The Genealogy of King Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17)

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Okay, so we're starting Matthew chapter one tonight looks like we'll get through at least the plan is to get through verse 17 so as you know
Matthew is the first of four Gospels and Matthew seems to be
Directed more at a Jewish audience the genie all and I say that because the genealogy that it begins with Is traced back to Abraham and obviously
Abraham is you know the father of of the Jews or the father of the
Israelite people so we see in verse 1 verse 1 says the book of the
Genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David the son of Abraham and you see two titles there
Showing that Jesus is Israel's long -awaited King and the two titles are what?
they are Christ and Son of David so both of those Speak to Jesus and the fact that he is
Israel's King so that's the focus of the gospel of Matthew the kingship of Christ so let's listen along we're gonna play the video and listen to Matthew 1 verses 1 to 17
The gospel according to Matthew the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David the son of Abraham Abraham begot
Isaac Isaac begot Jacob and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers Judah begot
Perez and Zerah by Tamir Perez begot Hezron and Hezron begot
Ram Ram begot a minidab a minidab begot nation and nation begot salmon
Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab Boaz begot Obed by Ruth Obed begot
Jesse and Jesse begot David the king David the king begot Solomon by her who had been the wife of Uriah Solomon begot
Rehoboam Rehoboam begot Abijah and Abijah begot Asa Asa begot
Jehoshaphat Jehoshaphat begot Joram and Joram begot Uzziah Uzziah begot
Jotham Jotham begot Ahaz and Ahaz begot Hezekiah Hezekiah begot
Manasseh Manasseh begot Ammon and Ammon begot Josiah Josiah begot
Jeconiah and his brothers about the time they were carried away to Babylon and After they were brought to Babylon Jeconiah begot
Sheathael and Sheathael begot Zerubbabel Zerubbabel begot Abiyud Abiyud begot
Eliakim and Eliakim begot Azar Azar begot Zadok Zadok begot
Akim and Akim begot Eliad Eliad begot Eliezer Eliezer begot
Mathan and Mathan begot Jacob and Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary of whom was born
Jesus who is called Christ So all the generations from Abraham to David are 14 generations
From David until the captivity in Babylon are 14 generations and from the captivity in Babylon until the
Christ are 14 generations So when
Jesus is born remember the Magi come what's the question they ask and the question
Herod is Concerned about they hear about the birth of what? Okay, right and you heard the names of a lot of kings
Mentioned in that section. So a lot of kings in the genealogy of Jesus and this is
Matthew's whole point that Jesus is Also a king. He is the long -awaited
King Israel's Messiah. So the two terms Christ. What does Christ mean? It means the anointed of God, right so Christ is the
Greek term and The Hebrew term is Messiah both meaning
God's anointed and then the second title given to Jesus is the son of David David was obviously
Israel's greatest King and son of David is a messianic title so the
Jews cared a lot about Genealogies most of us today. How many of you have ever done a family tree?
Yeah, maybe a couple of you and maybe you can get back most people only know back to their great grandparents if they know that much
But the Jews cared a lot about Genealogies, it was part of their culture part of their
Nation part of their religion because they needed to know that the Messiah was Needed to be able to trace him back
To not just Abraham, but you needed to trace him back primarily To David we'll look at why that is in a moment
So the Messiah had to be a couple things he had to be Jewish, obviously
So he had to be a descendant of Abraham. That's why He's traced back to Abraham, but he also had to be a descendant of David because he's the son of David There's also one other person going back further than David.
He had to be Messiah had to be the son of who and what what lineage you think of what?
Okay, yeah Abraham gave birth to Isaac Isaac gave birth to Jacob and Jacob had 12 sons
The Messiah had to be from one of those 12 sons, which son?
Judah right because the King all of the Kings Starting from David were to be descendants
Or the we're gonna look at this let's turn to a Genesis 49 From David on the
Kings had to be descended. They had to be from the tribe of Judah So we see this in verse 2
Abraham begot Isaac Isaac begot Jacob and Jacob Because Judah and his brother.
