F4F | Why You Should NOT Believe Tom Horn's End Times Predictions


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Okay. So with some frequency over the course of my career of doing
Fighting for the Faith and both podcast and now on the YouTube channel, I have had to basically tell people that Christ says regarding the end of the world, no one knows the day or the hour, nobody.
And as a result of that, I have had to tell people that have predicted the end of the world or events that would synchronize with the final seven year tribulation, that they were running afoul of Christ's words and the clear commands of scripture.
And by predicting that they were going beyond Christ and they were being irresponsible and risking shipwrecking the faith of other people.
Most notably, I would remind you of the debacle regarding Harold Camping.
Harold Camping would not abide by Christ's word that no one knew the day or the hour. And he predicted the end of the world and the rapture to take place sometime in May, was it 2014?
It was a long time ago. And I told people he doesn't know what he's doing is contrary to scripture, contrary to the words of Christ.
And what was already happening at that time where people were selling their homes and they were spending the money that they had saved up in their savings accounts and in the equity in their homes and buying billboards to announce to the world,
I mean, people were doing this all over the world, that Jesus was coming back on a particular day, the rapture was going to take place.
And you know what? It didn't happen. It didn't happen at all.
And I will note that people were very upset with me for contradicting
Harold Camping and accusing me of being divisive. But I wasn't because I remember back in the late 80s when
Harold Camping predicted the same thing and it didn't come to pass. And so now we're living in a day where Tom Horn is getting dangerously close to doing that exact same thing.
And it's all regarding the asteroid Apophis, all right?
So I don't know what's going to happen in April of the year 2028 or 2029.
I don't know. I don't know. I would say that scientists are debating whether or not Apophis is going to strike the earth in April of that year or if it's going to strike the earth in 2069.
I don't know. I'm just saying it's not my business. I'm not a scientist, but I can tell you this, there's a lot of debate about it.
And what Tom Horn is doing in cahoots with Jim Baker is absolutely forbidden because nobody knows the day or the hour.
And as a result of it, what they're doing is creating a scenario which will divide the body of Christ.
As we get closer and closer to Apophis' near -earth pass at the end of this decade, what's going to happen?
And I'm not a prophet. I'm not a son of a prophet. I've just seen this happen so many times. What's going to happen is you're going to have a whole lot of people in the visible church who are going to buy into the speculations of Tom Horn and men like Jim Baker, and they're going to sell their properties.
They're going to claim that it's the end of the world, or they're going to buy large amounts of dog food buckets, because that's what
Jim Baker pretty much sells. In fact, dog food, I'm pretty convinced, would probably taste better than the stuff that he serves up.
And they're going to hole up in their bunkers waiting for the end of the world. And everybody who has done this has failed miserably because Christ says
He's coming at a time when no one expects Him. This is one of the reasons why I kind of sometimes flippantly say,
I believe that Jesus is going to return on a Thursday, because no one's expecting Him on a Thursday. But you get the idea.
So what we're going to do in this installment of Fighting for the Faith, we're going to head over to the Jim Baker show, and we're going to show you absolute end times, what do they call it when a doctor, he practices malpractice.
This is end times malpractice that we're looking at here. And as a result of it,
I mean, this is the kind of stuff that should make you turn off Don Horn and call him to repentance, because he's gone beyond scripture, and he's claiming direct revelation from God and claiming to pretty much be able to backwards engineer when the end of the world is going to occur, because certain things are going to sync up according to his prognostications.
And that's all they are, are prognostications. So let's whirl up the desktop and head over to my web browser.
Man, I hate hitting the play button when I see this fellow on the screen. All right, here's
Jim Baker to introduce the intro, the theatrical teaser trailer for Tom Horn's book,
The Messenger. Here we go. Book. It's called The Messenger book.
Could we roll the trailer on that? Since ancient times, lights in the heavens have been understood.
Note, this is a theatrical trailer. All right. This is the kind of stuff you see when you're at the movie theater and you're eating popcorn.
The end of the world is coming at a time when nobody expects it except for Tom Horn, because Tom Horn has figured out when the end of the world will be.
You get what I'm saying? This is nonsense. As omens of important coming events.
They've been seen as the messengers of the gods, but others recognize them for what they really are.
Agents of judgment from the one true God sent to a disobedient and dying world.
Something is headed toward Earth and it's set to arrive very soon.
It's racing toward our planet at this very moment. It cannot be stopped.
And it's carrying the secret of America's the world's and your tomorrow.
Which biblical text says that? I can't think of one. When God revealed to me the date.
Wait, wait, wait. Look at that. That's Tom Horn claiming to be receiving direct revelation from God.
That Pope Benedict would resign over a year in advance. People were in disbelief until it actually happened.
