With Friends Like These...SBC "Conservatives"

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, well, I hope you had a great weekend, everybody. For all the fathers out there,
I hope you spent some time with your children and all of that kind of thing. Yesterday, we had a chance to, we've been, our backyard is kind of like on a hill and there's like a retaining wall, you know, old
New England style retaining wall. And all of that, our backyard is getting redone in a few weeks.
We're getting it regraded and all this kind of stuff, which is cool because it gives us an opportunity to dig a bunch of holes and the kids have been digging and we've been creating all these canals and, you know, water, we put water in it and stuff.
It's really fun. And so the kids were enjoying that yesterday. And I just hope God blesses you all and that you have a good week ahead of you of productivity and all that kind of thing.
Let me say this also to all of you who bought Social Justice Pharisees this weekend, took advantage of the
Juneteenth sale. There were a lot of you. I was surprised how many books moved this weekend.
But if you did that, thank you. Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy the book. I'm starting to get some feedback about the book and, man,
I just, I have to say that I've been, I've been so blessed by the feedback and a lot of people really enjoyed the book and I'm so glad for that.
I'm so grateful and, you know, guys, if it wasn't for the YouTube channel and the people watching it and supporting me and all that kind of stuff, the book would never have gotten written.
There's just no question about that. So if you purchased the book, it took advantage of the Juneteenth sale. Thank you.
If you enjoyed the book, thank you. If you, if you have criticism for the book, feel free to message me and all that.
I'd love to hear what you have to say. But unfortunately, you know, Juneteenth only comes but once a year, right?
So the sale is over. But if you did pick up a copy, thank you. But you could still get a copy of the book.
It's just going to be full price now. So if you want to consider purchasing, adrobles .com,
A -D -R -O -B -L -E -S dot com, and you can get a copy. Thank you.
On Saturday, I actually looked in the mail and I got another two silver coins.
That's right. I was, I was, I thought I was done with the coins, but another two silver coins. I'm excited about all that.
And so I was glad to send out books for silver. Now here's what I want to get to today.
I have to be honest, like, so I'm humbled by how many people have purchased my book and the messages that I've been getting and all of that kind of thing.
But there is some mixed feelings here because a number of people who bought the book this weekend emailed me and expressed a lot of,
I don't know what the right word is, anxiety or exasperation or something like that.
You know what I mean? Just a little bit of angst because of what's happened with the SBC. And I have to be honest with you,
I totally get it. I totally get it. It was a disaster. I listened to John Harris's video he did with Russell Fuller, who was the pastor,
I'm sorry, the teacher who got fired from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for being too conservative. And you know,
I get it, guys. I get it. It was not pleasant to see what happened.
On Friday, I did a video about the loser trap and how a lot of conservatives are falling into the loser trap where they think that, you know, they're just about there.
They're going to win. If only they tweak a few things. You know, we only lost by like 3 % of the vote and all of that.
And Russell Fuller had the same take that I had. It wasn't close. Like the conservatives got their clocks cleaned at the
Southern Baptist Convention. And I predict that the conservatives in the PCA are going to get their clocks cleaned as well.
And this is the reality. We're not almost there. Listen, I'm not telling you to not try.
Look, if you're in the SBC, I think, personally, if I was in the SBC, I'd be bouncing. It's a liberal denomination now and I think that's all there is to it.
But if you don't agree and you want to stay and fight, I'm all for that. Listen, if you want to stay and fight, I wouldn't do it, but I support you and God bless you.
May God help you with that fight. But understand that you're not almost there. This is basically an unwinnable fight and you're going to have to change pretty much everything about what you're doing.
Because what you're doing isn't working and you got your clocks cleaned this weekend. I don't want any SBC conservative to fall into this loser trap that the
Jets... I used the example of the Jets and over the weekend, I remembered a very specific example.
There was one time when we were in the playoffs and we almost beat the Steelers to advance in the playoffs.
And the only reason we lost was because our kicker was horrible and he missed an easy field goal and we lost the game.
I think we had like two chances to win with field goals and he missed both of them. And so the Jets fell into the loser trap.
