Sunday, October 24, 2021 AM


Sunnyside Baptist Church Michael Dirrim Pastor of Sunnyside Baptist Church OKC


Rwy 'n gobeithio eich bod chi 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn, ac rwy 'n gobeithio eich bod chi 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn, ac rwy 'n gobeithio eich bod chi 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn, ac rwy 'n gobeithio eich bod chi 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn, ac rwy 'n gobeithio eich bod chi 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn, ac rwy 'n gobeithio eich bod chi 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn, ac rwy 'n gobeithio eich bod chi 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn, ac rwy 'n gobeithio eich bod chi 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn, ac rwy 'n gobeith iddyn nhw 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn.
Rwy 'n gobeithio eich bod chi 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn. Rwy 'n gobeithio eich bod chi 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn, ac rwy 'n gobeithio eich bod chi 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn.
Rwy 'n gobeithio eich bod chi 'n gweithio 'n fawr iawn. ymweld â rhai o 'r teuluoedd o 'r
Brian, felly byddwch yn gofyn iddyn nhw wrth iddyn nhw allan. Edrychwch ymlaen at rhai o 'r gweithgareddau rydyn ni 'n cael yn dod ymlaen, dod yn ôl ymlaen erbyn ein gwasanaeth diwethaf ar yr amser arall, 5 .30,
ac yna group o 'r wythnos ar gyfer yr adolygiadau ifanc. Y group o 'r wythnos diwethaf ar gyfer yr adolygiad ddiwethaf sy 'n mynd i 'w gwrs yma ar ôl y gwasanaeth.
Edrychwch ymlaen at y dydd hwn, byddwn ni 'n cael dîm i 'r ysgol yn 5 .45, rhai gwasanaethau
Gymraeg arbenigol, oherwydd ein bod ni 'n ymwneud â 'r blynyddoedd o Octobr, yn cefnogi ymgyrchu, ac yna byddwn ni 'n cael rhaglenni o 'n myfyrwyr sy 'n ymgyrchu, a byddan nhw 'n rhannu rhai pethau ymgyrchu i bawb yno.
Mae hynny 'n dechrau ar 6 .30, ac yna nesaf, ddiwethaf, 31 Octobr, Gwasanaeth Llywodraeth, yn y gwasanaeth y diwethaf, ac yna edrych ymlaen i ddiwethaf, 7
Octobr, ar ôl 'r gwasanaeth y diwethaf, os gallwch ddod a 'i helpu i ymgyrchu rhai gwasanaethau, byddwn ni 'n ei wneud â 'i gilydd fel teulu y diwrnod hwnnw.
Mae 'n dod o 'r ysgol ymgyrchu ar hyn o bryd o 'r Profebwyr, ysgol 3, gwasanaethau 5, 6, a 7.
Gobeithio 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'ch holl ochr, ac neidwch ysgolwch eich hun. Gobeithio 'r
Llywodraeth gyda 'ch holl ochr, ac neidwch eich hun. Gobeithio 'r
Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodraeth gyda 'r Llywodra Come up and open us in prayer. Romes le' mhilet
Copa. Soy de Rehoamba. Aquí con
Valencia es donde crecieron mis abuelitos. En este lugar hay personas que se dedican a lo que es la ganadería o la agricultura.
Lo que más deseo en mi vida en verdad es salir y ayudar. Siento como que he venido para eso acá.
Es difícil ser un niño aquí en Ecuador. Aparte de que hai explotación en el trabajo, tamén existe el alcohol, las drogas, que afectan a muchos niños.
Porque, en verdad, la inocencia se está perdiendo. Yo recibí, o sea, cuando tenía ocho años, cuando me dieron la cajita, me dijeron, es de parte de
Dios. La verdad, me emocionó mucho, porque fue la primera vez que me dieron algo gratis. Mi cosa favorita que recibí fue una cera de color rojito con manchitos blancos.
Y ese día, el día de la fiesta, fue que recibí a Jesús. Y ahí fue cuando nació lo de edad.
Cuando yo crecí, quería formar parte de Samaritan Sports, porque me encanta lo que hacen la misión y la visión.
Actualmente, formo parte de Samaritan Sports como capacitadora de maestros. Muy buenas tardes, hermanos.
¿Cómo están esta tarde? ¡Bien! Mi parte favorita es poder enseñarle a otras personas de cómo poder llegar a esos niños y demostrarles el amor de
Dios. Todas las noches oro y siempre digo que les dé sabiduría a
Dios y que, en verdad, les ponga en su corazón servicio y que les dé amor hacia los niños.
Oro que cada una de las cajitas marque una de las vidas de cada uno de los niños. Me encanta porque veo que con algo tan pequeño podemos hacer tan grande e impactar muchas vidas.
