An Evangelical House of Horrors

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, well, let's jump into it today. I was actually planning on doing a follow -up to yesterday's video because a few people brought up some interesting points that I feel like were worth addressing.
And I still plan on doing that, but something else took precedent. So imagine if you would, there was a cult, right?
And this cult, you know, a lot of people, a lot of members of society were involved in this cult.
And one of the core teachings of this cult was that, you know, we could use the sacrifice of children to live longer.
And so what we do is we sacrifice this child and its dead body will impart some kind of life force, some kind of luck or energy or something like that to help us have, to help things go well with us, right?
Now we don't really even have to imagine that this were true because we know that there does exist a cult like this.
In fact, the Bible talks about this cult again and again and again, and it's, it was the cult of Moloch or Baal or, you know,
Moloch or however you pronounce it. And the Israelites, this was a
Canaanite God that they would sacrifice children to on this altar. They would burn them alive, passing them through the fires, the way the
Bible talks about it. And the Israelites, unfortunately, often were involved in this cult worship.
And so they would, they would syncretize the worship of Yahweh, the holy
God of the universe, right? Yahweh, they would, they would combine the worship of Yahweh with the worship of Moloch.
And so they would have, you know, the temple, the tabernacle, but they would also have these high places where they would sacrifice children to Moloch so that things would go well with them.
And this is abominable, obviously. I mean, everyone who thinks about this just gets repulsed in their gut.
And rightfully so. I mean, I can't think of, you know, and when I, before I had children, you know, obviously
I thought this was gross, but ever since I had children, I mean, it just has a different, you know, feeling of disgust for me.
And so it's just an absolutely abominable thing to imagine. And you know, people have a hard time understanding, you know, the people of God, right?
You know, God was so good to the Israelites. He saved them with a powerful arm. He brought them out of the house of bondage, out of Egypt.
He gives them this holy law. He's patient with them. He's merciful to them consistently over and over and over again.
And every time they spit in his face, they say, yeah, you know, Yahweh, but the thing is, though, that things will, you can't help me.
But what we can do is we can sacrifice our children so that Molech will help us, right? And so they're sacrificing their children to demons because they've got this mentality of just,
I don't know what it is. It's just wickedness. And so we have a hard time, though, just understanding how do these people who know that Yahweh brought them out of the house of bondage, how do they get tricked by these demons, right?
And you know, I've had a hard time understanding that, but I understand it a lot more now, and that's for sure, because in our day, we've got just horrors going on at the upper levels of our society, and evangelical leaders who know the
Bible probably a little better than I do, right? And I say a little better, maybe even a lot better than I do.
They know the Bible. They know the stories of Yahweh saving his people.
They understand that it was Jesus Christ who brought the people out of Egypt all the way back with the fathers, right?
And they likewise understand that it's Jesus Christ who saves his people today.
He has his own exodus that he accomplishes, that he accomplished, rather, at the cross, and in his resurrection, they understand that Yahweh is real.
He works miracles. He is a powerful, powerful God, and yet these evangelical leaders, just like in the times of the fathers when they were worshiping
Moloch, they're syncretizing the worship of Jesus Christ with child sacrifice, and a cult that says that we can use the bodies of dead children that were murdered by their parents to live, to ward off curses, to stop a plague, and it's the religion of the cult, religion of the science that they're working in service to.
They're attempting to syncretize the worship of the Lord of Glory, Jesus Christ, with the worship of the science.
This article that I saw from the Babylon Bee, you know, I don't know why this one hit me harder than the
Megan Basham article. The Megan Basham article was also good, but for some reason, this article just really struck a chord with me.
I'm going to read the whole thing, and I want you to listen to this, because there was a play run on you, and most of the people in this audience, you know, probably weren't tricked by this play, but all of us know people who were tricked by this play.
This is from Not the Bee, right? So this is not the satirical, you know, Babylon Bee. This is the news that's, you know, true commentary of real news, right?
