The Book Of 1st Samuel



Almighty God we ask you that this morning as we open the word you would direct our hearts and minds to Gaze at you and understand how you direct all the course of history according to your eternal and sovereign purposes and how our obedience and our disobedience
You are sovereign over in order to accomplish your work through Jesus Christ our
Lord and Savior and it is in his name we pray Amen Alright so last time we looked at the book of Ruth that was
Quick and easy this time. We're looking at first Samuel how many chapters? 31 chapters not four so we're going to try to move rather quickly through this book
Just entering it. I want you to remember We are moving from the time of the judges where everyone did what was right in their own eyes
You remember it was not a good period and this is the last of the judges We're going to see in Samuel and then we are entering a new epoch in the history of Israel where you have kings
Ruling over the land So this is this is this time of transition with the book of Ruth and first Samuel where we get to see how
God Sovereignly brings about his purposes. So if you want to break down the book of first Samuel you want to think of three major sections chapters 1 through 7 we have
Samuel a Little bit of his history and as he's established as a prophet and as the judge and then we have
Saul in chapters 8 through 15 where we get to see him ascending and then Descending and in fact the rest of the book of first Samuel is his descent into madness almost as he
Forsakes the highest state to which he had been called and then you have David which is the third section from chapter 16 through 31 where we get to see how the
Lord calls him and Very much in keeping with this morning's message how he brings trials into David's life in terms of preparing him for the
Ministry and the kingdom that he will rule ahead first and second Samuel were originally part one book
They were just divided for scroll length And so when we finish second Samuel you get the overall picture of what was intended in this book
Now we want to remember All of these things have a purpose and the ultimate purpose is
Jesus Christ in fact if you remember the song of Hannah It ended with let's just look at that chapter 2 verse 10
Exalt the power of his anointed and there was it was intentionally that we read
Luke 1 to remember Who is the anointed one that will ultimately come and rule?
David is great But he is just a foreshadow of the eternal King who is yet to come the anointed the word anointed is for Messiah Jesus Christ is the one who will come a thousand years later and Provide the salvation where he will
Lift up the humble and he will bring down the proud and one day he will come and rule forever and ever so Jesus is
The son of David so even as we see the history of David and this is a historical book you want to be remembering in the
Providence of God God is orchestrating all of these things towards the ultimate end which is Jesus Christ And he is not just the son of David in the lineage
But he is the Lord of David whom David will worship We will see time permitting a couple of Psalms And then we want to remember
Jesus is the prophet priest and king so we look at Samuel being a prophet we see even
Saul prophesying we see David given words of utterance and Foretelling the coming of Jesus Christ We see
Samuel as a priest and we see how Saul presumes to take that upon himself and brings about Condemnation and we get to see how
Saul and David are two very different kinds of Kings but they are under the eternal King Jesus Christ and We will see how
Saul is anointed how David is anointed, but the ultimate one who is anointed not just by the oil but by the
Spirit of God is Jesus Christ himself and in fact in addition to the anointing in this book you will get to see how the
Spirit of God comes upon Saul and Changes him and hopefully we'll take a few moments to look at the work of the
Holy Spirit In this book as he raises up his leaders for his ultimate purposes
Once again now from the overall panorama we have add you want to be thinking of peaks So if you can't remember all the different names in the
Old Testament Some of these names you would just want to be thinking of you know these are these mountaintops you have Adam that begins off this link line of Humans and then you'll have the second
Adam which is Jesus Christ you have Abraham who is this father of the faith? He's called and he trusts in God and then right after that you have the people going off into Egypt where they are incubated for 400
Years and they develop into this large nation Then you have Moses who's this next high peak where God uses him to rescue them out of The slavery in Egypt into the promised land and with Joshua they actually enter into Canaan so they come into this land this entire
Nation and you would think they have rest, but what we saw instead was this period of judges where instead of Being a light unto all the nations.
They were Becoming like the nations and they were divided and we saw civil wars happening in judges
And so now we come to the next major peak if you will with David where you will now
In 2nd Samuel we will see this that a kingdom is established a unified Nation with all the twelve tribes and how the
Lord's purposes will go through from there So once again, this is the transition from judges to kings that we see here in in First Samuel there are two nations that will come
Figured in this book one is the Philistines will begin with war with the Philistines end with the war with the
Philistines These are the technological superpowers You can think of them as the ones who had the nuclear power in that time because they knew how to handle iron
Most other nations didn't and You have the Ammonites and the Moabites kind of figuring in a small skirmish and we'll we'll look at them
But primarily it's the Philistines who are the enemies of the people of Israel right here
Now when you read the book of 1st Samuel, we are looking at a bottom -up. We're looking at it from a human
How people deal with their trials how God raises them up how people make mistakes how people obey
God but I What I want you to be thinking of as we look through these events is there is a
God who is in heaven who is? Sovereignly bringing all these little details in order to accomplish his good purposes.
