F4F | Patricia King's False Prophet Recovery Group


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough.
I am your servant in Jesus Christ. This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. So the failure of all the prophets, every single one of them, to predict, to hear the voice of God with clarity and to warn us ahead of time of the impending coronavirus pandemic and the meltdown of the economies of the world, none of them seem to have got it right, has got certain people in the
NAR scratching their heads going, what happened?
This is a classic example. I hate to say this. This is like insanely cliche, like in an unsatisfactory kind of way, unsatisfying, unsatisfactory way.
Have you ever heard of the elephant in the room? Yeah, it's such an overused cliche. I am loathe to use this cliche, but I couldn't find anything else that fits better.
So I'm going to go against my desires and I'm going to use the elephant in the room analogy here.
And what we're going to do is we're going to head over to Patricia King's channel and we're going to listen to, watch part of a video.
Did the prophets miss it? What lies ahead? Join us live with Patricia King.
This is a fascinating video. We're going to watch it out of order because I want to front load something and point something out.
But Patricia King had Stacey Campbell and Daniel Kalenda, the heir of Reinhard Bonnke's bonkers ministry.
And we're going to watch as they are scratching their head going, what happened?
What could possibly have happened? How could we have missed it? And we'll discuss the elephant in the room.
Oh, I hate having to use that cliche. Anyway, despite the fact that I'm loathe to use it, let me whirl up the desktop and we're going to start by going to Patricia King's statement that she makes at the six minute, 36 second mark where she admits that, you know what?
All these prophets and apostles and stuff, they're new. Yeah, I'm front loading this for all you continuationists out there who just can't seem to get it through your head that there's no such thing as a continuationist.
The people who started the Azusa Street Revival, the leaders involved were all cessationists.
Patricia King, when it came to prophets and apostles, she was a full on cessationist.
And then she believed that God restored them and stuff. So we're going to start with her just admitting something she shouldn't be admitting because, you know, the older generation of those in the
NAR are trying to convince the younger generation, we're continuationists. No you're not.
No, you're just full on restorationists. And Patricia King, she can't keep her mouth shut. She keeps letting the cat out of the bag in that regard.
So does Shea On, by the way. So here's Patricia King doing this out of order and we'll go on from there.
Here we go. The prophetic movement is a very new movement. In fact, prior to 1970s, really the body wasn't acquainted with the prophetic or prophets.
Right. Because there weren't any. And the current crop of people claiming to be prophets, they ain't.
They're false prophets. It's true. Hardly at all. And especially. That's Daniel Kalinda going true.
So even Daniel Kalinda agrees. That all prophets could prophesy. But then you have the likes of Bill Hammond in the
USA, Mary Goddard in Canada, and other people around the world who started teaching the body of Christ that all could prophesy.
Which means that would mean they're false teachers. Let me explain. Okay, so 1
Corinthians chapter 12, talking about the gifts of the
Spirit, the charismata which were used by God, the
Holy Spirit, for the purpose of edifying, teaching the body of Christ during the time period when the apostles were writing the
New Testament. Yeah. So the Apostle Paul writes, and by the way, 1
Corinthians, first epistle written in the New Testament. This is roughly about 50 AD, so 1720 years after Christ's death, burial, resurrection and ascension.
So, I mean, this is fairly early as far as New Testament documents go, written clearly in that period.
It says, now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I don't want you to be uninformed. You know that when you were pagans, you were led astray to mute idols, however you were led.
Therefore, I want you to understand, no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says Jesus is a curse. No one can say
Jesus is Lord. That's to confess Him as God, by the way, except in the Holy Spirit. Now there are varieties, varieties of gifts, the same
Spirit. There are varieties of service, the same Lord. And there are varieties of activities.
It's the same God who empowers them all and everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the
Spirit for the common good. That's the reason why God gives these gifts, for the purpose of the common good within the body of Christ.
To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, another an utterance of knowledge according to the same
Spirit, another of faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one and the same
Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
All of these are empowered by one and the same Spirit. Notice, the argument is for variety, not singularity of manifestation, right?
For just as the body is one and has many members, ah, you see the different gifts of the
Spirit, they're like different body parts on a body, right? And all the members of the body, though many are one body, so it is with Christ.
