Andrew and Matt are Back and so are the Trolls | Apologetics Live 0036


Andrew Rappaport and Matt Slick are finally back together again and the trolls were not happy about it. As Andrew and Matt answer questions and address how Andrew's trip in the Philippines went, the trolls try to stop it. Apologetics Live 0036 This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community: Support Striving for Eternity at Support Matt Slick at Check out all of the great apologetic resources at Please review us on iTunes Give us your feedback, email us [email protected] Like us on Facebook at Join the conversation on our Facebook group at Watch subscribe to us on YouTube at Get the book What Do They Believe at Get the book What Do We Believe at Get Matt Slick’s books


with Matt Slick and Andrew Rappaport, part of the
Christian Podcast Community. All right, we are live,
Apologetics Live. We're glad that you are with us. We are going to hope that this
Hangout will well work. We never know anymore. For folks who don't know,
Google is changing things up and doing the Hangouts On Air is going away as of August 1st.
We're going to be trying to find some sort of replacement. And so if any folks out there know of a good replacement, let us know.
We're going to be trying out, Matt and I will be trying out a new thing called, I think it's called
Google Meet, and we're going to see if that'll work. Supposedly, we could get more people in here, like up to 25 people at once.
That might be neat, but we don't know how well it works, and we're going to have to test it out. So I should do introductions.
My name is Andrew Rappaport. We're striving for eternity ministry. The host of Andrew Rappaport's Rapp Report.
That's Rapp with two Ps, a great podcast, I think. Matt Slick from CARM .org,
C -A -R -M dot O -R -G, stands for Christian Apologetics Research Ministry.
He is the founder of that, and he is the resident apologist that we have here.
And so, you know, Matt, we were talking about, I was talking earlier with someone today about Apologetics Live, and they were like, oh, you guys do debates on there?
Yeah, yeah, we do. So we're going to be trying to set up a debate, and now
I forget the Catholic guy's name that everyone has been hounding you to debate. I forgot his name, though.
I think you're muted. I think it's – can you hear me? Yeah. I think it's Francois Blarfinkel.
No, no, there was – I forget the guy. I'll look in my notes, but I'm going to try to reach out to him now that you've kind of had some settling down with things at the house there.
Oh, boy, that's for sure. Yeah. And don't share more information than you need to, but any update on your wife that we could let folks know who've been praying?
Yeah, she actually drove herself and had coffee and walked one block.
That's actually a big deal for folks who don't know. Yeah, yeah. My wife has some severe medical issues and some stuff.
Other than stupid husbandist? Yes, lame -o husbandist, and there's another variation, annoying -o husbandist, and the stupidest husbandist.
These are all – but a lot of cream, sunblock seems to help for some reason. You've got to put it over your eyes and dark glasses.
And then you have earmuffs that you have to wear. You get them at the Walmart pharmacy, so really thick head things and glasses.
Or you can go for the advanced level, just a gigantic helmet with a 3D video tube, and you can tune everything out, and it's really – that seems to work better.
So, essentially, as long as she can completely block you out both visibly and audibly, it's a good thing?
That's the cure, apparently. I can agree. I can agree. Yeah, she's ordered a deluxe $8 ,000 headset or something, so I don't know.
Yeah. You can see doing that. I was just going to say, if I had to live with you,
I'd be poking my eyes out with a dull pencil. Well, I could email Yim the link to this, and she probably would order one, probably order two, one for the car and one for –
All right, so let's talk about a more serious topic and an unfortunate topic to talk about.
Oh, man. And that would be Beth Moore. So I sent you some stuff that you're going to probably hopefully write an article on.
But for folks who don't know, there was an open letter to Beth Moore asking her to be very clear on her position on homosexuality.
And instead of answering the questions, which were questions like, is homosexuality inherently wrong?
It should be a yes or no. And instead of answering it, she went after attacking the women that asked her that.
Now, what came out afterwards was the fact that it was discovered that she had removed – in this open letter, there was a reference to a book she wrote where she said homosexuality was wrong.
But in the Kindle version, she actually had removed that section.
And the reason she gave was because she said she went well beyond what scripture said.
Well, what she had said was that it was a sin along with other sexual sins. She said that along with other sexual sins, it's – she didn't exactly call it demonic, but she said it was a tool of Satan or something like that.
And then she said that you can actually repent and change from that lifestyle.
Now, she's come out with an article that I sent to you. She gave an explanation of why she removed it.
And her reasoning was that she went well beyond scripture, missed it by a mile, something like that.
And both James White and Justin Peters, I saw that at least those two have written articles saying tell us what – where you went beyond scripture because none of us can see where there is a claim beyond scripture because scripture is kind of clear that sex outside of marriage, marriage being defined as a man and a woman, that it's sinful.
And scripture also says that people who practice in homosexuality can repent and change.
So we're not quite sure where she feels she went outside of scripture. But it is – it actually,
I think, and I'm curious about what you think, Matt. I think that this creates even more of a need for us to get an answer from her on her position on where she feels homosexuality is.
Is it intrinsically sinful or not? And from what I understand, she's actually now taking a break from social media after putting this explanation of why she removed the section.
So I think I feel – I could be wrong because I don't know her heart, but it seems like she's in damage control.
She is trying to explain why she had removed the only thing she said against homosexuality because it makes it look like she's actually used to think it was wrong and now is supportive.
I don't think – we don't know if she is supportive because she hasn't come out, but it sure looks that way.
It looks like she's in damage control and now going silent. But what would be your concerns,
Matt? I know you haven't been able to read up all the articles and things like that yet, but what would be your concerns in a situation with someone who's got a public ministry on the position with homosexuality?
Do you feel it is a watershed issue for any public Bible teacher today?
Yeah. In fact, I need to write an article that's relating to the issue of homosexuality and apostasy and oppression because they're all connected.
The sexuality – the theology of sexuality is really interesting and how the enemy of the gospel has used sexuality in order to undermine the truth.
And the reason sexuality is so powerful is because of hormones. And it's just that simple.
We live in a fallen world, and the fallenness is exacerbated by the visuals that are out there and the pervasive messages of freedom of sexuality and moral truths.
And so, it's out there. And I like this word, perspicuity of Scripture.
That's a confusing word for the word clarity. And you always prefer those big words that could be very easily explained in a simple word.
Yeah, the big confusing words. I like the big confusing words that you could do just as well and better for a smaller word.
The perspicuity of Scripture. What? The clarity. Oh. So anyway, that's because I'm a sesquibedillion.
That's someone who likes big words. So, I need to write about this. I need to find out. I've been absolutely buried.
Just buried, buried. There's so much going on right now. I'm preparing five lessons for – I'm going to speak in Washington.
I'm going to preach two sermons. I'm going to do research for the sermons and do other stuff. PowerPoint slides and the whole thing. And so,
I haven't gotten to this. And you and I can talk about some other stuff related to karm afterwards. But I'll tell you what
I'm doing. But this is a lot of research I've got to do. In fact, I need some help doing some research, Charlie. Lots of things.
So, back in the thing. Is it important? It's extremely important because the secular world,
I believe, will use homosexuality as a right to oppress those who don't agree with it.
And not only not just they don't agree, but also for those who don't approve of it.
And that is going to be a serious issue. And we Christians had better get our act together pretty quickly and start protesting.
Having straight pride meetings. And sort of gay pride.
And straight pride day. And start demanding rights for the straight people. And become vocal.
We need to do this. And if we don't, it's going to be a problem. Well, it already is.
It could be even worse. Yeah, I mean, this whole issue of homosexuality,
I'm amazed. If you really sit back and think where we've come in the last 10 years.
I mean, just this shift in 10 years. I mean, this has been a thing that's been building for a very long time.
So, it's not like it's something new. But 10 years ago, we wouldn't be talking about some of the things we talk about now with this whole issue.
It's really amazing. Well, there's something that's worth looking at in the Book of Romans. And I know you're familiar with it.
But it's just important because I'm reminded of an instance that happened. A friend of mine back in San Diego.
He was newly dedicated to the Lord. And he wanted to come over and ask me some questions about society and Scripture.
And I said, sure, come on over. And we got talking. And I read him this. Romans 1, 24 through 32.
And his reaction at the last verse was what was really interesting. Anyway, therefore God gave them over to the lust of their hearts to impurity so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.
Because, this is a reason for the judgment. Because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator.
Verse 26. For this reason, God gave them over to degrading passions. For their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural.
In the same way, also, men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another.
Men with men committing indecent acts, receiving in their own persons a due penalty or error. So, this is homosexuality that's being talked about.
I know the leftists like to reinterpret this, but no. It's about homosexuality, lesbianism, and things like that.
And verse 28. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer. God gave them over to a depraved mind to do those things which are not proper.
Now, what's interesting is here. This is the only place in Scripture where I'm aware of.
Maybe there's some others. And if people know, let me know. But it's the only place I'm aware of in Scripture where the judgment of God is upon you while you're still alive.
And it has to do with the issues of sexuality and idolatry.
They're giving them over. Because notice what it says in verse 25. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie.
Worship and serve the creature rather than the creator. So, idolatry and sexuality.
These are two huge draws. These are only two things I should say. I'm aware of where judgment comes upon them.
Now, as I was reading through this. And they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer. God gave them over to a depraved mind.