Que no es una simple cajita. Que nosotros vamos y estamos repartiendo amor de Dios a los niños demás.
Vámonos a orar. Padre, qué bendición es que se unan en el nombre de tu hijo, el
Señor Jesús, para orar contigo. Oro que nos ayudes a orar contigo en espíritu y en la verdad, que es con la actitud correcta y de acuerdo con tu palabra.
Ayúdanos a cantar tus aplausos desde el corazón y ayúdanos,
Michael, mientras presta, para prestar tu palabra y el poder de tu espíritu y ayúdanos a unirnos en el
Espíritu Santo para ser un alivio uno al otro mientras nos reunimos en el nombre de tu hijo, el
Señor Jesús. Ayúdanos a seguir a tu hijo, el
Señor Jesús. Ayúdanos a ser testigos de tu hijo, el
Señor Jesús. Te agradecemos y te alabamos por la perdón que tenemos en tu hijo, el
Señor Jesús. Así que tenemos buen motivo para orar contigo porque de lo que has hecho a través de tu hijo, el
Señor Jesús, para nosotros. Que nos damos agradecimiento desde el corazón y aplauso desde el corazón y verdadera oración espiritual.
Que nos pongamos de lado las preocupaciones de este mundo y pongamos de lado las distracciones que
Satan nos traería. Que traigas sus trabajos para no y que estemos de un corazón y una mente y levantemos nuestras voces en oración y aplauso y gloria a tu nombre.
Amén. ¿Podrías quedarte conmigo para nuestra oración?
Seguiremos nuestro pasaje en Salmos, capítulo 71. Este mañana estaremos leyendo los versos 17 y 18.
¿Podrías leer conmigo? Dios mío, desde mi juventud me has enseñado y todavía proclamo tus maravillosos actos, incluso a la vieja edad y los cabellos negros.
Dios mío, no me desvanezca hasta que proclame tu poder a otra generación.
Tu poder a todos los que vienen. Este mañana vamos a recordar en canción las canciones, o los cinco solos de la
Reformación, hace alrededor de 504 años. El Evangelio había sido erodido y corrompido.
Martín Lúther se levantó y declaró su tesis 95.
Nuestra iglesia lo ha reenactado varias veces en los años. Pero este mañana vamos a cantar canciones que representan estos cinco solos.
Los cinco solos son Sola Scriptura, solo por la Escritura. Sola Fide, solo por la fe.
Sola Gratia, solo por la gracia. Solus Christus, solo en
Cristo. Y Sola Deo Gloria, solo por la gloria de
Dios. Y eso es lo que vamos a cantar hoy. Es Cristo, nuestro
Salvador, nuestro Señor, y a Él, solo por la gloria. Nuestras primeras dos canciones este mañana son nuestros pequeños himnos negros,
Himnos Modernos y Antiguos, página 42, y también página 21.
La palabra de Dios estará para siempre y por la fe. Y jamás, jamás faltará.
Porque las sensaciones vienen y las sensaciones crecen.
Y las sensaciones no se desvanecen.
Nuestra palabra es la palabra de Dios. ¿Qué más vale la pena creer?
La palabra de Dios estará para siempre.
La Biblia revelará. La palabra de
Dios estará para siempre. Su verdad jamás, jamás faltará.
Porque las sensaciones vienen y las sensaciones crecen. La palabra de Dios estará para siempre.
La Biblia revelará.
La palabra de Dios estará para siempre. Su verdad jamás, jamás faltará.
Porque las sensaciones vienen y las sensaciones crecen.
Y las sensaciones no se desvanecen. Porque las sensaciones vienen y las sensaciones crecen.
La palabra de Dios estará para siempre.
La Biblia revelará.
La palabra de Dios estará para siempre.
Su verdad jamás, jamás faltará.
Por la fe vemos la mano de Dios. En la luz del gran diseño de la creación.
En las vidas de los que crearon su fe. Que son por la fe y no por el lado.
Por la fe somos padres de la tierra. Con el poder de su promesa en los corazones.
De una ciudad sana construida por la mano de
Dios. Un lugar donde hay paz y justicia. Nosotros estaremos como hijos de la promesa.
Vamos a fijar nuestros ojos en él, la recompensa de nuestros seres.
Hasta que la carrera esté terminada y el trabajo esté hecho.
Que son por la fe y no por el lado. Pero por la fe los profetas todos los días.
Cuando aparecería el gran Mesías. Con el poder de romper las cadenas del pecado y la muerte.
Y triunfaría de la gravedad. Por la fe la iglesia fue llamada a irse.
Con el poder del Espíritu a la perdida.
Para ofrecer la captura y prestar la noticia buena.
En cada corazón de la tierra. Nosotros estaremos como hijos de la promesa.
Vamos a fijar nuestros ojos en él, la recompensa de nuestros seres.
