Chinese Ambassador Destroys American Woke Scam

AD Robles iconAD Robles




You know, there's if there's if there's one thing I just cannot stand it's it's a it's a virtue signaler
That's getting on their high horse. You know what I mean? It's like it's like if you if you admit like oh I'm a racist that all of a sudden you're like now an authority to like tell everybody else what to do
It's like dude if you're a racist, maybe you shouldn't tell me how to not be racist You know what? I mean? Like cuz obviously you don't know
I'm not racist. So I got I'm qualified I think I think I'm qualified to tell other people how not to be racist because I've been not racist my entire life
But then you get these these people and they're like, they're always these woke warriors. You know what I'm talking about No, these woke guys and like well
I'm a racist and then they proceed to lecture you about how to not be racist and I got what do the kids say these
Days, they're like they're like, you know, what is that thing? Where it's like, you know a good, you know a player when you game recognizes game
Yeah game recognizes game and I gotta hand it to China. They got us on this one This is this this story was hilarious
There were some meetings last week and United States and China or we're going toe -to -toe and they're just Disrespecting bite in every step of the way like last week.
Everyone was disrespecting Biden. You gotta hand it to him I I thought that the comedy was gonna go away for a little bit
After Trump left because Trump the one thing I did like about Trump is that it was just non -stop comedy all day long
Non -stop comedy, but the comedy is still here guys. You got us you gotta find the funny side of all this stuff
Disrespecting biting constantly. So here's what happened. So at the UN meeting last week
They started the u .s started getting we got a we got a we got a virtue signal or put on her holy robes and was starting to talk about The the the racism of of our country.
Listen, this is too funny man. Is it too funny? So here's what this article says. This is on ABC news
Thomas Greenfield was unusually outspoken about the United States history saying quote Slavery is the original sin of America that's like you do where have you heard that before all every every woke pastor says that the original sin of my
Religious system and it's that we all know that's just pagan nonsense But you know, they're getting on their high horse and she goes on she goes she says
What's this person's name? Oh Linda Linda Thompson. Yeah. There you go. So she gets in her high horse It's weaved in white supremacy and black inferiority into our founding documents and principles
Yeah, you see she's getting her bona fides, right? Like we're we're racist. We're horrible you imagine our ambassador it gets into a high -level discussion with like our main competition and Their strategy is well,
I'm gonna say how terrible we are and that's how we're gonna get the upper hand. We're racist we're white supremacist blah blah blah blah all that kind of stuff and So she goes on so she she takes that as a jumping -off point, right that's like this is like the woke pastor
That's like I'm a racist and they use that as the jumping -off point to tell you what to do So here's what there's what the ambassador
Linda says She says she says this is still going on today in China For example where the government has committed genocide and crimes against humanity
Against the Uyghurs and members of other ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang So like so you see the scam right so we're horrible
But it's going on even today in China China's horrible, too And the
China they got us on this one the Chinese ambassador got us on this one You got a hand it to him. You got a hand it to him.
Here's what the Chinese ambassador said. This guy's name is Daibing Daibing He was apparently he wasn't on the speakers list originally, but you know
China owns things now So they do whatever they want So he took the floor at the end of the the whole thing and he said he rejected what the what he called the politically
Motivated u .s. Allegation calling it an act of rumor -mongering through and through in a bare -faced lie
He accuses the u .s. He accused the u .s. Of interfering in China's internal affairs and said that lies are just lies and truth shall prevail
Eventually, and then he got this person on her on her her virtue signaling to us tirade
He says this he says referring to Thomas Greenfield speech about her African descent Daibing said that the u .s.
Envoy envoy quote in an exceptional case admitted to her country's in noble human rights record
But that does not give for the country the license to get on a high horse and tell other countries what to do
They got us on that one. That's true Like dude, like if you're a racist and your country's so horrible when it comes to human rights
Maybe you don't know what you're talking about. How do you like that? I mean, how can you argue you your country is is is a human rights disaster is what this this
Chinese guy is saying He's like your country you admit your country is a human rights disaster
So like why are you telling us what to do? You don't even know what's what you don't know What weighs up what weighs down that kind of thing and it's just too funny because he's right.
He's right Like you get these woke pastors. They're talking about how they're a racist and then they're telling you how to not be raised
Like dude, you don't even know how to not be racist for yourself. Look at yourself That's the thing.
He goes on he says He got us on this one, I'll tell you right now this
Chinese ambassador he says I suggest I suggest that you take practical measures to put an end to a continued stream of incidents of discrimination and hatred and even
Savage murder of F people of African and Asian descent that are ongoing
So he basically what the ambassador from China is saying is okay. You want to play you want to play stupid games?
You're so terrible. Why don't you focus on yourself instead of focusing on what's going on over here?
Which you don't know the first thing about now. Do we know the first thing about what's going on in China? Who knows?
I don't even know if Joe Biden's real or not He might be a hologram But the thing is like the Chinese ambassador, this is an airtight case right like you're racist
So maybe you should stop telling us that we're racist because you actually have no idea what you're talking about and you admit it
And I have the same message for woke passage It's like dude, like if you don't even know how to fix yourself and your own racism
If you don't even know how to not be racist yourself How are you gonna tell me not to be racist?
I I'm not racist. So I don't even grant you that and the thing is like this What's going on in China when it comes to the ethnic minority,
I don't know what's going on in China I mean, you know what I mean? So so like what do I know? But it's good stuff man
See when you play stupid games like this eventually someone's gonna call you out and I gotta I gotta hand it to him
The Chinese got us on this one. They got us on this one You know We can't really get just admitting that you're racist is not enough evidence that you know
What you're talking about to get on your high horse and to start tell to tell me that I need to start paying up What this or that doing this or that?
Listen, I got a very easy plan, right? You ready ready for this one? Here's my very easy plan on how to not be racist ready ready
Just don't go commit partiality Don't hate your neighbor because they have a different skin tone as you don't think your neighbor is a certain way just because they have
A certain skin color than other than you like this is very simple. Just how's this? Don't be racist
There you go. You want to know you want to not be racist. Just stop being racist No, no seems seems like it makes sense to me, but who knows
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless By the way,
I'm not saying that China's innocent Obviously, they're probably less innocent than Cobra commander
But like the point is though that like what's but what's the what's the Biden administration gonna say, right? They just admitted that they're the worst people ever
How you gonna go lecturing everybody else right if it was if Trump was in there He'd be like what are you talking about systemic racism systemic racism here
Cite all the data that obviously proves that that's a Demonstrable false statement and all that kind of stuff, but you know, it's
Biden So I guess we got to deal with it. And so, you know, what sucks about this is like, you know
They they they got us right and so like we can continue to talk about the Uyghurs all we want
But who I mean, they're right What what who are we to speak if we're like the worst people were killing
Africans in the streets left and right is what they? Because that's what our ambassador said we're the worst country in the world apparently so I don't buy any of that nonsense