To do those things which are improper. Being filled with unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, or gossip, slanders, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful.
And this is the verse. I can still see him when I read this. And although they know the ordinance of God that those who practice such things are worthy of death.
They not only do the same, but they give hearty approval to those who practice them. When I read that to my friend, his name was
Keith. We used to play tennis a lot together. I can still see him reacting to that verse.
And the way he reacted was of sheer amazement that it was that true and what he was seeing around his own community.
And on the news and things like that. How the homosexual community was pushing, pushing, pushing this and advocating for the rise of homosexuality.
And other, let's just say, related perversions and issues.
You know, sexual freedom, the increase of pornography, transvestism, all this stuff.
And they're getting hearty approval, those who practice them. And he could not believe it. He goes, I can't believe it.
It's just exactly what it says. That's exactly what it says. I had to wait for him to calm down. Because he was so surprised that it was that accurate that it was used describing what was happening.
Now, the reason I'm bringing this up is because that really had an impression on me to see his reaction.
I knew this theologically because I studied this for years and been to seminary and all this stuff.
But this guy was new to the faith, newly committed to the faith. And he was looking at it not theologically, but experientially.
And it caused him to react this way. And so it affected how I see this verse.
And how I see this verse is I see it as people marching under gay flags, under pentagrams, under idols of Mary, under the banner of the
Watchtower, under varying things. Because it's ultimately about idolatry, too, is in here. And how they're giving hearty approval to the lies of the enemy to do that which is unholy.
Now, we know that the preceding verses here talks about wickedness, greed, envy, murder, gossips, haters of God.
This is so prevalent in our culture. And this is what happens when you take your eyes off of God in idolatry and put them on yourself and your flesh, your desires in sexuality.
You become those things. Not every individual becomes every one of these issues. But the whole conglomerate of those people under that category, that couplet category, those two things, idolatry and homosexuality or sexual sins at issue, they become, as a whole, those who are arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil.
It's exactly what we see on TV now. And it's interesting.
In fact, I just saw an article today, Jason Alexander, who played George Costanza on Seinfeld.
He has agreed to play or be in a series of a new series, whatever, where Christianity is mocked.
It's faith based. I think it's called the series called Faith Based. And Christianity is mocked in it. And, you know, it's just it.
And I was reading this before I got out of bed this morning on my phone. I get up. I had to go through a scan through.
I'm in bed. I just scan through news items for five, 10 minutes to get up. And I remember going, oh, yeah, that's typical.
And kept going. And think about that. The frog in the hot water. You put him in hot water and he'll jump out.
But if you warm the hot water, he gets accustomed to the filth and the sin around him.
And even I went, yeah, that's typical and kept going. Because even I'm getting so hardened to the consistency of the lies of the enemy that are working through society and in the church and everything else.
This whole thing, they are giving hearty approval to those who practice. Now, notice it says wickedness, evil, greed, murder, slanderers, malice, deceitful, gossipers.
That's what we see on TV. They're haters of God. Christ is the one who represents
God. They're haters of Christ. They want him to be what they want him to be. Or they say he's homosexual.
Or they say he's a little baby in a diaper that mom's got to take care of. Or he's just never risen or whatever it is.
They're haters of the Lord Jesus Christ. And they're inventors of evil. And because of this, this is what we have to deal with in society.
And we Christians, I'm telling you, we've got to stand up. I've got to figure something out. I've got to figure something out.
And there's some other stuff I know about which I can't talk about over the year. Well, you know, here's the thing that—and we're going to get to Matthew, he's first in here.
But here's the thing that I find interesting, and this is kind of off topic of the homosexuality. But my wife and I listened to a podcast called
Dirty John. It was really, I think, one of the first big viral podcasts.
But it's about a guy, John Meehan, who was basically—he basically would date women who had money so that they could take care of them.
He was a drug addict. He had a nursing degree but always claimed he was a doctor.
And he'd make all the claims. Women would fall for him. He was this good -looking guy. And he'd give them every—say everything they want to hear.
And then if they left him, he would just ruin their lives and destroy them. And, I mean, there were two police officers that had a restraining order on him.
I mean, that's the kind of guy this guy was. Now, it was interesting because I listened to this and another podcast that is, again, with people that had abducted women and kidnapped them for human trafficking.
There's one thing I found interesting, and you brought this up, is the pornography. Pornography has become so blatant in our culture now.
But here's the thing I find interesting. Everyone says human traffickers. This is now being—coming up again because we have this billionaire who is,
I guess, providing underage girls for Bill Clinton and all these other people.
So the issue is they know that the human trafficking is wrong. They know that all these people who are kidnapping women and tying them up and keeping them as slaves in their home for years.
Some even decades. And yet what we end up seeing is every one of those cases, these guys that are kidnapping these women and using them as slaves always have a background in pornography.
Now, it doesn't mean everyone who watches pornography does these things. But, I mean, shouldn't society say if, like, almost 100 percent of the people who are doing these things to women have a background in pornography, maybe we should get rid of the pornography?
I mean— I agree with you. Yeah, instead they're justifying pornography. I heard about recently—I don't know if I even got a chance to talk to you about this—Vogue magazine.
It's a magazine geared toward 13 -year -old girls. Oh, yeah. And they're trying to promote prostitution as a way of making money to 13 -year -olds.
This is how far we've come. You know, 10 years ago, we would have said that's ridiculous.
People would never be trying to argue this way. But we are now. Yeah, we are.
So— And what are the Christians doing? They're going to Beth Moore seminars. They're going to Joel Osteen Church.
Of course, you know, to be perfectly straight honest here,
I have Asperger's. And I'm a go -getter -doer kind of a person. I'm the kind of person that wants to stand up and fight.
That's why I do what I do. And I know that a lot of people can't handle that. But if we don't stand up and fight, then what's going to happen is we're going to become a persecuted majority,
I should say, in America. Where the Christians have their hands tied behind their backs and are afraid to do anything.
And I am firmly convinced that the pastors need to start preaching and equipping their
Christians to be warriors. And the scope of that warriorship will be anything and everything, from just wearing a cross around your neck going out in public, to voting, to standing out in front of places holding up signs, to demonstrations.
What if we were to have 10 ,000 people all over the country at every capital with signs demanding the
Christians' rights? And we have a list of things that we want. And it happened a lot.
Do you think the politicians would listen? Yes, they would. Because they listen to pressure.
They listen to whatever happens. The news would eventually start having to cover it.
And I suspect there might be some instances within the news where they accidentally cover it properly with legitimacy and truth.
It eventually would happen. They might accidentally. Oh, that's great.
All right. So let's bring in Matthew. He's the first one who is in tonight. Folks, if you're watching and want to join in, go to apologeticslive .org.
And I'm going to add Matthew in, and he can unmute himself. But for folks who want to join, apologeticslive .org,
and you can get the links to join there. Matthew, what's your question for us today?
Oh, that's a really good question. I just kind of hopped in. Actually, listen live as opposed to just on the podcast.
But kind of going along with what Matt was saying, what is the best way for us laymen to discuss and inform our elders with these kind of subjects to encourage them to address them in a true biblical fashion?
Well, how do we do that? Go talk to them. Just go talk to them. We don't know.
Let me put it this way. A lot of times what happens is that a pastor will hear different things from different congregation members, and he'll realize the
Holy Spirit's working through the congregation. I got to address this. If people are sitting there,
I don't know what to say. I can't go talk to the pastor. That's a ridiculous thing. They should go talk to the pastor and say, can you please talk about what we need to do in society?
Can you preach about what we need to do to change society? What does the Bible say about it? If he starts hearing this over and over, he's going to start preaching on it.
That is what needs to be done. But what we really need is a national organization. We need a national organization that will start applying pressure.
We have to do this as Christians. We have to. Well, you know,
I think, Matt, I mean, I understand your point of the national, but I think what
Matthew's getting to is what do we do within the local church first. And I think it is the church's response.
But I think that I think, you know, Matt kind of said it, Matthew, is the churches for the American church is going listening to Joel Steen, Beth Moore, these others,
Joyce Meyer, that aren't feeding them Bible. And so the church has been so watered down that this is what they expect.
They expect mediocrity. Now, I'll tell you this. If you have what to do,
I think you match right. You go and you sit and you talk to your pastor. The reality is there's a lot of people that don't say to people what needs to be said.
If they're a pastor or someone who's well known, people just want to say good things. I just actually got an opportunity today with someone who had a chance to talk to a very well -known person who is a, you know, a woman who is preaching to men.
And she, you know, just wanted to reach out and see where they stood on this on some positions, but got an opportunity to speak directly to that person.
And she was like, what do I say? I'm like, that's a great opportunity because no one ever speaks to her and tells her what she needs to hear, probably.
And that's exactly how she spoke to her. She's like, look, you know, I don't I don't know if you have people that tell you that you're in sin, but you're in sin.
And so your pastor may be like, well, everyone else is kind of, you know, hedging on this.
And maybe I should be willing to do that, too. Maybe I should kind of not be so strong on it.
Well, that's the thing that maybe he needs to hear someone that says, look, I know
I know not everyone's going to say this to you, but you need to take a stronger position. I think that's what people were trying to do with with Beth Moore is say, look, you got this platform, but you're kind of walking away from the biggest issue that we're being forced to have to answer today.
And you're not answering it. And you're you're partnering and fellowshipping with people that take a very anti -biblical view.