There's nothing that happens here That's outside of the will of God and it's not just about three men
Samuel Saul and David but it is about the God who has raised up these men in order to accomplish his good purposes and With that the last comment before we get into the text is there are going to be some contrasts
You want to observe in these events that we see this book is written just so beautifully Even if you're not a believer, you've never had never read the
Bible. You can just read through this book you may not understand the names of the places and the people but as you just see the history of this
People and how God is sovereignly working things out. You just are carried away by this
Immensity of all that happens in these people's lives So you see Samuel and you'll see him contrasted with the sons of Eli and we'll see
Saul and how he is So radically different from David the man after God's own heart
So with that, let's jump into the first section chapters 1 through 7. We're going to look at Samuel so Chapter 1 begins with this really poignant story of Hannah this woman who has no children who is who is ridiculed by her
By she's one of two wives and the other wife who has children Ridicules her and she looks up to God asks
God and is told that she will have a son and she does have a son Samuel whom
God supernaturally given gives to her as Eli the priest
Prays for her and tells her that she will have a son and in the end of chapter 1 verse 28 You see
I have lent him to the Lord as long as he lives He this is Samuel is lent to the
Lord so what happens is here is this woman who has no child prays to the Lord receives this child as a blessing and then commits him to the
Lord and Samuel let me maybe make a brief comment in the beginning.
You see that Samuel's dad Elkana was living in the hill country of Ephraim.
But if you look at First Chronicles is actually talks about he's actually a
Levite and he is now adopted by Eli the priest in order to serve in the temple
As an adopted son, if you will he's his parents have other children, but they will come and visit but Hannah is just so blessed and the song and the song that we just read gives you the overall theme of the book and in fact
When you look at the those who are proud and those who are humble and the way the Lord works with them this kind of gives you the
The work of the Lord among his people as they submit to him or as they reject him In the end of chapter 2 you get to see how while Eli was faithful to God You have to remember again.
We are still in the end of the period of the judges His sons were anything but I just want to read you a couple of verses here in chapter 2 verse 13 the custom of the priests with the people
What was it supposed to be priests were supposed to do these sacrifices they were to mediate between God and man
God had established the sacrificial system and they were supposed to Do atonement to bring these sacrifices and do them in the prescribed way
It's so that the people may be sanctified and be able to approach God But instead what did they do their custom was that any man offered sacrifice the priest?
Servant would come and while the meat was boiling with a three -pronged fork in his hand he would trust it into the pan or kettle or cauldron or pot and all that the folk brought up the priest would take for himself and verse 15 before the fat was burnt he would come and give the meat to the priest to roast for he will not accept boiled meat only raw and Verse 16 if you must give it now, and if not,
I will take it by force He's basically threatening those who are coming to worship and saying I want this this is mine
It is not I don't care about the Lord that you are here to worship and that was the state of worship in Israel when this book begins and And in verse 22
Eli rebukes his son, but clearly he doesn't do enough to stop this Horrific practice.
This is a blasphemy and insult to Yahweh and instead and in fact Let me just read this to you in verse 24
It is verse 25 if someone sins against a man God will mediate for him
But if someone sins against the Lord who can intercede for him and the severity of their crime
They do not realize and then right there in the end of the verse you get to see how the Lord's sovereign purposes are interwoven into this free and Willful and sinful actions of Eli's sons because God is going to bring about something even through this horrific time and Verse 26
Samuel grows in stature and in favor with the Lord and with man now
In chapter 3 you get this wonderful picture of how Samuel is called. I think this is a story Everybody knows there is a little boy sleeping in the
In the in the temple as the lights are being lit and he hears God speaking calling him
He doesn't realize this and here you get to see how he becomes a prophet God calls him young Samuel doesn't realize goes to Eli a couple of times and Eli says, you know next time you hear this tell
Lord speak as your servant is hearing and Samuel does that and he hears the first oracle from God as how he's going to bring judgment upon Eli God is not unmindful of this wickedness that is happening in this place of worship and God was going to destroy the sons of Eli and Eli is told this and it's actually very instructive to see what
Eli responds as Samuel tells what God has told him in verse 18 of chapter 3
Samuel told him everything and hid nothing from him and Eli says it is off the Lord.