So Jesus is from that line of Judah another title for the Messiah is what the lion from the tribe of Judah who knows where that Statement is found
You get a gold star if you know that one Revelation chapter 5 verse 5
But these are all things that Jewish audience would know Just like we were brought up being taught about maybe
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln Well, they were brought up taught about Abraham and and David and in these characters, so when
John Matthew when John writes his gospel, he's writing to a broad audience maybe to the whole world
It's believed that when Mark wrote his gospel He's directing it more at a
Roman audience Luke is directing it at a Greek audience But Matthew this is a more of a
Jewish Audience so the Jewish people they knew and understood these things and Matthew is trying to link
Jesus to Abraham Judah and David Okay, so you're in Genesis 49
Okay, so where did this idea come from that the Messiah or the
Kings would come from Judah Well, we see this right here. This is when Jacob Blesses his sons before his death.
Here's what he says to Judah in Genesis 49 8 through 10 He says
Judah You are he whom your brothers shall praise
Your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies your father's children shall bow down before you
Judah is a lion's Whelp, I don't know when lions were designated the king of the jungle
But I mean that concept is is very old So there's that connection between the king and lions all the way back here
Judah is a lion's whelp from the prey my son you have gone up. He bows down He lies down as a lion and as a lion who shall rouse him
Verse 10 the scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh comes now that last statement is debatable about what it what that means until Shiloh comes
We don't have time to get into that but you see certain phrases. Okay, the mention of the lion The scepter what did
Kings have they would hold a a scepter? It's a symbol of authority and then it mentions a lawgiver.
Well, isn't that what a king does? He is a lawgiver. It says that they will bow down.
His brothers will bow down So all of this speaks of a king that shall descend from Judah.
Okay. Now, let's turn to 2nd Samuel 7 12 through 16
And all of this is Matthew's point to show that Jesus is The king of the
Jews You remember when Jesus was crucified? What was the accusation that they put above the cross?
Right, this is Jesus king of the Jews and the Jews got upset and The Pharisees or the chief priests they wanted
Pilate to change The plaque and says right that he says he's the king of the
Jews because they obviously did not accept him, right? But Jesus today we don't necessarily think of him as the king of the
Jews we think of him as the king of kings and Yet still the world has not accepted him but we still are preaching the the kingship of Christ because he still is
King and it's just a matter of time before he's reigning as king so Matthew portrays
Jesus as King. Do you remember what Luke or Mark portrays him as? There's four designations that each gospel portrays
Jesus as a different thing. So Matthew as King Mark as The servant
Luke portrays Jesus and his humanity and John portrays
Jesus and his you know, this one is Divinity right his deity.
So but Matthew is focusing on him as a king. All right, second
Samuel 7 12 through 16. This is the Davidic Covenant If you remember
David who was the king wanted to build God a house He felt bad that the
Ark of the Covenant was dwelling in tents and here David was enjoying this mansion made out of cedar so David wants to build
God a house But in exchange God says no I'm gonna build you a house and the house that God built
David really was a dynasty So that David's sons would sit on the throne
So this is the Lord speaking to David through Nathan the prophet He says in 2nd
Samuel 7 12 through 16 when your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers
I will set up your seat after you who will come from your body and I will establish
His kingdom he shall build a house for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom
Forever and I will be his father and he shall be to me a son
So who do you think? He's talking about here Okay, Jesus Okay, I agree
But notice this next statement if he commits iniquity I will chase in him with the rod of men and with the blows of the sons of men now
That really wouldn't fit Jesus would it because Jesus never committed any iniquity?
so this passage is It's a it's a prophecy. So it's talking about two different things prophecy will often do that will have a fulfillment that would happen in their lifetime when the prophecy was given and Then a future fulfillment.
So it is talking about Jesus, but it's also talking about David's son Solomon And Solomon did commit iniquity, didn't he and what was his punishment?
Solomon brought in Idols into the temple of God and the punishment for Solomon is that the kingdom would be divided
When his son Rehoboam took the throne the kingdom was divided So it refers to both verse 15
But my mercy shall not depart from him as I took it from Saul Whom I removed from before you in your house in your kingdom shall be established
Forever before you your throne shall be established. How long? Forever.
