Liberals and Frauds Have a Firm Grip on the SBC

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, well, short video today.
I am watching the kids this morning. My wife is at a homeschooling meeting thingamajig.
I'm not exactly sure what it is. I think it's like a training. But, so I gotta watch the kids this morning.
So if I get interrupted, that's just what it is. But we're gonna do a quick video here.
First off though, let me just say this. If you've purchased a copy of Social Justice Pharisees, Woke Church Tactics and How to Engage Them, thank you very much.
If you have not done so already, please check out adroblez .com to get your copy today.
I'm gonna start to give you guys some of the feedback that I've heard about the book. And it's been very, very positive in general.
And so I'm grateful for that. Now, let me just get into the topic today.
So first off, I just, you know, here's the thing.
There are definitely different camps that I'm addressing in my content.
So I'm definitely addressing, of course, the social justice movement, but mostly I'm addressing
Christians. And I wanna talk to Christians who agree with me on most things, but for whatever reason, don't think this is a fight worth fighting.
Like for whatever reason, they don't think the unity of the body of Christ is really worth fighting for. You know, people that are accusing their brothers of racism without any evidence, that's not really not worth fighting for.
You know, the primacy of forgiveness and grace in the body of Christ. Yeah, you know, whatever, like that kind of thing.
They don't, for some reason, they're just not that interested in that. But I saw this, I guess this initially started as a tweet because I doubt that Jared C.
Wilson would ever even look upon gab .com because, you know, there's anti -Semites here.
I mean, you know, there's a lot of pedophiles on Twitter. That's totally okay. But like anti -Semites,
I mean, that's just ridiculous. That's a bridge too far. But anyway, so this is a tweet from Jared Wilson and there's a response here by Alan S.
Nelson, who I don't know a ton about, but I've seen some of his stuff and I think some of it is pretty helpful in general.
So let me just read the Jared Wilson tweet and then the response, and then I'll give you my take on it as well.
Jared C. Wilson got on his righteous holy robes and graced us with some wisdom.
And he says this, anyone who thinks Al Mohler and Mark Deaver are liberals is not a serious person.
They might take themselves very seriously, but they are so, so silly. Ooh, sick burn there,
Jared. They're silly. And so the idea is that if you think
Mark Deaver and Al Mohler is liberal, then you are a silly person. You're not even a, who should listen to you?
According to Jared C. Wilson. Now, Alan here has an interesting take. And so I wanted to read
Alan's take and I wanted to show you where I agree and where I disagree and all of that kind of stuff. Jared, according to Alan S.
Nelson, is 100 % right that Deaver and Mohler are not liberals. It's dumb to use that term for them.
Let me importantly add this, part of what's happening in the SBC today and the progressive push can be attributed to some of the actions slash non -actions of these brothers.
See Shepcon 19. And so I actually kind of agree with the sentiment here because I don't necessarily put the problems, the liberalization of the
SBC, the liberalization of the PCA. I actually don't necessarily put all of the blame on the progressives and the liberals because look, they're just doing according to what they believe.
They're pagans essentially. And so of course they're gonna push homosexuality in the pulpit. Of course they're gonna push women preaching in the pulpit.
Of course they're gonna push theories and worldviews and ideologies that are completely satanic in the church.
Of course they're gonna do that. So you can't really blame them. I mean, you should kick them out of the church, of course, but you can't blame a pagan for believing pagan things, obviously.
You can't blame them. But the thing is like, it's really the conservatives, the quote unquote conservatives, the ones that supposedly believe the
Bible and they're not trying to meld it with modernism and stuff like that, like our post -modernism,
I should say. Like those are the ones, they should be acting. They should be doing things. They should be kicking them out of their seminary.
They should be putting them under church discipline. They're the ones that have the responsibility before God.
Look, a pagan doesn't accept God's rule. They don't accept God's words. They don't accept his rule.
But the ones that are quote unquote conservatives, they're the ones that are responsible for cleaning house here, right?
They're the ones that should be kicking out from the pulpit any pastor who claims to be gay from the
PCA. They should be out of the PCA, obviously. So I agree with that. So it's like, it's the conservatives that are to blame for the liberalization of our churches because they should be acting.
And the reality is that so many conservatives, at least they would claim to be conservatives like Jared here and Al Mohler and Mark Dever and stuff like that, they think that basically it's enough if they act liberal in almost every single way, but except a few ways where every now and then they blog post about how they're wrestling with this idea or how they're very concerned or deeply troubled or having a gay pastor gives me pause, something stupid like that.
That's not being conservative, guys. That's really not what conservatism is all about. You actually do have to act, right?
You actually do have to do things according to God's word.
Hi. Hold on one second. My son here needs me. What can I do for you? You want to show me these water bottles?
