Romans 4, What Counts?, Dr. John Carpenter

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Romans 4 What Counts?


Romans chapter 4 be reading the whole chapter here the word of the Lord What then shall we say was gained by Abraham our forefather according to the flesh
For if Abraham was justified by works He has something to boast about but not before God for what does the scripture say
Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as Righteousness now to the one who works his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due and to the one who does not work, but trust him who justifies the ungodly his faith is counted as Righteousness just as David also spoke of the blessings of the one to whom
God counts righteousness apart from works Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven and whose sins are covered
Blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin Is this blessing then only for the circumcised or also for the uncircumcised?
We say that faith was counted to Abraham as righteousness How then was it counted to him was it before or after he had been circumcised?
It was not after but before he was circumcised He received a sign of circumcision as a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised
The purpose was to make him the father of all who believe without being circumcised So that righteousness would be counted to them as well and to make him the father of the circumcised who are not merely
Circumcised but who also walk in the footsteps of the faith that our father
Abraham had before he was circumcised For the promise to Abraham and his offspring
That he would be the heir of the world For the promise to Abraham and his offspring that he would be the heir of the world did not come through the law
But through the righteousness of faith For if it is the adherence of the law who are to be heirs faith is null and the promise is void
For the law brings wrath, but where there is no law there is no transgression
That is why it depends on faith in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his offspring
Not only to the adherence of the law But also to the one who shares the faith of Abraham who is the father of us all as it is written
I have made you the father of many nations in the presence of God in whom he believed
Who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist in?
Hope he believed against hope that he should become the father of many nations as he had been told
So show your offspring be he did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body
Which was as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah's womb
No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God But he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God Fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised
That is why his faith was counted to him as righteousness But the words it was counted to him were not written for his sake alone
But for ours also it will be counted to us who believe in him who raised from the dead
Jesus our Lord who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification
May the Lord at his blessings to the reading of his Holy Word Well, nothing comes easily
They say when Tim Tebow's Florida football team lost the game to Mississippi in 2008
But he famously pledged you will never see any player in the entire country Play as hard as I will play the rest of the season that season his team,
Florida won the national championship It's a great story because it didn't come easily hard work
Gives him the championship victory success the secret his secret of success was no secret
Right hard work championship football coach Vince Lombardi said the dictionary is the only place success comes before work
Hard work is the price. We must all pay for success Many of you many of you know that you want to succeed in business you get up early you go out you drum up business
You do everything you can you work and work at work And we love the stories about how people work hard to succeed pulling themselves up by their bootstraps some of you here
I've done that going getting up early to work or to study or to do business staying up late exerting
Yourselves finally after a lot of blood sweat and tears Success.
I like Rocky movies. You like Rocky movies. I like Rocky movies. There's about seven of them I don't like them all the same some are better than those but there's about seven of each though has one scene in common
There's a long Training scene, right? Do you know these training scenes? There's kind of us
They vary a little bit There's basically the same formula in each one the inspirational music going as he starts out kind of in poorer condition
But he works hard wakes up early Maybe drink some raw eggs then runs and lifts weights does sit -ups punches
Maybe a beef carcass or punching bag or a sparring partner. He chases chickens he sprints up steps or maybe runs on the beach with Apollo or up a snow -covered mountain and Then finally comes the big fight scene in which he'll suffer and endure
But finally after a lot of hard work Triumph at the end. He's exulting in his victory, which is the sweeter the sweetest
Because it wasn't easy in other words Dreaming is not enough.
You know just One kind of motivational slogan in athletics I heard if your mind can conceive it your body can achieve it almost as if you just dream about it
Your body will follow well If you make your body try to do that one step,
I guess but dreaming is not enough Just just just conceiving it in your mind and that's true for other things in life
You know if you're mature you should realize that if something sounds too good to be true It probably is if someone is promising you you can get a real degree with Little time put into it and a little work put into it or you can make lots of money lots of easy cash
They'll come flow again. You just sit back at the checks come to the mail and to you.
