Theology Doesnt Seem to Matter Much Anymore, Eh Mohler?

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Alright, well I've heard this one is juicy, but before we begin, let me just say, welcome to Friday.
Hopefully you made it through the week unscathed and productive and all of that sort of thing.
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I guess. Patronage membership? I don't know. But anyway, somebody said this was juicy, and this has to do with the new president of the
Southern Baptist Convention's questionable orthodoxy on the Trinity. Apparently a question was asked at the convention about this very thing, and Al Mohler didn't really seem to want to answer it, and neither really did
Ed. So I don't really know. I heard this was interesting. I was given the timestamp, so hopefully this is interesting, and I'll give you my take as I normally do.
2A, a question for Dr. Mohler. You have been an incredible influence upon me, and you have taught us for so many years that theology matters.
I have a question regarding the educational content that we are giving to graduates of Southern Seminary.
My question to you is, does Southern Seminary teach that the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are parts of God?
The reason why I ask that is because when I went on Ed Litton's website for his church, that is in the first paragraph on the doctrine of God, and he got two degrees from Southern Seminary.
So far as I know, and I cannot speak to my brother, the newly elected, soon -to -be president of the
Southern Baptist Convention, but Southern Seminary cannot claim him as an alumnus.
I'm absolutely certain that he will want to answer that question, also absolutely certain he's faithful.
Okay, so... Thank you. Okay, I just wanted to make sure that was a full answer.
So that's interesting. That is a very interesting response from Al Mohler.
So he kind of ducks. He doesn't really answer. The person who sent me this clip was exactly right.
He kind of gloms on to the fact that maybe there was some miscommunication about where he graduated, but that really wasn't the question.
The question wasn't really, did he graduate from Southern Seminary, although that was, you know,
I guess a mistake, I don't know, allegedly. I like to use the word allegedly these days. Allegedly that he didn't go there.
He was alleging that he did, but that's not really the important part. Sure, that was how the question was couched, but the important part is the fact that what he just described there is an unorthodox view of the
Trinity. That's not correct. What's the heresy called?
Partialism, where it's like there's three parts of God, and one part is the father, the other part is the
Holy Spirit, the other part is the son, and then when you put them together, then it creates
God, sort of like Voltron. You know what I mean? Every part of Voltron isn't Voltron.
They've got one part's the hand, one part, and they put them together, then it's Voltron. That's not how it is.
Each person of the Trinity is fully God, right? So that's unorthodox.
What I found interesting there, though, is Al Mohler's response, where he says, I'm absolutely—was absolutely confident that he's faithful.
And what's interesting about that is like, okay, maybe you are, I mean, I don't know, but that doesn't really answer the question, because based on this view of the
Trinity, how could you be absolutely confident that he's faithful? Now, I guess he could be assuming that it's a mistake, but that's a pretty big mistake, especially for a doctrinal statement.
And it's not like these doctrinal statements are typically very long. Like I haven't been to Ed Litton's website, or his church's website, but if it's like a normal church, usually they're pretty basic.
You know what I mean? I remember when I was starting my church plant, we had a meeting, and we discussed each point, and there was like,
I don't know, 10, 15 points, something like that, that we put on our website or statement of faith. And even though it wasn't that much, we were very careful to word them the right way, to scripture reference them the right way, and we had some debate on how we would word things and stuff like that.
It wasn't just willy -nilly. And so I have to assume that Ed Litton's church wasn't taking it willy -nilly either, and so that wording of the parts of God, you know, like Voltron, that was probably done very intentionally and carefully.
And you know, I'm assuming it wasn't unilateral, I'm assuming there was meetings and all this kind of stuff.
I mean, have you ever been to a meeting where they're changing the bylaws? It takes a lot of effort. But Al Mohler, though, he's absolutely sure that he's faithful.
How? Well, he's Southern Baptist. I mean, he signed the Baptist Faith and Message. I'm sure that's probably what he would reference, which is, of course, nonsense.
But yeah, you can't speak ill of a Southern Baptist. I mean, obviously every Southern Baptist is faithful, unless, you know, they're a fundamentalist.
Then they're not. Anyway, let's continue. Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
I was thinking of the Master of Divinity. He does have a Doctor of Ministry degree from Southern Seminary. I just about failed in that massively.
He is a doctoral graduate of Southern Seminary. I still stand by my statement. I'm sure he will want to make that very clear.