Let him do what seems good to him And so here you get to see this transition from the leadership of Eli instead of going down to his son sons
You have Samuel is the one who is now going to be the prophet and in verse 19 Samuel grows the
Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground So here you have Samuel introduced to us and now he is now the judge who is going to be leading
But the next few chapters tell us this really tragic story where you have the Philistines They are the ones on the east side of Israel on The on the coast.
These are the seafarers and they are coming in and they are attacking and so Israel instead of seeking the
Lord things that they can take the ark of the Lord as a as a good luck charm I'll just take this out there and therefore everybody
We will win these wars because God is with us. They while the ark represented The presence of God and symbolized his his throne
The people had forgotten the God of the ark and instead they just thought they could just take this as a magic charm one
Professor said they might have watched too many Indiana Jones movies. They just I have this and I'm good to go no, you are dealing with the
God of heaven and earth and what really happens here is The people are charged because they see the ark but they had forgotten that they had rejected the
God of the ark and God Lets them be defeated the sons of Eli are killed the message comes back and Eli hears this falls over and his neck is broken
He dies and is one of the wives of the sons of Eli In labor gives birth to a son and names him
Ichabod saying the glory of the Lord has departed Remember when you think of the tabernacle you want to remember the the fire that was there the
Presence of the Lord that once in a year on the day of atonement the high priest could go and approach.
This was a holy God that they were worshiping and here they have lost not only had their practices
Betrayed their lack of worship of God, but now the the Means prescribed of worship where they are is also gone and that's really the state of affairs as Israel loses its battle and it is now subject to the
Philistines But in chapter 5 you get to see something really fascinating you think okay
God uses his people in order to accomplish his purposes You know what God doesn't need you or me to do what he wants in chapter 5 these
Philistines capture this and they think okay I have a God I'll have one more God added to this put the ark next to our
God They gone and now I have double the power, you know in order to Advance in my victories.
No, that's not the case Next morning when they come day gone has fallen on his ground There is no other
God besides God the next day they put day gone back up next the following day His neck is broken and his arms are broken
What just happened you cannot stand before the God of heaven and earth and God is saying I am
The Lord to these Philistines, so while their God is defeated God also inflicts plagues upon the people of Philistine So it is they keep this ark in one town.
There's boils all over they say well Maybe we need to move to another town They take it to another town Those people are afflicted by plagues the people recognize that there is a supernatural
God that they are dealing with and this is a God That they have zero control over they might be the world's nuclear power
But there is a much more Stronger power that is in their midst. And so the people realize they need to return the ark and it comes back to Israel and and you get to see how even in Israel chapter 6 as it ends the people of Beth Semesh to which the people of the ark comes they think oh, let me take a look inside the ark they should have been reading the
Pentateuch and knowing what is the prescribed means of worship and 70 men die there and they realize
God is not to be trifled with and so this is how the state of Israel is before we have the
King so during this period some Samuel is judging and He is a leader there.
He goes to different parts of the of the tribes of Israel and During this period you have the hand of the
Lord under the leadership of Samuel For staying the Philistines the Philistines are kept at bay
They cannot they don't take over the lands that That are belonging to Israel.
So that's really a quick overview of what's happening with Samuel So now let's move into the next section with King Saul 8 through 15 you get to see this meteoric rise and the catastrophic fall of this man called
Saul But before we do that the beginning of chapter 8 tells you how this transition comes about Let me read a few verses for you
In order that you may understand what the people were thinking and what God was thinking Just like the sons of Eli you get to see the sons of Samuel doing the same thing verse 3 of chapter 8 his sons did not walk in his ways
But turned aside after gain they took bribes and perverted justice here is a judge and his sons and his sons are
Corrupt and so the people come and say your sons are not like you and what do they say in verse 5 a point for us?
a king to judge us like all the nations God had said
I am your king and I will lead you and the people Instead of looking back up to God said, you know, here are all the judges that we are seeing they are cut up They're not useful.
What kind of model do we have? I see the other kings other kingdoms. They have kings They lead them into battle.
That's what we want they had completely forgotten that they have a God in heaven a God who had
Rescued them from Egypt a God who had brought them into the promised land and a God was with them and instead they said we want to move on a king like other nations and so verse 6 it displeases
Samuel is not just a rejection of Samuel, but it's a rejection of God and God says do what they ask because I'm gonna sovereignly bring about my purposes even through their sinful motives
They are replacing me with a human King, but I will bring about my purposes. There will come a king
King David and then a descendant my son who will ultimately rule and so Samuel wants the people of this
Problem and then you get to see Saul come into the picture. In fact, the story is once again just Amazing.
I just want you to note in verse 1 of chapter 9 a man from Benjamin You need to when you think of Benjamin you want to say wait, wait,
I've heard this name before they were a powerful tribe But they ran into a problem in the end of the book of Judges.