This is what I don't want the Southern Baptists to fall into. They said, okay, we're almost at the
Super Bowl. All we need is a kicker. And so what they did was the next year, instead of doing what they should have done and drafting key position players, they drafted a kicker in like the second round, something ridiculous like that.
Nobody drafts a kicker in the second round because it's not worth it. It's better off to get like a receiver or quarterback or a lineman or something like that.
But anyway, the point is they drafted a kicker and they figured, okay, well, we were good last year and we almost made it and we missed a kick.
So now we're going to make the Super Bowl. That's the loser trap. And then next year they got their clocks clean because they weren't close.
They fell into the loser trap. They thought they were close, but they weren't. And that's a trap.
And so if you're a conservative, you have to understand that you're not as close as you think you are.
And you know, you're going to have to change a lot of your messaging. You're going to have to change your approach and your style, because if you don't, next year is going to go worse than this year, which is very hard to imagine for a lot of people.
I feel like a lot of people have this perspective that the only way they can go is up. And I'm here to tell you that that's not true.
You can go much, much lower than you're at right now. The next thing to typically be accepted is the
LGBT stuff. Like the SBC is going to turn gay real quick. Like, let's just face it. Like once you start allowing for a complementarianism that somehow allows women to preach under certain circumstances, like guys, this is ridiculous.
Like we've gotten to the point where words don't have any meaning anymore. Let me give you an example. I've heard some comments about the
SBC convention from people who claim to be conservative. And let me just warn you guys that this perspective is rampant.
This is what most conservatives in the SBC are actually like. Most conservatives in the
SBC are conservatives in name only. All of their policies are liberal, except like on a five -year delay.
So it's like, you know, basically everything the conservatives in the Southern Baptist Convention believe in general is what the liberals believed five years ago.
It's just like the same thing in regular politics as well, by the way. But let me just go through the list of the kind of feedback that I've seen regarding the
SBC convention from conservatives. This is why you're losing, and this is why you're going to lose by more next year unless there's radical changes in what you're doing.
First of all, most conservatives think that this Southern Baptist Convention was actually pretty good.
Like, yeah, it's not a big deal. I mean, Ed Litton's a conservative, right? I mean, nobody on that stage was liberal.
And look, guys, this is the perspective of most Southern Baptists. It's not true.
Ed Litton is a liberal, obviously. But most people consider him a conservative.
Why is that? Why is it that most people consider Ed Litton a conservative? Well, I think that there's a few reasons, but the first reason is that nobody called him liberal from the stage.
Nobody said, hey, dude, you're a liberal. You let your wife preach at church. You're not a complementarian.
You're a liberal. See, that's the thing. Nobody dared to do that. And I'm wondering why.
Why can't we just call a spade a spade? I think that the reality is that the 11th commandment is still in force in the
SBC like crazy. Nobody's willing to call a spade a spade. And I think that's one of the things, I should say, that is going to have to change.
You have to be able to call things what they are, and you have to be able to use pointed language and all of that kind of thing.
But overall, I think that the reason people think this actually went pretty well, even conservatives, as they got their clocks cleaned in almost every way, is because of the tone.
You see, I really think that the majority of conservatives, at least the ones that go to these conventions,
I'm not talking about the rural church that can't afford to send someone to the convention. Yeah, by the way, that's a thing.
I didn't know that that was a thing, but apparently that's a thing. So I'm talking about the people that go to these conventions, the richer ones.
The reason why they think this was a win, even as it was an obvious loss, is because of tone. Everyone was super nice to each other, and it's like,
I just can't fathom this kind of perspective, where you've got to be nicer than Jesus, and if you're nicer than Jesus, then it's a win, no matter how much of a loss it is.
They could start ordaining gay pastors, and as long as the tone is nice, most
Southern Baptists are going to think, oh, that was a win. We got unity, after all. I mean, unity is the highest good, of course.
No matter what happens, we've got to have unity. We could be ordaining pedophiles, but as long as we have unity, that's fine.
You see, that's why a lot of—that's why everything needs to change. This whole decorum thing, where everything is just kind and proper, and as long as everything's kind and proper, then everything's fine, that's got to change.
