Potpourri of Topics


That’s a great word, isn’t it? Potpourri. Really did meander a bit, though a lot of the topics (changing language, for example, new shutdowns by leftist governors, the coming national lockdown 1/21/21) sort of coalesced together in the end. Visit the store at https://doctrineandlife.co/

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greetings and welcome to the dividing line here we are again uh yes indeed it is um the 17th of november in the year of our lord 2020 and uh yes the uh national weather service in phoenix just once again released a a graphic uh high so far today in phoenix 90 degrees fahrenheit new record high temperature previous record 87 latest 90 plus fahrenheit on record 191st 90 plus high temp of 2020 third most on record we won't that's one one record won't get to 1989 had 196 days of 90 or or above so that yeah but we we could tie number two which is 192 we're at 191 yeah i just came down and i could tell you um i'm still hoping out i'm still holding out for snow i just i i'm you know that'd be nice to to have some snow i'm just hoping flagstaff gets some snow that's the scary part they need it uh they need it well welcome to the program today yes twitter distracted me yet once again as it as it does with many many things going on what's saying about twitter story i'm not seeing that everyone's talking about this story thing on twitter and i'm not i'm not even seeing it but maybe i have to refresh something or something i don't know um i don't know oh look the walker seminary just tweeted um you know the walker seminary union seminary they uh ceased being a christian seminary back in the late 1800s and uh so they're still just yes yes yes you haven't i was retweeting them for a while calling him the walker seminary and you weren't catching that okay all right sorry yeah it's from the walking dead they're just you know they ceased being a christian seminary a long time ago but they're still shuffling down the road just eventually the believability factor breaks down there because you know you know i studied biology and i'm just not sure how anything like that would actually work but it was it was still fun are they still doing that is that's is that still it is wow that's talk about going past your your expiration date oh the only thing left is walkers okay so now now they're naming walkers and walkers are falling in love with walkers okay great yeah wonderful uh yeah yeah now if they kept the level of storytelling up that they're doing with the mandalorian then i could see that one going for a long time but how but eventually even the kids got to grow up so anyways sorry i i keep getting distracted by stuff like that uh it just pops up on the screen and nothing we can do about it uh did you see now this is this is important stuff okay uh weather and stuff um to the side uh oxford dictionary changes definitions for man and woman oxford dictionary changes definitions for man and woman the oxford english dictionary uh previously included quote a man's wife girlfriend or lover in its definition for a woman it now reads a person's wife girlfriend or lover the same was done to the definition for a man which now reads a person's husband boyfriend or lover uh oxford university press said we have undertaken an extensive review of the dictionary and thesaurus entries and usage examples for woman and for many related terms we um i am reading slowly it's not something you can read huge chunks of without becoming easily distracted by anything going on around you um but the uh the book um oh its name has now escaped me um something about skeptical theories fallacies something like that anyway um on the social justice movement and wokeism and everything else uh from lindsey and pluckhorn and uh one of the you know first issues that they have to define is that in what they call theory the the modern incarnation of post -modernism which has destroyed our universities educational system and is fundamentally undercutting the foundations of all western civilization and may have already completed that process and we're just in free fall right now anyway that one of the key issues there is the the theoretical assertion um that language is fundamentally incapable of communicating information and that it's primarily uh based upon cultural development and hence cannot really even communicate between cultures you can imagine what happens when that kind of viewpoint becomes prevalent in the biblical academy and it of course in places like union seminary that that's that's been a given for a long long time that language is really not capable of communicating these things um but i suggested on twitter a couple days ago when the story about the oxford english dictionary came out that's just the result of that same thing it's it's it's um the the fluidity of language now language develops there is no question about that but you can follow that development um this is not a development this is a revolution this is this is uh burn it all down and don't rebuild anything in its place it's it's what uh orwell saw coming with newspeak and the newspeak dictionary and the destruction of words and the shrinking of the number of available words uh so that you could only express what big brother wanted to have expressed in the way that big brother wanted it expressed and the initial the initial people who started this movement in the 60s and 70s this was not where they thought it would be going um and many of the people that are utilizing it in a radical form today will not appreciate what's eventually going to come of it especially when they're the ones who end up being um very fully um inhibited shall we say by the by the uh overwhelming state power but uh i i said when i tweeted this hold on to your paper dictionaries hold on to your old paper dictionaries so that we have a paper trail um if you've read fahrenheit 451 you're sitting going yeah until the fireman comes along and burns it all up um but all those dystopian novels they you gotta admit they they