For in the one Spirit, we were all baptized into one body. Jews, Greeks, slaves are free, and all were made to drink of the one
Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member, no, but of many.
You get the idea here. So the foot should say, well, because I'm a hand, I'm not a hand, I don't belong to the body.
Would that make it any less a part of the body? No. And if the ear should say, because I'm not an eye,
I do not belong to the body, would that make it any less a part of the body? No.
So if the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? You get the idea.
So Paul's arguing for variety. The current day prophets and apostles and gifts of the
Holy Spirit and nonsense, they're all saying, oh, we all have the same thing. And then you'll note at the end of this chapter, the
Apostle Paul reemphasizes the point. Now you are the body of Christ, individually you are members of it, and God has appointed in the
Church apostles, prophets, teachers, miracles, gifts of healing, helping, administrating, various kinds of tongues.
And then he asks a series of questions, and the Greek here demands that the answer to the questions be, no, and how do
I know? Well, because I read Greek. Me, right there, that particle, me, mueta, that means that the question being asked must be answered in the negative.
So first question, me pontes apostoloi?
Are all apostles? Answer, no. How do I know? Because me is there.
That means absolutely, definitively, every one of these questions is to be answered in the negative.
Next, me pontes prophetai? Are all prophets? No. Well, what about the gift of tongues?
Because that's the proof that you've been baptized into the baptism of the Holy Spirit, is it's evidenced by speaking in tongues.
Oh, I'm glad that you ask. Me pontes glosais laluson?
Do all speak with tongues? No. Yeah, you get the idea here.
So if you've been told all can prophesy and that the definitive proof that you've received the baptism of the
Holy Spirit is that you speak in tongues, oh, the Bible has something to say to that.
Not all are prophets. Not all speak in tongues. The Holy Spirit gives, you know, gifts for the common good as he sees fit.
It's a variety thingy. And so anyone who says everybody can speak in tongues, everybody can prophesy, you can just check them off and say, false teacher!
The Bible directly contradicts that, all right? So coming back to this interesting video that Patricia King put out, let me back it up just smudge as she says this.
So Bill Hammond in the USA, Mary Goddard in Canada, and other people around the world who started teaching the body of Christ that all could prophesy.
No, they can't. 1 Corinthians 12 says so. And teaching them how to hear from God, what the importance...
Teaching them how to hear from God. Nobody has to take a lesson on that. None. Nobody. If God talks to you, you're going to know.
You're going to sit there and go, God's talking to me! You're going to know exactly who it is who's talking to you.
Nobody has to take a class, okay? And again, the major metaphor that they use is that learning how to hear the voice of God is like tuning into a radio.
Why? Because apparently, you know, because still small voice. So they take 1
Kings 18 out of context. Or is it 19? It's one of those two. Take it out of context where God speaks to Elijah in a low whisper.
And in some translations says a still small voice. And so they rip it out of context and say, God is up in heaven and he's speaking to you using the still small voice.
And it's just like a radio station. So God's up there going, Oh, this is nonsense.
If God talks, you're going to know, okay? The God who spoke the universe into existence in six days.
The God who said, let there be light. And there was light. If he decides he's going to talk to you, you're going to know it's him.
You're going to go, yes, Lord. Yes. Yes, sir. Right here, sir. Yes, I'm listening. Yes. You're going to know it's
God. You don't have to learn. You know, lessons are necessary. You don't have to pay 500 bucks to Patricia King or Jennifer LeClaire to receive a prophetic activation.
That's all nonsense. Okay. That's just gobbledygook. All right. So what she's saying is just all of that.
Anyway, backing it up. Here we go again. Mary Goddard in Canada and other people around the world who started teaching the body of Christ that all could prophesy and teaching them how to hear from God, what the importance of the prophetic was.
And so it started to get oiled. The machine started to get oiled that way. And then in the 1980s into the 1990s, we started.
Started to get oil. Yeah, it's leaking. We started hearing about the office of a prophet prior to that.
Right. So when I was in the latter rain movement, so it's the late 1980s.
That's when we in the latter rain were being told that during the 1980s,
God had restored the prophets. Patricia King straight out has the same experience.
