Article 35 - The Local Church

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to do is brother Keith's gonna go down here with the young disciples do some talking with them and then by that time by the time he comes back
I'll be done my half and then he's gonna present his half in the articles and then we're gonna flip -flop week by week so one of us will be in here one of us will be in there and we're just gonna keep moving in and out of the hallways so I hope it will still show some sort of continuity okay so as we've been going through the confession we've kind of moved along and so tonight
I want to look at article 35 which is still dealing with the church and actually the next number of articles will deal with the church church offices qualifications care and we started to move through we've kind of looked we looked at the confession and we should be through it by the end of September and then we've kind of laid out a roadmap for what to do after that but we've had at least another month or this month in the confession to go through the remaining articles okay let's open up with a word of prayer our
Father and God again we thank you Lord for the privilege to gather in Christ's name we thank you
Lord for the responsibility that you have given us to be light in the world of darkness
Lord we we thank you for the freedom that we have Lord to gather even as we know to even this night there are so many that are not able to gather freely and yet Lord we pray you bless them as they do gather whether it be in secret
Lord that your word would go out that you would fulfill your purposes not only to those that do not know you but also to those that do know you so be with us tonight
Lord may may may we consider this more than just the meeting but may we consider there is a time to to gather at your feet and that you
Holy Spirit would teach us in a way that it would become real in our lives so be with us be in our time be with our thoughts and may the
Lord Jesus Christ name be lifted up and we ask this in his name amen hey good evening so we've been going through the first Baptist the first one the confession we're at article 35 tonight which is dealing with the communion of the
Saints and so I will take care of that and then brother Keith will come back down and he's going to do the church offices and the qualifications for pastors and then next week we'll continue on so communion of the
Saints so before we read the article I want to just make a couple statements to to kind of get our thoughts rolling hopefully it will lead us into some thinking
I will say this if you look at article 35 in the in the confession it's actually one of the longest articles in the whole confession and and I think that's
I think that's interesting and again not just because of the amount of words that they use but I think because it is such a central truth that perhaps in a confession where many doctrines are laid out and many different teachings sometimes people will think of a confession as merely a doctrinal statement and although it is a doctrinal statement yet when it comes to the fellowship of the
Saints and the communion of the Saints and the and different aspects of the church it's so important that we understand it and as I said they actually if you look at it the references that they give for this article are much more abundant than many of the other references they give for such topics as justification and sanctification and different things like that and there's two appendix attached to this versus many of the articles do not even have an appendix and remember the appendix was written by Benjamin Cox and it was to clarify what the brother said in 1644
Benjamin Cox in 1646 he added those appendix notes for clarity and for further understanding so again tonight as we look at this
I want us to think about this idea ideas not the right word the reality of the communion of the
Saints and again it really is something that ought not to be considered in a vacuum and what
I mean by that and what I'd ask us to think about is like I wrote myself a little note and I said this if your theology does not find great expression in your manner of life particularly towards the household of God you have the wrong theology if your theology does not find a great expression in your manner of life in other words if if what we believe doesn't move us and transform us do something to us in us and then bring something out of us and particularly when it comes to the household of faith because of the great emphasis in a
New Testament on the communion of the Saints then I would suggest to you that you have the wrong theology because theology is never meant to be understood in a vacuum and again it has to be an outworking and I have a lot of things
I want to say and I I really have to kind of confine my thoughts to keep within the time but but I want us to think about this
I want us to think about how the the communion of the
Saints or the fellowship of the together let me pose it as a question this way you're forced to say something would you agree with me that the emphasis in the
New Testament is towards the visible local church gathered in a particular place or is it is the emphasis in the
New Testament given to just the there's a lot of different terms people use we'll say the
Universal Church spread out through space and time if you had if you had to determine as you read through the
New Testament not particularly in the Gospels but as you get into the epistles and certainly in the book of Acts would you what would you say that the emphasis is placed on the local church and the outworking that takes place in the local church or is it on the the
Universal Church as it as again as I said spread out through space and time sir first one anybody anybody else anybody have any other thoughts on that I mean
I'm not trying to exclude one from the other because we really shouldn't do that but I would submit to you not only as we will read this but also with the emphasis on in the
Testament that much of the emphasis on the fellowship the communion of the
