FBC Daily Devotional – August 2, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Good Monday to you. Let's get this week off to a good start. Shall we? We're reading today in Joshua chapter 15
And let me ask you this What dad? can resist his daughter's heartfelt plea for help
I Know there's a little bit of a stereotypical thing about dads and daughters that you know
All the daughter has to do is turn on the waterworks and ask for anything and dad will indulge her and give it to her
And I'm not talking about that kind of Hmm overindulgence, but I'm talking about a daughter that Please has a heartfelt plea for help.
What dad can resist that? Well a good dad can't and in Joshua 15
Caleb who is quite a mighty warrior he also proves himself to be a tender father and he has a daughter by the name of Ahsa and his method of Arranging for his daughter's marriage is quite foreign to us frankly
We pretty much expect the the kids, you know, the daughters and there would be spouses to find each other and you know kind of Develop a relationship and so forth.
That's sort of the way the culture works now, but wasn't so in Joshua 15 and in that culture that era a
Lot of times the fathers would would work together to arrange marriages and so forth and well in this case
Caleb ox's dad Devises this incredible Kind of smart scheme.
He says whoever can conquer this city such -and -such a village a town whatever I'll give my daughter to him in marriage now that was that was pretty smart on Kayla's part because what it did was ensure that The son -in -law to be would not only be a strong man and a leader but one who would do what it took to take care of his daughter and If he fought hard enough and you know in order to win this daughter's hand in marriage
Then that would indicate that would indicate something in the man's character. So he does this and Othniel goes to battle against what is actually the city of ultimately city of Kiriath sephir and He takes it conquers it and so Othniel says or Caleb says to Othniel.
Okay, you can have my daughter I've sought to wife and Othniel's like yes, my father -in -law is
Caleb this great warrior in our history and so on but oxa
What's married oh and Caleb also has a wedding gift if you will provides the couple the newlywed couple with a very generous parcel of land and he announces that to the to the happy couple and Of course, this is a very generous on his part, but oxide gets to looking at this piece of property and realizes, you know
There's something missing here. There's a lot of ground and there's a lot of dirt, but there's no water source and Water is pretty vital, you know for life and vital for crops and all the rest of that kind of thing so oxa says to to her husband
Othniel Go ask my dad for some springs of water so they come to Caleb and apparently it is it is oxa the daughter who asks dad for these springs of water and Caleb the good dad is
Not only going to Help out his daughter, but he's going to do so generously
He not only gave her the upper Springs. He gave her the lower Springs as well and so what a touching picture and what a challenging picture for dads to be
To be tender -hearted Toward their children toward in this case, especially a daughter
They would cry out in a really a real genuine need that they have the ability to supply and to provide
And what again as I asked what good dad wouldn't do that? And here's the thing in doing so a father who would respond to his daughter's heartfelt plea like this and Give what is needed is really reflecting the
Heavenly Father because What good thing will our father withhold from those who ask it?
so dads Let's be like our Heavenly Father. Shall we let's have a tender generous heart
Toward our children, especially helping helping them when they have a definite need
Father help us to be fathers like you are Generous tender -hearted kind and this we pray in Jesus name and for his sake.