Did they not? In fact this man Kish it says he's a wealthy man a
Benjaminite and we find out later. He's not just a Benjaminite He is actually From the very town which started the
Civil War. It's that least the town that said, you know, we will abuse this
Woman that came into our land and they will not repent when they were confronted. It is from that very town that Saul is going to come but he was very different look at the verse to a
Handsome young man. There was not a man among the people of Israel more handsome than me and for us from the shoulders upward
He was taller than any of his people. So there are a sequence of events and I'd like you to read through them as you see how
God orchestrates these events lost donkeys going and looking for a seer in order to find the donkeys and then
God speaking to Samuel and Saying well, I'm going to bring a guy into your midst and you are to do such -and -such and so Samuel tells him your donkeys are found, um, and he anoints them as a king and You get to see how the people who were looking and craving for a king receive a king according to their own desires tall guy
Looks great Powerful, maybe he will help us defeat the enemies
Got what we wanted will life go the way we think it did in the end of chapter 10.
Saul is proclaimed as king and Chapter 11 you have probably the highlight of Saul's career the
Ammonites. These are the sons of Lot descendants of Lot on the on the
Actually, I said that wrong, didn't I? Yes, Ammon is on the east side of Israel and Philistines are on the west side
So on the other side of the Jordan you have the Ammonites and they come and Besiege Jebus Gilead and they threaten them and they say well
Surrender and the people say we'll surrender and the Ammonites say well, that's not enough I'm gonna pull out all your right eye so that you know that We kind of rule over you and so they say well give us a little time
I want to see if someone will come to our aid They send word through the land and the word comes and Saul the king is actually plowing his land it's a different kind of king than what we are used to and it is before he
Accumulates power and acts like a king like the other nations, but here he is plowing He hears this message and let me just read for you what
Saul does as he hears this Verse 5 of 11
Saul was coming from the field behind the oxen and Saul said what's wrong with the people that they are weeping and they told him
The news of the men of Jabesh verse 6 and the spirit of God Rushed upon Saul when he heard these words and his anger was greatly kindled He took a yoke of oxen and cut them in pieces and sent them throughout all the territory of Israel by the hands of messengers saying
Whoever does not come out after Saul and Samuel So shall it be done to his oxen then the dread of the
Lord of Yahweh Fell upon the people and they came out as one man you get to see how the
Spirit of God moves the people In unity in defending themselves against these enemies of God and you get this and in fact this practice again
You should be thinking Have I seen this before? this is what the
Levi did Sinfully, I think to the dead woman, but here
Saul does it in a righteous way he is charging these people to come out and Fight for the for the
Lord and for the nation and you get to see a great victory and so So far so good.
The King has come he's doing great Maybe all is going to go well And then in chapter 12 you get
Samuel this prophet now that the transition has happened This King has come not only is he being anointed.
He seems to be established he seems to be doing the things that he ought to be doing and Samuel says
You know, you now have a king he warns them about the king this is sinful what you did in asking for a king, but obey the
Lord and Seek him both you as a nation as well as your people and he basically says look at my life
Is there anything that is? Sinful in me and as I've judged you and the people say no you've done a great job
Samuel and that's a good testimony of Samuel as the last judge and Prophet in the end of chapter 12
He says only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart for consider what great things he has done for you
But if you still do wickedly you shall be swept away both you and your king don't put your trust in your king, but rather fear the
Lord and So then you have in chapters 13 through 15 events happening in Saul's life.
In fact in the first verse that are Missing words, it's hard for us to know what that needs to be filled in if you have an
ESV you'll see some blanks from the manuscripts, but here you have Saul fighting the
Philistines and this is the first Preview of what's really in Saul's heart a guy who's tall a guy who's handsome, but what's really motivating him?
What's underneath the skin and the flesh and the bones and in? Versus 8 and on you get to see how
Saul is waiting for Samuel to perform the sacrifice as a priest as he's getting the people ready for battle against the
Philistines and as the assault tends to Tarry the people tend to disperse and here is the king the leader who ought to be saying you need to fear the
Lord and Wait upon him. He sees the people fearing and the he wants to appease the people in some way
Rather than call the people to unity So instead of waiting for the for Samuel the Prophet and the priest in order to perform the sacrifice
He takes it upon himself and then in verse 13 when Saul well, let me actually read for you verse 12
Saul is justifying himself Now the Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal and I have not sought the favor of the
Lord So I forced myself and offered the burnt offering and Samuel said to Saul you have done foolishly You have not kept the command of the
Lord your God with which he commanded you for then the Lord would have established your kingdom
Over Israel forever. And so there it comes the first Opening of our eyes to see wait, where exactly is
Saul? Is he looking to please the people or is he looking to please the Lord? and he is definitely not a man who is fearing the
Lord rather he fears the people and The battle that he must win and you get to see
Just as you have Eli who was worshiping God his sons were forsaking him You have Samuel who was worshiping the
Lord his sons were forsaking him But here in salt's case you have something really different you have
Saul who doesn't really have a real fear for the Lord But you have his son Jonathan who seems to really know the work of God and fully and wholeheartedly embrace it
So here in chapter 14, you get to see the deliverance that this comes about in through Jonathan So all these nations
Philistines are over here. The Israelites are scared and hiding and Jonathan comes out with his armor bearer and he says, you know what?
