F4F | Shawn Bolz: Coronavirus Con Man


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Alright, so we're in the midst of a global pandemic, and whether or not you agree it's a global pandemic or not really doesn't seem to matter due to the fact that many of us, in fact probably most of the world at this point, is in lockdown in order to stop this virus from spreading.
Whether you agree with the decision or not, that's not the point of this program. I've spent a lot of time over the past few days really trying to think how best to serve the body of Christ in this time with the skill set that we have and that we offer for the body of Christ today, and so I want to make sure that we offer some good as well as bad.
We have to deconstruct and also construct, so we're gonna try to mix it up a little bit by pointing you to resources outside of our
YouTube channel that I think are gonna be helpful during this time. All of that being said, what we're gonna do today is we're gonna do a little deconstructing work.
In the midst of the global pandemic, it's really becoming obvious who the false teachers and the false prophets and those people are who are taking advantage of and scamming others in the name of Jesus, and so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna focus on one particular fellow,
Sean Bowles, and Sean is a fellow that we've covered in the past, and we've noted that he is a guy who prophesies using a smartphone, an internet -connected device, and we'll put a link up right up here to a video that we did in the past where we busted him showing that he got his information off of the internet, off of social media, as he gave a call -out kind of prophecy at an event last year,
I do believe is when it was, but he's one of the Google prophets, one of these guys who prophesies not by hearing directly from God, but rather making stuff up that he's able to scour social media and then say, is there somebody here with the name of so -and -so, and does this word mean anything to you?
It's a form of phishing, if you know what I mean. So what we'll do today is we will cover
Sean Bowles exclusively and put him down as somebody we need to mark and avoid, and the best way
I can put it is that if fighting the coronavirus was likened to a war, then as Christians we need to unite and consider
Sean Bowles to be a war criminal. That's only the correct way to put it.
This is a fellow who should be drubbed out of the visible church and not permitted to teach
Sunday school to dogs in a homeless shelter. That's how bad it is.
So let's go ahead and whirl up my desktop, and what we're gonna do here, we're gonna just take a look at a few things and document exclusively what it is that Sean Bowles is up to, and note that this man is a deceiver, and he's playing for Team Satan, not for Team God or Team Jesus.
I'll explain that. So what we're looking at on my screen right now is a screenshot from a
Fox News, yeah, from foxnews .com, a Fox News story regarding Sean Bowles.
Let me show you the original here. It is from Fox News, and unfortunately this really makes them look ridiculous.
And when was this published? I think it was published in early March, but the headline reads,
Christian pastor Sean Bowles, quote, Lord showed me the end of the coronavirus.
And they quote him from his social media, and so I did some digging and found the original quote and put it in context.
So this is from the Fox News story about Sean Bowles claiming that the
Lord had showed him the end of the coronavirus, and we'll note that on February 28th at 1247 p .m.
Pacific Time, Sean Bowles posted a status update on his
Facebook, and we're gonna just do a little fact -checking here. So Sean Bowles, a Christian pastor in Los Angeles who teaches about listening to God, has good news to share about the coronavirus,
Fox News says. He prophesied about the virus, which has sickened 91 ,000 people worldwide and caused more than 3 ,000 deaths, declaring quote, the tide is turning now.
We're, quote, we're going to see it come to an end, Bowles told Fox News.
It's not going to be the pandemic that people are afraid of. Now I would note that the
CDC, the World Health Organization, have all declared it to be a pandemic. Those of you whose jobs have been moved from locales to the
Internet, those of you who've been laid off, those of you who are not currently working, those of you who are basically social distancing and stuck in place would say, well it sure does seem like everybody is acknowledging that it's a pandemic, and I would note a couple of things here, and that is is that one of the maps that I've been tracking on a daily basis is the one put out by USA Today because it's interactive, and this particular map is focusing on going on what's going on in the
United States, and I would notice all the way back on the 29th of February, it's so small it's hard to get, there were only eight cases of the coronavirus in the
United States, only eight. Yesterday, and I'm filming this on Wednesday, March 18th, yesterday,
March 17th, there were 1789 new cases of coronavirus reported in the
United States. 1789. We're gonna note that this is, what, 19 days after Sean Bowles declared on his social media that things were going to be turning around.