Hasta que la carrera esté terminada y el trabajo esté hecho.
Que son por la fe y no por el lado. Por la fe los profetas todos los días.
Cuando aparecería el gran Mesías. Con el poder del Espíritu a la perdida. Para ofrecer la captura y prestar la noticia buena.
En cada corazón de la tierra. Nosotros estaremos como hijos de la promesa.
Vamos a fijar nuestros ojos en él, la recompensa de nuestros seres.
Hasta que la carrera esté terminada y el trabajo esté hecho.
Que son por la fe y no por el lado. Que son por la fe y no por el lado.
Que son por la fe y no por el lado.
Let me sing for my beloved. My love song concerning his vineyard.
My beloved had a vineyard on a very fertile hill. He dug it and cleared it of stones and planted it with choice vines.
He built a watchtower in the midst of it and hewed out a wine vat in it. He looked for it to yield grapes, but it yielded wild grapes.
And now, oh inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, judge between me and my vineyard that I have not done in it.
When I looked for it to yield grapes, why did it yield wild grapes? And now
I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard. I will remove its hedge and it shall be devoured.
I will break down its wall and it shall be trampled down. I will make it a waste.
It shall not be pruned or hoed and briars and thorns shall grow up.
I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it.
For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel. And the men of Judah are his pleasant planting.
And he looked for justice, but behold, bloodshed.
For righteousness, but behold, an outcry. Woe to those who join house to house, who add field to field until there is no more room.
For you are made to dwell alone in the midst of the land. The Lord of hosts has sworn in my hearing, surely many houses shall be desolate, large and beautiful houses, without inhabitant.
For ten acres of vineyard shall yield, but one bath and a homer of seed shall yield, but an ephah.
Woe to those who rise early in the morning, that they may run after strong drink, who tarry late into the evening as wine inflames them.
They have lyre and harp, tambourine and flute and wine at their feasts, but they do not regard the deeds of the
Lord or see the work of his hands. Therefore, my people go into exile for lack of knowledge.
Their honored men go hungry and their multitude is parched with thirst.
Therefore, Sheol has enlarged its appetite and opened its mouth beyond measure.
And the nobility of Jerusalem and her multitude will go down, her revelers and he who exalts in her.
Man is humbled, and each one is brought low, and the eyes of the haughty are brought low.
But the Lord of hosts is exalted in justice, and the holy God shows himself holy in righteousness.
Then shall the lambs graze as in their pasture, and nomads shall eat among the ruins of the rich.
Would you pray with me? Lord, give us the blessing to heed these words of Scripture of this prophet
Isaiah, who prophesied for the people of Israel, Father, your truth is just as true as it was then today.
Father, help us to heed your word. Help us to obey your commandments that we might prosper all to the glory of your name.
We pray for Michael as he brings your word this morning. Help us to repent of our sin, to turn towards you, to love each other, and in all things to glorify the name of Jesus.
We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. You can be seated. Our next two songs is
Grace Alone and In Christ Alone. So page 43 for Grace Alone in HMA.
Words for In Christ Alone will be up on the screen. Grace Alone. The first step we can make, the first step
I'll make, is only by His grace.
Every mountain we will climb, we'll shine, every blessing, is grace.
Grace alone, which God supplies, strength and wonder store, grace alone.
Every stone we long to reach, every heart we hope to teach, every share is peace, is only by His grace.
Every love we seek, every tear we wipe, every sorrow turned to grace, is only by His grace.
Grace alone, which God supplies, strength and wonder store, grace alone.
Christ alone, my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song.
This cornerstone, this solid ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm, what hides above, what damps the peace, when fears are still, when strivings cease.
My comfort, Lord, my all in all, here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone, who took on flesh, fullness of God in helpless faith, this gift of love and righteousness, once we came to say, till on that cross where Jesus died, the wrath of God was satisfied, for every sin on Him was laid, here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground, His body laid, light of the world in darkness slain, then bursting forth, victorious day, up from the grave
He rose again, and as He stands in victory, sin's curse has lost its grip on me, for I am
His and He is mine, Lord, with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me, from life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny, no power of hell, the scheme of man, will ever pluck me from His hand, till He returns, who calls me home, here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
Let's go to the Lord together in prayer. Father, we thank you for this day, we thank you for creating this day and bringing us together, that we may worship you and rejoice on this first day of the week, the day that Jesus rose from the dead.
We give you praise for all of our hope that is tied up in the person and work of your son
Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Sovereign. And we thank you for pouring out upon us and in us your
Holy Spirit, by whom we have fellowship with you and with one another.
And we ask today that as we read your Holy, living, true and authoritative word, you would have your way in our lives, that you would give us the grace of confession, that we would come away saying things as you say them, and that we would be in agreement with you, that our fellowship would be sweet.