Then when I shared what God had revealed to me about a worldwide destruction set for only a few years from now, some people responded with disbelief.
So Tom Horn is basically saying God has told him this is going to happen. And some are terrified.
Revelation 8 is unfolding as we speak, bringing not only wanton destruction, but also an ancient messenger heralding the arrival of the great tribulation period just before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the asteroids shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven.
And then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn when they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
I predict that over the next nine years, I predict he's predicted lies the greatest time of trouble the world has ever known, a prophesied aeon that some people call the great tribulation period.
So apparently the great tribulation and according to his eschatology, that's a literal seven year period.
The great tribulation is going to begin sometime in the next nine years, which means we can definitively calculate it out that before the year 2036,
Jesus will return in glory to judge the living and the dead. But Jesus says nobody knows the day or the hour.
Let me show you the text. Matthew 24, 36, crisis concerning that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels of heaven nor the sun, only the father knows.
And then Paul writes in first Thessalonians five concerning the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you.
You yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. So nobody knows when
Christ is coming back, but apparently Tom Horne, because he gets direct revelation from God, has calculated it out and we can say definitively that planet earth will not survive past the year 2036.
It's just a matter of mathematics. According to their eschatology, whether they wondered or not, all of those on earth at this time are going to be forced to heed the warning of the messenger.
So apparently the the asteroid Apophis is a messenger of God. But there's more.
Wait. Wow. Wow. Whoa. That was theatrical for sure.
Biblical, not even close. That is powerful, Tom. That is powerful.
What made you write this book? The messenger. You get a video with this book.
I might as well throw that out right now. That's right. And this is six hours of in -depth teaching on Apophis and what is coming.
And so this is for a donation of $45 to the ministry. Yeah, 45 bucks.
And you can you can figure out when the end of the world is going to happen, man. You get the inside scoop. And what
I've seen, by the way, people who imbibe on this kind of stuff, they think they've figured it out.
They've cracked the code. And anybody who disagrees with them is a dupe of the devil and is causing division within the body of Christ.
This becomes a standard then for orthodoxy. But it's not. And that's the problem.
And so, yeah, these are people who are trafficking in fear and end times prognostications and predictions, shall we say.
But we're not called to do that. The book, plus a six hour teaching, in -depth teaching on two
DVDs set for a donation of $45 to the ministry. But you wrote this book and it is powerful and the tribulation you're saying could begin.
How soon? I predict it is more likely than not that the seven years of great tribulation could begin in the year 2025.
OK, so that would mean Jesus is going to return in glory no later than what?
2032. So this is his prediction. Christ says no one knows the day or the hour.
This is absolutely irresponsible. This is absolutely irresponsible.
And I have seen so many people do this exact same thing, make a lot of money and then shipwreck people's faith when their predictions fail to come true.
And of course, I explain that in the book, The Messenger, and we'll get into some of that during this program.
You asked me a moment ago why I wrote The Messenger. But just before I answer that, everybody has seen
NASA out there now over the last few weeks, and they are trying to certify that it is their opinion that it's not likely that the asteroid
Apophis is going to strike the Earth in 2029. Now, partly they're doing that,
I am told, because of my last two books, The Wormwood Prophecy, which you make available through your ministry.
But then also now The Messenger has caused NASA to be contacted.
Looks like the cover of Dianetics. Even by news agencies that are asking, is there anything to this?
Is there any likelihood that Apophis is going to strike the Earth in 2029?
So they've had to respond to those inquiries by coming out now and saying, no, we don't think that Apophis is going to strike the
Earth at least for the next 100 years. But I would like to let people know what
NASA is not telling you. Apparently, he has the inside scoop. Notice that all of these narratives hinge on conspiracy theories to suppress the truth.
But Tom Horne, he knows what the truth is. And that is the top level 100 scientists, scientists who are listed in the top 100 scientists in the world are refuting
NASA's claims. Give you just a few illustrations. A mathematician by the name of Harry Lear has written to the
U .S. president and asking that the government's scientists can re -evaluate the trajectory of Apophis, because according to his studies,
NASA is off by 600 ,000 miles in terms of the trajectory of Apophis.
And he believes that it is more likely than not that in 2029, eight years from now,
Apophis is going to strike the Earth. Well, according to the scientists I've looked at in 2029,
Apophis is going to come within 19 ,000 miles of the Earth. It's going to, for real, fly in between the
Moon and the Earth. That's kind of frightening when you think about it. And if that's the case, if NASA's off by 600 ,000 miles, well, that would put it outside of the 19 that it's.
You see what I'm saying here? Yeah, it's this is again, but this is all speculation.
And here's the thing. There's no reason why I need to believe that even if Apophis struck the
Earth in April of 2029, that it is somehow an indicator that we're in the seven years of tribulation.