In fact, here's the screenshot from Sean Bowles' social media, and here's what he said on February 28th, the
Lord showed me the end of the coronavirus. The tide is turning now. He is answering the prayers of the nations and is putting an end in sight.
The exaggerated fear -based tactics of both the enemy and several media outlets for political reasons is coming to an end.
So he's basically claiming that the coronavirus is the result of some kind of political false narrative and the mainstream media concocting this, and the enemy has been trying to distract and steal from several equally important purposes and issues by dominating airwaves with conspiracy and fear.
Even now, several vaccines are coming out. Really? As well as a natural dying out of the virus itself, the
Lord is saying, I am removing the threat of this. That was 19 days ago.
19. Maybe 20 now. I forget we had leap year this year. Yeah, 20 days ago,
Sean Bowles said this. The coronavirus is not naturally dying out in and of itself, and God clearly hasn't removed that from us.
So biblically, what does that make Sean Bowles? And we're gonna take a look at a couple of passages.
Let me start in the Old Testament first, though. And in the Old Testament, let me remind you what the standard that is set, and this does still apply today for the
New Testament, you gotta get a hundred percent. Sean Bowles has falsely prophesied.
He clearly is not hearing from God. In Deuteronomy 1815, it says, Lord your
God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers. It is to him you shall listen, just as you desired of the
Lord of Yahweh your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said, let me not hear again the voice of Yahweh my
God, or see this great fire any more lest I die. And the Lord said to me, they are right in what they have spoken.
I will raise up for them a prophet like you among their brothers. I will put my words in his mouth.
He shall speak to them all that I command him, and whoever will not listen to my words, that he shall speak in my name,
I myself will require it of him. So here's the deal, is that in Deuteronomy 18 we have a prophecy about Jesus.
Jesus is the prophet that God raised up, and if anyone who will not listen to the words that God puts into his mouth will be held responsible by God.
And so immediately then we have issues of, well, how do we know when God is speaking or not speaking?
But the prophet who presumes, this is presumption here, presumption is the test of whether or not somebody is a true or false prophet.
Anyone who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.
And if you say in your heart, how may we know the word that Yahweh has not spoken? Answer, when a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that Yahweh has not spoken.
The prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you need not be afraid of him. So Sean Bowles, back in the day, 20 days ago now, prophesied that the end was, oh,
God was gonna cause the virus to die of itself, and that there are vaccines, and he's gonna turn it around, it's not gonna become the pandemic that everyone's afraid of, and yet it has.
In fact, as of recording today, presently there are 214 ,894 confirmed cases of the coronavirus globally, almost 9 ,000 deaths, and then of course 83 ,000 people have already recovered from it.
But yeah, this is for sure a global thing, and it is considered to be a pandemic.
So what Sean Bowles said, it is not what the
Lord said. God did not tell him this. That's the one thing we can rule out.
In fact, we can say that not only did God not tell him this, he has spoken presumptuously, and that makes
Sean Bowles a false prophet. Now, on his own social media, by the way,
I'll show you this, this is from his Facebook, just to show that if you want to know what it looks like, the thing without me highlighting it, there it is.
You can still find it on his social media. It's right there. It's right there on his social media.
I didn't doctor it. All he did was highlight the things that he said. He said those things on February 28th, and Sean Bowles then on March 11th made this statement on social media.
It's not about being right or wrong. It's about love. Of course, I have to just ask the question, how is it loving to tell people that God told you that the coronavirus isn't going to turn into a pandemic, and that God's bringing an end to it right now at the end of February, and that didn't turn out to be the case?
How is that loving? By what definition of love are you operating in?
What definition of love can possibly make an excuse for this? There is only one explanation, and that is that Sean Bowles is a false prophet.
Like I said, we've documented the fact that he prophesied by scouring social media and then claiming to have words of knowledge that come from God while holding an internet -connected smartphone while he prophesied.
We've documented that before. I've seen him do that on two occasions, very prominent two occasions at that, and now we've caught him in a bald -faced lie that he said that God said that this isn't going to turn into a pandemic, and that the end is near.
He said that 20 days ago, and far from the end being near, I mean, it just gets worse by the day presently.
No country is on the other end of the curve when it comes to controlling the coronavirus.
No one's got this thing completely locked down at this point. So what he said is not only irresponsible, it's false.