You know, I think there is if you have the access and you should hopefully with your pastor, you meet with them and you talk with them and you say, listen, what this is, this is what we see now.
I'm going to tell you right now, a lot of people are going to say, yeah, that's not going to happen. We're too civilized of a country.
No one likes a slippery slope argument. Well, I'm not even going to give you a slippery slope argument. Yeah, I'm going to tell you, go research what happened in the
Holocaust in Germany. Why? Because the Germans said this couldn't be happening.
They're too civilized of a people. They refuse to believe what was happening right under their nose. And it didn't.
I mean, part of it happened slowly and built up. But then when they had everything in place, it happened very quickly.
We're talking about the fact that for 30 years we've seen the you know, the the people trying to change the views with homosexuality.
And now it is such a political powerhouse that you can't speak against it.
I can and I do. But the point being is, yeah, you you're going to be attacked.
But this is the same thing that ended up happening is with with the Jews. They said, oh, if we just keep our heads in the sand, if we go away,
I'll go away. And it didn't. It got worse and worse and worse. And the government played nice with the more moderates, but they came after them anyway when there was no one else left.
Well, when the the the intelligentsia, you know, they get in charge. They're going to they're going to wipe out those who are perceived as a threat.
They have that power. They have the ability. They're going to go after everybody in order to ensure their own safety, to ensure their own position.
This is what's going to happen. The Christians represent those who are in opposition. We've got to fight back.
A lot of the things I've been following from you guys and other and other publications that that's even happening in the church fairly heavily as well.
Now, would not to trigger Matt again, but the intersectionality and the critical theory stuff.
Yeah. Oh, it's always good to trigger Matt. But what was that critical theory? What was that?
Well, yeah, critical theory now because it's more than just critical race. But yeah, I'm going to research what that is.
We're going to get Matt researching on intersectionality and he's going to go crazy. Turn the light on here.
But yeah, I've heard I'm just so buried with stuff. I can't even do the research right now.
I've been able to for weeks. So too much is going on. But yeah. Well, and here's the thing with it.
It is it is influencing the church and the church is where we must make the stand to stand up and say, look, you know,
Matt saying we have to fight back. And let me be clear. We fight back as Christians with the gospel. OK, absolutely.
We're not Muslims. We're not fighting back, blowing them up, throwing them off buildings. We're going to fight back with a message that God died, that you can have eternal life.
I mean, it's very different way we go about it because they don't have their real issue is a spiritual problem.
They need the gospel. Yeah, that's true. I'm in a conversation with a couple elders with an unrelated to this topic, and that was kind of my whole thing.
That's what's needed, not necessarily more self -help like self -help.
Let's make everybody feel good about themselves, but what they need is Christ crucified for their sins.
And that is where it needs to start. It needs to start internally. The first place of repentance is in the one who's praying.
The one who's praying has to repent of their own sins, ask God to reveal to them their own sins and get cleansed.
That's what we've got to do. And then what we do after that is repentance in our family, repentance in our city, repentance in our state, repentance in our nation.
We pray for these things. And, you know, prayer is the number one thing. We've got to pray that we have the opportunity to preach that gospel.
And then what we need to do, be other minded, is to focus on the actual situation around us in voting.
And I believe in protesting. It's all within the legal rights. We have the protest. We can do that of being vocal.
And we're not being vocal. And because we're not being vocal, then we're being cast out. If we're cast out, what's going to happen is the same thing that history shows us.
As the Jews in Nazi Germany were not vocal and did not unite and did not protest, then they were slaughtered.
Now, what the risk is that because there's so much power from the left right now, that anybody who does rise up to be vocal will probably end up either being assassinated or sued or face some sort of severe attack in order to stop them.
That's often what happens. We've got to realize that this is a serious issue.
And we Christians have been sitting down too long. And I'm not I am not advocating violence.
No, I'm not. We have the right of self -defense, but we don't have the right to go out and start any problems. But we do have the right to protest.
And that's what I've thought. What we can do is unite and have thousands of Christians all over the country, thousands and thousands, with signs protesting.
And I don't know what they protest. What do you put on a sign? I mean, stop persecuting Christians. Or Christians are people too.
Or something, you know, some quick and slick slogan that carries a message to the website, you know, that we can go down and get a message.
This is what needs to happen. Well, you think about with the abortion mill, the movie 180 came out that Ray Comfort put together.
There was a group. People would just stand outside abortion clinics with signs that say babies are murdered here. And I mean, that's really clear what's happening.
And you end up seeing there's there is a change going on in the culture where, I mean, you have all these states now that are willing to say, hey, if if the
Supreme Court overrules Roe versus Wade, we're making it illegal to have abortions. And you wouldn't have heard that 10 years ago.
Why was that different? I would say the reason there is a move right now to ban abortion, which we should, is because there's a ton of Christians all across the land standing outside of abortion clinics with signs that are saying things like babies are murdered here.
Making it clear that they're preaching the gospel at those places. And I think that's a big thing that we that's that's what we don't see going on in in the church overall.
And that's been the problem, I would say. If I if I may, with one last thing, one last thing with the protest things that Matt is suggesting, which
I agree with. How do you how would you garner arguments regarding the new
Equality Act that's being pushed through? OK, give me more than I don't know enough about it.
Basically, basically what it is, it adds it adds to the discrimination portion of the civil of the current civil rights code, sexual identity, orientation.
I think there's one more, but those are the main two. That has to be overturned because if that becomes law, sexual identity and orientation, then anybody like myself who says homosexuality is a sin can be put in jail for it.
I do expect to be arrested sometime and spend time in jail for my view.
I've already, you know, I talked to my wife. I said, don't be surprised if there's a knock on the door. You match slick. Yes, you're under arrest for what?
For violating the new Equality Act section, blah, blah, blah, saying homosexuality is a sin.
And I'll just hold my hands out, handcuff me, go to jail and start a Bible study there. Yeah, I was just I was just curious because trying to discuss that with some people is really difficult.
No, because trying to get folks to recognize what homosexuality and orientation, what it really is, is boils down to at a secular level, really some sort of lack of a better way, putting a mental illness.
And then, of course, the biblically sin on top of it. Well, and one of the things to think about with it is also, you know, as Matt was saying there, we we we have to look at this whole issue in light of Scripture first off.
And, yeah, notice what Matt said. If they come in to arrest him, what's he going to put his hands out?
You don't see Paul or Peter and other apostles fighting the imprisonment when they were imprisoned.
It's like, OK, that's you know, they're they're not going to you know, here's Peter. He's not going to obey men over God.
But when they say you must stop doing what God says they must do, they're going to say no.
And if it means I go to jail, I go to jail. So, you know, that's the thing. I think a lot of people, they're just not ready for because they have this is what's at stake.
They have the idea of a comfortable Christianity, a Christianity where I'm going to I'm going to be able to be comfortable.
I'm going to live a nice life. I'm going to have the American dream. Everything's going to be good.
Your best life now. The problem is that's not biblical. And that's true.
He's going up against a false Christianity. That's very prevalent.
Right. But the lulled Christians been lulled into complacency.
All right. Well, thanks a lot, guys. All right. Let me in. Have a good night. Thanks. Thanks, Matthew.
And the next one, I want you to do a favor for me really fast before you get a next caller. OK. Andrew, I want you to frown.
Why would you want me to frown? I'll tell you after you frown. Frown hard. I am. I don't trust you enough.
No, no, no. I'm just going to tell you. OK. Come on. Just frown. Come on. You can do it.
You were doing it earlier. Look, you're embarrassed. Here we go. What is what? I naturally look like I'm frowning.
So. No, no, no, no. You frown. OK. I'm going to frown. OK. Ready? Go ahead.
No, you're not doing it. No, I'm frowning right now. No, you're not. I'm just hiding it behind the microphone.
Yeah, that's right. No, because you frowned and the way your skin creased your forehead looked like one of the
Hebrew letters. And see, look, there it is. It's either a hay or a hat.
Oh, man. Or it could be a tov. I just got to see. Got to get in there. I'm bringing
Cody. I'm bringing Cody in here. Now, Cody. That's too funny.
All right. So, Cody. Cody, if you want to unmute yourself. Cody wasn't in here a couple of weeks ago.
But he did have a question. Cody was the one that asked the question that we played the clip from Stand to Reason with Greg Cockel.
I've brought up your mic. Yeah. How are you? I'm all right, man.
Dude, you're so Jewish that your forehead crinkles are in Hebrew. Yes. See? Did you guys notice that?
I'm trying to figure out what letter it was. I got it narrowed down to three of them. Matt's looking up his
Hebrew letters right now. Oh, no. I got it online. I got it online. I'm doing something else here. But no, I'm serious.
Don't you know the Hebrew Israelites already said that I'm not possibly. One guy actually on our
YouTube channel today, I saw he said that it's not possible for me to be an
Israelite, even if I could trace my line all the way back to Abraham, because there was a prophecy that the
Israelites would lose their culture. What verse is that?
All you got to do is frown. Yeah. All right.
Okay. I'll forgive you guys going over that, but I listened to it.
It was good. I liked your response. It wasn't the response I was expecting from Matt, but it was good.
I liked it. So, no, I didn't have a question or anything, but I'll tell you that Romans one thing, that's what you were talking about before outlining those things.
