Welcome to the Longhouse
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- Hey guys, John here, and I had to show you this. This is a recreation of, that's right, this is a longhouse.
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- You hear about it talked about online. This is what it actually looks like, and you can see the bark on the front. This would have shielded the
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- Algonquins, whichever tribe, the Lenape or perhaps the Delaware, who inhabited the mid -Hudson
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- Valley region. It would have shielded them from the elements. This is what it looks like inside. Kind of dark, but you can see not much.
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- A little place to sit and make a fire and so forth, but that's the longhouse.
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- And I'm thinking about my book, Against the Waves, Christian Order in a
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- Liberal Age, and just the process I went to in writing it. You can get a copy, by the way, at againstthewavesbook .com.
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- And one of the things I talk about is, in chapter 15, which is Act Like Men, I talk about why men are uniquely equipped to lead in political capacities.
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- And I even mentioned the longhouse. I mentioned this concept that you hear bandied about online quite a bit, and why it's nothing against women.
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- Women have a very, very important role, just like men have a very, very important role that they play, but men are equipped to lead.
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- Part of that is the physical strength that they have. Part of that is just what
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- God gave them as far as identifying threats and having this sort of more aggressive instinct to protect and preserve and conquer.
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- And women have more of a maternal instinct. They have more of a good bedside manner.
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- I mean, when I was a kid, even when I got hurt, who did I run to? I mean, mom or dad, right?
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- Generally, it's mom. And these things are, of course, all wired into creation.
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- And so, I go into a lot of details about this. And one of the things that I think
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- I'm the most enthusiastic about from this chapter is showing from scripture in multiple places that this natural order, these natural distinctions between male and female are just assumed.
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- Paul tells you to act like men. He doesn't expand on that. He assumes you know what he's talking about. And even pagans, like the
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- Philistines, knew what it meant to act like women or act like men on the battlefield. So, there's some natural things, natural order things, that the
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- Bible simply assumes without going into great detail on because we should kind of already know these things.
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- It's kind of common sense, right? And I brought this up before in the past that, hey, there's these differences between men and women.
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- And believe it or not, I've had people try to oppose me and say, give me a Bible verse for like a comprehensive list with Bible verses attached to it of all the things that make men different from women or else it's not true.
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- That you can have these very effeminate, kind of sensitive men and there's nothing that violates scripture.
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- But scripture, I talk about this in the chapter, scripture blatantly says that effeminacy is sinful.
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- So, anyway, check it out, Against the Waves, Christian Order in a liberal age.
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- And let me know what you think. If you don't like it, don't rate it high. Don't, don't, just, just kind of ignore it.
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- But if you like it, go rate it high on Amazon or wherever you got it. And that would really help me out and help us get the message out.