And so this article is titled, Christian Writers, Preachers, and Organizations that Promoted Francis Collins Should Break Their Silence, and this is by Peter Heck.
And the picture here, this is Francis Collins, this is Ed Stetzer, this is Eddie Munster, this is
Rick Warren, and this is David French, and of course there's the Wheaton College, the
Billy Graham Center, and all that, Christianity Today, Gospel Coalition. This is talking about how during the pandemic, there was a lot of fear that Christians were going to not take the vaccine, and so they pulled out all the stops.
In fact, they told you what this play was. Dan Darling, you know, got his—he wormed his little beetle body over to MSNBC to say, well, you know,
Christians are going to trust people that they—are going to listen to people that they trust, and so people that they trust have to start promoting the vaccine propaganda.
And regularly, what they would do is they would cite the fact that this great prophet of science here, he was also a
Christian, but he was also a scientist, and the emphasis, if you go back to these glowing reviews of Dr.
Francis Collins, the emphasis would be on his qualifications as a priest and prophet of the science, not so much the fact that he was
Christian. The fact that he was Christian was told, but only to give him the credibility with fellow
Christians to try to trick you into thinking that all was well with the vaccine, doesn't matter about any of the shadiness or the propaganda around it or anything like that, you could trust him because he's a
Christian, but he's also—the emphasis was—this great, powerful priest of the science.
And so that's what they would do, and so, you know, great Christian man, you can trust him. But here's the reality.
Let's read this article. This is what this great Christian man was up to as the leader of the
National Institute of Health. Peter Heck says this,
It is now a matter of public record that former National Institute of Health Director Francis Collins either presided over, ordered, funded, or indirectly participated in the following during his tenure.
One, record level spending on scientific experimentation performed on fetuses obtained from abortion.
Two, University of Pittsburgh experiment that, among other things, grafted infant scalps onto lab rats.
Three, experiments on the harvested organs of aborted full -term babies.
Four, endorsement of unrestricted funding of embryonic stem cell research. Five, policies that exchanged merit -based grants for those partially determined by left -wing diversity, equity, and inclusion exams.
Six, millions of dollars in taxpayer grants spent on transgender research on minors.
Seven, opposite -sex hormone treatments given to children as young as eight years old.
Eight, mastectomies performed on girls as young as 13 years old.
Nine, millions of dollars in grants to an app program that tracked teenage boys' homosexual activities, including anal sex, all without parental knowledge.
The article continues, It is also known that Collins personally attended President Barack Obama's celebratory signing of an executive order to undo a
George W. Bush -era ban on scientific experiments done on human embryos and acquiesce to the reality that the kind of genetic testing he promoted led to the increased killing of Down syndrome babies.
Yet, despite this horrific ethical track record that would preclude any rational mind that would come from concluding that these are the life fruits produced by one who possessed the indwelling of the
Holy Spirit, the last two years have seen some of the most recognizable, trustworthy names and organizations in American Christianity, loud
Collins as a trustworthy Christian brother. And so the idea here is that this man presided over, funded, participated in atrocities, desecration of human remains, people that were murdered because they just wanted, people just wanted to murder them, they didn't feel like they could afford it, you know, they were in a tight spot, they were in a difficult situation, and they wanted things to go well with them, and so they murdered their child, and now we're taking those bodies and saying, well, we want things to go well with us, all praise the science, let's go do some weird experiments on them, let's attach a head to a lab rat.
By the way, this is the stuff that we know about that the NIH was up to. You see, the government lies,
I hate to break it to you, the government lies all the time. And so there's worse stuff out there that they don't admit yet that they're doing to human bodies, and, you know, this is
Francis Collins. So Francis Collins is a high priest of the science, right?
He's obviously, he's a bell worshiper and all that, but he wouldn't have the influence on evangelicals if not for those priests of Yahweh, this is in the old context, the priests of Yahweh somehow gave him some credibility to kind of syncretize this together.