Okay, so the Lord is telling David That he is going to establish his throne
Forever How would that how is that even possible? Well, Jesus is going to rule over a kingdom that has what no end
So this is a pretty common thing with prophecy Like I said that this is as sort of a dual fulfillment partly
It's referring to Solomon who did take the throne after David, but it's also speaking of David's greater son the
Christ So David would always have a descendant on the throne and that's contrasted with King Saul King Saul is the man who had
God's favor at a certain point, but he lost it and Instead of Saul's son taking the throne what happened?
Yeah The Lord took the kingdom from Saul and Saul and his sons all died in one day not so with David Because David had a zeal for God.
He had the Lord's favor continually, so One of David's descendants would always
Sit on the throne This is what Gabriel told Mary and Luke chapter 1.
I think we'll probably read some of this on Sunday That the Virgin Would give birth to a son.
He will be called great He'll be called the son of the highest and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father
David and he will reign over the house of Jacob and of his kingdom there will be no end and this is yet another reason why we believe there will be a future for The the nation of Israel because God promised it
Jesus is still the king of the Jews. This is the throne of David.
It's true. Jesus is King of Kings, but What's the house that he's going to reign over forever?
So it's that it's the house of Jacob. So if you take the Bible literally You have to have a future
For Israel and of that kingdom there will be no end So this is going to happen when
Jesus comes at the second advent It's gonna last a thousand years during the millennium and then it'll just go on throughout all eternity
So when it says a kingdom with no end, it really means a kingdom with no end.
Okay, let's go back to Matthew chapter 1 So that's the background information
That Matthew is trying to establish with this genealogy Like why why do we need to know all of these different people that?
Jesus descended from because they were kings and he's the king. So that's that's
Matthew's whole argument that Jesus is Israel's long -awaited
King the Messiah I realize most of you probably know this but this this term
Matthew 1 1 the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ You do know that Jesus Christ is not his name, right?
What do I mean by that what am I getting at Jesus Christ is not his name
Right, yeah Christ is the title so when you say Jesus Christ you're saying
Jesus the Messiah You're saying Jesus the Son of God So his name was what who is what gonna give his name?
How how would he have been known to? people growing up People that didn't necessarily believe in him as Israel's King Yeah Okay, yeah
Jesus son of Joseph that might have been what he was called I was thinking Jesus of Nazareth This is the this is the term the
Bible uses usually like Mary of Bethany, right? There's Mary Magdalene that Mary of Magdala.
So his name would have been Jesus of Nazareth Jesus Christ to say
Jesus Christ You that's like saying yeah, I believe he is the Christ. That's a statement of faith to call him
Jesus Christ because it's a title Maybe you've noticed this that people who don't believe in Jesus.
They don't call him Jesus Christ I mean if you know someone who's Jewish and they say something about Jesus They're not calling him
Jesus Christ. Have you ever noticed this? Or even liberal ministers who don't believe that Jesus was the fulfillment of prophecy or they don't believe he was divine they prefer to call him
Jesus of Nazareth because again, Jesus Christ is a Statement of faith that you believe he is the the son of the highest
Yeah, right, no, that's that's a good point Yeah, they they call him Jesus Christ when they use his name in vain
At which you know, it's it's almost a witness You think that they wouldn't be interested but it's almost a witnessing opportunity
When somebody uses his name in vain, well since you brought him up, do you realize what you're saying?
Christ is actually not his name. I Mean, that's a that's a delicate approach.
You couldn't say other things. That's a gracious approach Just something to throw out there
But yeah, Jesus Christ this implies Deity and there's many other titles for him.
This is Christmastime What are some other titles that are given to Jesus that there's those?
Yeah, king of Kings Lord of Lords. What what's one of those verses that you often hear
Quoted around the holidays. I think of Isaiah 9 verse 6 where he is called the mighty
God the Everlasting Father in the Prince of Peace. These are also titles of deity, okay, let's
Emmanuel, right? Yeah which Translated means what? God with us
All right. Look at Matthew 1 1 again the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David the son of Abraham as far as I know son of Abraham is not a messianic title, but son of David and Jesus Christ certainly are says
Abraham begot Isaac Isaac begot Jacob and Jacob begot
Judah and his brothers Judah begot Perez and Zarah by who?
