Some Spicy Upcoming Content, Thoughts on Beth Moore, etc

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Here is a sample of some upcoming content. I am still deciding how to reveal it all....but this stuff is so ridiculous...its hard to believe it's real. But it is real...and its mainstream.


Well, hello there Wanted to do a quick video. It's been about a week since you last heard from me just all kinds of stuff going on these days and I've been sort of I've been gifted some some content and by by someone who's been following my youtube channel and just you know
Reached out to me to sort of talk about sort of his experiences and something that he thought was Worth my attention and it definitely is
I've come into possession of About a hundred screenshots a ton of screenshots of a private
Facebook group And it's put on by pass the mic pass. The mic is Jamar Tisby's podcast
He does it with Tyler Burns and all that. I mean, these are you know, these are major players in the social justice movement
And you know, I've addressed these people before and they've they so far, you know Just really refuse to interact with anyone from our side
And I say our side meaning the non social justice, you know socialist side that's that's what
I mean anyway, I this stuff is Hard to even imagine a
Christian thinking this way There's just so much and so I've been kind of noodling on how to best put this information out there
What should I do as far as getting it out there? Should I just do a document dump? Should I do some videos?
We'll see so I'm working on that right now But suffice it to say that that that's kind of been occupying my mind for the last few days
But I do have a few comments today that I want to make and hopefully this will this will be helpful So first off I want to give you a taste of what it goes on in this group
This is a this is a group that was described to me as sort of a remedial sort of racism group so it's for white people, it's a group designed to teach white people and There's so much partiality in this in this group, there's so much just Arrogance and Unforgiveness and just pettiness.
It is just it's really really sick. A lot of this is very cultish as well There's a lot of cult tactics used in this group as well.
And so we'll talk about that We'll talk about all of it and you'll see exactly what I mean, but but this is just a little sample This is by no means the worst thing that I found
But I wanted to share this with you because this is the kind of thing that you're gonna get in this group If you're a white person listen to this comment, this is a this is one of the rules, right?
And this is a heavily moderated group. It's easy to get kicked out It's easy to get banned and reprimanded and disciplined and heavily heavy moderation.
Listen to this ready Quote it is crucial that white members avoid taking up space
Every post every comment every reaction fills space in the forum
Pass the mic is intended to be a space that centers Blackness now, let me step out of the quote for a second.
This group intentionally privileges certain voices So don't know it don't let anyone ever make you feel bad about being privileged.
It's not that it's not the fact that you're privileged That's the problem for them. It's the fact that you're white and it's white privilege the emphasis on the white
They don't care about privilege. In fact, they intentionally privilege black and brown voices in their group. It's about the whiteness
They don't like white people and so they don't want white people to be privileged. They have no problem with privilege Anyway, we'll go into that in detail.
Don't worry Let's go back to the quote he says every time a white person posts comments or reacts in the main form it takes up space as Welcomed guests it's appropriate for our white friends to take up some space in the group
However, it becomes an issue when the collective space that white people occupy is equal to or greater than the space that people of color occupy
Before you comment ask yourself whether your engagement is necessary so so this is we're gonna talk about this and they have they have assignments in this group and they have you know,
Exercises for you to do to to really make you think is my is my engagement necessary And there are some instances where engagement isn't even allowed like if you engage in a certain way then that that's a frowned upon you
Could get disciplined for it. It's it's really really sick stuff. It's really sick. And so we'll talk about it
Well, I'm gonna reveal more of this and I'm gonna reach out to these guys So I want to hear what they think is going on here what why they think this is beneficial
I do want to hear their side of the story But in this group if you post something if you comment something if you click a little emoji
You better be careful because if you are white you may remember that that emoji that you use it's taking up space
That rightfully belongs to blacks and browns So keep an eye out on the on the on the proportions because if you click that reaction and there's too much white people reacting
Well, that's a that's a major problem Anyway, so that's what I've been working on. There's more to come on that.
It's it's beyond honestly I urge you to think of the worst that you could think of of what goes on in this group and I guarantee you
It's worse Anyway, I thought I would comment about this actually, you know what let's do this
This is the witness I Am the guys on this have blocked me a long time ago. I don't know really know why but let's um
Let's reach out to them and see if they'll be willing to talk Robles There's my email
Centering and De -centering, please.
Let me know someone will be willing to chat about it Take care, you know, hope all is well, and there we go.