It's probably a scam In in the movie in the play the music man Harold Hill sells kids musical instruments
Promising that they'll be able to play them and inform a band. It's as easy as just thinking about the music
He tells the kids there's no lessons. There's no practice necessary, although oddly enough. They have to practice thinking about it, whatever
But he calls it the think system Just believe that you can play them in ued in G and you will of course
It's a he's a scam artist and he sells them instruments and then runs away Before they realize that the instruments are no good without lessons and a lot of hard work
You're going to have to do more than just dream You must exert yourself every successful person will tell you that the secret to success is no secret work hard Now once you do that You'll get rewarded.
You'll earn trophies and athletes. You'll get a degree Maybe graduate with honors with a golden cord around your neck.
You'll have a successful business And finally able to hire some staff to do the work that you used to all do you all by yourself?
And then you'll finally be able to enjoy the luxuries that you've worked so hard for you've arrived you didn't just dream and believe you worked and Achieved and it feels so good to have arrived to have the trophies on your mantle the degree nicely
Framed and hanging on your wall the money in your bank and what makes it all sweeter the knowledge
That it didn't come easily look at those things I earned it so much work went into that you worked and It counted
But that didn't does that work with God What does God count?
If it's athletics, you know working out lifting weights running drills
Practicing the sport like basketball rain practice your basketball over and over again that counts if Academics.
Well, you got to read those textbooks. You got to memorize facts Vocabulary words I used to sometimes run with a pack of index cards
Even when I was studying for PhD facts that I needed to memorize so and so died
Thomas Aquinas is uh, I forgot what he was born I believe he died in 1225 if I remember right things like that study notes from lectures that counts
If business got stay up late gonna keep the shop open when others are closed You got to go out put flyers at the
YMCA So people will pick them up and call you for when they want to have food delivered do things like that that counts but with God What counts with him?
Does he look at your religions he expect you to the same kind of work if he's he's saying okay You'll do that for a basketball.
You'll do that for for getting good grades for a degree You'll do that for business now. You've got to do it for me
Is that what God's saying? What counts with God now to the Jews it was clear
But they they they thought they knew what what counts you keep the law. This is law for Moses You obey it you do what it says beginning with taking the sign of the covenant with God that sign was circumcision
If you did that God counted that in your favor.
So they thought now today some people think well, okay Jewish but baptism is what
God is what counts with God. He looks at your baptism. He counts out in your favor They'd be going to church. He counts that he's seeing your attendance record.
You're pretty good. Okay, maybe most of the time He'll count that in your favor. You gave to the offering He's keeping accounts and he'll count that in your favor.
Maybe you prayed a prayer you responded to an invitation You're fairly moral person. You're good moral person.
You're a decent person. God's counting all that and you're counting on him Counting that in your favor and and you know, you think that just like Tim Tebow and Vince Lombardi It's not just believing that is enough.
You have to work hard Counting is a big theme in this chapter
I don't you notice how many times that word occurs when we read through it. The question is what does God count?
The hard -working religious people assume that God counts their hard work He counts their religion their religious deeds the things they done
Circumcision for us maybe baptism chapter 3 Paul used terms from remember from court
Justification, it's a legal term Still use here in this chapter the marketplace Redemption is buying back the altar
Propitiation pees in God's anger and in the stage a demonstration here in this chapter he's using over and over again an
Accounting term I guess when our day would be but their term from the bank. Maybe the accountants office the
CPAs count reckon credit He's already shown that we're deep in debt because of our sin our accounts with God are in the red
None is righteous. No, not one. And so the question is, how do you get in the black?
How do you get enough credits? Deposited into your account with God that he will accept us that we're no longer spiritually bankrupt.
How do you get in the black? what counts as credit and Surely we know just like in sports academics business is not so easy
That there's no work involved Surely we know that right? Now here in Romans 4
Paul tells us Actually, it is that easy Not only do you not have to work
You can't God does not count Your work the same qualities that made you a champion in the basketball court or an honor student in college or wealthy in business
Won't get you anywhere with God He won't count them
There's nothing that you can do that God will count in your favor you have to only believe
It can't be that easy After all look at Abraham Someone say back to him.
Look at Abraham. It's what how he starts. What do we say about our father Abraham? He worked in it He worked hard for God He for he accepted the sign of circumcision, right?