Saints is directed and funneled through the local church because again that's what the church is right what is the ecclesia it's it's the called -out ones but it's not just the called -out ones it's the called -out ones what gathered in a local place right and you could even see that in the book of Acts where they had a town meeting and they actually called them the same way they said it was an ecclesia it was the ones that were called out to that meeting at a local place for instruction so when you think about that there is that reality and there's a lot of different thoughts about how to divide the church whether it be visible invisible universal a lot of different terms
I'm not going to get hung up with terms so much right now but I am saying that the local visible church is where the outworking of the communion of the
Saints is to take place in the lion's share because again think about it
I mean certainly we think about the church in Afghanistan right now right and we think about the Church of Louisiana right now and and and hopefully we are in prayer for them and hopefully and if we could we would support some of their physical needs right but it's rather difficult to really have continual real fellowship with someone who spread out on the other side of the ocean yeah not ignoring it but the emphasis should be on a local body and its function in fellowship with each other if you think about it the fruit of the
Spirit which we have spent time on thinking about and all the different things that are to come out of a new heart where are they to find their distribution remember what it says that we are to and by the way any scripture
I quote tonight I wrote it on the board just in case you want that we are to to what to do good to all men especially those of the household of faith why because they're of the household of faith isn't that the the essential point so let's read the article because otherwise
I'll never get to it let me read this to you so article 35 and again if I stumble it's my eyes so forgive me all right and remember the communion of the saints in parentheses is something that's been added in to give us understanding and all his servants of all the states are to acknowledge him to be their prophet priest and king and call thither to be enrolled among his household servants to present their bodies and souls to bring their gifts
God has given them to be under his heavenly conduct and government to lead their lives in this walled sheep shepherd and what a garden to have communion here with his saints that they may be assured that they are made meat to be partakers of their inheritance in the kingdom of God and to supply each other's wants inward and outward and although each person has a propriety in his own state yet they are to supply each other's wants according to the necessities as their necessities shall require that the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ may not be blasphemed through the necessity of any in the church and also being come that they are here by himself to be bestowed in this several order due peace peculiar use being fitly compact and knit together according to the effectual working of every part to the edifying of itself in love and and then if you look at it there's a massive amount of supporting scriptures which we'll look at a few of them tonight but you certainly can go back and look at it so let's think about a little bit further all his servants of all the states are to acknowledge him to be prophet priest and King so let's think about that why is there a communion of the
Saints right okay and we are all under what the prophet the priest and the king the thing that binds us together is not necessarily likeness or or differences it's not just merely location what really binds us together is the
Lord Jesus Christ as prophet priest and king and if we begin to think about that we could spend a whole lot of time just on that folks if you think about it he is he is the head of all things particularly us and that if we if we lose sight of this listen this
I think is essential if we lose sight of the centrality of the person and work of Christ I don't care what we call ourselves
I don't care how big we get I don't care how many ministries we have I don't care how many baptisms we do if Christ is not that which binds us together then we are we are doomed for failure and it might not even be evident now but it certainly will become evident because again the reality is the community of the
Saints finds its unity and like -mindedness under the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ and many have lost sight of that and we could spend a whole lot of time on it
I don't have the time to do it there are multitudes of churches that have almost banished the
Lordship of Christ out of their out of their church or out of everything that they do that is so involved in ministry and and they're so involved in outreach and they're so involved in this thing and that thing and it's almost as if the
Lord Jesus Christ has to sit in the last pew and yet which really binds us together what really is the focus of the community
Saints is that we're all under the Prophet the priest and the King and we acknowledge him as such and what
I thought was interesting and I kind of want to just break through the rest of the article so it says that they are all under the
Prophet priest and King and listen and called thither we don't use that word too often these days and called thither to be enrolled among his household servants well there's another great characteristics characteristic of the community of the
Saints is that we're all in the same footing and what are we we're a bunch of slaves and I know the connotation of being a slave has has so many odious thoughts especially because of things that have happened or because the way people perceive things but listen we are all bond servants of Christ we are all we have all been put into his service and it's very important in the community of Saints that we all realize that we're on the same footing and I've said this many times in the past but I'm saying again how many people would how many people would think that the elders or the deacons or that they're on one level and then there's everybody else and that we people really think that you know and here's the reality every one of us are a bond slave of Christ you know what
Paul says Paul opens many of his epistles in that very thought Paul a bond servant of Jesus Christ not only is he was servant of Christ but because he was a servant of Christ he was a servant to who to the churches why because Christ is the head of the church you can't be a bond slave of Lord Jesus Christ and not be a bond slave to the to the to the church and again