Let me back that up. Listen again. Oil. The machine started to get oiled that way. And then in the 1980s into the 1990s, we started hearing about the office of a prophet.
Prior to that, we really hadn't heard much. Exactly. Why? Because all the charismatics were cessationists.
Prior to Zusa Street regarding the gifts of the spirit regarding prophets and apostles, cessationists up until when the 80s and certain prophets started being highlighted and they started being raised up.
But it's very new. If you think of it from 1970 to yes, really new 2020.
That's not very many years. And Daniel cleaners all. Yeah, yeah, man. That's true.
That's true. So we are in an infancy stage of the prophetic right now.
And I infancy if this has been around for 2000 years, we wouldn't be in an infancy stage regarding the prophetic.
I believe that when we went into into this, because it's so easy. All right.
So all of that, we'll hear it again. Just so you know, I front loaded it because I want to highlight this fact.
OK, I, I was a charismatic. I was in the latter rain. I had a prophetess over me in the latter rain.
My wife and I both. All of that being said, back in the 1980s, we were told that the profit office of profit had been restored.
And it just recently like newly minted prophets were out and about. And Patricia King just confirmed what
I experienced in the latter rain. It all happened when in the 80s. OK, so yeah, don't sit there and say.
Rose, bro, you're a cessationist. You're just an evil, icky, horrible, no good, really bad cessationist.
And you need to repent because that's heresy. No, it's not. And in any honest
Pentecostal will tell you. Yeah, we're all restorationists. Yeah, all the all the charismatics in any are type.
If they're honest, they're restorationists. If they're dishonest, they. Oh, no, we're continuationists.
Nobody was a continuationist when it came to these things prior to Azusa Street. And when it came to apostles and prophets, nobody was talking.
Oh, you see, you know, nobody was talking about the great fivefold ministry prophets and apostles of the early 1800s.
No, no one was talking about that early 1900s. No, nobody talked about that either. OK, so you get the idea here.
So, all right. Now, what we're going to do, then we're going to go to the front of the video. We're going to go to the front of the video.
And I know that I played, you know, a minute of this already. That's kind of the preview to set this up.
And so what we're dealing with here, again, I loathe to use the metaphor. The analogy is the elephant in the room.
I'm beginning to think that Patricia King and Daniel Kalenda and Stacey Campbell need to start an organization.
We'll talk about the name of that organization in a minute. So we're back at the beginning of the video. Watch this. This is whack -a -doodle fascinating.
But let's listen. Thank you for joining us for this live stream today. And I would just encourage you if you want to share this with your friends, because I do believe it's going to be a meaningful conversation where we're going to talk about some challenging subjects, maybe some uncomfortable, meaningful, challenging, uncomfortable subjects for you.
But I think it's important that the body of Christ mature in this hour. Right.
I agree. Mature by saying that whole lot of them, they're all false prophets. And one of the ways that we mature is to look at hard things and see how we can grow and see how we can learn more.
Sounds so humble, doesn't it? You know, this is a great learning opportunity for us and we need to grow.
And it's time for the body of Christ to mature and stuff. Oh, I agree. But you're not going to like how
I think that needs to happen. Skills or draw closer to the Lord, whatever is needed. And so with me today,
I have two very special friends of mine. Daniel Kalenda from CFAN.
He almost doesn't need an introduction. He's an evangelist that ministers globally to millions and millions.
This guy's a dangerous cat, just telling you. Worldwide. And seeing great harvests come in.
He was with Reinhard Bonnken, of course, has taken over that ministry, serving as the leader, as the apostolic leader of that ministry.
The what? So Daniel Kalenda is an apostle. No, he's not. Now, and also
Stacey Campbell, who is... Yeah, the woman who shakes her head violently while channeling the
Holy Spirit. Really creepy. Yeah, go back to the videos where we've covered the apostolic anointing ceremony for Todd Bentley.
Yeah, that's just demonic manifestation kind of stuff right there. She's a very seasoned prophet.
No, she's not. And very much respected in the body of Christ. Not by me. And is one of my best friends and comrades, and who
I trust tremendously, especially. Now, neither of these prophets got it right at the beginning of the year as to what was coming in 2020.