Come on. Surely God counted that He was willing to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice, right? God surely counted that so they think he's a he's a pattern for us.
You do the religious ritual Prayed circumcision for us baptism do the religious ritual be willing to sacrifice everything
Religion commitment. That's what counts with God, right? Wrong You only have to believe
And Abraham is an example of that starting in verse 1 what was gained by him
He skeptics back to him to say he did the religious ritual. He willing to sacrifice his son, but But what it was it about Abraham that made him acceptable to God.
Was it really those things? They say his work Well, he was religious as shown by his circumcision and he was committed shown by his willingness willingness to sacrifice
Isaac You're willing to obey you God told him go sacrifice your son. He said yes, Lord. I'll do it God saw that and this is what people back responding back to him to Paul would say
God saw that and counted that as Righteousness as something to put him in God's good graces
That's how he earned God's favor. That's what they're saying back to Paul, but Paul says well, that's all wrong You've totally misunderstood misread the story if he earned
God's favor He could boast it'd be something you earned like a man with a trophy or an honors degree or a booming business a lot
Of money that you earned in the bank, but that's not what scripture says it tells us in Genesis 15 You know after Abraham remember the story
Genesis 15 Abraham had gone to the rescue of his nephew lot And then the other captives who had been in Sodom and had been taken away in a raid.
He went and rescued them He defeated their kidnappers and he gave a tenth of the spoil to Melchizedek He was the king of Salem and he was a priest of El Shaddai But he's now back home
Abraham is he's back home and he's afraid for his own future Maybe practically you're afraid that he'll get counterattacked by the people.
He just attacked but he's afraid for his own future He has no child. He has no heir and God tells him
I am your shield Like in Psalm 3 we read God promises to be our shield and God says that day.
I am your shield your reward Shall be very great Abraham complains.
What what can you give me for? I'm childless And he's already very rich Abraham is already very rich And he assumed that God was promising when he said that your reward should be very great
God was just kind of promising more stuff more money more gold more things more camels or whatever you want
And but he didn't care about that He didn't need more things He thought he didn't need them because you know,
I don't have a child to give it to what is more things mean for me? It's just more to manage but then the Lord responds
You will have a son to be your heir other words to inherit all
The things from you and the promises that come to be given to Abraham and and then
God tells him to go outside in this night time look at the night sky and try to count all the stars and Then God says so show your house offspring be
But Abraham and Sarah were already very old and even though they didn't know everything that we know about biology
They knew enough to know that a woman that old could not have children and they knew you know
That that naturally didn't happen. It was physically impossible But even when Sarah was young and in childbearing age
Even she was young and when she's in childbearing age, she was infertile So the Lord has just promised an old man married to an old
Infertile woman that he will be the father as many children as the stars in the sky
Well, that sounds impossible Well here Abraham is asked to have faith in something to have faith in that promise
It's what he's asked to have faith in believe that promise Have in Satan something that he's never experienced before Something that goes contrary to what he thought was possible
That is against his lifetime of experience or anything he's even heard about Thing that everything that people knew was just it can't happen
Woman that old can't have children. Everyone knows that and you expect me to believe God that it's gonna happen
So I believe in that the dead can be raised You know you believe that it's like leaving that contrary experience that our hard work doesn't count with God at that moment
Abraham had to decide Who to believe Does he believe his lifetime of experience?
What everyone around him knows what he's raised to know that you know, the women that old cannot have children
That Sarah's infertile anyway, so she can't have children. Does he believe the promise of God?
does he believe that the facts that he could see in front of him from his experience or Does he believe what
God has promised now put like that? It sounds as if we're saying that faith is irrational That's the way some people would interpret this
We simply discount everything that science and experience tells us and we name what we want and claim it as true
Just ignore the facts right nor biology Well, this chapter is a favorite chapter of the prosperity preachers.
They say that all we need to do is believe and We call that this is what they say the prosperity preachers.