It would be a disaster of a magnitude that is beyond belief. The cataclysmic impact that it would have on planet
Earth would be devastating, you know, and for decades, maybe even centuries afterwards, if the
Earth endures. But that doesn't mean that it's an indicator that somehow that that we've entered into the seven year tribulation and then the immediate days before the return of Christ.
We're not called to speculate about those things. In fact, we're told not to. Another scientist who's actually listed in the top 100 scientists in the world,
Nathan Miervold, in a recent peer reviewed paper called
An Empirical Examination of Wise Neowise Asteroid Analysis and Results, refutes a lot of NASA's calculations and even goes further than that.
He accuses them of acting, quote, extremely deceptively with deliberate scientific misconduct in a cover up of very real and potential potentially eminent space threats.
And then one other that people can go right now, actually, to YouTube and watch for themselves. The famous planetary scientist and astrophysicist,
Neil deGrasse Tyson, has a video out there right now. And here's what he says.
All the flat earthers. No, not him. The video, he says,
April 13, twenty twenty nine. That's the date that is in my book. He says, quote,
Apophis will come so close to the earth that it will dip below our orbiting communication satellites.
It will be. Now, just by way of a little bit of, you know, context here, Apophis is fairly large, but it's not ginormous.
It's it's the size of basically the Eiffel Tower. That's what we're talking about.
That's its size. The if it were to hit the earth, the impact would be severe, but not, you know, it's not a life extinction type of asteroid.
You see what I'm saying? Largest, closest thing we have ever observed to come by earth.
Now, listen to what he says. The orbit we now have for it is uncertain because these things are hard to measure and hard to get an exact distance for.
We cannot tell you exactly where that trajectory will be, end quote.
So you have world famous astrophysicists, scientists, mathematicians, all who are responding to what?
Yes, there is debate within the astronomy community regarding Apophis and how close it's going to come in twenty twenty nine to the earth.
That's absolutely true. But that does not give us the right to to then set dates for the return of Jesus at all.
In fact, to link the two together is well, it's well, biblical malpractice, eschatological malpractice is saying now and they're not buying it.
And of course, you know, when I wrote the book The Messenger and before that, the Wormwood Prophecy, I spoke with astronomers at NASA who told me the same thing.
They said, you cannot have it both ways. You cannot say that a stone as big as Apophis traveling at twenty eight thousand miles per hour towards this earth through tens of thousands of miles of space, you cannot say it is going to come so close.
It's going to come lower than the orbiting satellites. It's probably going to knock out some of the satellites in orbit around this planet.
You can't say, but don't worry, it's not going to hit the earth. And I have been told by expert after expert, many of whom
I quote in both of those books, who agree with this position.
And they agree, they agree with Mirvold that NASA is involved in a cover up and it is more likely than they are admitting that Apophis is going to strike planet
Earth Friday, the 13th, April twenty twenty nine. Wow. The word
Apophis, is that the same as Wormwood?
No. No, the word Apophis is what NASA has named this asteroid that is on a trajectory for what they are now calling a very near miss
Friday, the 13th, April twenty twenty nine. I am saying that I believe
Apophis is the asteroid that is talked about in the book of Revelation, chapter eight.
It is what is called Wormwood in the Bible. And you saw in the teaser trailer that God told him this.
Mm hmm. Oh, and that Wormwood means poison, doesn't it?
Yes, bitterness. And again, you know, we can go into this during this program, but I believe that Apophis is carrying an alien microorganism on it in which a virus is being sustained.
And I believe it's going to make coronavirus look like a walk in the park on impact with the Earth. Now, note here, this narrative is going to become orthodoxy as far as eschatology is concerned for a large number of evangelicals and charismatics.
And if you sit there and you say the Bible doesn't say these things, they're going to basically accuse you of division, accuse you of putting your head in the sand, accuse you of not listening to the voice of God and all this kind of stuff.
I am not obligated by scripture to believe that Apophis is Wormwood and that it's carrying a virus.
I'm not I'm not required by scripture to believe any of this. That is going to be brought to this planet.
If you take Revelation chapter eight and look at all four of the trumpets that are mentioned there, they they appear to be describing an asteroid comparable to the size of Apophis.
You are aware that the book of Revelation uses imagery, word pictures to describe
God's judgments. And to take the pictures and make a literal interpretation of the image itself is really kind of a misreading of the book of Revelation.
A part into two major parts. The first part hits the sea and it poisons the sea.
A third of the life in the sea is destroyed. Another part of it hits the earth and it poisons the potable water so that the waters are made bitter.
They're made abstinence. They're made Wormwood. And as a result, many people die from drinking these poisoned waters.
That's what the Bible says. Wow. I am teaching on Wormwood right now.