Let's just go if the Lord will do this with one man or with a thousand men We can trust in him and you get to see a mighty deliverance that happens in Jonathan's under his leadership as the
Philistines are routed by the power of God and even there you get to see Jonathan the instrument
And you get to see Saul start to Covet that That power and the fame that comes by Saul makes a rash vow about not eating
Jonathan doesn't know about it And then Saul wants to kill Jonathan and the people stand up and say what are you doing?
God has brought a mighty deliverance through through this young man Jonathan your son and He shall surely not die and you get to see all the character flaws start to crack through And I want you to just remember
David is not this paragon of Integrity either but there's a huge difference when the flaws
Start to get exposed how they react Saul will react with covering himself and trying to find other ways in which to Bolster his own position whereas David would be a radically different kind of guy who will just fall on his face repent and Ask the
Lord for his forgiveness. So with that you come to Chapter 15 and this is really the last straw as if you will what happens
Let me just read for you Samuel says to Saul in verse 2
I Have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt now go strike
Amalek and devote to destruction harem Blocked off Just like when
Joshua brought the people into the promised land and you destroy everything all that they have do not spare them but kill both man and woman child and infant ox and sheep camel and donkey and You think wait, this is 400 years later
You need to be remembering how God brought people into the promised land Their wickedness had come and filled the land, you know
Anytime I look at this was my first instinct is like Oh innocence. You need to be really careful Who's the one saying these words?
This is God of heaven and earth who observes everything that's happening among the Amalekites? There is justice for what they did to the people of Israel when they were picking off the people
As they were passing through and now their sin has been full and God is bringing judgment through Saul and here is
Saul he stands seems to start off well goes into battle destroys the Amalekites and Then does something very very weird
Samuel comes After the defeat and In verse 9
Saul and the people spared Agag. This is the king of Amalek the Amalekites and the best of the sheep and the oxen and the fattened calves and the lamb and all that was good and Would not utterly destroy them and all that was despised and worthless.
They devoted to destruction. What is it really telling you here here? It's saying that Well God, you told me to do something the things that we don't want, you know we will destroy but the things that we want will kind of keep for ourselves and when
Samuel comes and Saul gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He basically says well, you know, this is not really for me.
It's for the Lord and the Lord knows Saul's heart in how he was fearing the people the people who wanted to take these things instead of being a leader and executing the will of God among the people
Saul was Showing that his fear was not of the Lord and therefore
God says I'm going to take the kingdom from you and give it to someone else who will Who will obey me and in fact?
You get to see In verse 26 of chapter 15
Samuel In fact, let's let's go a little bit further earlier in verse 24
Saul does admit I have sinned all his excuses are now exposed as the Prophet reveals his heart to him
I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and your words. I feared the people and obeyed their voice now Therefore, please pardon my sin and return with me that I may worship the
Lord so Samuel says to Saul I will not return with you for you have rejected the word of the Lord and the Lord has rejected you
From being king over Israel and as Samuel turned to go away Saul sees the skirt of his robe and this is a very we're going to see this a few more times in this chat in this book this is the wings of his robe and These are the outer edges of his robe and his own robes the very robes of Saul will one day get cut and as he sees the robe it tore and Samuel said to him the
Lord has stoned the kingdom of Israel from you this day and has given it to a neighbor of yours who is
Better than you and also the glory of Israel will not lie or have regret for he's not a man that he should have regret and look at Saul's response again
Saul said I have sinned yet honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel and Return with me that I may bow before the
Lord your God even in all of these things Saul's Vision is not upward to God and bowing in humility
But rather how can I preserve my pride among the people among whom I worship and he this is pretty much the end and from Here on it is a descent
Away from the Lord and into madness and in chapter 16. So we come to the last section 16 to 31 you get to see this young boy
David who rises as the Lord is with him. So Right as Samuel is mourning over this man
Saul whom God has placed and as he is getting ready and as he's waiting upon the
Lord the Lord says go to Bethlehem and Perform the sacrifice and I will show you who will be the king that I have chosen.
