You Need Hate in Your Life in 2023 - Serious Video

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right. Welcome back to the channel, my friends. God bless you. I hope all is well.
Today's video is serious advice, and I feel the need to say that because oftentimes
I have a lot of fun on this channel. But I really want you, the listener, whoever's listening to this, whether you agree with me or not, whether you're, you know, you hate watch my videos, or you love watch my videos, or maybe something in between.
This is real advice for you, Christians. You know, quite frankly, there's some atheists that watch the channel, and quite frankly, this channel is not for them, so I really don't care what you guys do, but for Christians, though, people that are following Jesus Christ, you know, they see
Jesus Christ, they know he's the Lord, they know that he's the creator of all things, they know that he's their example as well, they know that he died for their sins, and all of that.
I've got some serious advice for you, because we've all, you know, kind of been in the place, and I've definitely been there, believe it or not, people have told me this, that I really need to consider and do some self -reflection about my own tone, right?
And the way I talk about people, and to people, and all of that. And I've been on the receiving end of that kind of thing from time to time.
Now, sometimes, of course, those people are just trying to zing me, they're just trying to, you know, wisdom signal, or clutch their pearls, but sometimes they're serious, and they should be listened to, you know what
I mean? Like, these are people that I trust, these are people that I think have my best interest in mind, and they've told me that, and so, in those times, it's wise, and I've done this, to take it seriously.
And to really think it through, and to think, you know, I say that I'm approaching this, and I'm trying to walk this line of somewhat aggressive, but loving, and I'm trying to make sure that people that respond most to some sort of aggression, because that's the thing, like, different tones work for different people, right?
Like, if somebody comes up to you, and is physically threatening you and your family, it's probably not wise or godly to respond like this, please, please don't say that, that's not very nice, like, that's probably not what a godly man ought to do.
Sometimes it's godly, and sometimes it's necessary to raise your voice, to maybe say something threatening in return, and that kind of thing, in order to defend people.
I'm not saying that, you know, you return violence for violence, but there are times when aggressive rhetoric is required, and I think if you, we'll get that in a second, we'll get that in a second.
So anyway, I've got to examine myself to say, you know, am I doing this, you know, strategically in the service of the
Lord, or am I just indulging the flesh, right? That's the thing, like, that's a legitimate thing to think about, for people that kind of take the same posture that I take.
Because Jesus, you know, if you look at the example of Jesus, there are many times where you think he could just go after someone, and really let him have it, and he does not do that.
He speaks with authority, yes, but there's sort of a pathos, there's sort of a tenderness to some of the things he says, in very specific circumstances.
Now, here's my advice for you. The same is true in reverse. The same is true in reverse.
Because if you look at Jesus' example, there are also times when he gets really aggressive.
There are also times, that psychopath Blake Callens, he recently said, oh yeah, it's totally
Christ -like to purposely antagonize people. Well, guess what? It actually is. There are times when
Jesus chooses his words very carefully, intending to antagonize people.
He intends to rile them up, and he chose the exact right words in order to do it.
And even people will ask him, they'll say, Jesus, didn't you know you offended those people?
And of course Jesus knew, and he chose his words intentionally to offend them. So there are times like that.
My advice to you is, you need to think, how much hate is in your life? How much hate is in your life?
And I'm not talking about you hating people, I'm talking about how much hate is directed to you. Because if you're walking around in this life as a
Christian, and people only theoretically hate you, but they really don't come after you, they really don't say anything about you, in fact, they like you quite a bit.
If it's all theoretical hate, I'd argue that your faithfulness is probably lacking.
I saw a video of this pastor. He's a no -name pastor. Well, maybe he's not a no -name pastor.
I didn't know his name, so I'm not going to name him here. Maybe he's just a regular guy. But it's about Christian nationalism.
He's kind of defining Christian nationalism. He's very much against it. And it's very, like, you know, there's so much wrong with it.
It's very milquetoast. It's very lame. It's very limp -wristed. It's pretty gay. But if you look at the comment section, it's comment after comment after comment of pagans.