I'm going through that with a family member and I'm seeing it front row. It's just amazing.
It's terrible, but every single part of it, ultimate rebellion all the way down to the created order, dude.
It's tough. We're going to be persecuted. Yeah, bring it on, dude.
Churches always thrive in persecution. I don't want to be persecuted. I don't want to. One of the reasons is, well,
I don't like persecution, but the other one is my wife needs me. I need to be here for her and she desperately needs me.
If I'm persecuted, we just got to trust. If I'm jailed, I have to trust that the Lord will provide for her and that's it.
That's all we can do. Tell him it was me. I'll say, yeah, I'm not. I think that what would happen, let's just say hypothetically, let's just say,
I believe this would happen. Let's just say I got arrested for condemning homosexuality and I got a four -year jail sentence.
Let's just say, and I put the word out through, say, Andrew, take care of my wife.
I believe people would come out and help and make sure she was taken care of.
Absolutely. I believe that too. We would be willing to do that for Neek. For Neek.
Not for Matt. But not for me. I think if Neek was to come to me and say, hey, would you take care of Matt if I'm gone?
Yeah, you would. Yeah, we'd just have a needle in a sodium pentothal. Yeah. There you go. Uh -huh.
All right. Let's see. What we'll do, who is in here next?
And Matt, read the, there's some comments in the chat. We got someone who is coming up soon and probably get some good questions.
But we have someone we haven't had in here in a while, some Calvinist dude.
Goes by the name of Calvinist Klein. Hey. So, let's bring him as his mic is up.
So, Josh, you can unmute yourself if you want. Hey, guys.
How's it going? Hey, man. A voice we haven't heard for a long time, Matt. Yeah, it's true.
Hey, Josh, how's marriage? Wait, wait. Before he answers, Matt, let's play the clip.
We have it cued up already. This is just after he got married when we asked him the same thing. And this is what he said.
Let's see now if things have changed. But this is what he said back then. Yeah, it's been challenging.
But I feel like it's already been forever. It's only been 16 days. Wow. That clip never gets old,
Josh. It's been more than 16 days. So, how's marriage been doing? That's rough. I always say that did not mean what it sounded like.
But, no, it's been excellent. It's been very good. I'm very blessed.
Yeah, she's a good woman. Except for her taste in men. Yeah. Yes, she is.
But that's okay. So, what do you got, buddy? What's up, man? I don't know.
I just wanted to hang out with you guys. And, I guess, I don't know.
I don't know. Throw something out there. See what you guys thought about it. Okay. Like, recent.
One of the things is, like, the recent. I don't know if you guys heard about K. Scott Oliphant's charges.
Like, he had some charges in the OPC about his doctrine. It was, like, his doctrine of,
I think, the covenantal attributes of God. Have you guys heard about that?
No. They got dropped later. But he basically advocated that God, in his dealings with men, he takes on new attributes.
They're called covenantal attributes, so that he can relate to man. They're not part of the divine essence, but they're still in God.
His mistake is using the word attributes because it relates to ontological essence. He should be saying God just condescends to communicate to people on their level at different times.
Then that would not have been a problem. To say he has new attributes is just not a good way to say it.
It's not. No, I agree. I agree. And, unfortunately,
I wish it would have gotten taken further and that they would have discussed it more.
But they kind of just dropped it. I think the way that the charges were brought up, I think, by Minister Jeff Waddington in the
OPC. I think they said he brought them up improperly. So they kind of just let him go.
This is the OPC you said? Yes. Okay. OPC is pretty uptight, but I can see that would be an issue.
He should just not have said that. Yes. I'm surprised how long it took for that to come up because that was in his book,
I think, from 2006 or something. Really? Yes. And all of a sudden, earlier this year, the charges come up.
Why the long wait? Why would somebody wait so long to publish something or to bring something up like that?
A lot of times they don't know. And a lot of times they'll talk to somebody, ask certain specifics, and then find out that, yes, it is something we need to address, and they do it later.
Sometimes they just have other things that they're doing. It's not enough time on the docket. So I've been involved with some
Presbyterian meetings back in Southern California, and they had to go through procedures and stuff like that.
So it was necessary. One more reason to be Baptist. Yeah, because the
Baptist wouldn't care then. No, they wouldn't have to wait for all this ritual thing. Although now in the church you're in, hey, you don't even have membership, so it's all right.
There you go. Who needs to think of membership? Matt, what I was going to ask too, what church have you joined now that you moved?
Oh, I haven't moved yet. Oh, you haven't? No. I thought he was talking about me at that point.
I know Andrew switched. Yes, I moved to a church out in Pennsylvania that's a church plant.
Really? Yeah. I told you about it, but you forget everything. It's called
Master's Church. It's a Grace Advance Church. Grace Advance is a church planting arm of Master's Seminary, which is where John MacArthur is the president.
And so, yeah, it's really exciting. So we're going to be helping out with a church plant.
That sounds like fun. Yeah. And that's why we're looking to move to Pennsylvania. It's not just that in Pennsylvania I can carry concealed, but that is a plus.
Oh, you'll love this one. Hey, Matt, you know what? A law that just got passed in Jersey? What? That children can be asked in school if their parents own firearms and if they think that that could be dangerous.
And if so, then the police can come in without any advance notice, come into your home and take all your firearms.
Uh -huh. New Jersey law. New Jersey needs to be kicked out of the union.
I need to leave the state. You need to get out. Yeah. Well, I know that people are fleeing New Jersey for a lot of reasons.
They're oppressive. New Jersey and California should be just floated and shipped out to the middle of the
Atlantic, joined, and they could become their own island. Yeah. Yeah. All right.
So. So anything else? Mr. Smith. Brown shirts, turning the children into brown shirts.
Yeah, basically. Maybe they don't know what brown shirts are. Probably don't teach that anymore. In Nazi Germany, the
Nazi party got children to go around and turn people in on various crimes, parents and others.
And their uniform was a brown shirt called brown shirts.
And what is Stalin's? I think with Stalin, you said they're useful idiots. What was he talking about?
He's talking about people who would protest against the status quo and want a change.
And they were exactly what the government people wanted in order to overthrow the system so they could get a dictatorial system in, which is what's happening in our country.
Exactly what I was going to say. Useful idiots today, unfortunately, would be some of the churches we've been talking about earlier who are making it easier for the government to outlaw
Christianity. And they're just going right into the hands. Absolutely. And we have some senators and congressmen who are useful idiots.
So, Josh, anything, any questions you have for us tonight? Update us on your marriage.
Yeah, I primarily wanted to just kind of stick my head in and I didn't have anything prepared.
You know, the case got all up and thing was on the fly. I just wanted to see you guys. You didn't stick your head in.
You have a picture of John Calvin with tattoos, not your head. Okay.
For the record. All right. That's true. So if you don't have anything else, let me
I'm going to bring in Matt. We'll take a time for a little bit of a break here. I'm sure James Watkins in here from five solos ministry.
And instead of going to a commercial break, we're going to make him do our commercial. And so,
James, if you want to unmute yourself and give us you're going to take over the commercial break.
I think it'd be very fitting. And you could explain what's been going on with five solos ministry now and what that's going to support.
Anytime, James. Can you hear me now? Okay. Well, so for the month of July, five solos ministries were donating 15 percent of all of our sales to car to try to get those guys as much financial support as possible.
But right now, which is the 11th until the 14th, we have up that percentage to donate 25 percent of all of the sales to carm.
It's not 25 percent of profits is 25 percent of your entire order total. So we just want as much support for carm as possible.
This is going to be going on for the entire month. But specifically now until Sunday, the 14th is going to be whenever you can really make an impact for that ministry.
So, of course, we have been encouraging everyone. You can donate directly to carm at carm dot org or you can come to us at five solos ministries dot com.
We just revamped the Web site a couple of hours ago. Prices are lower and we have a few extra products and a little bit more variety.
And we're going to have hats coming soon, tumblers. So we are excited to be able to partner up with carm.
It's been very impactful in my life and my ministry. And we just want to help these guys out as much as possible. So so why don't first off, because you just assume everyone knows and they should know what five solos ministry is.
But so why don't you explain what five solos ministry is, your podcast, what it is that you're selling for folks that they could get that you mentioned tumblers.
But talk about the rest of stuff that you guys have there. And then, you know, how much of that, again, is going to carm?
Yeah, so five solos ministries is it's always been kind of my goal to branch off and have my own ministry.
And reason being is because I was under the prosperity gospel for quite a while once I was saved.
And other ministries I've seen have an impact in people's lives, like carm striving for eternity, Justin Peters ministries.
I wanted to create a ministry where I was providing people with theologically rich content at a level that they could understand.
So I wanted to break everything down to a level. So it's really catered to new believers.
But I also think that there's a lot of edification for more mature believers. We have many guests that come on the podcast, five souls podcast.
And I just did an episode on suicide and depression in the church because that's the way that the
Lord drew me to himself was through a near suicide attempt. So I'm very passionate on that topic.
And really my ideology behind it is I want to be as transparent and open as possible in my ministry with the struggles that I face on a day to day basis.
I still deal with depression. It hits me, you know, it's hitting me kind of hard right now. But by God's grace,
I get through it and really see the light of Christ. And that's what I want to share with other believers.
But right now on five souls ministries and really the products that we offer are just a way to help provide the website, provide the web hosting calls.