And so here you have Samuel with Jesse Each of his sons comes by they look nice and Samuel thinking maybe this is the one and the
Lord says, you know you look at the outside, but I look at the heart and none of these are the men's that I have chosen and then
Samuel asked Jesse in verse 11 are all your sons here he says there remains yet the youngest and he's keeping the sheep and he says send and get him and Then the
Lord tells him let's actually read that verse 12 He was ruddy and had beautiful eyes and was handsome and the
Lord said rise and anoint him for this is he and verse 13 he took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers and you see this phrase again and the
Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward and Samuel rose up and went to Rama.
So here you have David who is called of the Lord who is anointed and He has the
Spirit of God in him and in fact the end of chapter 16 you get to see In fact in the very next verse in verse 14 the
Spirit of the Lord Departed from for from Saul and a harmful spirit from the Lord Tormented him and here you get to see
Saul's fall from favor and he is now in distress and you get to see
David who has the Spirit of God come and Play for Saul in order to calm him down and this would be the ministry of the relationship between David and Saul as they find
David as this person who is not just a sheep keeper, but also he plays a music maybe it's something like the banjo and He is ministering to Saul unaware of the bigger scheme of things that God is going to work out
So the David will be faithful to that place to which he is called while Saul is going to be Licking his wounds and still looking to preserve his position and power and then you have chapter 17
I'm not going to go into this in detail. This is David and Goliath So Goliath as you know is this big giant he comes here at this war remember during the times of Samuel there was
The Philistines were kept at bay when Saul came into power through Jonathan they had this skirmish and they pushed back the outposts as the of the garrisons of the
Philistines and now there's another battle happening here and Remember Saul was a head -and -shoulder above all the other men.
He's the king he has the authority to lead these people and as these two nations are gathered there is
Talk that normally happens before they get ready for battle and this Philistine whose name is
Goliath this giant comes and Says these words in verse 8
Let me move a little bit further in verse 10 I defy the ranks of Israel this day.
Give me a man that we may fight together and he goes forward and Defies the
God of heaven and earth, but the people of Israel look at this man his stature.
No one man in Israel Especially King Saul who ought to be the one who had fought
Is bold enough to go and face this man and you get to see how? David this young shepherd boy coming to visit his brothers in the army gets to see what's happening and his
Spirit is provoked. Remember how Saul was provoked when he saw the Ammonites come and threatened the people with with With taking out their eyes here
David comes He sees this Philistine defying the armies of the Living God and he says who is this man that he would do?
So let me just read what David says Let me just read what he says in verse 45 as he's speaking with Goliath you come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin
But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied
This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I will strike you down and cut off your head and I will give the dead bodies of the host of Philistines This day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth that all the earth may know that there is
A God in Israel. It's not so much about there is a David in Israel, but there is a God in Israel It is a
God of heaven It is the host Lord of hosts who? Commands all these armies of heaven that you have defied and he will give us the victory
So David here goes with a sling and you need to be thinking a little bit differently there about these stones
It's like light infantry. So they used slings in battle, but it is still
Pretty primitive, you know, remember the Philistines have the army the spears the javelins. They have all the Sophisticated weaponry and here
David goes with like with a pistol against Bazooka, you know, this is this is
From a human standpoint it is unmatched But from a from God's standpoint it is unmatched too
But in a completely different scale because here was David who trusted his God and God gives Goliath and the
Philistines over and you get to see how as the tables are turned David is now made a general in the army of Saul and as the people get to observe
David and his victories they Do something they recognize the work of David and They ascribed more to David than they do to Saul Maybe the people were observing how
David is Saul is just a pleaser of men while David is a pleaser of the Lord Saul is one his in chapter 18 verse 7
Saul is struck down as thousands and David is ten thousands and here Saul as one who has been
Helped by the Lord through David instead of recognizing the hand of the Lord It starts to get jealous as he says my popularity is waning while this one's is increasing my kingdom that Samuel promised is going to be taken away is
Slipping into the hands of this young boy and this Saul was very angry and it displeased him and so you get to see how
Saul at this point on is going to Direct his anger and his frustrations against this young David.
And so right there in chapter 18 you get to see how Saul tries to kill David even as he's playing by spearing him to the wall, but the
Lord protects him and this will be the first of many other events where Saul His his heart that does not fear the
Lord is going to Demonstrate itself in acts of sin that just degenerate from murder
To open rebellion to the Lord himself and Saul is constantly scheming.
