entire situation. The reality is that sometimes
You do not know until hindsight that what you heard was the voice of God Yeah, and the reality is that there is grace and mercy to cover our missteps so again, let's bring to the forefront here the
Scriptures as As we have them in the Canon of Scripture the
Scriptures the 66 books of the Old and the New Testament as we have set forth in our confessions of faith in the 1689 confession as We have set forth in the
Westminster Confession we have the standard of Scripture and We can be certain of the standard of Scripture now what miss shower is saying here is
Partially true it is still very much Partially false it is very much weighted toward falsehood.
And this is the danger because she is making our
Ideas and our thoughts equal with the thoughts of God now
We can know according to the Scriptures that that is a false weight in a false balance
We know this because what did the Prophet Isaiah say? speaking
On the Lord's behalf My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts says the
Lord Right, so we can never equate we should never equate our thoughts our ideas
No matter how lofty or good they may be Truly be or even seem to be we can never equate those to the
Word of God This is a constant discipline that we must have as Christian men and women that being said, let's take just a moment here and promote the folks over at 1689 designs we want to encourage you to go to their website 1689 designs calm and buy you a bunch of good
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Antiguo Testamento a Symbol of the Spirit to Santa I didn't so we are back.
So let's jump right back into this now Let's take a look here and see what she continues to say and that the
Lord in his graciousness Toward us his knowledge of our frailty and our humanity for the willing heart who desires to do his will
Even when we make mistakes, he allows them to become our greatest teachers for hearing him correctly in the future
He does not hold it against us because we've misstepped along the way so Just grace for those of us.
Yes, we've ever heard God wrong If you have ever heard
God wrong Again the basic premise must be
The scripture is the standard for God's Voice for God's speech for God's ideas for God's thoughts
And I wish we could get it get it, right One of the people I sort of interviewed when I was first writing that book many, you know over a decade ago
Now I interviewed Henry Blackaby who wrote experiencing God and I you know had my notebook out a pen
I was gonna take a seminary class from Henry Blackaby, you know And I said, how do you know when you're hearing God? And he gave me lots of incredible answers to that question, but really he summed it up this way
He said the more, you know, God the more clearly you can hear God So How are you gonna know
God better? by reading his word There was really nothing for me to write down because it boiled down to Priscilla.
It's simple He said the more you know him the more clearly you can hear him So the reason why we go to the scriptures the reason why we have quiet time the reason why we fellowship with other believers
We're gonna help us remain encouraged in our faith is because we're just trying to get to know God when you know his character
When you know The nuances of what he does say and what he wouldn't say because he how he spoke to our forefathers
Because of how he handled circumstances previous to Just so just to make sure that you're getting that she is actually pointing people right here
To the idea to the fact that if they are to know
God's character if they are to know how God thinks how God has responded with our forefathers
Then they must go to the scriptures and Yet in the same breath this
Lee with people in the scriptures who were going through some of the same scenarios We're going through now when you see his personality and his character
Then you know when you hear the voice of fear That don't sound like my God when you hear the voice of your ego pride
Jealousy divisiveness stepping in all of that stuff that in our flesh is also trying to get a word in edgewise
We can quickly quickly pinpoint the voice of a stranger because if we know God The more clearly we can discern and just divide his voice from a stranger.
Okay. Now you talked about seeking God's provision and his blessings on our life and Then knowing who what his character is talk about that because I found that fascinating.
Yes, so God's blessing and I believe his provisions are
Corroboration of his word to us. So in other words So here's the challenge
Let's let's let's hear what she said there again just while in the Old Testament take this out of context and I believe his provisions are
Corroboration of his word to us so God's provision is a corroboration of his word to us.
All right, so there they are talking about Monetary blessing financial blessing here.
So and they are equating the blessing of Corroborating God's Word with Financial blessing in other words while in the
Old Testament There were external means as a primary way for folks to hear God in the New Testament Truth Testament and now in this time frame as well.
We have something they didn't have we have the Holy Spirit So the primary way he is so let's pause right here just for a hmm
Let's think about that something for you all to think about as you're watching the episode after you're finished watching the episode
Ask yourself, but didn't they have the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament? Consider that question and Then I would point you to The scriptures themselves.