We just believe what what we want Okay, I hope you're seeing the differences between what they say and what the Bible is really saying
We claim what we want we believe it we then call those things that are not
You know, we want to be wealthy we call it into our existence. We want to have that mansion that rolls
Royce We call it into existence That's what they say back in verse 17. Just ignore the impossibilities ignore the facts
But other people call facts ignore those facts and use the power of faith to call our desires into being
Well, that's not what's going on here at all Paul is commenting on Genesis chapter 15 and there
God promised Abraham that he was many descendants as the stars in the sky There wasn't something
Abraham made up. It's God's promise It's the first difference Abraham had to decide whether he was going to believe that promise or believe his experience
What he could see what he knew to be Factual the the choice he made would depend on which he thought was more trustworthy
He wasn't asked to be unreasonable It's always reasonable to trust the trustworthy, isn't it?
And so he decided that that God was more trustworthy and more powerful than his experience than nature
He believed God And Genesis chapter 15 verse 6 is quoted here in Romans 4 verse 3
Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness. So what was it about Abraham that God counted?
It's it's hard work Is that his religion his morality his willingness to sacrifice?
No, there's four if we work for something it is do us It's not it's not a gift, but it's wages.
It's ours by right Right government enforces you work an hour for an employer. You have a right to the pay
It's not something that the employers not doing you a favor giving it to you. It's not giving you a gift
You earned it. It's yours by right the government could come in and make your employer pay you because it's yours you earned it
Now that's not what's going on here. But that's what many people assume counts with God just like any just like anything else
Jump through the right hoops put in the right amount of work Apply yourself and you'll get the result you want but in verse 5 to the one who knows he can't
The verse 5 he the one who knows he can't do anything that will count with God but just trust trust
God who Justifies that is the one he makes right he declares you right with him put you in a good relationship trust
God to do that The ungodly, how do you justify the ungodly? Just if you're
God, I mean the ungodly are against you They have to admit that they're ungodly that their that their heart was not right with God that they believe in God's promise
To put them in a right relationship with God and not in what they've done. They believe and God counts who counts
God counts we believe Now David too is a good example of this in verse 6.
It's quoting from Psalm 32 David extols that the blessedness that is the the happy contented peaceful Protected we can say may be successful condition of those who even though They were lawless
They have things that need to be forgiven. They lived in rebellion to God's law. They are now
Forgiven their sins are covered so that they aren't they aren't seen those sins aren't seen anymore
Not seen they can't be counted The Lord does not count And there's that word again in verse 6
Their sins against them when it comes to to the blessed you're one of the blessed when it comes to the blessed
God does not count Their sins in other words. It's it's a great life when the
Lord fixes your books When he puts you in in the black There's nothing that you can do to make him do that who counts
Well, if you're one of the blast when it comes to your sins Nobody does God does not count the sins of those who believe
But the religious person thinks well, he knows better than that. I mean nothing good comes easily we all know that Abraham was right because Right with God because he jumped the right hoop.
He did the religious ritual, you know for him circumcision for us Baptism for or we responded to an invitation.
We said the right prayer for Abraham. He was a religious guy That's that's what did it his religion, but when was
Abraham counted as righteous? When was he put in the black? With God when was he profitable in verse 10?
Paul asked you knows it was it before think about this because he's trying to respond to these other people saying Abraham earned his right relationship with God through his religion and there was sacrifice and in Paulist trying to say no
No, think about it clearly. When was Abraham declare right with God in a good relationship?
When did God count him as one of his people was it before or after he was circumcised?
In other words, did God tell him be circumcised Abraham do this and then he when he obeyed it
God counted that obedience Enough to get him out of debt. God counted him then as right because Now he had obeyed.
Well, that's religion religion says do it's like a job you work first and then you're paid
Religion says do And then according to the religion then God counts what you've done
But that's not what's going on here But it just says do the gospel says done
Here Abraham is declared profitable in the black before He obeyed in Genesis chapter 15
He was told to be circumcised in Genesis chapter 17 You don't have to be very good at math to figure out 15 comes before 17 his salvation then precedes his work
It is as easy as Believing in verse 10. He was counted.
There's that word again Counted right before he ever received and obeyed the command
To be circumcised. In fact the sign of his covenant with God Paul says here verse 11 that sign is a seal
It's like what a king in their day would would put an imprint on to some document Official document with this but they put poor wax on it and signet the king would have a signet ring and seal it
This is authenticating it this comes official from the king We still kind of do that today something like it we put seals on some documents
Usually imprints like notary public's will do right. They'll have you sign and then they'll sign and they'll Put an imprint on it.