And they'll say things like this. Oh, well, I'm a committed Buddhist, but I gotta be honest with you. I'd go to your church and I'd hear you out, because you sound like you're very, you know, you get it.
You get it. Because, basically, in the video, he's saying that, you know, America's always been pluralistic, and it's good for America to be pluralistic.
So, in the video, he's saying, look, Christ, you know, I believe in Christ, but he's not necessarily supreme overall.
Well, at least, maybe he is in a theoretical way, but we've got to make room for pagans and Satan worshipers and Buddhists and things.
And they love that. They love that. They don't feel threatened in any way. See, this is the thing. If you're walking around and Buddhists and Muslims and Jews and Hindus, they all think you're a swell guy, and pagans, they think you're swell.
I gotta be honest with you. You really need to take a good look in the mirror, because if nobody hates you, you've got a problem.
And, again, I don't mean this theoretical kind of hate way, because this is how a lot of Christians get by with this.
Their whole lives are about appeasing the pagans and being nice to pagans, and maybe if we're nice enough, they'll come to our churches because we're not aggressive against their sins, we're not speaking out against their sins, and maybe they'll come to our churches and hear the gospel and be converted.
That's their whole strategy. So they don't really want to talk too forthrightly about sin.
They want to soften it. They want to make sure that people are okay with what they're saying, so maybe they'll be convicted one day by the
Holy Spirit, and they'll leave their sin behind and convert to Christ. The whole thing is about kind of smoothing over the rough edges of God's Word, and that's their strategy.
And they'll say things like, well, the gospel's offensive enough, so we don't want to add further offense to the gospel.
And it's like, your gospel's not really offensive to anybody, because you've taken out all the offense of the gospel, because the gospel says that what you're doing, what you're celebrating, what this month celebrates, is an abomination before Him, and if you continue to do that, you will go and spend eternity in hell.
What we've got instead are big Eva evangelical losers saying, I know homosexuality doesn't send you to hell, because heterosexuality doesn't send you to heaven.
And that's brain dead. That's a brain dead take. But that's the kind of thing that they'll say to try to soften this.
The Bible says no such thing about that, but they say it because they think that maybe it'll get the homosexuals to like them enough to come to their church, and maybe then they'll convert.
That's the plan. That's the plan. And they'll say, oh, the gospel's offensive, they don't like Christians anyway, but yeah, they don't like Christians theoretically, but they've got no problem with you, because they don't see you as one of those
Christians, and that's the problem. If nobody, no pagan in the world doesn't see you as one of those
Christians, like the fundamentalists, the people that get made fun of in the movies and the TV shows, if there's nobody that hates you like that, you need to take a good look in the mirror, because that's not the example of Jesus Christ.
If nobody finds your beliefs threatening in any way, I'm not saying they have to be scared of you.
They don't think you're going to do something. I'm not saying that. But if they don't find your beliefs problematic and dangerous, and this is the thing, because a lot of times they don't because of how you word it.
If you say brain -dead things like homosexuality doesn't send people to hell, of course they don't have a problem with you.
They have a problem with you and your gospel if you say no. Actually, homosexuality most certainly sends you to hell.
There is no quarter. The kingdom of heaven is not for homosexuals. And I'm talking about homosexuality, but this is true of all kinds of sins.
This is true of all kinds of sins. We just happen to be in the month that celebrates homosexuality. And that's one of the cultural idols that many evangelicals are bowing to.
And this is the thing. If you don't have hate in your life, and again, I'm not talking about you hating people.
I'm talking about people hating you. And again, not theoretically. Not the theoretical Christian. I'm talking, if they don't view you the way they view the fundamentalists over there, you've got a big problem, my friend.
You've got a big problem. Because here's the reality. Here's the truth. Jesus encouraged his disciples.
He said, look, if the world hates you, remember they hated me first. Because if you were of the world, this is what he says, and this is a very dire, serious warning to people.
If you were one of their own, they would love you as one of their own. And so if you're over here and the world doesn't view you like they view those
Christians over there, those Christians, that's not a good sign.
That's not a good sign. Especially a world that is extremely antagonistic to Christianity.