And I pray for those who cannot be with us today, that you would encourage them and bring healing to them, safety and encouragement, and that you would restore them to our regular fellowship in your good time, that we pray that it would be swift and soon.
Now, Father, we ask that all that we do here in responding to your word would be worshipful and humble, and that we would engage in a hermeneutic of submission as we read your word.
We pray these things for Christ's sake, amen. I invite you to open your
Bibles to Daniel chapter 6. Daniel chapter 6, we'll begin reading in verse 18.
Daniel chapter 6, we'll begin reading in verse 18. The title of this section of Daniel is
A Discerning Son, because Daniel is a discerning son, one who keeps the law of God.
Now, this is important to recognize, this keeping of God's law, this is not the earning of his salvation.
It is not the obtaining of his salvation. It is not even the securing of his salvation.
It is the experience of his salvation that he walks with his
God in a close and trusting relationship. Daniel is no immigrant hurdling all the bureaucratic challenges to achieve citizenship.
He is a child of God, honoring his father's instructions, trusting in his father's provision.
And we have seen and we have read in the text that Daniel is filled with the
Holy Spirit. And this is why he fears the Lord. Wisdom and knowledge and understanding abound in his life.
And thus he has received favor from Darius, the king of the Medo -Persian empire, which is also why he was persecuted by his rivals, having gained the favor of the king.
And a choice comes to Daniel, a choice between obeying
God or obeying man. And this choice is not new to Daniel.
He's had to navigate this before, but this choice is forced upon him. Will I obey man or will
I obey God? And although it is not difficult to see the right course, it is incredibly costly to walk down that road.
And the lion's den all week. But in reality, he was only there for a single night.
And this morning, we're going to see a discerning son raised in victory over his enemies.
Let's read together. Welcome to stand, I invite you to stand as we read God's holy word. Give honor to Christ.
Fasting. And no musicians were brought before him. Also his sleep went from him.
Then the king arose very early in the morning and went in haste to the den of lions. And when he came to the den, he cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel.
The king spoke, saying to Daniel, Daniel, servant of the living God, has your
God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?
Then Daniel said to the king, O king, live forever.
My God sent his angel and shut the lions mouths so that they have not hurt me because I was found innocent before him.
And also, O king, I have done no wrong before you. Now the king was exceedingly glad for him and commanded that they should take
Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den and no injury whatever was found on him because he had believed in his
God. And the king gave the command and they brought those men who had accused Daniel and they cast them into the den of lions, them, their children, and their wives.
And the lions overpowered them and broke all their bones in pieces before they ever came to the bottom of the den.
Then King Darius wrote, to all peoples, nations, and languages that dwell in all the earth, peace be multiplied to you.
I make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom, men must tremble in fear before the
God of Daniel for he is the living God and steadfast forever. His kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed and his dominion shall endure to the end.
He delivers and rescues and he works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth who has delivered
Daniel from the power of the lions. So this Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius and in the reign of Cyrus the
Persian. This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. You may be seated.
Salvation. Oh, salvation.
That wondrous word. There is salvation only in Jesus Christ.
He alone saves. There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.
Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the son of the living God, and by his incarnation, his righteousness, his death, his resurrection, his ascension, and his return, we are saved.
Only through his person and work are our innumerable hellish sins forgiven.
Only by his person and work are entire cultures reconciled and humanity itself made new.
Only in Christ may we stand before God. Only in Christ, indwelling us by his spirit, do we live wholly in the blessings of eternal life.
Only in Christ will we be raised from the dead and be caught up together with him in everlasting victory.
Only through Christ will the whole creation be released from its groaning and the glories of God permeate the whole universe unabated, without stain.
There is no salvation in the mandates or the might of the state. There is no salvation in the pursuits and the experiences of religion.
There is no salvation in the success of business and career. There is no salvation in the strength and the solace of family.
There is no salvation in you being the best you you can be. The resounding message of God's gracious and holy word is this, that there is one mediator between God and man, the man,
Christ Jesus. This is the meaning of solus
Christus, Christ alone. Christ alone.
And I think it must have been confusing at some level to Daniel's contemporaries about his exclusive commitment to the
Lord, his exclusive commitment to Yahweh, as he said, the one and only true
God, the living God. It must have been confusion among his contemporaries because of his dogged determination to turn his face toward where God had revealed
Christ in shadow and in type. Why would Daniel kneel down at his window three times a day and do homage to a king yet to be revealed?
I think that confusion remains today. But our exclusive commitment to Jesus Christ is absolutely essential.
We have victory in none other and it is his kingdom that will prevail forever.
We must have an exclusive commitment to Jesus Christ in his expansive and expanding kingdom.
And I think practically in the day to day, the decisions and the directions of our lives simply means this, that lawmakers must submit to the law giver, which is what we see in this chapter.