I'm talking about it in a local sense and I have a Baptist background and many of you know that but one of the things that first drew me to more
Baptistic thinking was the reality of the local church and that the local church was the if you will the natural outworking of my faith again do good to all men yes particularly those of the household of faith and that's what
Paul says that I've just quoted and I brought him on the board so you don't have to look at them all but in Romans 6 Paul says but now having been set free from sin and having become slaves of God if did you come here tonight realizing that you are my bond servant well you are so please stop my car and but but really there's a truth to that isn't it not in a wrong connotation but in the right connotation you came here to serve me
I came here to serve you we all came here to serve Christ and if we didn't that's why I say if we don't see it that way we're gonna miss the forest because of the trees because again there is a there is a tremendously individual reality of the cross of Christ granted that he died for me died in my place for my sins but there's also a reality that Christ came into the world to die for the sins of who his people shall call his name
Jesus he shall save his people from their sins that the community of saints is really based on that dual concept of our individual relationship and yet our corporate relationship because Christ purchased the church to himself as his bride and again in this thought of being a slave
I think it's helpful for us to realize that we're on the same footing and that we are here to serve one another one of the reasons why and I just want to mention this one of the reasons why if you remember in the
Bible study we're going through on Sunday morning we're going through the God who's there we only got two chapters left brother Mike has chapter 13 this coming week and I have chapter 14 the following week and then
I handed out to you last Sunday that we're going to take a it's going to take us 18 weeks to go through the one another's of the
Bible and it kind of ties well with this thought in other words there are so many specific commands about relationships in the local church in the community of saints that it's a worthy study and so we're going to take two of them
I pulled out 36 but 36 of those things and you know to love one another serve one another minister to one another mourn one another comfort one another pray for one another don't judge one another don't bite and devour one another we're going to go through it because it's so central to our function as a body of believers and so I hope that will will help us but I want to look at if you would go to Romans 12 for a minute
I want to see show you something I will almost guarantee that almost everybody in this room could from memory repeat
Romans 12 1 & 2 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercy and depending on your translation
I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies God you present your body a living sacrifice holy acceptable right I would say that's one of the memory verses that many many people not only have give to their children and rightfully so but what
I want to do in this light of the communion of the Saints and I believe it's drawn out in the article I want to read the first eight verses and here's what
I want us to think about you cannot separate verse one and two from verses three to eight and many many people do not see that in other words our faith should have a an outworking again
I'm not disowning good works to those outside of the household faith
I'm not discounting seeking to minister why we have missionaries right why we support
Scott Phillips and the people the Dow tribe of Indonesia because we know we have a responsibility but I don't want
I want you to read this in one setting in one thought that Romans 12 1 & 2 should really never be broken up from Romans 3 to 8 look at it
I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God for I say through the grace given to me to everyone everyone who is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith for as we have many members in one body but all members do not have the same function so we being many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us let us use if prophecy let us prophesy in proportion to our faith or ministry let us use it in our ministering he who teaches in teaching he who exhorts in exhortation he who gives with liberality he who leads with diligence he who shows mercy with cheerfulness and you keep going on and on but we'll stop there my point is in the communion of the
Saints if we are if we are truly seeking to present our bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God and if we are truly seeking to have our minds renewed and to draw near to God then it must be an outworking among the
Saints and and that is why it is so devastating when people will make that statement and they'll make it in a thousand different ways but it's essentially saying
I only need God I don't need the church you are wrong if you think that you are flat -out wrong and I know
I've heard all through the years of ministry I've heard all the things you know well they're a bunch of hypocrites and you know all the other stuff and let me tell you if God has given you and the scriptures say he certainly has a measure of faith and God has given you a gift and everyone has a gift because again we're all on the same footing mine is not the same gift then we are obligated to give that gift back both to God and to God's people and there are so many people
I say again that will bypass that reality and just think that they could be a
Lone Ranger or they could be and I want to make this point too I'm not discounting that even as it says in the in the in the confession where it talks about supplying each other's wants inward and outward and although each person has a propriety in his own estate yet that they are to supply each other's wants and I thought about that scripture and I wrote it on the board 1st
Timothy 5 8 right what does it say if anyone does not provide for his his own specialty of his own household he's worse than the unbeliever that I am