Just saying. On areas in the prophetic, and is one who has wisdom, who can give prophetic understanding.
So what we want to open up with today is Daniel. Yesterday, we were recording a session with a number of prophets.
And one of your opening questions to us was, like, where have we been in this hour?
We've got this global pandemic happening. The economy tanked.
People were out of jobs everywhere. People are dying everywhere. And it doesn't seem that hardly any prophets picked up on it.
At least it wasn't decreed. And I know for sure some did. Yeah, no, no.
Patricia King didn't. And she's saying, I know that some did. No, none of them did.
Including Chuck Pierce. He didn't. And Tracy Cook. He didn't either.
So we're going to note something here. The elephant in the room.
Yeah, see, here's the issue. Yeah, they're not going to talk about the elephant. They're all false prophets.
That's the elephant in the room. And so here we are in the room when we're recognizing, yeah, none of us got it right.
We all got it wrong. None of us was hearing God. I wonder why that could be. Oh, wow, look, there's a basket of apples.
And don't you like the green shade on those throw pillows right there? And ooh, is that a plasma?
Or is that one of those new OLEDs? Oh, that's a great looking. Why is that chair on the floor?
I can't figure out why. It's just the weirdest thing. We'll come back. But generally speaking, it wasn't on the body of Christ radar.
It caught us by surprise. And so you... Patricia King, who gave prophecies for what the year 2020 was going to be like.
The pandemic, in her own words, caught her by surprise. I wonder why that would be.
I just can't imagine why that would be that way. Anyway. You asked a question. The question was like, why?
Why wasn't this picked up on? And then the other point you made was also, I think, very valid.
You said, and then once it happened, we were getting prophetic words that were saying, everything's going to be
OK. It's not a big deal. It's going to be fine. Yeah, you know, like Sean Bowles, you know, what he said, you know, it's just weird.
And of course, you know, people ended up dying. And our nations were very much impacted by it.
The economies were impacted by it. And so, of course, the prophetic credibility is in question.
So I want to start. The prophetic credibility is in question.
You think? You don't say.
I wonder why. Because Scripture is clear. You know, let's just run through the texts again, just, you know, by citing the references.
Deuteronomy 18 is in play here. Deuteronomy. So we got Deuteronomy 18.
You got Jeremiah 23, Jeremiah 28. Then you got Ezekiel 13.
And don't forget Matthew 7. So all of these, all of these texts are in play.
And what do these texts teach us? They teach us that every one of these people who didn't get it right, that they are false prophets.
Right. That's what they are. We continue. Start with you and just ask you, what prompted that question?
And why do you feel it's important that that? So, Daniel, what caused you to let the cat out of the bag?
And why did you even recognize at all that there's an elephant in the room? Because we keep trying to ignore that thing.
But I don't want to say the word elephant out loud. Question get put on the table. Yeah, well, first of all,
I want to thank you, Patricia, for taking that so seriously, because I think. She hasn't.
She's not taking it seriously, Daniel, because if she were taking it seriously, she would be forming an organization right now.
And the organization would be called False Prophets Anonymous. And the first thing you need to do in joining this particular recovery group is you need to state your name and then say,
I'm a false prophet. So what Patricia King needs to do is found this organization,
False Prophets Anonymous. She can start with, you know, having the foundational recovery group meetings in Phoenix, Arizona, and she needs to stand up in front of everybody and say, my name is
Patricia and I'm a false prophet. And she needs to convince you to do the same and Stacey Campbell, because that's what repentance and accountability begins with.
There's been a trend in the past that a lot of times the prophetic words are just kind of like shotguns.
And if we hit it, we hit it. If not, then there's never any accountability. I would agree. The shotguns, scatterguns.
Yeah, the problem is, is that none of the BBs in the scattergun shotgun are going to hit any target at all.
Because, well, why? Because prophecy bingo. That's why. Okay, because nobody's actually prophesying anything.
And I feel like what you're doing by taking this seriously is— She's not. She's not discussing the elephant in the room.
She's trying to—she's asking you why you pointed out that there was an elephant. You're not supposed to do that.