He tries to get David married to Michael his second daughter and thinking that you know if I can put some challenges that are big enough eventually
David will get killed and I can be Get the position that the people with the people again
And that's not to be the case every challenge that Saul throws out at David The Lord is with David and he gives him victory over those things
Every event that could have potentially be fatal for David instead becomes an occasion each of these trials becomes an occasion in which the
Lord would Showcase his power showcases presence with David and exalt
David through those trials and and So in chapter 19, once again, you have they assault trying to kill
David David escapes with his with the help of his Wife Michael and then you have in chapter 20 not only is
David assaults daughter helping David Saul's son Jonathan likewise helps him as well.
In fact David at this point in time starts to recognize that he is not in favor with the king the king wants to kill him and so he has this little test where he doesn't go to this festival and then
Jonathan says my dad would tell me if he was going to kill you and David says why don't we do this and when
David is not there? Jonathan tells his dad
David asked me to leave and I did let him go and then you get to see the rage in Saul come through as he
Says horrible things to his own son and in fact would rather kill his son the one to whom he thinks he wants to hand over the kingdom in the
Madness and the and the rage that it has where he loses his sanity in order to Get rid of David and so you get to see how there is a bond between Jonathan and David Jonathan so different than Saul Jonathan who doesn't care for the kingdom he can see clearly the hand of the
Lord with David and he's glad for what the Lord is doing through him and They covenant with one another in terms of how they will treat one another's family
And this will be helpful for us to remember when we go into 2nd Samuel and then in chapter 21 and on you get to see a different face
So we had David we saw how he came How he was anointed how the Lord used him to deliver how there was this conflict that brewed between him and Saul but at this point and onward
David is going to be a Fugitive he's going to be a man on the run because he has no place Even though he's the general who has won all these victories.
He has no place in the land. And so chapter 21 David goes to Abimelech the priest as he's escaping with a with a few men and Abimelech helps him being cautious he gives him the the showbread that the old showbread and he gives him the sword of Goliath, but there is
And He goes from there on to Gath which is the place of the
Philistines to hide from From King Saul, in fact, that's so, you know, if you were
David writing these stories, you might think you know what? I think I'll cut that out It doesn't kind of look kingly upon me,
I'll just show the highlights of my David Davidic rule No, but David was a frail man.
We need to remember David was called of God and I was a man after gods or not But he is a man simple man, just like you and I he goes to Gath and he's suddenly terrified.
Oh, this is the land of Goliath whom I killed I might be in greater trouble here than I was with Saul and he acts like a madman just to escape from the trouble that he has brought upon himself and the king can excuse him out of his palace, but Where was you want to ask
David? Why couldn't you be trusting God all the time? You know you you killed this Goliath you could easily kill these people.
No, I mean, he is a man like us our Remember this what we've been hearing about faith and faithfulness
We trust in God but we have a God who watches over us even in our lack of faithfulness and That is really what you get to see through this time
You're going to see many other flaws of David the scriptures never sugarcoat the people that it calls
But it rather shows that even in our flawed Character, we have a God who loves us and works out his purposes through us and in chapter 22
You have Let me actually just read this Let me skip a little bit and then we'll we'll go forth
So in chapter 22 you get to see Saul's madness descend even further when he finds out that Abimelech has helped
David He forgets that he is dealing with the priests of God, and he actually has them killed
To what extent will Saul go in order to preserve his own reputation? He has already lost sight of the fact that the
Lord is the one he must please and now Everything that is holy is no longer
Honorable in his sight and he kills the priest and he will continue seeking after David and in chapter 23 you get to see another wonderful thing where David sees this town of Kiela, which is under Under attack and he comes and rescues them and he knows that these people will not
Preserve them from Saul and he actually has to leave them and go and in fact in fact in that passage you get to see
Something about the knowledge of God's contingent actions things that we don't that haven't happened
What will happen God knows even though they never come to pass in chapter 24 you get to see the
Chase that Saul does there are several times that Saul chases after David and in this case.
He is in this cave. He's hiding and Saul comes into the cave
David could have killed him but he says no I will not lift my hand against the Lord's anointed and instead remember the
Corner of the cloak the wings he cuts that off and when Saul is gone He shows him I could have killed you, but you didn't but I didn't because I am
NOT after you people you're Salt's mind has been running thinking
David is going to be king He's against me and David says no I am NOT and it is actually really Interesting to see each of these encounters where Saul in his mad fury comes after David David has the power to kill
Saul, but says no I will trust in the Lord instead and And as David confronts Saul you get to see a momentary transformation in salt
Saul is just faced with the obvious that David does not want to kill him and he repents, but it is not going to be an
Ultimate repentance because very soon his madness will return and will come back come back after David and in Psalm 57 verse 1
This is the psalm that was written while David and Saul were well David was in that cave. He is
David Remember what you heard this morning in a trial. What must you do? Look up to God Here's what
David said be merciful to me. Oh God be merciful to me for in you my soul takes refuge in the shadow of Your wings remember the wings of the cloak.