They'll seal it to authenticate it The show that this is this is this thing This document is for real here.
The right relationship with God is shown to be for real that God has really credited to him Righteousness because of his faith that he had earlier the seal the religious thing here circumcision is the seal of the faith
That he had earlier Now the sign and seal don't come before the thing they are signaling today
You don't you don't seal something before the thing
Notary public's don't seal a document before you sign it They don't work that way that you gotta sign that thing and then they'll seal it
They come after God counts we believe and Then we get baptized or join the church.
We follow and obey we are saved by faith alone But faith that saves is never alone
So the second half of verse 11 Says that the purpose of declaring Abraham, right?
The second half verse 11 says that the purpose of declaring Abraham, right and a good relationship with God Before he did the religious thing
For him circumcision the purpose of that was to make him the father of all who believe so that we who also believe
Like Abraham can be counted right and in the black Before We did anything religious
Whatever it might be before we got baptized or became a church member or prayed the prayer or whatever we did right, we
We follow like Abraham Abraham believed first Chapter 15 got the seal of the from God Genesis chapter 17.
We believe first Right, and then we get the seal like baptism after God told
Abraham See if you could count the stars Who counts
Abraham can't count That's how many children you will have if we believe
God counts you as Abraham's children
But the hard -working religious person, you know, thanks being successful with God It's like Tim Tebow's secret to success you've got to work hard, you know the secret to success
There's no secret for these people. They thought it meant keeping the law not only get circumcised but keep the Ten Commandments No, don't eat pork.
Don't eat shrimp. Sorry. It's hard for Chinese food offer the right sacrifices Keep all the little rules of Leviticus The law says you shall but God's promise says
I will I'm starting verse 13 Paul starts to deal with the hard -working those who insisted that somehow you've got to keep some laws
To be right with God. Let me say it can't be that easy just believe This is too easy to say believe
Paul We've got to do something got to do our part But Paul points out that the promise to Abraham fulfilled by Jesus in the gospel was made before Abraham Started keeping any laws in verse 14 if you earn being an heir of God We might say earn being safe.
You're an heir of God if you earn that by works By what you've done by your law keeping by your religion
What everyone said but something coming from you by your hard work if you earned it, then it's not through faith
You earned it that way. It's not through faith. You can't earn God's blessings because he says in verse 15 the law law keeping
Brings wrath that's the result some people think the law Through I can get through the law if I keep it well enough
I can get God's favor I can earn something from God. I can earn something. God will count for my on my behalf
Paul says no you cannot do that The only thing you will get by trying to earn something.
God will count is something he will count against you wrath
That is if you think it's like anything else you think it's like being successful in sports and academics and business
I Can work hard enough I can do it None are righteous. No, not what you forget that you're not righteous
You've broken God's law and you so you've earned his anger and you're deep in debt. You forget that you think you can dig your way out
Because you are sinful by nature Where there is a law from God We will break it
You know, that's that's the delusion we're under when we think we can do something that counts with God Well, we will end up violating that law somehow or the other if in our hearts if not in our actual outliving in our actions
Law keeping trying to earn what counts with God by our hard work The only result of that is wrath
God's anger judgment punishment But if there is righteousness a right relationship with God that is prior to the law and that comes before These boundary markers he talks about trespasses.
You've stepped over the no trespassing line You're into a zone that says no trespass.
You went there That is before we we've sinned and fallen short of God's glory
We can still have that right relationship with God Then we can have that as a gift in verse 14 if by law keeping
That is if if by your work You if by you trying to do something you think
God will count if by that you are a child of God Then God's promise to Abraham.
He says it's useless It's null and void Why don't gotta make a promise to Abraham if if if the secret
Abraham Abraham's righteousness was his works You just tell him to do stuff But that's not what happened but if that's the way it is if It's if you become a child of God by what you do, then it's all hard work
It's all hard work that counts. It's do do do But if there is a credit with God that is before and separate from our transgressions
Transgression is a specific kind of sin. It's a violation of law I've given you a law and you transgression you're not either that tree you eat it of anyway
You've transgressed if God will count something for us apart from our law -breaking
Then we have hope that our ledger with God can be fixed that God can count that That faith and credit it to our account
That is why in verse 16. I know it's a difficult chapter. Hang on try to look at it.