I'm not sure what's on his statement. I'm sure he's faithful. This is amazing. This is the mentality that has to be destroyed, guys.
I'm not sure what's on his statement, but I'm sure he's faithful. But what if there's something unfaithful on his statement?
How can you be sure if you're not sure what's on his statement? And the reality is, this dude just read it to you.
So it's like, now you know, right? Like, now I'm telling you what is on his statement, and you're still saying, well,
I don't know what's on his statement, even as I'm telling you, so I guess you don't believe me. Fine. You don't have to believe everything you hear. But then if now there's got to be some element of doubt here,
I mean, you have to assume you don't think he would be making it up. But he's not sure what's on his statement is faithful, but he's sure he's faithful.
That's very strange. And what's interesting here is that Al Mohler interrupted
J .D. Greer to make sure to get out. Well, I guess he did go to Southern, you know what I mean? I guess he did get a doctorate at Southern.
So this dude was right, Al was wrong, but he's definitely not wrong about his faithfulness, even though he doesn't know what he says on his website, which this guy just told him and all of that.
This mentality, this kind of good old boys club where you circle the wagons and you defend a
Republican or you defend a Democrat no matter what, this has to be destroyed. Like this crew here, they don't care what each other they will defend each other no matter what.
That's what this crew is all about. And that that mentality has to be destroyed. It has to be.
That was a very interesting man. I'm so glad, dude, whoever I know who sent this to me, but I'm not going to name you.
Thank you. This is this was way more interesting than you let on. I just remind you to make sure you can see
Danny Aitken in the back. He's like, he's like, yeah, of course. He's totally faithful. I mean, I don't know. I don't know what he says either. But he's definitely faithful.
Failed in that massively. Look, if I failed in that massively, I almost I forgot that he was a
Southern. You know, he came into Southern. Massive failure, but definitely still faithful. Look at look at Danny Aitken's little face here.
He is a doctoral graduate of Southern Seminary. I still stand by my statement. I'm sure he will want to make that very clear.
I'm not sure what's on his statement. I'm sure he's faithful. Oh, yes. Amen. I definitely, definitely faithful.
Oh, yeah, totally. I don't know what he said, but totally, totally. He definitely said the right thing. I don't know what he said, but he said the right thing.
I mean, we know that. I just remind you to make sure we direct our questions to Dr. Mohler about Southern Seminary. That actually is why he did couch it that way, because he asked specifically about a
Southern Seminary graduate who at least presumably has an unorthodox view of the Trinity on his website.
So it was a question about Southern Seminary, but J .D. Greer's got a, you know, he's got a muscle in there.
I got a circle in the wagon. You know, I ain't paying no wagon, gonna paint it good, ain't bragging, we're gonna paint that wood.
That's a Simpson song. That's weird. My name is Ed Litton. I'm the pastor of Redemption Church.
Here's the man himself. Everyone is thrilled. He's about to respond to the question on the
Trinity. I'm assuming he's pulling up his website here so he can tell you what's on there and he can explain it and all of that.
Maybe it's not. Maybe he... It's not like Voltron. Maybe this guy misunderstood what
I was saying. You're a statesman and your statesman role in our convention led us to make the revisions of the
Baptist Faith and Message 2000. You are a leading voice in cultural issues. You have a faithful commitment to this
SBC family. It is in your veins. And we thank you for your humble service at every opportunity that the
Lord God has given you to serve us. You're a gift from God to us and to the greater world of those disciples who wanna grow nearer to the heart of our
Savior. Through all of your work and all of your life, you have served us well.
And the scripture says, give honor where honor is due. And sir, you are due great honor.
Thank you, sir. Thank you. That can't be it, can it?
My dear brother. That can't be it, can it? If I may just speak back, thank you so much.
God bless you all. Thank you. That was one of the most gracious statements.
And it is good and healthy for the Southern Baptist Convention to hear brothers speak as we will speak of one another.
I want to congratulate you publicly upon your election as president of the Southern Baptist Convention.
You will lead us with honor and we will follow with honor. It is the great, great joy of my life to be entrusted with the stewardship of the
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. And I am committed to you and to this institution and to all
Southern Baptists for the length of my days. God bless you all. Thank you. As noted, the time allotted for Southern Seminary.
That can't be real. Is that it?
Okay, so let's rewind this and just kind of think this through.