Let's take a look here for just a moment. Just as a quick side note I think it may be first Peter After one and see maybe it's second
Peter. Ah, yes, let's notice here in second
Peter Chapter 1 verse 16. Let's bring that up on the screen here.
Let's Second Peter chapter 1 verse 16 for we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you
Paul or Peter Speaking to those to the dispersion scattered abroad We did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ But we were eyewitnesses of his majesty for when he received glory
From God the Father and the voice was born to him by the majestic glory
Saying this is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased We ourselves also heard this very voice born from heaven for we were with him on the holy mountain
So let's let's understand here the Apostle Peter Peter James and John were with Jesus on the
Mount of Transfiguration They heard the voice of God and now we hear what what
How Peter is pointing to those who are scattered abroad? After the persecution after the crucifixion the death the burial and the resurrection those that have been scattered
Throughout the earth for the name of Jesus He said this and we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed
To you which do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place
Until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts knowing this first of all
That no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation for no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spake from God as They were carried along by the
Holy Spirit Again, let's go to Hebrews chapter 1 the writer of Hebrews I'm gonna stand out and say it.
I'm I go with Paul being the author of the Sermon of Hebrews here But this is what the scripture says long ago at many times and in many ways
God spoke to our fathers how? by the prophets But in these last days he has spoken to us by his son
Whom he appointed the heir of all things through whom also he created the world and so With that being said he speaks changed for us right to understand
That God has not changed his method nor his mode of communication to his people holy men of God Spake as they were moved by the
Holy Spirit of God in the Old Testament So believers certainly did have the
Holy Spirit in the New Testament You're gonna hear her making this distinction making this difference here
So that for us in modern times, we can say oh, well, we can hear
God in different ways We can talk to we can communicate with God differently than Christians of the past have but we cannot
God's mode of communication is still the same it is through his holy word
But his goal hasn't his goal is still for his kids to hear his voice So he's chosen the
Holy Spirit of God to be the the way that we Hear and know what it is that his will is for our life
But he still uses external means his provision his blessings his aligning of providence
Some people would call it luck or coincidence No It's the aligning of God's handiwork in our life to confirm that what we're sensing on the inside is in Isn't that isn't this putting our thoughts on the same level as God's Word that is the subtle dangerousness of this
Type of false teaching how he's aligning the direction for our life to just it does change you
You know what it does. Yeah, it ruins you for church as usual.
Oh, hey ruins you That regular old mundane Christian read a verse a day to keep the devil away sit in church go because my mama went my grandmother went
This is what we do all of that goes away Okay, because you're hungering for what you know
You've experienced before actually sensing the voice of God his presence near you listen Sometimes hearing
God is less about having a specific word and more about just a nearness of his presence That's about having a specific word and just having the nearness of his presence again
I will never be one to discount the emotional aspect of being born again of being saved
To say that you can't feel you can't know that you're saved you can certainly
Emotionally and passionately recognize the fact that you have been born again that you have been passed from death unto life
But our emotional experience isn't the standard the standard is the
Word of God That being said let's take another quick break here to hear from logos
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So let's continue here now that we've got the mood lightened just a bit just knowing that he's near I'm talking about I got you
Yeah, does somebody your size ever feel goosebumps that ever happened to you ever? I'm telling you what
Matt crouch here I wanted to include this Because he makes a couple of comments in this interview that are just super awkward
You know, you know, I'm gonna have goosebumps right now Yeah, how much time we have left in the show there need to get out, okay and by the way
We're gonna unpack this so get right back into the subject, but it's important subject matter even the idea
Well, I play the publisher and all that kind of stuff. This is it. This is on the heart of God right now
This is the month of March Alright, this is on the heart of God right now.
So you need to pay attention. This is what they're saying This is the heart of God right now Satisfied with the mundane.
Yeah, we are wanting to hear God's voice wanting to know You know,
I don't I mean, you know, not what to eat today Yeah, necessarily, but needing to know to help their kids.
Yeah to their jobs there You know in every area of your life, I believe God is speaking or wants to speak or wants to have a say
Yes and I want to say to that just that sense of Dissatisfaction that that someone may be feeling that we all feel when we're going to be launched into the next level in our relationship
Have you been launched into the next level of your relationship with God yet and what does that level look like And who determines those levels?
