12 Day of Charity - Nelson's Rudolph and Oh Brother!

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:) 3 My biggest fan(s) :)


Romans 13 and Christians Praising Caesar For Arresting Pastors

Romans 13 and Christians Praising Caesar For Arresting Pastors

12 days of Christmas charity All right, well
I wasn't I was trying to think Who can I do for the the last two days of Christmas charity?
And I was thinking and I was thinking and I was thinking and I was thinking and I couldn't think of anybody That I liked that didn't like me, but I think
I found It's technically one person. I believe let's get rid of this. It's technically one person
I believe but it but it's actually but he presents himself as two people He's got either a split personality or something going on.
I don't really know what's going on but what you're looking at right now is the comment section of my youtube channel on the back end and What you'll see here is this is these are messages that are notated by YouTube as likely spam
So I very rarely check back here, but there's a guy Who comments on so many of my videos he's probably my biggest fan
He probably watches all of my videos and and and and lest you think he's just commenting to troll
He doesn't actually watch him. No, he actually sometimes will reference things I said in the middle of those videos, so I know he watches almost every minute.
So thank you for that I don't I can't say I like you as a person you seem pretty vile to me
But the fact that you are so dedicated to my content. I have to appreciate that So, thank you
Nelson's Rudolph What this guy does is he just copies and pastes the same comment over and over and over and over again
Sometimes they'll tweak it a little bit But it's just the same drumbeat over and over if you look at any of my videos chances are
Nelson's Rudolph has commented on it Something like this Why are you supporting white supremacy?
You're okay with destroying the earth funny You've reduced Christianity down to Trump ism Though you try to pretend you don't support his white nationalist rhetoric like many
James White and MacArthur Evangelicals do and you're a jackass China is socialist and they pollute more than anyone else.
She knows that you big dummy Those comments are very typical.
Let me read you another one. This is from Oh brother his alter ego I think he explained this to me once I can't remember but I think
Oh brother is what he uses to watch YouTube on his phone and Nelson's Rudolph is how he watches
YouTube on his computer So he actually watches me wherever he goes at home on his computer on his cell phone, you know, wherever you on the go
He's watching ad and commenting on his videos this man also comments on a lot of James White videos a lot of John MacArthur videos a lot of Doug Wilson videos and That's his whole shtick
Anyway, here is By the way watch to the end because I'm gonna reveal something else interesting about this character
Doug Wilson who wrote a book glamorized in American slavery said rape hardly ever happened SMH Doug Wilson is also criticizing blacks for leaving predominantly white churches during this surge of white nationalism under Trump and there are a lot of Latinos including
Puerto Ricans and Cuban proud -boy leader from Miami who aligned themselves with white nationalism You are absolutely wrong
The South left the Union before Lincoln was inaugurated and they fired on Fort Sumter Doug Wilson and Teddy's topic who were both original primary senators on the first page of the white supremacist anti -social
Disesteem and are pro -confederates and I know Talbot doesn't believe in the 14th amendment The South wanted to expand slavery and even took other territories like,
Texas Which had been free and made them slave state to the South and plans to expand slavery So when Lincoln was elected they left the Union before he was even inaugurated
Slaveholders were killing people again. Blah blah blah blah blah. He just goes on and on he posts a lot of links I don't know what he thinks he's doing.
I don't listen to and I don't read any of these comments Except when I'm making fun of them. I don't click his links.
I don't click strange links. I Think he thinks he's accomplishing something. I don't know but I appreciate you.
Oh brother. I appreciate you Nelson's Rudolph You are I think unquestionably my biggest fan you watch more content than I think probably anyone on this planet
So, thank you The other thing about this guy is he one time called my church. Oh Man he called my pastor and he sent this very angry message.
He also called me a couple times Very angry message about how evil I am and blah blah blah blah blah really funny stuff.
That's the that's the extra part about him He's gone the extra mile. He's taking it beyond YouTube to Tell my pastor that I'm a naughty boy
Anyway, this concludes the 12 days of Christmas charity I'll see you next year, by the way, these videos these 12 days of charity videos people really don't like them they've gotten very little views and Mike my
Mike subscriber count has pretty steadily gone up, you know a couple a day I'll get a I'll gain a couple subscribers a day nothing crazy
But and I very rarely lose subscribers in a day in a given day But I'll tell you right now the last six months
There's been three days that I've lost subscribers and it's been every single one of them has been a day I dropped one of these charity videos
So maybe I shouldn't be charitable anymore. Oh I hope this was helpful.