covered the bases didn't they i mean no one no one novel pulled it off but but fahrenheit 451 equilibrium uh and it's not like that's a a genre that i'm that i've spent a whole lot of time with um i did just pick up another one that was suggested to me i haven't started reading it yet uh perfect day i think is what it's called um more of this dystopian stuff but man you put them all together and they they did they did a pretty good job uh i mean most of us have noticed that it's sort of 1984 brave new world intermingling with one another um and yeah logan's run's coming um it's there's there's huh yeah oh yeah 70 at 7 it's at 75 right now but that by the time it hit logan's run it was down to 30 uh and there was there was a reason for that but uh uh anyway uh yes hold on to your old dictionaries and uh you know i've warned about this for a while and i but i've warned about it within the context of biblical studies because if you have the um current standardized greek lexicon for koine greek which would include new testament greek uh bauer arndt gingrich and donker which use which bauer donker arndt gingrich is b dag or b a g d it's whether you're talking about second or third editions um i was stunned by how the definition on arsenicoites homosexual uh tripled in size between those two now part of that is because there was a whole lot more published on the subject but it's not like anything new actually had been discovered this was political correctness redefining language and this has been going on for it's been going on slowly now it's just going to be happening at at warp speed so hold on to those old ones uh teach your kids add the old ones um parents be aware of the fact that you are going to be called upon to counteract um so much of what the world is putting into your children's heads if you're homeschooling now you get to do that every day you get to form their worldview um i have my wife even this morning when i told her uh about the high temperature today she once again repeated the thanks debbie downer line anytime i say anything you know like realistic and i well thanks debbie downer but here's another debbie downer line and that is a reminder uh that there are nations uh in the west that are banning homeschooling again it's for the it's for our safety it's for the best of everyone everything always is uh but of course the state gets to decide decide what the best is and um i have been saying once the last bit of resistance is washed away and may have been uh just a couple weeks ago we'll see what happens but looks like it probably was um the flood will be overwhelming and it probably is unstoppable outside of some probably natural disaster uh alien invasion something something to get us all to pull together again um sort of like july 4th you know uh that would be the type of thing might get everybody to put their differences aside uh species extinction something like that but uh barring all of that uh you know i can see homeschooling uh disappearing fairly rapidly using the same excuses that are being used in europe right now in regards to well you know islamic extremism is is a danger and therefore we have to protect you from all danger you can't do that for yourself so you might say well i don't know did you see the story this morning there was a baptism going on a church in london uh over the weekend and the police busted in and threw everybody out except for the last 15 people who could watch the baptism baptismal service going on but everybody else social distancing you gotta gotta have your social distancing and we all sit around going uh we read those stories here in the u .s
and when you think of social distancing what do you think of six feet that's not what it is there because see there there is no number it's made up it's made up um it's different countries have different numbers and evidently the virus obeys whatever country it's in no actually it doesn't obey any of that stuff because like i said in the last program you can have military level uh quarantine and and and you know and they had they had the antibacterial antiviral wipes which with the with the slightest sneeze disappear from your local stores because nobody can keep them in stock they had all that kind of stuff we don't have you can't stop it a virus is going to virus and all this stuff they're doing i was watching a video this morning of a guy who was going through and showing all the case numbers and and uh then he put the arrow up as to where the mask mandate started it was always down at the bottom didn't do anything to keep the thing from going up because because it doesn't do anything we all know it now well okay i'll take that back there are some people who are desperate to believe it just desperate to believe it doesn't matter what the facts show doesn't matter what the studies show you can you can point them to medical journal after medical journal after medical journal and they just don't care they they're desperate to believe it because they're so panicked they're so afraid of uh walking outside their own the door of their own house i'm hearing more and more stories about people who have been in their houses since march since march they they they haven't gone out they're having food delivered they can imagine i can't even begin to imagine uh that's that's not that's a that's that's horrific it's terrible but um anyways those those folks are are they want to believe it they they they want to do so the point is if the if the government right now is breaking into churches and stopping baptismal services to all on the premise that this somehow is going to do something when all the evidence shows it does nothing at all it doesn't do any of that stuff um that kind of authoritarianism will then be utilized to control every aspect of society and that includes the education of children and the foundation in america where we have resisted this has been based upon our claim that it's the family that has that responsibility once however you destroy all the jobs of the middle class and