This makes him a false prophet, and somebody we should not be listening to, but we need to be marking and avoiding and saying under no circumstances is this man to be teaching anybody anything about biblical
Christianity, prophecy, doctrine, or anything, because he is a demonstrably false prophet, and he is a wolf and somebody to be avoided.
Let me give you another text here that I think is going to be helpful. Jesus's own words in, well, let's see here.
Let me find them. There we go. Matthew chapter 7 from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says, beware of false prophets.
Beware of them. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits, and by their fruits are going to be whether or not their prophecies come true, it's also going to talk about their life and their doctrine.
All of these things come to bear, and since the Bible gives us an explicit test of a prophet, and anybody claiming to hear from God, if that what they said
God said doesn't come to pass, they've spoken presumptuously, they are a false prophet. That is bad fruit, that kind of fruit that's so bad and stinking and festering that we should heed
Jesus's warnings. Note the red letters here. Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing.
Inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You'll recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?
So let me ask you this, are true prophets discerned based upon a batting average of how many true prophecies they give versus false prophecies?
No. A false prophecy would be a bad fruit, and Jesus is basically sitting there going, hey, listen, good trees don't bear bad fruit.
True prophets don't give false prophecies. That's the point here. So every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit.
The reason why Sean Bowles gives false prophecies is because he's a diseased tree.
This is just objectively the case. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit.
Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire, thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
False prophecies are fruits. It's bad fruit, which means he's not a good tree. And then he goes on to say this, and this is something that everybody in the charismatic movement had better pay closer attention to.
Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my
Father who is in heaven. On that day, on the day of judgment, many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do mighty works in your name?
And then will I declare to them, I never knew you. Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.
So here you got the words of warning us, straight up, avoid these people.
Look out for them. Somebody who is giving false prophecies, demonstrably so, those are all bad fruits.
And then to somehow turn it around and piously say, it's not about being right or wrong, it's about love.
This is complete deflection, and in and of itself, that is a bad fruit, because that's false doctrine.
But if that's not enough, I mean, he's taken to his YouTube channel, and on his
YouTube channel, we've got him deciding that he's going to tell us about coronavirus episode 125,
Your Prophetic Journey with Sean Bowles, and let's consider his teaching regarding coronavirus, even after he was proven to be wrong.
When was this published? March 16th. So this was published, what, 17, 18 days after?
After he falsely prophesied the end of the pandemic? Actually, the pandemic wouldn't even happen.
He's still speaking about it? The man has no shame. He has no conscience. Welcome to Your Prophetic Journey, where we process things about the prophetic, and these are very real things, and today we're talking about the coronavirus and other kinds of plagues or disasters in our response, and how we should respond to them.
You know, when you hear from God... Now, no, again, this is after he falsely prophesied the end of the pandemic, the end of the coronavirus threat.
He's falsely prophesied its end. It hasn't happened. This is published 18 days after his false prophecy, and he's still talking about it like he still has any kind of credibility, and he has none.
We actually have been given a wrong model through popular culture and through a lot of prophetic ministries in the past where they herald these and actually declare these kind of events like a coronavirus as God's judgment, or that God wanted this, and I want to...
Now, I'm gonna make something clear. What I'm gonna do here is, I'm down in the description, I'm gonna put a link to an episode of Fighting for the
Faith from earlier this week, where I tackle the question head -on, does
God himself send sickness? There'll be a link to it down below in the description from, again, an episode of Fighting for the
Faith that was a podcast -only episode, it's not available as a video, and where we do an expanded study on this to show that, yeah,
God does send...it does actually send diseases and things like this, and you can think of them as kind of a broad -spectrum judgment against humanity's sin and rebellion against God, not as a
God specifically punishing a particular sin or things like that, but these are the consequences of our collective rebellion against God.
So he's wrong. He's wrong in so many ways here, but like I said, he has no credibility to be teaching us anything.
He is shown to be a false prophet, this is just objective, factual data, and the doctrines he's teaching us, he's not teaching us to repent, he's instead saying, oh, well, there's something different going on here.
Now, I'm going to give you a text from the New Testament where Jesus himself sends sickness.
Yeah, Revelation chapter 2, verse 18, and you'll note the red letters here, yeah, they're red for a reason, because this was a letter dictated from Jesus to John to the
Thyatira, and so here's what it says, So who's speaking?
Jesus. So note here,
Jesus has said, I've given her time to repent, she won't repent, so because she won't repent, what's going to happen?