NOT saying that we ought to become a commune and have been many many that jumped off the cliff on that side right and we've seen the disastrous results that come out of that however having said that and I will show you if I have time very quickly that one of the main functions of the church is that each member is to supply that which
God gave them to the benefit and for the growth and for the blessing of the body that's there and again you know technology is a great thing right you can listen to a preacher from the other side around the world but I will tell you what if you think you could survive and you think you're pleasing to God to sit at home and watch some preacher on the other side of the globe and send him a couple dollars and pray for the people he tells you to pray about I believe you're wrong
I believe that centrality of the local church is an absolute essential and that you and I ought to use that which
God has given us to if you will in one sense fulfill our obligation as slaves of Christ and also to fill up what is lacking because if you think that any church has everything they possibly could need you're wrong because if that were true we'd be in heaven so I want you to think about that and you know
I thought about that verse in in Psalm 133 if you remember how that Psalm that little short
Psalm three verses whatever it is what does it say behold what anybody remember behold how good and how pleasant it is for what for the brethren to dwell in unity and again as they speak about the communion of the
Saints and as they speak about this reality of how we all have been given our own estate by God whatever that is and a proportion to each one of us as God has seen fit yet that is not to be for self -consumption there's a reality of it but again not asking us to become a commune but we ought to be a community and again the reality of it and I just think that there are many many of God's people who for a number of reasons which we don't have time to go into right now for a number of reasons have in a sense turned away from this whole reality of being a community of believers and I'm going to emphasize once again in a local church again you can you can enjoy the many blessings of God especially with technology especially with all the different things but I do not believe that you ought to be a member you can't be a member of a church that's 400 miles from here you just can't do it now you can call yourself a member but you're not a member because you cannot function as God has called us to function when you can't meet together when you can't intermingle when you can't mormon one another when you can't see one another when you can't do the one another's of the
Bible which again we will study as we go forward all right so brother keys here I'm gonna just ask us to take one more second
I want you to look at first Corinthians chapter 12 like so the old verses are up on the board you can look at it at your own time but let's just end it with this one first Corinthians chapter 12 again in the thought of that you and I under the banner of the
Lord Jesus Christ as the brothers have said as prophet priest and king that you and I under as the confession has stated being called to be slaves bond servants of Christ we have an obligation both to our
King and to our Kings people to demonstrate to bear fruit in the reality of a local assembly okay first Corinthians chapter 12 and let me just ask you to read this
I'll just read the first 11 verses I'll try not to comment but that's very difficult now concerning spiritual gifts brethren
I do not want you to be ignorant you know that you were Gentiles carried away to these dumb idols however you were led therefore
I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed and no one can say that Jesus is
Lord except by the Holy Spirit now there are diversities of gifts but it's the same spirit there are differences of ministries but it's the same
Lord there are diversities of activities but it's the same God who works all in all but the manifestation of the
Spirit is given to each one look look look look look for the profit of all that's why it is the commute that's why the community saints are so essential it's the profit all this isn't this church is not here for you alone this church is here for us this church is here for the glory of God and the glory of God is demonstrated in our communion with one another for the profit of all for to one is given the word of wisdom through the spirit to another the word of knowledge through the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another gifts of healings by the same spirit to another working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning spirits am
I getting into all this stuff about miracles and prophecy right now because I just don't have the different kinds of tongues so I was interpretation my point is again look at verse 11 one in the same spirit works all these things to distribute to each one individually as he wills and then he'll goes on to the whole thing about the body so I hope you see that I hope you see that that's that's why
I believe they spent so much time on this article and then brother Keats gonna come and talk about several different aspects of the church but it's so essential brothers and sisters that we as they ended saying being fitly compact and knit together according to the effectual working of every part to the edifying of itself in love and I will say
I know you you brothers and sisters I know some of you come a great distance to be here I know some of us bypassed 15 churches to get here
I can remember and I just ended this way I was still an elder down pastoring down in Middleburg and I was living in Yulee for three years because we moved from Middleburg I go 65 miles one way sometimes four times a week and you know what that was the most pleasant 65 miles one way
I could ever drive because I knew what I was doing at least I felt I knew what I was doing I was going to be part of a local body believers and I will say one of the reasons why we did wind up moving away from there is because I began to feel that I wasn't able to fulfill some of those very things that I've spoken about being so far away and that even in our world in 2021 60 130 mile round trip is a long run so anyway may