Let me see. Let's say hi to everybody. Hi. Say hi. Hi. Say, my name's Noah. My name's
Noah. Are you a monkey? Are you a monkey? Yeah. All right.
You want to go back with your little brothers? All right. Okay. He didn't really need anything.
He just wanted to show me these water bottles. Anyway. So yeah. So this is the thing, right?
So that's part one, right? Like I do blame the conservatives in name only that never do anything of any value.
They just write the blog posts about how they're deeply concerned and troubled, but they don't actually do what's required, which is to kick them out of this pulpit if they claim to be gay, right?
That should be a no deal, obviously. You don't like, like, like I don't, you don't get a pass for being deeply troubled by the encroachment of feminism in the church, but then voting in a pastor to the presidency of the
Southern Baptist Convention who lets his wife preach during his plagiarized sermons, which we'll see that in a minute, that kind of thing.
So no, you don't get any kudos for that. But here's where I disagree with Alan's take here.
I actually don't think that it's dumb to use this term for Al Mohler and Dever and Jared Wilson, because here's the thing, like the
Bible says that you know a tree according to its fruit. James, the brother of Christ says, "'Show me your faith by your works.'"
So you believe how you act, right? And these guys, Mohler, Dever, Jared Wilson even, they believe and they do a lot of very liberal things, right?
And so of course I'm going to take what they do as more serious than what they say they believe.
Oh, you say you believe in complementarianism? Okay, so how many of you voted for Ed Litton?
Or how many of you support Ed Litton in his plagiarized sermons where he preaches with his wife, right?
So you say you're a complementarian, but your actions determine that that is a lie over and over and over again.
But this shouldn't even be controversial anyway, because is not Mark Dever a registered Democrat? He is liberal.
There is no question about it. He projects liberal, he says liberal things, he does liberal things, and he registers as a political liberal.
So that's the reality. This is not controversial. You are how you act.
If you talk like an ass, you look like an ass, you probably are an ass, which means that you're liberal.
And I'm talking ass in the technical term, as in a donkey. That's all
I meant, of course. But anyway, so that's my take here. Like, it doesn't even really matter, like whether or not you're actually liberal or you're conservative, you're not doing anything about it, so what good are you?
Like, what good is it if you say you're a conservative, but don't do anything conservative? Well, you're no good.
That's essentially how it is. But anyway, let's talk about more plagiarism, because more people are locating
Ed Litton's sermons where he clearly plagiarizes, and it's so pathetic. He really wants me to see these water bottles.
Anyway, you know, I did a video the other day where I said, you know, Ed Litton deleted 140 sermons, and I said, that's not gonna work,
Ed. We're obviously gonna find more examples. You could try to delete these sermons, but the problem is we're gonna find them.
That's how the internet works. You can never, ever hide, right? So that's the reality, and of course, people did find one.
Someone found a plagiarized sermon where Ed Litton had his wife preaching with him, and he stole the sermon.
It's a sermon from Tim Keller in 1991 that he stole and preached in 2012.
I want you to look at this. I'm gonna play the whole video. Capstone Report is the one who broke this. Definitely subscribe to his channel.
I think it's a new channel, so it doesn't have a lot of videos on it yet. I think it's only got one video right now, but he also has a blog, capstonereport .com.
Let's watch this whole thing. This is remarkable, guys. I just want you to hear this, and we'll end there.
I hope you found this video helpful. Enjoy. The book of Ephesians, and we've come to maybe the classic text, the longest, the most famous text in the entire
Bible on the subject of marriage. To Ephesians chapter five, the greatest passage in all of Scripture on the issue and the subject of marriage.
So far, we've only looked at the first two, and tonight, I wanna get to the third. And the first two are the power of marriage and the definition of marriage.
We're going to recap the last two messages. The power of marriage, the definition of marriage, and the priority of marriage.
The essence of marriage is a covenant, a legal, legal commitment. The essence of marriage, we said last week, is a legal commitment, a binding covenant with one another.
What is a legal, what makes a marriage a marriage? What makes a marriage a marriage?
A priest can marry, a minister can marry, a justice of the peace, marriage is marriage. It doesn't matter whether it's a captain on a ship.
It doesn't matter whether it's a justice of the peace. Marriage is marriage. Some people say, well, I mean, I got married by a priest.
Did I get married, do I get married by a pastor, a justice of the peace, a judge, or a sea captain? I mean, does it matter where you get married?
I don't think that it matters who performs the ceremony. Marriage pops up.
Originally, it was given to Adam and Eve. It wasn't given to only Christians. It was given to human beings as human beings.
God created marriage and gave it to mankind. The first man and the first woman were the only man and the only woman.
And God said, here, I give you marriage. So marriage is for all groups, all races, all nationalities, all nations, and frankly, all religions.