So we've got those who claim to worship Christ lending their credibility to a man who clearly worships
Moloch, and so without that part of it, he wouldn't have the influence on American Christians.
And there's actually proof in this article, the article continues, former
ERLC head Russell Moore, I greatly admire the wisdom, expertise, and most of all, the
Christian humility and grace of Francis Collins.
You can just hear the priest of Yahweh saying something similar about that great, wise, you know, mild -mannered priest of Moloch, who all he wants is just for this tough growing season to end, and all it will cost is just a few infants, which by the way, they're not even fully developed humans, they don't really understand what's going on to them, and listen, all will go well, just give the child to me.
Evangelical writer David French, Francis Collins is a national treasure. Thank you for your faithful service.
Yeah, it was faithful all right, it was faithful to the demons. Surgically grafting the heads of a human child to a lab rat.
Let's see what happens. By the way, let's encourage children to engage in sodomy, and then what we'll do is we'll track that, we'll study it.
For what purposes? Well, you know, who knows, but don't even worry about parental consent, you know, sodomy, we'll study sodomy.
That's a great idea. Evangelical Washington Post columnist
Michael Gerson, in Collins, restless genius is other -centered, a life so relentlessly committed to the human good.
That's right, it's all for everyone's good, right? So this is why we need to give hormone treatments to eight -year -olds, because it's for the good, the human flourishing of everyone.
This is how you love your neighbor. You cut the breasts off of 13 -year -old girls.
That's how you love your neighbor. You can hear the spirit of Moloch in all of this.
He's faithful all right, he is faithful to his religion, and his religion is not the religion that you find in the pages of Scripture.
You can see these guys gushing about how graceful, how wonderful, how genius, and all of this.
And these are the same men, by the way, that if you say the wrong thing about a homosexual, like maybe you say that, you know, you're not really sure that you want homosexuals to be promoted in the church, you are vilified as petty, evil, uncharitable, stupid, and all this.
But Francis Collins can give hormone treatments to eight -year -old boys to make them girls, and he is a national treasure, faithful servant, most of all, humble and graceful.
These same men. Let me just continue reading, and I'll comment at the end.
In a cadre of other well -respected Christian ministers, professors, and teachers happily platformed and promoted
Collins as he carried out the Biden administration's COVID messaging uncritically. They directly or indirectly questioned the
Christian conscience and love of any believer who did not follow a slew of now factually suspect or debunked guidance, all on the authority of Brother Collins.
Have you seen the memes that are out there of all of the things that a year ago were called evil, vile conspiracy theories, and today are now admitted by everybody?
There's a list of like 20 things related to COVID, and there's probably a lot more than that, that were called, you were evil if you believed them, and promoted them.
And today, they're all accepted as truth. And the thing is, we knew they were true before, because we're not idiots, we can read certain data, we can understand when someone's lying to us.
So Christian credibility was lent to this evil man, who does evil experiments on children and the dead bodies of babies, and he was lying to you regularly.
We all knew it was a lie at the time. You were called evil for calling it a lie, and now it's been debunked, it's definitely true, and you were right all along, and you shouldn't have believed the evil prophet of the science, who was lying to you, because he lies like it's his language, because it is his language, because he follows the demons, and the demons can't help but lie.
Let's continue. This who's who of evangelicalism included Ed Stetzer, Rick Warren, Tim Keller, N .T.
Wright, and notable Christian publications, like the Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, and the
Billy Graham Center. And there was a lot more than that, guys. I mean, he names the most recognizable names here, but there's a lot of men who promoted
Francis Collins as this wonderful, graceful genius of a man, who was really all they were doing was talking up the prophets of Baal, and saying how it's okay for us to kind of, well, you could still worship
Yahweh, but the prophets of Baal have got this one, it's okay to sort of syncretize this a little bit.