I'm breaking out my George Gammon there. Let's think this through. So a man gets up and says, hey,
Al Mueller, you know, you're the president of the Southern Seminary. Like, what's being taught there?
Because, you know, the new president of the Southern Baptist Convention apparently thinks God is like Voltron.
So, like, is that what you're teaching at Southern Seminary? And then Al Mueller, okay, so that's the first thing. So now a very serious charge has been brought up, right?
And he said it's on his website. I'm not just saying that he says this. It's on his website. So then
Al Mueller says, he didn't go to Southern Seminary. Plus, you know, I'll let him speak for himself. I know that he's faithful.
Then he's about to speak for himself, and then Al Mueller interrupts him and says, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on, hold on. He did go to Southern Seminary.
So that was a lie. The lie detector test determined that was a lie more than one time.
Then he says, I'm sure Ed Litton's going to want to answer for himself, but I don't know what's on his website, but I know he's faithful.
This is a serious charge. This is a charge of heresy, because God's not like Voltron.
So then Ed Litton, the man himself, stands up. And then all he says is,
Al Mueller, you're the greatest guy around. And this guy's just been accused of believing that God is sort of like Voltron, where you've got the
Holy Spirit is the arm, and then Jesus is the other arm, and then
I guess God the Father would be the rest of it, because he's the father, so I guess he's got to take care of the rest of the body of God.
That's, of course, because God doesn't have a body like men, but whatever. This is my example.
Each is a part of God. So together, they're not totally God, but when they put them together, each is a part of God that creates
God. That's heresy, obviously. And so he's just been accused of that on his website.
The guy wasn't rude. He just was like, dude, this is on his website. Is this what they're teaching at Southern Seminary?
Then J .D. Greer butts in and says, well, keep your questions about Southern Seminary. Well, this is about Southern Seminary. He went there.
And then Ed Litton stands up and just says, and all he says is, Al, you're the greatest guy ever. You're so faithful, and you're the best.
And then Al Mohler says, well, you're the best at it. Back at you, man. No, you're the best. You rock, and you know that.
And then that's it. Except that's not it. Because then, a few hours later, that part was scrubbed from his website.
The part where he teaches that God is essentially like Voltron. You got each part, and they come together, and they create
Voltron. He scrubbed it from the website. He took it off the Statement of Faith, and he changed it to an
Orthodox Statement of Faith. So what are we to make of this?
I mean, either he somehow just saw the light within a couple hours that he's been teaching a heretical doctrine for his entire life, and then after he gets called in it, he doesn't say anything about it, and then an hour later, he changes his mind, and he's now totally
Orthodox. Or he didn't know that that was unorthodox. He has a doctorate, but he didn't know, which doesn't say much for Southern.
But even so, even if he did change his mind in that three hours, is he able to just unilaterally change his church's
Statement of Faith at will? Whatever he wants to do, he can just change it, and it's down in three hours?
That doesn't seem like a very good process or procedure for a church, but what do
I know? I'm just a layman. Anyway you slice it, guys. This is not good.
Either he didn't know, or he made a mistake, or he didn't put that much effort and thought and time and care into the
Statement of Faith. Okay, I mean, people make mistakes, but this is the president of the
Southern Baptist Convention. Anyway you slice this, guys, this is not good.
And I think that an organization that will defend this or pretend like it didn't happen is insane.
That's insane. Why would you want to be a part of that? Yesterday on Reform Jellicle, Matt was saying how he was thinking about his advice for leaving the
SBC at this point. And at the time, I was kind of squished about that. I said I would leave, but I didn't say you should leave.
I wouldn't try to convince you to leave. But I don't know about that anymore. I don't know about that anymore. I think Matt was right. I think
Matt was right. I don't think you should be unequally yoked like this. Because Al Mohler might not care if there's a heretical doctrine of the
Trinity on the Southern Baptist Convention president's church website. He might not care because he's got that secret knowledge of it.
He's totally faithful. But you should care because you don't have that secret knowledge that Al Mohler has that can tell that someone's faithful even as they have unfaithful, unorthodox statements of faith on their church websites.
As long as the guy's willing to stand up in the next minute and say what a great guy Al Mohler is, he'll look the other way.
I've got some words for what was going on there with that, you're a great guy, no, you're a great guy kind of thing. But being a
Christian man, I can't say them. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. There's going to be one more to come.