That's the way that we pay for everything. It's through the shirts that we create, which we have a five soul shirt series right now.
Matt has one coming to him. I'm excited for him to get that as well as some of the gospel tracks that we have.
Oh, it's extra large. Oh, yeah, it is. Probably needs an extra, extra large, but I'm glad you're sending it over my head.
Send him lots of gospel tracks. Maybe he'll read them and get saved. Yeah, we did send him some gospel tracks.
Actually, we've had such an outpouring. We haven't had as much for the start of the month.
I think it was due to the holiday. But we have had a lot of orders for the gospel track so much that we've sold out a two album in our waiting to come up again.
But, you know, we do a lot of custom stuff, too. We've had gospel tracks go into Scotland, into Poland, across just about every single state so far.
So we're excited for God allowing this to grow. And I am very grateful for God allowing me to help get gospel throughout the world, which
I think is the biblical commandment for every Christian. Hey, that's a new concept. Where'd you get that out of?
Sounds very familiar, like Matthew 28, 19, right? Oh, that's what that is. You know, it's not talked about enough.
And I think I think every believer has their own set of gifts. And, you know, it's really trying to identify what those gifts are.
And I just happen to love writing the gospel out in a simplistic way that people can understand. And Andrew has some of the gospel tracks.
And I know his eyes are failing him. So I wanted to create it where people could easily read them.
Well, you're saying I have some and I got to correct you on that. So you sent me a whole bunch to take to California with me when we were out going out there to do some evangelism.
And you're right that I have a few because literally that's all I have left.
These three you sent me. But that's all I got left is these three.
And Matt, yeah, you could probably read them from here. If you know, Gloria, there you go.
I like that. Yeah, yeah. He's trying to say he wrote it from my eyes, but we all know who's older and it's
I'm definitely older. That's for sure. Definitely. And uglier. I'm definitely older and uglier.
How old are you? Hold on. You want me to ask your wife? My wife's going to she'll have my back.
So how old are you? I forgot. You're like 50. I'm 51. 51. Okay. You're like 12 years on me or 11.
I have 11 years on you. Okay. That's right. Yeah. And you got way more than 11 years on the ugly factor.
So I'm just just saying don't don't blame the messenger. Sounds good.
All right. Let's move along. You're going to be donating this to CARM for the for the rest of the month.
So, folks, five solas ministries. Actually, let me check. Is it five sola or solas?
Yes. Five solas ministries. Five solas ministries .com. Not dot org, which is what
I kept trying to look for. Yeah. And we're doing the 25 % donation now until the 14th.
And then after that, it'll be the 15 % for the remainder of the month. So I'm really I'm really
I really want to bless those guys this weekend. So I'm going to really push as hard as I can to get it done for them.
Call up on the radio show and give a plug for it. Yeah, sure. Sure. Yeah. Sure. Yeah.
Because you, like Matt, have a perfect face for radio. So I just couldn't help it.
You know, you can't help yourself in a lot of areas. There's some issues there. All right. Well, and we may.
So I'm going to be bringing there's someone, Matt, if he's been seen in the chat, someone who's been getting a little bit impatient here and able to see how this conversation goes.
And let me see what the name is. Edlitz. Edlitz. Edlitz. Edlitz. So Edlitz, you can unmute yourself and ask your question.
You know, some of the stuff he was saying while we're waiting for him to unmute themselves, I wanted to argue, again, a simulation viewpoint.
So I don't know. What is it? Now the saying,
Mike, not working. Had all this time. Here's your chance. So I don't know.
Let's see if he says so. Let me try to reread what he was saying, and maybe you can answer. He says, how can we argue against a simulation viewpoint?
When I try to reply to the question via observation and science, they ask, how do you know your observation are not part of the simulation?
So I guess the simulation viewpoint would be. Solipsism. Well, yeah, like the
Matrix movie, which I actually had to go watch to understand why everyone kept referring to it, where we just live in a matrix.
We live in some, you know, simulation. Yeah. So how would you argue against that,
Matt? I already have written articles on this, an article on solipsism.
It's a variation of the same thing. But the laws of logic are one thing.
And what are some of the arguments? It's been a long time. The laws of logic cannot be produced in your own mind in an absolute sense, and you violate them.
And yet they're also the same laws. And I went through that issue, and then there were some other things about self -reputation, self -contradiction.
Let's see. Solipsism. You really should just notice that Charlie already posted that article.
You should just know that Charlie is always going to beat us to posting links to CARM. I think he knows
CARM better than you, Matt. I think so. He's getting there. He finds articles on CARM faster than you do.
Well, I got a lot of little points. These are a lot. There's a lot here.
An inconsistency in solipsism, and maybe in the similar view, depending on what he means. If this person tries to convince someone else that his view is correct, then isn't he arguing against his own mind, since he's arguing with someone who doesn't affirm that the solipsist's mind is all there is?
So if he's in a simulation, he's trying to convince someone that they're in a simulation, is he arguing against that simulation view?
That wouldn't apply to that. It would only apply to solipsists. I'd have to go through it again.
It's been a long time. Charlie also dropped an article here, an article that I guess he had on simulation theory, natural truth.
So are we living in a simulation and the nature of truth? So you have an article there.
It looks like you going through a discussion with someone called brother. I didn't even know
I did that. That's what I say. Charlie knows the website better than you. He uses a search engine.
Well, maybe you should do that once in a while. I was. I didn't know about simulation issue. When did
I write that thing too? That's a long time ago. All right. So let us move on.
And the next person here would be Mark. So let me add him in here and we're bringing him his volume up.
Mark, you are on with Matt and Andrew on Apologetics Live. What questions do you have for us?
Andrew, I'm learning so much about this socialism and the link between the view and Christianity because I started listening to J .D.
Hall and he's really into this social Marxist idea and what it's actually doing.
So I know, Matt, you said you are going to do some homework on this, but I was just curious to know both of you, like in terms of Scripture, how far apart is this ideology and where Scripture?
What's the distance? Is it in some way, is it close to what the Bible teaches?
You're breaking up, so I'm not following you. Yeah. So, Mark, some with your connection, you keep freezing up.
So maybe turn your video off and that way there'll be a little bit less bandwidth problems and then maybe we can get the questions.
Try it again. I really don't know how to turn the video off.
You're on your phone, I think, right? Yeah. You should see a camera button that'll just turn off the camera.
Try and do that. Sorry, guys. Well, you're coming in good.
Try it again. Let's see if… Okay, I'll just turn the video off.
Maybe that'll be better now. It is. So go for it.
I was just curious to know, in terms of Scripture, how far apart is this social ideology from what
Scripture says? Scripture teaches. It does not teach socialism.
It teaches private enterprise. It teaches private property, self -protection rights, right of self -defense.
A lot of people don't know this, but the Puritans, when they came over to America, they were hardcore
Calvinists. And John Calvin had written about economics as derived out of Scripture in his
Institutes of the Christian Religion. And so a lot of the Puritans, when they came over, what they did…
That's weird. What they did was they implemented biblical principles into their culture.
And so we have the right of… If you go back to the Old Testament, you'll see property lines. You can't move property lines.
There's definite demarcations of ownership, of problems with theft. You have the right to do with your land and property as you see fit.
And those principles talked about in Acts 5 when Ananias and Sapphira were killed because they lied to the
Holy Spirit. But what they had done is sold land, and then they held back some of it, and they lied about that.
And Peter says, didn't you know this is yours to do with as you wish? And so that's a comment. You have the right to do with what's going on.
Socialism, you don't. Socialism says the government's going to tell you what to do with your property. The government's going to tell you how much to give.
The government's going to do this. And it has a lot of collateral problems.
It demotivates people. It devalues the dollar.
It devalues the economic strength. And it is just trickle -down effects of so many areas that cause problems.
And every place where socialism has worked, it's been bad.
I mean worked, not worked, but implemented. It's been bad. And these morons like AOC who want to have socialism implemented in America are violating the promise, their vows, their oaths to uphold the
Constitution of the United States. And they're undermining our country. She is, in my opinion, a useful idiot.
One of the commentators calls Alexandria occasional cortex.
That's not bad. Occasional cortex. Yeah, she is a real problem.
But she's serving a good purpose. She's fragmenting the Democratic Party. And the
Democratic Party is a conniption that's chasing each other's tails. Well, yeah, because they're like trying to just play party when you have some people like her who really their goal is socialism.
I mean, it was funny. I read an article. Why do Republicans keep bringing up the fact that she was a bartender?
Because that was her only job, maybe? Like that doesn't really qualify her for the office she now has, maybe?
Yes. Yeah. It's like everyone forgets that Barack Obama's job was a mob organizer.
And what did he do for years? Organize mobs. Yeah. So I guess
AOC is going to try to get everyone drunk. Yeah, true. I am starting to the more
I learn, the more I start to see how much even here in Australia, how much this social justice, social idea is creeping into the churches here, especially, you know, some of the more extreme denominational groups.
If you're walking around with your phone, don't. You're in a good place. I don't know if you're walking. Put it down.
No, no. Just a connection. I'm seeing it. Okay. Somebody's typing.
So I don't know what it is. But I just see the infiltration of this idea in churches, and they seem to be quite comfortable with it.
Because people listen to the media.