Tamar do you remember Tamar's relation to Judah? Yeah, it was his daughter -in -law
So normally genealogies Certainly back then they typically didn't include the names of women.
They were not gender -sensitive This is the way it was but it's interesting here.
There's several women named right? Tamar and verse 3
Rahab and Ruth in verse 5 and then Bathsheba is referenced in verse 6
She's not mentioned by name, but she is referenced. So are you starting to see a theme with some of these names?
All right Tamar Rahab and Bathsheba, they all have something in common
So Tamar she had a child with her Father -in -law because she posed as as a prostitute.
She sort of tricked him into it Rahab Of course was a prostitute in Jericho and Bathsheba committed adultery with David so G and then of course when
Mary became pregnant people assumed that of Mary because she's engaged to Joseph and They had not been married yet.
And here she is pregnant. So That's true for those women and then it was assumed of Mary What does this tell you?
Well, I think it serves as an object lesson to the grace of God Later when
Jesus chose his disciples Did he choose just the most righteous godly men with the most perfect clean background imaginable?
No, he chose some guys with questionable backgrounds. Matthew was a tax collector
It would have been synonymous with being a cheat being an extortion or being a traitor to the
Jewish people Simon the zealot was a political extremist who knows what kind of activities he was involved in the
Apostle Paul was a Persecutor of the church and then of course these women and their past Ruth was probably an idolater, right?
So what does that tell you? I think the takeaway is don't ever think that God can't use a person
For his glory doesn't whatever their background is whatever they've done in the past God can and he has used all sorts of different people
So these are the women mentioned Tamar Rahab Bathsheba, which
That with Matthew I'm reminded of the verse when Jesus told the Pharisees remember when he said that tax collectors and prostitutes
Will enter the kingdom of God before you Why because the
Pharisees thought that they were good They thought that they were they were Great people.
What did I what do I need to be forgiven of you know? That's the common attitude people have today that I don't need to believe in Jesus.
I don't need to do any of these things because I'm a good guy.
I'm a good person. That's the attitude of the Pharisees, you know most of the people today who are called
Pharisees are people who go to church every week and carry their Bible around and they believe the
Bible they want to tell people about Jesus and Salvation those are the people that get slapped with the label of Pharisee, but that is not what the
Pharisees Were like the Pharisees were self -righteous They thought that they the self
Were good the righteous so the the true Pharisees are the people who think that they're great and they don't really need to do anything and that of course,
I'm gonna go to heaven because I do all of these good deeds, but I digress so Any questions or comments so far
Yes, Janet Mm -hmm
Yeah Yeah And she said in order for the children to be considered
Jewish the mother Right, I've heard this before I'm I don't
I guess I don't know 100 % that it's accurate but yeah Yeah Yeah today that in order to be considered
Jewish the mother has to be Jewish the way I heard that explained is that The father
May be Jewish or not That doesn't really matter because he might not actually be the father and you wouldn't know that up until recently with DNA The mother she's the one who produced the child.
So if she's Jewish the child is definitely Jewish now That's what I've heard as the explanation why it's kind of pat the
Jewishness depends on the mother Again, I guess I don't know that for a fact, but that's what
I've heard. But yeah That several women are mentioned in the genealogy is is significant
It's something you hear again and again today that Christians and just traditional
Bible believers are often considered or the church is considered to be
Sexist or misogynistic and those are the terms you hear today Without question if you look historically
No, no organization no institution nothing has done more for women throughout the centuries than the
Christian Church, but You know that that's just the way it goes Matthew Henry writes this about Matthew 1 1 through 17 concerning this genealogy of our
Savior Observe the chief intention. It is not a needless
Genealogy, isn't that the way we treat genealogy? Sometimes we kind of skim over them and we don't really well if you study it and take the time
There's actually a lot of important things Despite all the hard names to pronounce But he says this is not a needless genealogy
It is not a vain glorious one as those of great men often are it proves that our
Lord Jesus is of the nation and family out of which the Messiah was to arise
The promise of the blessing was made to Abraham and his seed of the dominion to David and his seed
It was promised to Abraham that Christ should descend from Him and when did the
Lord tell Abraham that? Yeah, Genesis 12 3 when he told
Abraham in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed It's not an explicit statement about hey, the
Messiah will be born from your lineage But that's how the Apostle Paul interprets it in Galatians 3 8
He says that was the Lord preaching the gospel to Abraham Matthew Henry continues
He says it was promised to David that the Christ should descend from him That's really when the idea of the
Messiah took root in Jewish culture after the time of David And we already looked at 2nd
Samuel 7 Therefore he says unless Jesus is a son of David and a son of Abraham.