Maybe they'll help but these Abstract ideas. I know but that is why in verse 16 it that is our relationship with God depends on faith that way the promise of being heirs of God that is
Inheriting a relationship with him as being his people his children that promise he says rest it depends on grace
Not on what you do Because it depends on God's grace not our attempts at hard work.
Then it can be guaranteed Now there's this for certain to all
Abraham's children and all people who have faith like Abraham are His true offspring
Those are the ones who fulfill the promise to Abraham in Genesis chapter 15 to have as many
As many offspring as the stars of the sky Who God who
God counts? What what Abraham couldn't count It was never ultimately about literal descendants
For Abraham see people misread the Old Testament. Okay, he promised a lot of a lot of children But it was never even from the beginning about literal descendants about a little
Israel, but about those who have Faith as it says in verse 16.
He is the father and here Paul's talking to the church to believers Jewish and Gentile he's the father of us all
He was the first of a new nation a holy nation called out of the world to be different and the distinguishing quality
What what counts about them what makes the citizens of that holy nation citizens
Was not a certain skin color Not descent. It's not ancestry not a physical race.
It's not a common ethnicity. It's not even circumcision It's not the mark of the Old Covenant, but the one thing that set the new nation apart from the rest of the world was faith if You have faith that marks you as one of Abraham's children.
It's a citizen of this new nation. We believe God counts
But some will say Can't be that easy. Oh You think faith is easy.
I don't think you know what faith is then Faith is not easy
It's not as easy as this deciding. I'm gonna have some new opinions. I used to have the opinion that making money and having a great time on a
Saturday night was all that mattered Now we changed our opinions. Well that that may be a result of faith
But that's not all that faith is faith is not stealing ourselves against kind of all contrary ideas
Just refuse to listen become unreasonable Closed -minded faith is trust in a person.
So faith is more about who you believe Then what you believe but of course who
God tells us what and we believe in what we believe
Because the one we trust who? Told us to believe it Well starting verse 17
Paul first begins with the object of faith Who we believe in then says three things about faith first Faith hopes against hope second faith considers without weakening and third faith worships without wavering
Well first the object of faith that is the one we believe in who are we having faith in in verse 17?
The object of faith is the God who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist He's describing
God that's why God does and this verse has been greatly abused by the preachers of the prosperity gospel
Who say that we should be doing that that by our words we can call into existence
Things that do not yet exist things we want like that Mercedes -Benz I want that I'll call that into existence that trophy
That's sweet relationship that healing that millions of dollars
That instead of working for things like that we just speak them into existence
But this first doesn't say that at all. It says Abraham believed that God could do that.
Not that he Abraham Could do that himself God could give life to the dead just by speaking the word and so God then
Could decree that speak the word that Abraham have as many offspring as the stars of the sky
Abraham believed that God could do that and he believed that God would keep his promise.
And so God saw that faith in God and Declared that Abraham was right
Wiping out the debits in his ledger and crediting to him rightness
The right life of Christ who fulfilled this promise to Abraham the one
Abraham was believing in Without fully understanding it all
Well, how about you? Are you able to believe? That God can raise the dead
Something you never see it's naturally impossible. And so you can believe that the
Christian loved one who dies Will live again and so you grieve differently than the world
Like someone who has hope do you believe that? Do you believe that only
God is capable of doing Capable of doing it but you but he has already raised up Jesus and that's what we celebrate every
Sunday The first day of the week the Lord's Day the day the Lord was raised up Manifesting by doing that raising him up manifesting how to be right with God in verse 25.
Jesus was raised for our Justification are being legally declared, right?
So all it takes is faith, but faith is not easy Because it asks you to trust in something you haven't seen yet Just like Abraham Faith isn't easy.