That's it. Yeah. Preacher. Now, think about it. Let's say I came out to your church to preach, which
I would love to do, even though you guys drive on the wrong side of the road. But that's okay. Come down to your church to preach.
All right. And let's say I preach for a full 45 minutes. That's extra long. What happens?
Yeah. The rest of the week, 45 minutes out of that whole week. Well, that's hardly nothing.
It's hardly anything at all. There needs to be more. It's difficult when people go watch
TV constantly and are inculcated with liberal thought, lack of critical thought.
The church can do a great deal, but the pastors have to be trained and willing to do the homework. But too many of them, what they're doing is simply babysitting congregations, giving them milk.
So we have a real problem on our hands. The social gospel is not a true gospel.
We're here to change society, but we're here to change society by the promotion of the gospel and bring people in the subjection to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ. That's how society gets changed. And what we're supposed to be doing is not passing laws necessarily to protect a particular minority about something, even though that may be necessary sometimes.
Because we've got to fight for righteousness as well. But the primary goal of the Christian is not social change, but spiritual change, soul change, heart change.
That's what's supposed to happen, not social change. The priority is heart change.
Social change follows. And this is the problem that we've got in the church. They don't believe in the power of the word of God.
They don't believe in God's truth and his word. That's it. I'm finding I've been listening to the likes of you,
Andrew, Matt, and I've been listening to J .D. Hall and a few others, Chris Rosebrough and so forth.
I'm finding that there's this correlation between the
USA and Australia. There's this very strong link in influence.
Absolutely. It is so strong. It is unbelievable.
Oh, yeah. America is not a good influence to the rest of the world. So I'm listening to you,
Matt, and now I know more so what I have to do.
Yeah, we have to fight. I'm trying at a level to, you know, to try and make people aware that this is what
I know about. It's linked with socialism and scriptural that these people think is so, so, you know, so I don't know.
I guess we just have to keep on fighting like you said, Matt and Andrew. So, yeah, we fight with the gospel.
I mean, look, if more Christians were out doing what we should be doing, sharing the gospel with people, and God saw fit to bring people to repentance, then what you'd see is politicians.
And Matt said this earlier in the show tonight. The politicians will pretend to be
Christian if they have to, because they are going to, you know, follow whatever is going to get them voted in.
Right. And so that's what politicians are going to do. So if they feel a majority of people are
Christian, they're going to pretend to be. I mean, Barack Obama pretended to be a
Christian. Why? He needed to to get elected. You go back in our founders. I mean, even Benjamin Franklin, who would probably be the only person we know from the founders that really was not a believer in God.
You know, it's questionable whether they try to say Thomas Jefferson wasn't, but that's questionable. But, you know, even
Jefferson, he would say that religion is a God is necessary for the running of the country.
You know, you need you need God for to have any understanding of morals. And what you end up seeing is that even even
Benjamin Franklin supported that argument and he wasn't a believer. So what you end up seeing is that the politicians will follow suit, you know, though, if there was enough of us out there and actually doing the work of evangelism.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, we we have got a we have got a
Christian prime minister now. Well, he says he is and he's certainly portrayed, you know.
So it'll be interesting to see what the next what the next two years will actually will actually look like in terms of of Christian Christian ideas or or rather Christian freedom, because we've got a situation going on here where one of the famous rugby players has been absolutely hammered because of freedom of of of speech.
He's a Christian. So it's in courts now and so forth. But it looks like he is going to win, which means that we will we will maintain a level of freedom of of of speech because it's a long and complicated thing.
But we're heading down the same way whereby in any time you rear your head and you say anything, it's hate speech or it's this or it is that, you know.
And and yet we find that this social mindset, this social view, this this this it's a communistic view.
They can say and do whatever they want. Well, let me let me explain some of what because this is actually something that most
Americans don't even realize had happened in the eight years that Barack Obama was president.
Barack Obama said he wanted to fundamentally change America. And he did in a way that most Americans don't even recognize today.
Here's what Barack Obama did. He worked with the Fortune 500 companies that have a worldwide influence and he worked with them.
And in some cases, the government subsidized them to push a political agenda.
And in pushing the political agenda that he wanted, it became a thing where anyone that works in those companies, they feel like they can't speak out against, you know, the liberal agenda because they can get fired for doing so.
And now you end up having these companies. I mean, think about it. Is it in the best interest of a company to be pushing homosexuality?
No, because there's a bunch of people that think it's wrong and they're going to lose them as as customers. That's the problem.
And so what you have is you have the government basically saying, here, go push the agenda.
We want a liberal agenda, socialist agenda, push this and we'll fund you if you lose money.
And therefore, it's like, hey, I'm guaranteed money, then I'm going to do it because it's now good business.
So what ends up happening? You see them pushing this. And now literally around the world because of this, you have all these companies that feel they have to be on the right side of history, which is defined by the liberals.
You want to be on the right side of history? Stop killing millions of babies. That's the right side of history. OK, yeah, but businesses are pushing the agenda.
And for people who work in a secular job, they recognize that at work.
You know, I have plenty of friends who tell me like when they they're at work and they sit like if they're going to say anything positive about Trump, it's like they first have to say, well,
I don't approve of everything he does. Do they ever talk about? No. It's like a hushed tone that you have to use if you say conservative nowadays.
And I don't understand, Andrew. I don't understand when I grew up in Africa under the apartheid government.
OK, but and we would I remember we my parents and other family members, they would chase work around the country just to provide.
OK, in the USA, a lot of these groups, the minority groups are better off now in terms of employment and everything else than ever before.
And they they are so ungrateful. I I just come back from Africa.
They would give their left and right arm to get a job that pays them a dollar more than the minimum wage.
Well, you know, I I don't understand. I am absolutely gobsmacked in that.
When you look at America's numbers, GDP, unemployment rates and everything else, and it is.
It is so deceiving that you know what I'm saying? The devil has deceived and put this blanket over them.
It is. I don't understand it. I know in Africa they would they would do anything to get a job that would earn them a dollar more than the minimum wage because they could do a whole lot more.
Right. Well, America's heading that way and it well.
There's some problems coming. There's some big problems coming.
Yeah. And it's, you know, look, social justice, the argument for social justice warriors.
It is a way of it's it's a way to sneak in communists or socialism. And that's the goal, to close an open system.
And unfortunately, it is an issue that we see in the church. I mean, the church is falling prey to it.
The church is that's why we put the statement out, the statement on social justice and the gospel.
The reason many of us felt it was important enough to to write a letter to John MacArthur to see if he would get behind it, because we've you know, we wanted someone that would have some weight.
And when he did, a bunch of the guys got together. They needed a smaller group that got together and hammered out the statement and the rest of us got to read it and approve it.
And it went out there. And the reason we felt it was so important is because the gospel message is being affected by the social justice warriors.
They're making issue not about people needing to get right with God, needing to come to repentance.
They're making it about making up for what has happened in the past. You know, things that, you know, for me,
I had nothing to do with slavery. I didn't own a slave. No one in my family generations owned a slave.
We, in fact, just a couple of generations ago, members of my family may have been slaves in Germany.
You know? Yes. My ancestors came over from Germany in the late 1800s. What was what was there?
What was the name? Because obviously, Slick was not the right thing. There was when they came over.
What was it? Our surname in our family history is Schlichting, S -C -H -L -I -C -H -T -I -N -G,
Schlichting. And you say it like in a German way, Schlichting. So it just became
Schlicht, Schlicht. It just became Schlicht. And then my dad's mother, just on a birth certificate, the doctor said, what's your last name?
And she said, Schlicht. And that's how we got the last name Schlicht. So there literally aren't that many
Schlichts in the world. And you had all daughters. So I guess the surname dies out with you and your brothers.
No, we've got – there's others, but yeah, there's others. There's other Slicks and stuff.
Believe it or not, there's other Matt Slicks in the country too. That's scary. Pretty slick,
Matt. Pretty slick. That's right. Hey, Andrew, can I chime in on what he was saying before, not to distract from the topic of social justice?
I'm going to use the restroom. I'm going to put myself on mute. I'll be listening. Yeah. And, Mark, if you don't mind muting yourself there when you're not talking because we've got a lot.
Thank you, Andrew. Thank you so much. If you have more questions, you can stick around and ask more. But go ahead, Cody. I was just going to say
Israel Folau was the rugby player who was persecuted for a fire removed from his rugby team and all that because of his – basically, he was just quoting –
I can't remember the verse. I think 1 Corinthians, but I also want to keep in mind that it's my understanding that he's a
Oneness Pentecostal, and we would consider that a non -Christian cult. So I wouldn't be quick to slap the label
Christian on him. Yeah. I would agree. Yeah, I heard the same thing.
Now, that was just my understanding. I can't – just something to check up on.
I think we tend to – and I'm not saying you're doing this at all. But I think in the culture, we have a tendency to really give a pass on people in the headlines that say that they're
Christians. Oh, well, we saw this some time ago. There was the kid who went to –
I forget where. And he was killed supposedly for his faith, but he was a
Oneness Pentecostal. People were praising him. Mark, I'm just –
I'm going to have to mute you. Okay, sorry about that, but we're getting a lot of feedback from you. But people were just saying, oh, look, here's someone who went to the mission field and got killed for his faith.
And they were upholding him as if he was a godly believer.
And then you look and find out he's a Oneness Pentecostal. We have the same thing with the pastor who went back to Iran, where he was from, and imprisoned there for years.