As we make decisions and as we consider the direction of our lives and as we have influence over others, we must always be in submission to the law giver.
We've seen that the discerning son obeys God rather than men, verses one through 10. The discerning son trusts in the
Lord, not fearing men, verses 11 through 17. And now we are considering this.
The discerning son is raised in victory over his enemies, verses 18 through 24.
As we noted last week in Daniel chapter six, we behold a discerning son. Here is a lawmaker at the right hand, faithful and wise, submitting to the law giver, the ultimate law giver.
Betrayed by those that he had been anointed to bless, he is falsely charged and cast into the pit of death, but death does not succeed.
And then this servant is brought forth in victory over his enemies, and then the kingdom of God is then proclaimed among the nations.
Now, I'm giving you the summary of Daniel six, and I'm giving you the summary of the Bible. I'm telling you about Daniel, but I'm also telling you about Christ.
And this is the way that God, who delights in his son, always is talking about his son, no matter where you read.
Parents who are proud of their children, you know what I'm talking about. Always talking about your kids.
Well, we have a gospel -shaped story here. And first of all, in verses 18 through 20, we see God's power to save.
God's power to save. Darius the king had been duped by the governors and satraps and officials into signing
Daniel's death warrant. He didn't realize he was doing it at the time, but these officials pushed fast and hard and loud, and they played upon the pride of Darius, and they got him to sign a law, according to the
Medes and Persians, which they said cannot be altered, an unchangeable mandate, that all must pray to the king, only the king, for 30 days.
The state and the power and the provision of man was to be worshiped and adored alone for 30 days.
Now, how does that go over with a believer? How does that go over with Daniel, who fears the Lord? What we see, though, is the utter, the utter helplessness of the state, and the powerlessness of man, immediately comes into view, because Darius is the king of the entire
Medo -Persian empire, and when he realizes that Daniel's life is at risk, he goes into action, trying to save Daniel through every means possible, and again, he's the emperor, surely he can do it, but he fails.
He cannot save Daniel from the lion's den. It is entirely a failure.
So what happens, verses 18 to 20, now the king went to his palace and spent the night fasting, and no musicians were brought before him.
Also, his sleep went from him. Then the king arose very early in the morning and went in haste to the den of lions, and when he came to the den, he cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel.
The king spoke, saying to Daniel, Daniel, servant of the living God, has your
God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?
Darius could not undo his sin, and he could find no rest in fleshly comforts, and we see that as he's confronted with his own weakness, his own inability, his own failure, all of his concerns and fears become focused onto one fleeting hope.
Perhaps, just perhaps, God, Daniel's God, would and could save.
Maybe this is true, what Daniel stands for. Well, notice, first of all, the inefficacy of men's comforts.
Verse 18, we see the inefficacy of men's comforts. Darius had failed. He had failed to do justice as the king.
He had failed his faithful servant, Daniel, allowing his own throne, his own office, to be used as a weapon against his loyal servant.
Darius failed to undo that unrighteous law, though he tried. He failed to deliver
Daniel from the lion's den, and in that failure, Darius retreats to his palace that night, and he is in the throes of guilt and shame.
The weight of his sin bears down upon him so that he cannot eat. I mean, what is food right now when all this is going on?
I can't even eat. And the customary entertainment for the night is canceled.
The frivolity and wantonness of concubines and dancing and music seems abhorrent to him.
His wretchedness has been revealed to him, and so he passes the night with waking horror at what he has done.
It is the mercy and grace of God if we cannot sin without being confronted with the horridness of our actions.
This is the way of the adulterous woman, according to Proverbs 30, verse 20. This is the way of an adulterous woman.
She eats and wipes her mouth and says, I have done no wickedness. Pilate washed his hands in water and satisfied himself that he was guiltless in the murder of Jesus of Nazareth.
But can David seduce Bathsheba, have her husband killed, and still live with it?
No. When he kept silent, his bones grew old through his groaning all the day long.
Day and night, God's hand was heavy upon David till his vitality was turned into the drought of summer.
What about you? What about you? Can you lie against your neighbor?
Can you covet the whole live -long day, bitterly grumble, commit adultery, take
God's name in vain, and sleep well at night? Sleep well at night, well -fed, after binging on your favorite shows?
Is your conscience seared? Is your heart stone?
Or is there a beating heart before a holy God that cannot rest easy in sin?
Something to consider. The governors and satraps and officials slept well that night, no doubt.
They had succeeded in their villainy. Darius could not. Oh, what a grace of God!
What a grace of God that we cannot rest easy in sin. The justice of God, the wrath of God results in our being turned over to a reprobate mind that is just fine in rebellion.
Now look at Darius, his situation there in verse 18. Why can't he rest easy?
Why can't he sleep? Why doesn't he want to eat or be entertained? His tortured conscience is fixed upon the sufferings of Daniel.