the poor um and make them all wards of the state and that's where this universal minimum income stuff's coming from which would just be just enough to get by and live in your one room apartment and not get married not have children and that's what they want that's what the great reset wants they want to make it impossible they want first of all they want everyone to be a ward of the state because then you will always vote the way as if your votes really mattered it but it's always best to have it look good okay once you're dependent upon the state you'll always vote for the the state that'll give you more and more stuff and so they want you dependent upon the state then the state can medicate you the state can force whatever they want into you and just as in china the state can tell you how many children you can have and that way they can start pairing because from from their perspective way too many humans way too you got it got to cut it back got to cut it back so the only way to do that start cutting back on uh on the number of children you can have and if you can't if you can barely afford to feed yourself your wife and a child um then that's really really really easy to to make that work it's it's it's just a part of how it works so that that kind of totalitarianism again some of you that white guy he is such a conspiracy nut and that's when i said mail -in voting was going to cause a oh you're a conspiracy now we've been doing it for years okay there you go uh so yeah uh hold on to your old dictionaries they are uh they will be a gold mine of of information um i noticed also very very troubling uh is the fact that not only did you have immediately after the election um pete buttigieg and people associated with him starting these uh websites to track people who were on the wrong side of history and make sure they never do that again again anyone who is familiar with even familiar with i mean it's not like i've read a billion books on the subject but if you're just paying attention uh to what was going on in the soviet block from the 1950s to the 1980s uh then you know this is how it works in those situations when you have totalitarianism um you you have absolute state control and you have punishment of anyone who would would be a dissident and who would who would dare i mean look at look would you really want to run against putin now putin may be stepping down i mean he may have some type of cancer or something who knows um but in in years past would you want to run against putin how many of the people who ran against putin died of radioactive poisoning darts from umbrellas i mean just amazing things and in all these third you know second and third world countries and down in central america and south america uh it's so obvious that when you try to go against the party um you will be destroyed they will destroy you and now we're seeing it here they're doing they're following the exact same playbook because they know that a sufficient percentage of the american population is so ignorant of history doesn't care about it doesn't know we used to laugh in the 1990s at jay walking remember some of you don't remember but jay leno would go out and he would do interviews some of you don't know who jay leno is um or was but he would go out he'd do interviews with people on the street and ask them basic questions show them pictures of presidents from only 10 years earlier or something along those lines and the level of ignorance of not only current events but of the history of the united states who fought in the civil war um who won the civil war i mean just just an amazing you know amazingly simplistic questions like this and college graduates university students i remember this one woman who was who was in in university uh in the training to be a teacher and her ignorance of the history of the united states was absolutely astonishing now we laughed back then now they're in charge those very same people have been uh co -opted by a socialist mindset and they're in charge and you know if an alien was watching this did anyone see uh back in the 90s there was a movie called uh contact and it was all the carl sagan seti stuff uh and that one super liberal female actress was in it whatever her name was anyway and um uh but uh when contact was finally made with this extraterrestrial life they sent back to us the first images we sent out on television which were uh the nazis and the the olympic games and what was it 38 something like that um 36 or 38 and uh that freaked everybody out but you know so the first image is sent by aliens back to us or of the nazis uh but if they were sitting out there watching all of this and cataloging our history based upon what we have transmitted out in space um i can just imagine them sitting there going you know this didn't turn out real well last time and y 'all are gonna do it again uh we need to move on there is no intelligent life on this planet uh because that that that's that's the case but they who ignore history are doomed to repeat it and those who study it are doomed to sit around and watch the people who've ignored it repeat it and without them being able to do anything about it um so when you see uh a leftist group launching a campaign to harass trump's election lawyers and providing and and flooding legal firms with phone calls uh so that you can't have legal representation that is that has to be undertaken there was a day when there would have been massive pushback against that because it would be so obvious that this was a fundamental violation of the way that our system works there isn't anymore because as i mentioned uh this morning um i don't i don't think anything's gonna come of all of this election fraud stuff it's not that i don't i i said long time ago i'm not gonna i i just simply i'm gonna be too skeptical of any future elections that have done the way this is being done and now with the computer stuff and everything else and yeah i'm i'm there with you i get it but i don't think it's gonna change anything because there's