And how do you know when you level up? with God Sometimes that dissatisfaction makes us so upset and so frustrated because we just want to know the answer we want to get to the answer but the dissatisfaction itself is a sign of God's Spirit working with me and the
Dissatisfaction the journey that it is going to lead you on the lessons that are meant to be learned They're going to be learned because the dissatisfaction sent you on a journey so this
I think is another one of the very dangerous and subtle ideologies that is communicated here that When you get spiritually stagnant that God will make you that the
Holy Spirit will make you dissatisfied to know that you need more again We keep returning to the premise
More what? What more can we have then we have in the scriptures?
And the fact that the Holy Spirit himself the third person of the Godhead Trinity Affirms illumines and enlightens our hearts in our minds
Daily renewing us not in our outward man, but in our inward man
Through the scriptures themselves We are Jesus himself taught blessed are they who hunger and thirst after Righteousness where what does he say?
They shall be filled. That means we are satisfied as Christians as a
Genuine born -again spirit of God not having said under the false teaching like you're hearing here
You can be satisfied with the Word of God For it is our bread.
It is our water. It is our life The journey itself is not a waste of time
Discerning the voice of God is never something you're going to arrive at it is never something you're going to be
Successful at it is going to be a journey with God as you walk in the rhythms of grace
You will be on your deathbed still wanting to know whether or not you have clearly heard the voice of God because we are human
Doesn't that seem like uncertainty Again, God has given us certainty in his word
He's mysterious. He is God and aren't we glad that he's not just a big version of us And so I gleaned so much of what the
Word of God Was who it described God to be what he did in the Old Testament in the New Testament I knew all that but felt dissatisfied because if he did that for them, then why am
I not experiencing that for me? Do you see if God did all that for them?
Why did God do what he did when we read in the Old Testament? When we read about the creation of the heaven and the earth when we read about God making man in his image after his likeness
When we read about God Taking rib from Adam's side and making a woman when we read about Moses when we read about Noah when we read about Abraham Isaac and Jacob when we
Read about David when we read about Samuel when we read All through the
Old Testament and the New Testament What and why did
God do what he did? It wasn't giving us a prescriptive
Pattern for our lives. It was the descriptive history of him working in time and space to bring about redemption in the person of his son
Jesus Christ and So my problem and my issue with this is that when someone says what she said, why am
I not? Experiencing those things. Why have I never walked through the
Red Sea? why have I never picked up a stone and slung it at a giant so on and so forth as the
The scriptures is is hijacked and butchered The idea is put in people's minds that they should be
Experiencing the same things that they experience in the Old Testament and in the New Testament again for that matter
When it's not about us, it's about Jesus Christ There was an unrest in my heart
I wanted more I wanted to see and experience this God of the Bible and it is that dissatisfaction that sent me on a just a personal journey that Connected me with people who were in different streams of the faith and instead of closing them out
I invited in what it is that God was teaching them and the ways that he had Demonstrated himself to them and by just listening and gleaning and inviting from the breadth of the body of Christ I began to realize that there is so much more than our little box of our little stream
Presents to us that there is more that can be that doesn't take away or water down what we have
But on the firm foundation of where that God has already laid in our life There are deeper depths and there are higher heights
And so I just started walking the journey and I'm so grateful to the Lord because he again Lord I need to retrain my spiritual ears.
I'm praying and saying Lord. Would you heighten my spiritual senses? You know, just like we have five physical senses.
We've got spiritual sense Again our spiritual senses
Will be heightened to the degree in which We are in the
Word of God If you want your spiritual senses to be heightened don't expect to have your spiritual senses honed
By going around the corner and looking for this or that or we're thinking that because you think something
That is that it is God's idea in God's thoughts But go to the
Word of God if you want your spiritual Senses heightens Lord senses
Lord. I need my radar to be up so that I I Need my radar to be up Again get in the word your presence and hear your voice and I'm gonna need you to make my detectors sensitive again
Lord And I was the Lord's greatest gift ever. It's a greatest gift. It means there's a new level He wants to take you to a new level
I've been trying to keep myself from getting frustrated by those moments, right and just go with God just go with God Just roll with it.