He is not the Messiah Some people speculate about the Antichrist will the
Antichrist be Jewish or a Gentile? Well, the Antichrist is a false Christ.
I mean he could in theory be either one but The true Messiah had to be
Jewish had to be from the line of David He says now this here proved from well -known records
When the Son of God was pleased to take our nature He came near to us in our fallen wretched condition
And he was perfectly free from sin and while we read the names in his genealogy
We should not forget how low the Lord of Glory stooped to save the human race and maybe that's something to take away from The genealogy that some of the people in that list were now they were sinners and from them came the
Lord of Glory So Jesus he condescends He is high and lifted up and he took on flesh and became like one of us just without Sin and that statement free from sin.
Of course, this is the whole Point of why Jesus needs to be born of a virgin
Right. What's the virgin birth all about? It's not just well, that's a kind of a cool thing that they decided to add to the story
No, the virgin birth was necessary because in order for Jesus to be without sin Joseph can't be his father because Joseph is a sinner and his mother despite what
Rome says she needed God's grace to So Jesus in order to be free from sin
God had to be his father Alright, let's turn to Luke chapter 3 This passage in Matthew, it's a genealogy whose genealogy is this?
Well, yeah, it's the genealogy of genealogy of Jesus but through who Joseph you're saying
Because that's what it says, right As you're turning there
Matthew 1 16 Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary of whom was born
Jesus who is called Christ. Okay, so Matthew this is the genealogy of Joseph.
Do we all agree with that? Okay, good but if you look at Luke's genealogy in Luke 3
It's different So this isn't the same genealogy. So what does that tell you?
Well, it can't be Can't be Joseph's then because we already read Joseph's Well, so you assume yeah, obviously this has to be the genealogy of Mary and yet look at Luke 3 23 says now
Jesus himself began his ministry at about 30 years of age being as Was supposed the son of Joseph the son of Heli So on the surface, it almost seems like hey, this is a genealogy of Joseph, too
Because Mary's not even mentioned right but Joseph is So on the surface
This appears to be a potential problem and of course if you're a skeptic and you don't believe in the
Authority and inerrancy of the Bible you you just assume. Oh, this is just one of the many contradictions.
Well We don't believe that. So what's the explanation? Does anyone know can anyone explain it right now off the top of your head?
You know, this is something that is good to know in case anyone ever points this out I'm just gonna read to you what dr.
John MacArthur writes about this. He says Luke's genealogy moves backwards from Jesus to Adam Matthew's moves forward from Abraham to Joseph Luke's entire section from Joseph to David differs starkly from that given by Matthew and that's true if you compare the two they are
They are definitely different Says the two genealogies are easily
Reconciled if Luke's is seen as Mary's genealogy. So what wait a minute, but it says
Joseph It doesn't say Mary he said and Matthew's version represents Joseph.
Okay here. Here's the key Luke unlike Matthew includes no
Women you notice that if you read through it not a single woman is mentioned Not even
Mary herself So Joseph was the son of Heli by marriage
Heli having no sons of his own and thus is named here in verse 23
Joseph is as the representative of Mary's generation Okay, so Heli is who?
No, that's Zach Zacharias I Know this can be a little confusing.
So Joseph was the son of Heli by Mary marriage. So that means that Heli is who?
That's Mary's father Right, but because there are no women mentioned in the genealogy not even
Mary Joseph Takes her place Now I've looked at a lot and this is the best explanation
Because other than this you would have to assume that yeah The Bible is wrong and it's a contradiction because it's had giving two different genealogies of Joseph, here's the thing.
Don't you think Matthew and Luke like we're aware of each other Yeah, of course they were so I Get it's a little confusing.