Let's see if they respond. Ooh What's happening here, there we go
All right So, let's see what they respond, I mean, I hope they do anyway, um,
I want to talk about this Beth Moore stuff so Beth Moore is has been on a little bit of a tirade lately about rampant sexism and misogyny in the in the
SBC movement and It's about I mean what this is really about Everyone knows is about she's a feminist and she wants to be able to preach and teach and do basically
Everything that Paul says she's not allowed to do She wants she wants to be able to do that stuff and she's been doing it for a long time
I mean, let's just be honest But she wants to be able to do it openly and she wants to be able to break down the hierarchies and all that stuff
Honestly, I'm I'm in support of this. I really am because By Beth Moore doing this it is forcing people especially that squishy middle that squishy middle who doesn't want to go too far
They don't want to make too many pronouncements. They don't want to state their case too, you know clearly She's forcing them to do it
She's forcing them to do it and I appreciate this very much. In fact, I fully support her her
Impending run for presidency of the SBC. I support it because I want people to get there. I want people to vote
I want people to get their names on in black and white on this issue. Do we do we have a matriarchy that?
That's that's put forward by the scriptures or do we have a patriarchy? It's just that simple. It's just that simple
What does the scriptures teach about this? What do the scriptures teach about this? It's this is the thing One of the things that's so great about this issue in particular is that it is so simple
It is so easy to understand like, you know Paul Peter talks about how some things in Paul are hard to understand other things are easier to understand
This is one of those easier things to understand and I don't mean you need to understand all the intricacies of it
I mean just on a basic level. This is very easy And so if you get this wrong at the end of the day like like there's much more complicated things going on Out there and if you get this wrong,
I mean if the how do I even trust you to get the other stuff wrong? And so what if you notice most churches and let's just be honest.
I mean, well, can we can we level with each other? Can we level with each other for a second? Let's say you were on vacation somewhere, right?
Let's say you're in you know, I don't know Reno, Nevada or something like that You're on vacation in Reno and you know
You're there over a Sunday and you want to go worship with the Lord's people on the Lord's Day And so you you look up you what do you do you go online you
Google, you know churches in Reno, right? You Google churches in Reno and a lot of you
I'm willing to bet one of the things that you do to see if this is a legitimate church because you could check the Statement of faith, right you could do that, but almost all statement of faith sound the same, right?
So you could do that one of the admit it I mean we can be honest with each other this is YouTube right one of the things that you do is you check to see if they have women women serving as pastor and If they do the chances of them being
Orthodox and sound in every other area are about zero Because this is this is the gateway drug once you start doing this
I mean this is so easy if you're willing to misinterpret this and lie about what the Bible says in this area What area aren't you willing to do that in and so if you note every every crazy mainline church
They all have female elders every church. That's a little bit wonky on the charismatic gifts. They all have female elders
You know, I mean, so this is this is a this is one of those things It's a very easy to diagnose a church. Do I go to this church?
Is this an Orthodox Church or not if they have female elders the chances of them being Orthodox are very low They're very low
Okay, and so so I'm glad that she's doing this and I hope that this forces this squishy middle to make a choice
Are you going are you going to be liberal or not? I mean, it's just that simple. Are you gonna be liberal or not?
I Mean that's I mean, this is this is great. I hope that more people have her Preach because it'll it'll it'll let people know that this is a church that doesn't take the scripture.
Seriously This is a church that doesn't do that. I hope it happens I really do and I think that this this this is all providential.
This is all providential that that's happening during the social justice thing Because she's gonna force a lot of these social justice advocates that are in the squishy middle here that kind of think it sounds good
But they're not really all the way so she's gonna force them to go one way or the other They're gonna either go all the way woke or they're not and they're gonna maybe come back to to to reality come back
Come back home. And so that's what I think about this Beth Moore stuff. This is look. I don't think it's good You know,
I'd rather people not sin, of course I don't want people to sin but the end of the day the fact that she's doing this
I think is good for the true church to really see who it is and And hear me hear me here because I'm not saying that if you believe in female elders that you're you can't possibly be a regenerate
That's not what I'm saying at all. What I am saying is that if you Understand the scripture so poorly in a very easy area
You need to be very careful Without you understand the scriptures in other areas too because that trajectory doesn't end in a good place
It doesn't it doesn't end in a good place Anyway, I hope this was helpful.