There in the lion's den. I caused this. You're there because of what
I did. And it was only in Daniel's victorious emergence from the den of death by the delivering power of God that peace was restored to Darius's tortured soul.
Christians, how could we ever rest easy in sin when we look upon God's faithful servant his discerning son, our
Savior, consider Christ's sufferings upon the cross?
The shedding of his blood, the torture of his flesh, the bearing of God's holy wrath.
It was for us that he suffered and he died, atoning for our sins.
So not only then can we not sin flippantly, knowing what our sins cost
Christ upon the cross, we put him there by our sins.
He suffered because of us on that cross. But also, we cannot be so profane as to try and cover our trespasses with anything other than the precious blood and perfect righteousness of Christ by faith.
Atoning actions will not let you rest easy in sin.
Drowning sorrows with whatever substance will not deliver you from sin.
Perpetually distracting yourself will not bring the peace that you need, the peace with God.
None of these things will bring us successfully to the den of death and there find the stone removed from the entrance that it is empty and that it has been conquered.
Faith alone, in Christ alone, brings us to this place where we see that all of our transgressions were buried with Christ and removed away from us as far as the east is from the west.
Allow no substitutes. There is only one person, only one place, only one direction for our faith to be at peace with God, have forgiveness of our sins.
It is the person and work of Jesus Christ. Man's comforts will prove to no avail in our peace with God.
Secondly, the discovery of God's salvation. We see Darius running out to the lion's den in verses 19 and 20.
Then the king arose very early in the morning, very early in the morning and went in haste to the den of lions.
And when he came to the den, he cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel. King spoke, saying to Daniel, Daniel, servant of the living
God, has your God whom you serve continually been able to deliver you from the lions? He went out very early in the morning.
One wonders if it was the first day of the week. Darius hurries out from his palace and he has the stone removed from the mouth of the den of death.
And look how despairing his form is. This broken king, his haggard face, been awake all night long.
And we hear how the grief stains his voice.
For this is his last hope. All the others have been stripped away. All the other things that he could cling to to comfort him have been taken away.
He's got nothing left except this last and only hope. We see him afflicted still with unbelief and yet he believed.
He cries out, says, the God you serve, the living God, has he saved you,
Daniel? He's been granted, Darius has been granted some degree of faith because he didn't simply just sequester himself in his palace and stay there in mourning and saying, yeah, there's no possible way
Daniel could have survived that den of lions, no possible way at all. No, he ran in the early morning, he ran out to that den and he wanted to see if this was true.
And it was true. It was proven that Daniel's God, the living God, was indeed not only able to save, he was willing to save.
Darius was not disappointed and neither shall anyone who confesses with his mouth the
Lord Jesus and believes in his heart that God has raised him from the dead believe in Christ, confess his person and work, agree with God about who
Christ is and what he has done and you shall be saved. For whoever believes upon Christ will never be disappointed.
Romans 10 .13 says, whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Saved from condemnation through his resurrection. Saved from sin by his redemption.
Saved from the world by his reign. Saved from death by his return. We shall not be disappointed.
God's purpose to save, God's power to save and now turn our attention to God's purpose to judge, verses 21 through 24.
There are many layers to the conflict that is detailed here in Daniel chapter 6. It is a contest of wits, of worship, of words and will, but it is also a confrontation of weights and measures.
How will righteousness and justice be determined? How will righteousness and justice be determined?
I mean, is righteousness a matter of legislation and litigation?
Is that how righteousness is decided? By laws passed by man and enforced by man?
Is what is moral determined by a majority?
Daniel has been declared guilty. He's a traitor. He's worthy of execution according to the laws of the state.
Darius' hands have been tied by the law, but did he really do what was right?
God brings about Daniel's deliverance in such a way as to declare to this very law -minded, legalistic society that God is the law -giver and His definition of right and wrong is the one to be honored.
These lawmakers had better submit to Him the law -giver.
So notice what happens in verses 21 through 23.
The vindication of God's servant in verses 21 through 23. Then Daniel said to the king,
O king, live forever. My God sent His angel and shut the lion's mouths so that they have not hurt me, because I was found innocent before Him.
And also, O king, I have done no wrong before you. Now the king was exceedingly glad for him and commanded that they should take
Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den and no injury whatever was found on him because he had believed in his
God. So in this vindication, we see how exceedingly happy Darius is to hear that Daniel was alive.
Darius has been confronted with his own sin and failure, but he hoped against hope that Daniel's God was true, that he was alive, that he was able to save, and lo and behold, it is true.
He pulls Daniel up out of the den and inspect him and see how he is. No injury whatsoever, just like his brothers in the faith who had not the smell of smoke on them when they got out of the burning, fiery furnace,
Daniel was utterly preserved and saved. Why? The text tells us why.