But yeah, this is Mary's Genealogy they did things differently back then matter of fact if you look and compare it to the
Old Testament Even Matthew chapter 1 this is not a complete genealogy. There's actually some people left out
So the way you think it should be done or the way we would do it today is not necessarily how they did it
So, all right, let's go back to Matthew chapter 1 Matthew 1
Another thing that you might pick up on it go and this is common with genealogies that you know
This person begot this person begot this person begot this person, right? That's how this reads notice what it says though when it comes to verse 16 and Jacob begot
Joseph the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus who is called the
Christ notice. It doesn't say Joseph begot Jesus, right?
There's no mention of Jesus being begotten because why he was begotten, but he was the only begotten of God the
Father, right? All right So Jesus was the Son of God not the son of Joseph, but Joseph was his legal father
Which is why he's included in that section in Luke. All right any questions on that?
Yeah, I know it's confusing but That's I think the best explanation
All right. So the Babylonian captivity is mentioned in verse 11 This is one of the most significant events in Jewish history at the sign at that time of the captivity
Solomon's Temple was destroyed remember the Babylonians invaded Jerusalem The first temple was destroyed
Those events heavily influenced the ministry of the Old Testament prophets
If you read through the prophets they were either looking ahead towards the exile into Babylon or There are prophets in exile and Babylon or they maybe were looking back at the exile in Babylon so this is kind of a
Turning point in Israel's history, so I don't know if you I find this interesting I don't know if you do but if you take notes you could write this down Zechariah Haggai and Malachi were written post -exile.
So those three men were written after The Jews were taken into captivity and then they returned and those three prophets wrote after the exile
Zechariah Haggai and Malachi who were the two prophets that wrote during the exile
Okay, good Ezekiel and Daniel all the rest
Wrote before the exile. So if you just write that down, that's an easy way to remember it
Zechariah Haggai Malachi were post -exile Daniel Ezekiel were written during the exile and All the others were before the exile you think of Jeremiah, what did he preach about?
He's preaching that God's judgment is coming to the nation and everybody hated him because they didn't believe that Instead they listened to the false prophets who said oh, don't worry.
God would never do that God loves you. So he's he would never do that and people listen to the false prophets more than the true prophets
Which I would argue is happening today the true The true preachers are saying hey
God is not going to turn a blind eye to everything that's going on and his wrath is coming and The world doesn't like preachers like that do they they prefer to listen to the
To the positive only ones, but that's another topic okay, so the prophets the point is the prophets can be categorized in relation to the
Babylon Babylonian captivity and Matthew seems to see the captivity as sort of the hinge point
For this genealogy that people were either before so many generations before or after look at verse 11
Josiah begot Jeconiah and his brothers about the time they were carried away to where Babylon And after they were brought to Babylon Jeconiah begot
Jeconiah and Jeconiah begot Zerubbabel and of course Zerubbabel is one of the main figures of the return from Babylon where they rebuild the city the wall and The second temple look at verse 17.
So all the generations from Abraham to David are how many? 14 from David until the captivity in Babylon are 14 and from the captivity in Babylon until the
Christ are 14 generations, so the Babylonian captivity
Matthew seems to think that this is a kind of a big deal right and it was it was a big deal
So this is how he lays it out David was the great king. So 14 generations from Abraham to David David was kind of the original
God's anointed. He's that picture of Christ and He was literally anointed with oil by Samuel if you remember so 14 generations from Abraham to David then from David to the captivity was 14 generations and all that time
One of David's descendants was on the throne, right? but when
Babylon came in and destroyed Jerusalem in the temple then what did
Did David have a king on the throne? Well, there really wasn't a nation. They were in exile.
So that kind of messes Messes things up a little bit for a lack of a better term.
Let's turn to Daniel chapter 9 This is going a little longer than I thought but Hey, we're already committed.
So So From the captivity to Christ is 14
Generations. So while they were in captivity things if I can put it this way things were kind of put on hold and Speaking of being put on hold
Daniel 9. This is the prophecy of 70 weeks Daniel is writing from where?