And again, in the media, there's just an extreme antagonism to Christianity.
Christianity is bigoted. People that are Christians are tar and feathered, metaphorically speaking, in the media.
And so, if you're not one of them, and instead you're like, oh, that's the kind of Christianity I could get down with.
The kind that doesn't call out my sin as aggressively as some of those other guys. The kind that just gives me free stuff.
They give me a cup of water in Jesus' name, and they preach a general gospel, maybe, but they don't really come after any specific sin that I happen to love.
If that's you, and you're one of those guys, I would argue that you need to consider, and you should take this seriously, does the world love you as one of their own?
Because if it does, that's a big problem. That's a big problem. And I think, of course,
I'm not making any final determinations about you, because maybe you're just kind of on the sidelines, minding your own business, and you're not really doing much.
And that's a problem in itself, but it's kind of a separate problem. There may be a lack of courage in your life, and things like that.
But a lot of you guys are out there, and you're like, oh yeah, totally, we've got to totally support the trans rights, and stuff like that.
And that's your gospel. That's your message to the world. We've got to be pro -trans rights. We've got to be pro - whatever the world's doing at the time.
They're pro it. Does the world love you as one of their own? That's the thing.
See, everyone wants to talk about what would Jesus do when Jesus is doing something that we've deemed nice and loving.
But when Jesus is doing something hardcore, a lot of these big evil losers have made it a mission to say, oh, you're not
Jesus. What do you think, you're Jesus? And that's the problem. They're not actually following or using the entire
Jesus as an example. They're only using the nice bits that they feel gooey and ooey in their tummy about.
And the hardcore stuff, the stuff where he purposely antagonizes people, the stuff where he makes the whip of cords and drives people out of the temple, that stuff, you're not allowed to copy that example.
Even though we have tons of examples like this. I always talk about the Ezra's and the Nehemiah's, right?
The Ezra's and the Nehemiah's. And I got - I started thinking about this because of Michael Foster.
He's talking about here how - why it's so difficult to get rid of theological liberals.
One reason is because they're liars and they'll lie to stay there. And number two, moderate
Christians don't have a stomach for doing what needs to be done. The guerrilla warfare, so to speak, of what needs to be done to kick them out of their churches.
And so we have study sessions and committees formed to see whether or not we should have homosexuals preach at our churches.
And that's insane! That's absolutely insane to debate that. You should just kick them out. Launch them into outer space.
That's what you should do with homosexuals that are trying to preach in your denomination. Say, get out of here and don't come back until you've repented and believed in the
Lord Jesus Christ. That's what you should do. It should be a very swift, strong reaction.
And this guy says, this Kingdom Rising, I don't - this is an anonymous guy, right? But this is very much representative of Big Eva.
He says, what about relying on the Spirit of the Lord Jesus to cleanse this church and making it spotless and blameless rather than seeking guerrilla warfare?
What if we just had sincere, prayerful saints pray about God getting these guys out of the church?
And it's like, the reason why I make fun of that, not because that advice is terrible in itself, but what he's saying is, instead of doing the work, instead of doing what needs to be done to launch these liberals into outer space, metaphorically speaking, just pray about it.
Just pray about it. And that's the example kind of like of Ezra, right? He prayed to the Lord.
He tore his robes when he heard that the Jews were intermixing with the pagans and intermarrying.
He tore his clothes. He pulled out his hair. He prayed to the Lord. He said earnestly, God, help us, right?
That's a good thing. That's part of our example. But we also have
Nehemiah, and that's - a lot of people think that's how God answered Ezra's prayer. Ezra is earnestly repentant.
He's grief -stricken. He's distraught. The scripture says he sits there appalled for hours.
He's praying to the Lord. He says, God, help us! And then Nehemiah comes. And Nehemiah's godly, too.
But Nehemiah gets to work, and he engages in the guerrilla warfare, so to speak, necessary to cleanse
Israel. And he starts finding the people that are doing the sin and saying, you're gonna stop right now. He makes them swear upon God that they're gonna stop.