No. It's great for things to be kind and proper, but that's secondary to things going actually well, as far as defending the truth, and the truth moving forward, and our churches being more biblical.
I'm all for kindness and being proper, and all of that kind of thing, but that has to be not at the expense of the truth, right?
Not at the expense of right practice in the church, and so that's one thing that's going to have to change.
We're going to have to reorder our priorities here. I'm not saying you can't be nice if you'd like to be nice.
Fine, if you want to be nice, be nice, but that has to be a secondary priority compared to doing things the right way, and actually having church the way
God said we should have church. Now, another perspective that I've seen as well is basically regarding this conservative
Baptist network, and this conservative Baptist network, Tom Askell, Paige Patterson's involved,
Mike Stone, and I don't know really a whole lot about how this started, or what they're up to, or all this kind of thing, but what
I have seen is a lot of people identify that as fundamentalist, as legalist, as all of this kind of stuff.
You see, here's the truth, guys. Liberals are not afraid to label you what they think that you are, and will be damaging to you, right?
So I don't think liberals are lying. They think that if you think you should follow what God says, that you're a legalist.
These people are twisted, right? Like Christ said, if you love me, you'll keep my commandments, but if Tom Askell says, hey, if you love
Christ, you'll keep his commandments, now all of a sudden Tom Askell's a legalist. That's the reality of the situation that we're in.
Liberals actually think that about Tom Askell, that if he says you should obey Christ, then you're a fundamentalist, you're a legalist, and all of that.
But the lesson here, though, is that they're not afraid to use these words and these labels if they think it's going to be damaging to you.
And you have to understand that and recognize that they don't play by the rules of decorum that they claim to play by.
They always call for unity, but at the first opportunity, they're causing disunity, right?
They always call for unity, but at the first opportunity, they're gloating that their liberal champion got elected president.
It's all fake, guys. It's like Joe Biden calling for unity after he got elected in a fake election, right?
It's all fake. There's a lot of similarities between what's going on in the SBC and what's going on in the
United States as a whole. I wouldn't be surprised if there was all kinds of fraud going on in the
SBC election. I've got no evidence of that. I'm just saying that there's a lot of parallels. That's what I'm going to say.
So the reality is that you understand that these people, they claim to have this decorum, this manner, this tone, you know, and all the unity, unity, but it's all fake though.
They don't play by their own rules. They're fake rules anyway, so nobody should play. I'm not expecting them to play by their own fake rules because they're liberals.
They don't care what they do. But why are we so concerned about playing by their rules?
We shouldn't be. We shouldn't be. And so again, everything is going to need to change.
We have to stop this 11th commandment nonsense. So I'll say that. Now the other thing that you need to understand as conservatives in the
SBC is that many, many, many, many people are fooled by these denunciations of critical race theory that are, you know,
I'll sign the official document, I'll denounce critical race theory, but as they're teaching critical race theory at their seminaries, like that whole charade that the seminary presidents did, where they all signed that they're against critical theory, yet we all understand that there is critical theory being taught in their schools.
That charade fools almost everybody, right? I know it's hard for some of us to believe that, like I get that, but you have to step outside of yourself for a minute.
Like I understand that if someone says I'm against critical theory, but I see their teaching and there's a lot of critical theory in there, that I don't believe them.
Like I understand that I know their faith by their works, right? I know what they believe based on what they do, right?
We understand it's a biblical principle, it's logical, you know, it makes sense. I mean, you live long enough, you see people say one thing and do the other, like you don't go by what they say, you go by what they do.
A perfect example of this is the Federal Reserve, right? People got all uppity last week because the Federal Reserve said, oh, we're going to think about tapering our purchasing program.
Maybe we're going to think about raising interest rates and the market crashed, right?
And the price of gold crashed and stuff like that. And so what did I do? I bought some gold because I knew that was fake because they're saying stuff, but if you look at what they're doing, they're not slowing down anything.
Interest rates are still zero. We all get that you don't go by what someone says, you go by what they do.
And so you need to understand that and counter that somehow. I don't know how you're going to do it.
