Smooth AD Watches a Russell Moore Video

AD Robles iconAD Robles


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Hey there, this is AD Robles again. I wanted to do another video, and I just wanted to be
You know always practicing my new Persona, that's right, and I decided to go on to Russell Moore's new
YouTube channel. Did you know that dr. Russell Moore opened up his own YouTube channel? That's right.
He's not just on the ERLC channel anymore He has his own YouTube channel and here it is. I gotta say
I'm quite impressed with it. It's already got 2 ,465 subscribers now, that's a lot.
That's a lot, baby. That's right It took me almost two years to get to 2 ,000 subscribers, and he's already got 2 ,465.
I have to say I'm a little jelly. A little bit jelly. Let me just go ahead and subscribe to his channel here
Remember if you like the content of anyone's channel It always does a lot of help to go ahead and subscribe let them know that you're listening because otherwise
We just don't even know that you're listening, so I'm just gonna check out his YouTube channel Let's see let's listen to the the welcome video this one looks like it's might be pretty good
Hello, my name is Russell Moore welcome to our YouTube channel I'm gonna be a lot of content on this page dealing with it
We just stop it right there, and I just gotta say how much I appreciate the music. It's just very calm It's very very serious.
I love that kind of music You know it's a lot of a lot of a lot of gospel centered media has music like that You know it kind of sits very winsome puts you in a nice very suggestive
Suggestive yeah, but you know nice suggest suggestive Frame of mind which I appreciate it also kind of sounds like the same kind of music you would hear in a corporate training video you ever watch one of those like maybe like you get a job at Wendy's and They have a training video and teach you how to how to make the burgers and how to interact with customers it always has music
Like this I wonder if there's any science behind it makes it If you want people to listen to you use music like this wondering variety of issues answering your questions about Everything ranging from animals go to heaven to extra terrestrials
Extraterrestrials this channel is gonna be better than I thought Do animals go to heaven and extraterrestrials?
I mean this is this is gonna be some hard -hitting hot takes very important stuff here challenge the truthfulness of The Bible all the way over to questions about morality and ethics politics
And whatever is on your mind with a lot of other content as well So hope that you'll subscribe to the channel and that you already done, baby.
Don't even worry about it I definitely was gonna subscribe to this channel as soon as I heard about it I knew I had to subscribe, but I gotta say is you know
I appreciate this It looks like he's gonna have a little fun with it. It's not just gonna be all serious stuff Not gonna be all serious, well some people take you know like aliens and animals very seriously
So I guess you could argue that that's serious, too But it seems like he's gonna have a little fun with it And I appreciate that as someone who's been known to have a little fun in his
YouTube channel as well Well, I'll join the conversation with us about issues that matter
Interesting interesting I know I'm good. I gotta give him credit. I mean this is this looks like it's gonna be really good You know and I think we probably take a look at some of these videos as you can see
I've already watched a few of Them and you know needless to say that I I thought they were pretty good And so yeah,
I mean I'm not even watch aliens. Yeah, maybe I'll watch that one later We'll see this one was pretty good, too You know let's just pick this up where I where I left off and see us that there never was a place called
Jerusalem now you have an issue of discipleship of biblical authority and Even before that though you are teaching and preaching through principles in Scripture That are shaping and forming the consciences there
You do not need to be a an expert in hedge fund Management in order to shape the conscience of a hedge fund manager to act with integrity and not to defraud people
Hey, that's that's actually very accurate. I would agree with that. That's very true I mean you don't have to have an expertise in all kinds of things in order to To to shape laws that are just and all that kind of thing.
I think that's what he's talking about I kind of came in in the middle So not really sure but but this is a direct refutation of of Lecrae's tweet the other day if you remember the crazed tweet
He said well I'm not a woman, but and I'm not an expert on policy And then he went on to bemoan the the the law the the anti -abortion law.
That's crazy, man That's it's real crazy. You want to know how you don't have any clue what you're talking about be against an anti -abortion law
And As you're doing this you will speak to some issues with prophetic authority
With an authority that is rooted in Scripture. You shall not kill
That's what I'm talking about. You shall not enslave Whoa, whoa
Whoa Dr. Moore Hey, that's not in the
Bible. Let's just be honest about that. Yeah, I always wonder about that You know people always talk about about slavery like it's the ultimate sin, and I gotta be honest with you
I don't know if I'm reading the same Bible you're reading Because in my Bible it has all kinds of laws about slavery and regulating it, but one of the things that does not say dr
Moore and I'm trying to be smooth when I say this it does not say thou shalt not enslave
That's not one of the Ten Commandments, sir The others issues that you're going to speak with from principles of Scripture But you're not going to all come down on the same place as to how those principles can be applied
That's very true But we got to be careful though because you know and here's the thing what he's talking about here is how there's you know
We talk about the law of God and we talk about justice We want to have you know a direct law that we could point to like thou shalt not kill for example
That's all you need to establish the fact that we should probably outlaw murder Probably, but anyway, and then there's other things that are good in what the
Westminster Confession calls We'll good and necessary consequences of the scripture, baby You know what I'm talking about and so what that would be is something that you can infer you can extrapolate from Scripture But the scripture doesn't directly address it like for example for example.