He beats them. He pulls their hair out. He's doing the work that needs to be done. You see, we have the example of both.
We have the prayerful sort of, you know, calling out to God. But then we have men who are willing to do what needs to be done.
We need Ezra's, and we need Nehemiah's. And here's the reality. If you're one of these guys that the world does not see as an
Ezra or a Nehemiah. They see them as, oh yeah, I'd go to your church. Totally. Because you're stroking, you're grooming them.
That's the problem. A lot of these pastors are grooming people. They're saying, oh yeah, you know, Buddhists, you know, they have every right to exert their
Buddhist will on the country, and oh yeah, you know, we gotta support, of course, LGBT rights, and stuff like that.
Oh yeah, and like that's the kind, you're grooming them to accept a false God. That's the thing.
The God that's not really that offended with what they're doing. That's not really that offended by idolatry. It's not really that offended by homosexuality.
And it's like, that's a false God. So you're grooming them into a false religion a lot of you guys.
Oh yeah, God's not gonna send you to hell for homosexuality. You know how I know? Because nobody gets to heaven by heterosexuality.
That is so brain dead that I know it's just conniving. Anyone who says that kind of thing is lying to your face in order to appease the world.
That's what they're doing. They want to be seen as one of the world's own. They don't want anyone to come after them.
Here's the final warning that I have for you. If the world loves you and the world doesn't hate you, and I'm talking about you specifically as a person.
If they see you as non -threatening, I'm not talking about the generic, oh they hate the gospel, like that kind of stuff.
You know if you're playing fast and loose with that. If you're walking through, everyone loves you. Everyone loves you. Nobody thinks you're dangerous or problematic or frightening or fearful or whatever.
Like, if that's you, you need to take a good look in the mirror because I don't think you're actually following the full example of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ warned about people like you. He warned about people like you. I'm not saying you need to be involved in politics and stuff like that, but what
I am saying is that you know who you are. I can't tell you who you are. You know who you are. If you're like, oh
I'm so grateful that you're not one of those Christians. I'm not saying people have to stop being your friend.
I remember very specifically certain people in my life, very close to me that love me.
They love me and they care about me and stuff like that, but there have been times in the past where our relationships were very rocky because I would say things that they found objectionable.
They found it bigoted. They found it sexist. And they'd get mad at me and they'd yell at me and of course we had a strong enough relationship that we got through it and they would say they can't believe it.
They were like sickened by what I was saying. And in their minds, one of those fundamentalists that they heard about on TV and it's like, if there's nobody like that in your life, you gotta take that as a warning and you should take this seriously because I don't that's that kind of that lukewarmness that the book of Revelations is talking about.
That's that kind of love of the world that Jesus warns about. There's just there's a cottage industry of Christians that would like to consider themselves conservatives that make it imperative to be loved by the world or to massage the message or to groom people just enough that they could be loved by the world and that's a huge red flag, man.
If you spend time thinking about that kind of stuff and how to do that right and things like that, that's not good.
That's not good. It reminds me of all those people that they don't really like God's law and some of the hardcore stuff that God has said about various evil sins and things like that and they'll say things like this to make themselves feel better.
The law that Jesus provides is much more stringent than the law of the
Old Testament. But of course they never treat it that way. It never works out that way in their theology.
They just say that to make themselves feel better because they don't like that the Bible calls homosexuality an abomination before God, a damnable sin that ought to be punished as a crime by the death penalty.
They don't like that so they say things like oh yeah, Jesus' law is much more hardcore than that.
Okay, in what way? In what way? Oh man.
Anyway, that's my advice. Serious advice. I'm not a pastor but if there's not any hate in your life, if there's not any hate in your life,
I would especially in 2023 in the United States of America, I think that's a warning sign and I think you need to pray to God for more courage and more faithfulness.
I think you need to pray to God to put a fire in your belly, to put some zeal for Christ and his righteousness and his law and his gospel.
Not the gospel of feel -good feelings but the gospel of the kingdom of God with a king who has real kingly duties and really rules and reigns right now.
You need some zeal for the actual gospel of the kingdom of God. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.