And I'm in the book of Revelation. I'm sure you are, because you are you are the guy who's made a bazillion dollars selling end of the world supplies.
What I call the now, you know. This is now a generation.
And where we are right now, I believe the four horsemen have already began to ride.
I believe they're out of the bar and they're doing their job. And then as we're opening up this next chapter, all these things you're talking about, we're entering the most amazing period in history.
And if anyone is interested in what's coming very soon, you better get your family ready.
For what? How does one prepare for the return of Jesus?
By believing in him, not buying food buckets to put into your basement or your bunker.
That's ridiculous. The way you prepare for the return of Christ is by repenting of your sins and trusting in Jesus, not sending your money to Jim Baker and Tom Horn.
And there's there's the issue right there. If I knew that Christ were coming back in seven years,
I would do nothing different at all, period.
I would still pay my bills. I would still have my wife go to the grocery store once a week to stock up for us.
I would still put my pants on one leg at a time. I would still be making sure that we were able to support the congregations that that I serve.
You know, you get the idea. I'd do nothing different except for with each day that got closer to the return of Christ.
There would be a little bit more of a pep in my step. Because knowing that Christ is going to return is what gives us hope.
And we are to be about the business of fulfilling the Great Commission all the way up until the return of Christ.
And it's not my job to sit there with my newspaper open and my Bible open to figure out if I can get the stuff to kind of dovetail together so that I can set my doomsday clock and figure out the exact moment of Jesus' return.
Christ is coming like a thief and no one knows the day or the hour. So I'm not going to sweat this. And if the earth gets struck and millions or billions die, that's a great tragedy.
We deserve worse. Every one of us, me included, we deserve worse.
It would be, I would interpret it the right way as, well, that's a sign of God's judgment as a result of our rebellion and sin.
And what is the right response in light of a disaster of that magnitude? Repent. Repent.
Repent of your sins. Trust in Christ. There's mercy and forgiveness in him. But I'm already prepared for the return of Jesus.
If it happens on Thursday, I'm good to go. If it happens, you know, 20 years from now,
I'm good to go. If I step on a banana peel and get hit by a bus next week and die,
I'm good to go. You get the idea. You do know that the day you die, that's the end of the world for you, right?
Mentally, physically, spiritually, of what can happen. So when these things do happen, you won't be scared out of your brain, you know.
You're the one creating fear in people. My God, you'll say, what's happening to us? You say, oh,
I've studied that. I studied that with Tom Horne. I believe what this is. Tom Horne claims he's getting direct revelation.
He's got extra information that NASA doesn't even have. There's a virus on Apophos, Apophos, and it's going to, it's going to, oh, it's ridiculous.
But you must order this book today. No, you do not need to order this book. You have your
Bible. That's all you need. If you ever got a book, this new book from Tom Horne called
The Messenger, along with the teaching part of it. Six hours of teaching on DVD, The Final Countdown.
Right here, How the Secrets Hidden. The final countdown. The Feast of the
Bible unveiled the final countdown to the imminent return of Jesus Christ, along with his new book,
The Messenger. It's headed toward Earth. It cannot be stopped. And it's carrying the secret of America's.
Carrying the secret. World's and your tomorrow. Both of those, the book and the DVD set for a donation of forty five dollars to the ministry.
And that includes the shipping and handling. You get the point. Brothers and sisters, you do not need to worry about any of this at all.
And if a papal strikes the earth, so be it. There's no guarantee that it has anything to do with the book of Revelation at all.
Maybe just another one of those big old ginormous natural disasters that God sends to wake us up and to repent of our sins.
But the fact is, Christ is coming someday. And I don't know the day or the hour. Neither do you.
Neither does Tom Horne. But Tom Horne here at this point is claiming that the seven years of great tribulation begins no later than 2025, which means that he's date setting and the return of Christ has to take place sometime before 2032.
Because, you know, God told him. But no, he didn't. There's no way God told him this at all.
So what he's doing is basically fear mongering, making a lot of money in the process.
Jim Baker's jumping on the bandwagon because they're in cahoots with each other. And he's going to be making money, hand over fist, helping people prepare for the imminent end of the earth.
But again, how does one prepare for the return of Christ? By believing in him.
It's kind of that simple and it's free. But it's not free to God because it costs
God his only begotten son so that you and I can be forgiven. You get the idea.
So if you know anybody who's buying into this stuff, settle them down, talk them down off the ledge and point out the obvious.
You prepared for this by believing in Jesus and you don't need to do anything different, period.
And, you know, and now what do we do? I don't know if this thing's going to strike us or not. So what do we do?
Pray. And if it strikes the earth and some of us perish, so be it.
OK, Christ says he's returning and he's going to make all things new. So we Christians don't have anything to fear when it comes to this kind of stuff at all.
He's told us it all ahead of time. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.