New Evidence Surfaces That Could End Daystar! Joni Lamb Exposed by Son Jonathan & Wife Suzy Lamb


Shocking new evidence straight from the former board member of the Daystar Television Network. $100,000 paid for honeymoon, evidence against Doug Weiss & proof Jimmy Evans sanctified adultery. Clip of Joni attacking Julie Roys - Video of Suzy -


Hello, and thank you for watching one more video on Daystar I plan on this being the last video unless something huge happens, but I plan on this being the last one
However, a few new clips have come out new video new audio, and I wanted to cover that So first of all
Joni Lamb did something like an hour and a half long Video with a bunch of friends where she attacked
Julie Roy's as just some low -level blogger like this woman Is a nobody who even cares what she says she's a low -level blogger all
Put the link in the description to that so that was kind of a Low blow right it doesn't matter if Julie Roy's is
Nationally known if she's on TV, or if she's just some low -level blogger. It doesn't really matter
That's a personal attack what matters is this true another thing that's come out apparently there was an investigation
Into the alleged abuse and Joni Lamb claimed divine revelation
So look like Daystar and the Lamb family was going to investigate the child abuse, but apparently
Joni Lamb received Divine revelation that the child was not harmed so they just shut down the investigation because God told me it never happened
I was like seriously so that's troubling and One more thing just before I play the the clips just my heart what
I want out of this yeah, I hope Daystar Implodes is destroyed and goes away forever.
I hope all of these charismatic heresy networks TBN Daystar Inspiration all of the
I hope they all go away The world would be a better place if there was less heresy the church would be better off with less heresy
So I hope they are all Destroyed and decimated and they go away forever now with that said the individuals involved, okay?
They I hope come to a place of personal repentance the lamb family. I hope there's reconciliation
Okay, it's sad when a family is divided even if there is all this money and power and still
You want the best for people so I do pray for personal repentance and that the family be reconciled
And that if this man did Harm a child that he would never see the light of day again
Okay, because Jesus taught about that if a man harms a child Be better if a millstone were hung around his neck so if he is guilty
I hope he pays for it, but you know that's that's something the authorities are gonna have to deal with or God himself
But with all that said there are these two new clips and the first one is of Jonathan lamb the son of Joni lamb
He talks about how he didn't agree with his mother Running away on this adulterous
Trip this you know it was a honeymoon, but apparently according to Jonathan lamb
Daystar foot of the bill for a hundred thousand dollars So have you ever donated to daystar well according to Jonathan lamb who is on the board?
Daystar paid for Joni lamb to run off and have this adulterous relationship daystar paid a hundred grand for The honeymoon back to her position as the
CEO of daystar. That's never been a question On the show today She was actually kind of throwing me under the bus by saying that one of the challenges.
She's been dealing with is that People will not always submit, but I emailed her back.
I just said mom I've always submitted to you even when I don't agree. I didn't agree that daystar paid your $100 ,000 honeymoon
I didn't agree that daystar paid for $5 ,500 of Rachel's photography personal photography expenses
I Didn't agree with Doug being the coast of mystery now, but I've submitted to that The only where I draw my line is the
Word of God I will never compromise on the Word of God, and that's that's where I stand Jonathan lamb says that daystar paid a hundred thousand dollars for Joni lamb to go on this honeymoon with Doug Weiss who?
was Committing adultery. I mean there's no other word for it and Suzy lamb
Jonathan lamb's Wife the daughter -in -law of Joni lamb is going to make it very clear that Joni and Doug Were committing adultery on this vacation that daystar paid again $100 ,000 they paid for them to go away together and Commit adultery.
How do you know it's adultery? Well in the previous video Joni lamb admitted that this man left his wife
And there was no adultery so based on the teachings of Jesus Yeah, it's adultery and here
Suzy lamb Explains that and she explains that Doug Weiss is divorce
Not only was there no adultery there was no abandonment either. He just ditched his wife listen
They say that she abandoned him That's his excuse that his ex -wife abandoned him the ex -wife is running his business the ex -wife
He from his own lips We have other recordings where he said she was a faithful good wife a great mother for 30 something years maybe 36
I'm not exactly sure but over 30 years and this part is the sad part She was begging him begging him to stay and not leave her
So when I hear one woman is begging this man to stay a wife of his youth and another woman saying no he's mine
The breaking started to happen where I was like God I've never disobeyed before but this is not matching up to your word
So then I start talking to pastors, and I look into Scripture and Matthew right there
Matthew 19 9 And I tell you this whoever divorces his wife and marry someone else commits adultery
Unless his wife has been unfaithful his wife was not unfaithful Okay, so she didn't abandon him long story short
He got tired of his wife. He divorced his wife. He hooked up with Joni who is worth
I don't know hundreds of millions of dollars who knows how much she's worth, but she's got tons of money and This whole thing is being exposed to the light and hopefully it will be the end of Daystar Hopefully this heretical network
Implodes is destroyed and goes away forever like I said the world will be a better place the church would be better off with less heresy, but here you see it from The board member himself the man who was slated to be the next president of Daystar he admits that Daystar again.
He's on the board. He would know that Daystar footed the bill for this adulterous getaway $100 ,000 a lot of tithes and offerings to pay for that adulterous getaway, so this whole thing is being exposed and Let's pray for the individuals
Jonathan and Susie in particular and their children Pray that they would not only recover from this but that they would
Hopefully see through all of this the errors of the prosperity gospel
You see what the prosperity gospel does to people look what it did to Joni Lamb So if by you know some small chance that they ever see this video
You know the prosperity gospel and this whole system of corrupt theology I believe led to this because in a sound church sound ministers would never be giving the advice that Jimmy Evans gave or any of this so Hopefully they will turn away from this
System of theology the prosperity gospel, so that's all for today Thank you for watching and until next time may the