By Law, They Can Take Your Kids Now!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth. In this video, we're going to talk about yet another horrifying new law in California that poses a serious problem for Christians.
We made a video about a different law a few months back, link in description. Please check that out if you want more context about California Bill AB -957.
It's truly terrifying. But in this video, you're going to hear about AB -665, which, if possible, might be even worse.
Here's a clip where podcaster Patrick Bent David is talking to a lawyer named Erin Friday as she elaborates on this bill.
Check it out. I know what they're doing. I read everything in California. But let me just talk about one bill that Gavin Newsom did approve, because it's the scariest bill
I've ever seen. It's AB -665. What this bill does is it's state -sanctioned kidnapping.
Twelve -year -olds, if you're 12 or older, these kids can run away to a state -run residential facility with no claim of abuse on their parents for no reason.
For any reason, they can run away, and they can get housed away from their parents. You call that state -sanctioned kidnapping?
Yes, because the state is allowing a 12 -year -old, for any reason, to take off from their family and go live in a residential facility.
Did this approve? Yes. So Gavin Newsom signed that into law. That is a terribly frightening bill.
So according to Erin, this bill is essentially state -sanctioned kidnapping of your child.
Why does she say that? Well, because California Bill AB -665 allows children as young as 12 years old to leave their parents' home and custody and go to a state -run residential facility.
And they can do this without any credible accusation of abuse or anything else. And by the way, this isn't a proposed law.
Thanks to Gavin Newsom, the morally reprehensible governor of California, it already is law.
It's passed. So this can already happen to your family in the state of California, and it's horrifying.
At this point you might be thinking, but surely someone has to approve this process. An adult qualified to make the decision, right?
No. Here's a video where a news anchor with KUSI elaborates on what the bill actually says.
Watch this. And so that was the standard that had to be met in order for a child to be removed.
Pretty common sense. That language is all stricken. The only thing that needs to be demonstrated is that in the opinion of the person signing the piece of paper, that the child as young as 12 has enough maturity to make their own decisions and live on their own, which, again, give me a break.
Children as young as 12 cannot live on their own. The second major change that is very alarming, Jason, is it used to be that a licensed psychotherapist, a licensed counselor had to be the one making the determination and had to be the one signing off.
In an extraordinary move of negligence, this bill, AB665, says that no longer do you have to be licensed.
You can be a trainee or an intern in an organization that has a licensed therapist or psychologist.
So as the anchor says, it used to be the case that the child would have to make a credible accusation of abuse that could be verified.
And then a professional counselor would have to sign off transferring the child's custody to the state. Now the child can ask to leave home for any reason at all.
And it only has to be approved by someone who is working under a licensed counselor, even just an intern or a trainee.
And counselors, by the way, are already overwhelmingly progressive, and that goes doubly so in California.
Now the lawyer you saw in the first clip, Erin Friday, she herself had problems with her child claiming a new gender identity and what the
California school system did about it. And here's what she says the ultimate outcome of this law will be for parents in her situation.
So in the world of trans, it goes something like this. You've got a seventh grader who goes into their school counselor and says,
I'm trans and my parents won't support it. Okay, would you like to stay in a residential facility?
Would you like to stay away from your bigoted, hateful family? We'll send you to this facility.
And off the kid goes. And you said, let me interrupt you for people listening between the lines here, you said, and there does not have to be any record of abuse or something that the child is reported or maybe got a family member to help report a parent zero on record, they can walk in and do this.
Zero, zero. So this is the blowing up of the family. So what does all of this mean for Christians specifically?
Well, quite simply, let's say you're a Christian in this state and your 12 year old child has been heavily influenced by some crazy secular leftist content on the internet, which of course happens all the time.
And then they go to school and their progressive teachers and fellow students help them believe that they're the opposite gender.
They encourage them on this path to transition. You at this point, as a biblical Christian parent are responsible for telling the truth to your child and raising them up in righteousness.
Proverbs 22 six, you are also responsible for encouraging and even enforcing the biblical standards of gender on your child and on your household,
Genesis one 27, which means you cannot encourage your child in this delusion. But of course, now your child can then go to their school counselor who most likely was trained by a secular leftist university, one which despises traditional biblical values.
And that counselor can sign off on your child leaving your home and living in a government facility because of course they don't want to have parents who are so hateful and bigoted as to oppose their transition.
And there is nothing you can do about it unless you want to fight a legal battle against the state, which will probably take years.
And by that point, the damage to your child will have largely already been done. As long as your 12 year old wants the state to kidnap them without cause, the state can now do just that.
This is as evil and wicked as it gets, folks. You see, as Christians, we need to realize that our rights as parents are
God given, not state given. Gavin Newsom has absolutely no authority to take your child away from you unless he has a sufficient reason to do so that is grounded in the moral law of God.
So we need to stand up. The Scriptures give three spheres of society, family, church, and state.
And the state does not get to raise your children. You do. That is the God -given right of every parent who has ever lived.
But we live in a society now that puts the individual above everything else. If your kid wants to leave, you have to let them.
They need to be able to exercise their own autonomy and make their own choices, no matter what they be.
Let them do whatever they want. Let them be whatever gender they want. It's their choice. But this is both stupid and wrong.
A child's right to free choice does not trump the right of the parent to exercise proper authority over their household.
This is the clear law of God, shown both in creation and in Scripture. Ephesians 6 .1. And this is what every traditional society thought up until about two seconds ago.
But our modern society, they don't believe this anymore. And that's why you can walk into your local Target and watch a kid slap their mom in the face until she gives them a candy bar.
These people think everyone should get what they want virtually all the time, even when it's clearly immoral. In fact, this is the leftist worldview in a nutshell.
So here's the point. Christians stand up and say a defiant no to the tyrant clowns like Gavin Newsom who think they're above God.
And instead say yes to God's call for Christian parents to possess biblical authority in their home.
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