Unimpeachable documentation, explicit quotes, and painstaking analysis of the manner in which this credibility train wreck unfolded is laid out courageously by investigative reporter
Megan Besham right here. Yeah, that article, she did a great job with that article. Absolutely. Let's continue.
And here's why I'm amplifying her work. By the way, and this is, I'm not taking away anything from Megan, when she did a great job, and I mentioned the article, and I said it was great,
I don't know why, but just the way the not -to -be presented it here, just,
I don't know, maybe I just was like shell -shocked the first time I read it. But anyway, here's why I'm amplifying her work.
It's not to besmirch men and organizations that have done much good, and that are still doing much good. In fact, it's precisely because I've benefited from the biblical commentaries of Tim Keller, been encouraged by articles of the
Gospel Coalition, appreciated the research and analysis from Ed Stetzer, been challenged by some of the thoughtful columns of David French that it's so important that they be pressured into giving an accounting.
It's not bad to admit you were duped. It's not wrong to recant. It's not inappropriate to acknowledge missteps.
It's not a sign of weakness to apologize. No one should know that, and a model that more than Christian leaders.
I'm not appalled that David French had nice things to say about Francis Collins if he was unaware that the man he was praising was up to his armpits in aborted fetal tissue.
But he should address it now that he is aware. I'm not disappointed that the
Gospel Coalition or Ed Stetzer platformed a man that they thought was a reliable Christian brother offering sound scientific advice, but they should correct the record now that the truth has been uncovered.
I don't think less of Russell Moore for believing the best about a guy who professed Christ, exhibited a gentle demeanor, and appeared to be promoting good recommendations.
But he should now humbly acknowledge the error and condemn what is certainly the unchristlike professional conduct of Mr.
Collins. Now, here's where I differ a little bit. Now, if they didn't know this, then yes, obviously you defend your friends.
I've often said this. I don't blame people for defending their friends when their friends are wrong.
Because I think about my brother. If my brother was wrong about something major, my instinct would be to defend my brother because he's my brother.
You know what I mean? But eventually there has to come a point where the truth matters more than my brother.
I mean, Jesus Christ said, if you don't hate your father and mother, your wife, your children, even your own life, you're not worthy of me.
He's the truth, right? We do this in service of the truth. But I understand it's a good instinct to defend your friends.
But you see, I actually am appalled that David French, the Gospel Coalition, Ed Stetzer, Russell Moore, because I know that they don't actually care so much about defending their friends.
It's all about the propaganda to them. And so if they really didn't know, okay, one thing, but they did know.
Because the entire time, they never defend regular Christians. They only defend leaders who promote the same propaganda that they're promoting.
So I disagree a little bit, although I don't want to disparage people that maybe didn't know. They're just defending a brother in Christ.
That's a good instinct. I get it. But the problem is that Gospel Coalition, Ed Stetzer, these guys don't actually practice that instinct with impartiality.
I mean, you see like a John MacArthur come out. They're obviously not going to defend him.
And so anyway, so side issue, side issue. Let's continue. I want to finish this. Between the years of 2016 and 2022,
I sided with many of these same voices when they wisely counseled Christians to be wary of marrying our public witness to worldly political figures.
It would be a tremendous shame now to see them vindicate the claims of their numerous right -wing critics who accused them of that time of being disingenuous.
Yeah, I mean, this guy Peter Heck certainly seems to trying to be holding on to something that's not there.
Like I think he's being a little naive here. But listen, I get it. I've been there, man, because I was influenced by Tim Keller.
I didn't want to believe it either. You know what I mean? I can't say I was really influenced by Russell Moore, but I was definitely influenced by Gospel Coalition.
I didn't want to believe it either. But eventually you have to be more dedicated to the truth than these men.
Eventually you have to leave these men behind knowing what they're going to do every single time.
And that is elevate, promote, praise, lend their credibility to the zeitgeist of our time.