I don't think it's even worth trying at this point, personally, if it was me, I would just leave and start my own thing. But the reality is that if you're going to stay, understand that that easy to see scam, like it's one of those scams that's so easy to see, but it fools a lot of people.
It's like a scam phone call, right? You get a scam phone call and a lot of us instantly know that it's a scam, right?
We can instantly see all the telltale signs we get, it's a scam. But some people are fooled by that.
The problem is that in the SBC convention, the majority of conservatives are fooled when
Al Mohler says, well, I'm against critical theory, as his seminary promotes critical theory.
They're fooled by that, I don't know what to do about that. I think a lot of these guys want to be fooled by that, so there's nothing you can do.
If somebody wants to be fooled by something, there's nothing you can do. It's like the old person who thinks that the
Nigerian prince is going to send them a hundred thousand euros, as long as he sends them ten thousand bucks first, he'll get a hundred thousand euros.
A lot of these people, they want to be fooled, there's nothing you can say, there's nothing you can do. You just have to accept it.
That's kind of the situation we're in. Tons of people fall for that nonsense, and it's nonsense, it's a scam, it's fugazi.
We all see that, lots of people don't though. People that watch this channel are much more in the know, but people that are going to the
SBC convention voting, they're fooled by that. You just have to recognize that and figure out some way to counterbalance it.
I don't know what you're going to do, but good luck. The other thing is this whole situation with language.
Liberals love changing language to mean the opposite, like pro -choice. Obviously they're talking about murdering babies, but pro -choice, it sounds good.
They twist language and they make it mean the opposite, justice is injustice, the whole thing.
In the SBC convention, they're doing the same thing. People do fall for Ed Litton calling himself a complimentarian.
People do fall for Dwight McKissick calling himself a complimentarian, even as both of them promote women preaching.
Women preach at both of their churches, and all they do is say, oh, I'm a complimentarian, and that's enough for most people.
Oh yeah, sure, I guess he's a complimentarian. There's different types of complimentarian and all this kind of thing. Look guys, they're going to do this, you have to go into these things knowing that they're going to do this, and you have to contrast with what they're saying.
No, Ed Litton, you're not conservative, you're not a complimentarian, because those words actually have real meanings, and you're not what those words mean.
We need to have people to call out that nonsense, call it what it is, instead of using their propaganda terms.
Don't use the term light complimentarianism. Don't use the term kind or gentle complimentarian.
Use the real term. You're an egalitarian. You are a liberal. You are a progressive. Actually, the best term to use is you're a feminist.
Ed Litton is a feminist, and so are all the other ones that allow women to preach at their church, even as God says not to.
You can't use their propaganda terms, guys. If you guys continue to use their propaganda terms, you continue to play by their fake decorum rules, and all that kind of stuff, you're going to continue to get your clock cleaned.
The PCA is going to get their clock cleaned this coming week, and you're going to continue in the SBC to get your clock cleaned, because you're using all of their tools.
Look, if you want to go where the progressives are going, you get in their plane. How do you get in their plane? Well, you get in their plane by using their rules, their fake rules, using their terms, their fake propaganda terms, and being just so nice to them, nicer than Jesus would be.
That's the reality. You guys are going to lose if you continue doing these things.
This is the majority of people who call themselves conservatives at these conventions. They're conservatives in the same way that Republicans are conservative.
They're conservative by being liberal, except on a five -year delay. Oh yeah, you know, you want
Juneteenth? Juneteenth is a national holiday? Okay, sure, I'll vote for it. Because the reality is, all they're trying to do is avoid being called racist, because they're terrified out of their minds of being called racist.
It's the same thing in the SBC. They need to be against Tom Askew, because otherwise they're going to be called a racist, and what they fear is being called racist.
The fear of man is all over the conservative branch of the
SBC. It's all over it. You have to stop this fear of being called racist.
They know it works, that's why they keep doing it. They'll just do it. They'll say anything. Yeah, we should have women preach all the time.
If you don't, you're a sexist. They know you're scared of being called a sexist, and most conservatives are.
They're deathly afraid of this. And so they'll get their way again and again by putting crying women on stage, by calling you a racist, by leaking anonymous letters saying everybody's a racist, and so they're going to get you to go along with them by doing all that stuff, and most conservatives are terrified out of their minds.