Yeah, because Daniel is one of those two prophets that wrote while in Babylon and what
Daniel does he actually gives a prophecy He's given a prophecy that gives you a timeline of exactly when the
Messiah would come So the Jews in Jesus day Theoretically, they could have known exactly
When Jesus would show up and present himself now, did they know? No, they're most of them were totally blind to it and just like today
There's plenty of things the scripture tells us that most people are oblivious to but if you study the scripture
There's more answers in here than most people think All right
Yeah, well all the answers God has given are in there. Yes So Matthew is recording the genealogy and then the birth of Jesus.
They could have known they could have known when alright, so if you thought the thing with Luke 3 was
Confusing this might be even more confusing So I hopefully you won't go home with a headache But if you've heard this before if you hear it several times you kind of get it after a while So if you've heard this before you should be okay
Daniel 9 verse 24 70 weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city to finish the transgression to make an end of sins because Judah the children of Israel, I mean they have gotten into Massive amounts of wickedness and God judged them for it to make a reconciliation for iniquity to bring in Everlasting righteousness and to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint who?
The most holy. Okay. So this is this is a reference to Christ Nearly every commentator that I know agrees that these 70 weeks are what?
there are 70 weeks of years years so 70 times 7 if these are years, it's 490 years
Until everlasting righteousness is brought in Say well, wasn't this longer than 490 years ago and everlasting righteousness has not been brought in.
So what gives? Okay, you following me so far Okay, look at verse 25
Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and rebuild
Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there shall be seven weeks and 62 weeks and the street shall be built again and the wall
Even in troublesome time. So what's the book of the Bible that talks about the rebuilding of the wall?
This is Nehemiah, right? Okay, so Daniel is in Babylon given this prophecy 490 years from The time the decree goes out to rebuild
Everlasting righteousness will be ushered in Okay, so this is where we have to put our thinking cap on In order to figure this out
You have to figure out the date the decree went out. There's this is a bigger issue.
We don't have time to get into it There's a few different dates people propose but if you get the right date and It's 7 plus 62
So that's not 490 it falls short by 7 years. This is 69 62 plus 7 is 69 not 70
So 490 minus 7 is what? 400 83 years, right?
Okay So from the time the decree went out fast forward 483 years if you do the math, which we did in Sunday school one time years ago
Some of you remember it it brings you to the very day Palm Sunday when
Jesus rode in to Jerusalem on a donkey So the Jews could have known the exact time when the
Messiah would present himself. You just got to do the math 483 years
But wait a minute, what about this last seven? What about the everlasting?
Righteousness. Well, I remember it said a pause button was pressed right look at verse 26 and After the 62 weeks, that's the 7 plus 62 after the 483 years
Messiah shall be what? Cut off so he wrote in to Jerusalem Palm Sunday.
He was dead by the end of the week Messiah shall be cut off and Then it goes on to talk about what we believe talks about the
Antichrist in the tribulation Which that's the explanation for the last seven years So if you ever wondered where does the idea of the seven -year tribulation come from?
Well, there's still seven years in God's prophetic timeline, but it was all stopped short
When they crucified their King remember when Jesus and John go back to Matthew 1 if you're not there
But you remember when Jesus began his ministry What did he start?
What did he start with? What was he preaching? Repent for the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of God is at hand
That's what John the Baptist was preaching repent for the kingdom of God is at hand
The kingdom was at hand because the king was present So Jesus what he did he was born as the king
Matthew's establishing this with the genealogy He's born as the king, but when he presents himself as the king the nation rejects him
The kingdom was offered. They say no they kill him and everything comes to a screeching halt
But there's seven years Left so things have been you know put on hold the pause button has been pressed
And now we're just waiting for the seven years and when that picks up Nobody knows
Nobody knows we believe that happens at the end of the church age at at the rapture
But the point is that we're concerned about regarding Matthew 1 is that Jesus is being depicted as what?
the Messianic King Matthew 1 1 again the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ The son of David and when you read about David he calls him what?
David the king so Matthew is focusing on Jesus as King So the kingdom was offered to Israel the
Messiah was cut off they crucified him God's prophetic timeline stopped and for the past 2 ,000 years
We've been living in the church age which Paul calls a mystery because the
Jews didn't know about any of this They had no idea so because Israel rejected the gospel it was then brought to the
Gentiles So now instead of viewing Jesus as the king of the