Because he believed in his God. A thorough, complete salvation.
Let us take a moment to appreciate the ironic greeting which Daniel offers. This line,
O king, live forever. That's been a common one throughout the stories of Daniel, but we have never found it yet in the mouth of a believer, in the mouth of one who followed the
Lord rather than worshiped the state. He says, O king, live forever.
I think it's ironic. Darius here is reaching out in faith, calling into the lion's den, seeing if Daniel is still alive.
Has God saved you? And then Daniel uses this line. Is it an invitation?
Is it an invitation? O king, live forever. Live forever.
It's a funny line coming from a guy who just survived a night in the lion's den. He must know something about circumventing death.
When he talks about living forever, you might want to tune in closely. How much more so when
Jesus, the firstborn from the dead, has something to say to you about eternal life? Live forever.
Daniel makes it clear why he's still alive without a scratch. His God, the living
God, as opposed to all the dead ones, the God who controls life and all that is living, he sent his angel to shut the mouth of the lions.
Was this the angel of the Lord? Or was it Christ himself who came and spent an evening with Daniel?
The point, the vital point here is Daniel's innocence. His innocence before God and thus his innocence before man.
Don't miss this. Daniel had not sinned against God. In the sight of God, he had done nothing worthy of death or condemnation when he disobeyed the state mandate to pray only to the king.
And in fact, and this is most vital for us to see, Daniel had not sinned against the king by disobeying the king's own mandate.
Do you see that in the text? I'm innocent before God. I also did you no wrong,
O king. Hang on a second. You disobeyed the official state mandate. It was a personal mandate, too, all about how you would have prayed to no one else except for Darius.
It's a personal thing. And Daniel said, I didn't do you any wrong, O king.
Yeah, I disobeyed you. Yeah, I rejected your divinity grab and everything else, but I did you no wrong.
Daniel, having broken the law of the land and refusing to give honor to Darius that was not rightfully his,
Daniel, in his disobedience, had only done what was right, guiltless, innocent, no wrong at all.
In fact, Daniel had done what was good and righteous and profitable to the state by his act of resistance, going to the window, praying three times a day, on his knees, honoring
God, and direct defiance to the state mandate. Why did he do what was right, good, and profitable?
Because he was turning many who were in darkness to the light. Consider that the
Hebrew midwives in the book of Exodus had done the very same thing, having been commanded by Pharaoh to kill, to cast the male infants of the
Hebrew women, Hebrew mothers, to take their male children and to throw them into the
Nile to drown. The midwives, having been commanded by the state, were innocent, good, right, and true, and did all that was profitable to Egypt and to all of Egypt's subjects, alleviating even worse judgment upon the land than they received.
They did all of this, innocent, good, right, and true, as they outright lied to Pharaoh in outright resistance, active resistance.
They were innocent before God, and they did Pharaoh no wrong by disobeying him. In fact, they were doing him good as they deceived not their neighbor.
Don't bear false witness against your neighbor. But as they lied to their enemy and did the righteous thing.
And God blessed them and gave them families of their own, the text says. You see, God sets the standard of what is right and wrong.
God sets the standard of what is right and wrong. It is thus impossible, outright impossible, to fear
God, honor God, obey God, and do what is actually evil to your neighbor or even what is unethical to your enemy.
If you fear God and obey God and do what God has called you to do according to the plain reading of his text, no matter how your enemy feels about it, and no matter how people around you feel about it, you have done them no wrong.
You have done no evil. God sets the standard of what is right and wrong, true and false, righteous and unrighteous.
He's the one, not us. Since Daniel had done no wrong in God's sight, he had done no wrong to his neighbor or his enemy, however you take him to be,
King Darius. Either way, he was innocent before man because he was innocent before God.
Without that understanding, the entire Protestant Reformation would have never occurred. The entire
Protestant Reformation would never have occurred. It was illegal. Illegal to translate the
Bible from the original languages into the language of the common people. Illegal to own any copy of God's holy word against the state, even a very religious state, for the people to be able to sing hymns, spiritual songs and psalms together in the common tongue to worship the
Lord together. Illegal for unauthorized preachers to preach gospel messages in unauthorized places.
All these things and many, many more were active resistance and rebellion against the state.
They were good and right and true. Innocent before God to do these things, and thus, they did the state and those who represented the state no wrong.
They were innocent. Why? Because God is the one who planted the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
He alone controls that tree and nobody gets to eat from it. It's his.
He defines good. He defines evil, not us. Jesus Christ is the discerning
Son. He is the completely authoritative lawmaker. He perfectly submitted himself to the lawgiver.
His righteousness is complete and perfect and spotless, and yes, he did defy unjust laws and profane mandates of the
Jewish religious leaders. He caused quite a scene in the temple. He refused to cooperate with Herod and Pilate in their spectacles, and he never wronged anyone.