It makes you hope against hope. That's what he says in verse 18 Abraham in hope Believed against hope now we kind of that idiom idiom today hope against hope
Today it kind of means something different it means something just to hope in something desperately that We hope will happen even though you know
It's not very likely as in you know We were hoping you know, it's hoping my team would win the championship, but they got knocked out in the first round Something like that in this case what
Abraham hoped for was was not likely at all It was impossible Naturally, he hoped against hope that Sarah would be able to have a child
The only thing that could make that happen Was a miracle with God it's not chance not a freak of biology
Only only God could do that. So when it comes to believing that our accounts with God will be settled and When the accounting day comes and will be found in the black we had better be hoping
Against hope we had better be trusting in one thing and one thing only and not
Not that maybe we've earned enough credits by our religion and a hard work, but that we believe in it act of God Alone, it's what it means to hope against hope we believe in God Alone when you come before the final auditor
Don't come claiming credits that you hope God will count for you
Come hoping in what God alone has done come with nothing in your hands but only faith in your heart
Faith is not easy Faith does not blind itself to the realities of life.
It's not a denial of facts in verse 19 Abraham Actually says he considered
His own advanced age. He considered Sarah's infertility. He didn't forget those things
When he believed he didn't just deny that they were real any longer Just refused to accept the facts is why some of these prosperity people tell you this don't even
Acknowledge that the facts are what they are. You get a diagnosis of cancer Just refuse to believe it views to accept it act like it's not true.
Well, that's not what Abraham did He considered in verse 19 the facts He simply reasoned that God the object of his faith was able to overcome the physical realities.
He considered without wavering Faith is not easy
And it enables us to worship without wavering like Abraham in verses 20 and 21 It instills in us such trust in God that we know he'll keep his promise
Abraham knew God would keep his promise We know He did keep his promise and he kept his promise to us in Christ in the past and he will to us in the future
He'll raise us with Christ. We won't waver Even though we'll be shaken and tempted
We'll grow strong And you grow strong By exertion if you want your muscles to grow you want them to grow strong.
You've got to push them against something Strain them like rocky.
It isn't easy. And if you do though Your faith will grow strong if you are pushed and you don't waver believing in in Christ Risen from the dead and giving glory to God in verse 20
That is worshiping the God who is the object of your faith to him Paul returns in verses 20 and 21
Abraham's faith was counted to him as righteousness because Abraham showed by being fully
Convinced by worshiping him without wavering That he did indeed Trust God that his heart was turned to him
The the God who has raised Jesus our Lord from the dead Abraham believed in him and so was counted by God as right with him it is as easy as believing and Those last three verses were told that the story of Abraham was written for us notice that some people say the
Old Testament That's not for us. That's a former time as we can discuss unhitch it from our faith here Paul says no it is written for us.
It's written for our faith to show us what God counts What does God count not our religion or our hard work, but our faith, but our faith in what
Now it has to be in the right thing in Someone who was trustworthy and the end Paul returns to the object of our faith.
That is who? We believe in we believe in Jesus who Abraham looked forward to some people as well
How did Abraham say before a Christ? He looked forward to him because it's Jesus was the one who fulfilled the promise to Abraham Remember the promise you know as many descendants that the stars in the sky who made that possible who fulfilled that Christ did when
Abraham believed the promise he was believing in Jesus and to us to God makes a promise That even though we've sinned
Jesus took that guilt It's it's true that nothing good comes without work and sacrifice
But it's not our work our our sacrifice that brings our right relationship with God Jesus worked and he sacrificed his life
We sinned He suffered Now for us it is as easy as believing but we have to believe in him who did what was not at all
Easy, and so when God counts him Now, we're right We're justified counted just if I'd never sinned and so God raised him up and He'll raise us up with him to inherit the earth.
What does God count? God counts Jesus our Lord. That's the promise now
Do you believe it People want to think somehow
There's got to be something that I can do something on my part They want to do their part something they feel they could be proud of so they can earn that God can count like trophies or championship rings or honors degrees or Lots of money in the bank the pride of life that craves in our heart to have something of ourselves that's worth counting and so always wants to lead us away from the
Savior and back to Self -reliance back to pride
Something to boast about to accomplish for ourselves, but God doesn't come to us with a ritual saying do but with the
Savior saying done he doesn't come with a law a list of instructions saying you shall but with a promise saying
I will and Finally the Lord Jesus comes with the declaration
It is finished What counts God counts we believe