Exactly what we all need in this hour, because we need to be held accountable. And again, like I said—
So accountability begins with everybody who's claiming to be a prophet, who didn't hear from God, who cannot prove that God said to them anything about COVID -19, the meltdown of the world economy.
Every one of you must step down, repent, and say you're a false prophet and you're not hearing
God. That's what accountability looks like. You guys, on the interview, I'm not passing the buck off to the prophet saying, why didn't you pick up on this?
Because really, we're all supposed to be hearing from God. But none of you are. None of you are hearing from God.
It kind of blindsided everybody. Kinda? Kinda. Uh -huh.
And I know that there were—I've heard some people that pulled up some old prophecies that they could kind of apply maybe.
Even he recognizes that they kind of maybe apply so -called prophecy. Think Rich Wilkerson prophecy here.
Maybe it applies. We're not sure exactly. But I'm thinking to myself, this is not a small thing.
This is not like just something that affected one country or one denomination. Or one city like New York City.
This is a global pandemic that literally brought the entire planet to its knees. Yep. Yep.
And how do today's prophets justify their existence? Oh, God does nothing unless he first reveals it to the prophets.
Pulling a biblical text out of context. Well, God sure did send a curveball for the whole planet for us.
None of the prophets even saw it coming. Caught them all off guard. Caught them all by surprise.
By their own admission. For the first time in history, the whole world has come to a stop. And it's affected the economy.
It's affected governments. It's affected health. All these things. It just seems like the kind of thing that the prophetic would have been really good—it would have been good to know this.
It would have been good. You think? But none of them are hearing from God. If we'd have heard this. Imagine if the prophets would have been saying, this is coming.
This is coming. Yeah, imagine. Imagine. Imagine the kind of faith and the kind of credibility that would be in the prophetic community right now because of this.
Yeah, instead you got the converse. None of you saw it coming, and the reason why is actually simple.
You're all false prophets. There is no credibility in any of the prophetic movements.
None of the prophets are prophets. And on the other side, what I've heard is people saying, you know, where were the prophets?
Because the prophets we heard were saying, this wasn't going to last. Don't worry. This is going to be over by April. And now here we are, and it's not over.
And I just feel like it's—you know, you even alluded to this a little bit yesterday when we were talking, that I feel like things are becoming more serious in the world as a whole.
And as things get more serious, the prophetic becomes more important. No, if it were important,
God would have given prophets to the Church in modern days, in our current days, who would have saw this coming.
If it were important, God would have done that. He didn't. None of them saw it coming because every one of them out there parading around the globe and saying, oh,
I feel the Lord saying to me that there's going to be a shaking and there's going to be a release in the next season of suddenlies.
And oh, and your breakthrough, it's just around the corner. They aren't saying nothing, man.
They're false prophets. And as the prophetic becomes more important, there's going to be a higher level of scrutiny on every level.
How is it supposed to become more important? The whole thing is on fire and burning to the ground because the whole thing is built with wood, hay, and stubble.
None of it's real. And so I think that perhaps even one of the reasons
God has allowed this to come is as a wake -up call. It's one of the things that I've been sent. Right.
He's calling the Church to wake up and say, those people are false prophets. They're not hearing from me.
And now you have definitive, undeniable proof. And they're even admitting it. And it's a wake -up call in a lot of areas.
And perhaps this is one of the things that God wants to sort of jolt us and cause us to come to new levels of perception.
New levels of perception. Daniel, dude, you need to wake up.
You're a false prophet. You're not hearing from God, the Holy Spirit. This is a wake -up call for you to speak the truth about your sin.
You are a blasphemer. You have blasphemed God's holy name through the false prophecies that you've spewed from your own face.
And you need to repent. God has been merciful to you to show the whole thing to be a complete sham.
And this is your opportunity to wake up and to say, God have mercy on me.
And he will if you do. Sensitivity and making sure that we are listening to what he's saying.
Yeah, absolutely. After our session yesterday, Elizabeth Time Fook, who was another person that was giving input, and I had to talk about it because she leads the
International Young Prophets. And so she was taking it seriously as well. And we were saying, you know, we—
If she was taking it seriously, she would repent and leave the movement. None of them are hearing the voice of God.