And everyone's – and I, too, was like, here's someone being imprisoned for his faith and this and that.
And what you end up finding out is he's actually a Oneness Pentecostal. Now, let's be clear about something with this.
Just because someone's a Oneness Pentecostal doesn't mean they're not a believer. Because you could have someone who is a
Oneness Pentecostal, and that's all they know. They haven't been taught anything else, and they haven't done enough studying to know anything different.
So there's a difference between someone who's been deceived versus someone who's deceiving.
If they know the truth of the Trinity, they understand the doctrinal arguments and still teach
Oneness Pentecostalism, that's a problem. But if that's all they know and they haven't been taught anything else,
I would say they could be a believer and deceived. But I also think the
Holy Spirit would bring them to a knowledge of the truth over time. Well, there's another point that's worth looking at is whether they're
Mormon or Roman Catholic or Jehovah's Witness or stuff, the idea that they represent religious faith or religious freedom and the whole, everybody's being persecuted.
And we, of course, don't approve of the cults, but the secular world doesn't understand the difference.
They're just lumping everybody into one big pile and persecuting the crap out of everybody. And this is a problem that is a real serious one.
But we Christians are the ones who have to stand up. Yeah, I agree with all that you guys said.
Thanks for letting me just chime in. Hey, Matt, for the sake of the—we have our traditional
Catholic friend here in YouTube arguing. Do you have a scheduled debate with Trent Horn?
No. Yep. So there goes that. I mean, this is the same guy that said you had to schedule a debate with some other
Catholic. I can't remember his name. Trent and I were supposed to talk about when
I get down to Arizona, and then we're supposed to go down and do some stuff there, but we had to postpone our move because of financial issues.
But actually, we're talking about picking a date later this year to move. So, you know, someone's saying he wanted the status of the scheduled debate.
Well, if there was a schedule, there'd be a date, and even Trent Horn would know that date.
Yes, it's just not happened yet. So simple logic. You know, when you say it's scheduled, it means there's actually a date.
I have a debate that may be coming up, and this is called a possible schedule, right? So September 25th.
I just don't know if I could do it that day, but this is going to sound familiar to you, Matt. You did this same topic with Matt Delahunty, and you actually chose the topic.
This is being chosen for me. Someone wants to debate me. Is secular humanism superior to Christianity?
So I'm going to probably end up doing that debate. I just got to check on the date and see if it's going to work.
I talked to Matt a couple of days ago, actually, on the phone. So, you know, down there in Austin.
So he said, yeah, he'd like to see us or whatever. Yeah, so you and I got to talk about seeing if we can get over, you know, maybe we should talk to Matt Delahunty and see if he'd be willing to do an early recording of his atheist experience.
And you and I'd come into studio and we sit down and chat with him. That could be fun. You know,
I don't know, because he usually records at 3 o 'clock. I heard a noise. Let me go check. I'll be back. You got it.
I just added Andrew. Boy, this is like, you know, Ozzie Fest or something here.
We have two folks from down under, both in the same night. So, you know.
Yeah, I thought I'd come on in and see what was going on. I haven't been able to get in the last couple of times.
Well, I wasn't sure if you were getting in today because I've been watching you in and out and in and out and in and out of along with a couple of others.
Well, was in and out. And Ed's been in and out. And I don't know if they had questions. I have no idea.
We've had connection issues. All I can put it down to is we're getting trying to get this new connection in, which isn't even in, which is about four or five years behind schedule.
So it's kind of outdated already, but they're still pushing it. But, yeah,
I was just going to come on to say Israel for now. He quoted, I think it's the first or second
Corinthians. It's the one where it talks about all the people that are going to hell. And he added at the end, unless they repent.
Now, Alan Joyce is the head of Qantas and Alan Joyce is gay, very openly gay.
There were lots of rumours about what happened. It was his father told him things like his father told him to not remove the post or else he'd go to hell.
These sorts of things standing up for Christianity. Even his wife, who is a netballer, she's played for the
Silver Ferns, the New Zealand team many times over. Yeah, it's a sport, netball, like basketball, but girls and with a different net and all sorts of different positions.
But, you know, they're coming out and they're distancing them.
Not only that, Israel Folau also has played AFL and Rugby League before coming to it.
And both of those codes have got strict hate speech laws now, too.
And they have said they won't take him back either. So that's just to clear all that sort of thing up.
And all he did was think. Yeah, well, that happened.
You know, this is a good book to get. And Matt, you'll have a couple of others. But 1984 is.
Oh, yeah. Well, it talks about Newspeak and where words don't have the same meanings as they do anymore.
And it's you know, they say one controls the past, controls the future. And that's actually that statement is brilliant.
Whoever controls the present controls the past. Whoever controls the past controls the future. It's really a brilliant statement, because if you control the present and you can make the past say whatever you want, and then you can convince people what the future is going to be based on the past that you're you're doing.
Yeah, I think another book that you offer is Fahrenheit. I think it's four, four, four, five, one.
Or it's the temperature in which Fahrenheit, 451, which paper burns.
Yes. And so that's another one. And there was another
I forget. Brave New World. Brave New World. You know, one one that I recommend with caveat is
Atlas Shrugged. It is a very thick book, but it is written by someone who is a libertarian.
She as far as the the the reality economically of what she saw, she came from Russia.
She was a Russian Jew that came over to America, became an author.
And she is very, very liberal when it comes to morality.
But very good when it comes to personal work, you know, getting paid for what you do, not having people able to rob you of your own work.
So, you know, the book itself, there's a lot of things in there I can't recommend. But as far as a political statement, it's very interesting.
You know, another interesting thing that most kids don't realize, there's a book called Hunger Games. It's a movie and the movie doesn't show the politics of it.
But when you read that book, it's actually a political book. And, you know, it's interesting that they didn't want to make that into the get that into the movie part.
But it really was a a book bashing socialism in looking at how socialism works.
And, you know, and it was for a younger generation. The problem is, is that it'll never be taught as being against socialism and where it leads.
But it was clear, you understand it as an adult. You read it, you can see where what it's saying.
Well, as an adult, I saw the movie and I watched it with a bunch of friends.
And my friend watched it and said, no, this is just too much for me. Just all the violence. Yeah. Yeah.
And all the shooting and all the killing and all the rest of it. We we didn't even make five minutes.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, I read the book.
So, yeah, the. Yeah. Yeah. And what else was
I going to say? Oh, yeah, I was going to go right back to some things you were saying before as well. Just in the matters of porn.
And I typed in that I used to be an addict and. Well, I was. And to an extent,
I still am. But I'm trying to get through that one. And I wanted to say it's very real and very scary for those who haven't gone through it.
But that having said that, I would say don't go through it because it will destroy you. Well, it does a lot of damage.
A lot of people don't want to think about it. You know, it will destroy marriages, you know, because people have a wrong view of the marriage relationship.
You know, it's, you know, it becomes a real problem. Yeah. And that's what the secular psychologists are actually finding sort of now and recently.
It actually destroys the reasoning function of the brain and rewires literally the brain so that your brain sees the images.
And over time, your mind is dumbed into a physiological change in the brain.
Yes. It's just what happens. It becomes wired for that. And then you have to go back through the rewiring process of that rewiring process and rewire the brain again.
And the brain can do that, which is truly amazing. Yes. Yeah. And that's the thing that, you know, it's, you know, people say, well, how do you rewire your brain?
I, you know, one brilliant thing I heard someone say, just read scripture. A lot of it. Okay. Start opening your apologies library.
That's another one. Say it again. I didn't hear it. Start by opening your apologies library if you have one.
And if you haven't got one, get one. That would be my advice. Apologetics library.
Apologetics library. Your library. Apologetics related like you.
You and Andrew are going to have massive amounts of that because that's what you do. Whereas someone like me for many years, my own, my, my library consisted of willing to believe by R .C.
Sproul until I got a collection of books, which
I found last year. And I found those helpful. Well, but listening to Apologetics live would be good too.
Yes. Yes. And this helps me because I go to you and I go to there's another guy into the rock does his stuff on Facebook as well.
He's a former addict, not of porn, but of drugs and all that sort of stuff. He's very interesting.
And, of course, all of the other Apologetics channels, both Malone and Dave, David Wood, those sorts of guys.
So, all right. So we don't have anyone else in here, Matt, and we're about time to start wrapping up.
I don't know if there's anything that you you want to speak about or anything going on.
Any new articles? I know you're going to start working on slavery. I started, but because of things that happened that you and I know about with CARM, I've not been able to open that back up again.
I've been doing all kinds of other stuff. But I have finished a sci -fi novel, and I'm in the process of going through the edits.
I needed a break from theology because there's so much pressure. I like sci -fi, so I wrote a sci -fi novel.
So I'm working on that. But other than that, there's not a whole bunch going on except everything. All right.
So we know for folks who are watching this live, it'll be too late by the time this comes out in podcast form.
But this weekend, if you're in New Jersey, the Equipped Jersey Conference, the
Jersey Shore, just go to equippedjersey .org, get the info there. It will be the speakers at Striving for Eternity.
Also, we're going to do a simulcast with Ray Comfort doing a Q &A for a bit. One of the things we'll have to ask him is how he's feeling because,
Matt, I don't know if you know, but he has been in and out of the hospital. I think he visited his hospital seven times.