He never wronged anyone. Perfectly innocent before the Father, innocent toward all men, the unblemished
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. And so the Father vindicated him, declaring him to be the
Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead. And so all who are in Christ, all who are in Christ will also share in that vindication, and we too will be raised up in glory.
We often desire vindication. We desire vindication of our faith. We desire the vindication of our church.
We desire the vindication of ourselves. We wish to shut the mouths of our accusers and turn back their condemning hands.
Well, what power and what process could we possibly have for that? We must make our appeal to the
God who justifies, to Christ who died and is risen and even now reigning at the right hand of God.
Our prayers and our patience should be as the psalmist, Psalm 26, verse 1,
Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity. I have also trusted in the
Lord, and I shall not slip. Examine me, O Lord, and prove me. Try my mind and my heart, for your lovingkindness is before my eyes, and I have walked in your truth.
I have not sat with idolatrous mortals, nor will I go in with hypocrites. I have hated the assembly of evildoers and will not sit with the wicked.
God will win the day, and we will overcome in and through Christ. Last verse of our selection this morning is verse 24.
And the king gave the command, and they brought those men who had accused Daniel, and they cast them into the den of lions, them, their children, and their wives.
And the lions overpowered them and broke all their bones in pieces before they ever came to the bottom of the den.
Isn't it interesting that the reach of man is so limited? The law of the Medes and Persians was followed to the letter, and it did not accomplish the intended unrighteous purpose of those who passed the law.
The law said, if you pray to anyone except for the king, you will be cast into the den of lions.
What's their purpose? We're going to kill you, Daniel. The law was perfectly followed.
Daniel was cast into the den of lions, but the law failed to accomplish its murderous purpose.
Daniel came out of that den alive. Look how weak and ineffective the laws of men are.
Nothing was ever said about what to do when such a man came out not only alive, but without a scratch.
And so, what happens next reminds the reader of what happened to the Canaanite tribes under Joshua's leadership.
Wholesale destruction. God placed these men and their families under the ban. Verse 24.
All their families, the men and their families, died. So that's pretty shocking. It's pretty shocking.
But it demonstrates, first of all, that the lions were not malfunctioning. They had only been held at bay by the sovereign power of God and his releasing of them to do his business of vengeance is as much a sign of God being the living
God as him keeping Daniel alive that whole entire night. God is glorified in salvation through judgment.
Salvation always comes paired with judgment. Judgment upon the enemy and the salvation of God's people, and God is glorified time and time again.
His vengeance will fall in his good time, in his good way, for the deliverance and the vindication of his people, and Christ will be forever raised in victory over his enemies.
As you look at the families who die in this text, remember, this is what happens to the nations, the peoples, the tribes, and the families that rage against God's anointed servant.
This is what happens. It's a reality. God's judgment does exist.
Hell does exist. God's wrath does exist. And those who reject
Christ and rage against Christ and trust in any other gospel will suffer the wrath and the vengeance of God.
That will happen. That is the testimony of Scripture. That is the testimony of our own
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This is why we must be as bold as Daniel in declaring the one true
God and the only hope for all mankind. We must not keep that a secret and assume that people who disagree with the word of God and rage against Christ, oh well, they'll probably be okay.
That is not a position of faith or mercy or compassion or love or kindness.
And as we peek ahead to the passage we will look at by the Lord's provision next week, even though these families die under the judgment of God, just how far is
God's glory published? And not only peeking ahead to the end of chapter 6, but peeking ahead to the end of the whole text, the whole
Bible, an innumerable multitude that no man can count from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation saved by the grace of God.
Let's close in prayer. Father, we come before you this morning and thank you for the truth of your word and the salvation, the power of your salvation and the purpose of judgment that are on display here in your word.
We thank you that we do not live in darkness and confusion about what's right and wrong, true and false.
You have given that to us plainly. In your word, not only that, you have shown us plainly our salvation in Christ.
Help us to trust you and to rejoice in your truth. We pray these things for the sake of Jesus.
Amen. Would you stand with me for our song of benediction?
And our last song is written by Martin Luther, A Mighty Fortress is Our God. A mighty fortress is our
God Humble work they of ancient flow
Doth seek to work us woe
His craft and power are great Honor is not his equal
Did we in our own strength confide
How striving would be losing
Word on our side
The man of God's own choosing
Dost ask who that may be
Christ Jesus it is he
Lord, survey all his day
From age to age the same
And he must win the battle
And though this world with devils fill
Should threaten to undo us
We will not be what God hath willed
His truth to triumph through When depths of darkness fail
With praise he can endure
His doom is sure
One world shall fail him
His truth our spirit inspires
Thus our high devils and kindred go
This mortal soul
The God's truth abideth still
His kingdom is forever
May the love of the
Father and the grace of the Son and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all.