a lot of people who still think we live in 1980 when we're living in 2020 and the difference is we no longer have a free press we just don't have a free press anymore uh social media is the last bastion of anyone who would dare dig beneath the surface and and try to find out what the truth is but new york times things like that they completely apostatized from the call of journalism completely and so what existed back then that would have dug into these things and would have been concerned about the evidence of the numbers not adding up and the role of computer algorithms and things like that i've got a friend back east he'll tell you he's probably either watching or will be watching he'll tell you before the election took place i said to him my issue isn't the local places it's the computers that add it all up it's the algorithms they're using i said that he'll tell you he's still probably still in our text messages so um that is normative in totalitarian systems the the fix is in and that's why they suppress the press in this situation they bought the press they invaded by means of the press they took over the universities and the press once you got the universities and the press everything will follow after that all you need are enough willing shills in the church to divide the church and they got that too uh to accomplish your goal and so there you go there you go i also will just briefly make mention of um one other thing here and that is uh good old dan barker oh my most you don't don't know who dan barker is you may have seen his name in various news things and stuff like that um but uh thank you uh dan barker is the head of the freedom from religion foundation i first engaged dan barker on the tom lycus show i wonder if tom lycus is still you know i have not heard anything is tom lycus still around i mean is he still on the air someplace that's what i would like to know if he's still even on the air anywhere um because that that would be that would be interesting tom lycus was was the first shock jock in the phoenix area okay um when the shock jocks took off in the 80s um he was one of the first ones here in in phoenix i think he eventually went to la um and uh but i was on his program i lost track of how many times i was on lycus i was 10 12 times i lost track i became one of the uh religious people that since i was doing radio concurrently um would know how to do breaks and i could tell by looking at the guy behind the board we're coming up on a break and so i get my point in time and he didn't have to stop me they liked having somebody that knew radio in the studio because it makes it their job that much easier and who's going to speak fast enough and be succinct and follow the format basically anyway um i took on dan barker uh in studio uh with tom lycus and he had his quote significant other with him annie gaylor i think his name gaylord or something like that um and they together were responsible for putting together freedom from religion foundation which 95 percent of the time when you read about a school having to stop doing something they've done for 100 years a coach getting fired for leading prayers this with his players whatever else 99 95 percent of time it's freedom for religion foundation dan barker who is a apostate and loves to tell people he still gets a royalty check each year from the christian music he wrote when he was a false christian and uh i've debated him formally twice once at the university of illinois and then what's up in the northwest that was the don't quote me bro uh debate and uh he's still running right out there doug wilson has debated him as well and uh so i saw another one uh november 15th two days ago kansas school cancels operation christmas child after atheist group complains i remember operation christmas child is that's that's where people pack up those boxes with gifts and stuff for poor kids so the freedom for religion foundation doesn't want poor kids to get gifts because it's associated with god now i can guarantee you the freedom of religion foundation ain't doing that they're not going to take over and provide stuff for those kids no no no um so uh yeah ffrs letter to health rich uh superintendent tony halfridge asked the school cease participation operation christmas child or taking any other action promoting christianity like including religious references over morning announcements so these these are people that really want christians to live on islands um and and total 100 secularism but just the you step back and and you go so you you don't want little kids to get a christmas box that's that that tells you a lot i mean obviously your arguments are so vacuous that you know they're not going to they're not going to actually convince enough people so you just the best way to do is to shut down the other side is we want secularism by default as if that's what the founders intended they will actually pretend that that's what the founders intended no nobody who knows a scintilla of history would believe that but um that's freedom from religion foundation that's the stuff that they're up to uh all the what really you're kidding ha so rich is uh telling me that on sermon audio um the recording of the debate with um dan barker is still there from sometime around 1986 that was my i mean some of these i had to guess i guessed around july 1986 as i'm looking at the atheism section here yeah and that's gonna be that's gonna be before i ever even heard of most of my current understanding of apologetics so so but you got i was there you got brian lynch oh yes oh yeah brian lynch was it was with uh american atheists and um then we got the one with um robert funk the the one where he tells them to go to hell and he hangs up yep yep yep that was on the bob millhan show yep uh ann mckinney fundamentalist anonymous yeah um yeah so all those early ones are mostly early those aren't going to be overly presuppositional either because i was 24 yeah 26 24 20 23 24 years of age so i was i was a young buck at the time we've been