We really need to know what is God requiring of us in this hour. What God requiring of you is to acknowledge the elephant in the room and to repent.
Because a lot of times in the body, we don't like, you know, any kind of confrontation or even invitation to do things better.
But like in the sports world, a lot of times after a game, they will rewatch the game to see where they could improve or where they failed or whatever.
And it's not a condemnation. It's just to enhance skill and to get greater understanding and to ultimately have—
How are you supposed to enhance a skill you don't have? All of you so -called prophets have proven that you have zero skills at hearing the voice of God.
Zero. You know, zero times zero is still zero. One times zero is zero.
Of greater authority. I remember years ago when we started doing events, right after we finished an event, we would meet together as a team and troubleshoot and say,
Hey— Yeah, you need to troubleshoot. All right. Yeah, just acknowledge the elephant in the room.
That's what you need to do. Yeah, you got plenty of proof now that none of y 'all are hearing from God.
So fess up. Let's do the Monday morning quarterbacking. Let's review the film, shall we?
And that should prove to you definitively the whole thing is a flim -flam sham. Where was it good?
Where was it not good? Where— It was never good. You guys are never hearing the voice of God. Can we do better next time?
What can we do? No, you can't do better next time. You need to repent of your blasphemy. To improve. And it only made us better every time.
And I feel that that's where we're at in the body right now, that we shouldn't be afraid to look at this. But as Elizabeth and I were talking— and I want to hear from Stacey in a moment on this— but what we were talking about was the fact that the prophetic movement is a very new movement.
In fact— Now this is the redundant part. You can see why I put it at the beginning, because I wanted you to see it out of context so that you can hear the admission here.
It's startling. Prior to 1970s, really the body wasn't acquainted with the prophetic or prophets, hardly at all.
And especially that all prophets could prophesy. But then you have the likes of Bill Hammond in the USA, Mary Goddard in Canada, and other people around the world who started teaching the body of Christ that all could prophesy, and teaching them how to hear from God, what the importance of the prophetic was.
And so it started to get oiled. Machines started to get oiled that way. And then in the 1980s into the 1990s, we started hearing about the office of a prophet.
Prior to that, we really hadn't heard much. And certain prophets started being highlighted, and they started being raised up.
But it's very new. If you think of it from 1970 to 2020, that's not very many years.
Yeah, that's true. Yeah, and all of those years are completely wasted because all the manifestation of the prophetic and the apostolic in those years have turned out to be false.
So we are in an infancy stage of the prophetic right now.
And I believe that when we went into this, because it's so easy, and you must know this as an evangelist also, that you are praying and fasting and gaining ground in your anointing and the burden for souls.
Yeah, that whole theology of the anointing, that's out the window too. Yeah, because who brought that to us?
These false prophets. But after you break through into a realm, you don't have...
Break through into a realm. Here we go again, more prophecy bingo words. To fight for that realm anymore.
It's just like a natural burden. It's a natural anointing. And whereas before you might have prayed 15 hours before you got out on a platform, there is a grace there that you've been birthed into that you could...
Birthed into a grace. Wow, didn't know that was possible. Kick into that anointing without the same amount of prayer and energy.
And I think it's the same in the prophetic. And the danger of that, the danger of that is that we can get very used to moving in the grace of it without fresh seeking, right?
Oh, so that's where it all went wrong. You got used to working and living and moving in the grace of the prophetic.
Then you forgot to do the seeking part. Oh yeah, that's what happened. Without the fresh contending, without the fasting and prayer that we used to do and the absolute turning our heart toward God.
And when a lot of distractions get into our life, it can actually distract us from going to Him fresh every time.
And I know, I'm just going to be honest. I've done that myself. No, Patricia, if you were honest, you'd admit you're a false prophet.
Because scripture's clear, that's what you are. And you're a blasphemer to boot. So isn't this weird?
Isn't this weird that here they are, they're faced with a big ginormous elephant with big red letters on it saying, y 'all are false prophets.
And they're sitting there going, what's wrong here? What's wrong here?
By the way, scripture prophesies about this. Let me give you an example. 2 Timothy 3, understand this.