Most conservatives have no backbone. Most conservatives are actually really, deep down inside, liberal, but they want to appeal to a certain crowd, so they call themselves conservative.
I think this is Al Mohler. He's trying to appeal to a certain crowd, so he calls himself conservative, but deep down on the inside, he loves all the stuff that the liberals are doing, all of it.
So that's the reality. So you've got to face that. Now there's one more thing that I wanted to address about this, and this is another reaction to the
SBC meeting, and that's this whole idea that, you know, well, you know, we're not perfect, but things are pretty good, where it's like, you know, and the whole purpose of this, of course nobody's perfect, it's one of these truisms, right?
It's like, nobody's perfect, so I guess, you know, everything's fine, like, no, no, no, no, no.
Things are not fine. Of course nobody's perfect, everybody agrees with that, but this is the kind of thing that tries to get you to not fight.
They try to get you to not move forward, to not make progress, to lay your weapons down.
That's how they say this. Oh, you know, we're all getting along, you know, we agree. See, the Baptist faith and message, even though the president, the current president, doesn't obey the
Baptist faith and message that he supposedly agrees with, but whatever, he'll sign his name on anything. These people have no scruples, right?
Oh yeah, I'm a complementarian, oh, you know, I believe this, believe that, oh yeah, I believe the Orthodox Trinity, yeah, sure, of course I do, even as he's teaching other things, you know what
I mean? Like, it's just, this is what they do. This is what they do. They'll sign whatever, and then they'll do the opposite.
This is what liberals do in Congress, yeah, sure, I believe in the Constitution, even as I trample it with every single act that I do, and they do it in the
Southern Baptist Convention, but their big thing is that, yeah, nobody's perfect, yeah, nobody's perfect.
That's a scam, it's a tactic to get you to lay your weapons down, and let's just face it, guys, it works.
All of these strategies that they do, they work, and so they're going to continue to do them. And so, if you're going to stay in the
Southern Baptist Convention, you're going to fight it out, and you need to change your strategy, because these are the things that are working on most people that pretend to be conservative, that go to the
SBC Convention and vote. Look, this is not despair, by the way. This is not despair, because the reality is that there's so many things that you can do that do not require you to stay in the
Southern Baptist Convention that make progress, right? Like, I personally think that there's a lot, you can go independent, you can make your own convention, whatever, there's lots of different options here.
This is not like, oh my gosh, throw my hands up in the air, I guess we're toast, I guess the church in America is toast, no, it's not like that at all.
There's so many things that you can do, and there's so many ways forward here that do not involve you paying your enemies to defeat you, right?
Paying your enemies to fight you, like, there's so many things that the scripture does not require you to be part of the
Southern Baptist Convention, it does not require you to pay into the ERLC, there's nothing like that in the
Bible, nothing like that, and I would suggest that probably the more effective, the more faithful, and quite frankly, the one that's gonna be easier way forward is to leave so much reform that needs to happen, let them go to their own devices,
I think reform will eventually come when it collapses, let it happen, because there's a time for that kind of thing in its season.
That's my encouragement for you, because you don't have to participate in this nonsense anymore, you just don't have to. You don't have to change a squishy, spineless conservative's mind on anything, you just have to do what
God says, what does God say? Go to him privately, if he doesn't repent, bring someone with you, if he doesn't repent, take it to the elders, if he doesn't repent, then he's like a tax collector to you.
We have a word from the Lord on how to do this, right? We have a word from the Lord on how to do this. I would suggest, if you're really conservative, if you're really
Bible -believing, follow it. Follow it. Because I do believe, you know, the people that watch this channel and some of the people in the
Conservative Baptist Network, that they really understand the danger of critical race theory.
Critical race theory is a separate religion, and many people in the Conservative Southern Baptist Convention are trying to mesh it with Christianity, and that can't be, right?
And so, if you really do believe that that's dangerous, then start acting like it.
And start doing what God says to do in a situation where your brother is sinning and refuses to repent.
We have a word from the Lord. If you're conservative and you believe the word of God, prove it with your actions.