doing this while yeah yeah that was uh yeah that was uh coming up on you know we're getting pretty close to 40 years ago for that too so yeah uh i didn't know those were up there i'm not sure that i want them up there to be honest with you that was a long time ago but uh yeah i remember staying out in the parking lot with uh with dan barker and his significant other and he was considerably nicer than she was that was one thing i was immediately uh cognizant of was oh wow um that's a that's a rough one but uh but uh anyway you can see the debates the formal debates that we did and you can see why after the second debate we're not going to be doing any more debates by the way um if you're interested the legacy study bible legacy is called legacy study by legacy standard bible um the gospel of mark uh has uh been released in pdf format and so you can get a free download in pdf format of the gospel of mark and um interestingly i just happened yeah legacy standard bible there it is copyright 2020 by the lochman foundation so lochman still has it says legacy standard bible is adapted from the new american standard bible copyright 1960 71 77 95 by lochman foundation all rights reserved so lochman still owns the copyright on this uh masters does not that's um that's interesting uh very interesting so that almost says to me that lochman is dividing between the 2020 and the legacy standard bible to try to capture a little larger group a little larger portion of the of the audience which explains why the 2020 went the direction that it did though i got the feeling personally that this lsb with with masters was more of a modern idea a recent very recent idea but anyways just looking at the end of mark they have a single bracket around verses 9 through 20 and then after verse 20 they put the shorter ending or is that the medium it all depends on how you which one you identify as what um also in a single bracket but separated from the previous and then in italics so you you may know of the shorter ending and they promptly reported all these instructions to peter and his companions and after that jesus himself sent out through them from east to west the sacred and imperishable preaching of eternal salvation and so that's put at the very end um after verse 20 with a separate brackets thing so that's interesting so you might want to grab that i think it's 316publishing .com
uh is where i download it from i was sent an email about it if you want to look at what they're coming up with for the gospel according to mark what that's going to look like and i did just happen to notice here and looking at it they are still following the nasb's all block old testament citation format um which surprises me a little bit um i mean i like it for reading but it's a royal pain when you're quoting uh because in electronic format it looks like you're yelling and there's there's no way to uh transfer over the large font small font stuff that you do with with that so i i i'm not sure what to do about that to be honest with you uh i i really am a big advocate of knowing when you're reading a quotation from the old testament it's extremely important and then the other thing is and this is going to be interesting and i wondered how they were going to handle this because i've been told this is from the new testament i've been told that in the old testament they are going to be rendering the tetragrammaton as yahweh so instead of l -o -r -d with the o and the r -n -d in small caps it's going to be rendered as yahweh now that's going to freak some russians out i've mentioned this to you before but the russian synodal bible the standard bible that's in russia um does not follow that convention and so you have no way of knowing and looking at that bible whether you're seeing the tetragrammaton or not and so the name of god in the old testament unknown and uh which is to the great advantage of joe's witnesses by the way um but then how do you handle that in the new testament so if you if you put yahweh in the old testament and then you quote the old testament in the new testament what do you do now when yahweh appears as kurios that was the issue that the new world translation faced new world translation of jehovah's witnesses because they inserted jehovah into the old testament they they rendered all the appearances the tetragrammaton in the old testament as jehovah but there are certain places where the new testament writers quote from the old testament and identify jesus as jehovah so they didn't so when the new testament of jehovah's witnesses new world translation quotes from the old testament 237 times this was last time i knew this number was back in the late 1980s early 1990s if they made any changes since then i haven't kept up with it okay so back then it was 237 times they inserted the name jehovah into the new testament though we don't have new testament manuscripts that do that uh they did that because they're citations from the old testament except when that would have messed their theology and identified jesus as jehovah and they don't do it there they do kurios so going back to the legacy standard bible right at the beginning of mark you have that conflated citation from isaiah and some of the minor prophets uh behold i send my messenger ahead of you who will prepare your way the voice of one crying the wilderness make ready the way of the lord and my assumption is that that's in the old testament going to be make ready the way of yahweh i'm assuming that the lsb rendering of that text in the old testament will be make ray the way of yahweh make his path straight so will there be some type of a translational note there aren't any notes in this this is just straight text a translational note in the introduction something like that that'll say this is what we did this is why we did it you're not going to see yahweh in the new testament this is why i don't know i'm not saying that i have a simple uh solution to that it's one of the issues that you you face but but there you go so uh 316 publishing .com