They don't care one iota for the Christian in the pew. They want to elevate the zeitgeist. So I wouldn't hold my breath,
Peter, that you're going to get an apology, because Big Eva is allergic to apologies. You're not going to get an ask for forgiveness.
You're not going to get a clarity here. If I'm wrong, I will say that I'm wrong, and I will praise
God for that. But this is not in their MO. They don't think they've done anything wrong. They know everything that Collins was up to, and they don't care.
Because they're trying to syncretize the worship of the Lord Jesus Christ with the worship of whatever the state is up to.
And it just so happens that the state is up to a lot of satanic stuff. Let's continue.
If Christians have a duty in our public witness to choose righteousness and truth over political alliances, that must be binding whether the object of devotion is a brash president or a soft -spoken bureaucrat.
I agree. So as a fellow believer, I echo Eric Erickson in humbly requesting a response from these men and institutions.
Here's Eric Erickson, who I have a lot of harsh words for in the past, but he's exactly right here.
I'm glad he at least has the humility. Eric Erickson, I've got some issues with him, but I will grant him this.
When he sees something that he can't throw his weight behind, he's open about that.
Eric Erickson says this. I have to say I am disturbed by Megan Basham's reporting on Francis Collins.
I form my opinions on him based in large part on the views of others in the Christian community who vouched for him.
And I really would like to hear from them about this, because a lot of this is bad. Good for you, Eric Erickson.
I'm going to give credit where credit is due. I've had harsh words for you in the past. Credit where credit is due.
Eric proves that there are many in evangelicalism, because Eric is a big -shot influencer.
And he's saying, hey, look, I didn't know about Francis Collins. I just heard that Russell Moore or whoever was promoting him, so I trust
Russell Moore. Eric, you should stop trusting Russell Moore or Ed Stetzer or whoever it is, because they do not have your best interests in mind.
And they've demonstrated this over time. I'm not saying that just one day I woke up and it's like, oh, well, you know,
I don't trust him anymore. This has been over time. And, look, I didn't want to believe it either. I don't get any joy about realizing that someone that I looked up to, that I gained so much value from, is actually turning away from the faith.
I get no joy out of that. Eric, I wouldn't trust these guys anymore, and I wouldn't hold your breath.
They're not going to explain themselves at all. Many of these men and organizations regularly call the church to repentance.
This would be a proper time to perhaps lead by example. Yeah, I mean, that's a powerful statement at the end there,
Peter. And this is the thing. Like, they have no problem calling regular
Christians in the pews a bunch of names and then saying they need to repent of their political idolatry.
They simply have zero self -reflection on what they've been up to. You can see
Russell Moore giddy as a schoolgirl to meet Barack Obama. If you were to have seen an image of any conservative meeting
President Trump, they would have been blanket condemned, evil, wicked, vile, whatever it is, repent.
That's what they do. They're political in the worst possible way. They're syncretizing worship with the worship of demons, and they will not apologize.
And most likely they'll lie about this, is my opinion, because I think a lot of these guys, as sad as this is, we're not on the same team.
And they have a language that's different than the language of the Lord. They're not truth -tellers. They're liars, and they lie like it's their job because it is.
So, guys, Eric, good for you. I wouldn't hold my breath, Eric and Peter, that you're going to get any kind of clarification on this.
They're going to defend it, or they'll just ignore it. That's probably what they'll do. But if they get enough pressure to respond, they will defend it.
They'll defend his record and all of that. And, by the way, he's a very winsome guy. I mean, yeah, he's committing atrocities as the leader of the
NIH, but, I mean, did you hear that song? Somewhere past the pandemic? I mean, that was winsome.
That's being a faithful Christian in a way that the culture can handle. Unbelievable.
Unbelievable. Anyway, tomorrow I'll get to part two of the video from yesterday, responding to some of the criticism.
I love you guys. Even if you criticized it, I still love you. I'm a very ecumenical guy. And, hey, man, we're on the same team.