We would say something like this It's well. It's immoral to have sex with a robot Right I mean
I think all of us Christians can agree that if they had a robot brothel that you would Be morally obligated to not go to the more robot brothel
That being said the scripture does not directly address it So how do we justify that and so what we do is we look at the good and necessary Consequences of the scripture and dr.
Moore is correct that there is a debate to be had there But just because we do not fall on the same side of those laws does not mean that there's not a correct answer there is
Absolutely a correct answer. We need to talk about it. We need to debate it and see who's using rationality logic and reason in order to Figure out this better Than their opponents, and we need to debate these issues
That's one of the reasons why I want to talk about these things, baby. You know what I'm saying And Then there are going to be other issues that you're going to leave to the consciences of the people in your congregation
In the same way that we do when it comes to personal morals There are some issues in the congregation that someone comes to you and says my conscience
Doesn't allow me to eat meat. What does the Apostle Paul say don't force that person to eat meat
Just see to it that the people who eat only vegetables and the people who eat meat don't bind one another's consciences
Yeah, I got to be honest with you. I I Completely agree with you. I mean especially because you know, there's a lot of Hardcore militaristic vegans out there pay attention to what dr.
Moore saying. I like vegetables as much as the next guy But that bacon is good, too
You will have some people in your Congregations who have their kids in public schools and some people who have their kids in Christian schools and some people who have their kids in in homeschools and You do not come in and say here is the schooling option that we have chosen for our church
Oh, hold on a second there. Dr. Moore again. I think we need to have a little bit of a conversation here because the reality is that there's no such thing as Public money and those public schools are paid for with public money, which isn't a real thing
All public money is is money that's been taken by force from well from a regular
Joe like me And so yes, there actually is something that we can say as a as a Christian Church about public schools.
They shouldn't exist They shouldn't exist unless they're funded by voluntary contributions, which they are most certainly not
So no, we see this is the thing I was kind of with dr. Moore up until he started giving examples and that that's what usually happens in this social justice conversation everything that Dr.
Moore will say up front about the general principles, you know, you you feel real good about it because hey, I'm against racism, too
I'm against all that. I'm against oppression Yeah, absolutely, and you're with him and and then that's the thing and then you go with him
And then you hear the specifics and you're like, well, hey, wait a minute. Dr. Moore The Bible doesn't say thou shalt not enslave someone you see that's that's the sneaky part
You always got to pay attention to what he says because at first you might think I agree with him But then when you start to hear the specific example, well, hey, that's when things fall off the rails, baby
That doesn't mean that you have become morally relativistic You you may have someone in your church who comes forward and says who should
I marry? And your answer is I don't know but if someone else comes to you or if you know who should they should marry you should tell them you might have a
Eligible single male and an eligible single female and you could say hey, it might be a good idea for you guys to get together
That's okay. I've seen pastors do that before too You know nothing wrong with that It says
I'm thinking about leaving my wife for my secretary What do you think do you like her that the response is going to be you cannot do this?
This is contrary to the Word of God That's right, but what about this question dr.
Moore, but let this one go into your noodle for a little bit What about if what should we have a law that outlaws?
Adultery see this is the question. This is where things start to get heated up and I'm gonna you know Well, we're not gonna talk about that. This is more about being winsome and smooth same thing applies as we're speaking to issues that we often deem as political which are often issues of Justice in in the temporal arena and that's exactly what
I'm talking about because the question is how do you know whether or not you? Should outlaw adultery we've got
Christian teaching that talks about how it's a that's a sin to commit adultery Of course, we understand that but but what if somebody says well, yeah, it's a sin to commit adultery
And I think we should outlaw it. It should be a punishable offense a criminal offense How do you respond to that?
You see that's the question. Maybe that's the question What does the Bible say about that kind of stuff and in the social justice conversation?
That's what we need We need a consistent way to determine What should be you know, what should we do that you requires the force of law?
And what should we do as a matter of personal ethics? That's the question, baby but we keep our
Prior like for example, like I think it's a sin for anyone to discriminate against someone else Just solely on the basis of their skin color.
That's an evil sin. We can all agree with that. I think But at the same time, I don't think it would be a good idea to have a law that outlaws discrimination
I would probably not go to a Restaurant, for example, that was racist.
I wouldn't do that. That wouldn't be something that I would recommend But should the should the restaurant be forced into not being racist?
Well, I don't think so, baby Ority where it belongs with the kingdom and with the gospel politics is
Temporal Hit the main points I was hoping it would hit, you know at the end of the day we do need a
Consistent ethic that that applies to our personal lives, but also applies to our politics and there's got to be
I mean The Bible has a big book of law in it a big book of law and it has you know Major themes of the law and then it has specific case laws and it's very very helpful because you can look at it and say
Well, this is what God says justice is and this is how it compares to what we do in So let's have a conversation about that let's have a conversation about that, especially for what if we're gonna focus on justice because God's definition of justice is the only one that matters
What I think is just doesn't matter what you think. Dr. Moore is just doesn't matter
What matters is what God thinks and we can prove it through specific scriptures But also the good necessary consequence of those scriptures and that's what
I'm talking about. So anyway, I look forward to you looking at Dr. Russell Moore's channel a little bit more as well as the time goes on but I recommend you go over and you subscribe to it