IMPORTANT - Self Identified Racist in Leadership in SBC

AD Robles iconAD Robles


This is important guys. This is not my opinion...this is fact. There is a racist in leadership at Southern Seminary.


Guys this is important stuff and I you know, I I'm known to joke around a little bit I'm known to take sort of a lighter tone at times and things like that and I'm never gonna stop doing that's just part of My personality, you know
But this is serious, you know I'm trying to be as serious as possible and as as winsome as possible and I'm trying to believe the best and all that kind Of stuff so I know it'll never be enough for some of my critics, but that's okay
I saw this from Sovereign Nations and also Jacob Brunton one of my friends on Twitter.
This is a This is a meme that was created by Sovereign Nations about an article and a video from Matthew Hall Matthew Hall is
I think the Dean of Boyce College or I mean he has a different position now I think he I think he's the Provost now.
Yeah, it says it right here. He's the currently the Provost at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary This is Al Mohler's place, right?
This is supposed to be a conservative place And ever a lot of people assume he's going to be the president of this seminary eventually
And so this is this is a mover and shaker. This is a leader in the SBC This is a powerful man a power broker.
I mean, there's just no question about it That's exactly who this is when we talk about Big Eva. This is the kind of person we're talking about And I want to read you this quote
Okay I want you to read you this quote and just Well, you hear this and I'm not gonna comment too much on this quote
I actually before I even start I remember watching this video It was within the last year or maybe a little bit longer than that I don't remember exactly and at the time
I didn't know who Matthew Hall was. I just thought it was some random guy and The the video was insane.
It was just normal Social justice warrior stuff. And so someone wanted me to respond to it.
And I was just like yeah, I don't really know this guy I'm not really gonna do that Looking back.
I probably should have but here's the quote ready. He says quote. This is Matthew Hill Hall The best thing you can do to start is to take a humble posture.
That sounds pretty good, right? He goes on recognizing that you have a racialized worldview of which you are likely unaware
Your beliefs attitudes and values have been formed in ways deeply informed by whiteness end quote
Okay, that's the quote remember this is Provost at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Okay, let me tell you what
I saw from Jacob. This is Jacob's quoting this this short video, you know, we'll watch this video.
I have a pretty Historic and I think Pauline or biblical view of the power of sin.
The problem is a lot worse than we think Now what I mean by that is both individually like I am a racist
Look, this is serious guys. I Am a racist. This is the Provost of Southern Seminary admitting that he is a racist
Let's continue. Okay, so if that freaks you out if you think the worst thing somebody can call you is a racist
Then you're not thinking biblically because guess what I I'm gonna struggle with racism and white supremacy until the day
I die and get my glorified body In a completely renewed and sanctified mind Look I don't think that being called the racist is the worst thing that you could be called
I've said this many times on my youtube channel I've said this many times on my youtube channel that that accusation has has been robbed of all of its power
But that has that does not mean that being a racist is all of a sudden. Okay It does not mean that and so I'm angry
I'm gonna say that right now and here's what I have to say to in response to this this this
Provost admitting He's a racist What's gonna be done about this guys? What's gonna happen here
That's what I'd like to know. He's a racist in charge of your seminary
Not completely in charge, but he's a leader in your seminary He is a racist
He doesn't think he can beat racism He says I will struggle with racism and white supremacy until the day
I die. Here's an admitted white supremacist Why are we talking about all these things all these white folks have to do that?
We have no idea if they're a racist or not We just assume that they are but here we have a racist and admitted a self -proclaimed racist a self -proclaimed white supremacist and he is a power broker in the
SBC and We're not doing anything about it I'll tell you right now if I had a pastor or I'm sorry if I had a
Church member in my church and I was a pastor and he said I'm a racist. I Wouldn't I would encourage him to repent
I would I would teach him about why racism is against the scripture Why it's a sin against a holy
God why it's a sin against your fellow, man And why you must not be a racist anymore.
You must repent of your white supremacy You must repent of your racism and on if he didn't repent and he just continued to say well,
I'm just still a racist He would be out He would be excommunicated it's ridiculous, that's absolutely ridiculous
You might you might say well Adam though, but he's repenting, you know, that's what Christians are supposed to do They're supposed to live a life of repentance and he says he's struggling against it.
So that's good. That's that that's okay Right because he's repenting against his racism and to that I say, okay great
I'm really glad that he's struggling against it But guess what while you're in this fight while you still are a racist while you still are a white supremacist
You shouldn't be in charge of a seminary Because a seminary needs to make sure that they're not showing partiality that they're not showing prejudice against people of color that they're not
Teaching and acting in such a way that they think white people are better than black people and brown people
And so so good on you And I'm glad that you work with your pastor work with your session to continue to repent and to and to renew your mind
So you're no longer racist, but while you're in that fight while you're still a racist You shouldn't be in charge of a
Christian institution. It's just that simple It's just that simple. We would hold a pastor to the same standard We would say look, you know, you can still be in our fellowship
You can still you don't have to be disfellowshipped because you cheated on your wife But while you're still an adulterer, you're not in leadership anymore.
You've disqualified yourself. You can't do it. You can't do it It looks like Southern Seminary knows this stuff is bad, you know, apparently they've been scrubbing this stuff from their website
They've deleted the article. I don't know if they've done the same with the videos and all that But but guys, this is the reality like deleting the articles of your of your racist employee doesn't make him not racist anymore
You know, I mean deleting videos from your white supremacist employee Doesn't where he admits that he's a racist and white supremacist doesn't actually change his you know
His being employed by you and hopefully being in a position where he has authority over You know how we treat blacks and Browns versus whites
Look the reality is though that that this is not the activities of an organization that it wants to be truthful
Deleting things without saying anything just kind of quietly trying to shove things under the rug. They are employing a racist right now
Put your money where your mouth is. I mean How can you defend this
You can all circle the wagons and get out of bed and and make a united front against a trailer That's that that that's talking about, you know, some of the issues in the
SBC But we here we have an admitted racist and white supremacist and you will stay silent
In fact, you will quietly remove any of the objectionable materials from your website without saying word one about it
I mean, this is this is this is not like a small thing Being a racist is not a small thing.
I mean look we're using normal language here, right? I mean I pulled up here
I pulled up the definition of racist right because I wanted to make sure I'm not it's not some kind of Mandela effects going on And I just don't remember what racist actually is
This is what Matthew Hall provost of Southern Seminary is saying is saying that he is ready racist here's the definition noun a person who shows or feels
Discrimination or prejudice against peoples of other races or who believes that a particular race is superior to another
This is what Matthew Hall is he is a person the provost of Southern Seminary is a person who shows or feels discrimination or Prejudice against people of other races or who believes that a particular race is superior to another he's actually both of these things because he's
He's talked about his house white supremacist as well So he's a person who shows and feels discrimination against people of color and who believes that white people are superior to them
This is the this is your provost How are you letting this stand? How are you letting this stand if this is what he is he just said
I am a racist and then he went I Mean he's shoving it in our face.
I'm a racist what you're gonna do about it Are you sure that you're gonna let this slide
We have to demand that something be done about this He either either needs to explain himself further or something else needs to be done
I mean look I'm not in charge of the seminary, but but but here we have let me calm down a second I've got a guy who's a in leadership a provost of your seminary who is a person who showed we're not talking about This is our opinion.
He said this about himself. He knows himself he is a person who shows or feels discrimination or Prejudice against people of color and believes that white people are superior to them
That's a problem. That's a problem for me and it should be a problem for everybody. That's unacceptable for a