He was having kidney stones. They couldn't figure out what it was. And it actually was a kidney stone that implanted itself into the wall, the lining.
And so they couldn't just remove it. And they had to put a tube in. It was a whole ordeal.
But he says he's doing better. He texted me tonight. He said he's doing better. So that's good. End of the month, you and I will be headed down to Austin, Texas.
So we'll be down there. I don't know. I had a very busy earlier part of the year.
Let's see. I'm trying to see what I have. I have some local events. August 7th to the 11th,
I'll be in New York City for a pen witness of Angeline Boot Camp. That's my favorite, favorite event.
We go into New York City. And you've been there, Matt. You've been some places we like to go, Union Square, Washington Square Park, and just do a lot of evangelism.
So that's good. And then in October, I'll be back out in California. I got to book those flights. Yikes. And hotel.
So, yeah. Folks, if you want to help with either
Striving Fraternity or CARM, you can go to our website, strivingfraternity .org, slash donate.
If you want to donate at Striving Fraternity. If you want to donate to CARM, just go to CARM .org and click the
Donate button, and you can donate there. Both ministries would be glad to have your support, but especially glad to have the support in prayer.
Folks who may know, Matt and I are kind of transparent type of people. We don't pretend to be someone we're not just because there's a mic on.
And so you hear some of the things that we've been going through. Matt and his wife have been going through quite a bit.
I'm going to – I will be visiting some doctors. I had an infection that we're not sure why.
It's an infection you usually don't have until you're in your 70s or 80s, so they're kind of concerned about it.
Hope it's not epididymitis. It's which? Hope it's not epididymitis.
He loves words I have no idea. He probably makes them up half the time.
That's a real word, epididymitis. Sorry.
It's an inflammation of the epidural layer within the testes. I don't even want to know why you know these things.
Okay? And then you think it's funny? It is funny. It's working a hospital too, so you pick up stuff.
Okay. Okay, this tells us something about Matt Sleck, folks, if you haven't figured it out. Matt Sleck is – it's like he – this is his third -grade humor, but they didn't pick words in third grade.
So even his explanations – Well, at least you can't get dysmenorrhea. That's good. You don't want dysmenorrhea.
That'd be worse for you. And he cracks himself up with it.
Because only women could get that one. It's the darkest part of comedy.
It's the higher intelligence. What if I identify as a woman? You still can't get it.
It's painful menstruation, dysmenorrhea. Easy way of saying things.
Matt will know it. Folks, I mean that's the funnier part.
I don't know where I – I pick these words up from all over. I just – what's that? Well, it's not endometriosis.
What? It's dysmenorrhea. What the hell? That's right. Okay. All right.
Now, if you got that out of your system – I did. I enjoyed that. That was fun. He'd frown again.
Huh? Go ahead and frown. Let's see if it's a – what letter it is of the Hebrew. Okay, the
C? This kind of looks like a Chinese thing, too. But anyway, check it out. Oh, now you're going to say it has something to do with my wife, eh?
I see how it is. No, it looks like a little thing, like a little – I don't know how to check character.
But I think it's a Hebrew letter. It's got to be a Hebrew letter. It's pi. See, that's it.
It's pi. It's got to be a pi. Yeah, it is a pi thing. Go ahead. Yeah. All right. Oh, it'd be
Greek. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Well, my name – Andrew is a Greek name.
I got named after my grandmother, Anna, or great -grandmother, Anna. Andrew seemed like the most
Jewish name, starting with A. I don't know. Yeah, so anyway, there are some debates that we're trying to set up on here for folks who want – if folks want to set up a formal debate with either
Matt or I, you can contact me at strivingforattorney .org. There's a contact page. Just let us know, and we'll set that up.
But for some people who want to come in here and start debating, like the one guy a couple weeks ago, Matt, it usually is something where we want to agree to a debate first, and in a case of saying, hey, come on in, and let's discuss it, meaning let's discuss whether we could actually have a debate, a guy like that other time was just like a bull in a china shop.
Yeah, they certainly happen like that, don't they? Yeah. I'll give one credit to the guy, though. I will do this.
I'll give one credit to the guy before we sign off today, and that's this. There's a thing that I do, Matt, with a lot of folks who you see online, and they have such pride issues, and you could see it.
And I've probably done this hundreds of times, and that guy from several weeks ago is the only one that this didn't work on.
But I will say to a person that you seem to have a pride issue, but I'll let you prove it to yourself.
I'm not going to read whatever you post. I'm not going to read it. I'm not going to respond to it.
But if you have to respond, that's called pride. If you now know
I'm not going to read it and you respond, that's called pride because you just have to get those words out. And the guy was emailing me back and forth, these long emails, and trying to say how wrong you were for not debating him and how wrong
I was for making him wait an hour and a half when I never set up a debate. And basically, when he gave us the middle finger, and then he was cursing me in the emails and saying he was a
Christian. But either way, the thing that ended up happening is I said to him, I told him the same thing.
And you know what? I told him, I'm not going to read. If you respond to me, I won't read it. I won't be responding.
If you feel compelled to respond to me, then you know you have a pride issue. And he actually didn't respond back.
Hoisted by his own petard. Yeah. I mean, it is kind of an interesting thing because sometimes the pride of a person you'd think would keep them from responding back because they don't want you to know they're prideful.
But yeah, he was the only one in hundreds that actually decided not to respond.
But it is kind of funny that you say that to people and they still respond. That's right. Okay. Sure.
Whatever. So I do want to encourage folks to check out this
Apologetics Live is a podcast. If you're listening to it on podcast form, it's one of the growing number of podcasts on the
Christian podcast community. And let me bring that list up. We talked about Five Solas. That's one of the podcasts as part of the
Christian podcast community. We have Theology Gals, Apologetics Live, which is this one.
So You Want to Be a Podcaster, which is a podcast for podcasters. I mentioned Five Sola podcast. We have
What Are You Even Doing Here, which is the Updikes. This one you'll be familiar with, Matt. One of the newer podcasts to join is
The Way Radio with Chad Pridmore. Oh, good. Yeah. So he's going to be podcasting again.
He used to podcast and he's back and he's on the Christian podcast community. And the newest one is
Everyday Ministry podcast with James White. Not Dr.
James White, the other James White. Probably a bunch of James Whites. And actually,
I should correct that because that's no longer the newest one. The newest one is called
Prescribing Truth podcast with Jamal Brandy. And for the folks who were wanting to talk about social justice,
I would recommend you check out Jamal's podcast, Prescribing Truth podcast. He does an excellent, excellent job with the issues of social justice.
He is an African American, so he gets called all kinds of names like Uncle Tom and all this. But he does an outstanding job with social justice.
So that's a podcast. That's the newest one that's going to be added on soon. And so check that out.
Some affiliates we have is the Blue Stocking Baptist, two Baptist females doing a show to ladies.
And then Are You Just Watching? That's one that Matt Slick should be listening to. They do it once a month.
They take a different Hollywood movie and just give a Christian review of that movie. So if you want to check out those podcasts or the growing number of podcasts, check out christianpodcastcommunity .org.
If you want to think about joining that growing list, if you're a podcaster, go to christianpodcastcommunity .com
and click on the link that says that you'd want to consider podcasting.
So that's how you could get there. My podcast, I don't think I even mentioned it, Rap Report. So check that out.
Maybe one day we'll get Matt on there. No, that would ruin the ratings. Probably would ruin it.
Yeah, maybe we shouldn't do that. So we appreciate those who came in and asked the questions.
Folks, if you have questions, every Thursday night we're trying to do this. The reason we give you the website, apologexlive .org,
is because, well, as we said in the beginning of the show, we may be making changes to the format here as Google is forcing that to happen.
And so, oh, Traditional Catholic says, I'd be happy to continue the baptism debate with Matt using the same rules and format we had before.
There's plenty of scriptures I didn't bring up in our first debate. So Matt, if you're open to that, maybe
Traditional Catholic can contact me. I mean, I have a great debate question.
I'd love to debate Traditional Catholic, and that is whether he's actually Catholic. I mean, it's kind of funny because if we think about it,
Matt, the Catholic Church teaches that their tradition and the
Church itself is an authority, correct? Yep. Yet he doesn't believe that the current
Pope is a Catholic. He's a set of a cantist, yeah. But isn't the
Pope the one that would be setting the rules? So how could he, as an individual who isn't allowed to have private interpretation, able to make the judgment that the
Church has already made? He'd be going with Trent or some stuff before the 60s, back in 2.
But it's still the same Church that made the decision. Unless he's saying his
Church fell away and they're no longer the Church. Actually, that's a good point. How is it that the Roman Catholic Church went into apostasy according to a set of a cantist?
Yeah, and that would be a fun debate. Maybe Traditional Catholic, maybe we could set that one up with Matt, if you'd like to take that as a...
I would love to see that debate because I think he kind of loses right out of the gate because he has to argue for a
Church that he doesn't believe in now. So if you want to set that debate up, that would be fine.
Contact me. You can go to strivingforeternity .org. Go to the contact page. It's under Contact Us.
And you'd be able to get a hold of me. That'll get to me and I will email you back.
So until next week, I don't know if we're going to... He wants to set up a debate for next week. I'll see.
We'll see how our schedules work. But until next week, just remember to strive to make today an eternal day for the glory of God.