In the last days, there will come times of difficulty. People will be lovers of self. Narcissists, yeah.
Lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self -control, brutal, not loving, good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness, but denying its power.
Avoid such people. For among them are those who creep into households, capture weak women, burdened with sins, led astray by various passions, always learning, never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
Never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. Just as Janus and Jambres opposed
Moses. Yeah, so there, I mean, Janus and Jambres are the two magicians of Pharaoh that opposed
Moses. That's their names. And there they are, faced with real miracles, for real miracles performed by God through Moses.
And at first, they engaged in illusions to mimic those miracles.
And when the light finally dawned on them, it was too late. Here, they could see that they were trafficking in the, well, the counterfeit, when the original was right in their presence.
And as opposed, as a result of this, they opposed Moses, which is weird. And I would say this, that Patricia King, she would have a tough time admitting it.
But the fact of the matter is, is that this woman in spewing the false doctrines that she has been putting forward for her entire public ministry, and we've been covering her for longer than a decade on fighting for the faith, that this is a woman who is opposed to the truth.
And she wants to create her own. She has a form of godliness. She's always studying, never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
She's just as blind and stubborn as Jonathan Jambres. These corrupted men in the mind, they were disqualified regarding the faith, but they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.
So what we're listening to with Patricia King, this is just straight up folly, just unmitigated folly.
I mean, she has to come to grips with reality here. She's a false prophet. And this is just objectively fact.
And yet she can't bring herself to admit the truth about herself. You know,
I've done it where, you know, you're busy all day working in the ministry, you had your prayer time in the morning, and you hop into a pulpit, and you're going,
Kanna mashakalada bakanda. And that's not tongues, that's gibberish. You hop in and you start ministering, and you're ministering out of a grace that has been contained.
There's no grace in that. The whole thing is false. ...pended for in the past, and I'm not saying that that happens every time, but there are times when
I have done that. I'm just confessing that honestly right now. No, you're not confessing anything.
If you were engaging in a real confession, you would say, my name is Patricia, and I'm a false prophet.
But you're avoiding the elephant in the room here. And probably many ministers could say that that has happened from time to time.
Pastors, evangelists, apostles, prophets. She's not saying anything. This is a smoke screen.
You know, just all of us could probably say that that has happened from time to time. So the danger of that in an era transition, like what we're in right now...
The danger in an era transition. There's been no era transition. The era of today's modern day apostles and prophets is a false era.
...right now is we would miss the critical word that is needed.
So that was... Oh, you missed it because none of you are hearing God's voice. One consideration I had after we had our chat yesterday, but Stacey, why don't you chime in on this now?
Well, first of all, Daniel, I am so happy that you brought up these questions because I do...
No, you're not. No, you're not. You guys are in full spin control and you're not saying anything. You're not addressing the elephant in the room.
...feel like... I often say this, that my tribe, the prophets, they...
There is no prophet tribe in Christendom today. ...lack accountability. You know, they like to...
Yeah, they lack accountability. I would agree. And if there were anybody to hold any of them accountable, they'd all be trucked off the stage long ago.
...move with the spirit. And it's actually can be a long -term problem.
I mean, my husband and I pastor to church. Long -term problem. This is just obfuscation.
This is like Michael Brown -esque obfuscation. So they can't bring themselves to deal with the elephant in the room.
The global pandemic and the fact that none of them saw it coming, caught them all by surprise, but God doesn't do anything unless He first reveals it to His prophets.
The whole kit and kibbutz, the whole barrel is full of rotten apples.
There isn't a single sound, juicy, good, eatable apple among them. They're all bad fruit.
That's just a biblical fact. So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information and how you can support us is down below in the description and share the video with other people.
And during the month of May, any of you who join our crew at Gunnersmade or above,
I will send you a copy of my latest composition, and the name of it is Alvarado Grain Elevator, and shot this just last week.
And I do fine art photography for therapy because after watching
Heresy all the time, I need to do something to get my brain off this stuff, but you get the idea.
So anybody who joins at Gunnersmade or above, I'll send you an autographed copy of my latest fine art photograph,
Alvarado Grain Elevator, as my way of saying thank you for supporting us and the work that we're doing.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.