That's the that's the Predominant Message preached by Most false teachers just go with it
Don't be connected to the Word of God and trust the Word of God is the only in Soul sufficient rule of faith and practice for yourself as a
Christian just roll with it Just go with God, you know,
Lord. I pray that your word would be alive I pray that the assignment of the enemy against them against their children against their spouses
Lord that those assignments would be canceled and that they Would see those assignments replaced by your grace your love and your mercy washing over them and their experience
Lord meet us speak to us Lord We need a word from you And so we ask
Lord that you would bring your word to your people and speak clearly so that we can hear But there ought to be at some point where you just pause and you say, okay
Lord Is there anything you want to say to me most of the time? He'll speak to us just through his word Just through his word most of the time just through his word is
I mean, what is that? For whatever you're reading in your Bible time that day He knows how to match up what you're gonna be reading today with what the needs of your life or your future are that you might
Not even be aware of yet. So in his word, that is how most of the time he speaks back to us, but oftentimes but It's just an impression
It's just a Bible verse from that you learned in Sunday school you hear what she's saying here she's throwing in just a
Fragment of truth just a fragment. Sometimes it'll just be a Bible verse again That's all it comes back to your mind now
Take that as God speaking to you or the name of a friend you haven't talked to in years Take that as God saying here we can equate for this friend right now those little impressions those little inklings
You know Deuteronomy chapter 30 says God's Word is not so hard that you've got to send someone above the heavens to go find it for you
All right, very quickly in our last scripture reference here. Notice.
She said Deuteronomy 30 Let's bring up that text here
To look at that see if that's what Deuteronomy 30 actually says Deuteronomy chapter 30 this is
What the scripture says let's make that a little bit bigger so we can see it and when all these things come upon you the
Blessing and the curse which I have set before you and you called him to mine among all the nations where the
Lord your God Has driven you what's being what's going on here? So the Moses is speaking to the people of God to Israel And he says this in return to the
Lord your God you and your children and obey his voice and all that I command you with all your heart with all your soul
Then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have mercy on you and he will gather you again from all the people where the
Lord your God has scattered you If your outcasts are in the uttermost part of heaven from there
The Lord your God will gather you and from there he will take you and the Lord God your God will bring you into the land
That your father's possessed that you may possess it and he will make you more prosperous and numerous than your father's
And the Lord your God will circumcise your heart in the heart of your offspring so that you will love the
Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul that you may live and The Lord God will put all these curses on your foes and enemies who persecuted you and you shall obey the voice of the
Lord And keep all his commandments that I command you today The Lord your God will make you abundantly prosperous
And all the work of your hand in the fruit of your womb and in the fruit of your cattle and in the fruit of Your ground but the
Lord God will take delight in prospering you as he took delight in your father's When you obey the voice of the
Lord your God to keep his commandments And his statues what that are written in the book of the law
When you turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul even then
The Holy Spirit Inspired Word of God was pointing
God's people back to his truth back to his law back to his book
So as far as what she's what she was quoting there The for this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you.
Neither is it far off? It is not in heaven that you should say who will ascend to heaven for us and bring it to us that we may hear
It and do it Neither is it beyond the sea that you should say who will go over the sea and bring it to us that we may hear
It and do it, but the word is very near you It is in your mouth and in your heart so that you can see and do it
So there what what she is saying how she is making an application of this verse is
Contradictory to go and get it for you. God's Word is in your own heart It's in your it is as close as your fingertips all of that stuff that we discount as our own ideas
Oh, that's just coincidence Most of the time for the believer for the one who is seeking God's will in his voice
Most of the time that's God's Word take it seriously write it down ask him for confirmation
Boom. All right, so I have Done all that I can do on this
I can't honestly, I can't stand anymore after having scoured through this and Making the clips and doing all that and considering everything that she's been saying
But it is so very very important God's people It is so very important for you to understand and to know
God's Word because there are so many people who are so Skilled they are so eloquent.
They are so excellent in the In their oratory skills in their speaking skills that they are able to take the
Word of God to twist it To malign the Word of God and to make it to be something that it was never meant to be
Trust God trust his word and his word above Everything else want to thank you for the time that you've given us today as always
We want to communicate this truth to you so that you are well aware of this That all men are born in sin
Shaped in iniquity. We have we have the nature of sin inbred into us
Therefore we are born spiritually dead unable to recover ourselves from our fallen state
But the Lord our God sent his only begotten Son to die on the cross for our sin
That we may believe on him and that we may have ever lasting life and that we may know the forgiveness of our sins and The gospel message to you those of you who hear this today is quite simply this repent and believe the gospel