What is it that makes you married? What makes you married is this, a permanent and exclusive public legal commitment to share your lives together, all aspects of it.
It's gotta be permanent, it's gotta be exclusive. Really, what is marriage? It is a permanent, exclusive, legal relationship.
Some people say it's time to have renewable contract marriages. You get married for three years and you have an option for three more.
You've heard that. Now, that might be interesting, but that's not a marriage. Actually happening with the Y generation, and it's quite frightening, is that we're now hearing suggested that what marriage needs to be now defined as is maybe a three -year contract with a three -year option.
In other words, a three -year contract with a three -year option for good behavior. That's not biblical marriage.
What absorbs it? What absorbs it is the servant heart. And let me give you three constituent parts to it. The ability to hear criticism without being crushed.
There are three things that reveal whether or not we have a servant's heart. And these are three important statements.
And the first one is the ability to hear criticism and correction without being crushed. We know that we have a servant heart.
Secondly, the ability to give criticism without crushing. The second indicator is the ability to give criticism and correction without crushing.
Thirdly, the ability to forgive people without residual anger. And the third feature that reveals whether or not we have a servant heart is the ability to forgive without lingering anger.
That's what I mean by a servant heart. The ability to take your mind off yourself. A servant heart is the ability to take your mind off of yourself and to care about the other person.
Every human being, Romans 1 says, has got something, some form of religion, something they worship, something they say, if I get that, then
I'll be all right. The problem is every human being at their core is religious. They're religious.
Romans chapter one tells us that. Now, somebody's out there saying, sure, sure. Your wife yells at you and you're sitting there thinking about Jesus Christ as your brother and your friend and your cradle of security is the greatest of all abilities.
You say, wait a second, are you serious? I mean, when my wife yells at me or corrects me or says
I'm not doing something I ought to be doing, you're saying I'm supposed to go, oh, wait a second, Jesus is my brother, he's my helper, he's my friend, he loves me.
What a Christian does, if you love people, eventually you'll come to like them. The more you act in love toward them, the more you're gonna like them.
The more you give yourself, the more you make a decision to invest in them, the more you find your heart tied up to them. You know why? Because the
Bible says where your treasure is, there will your heart be. Matter of fact, when you act in love towards somebody that's hard to love,
I promise you what's going to happen is pretty soon you're gonna start to love them. The Bible says where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
And Oriental and Asian readers who originally read this were probably shocked by it.
You're not shocked by it, but you should be. Almost everywhere else in the world and almost everywhere else in history, your obligation to your parents is a tremendously strong one.
If we were Oriental Christians, and probably where Kathy was last week, there are more Oriental oriented persons out there that would get this.
They're from a culture where the patriarchy, the family is very important and the parents are very important.
What it's saying is God did not put a parent and a child in the garden. He put a man and a woman in the garden, a husband and a wife.
God did not put a man and a child in the Garden of Eden. He put a man and a woman. You can fail to leave your father and mother if you hate them.
Because you're still being controlled by them. Here's a man who says, I'll never take my kids to church because my father always insisted on taking me to church even though I hated it.
And he forced me every year, week until I was 19 years old and I'm never gonna take my children to church.
Instead of him thinking, is this church true? Is it right? Is it good for my kids? Instead of thinking about this on its own merits, he's controlled by his father.
You are gonna be surprised. You may be more dependent upon your parents than you realize. Your hatred and lack of forgiveness for your parents and their struggles as parents, which we all have, is controlling your life.
It's like the guy who says, my daddy drugged me to church. Mom, I'm never gonna take my kids to church. What if your kids need to go to church?
What if their deepest need is to go to church? Then your daddy is still controlling your parenting.
When you feel that the person you're supposed to be opening up with completely really is probably gonna tell the parent much or most of what you've just said, he can't do it anymore.
If you're in a conflict with your mate and you know that your mother -in -law or your father -in -law is gonna hear about this, you're gonna be less prone to be transparent and honest.
Paul starts to say, the more I think about marriage and the more I think about the dynamics of marriage, the more
I have to think about salvation and how we're redeemed. Redemption is a fresh start.
Old things are passed away. Behold, the new has come. Paul is saying, the more I think about marriage, the more
I think about the gospel. And Paul ties marriage to the gospel. Why?
Because redemption is a fresh start. Well, at least that time he tried. Tim Keller is smarter than J .D.
Greer. Although the problem is that on the issue of marriage, Tim Keller's actually not that great at all.
So there's that. And also, he went back to the 90s. So that sermon was from the 90s.
It'd be harder for someone to match it up. With J .D. Greer, he was barely even trying. It was like preached a year before.
Like, so at least this time he was trying to get away with it. But man, wasn't that ridiculous? It was word for word stolen.