It's not it's not his own power It's not in Saul's mercy But it is in the in the wings of God that I will take refuge till the storms of destruction
Pass by I would encourage you to read Psalm 57 when you get home. It's just powerful as David who is about to be crushed by these trials instead looks up to the
Lord Dave Saul when he sees his problems. He just sees as a frustrated man who wants to Solve it in his own strength
David when he is When he faces these trials, he doesn't say the Lord is against me
He says and said I will look to the Lord He will get me through this and God is sovereign in those trials that he brings in David's life and in the relationship they have with one another in chapter 25
You get to see the death of Saul and there's the last of the judges that passes away and then I'm gonna skip a few
For us and in chapter 25 you get to see Abigail and and Abel this
Very interesting encounter, but in 26 you get to see Saul once again chasing after him and this time once again
David would spare Saul and Saul would once again confronted by the fact that David could have killed him, but he does not
Recognize this is foolish foolishness, but this would not be a repentance that lasts and once again Saul will come after him
But chapter 27 to 31 you get to see the end of this narrative as the relationship between Saul and David comes to its end
David now flees to the Philistines, but he goes to a very specific city and in in this
City with Akish David Lives in this land of this town of Zilag and he does all these skirmishes and he is for a season protected both from Saul and from the
Philistines by having favor with Akish and What you see here in chapter 28 shows the ultimate rejection of God in Saul So here is
Saul who has never lived in the fear of the Lord, but has always looked to preserve his power He comes to this battle where the
Philistines are arraigned against him And he does not have Samuel to speak to him the word of the Lord. He has in his early days done the work of the
Lord in in rejecting the mediums and the spirit is in the land that the period of the judges had had multiplied and now without having
Direction instead of waiting upon the Lord or recognizing that the Lord is sovereign and he must trust in the ways of the
Lord goes after a medium and then he tries to bring up Samuel in order to look for direction and we will not get into the
Details here, but you get to see how Saul for all of his sinful ways recognizes he has come to the very end and His rejection of God will show in the judgment that God brings upon him and his family in this battle so you
The chapter 21 recounts for us this tragic end of this Son of Kish at this man who came from Gibeah who initially didn't want to be
King who? Was anointed by the Lord when when the Spirit of God was upon him the
Bible says he hasn't he had a new heart and And yet this man would not
Trust in the Lord, but walk away from him and his end is death and battle by suicide and it is just a very tragic and sad tale of how a life that Could have been trusting
God instead trusted in its own fame and power Now when you look at David David's in second
Samuel you get to see how he's established as King at this point He's still a fugitive. He's in Philistines. He's behind enemy lines if you will and Sovereignly the
Lord has him not participate in the battle of the Philistines versus the Israelites in fact you always wonder
What would have happened if a Kish had prevailed and had David fight for the Philistines? You can be sure that it would have been interesting as the allegiance of David Ultimately to God and then his for his people and how that would have turned out
But that was not to be the case David goes back and chapter 30 is again another powerful story of how
David when faced with adversity he goes to his town the Amalekites have
Attacked and taken all his property and his whim and his wives and his children Of all the people the people are mad at David and remember
Saul when he was faced with the people who were against him He tried to appease them do things in his own way in order to gain favor the people
But when David was faced with being stoned for having lost all of their possessions
What is it that he did look at chapter 30 verse 4 David and the people were with him raised their voices and wept until they had no more strength to weep
Verse 6 David was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him because all the people were bitter and soul each for his sons and daughters but David Strengthened himself in the
Lord is God He knew where to look for in times of trouble and you get to see how
God not only Empowers David he helps the helps him and the people
Rescue their people from from the land So in conclusion as you look at the tragic end of Saul and the hand of the
Lord upon David What must we be thinking of? Remember this is a historical book that it gives you a segment of what happens as God raises up a king in the land and a king from the tribe of Judah that he had promised and The scepter that will not depart from the throne that would one day come in the person of Jesus Christ as the people in the time
Of Christ look to David This is what they saw they saw a man who trusted in God and this is the descendant of David who will one day rule and you and I As we look at these men we want to look at the
God of these men He is faithful just as he was faithful to David He is faithful to us in our trials.
We have a king who rules from heaven above He is the anointed one and he is the one who will come back again to rule forever