Jesus says, behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed. I will throw her onto a sickbed.
Balo here is a first -person singular, present active, I will throw, uh -huh, present active indicative, mm -hmm, that's active, not passive.
I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her, I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works, and I will strike her children dead, and all the churches will know that I am he who searches the mind and the heart, and I will give to each of you according to your works.
So Jesus makes it clear that he reserves the right to throw somebody on a sickbed, so yeah,
Jesus actually does send sicknesses, that's an example of it from the New Testament, and in my extended teaching we go through Old Testament, New Testament text examples, and what a proper
Christian understanding of pandemics of this nature should be. Again, the description, you know, the link is down below in the description.
So let me back Sean Bowles up just a little bit here, and let's see again his teaching now in context.
This is a man whom nobody should be listening to. Everybody should be marking and avoiding, cutting off all, all financial donations and calling this man to repent, because no good tree bears bad fruit.
That just doesn't happen, and we're getting nothing but bad fruit from this guy, from false prophecies to false doctrine.
So let's listen again. Process things about the prophetic, and these are very real things, and today we're talking about the coronavirus, and other kinds of plagues or disasters in our response, and how we should respond to them.
You know, when you hear from God, we actually have been given a wrong model through popular culture. Now notice, he says, when you hear from God, you don't hear from God, Sean, at all.
God didn't tell you that, that this thing wouldn't become a pandemic, because it has. You don't hear from God.
That is just a fact, and yet you're talking as if you do, when clearly you don't.
Sure, and through a lot of prophetic ministries in the past, where they herald these, and actually declare these kind of events, like a coronavirus, as God's judgment, or that God wanted this.
And I want to say, first of all, that in the New Testament, we don't need Jesus to die on the cross again. Again, this doesn't make any sense, because Jesus himself, in the book of Revelation chapter 2, says he's gonna send
Jezebel onto a sickbed, throw her onto a sickbed. He already took all judgments. He already took all cursing on the cross.
The only cursing and judgment that's left is end -time eschatological prophecies. Then how do you explain
Revelation 2? Hmm? Jesus threatening Jezebel, who was alive at the time of throwing her on a sickbed, because she didn't repent.
In the New Testament, there's no other judgment or cursing that needs to happen. That's the only... This is just false theology.
So not only does he give false prophecies, he twists God's Word, and he teaches false doctrine, which, by the way, is the second test of a false prophet.
Precedence in the New Testament for judgments to happen. So coronavirus is not a judgment from God. It's actually something that God doesn't want.
It's not his story for humanity right now. It's not his story for humanity, really? Well, it seems to be a major part of the story of humanity at the moment.
So when you look at this, this is the scripture I got for it. Many of you have heard me read this, but it's just a great scripture. It's called the
Passion Translation. Passion Translation is not a translation. Psalm 56, verse 9.
The very moment I called to you for Father's help, the tide of battle turns, and my enemies flee.
This one thing I know, that God is on my side. That should be your mantra this season. God is on my side.
Now, mantra. Hmm. That should be my mantra. So Psalm 56, verse 9, out of context, from the
Passion Translation needs to be my mantra. God is on my side. Rather than looking at the model given to us in scripture of Daniel's prayer from Daniel chapter 9 of repentance and calling out for God to have mercy and relenting of disaster, your solution is instead to take a verse out of context, misapply it, and deny what the clear passages say, that Jesus actually still today reserves the right to send sickness and as a form of judgment.
Right. I'm going to go with Jesus over you here. So many times in history, prophets have prophesied about disasters, whether it's
Ebola, bird flu, swine flu, these kinds of things, and they've created pandemonium. Now, this is what pandemonium means.
Wild and noisy disorder or confusion. It's an uproar and a lot of... The one causing confusion is you,
Sean. You're the one causing confusion with your false doctrine and your false prophecies.
I mean, what is this except for confusion when Fox News publishes an article claiming that you've heard from God and that at the time only 91 ,000 people globally had been infected, and you declared at that time that the tide was turning and that it's not going to be the pandemic that people are afraid of?
Who's creating confusion here? The answer is you are,
Sean. You're the one causing confusion, not those who are rightly pointing that the
Bible does show us that Christ reserves the right to use sickness as a form of judgment.
That's in the New Testament. Again, Revelation chapter 2. Pandemics have pandemonium spreading around them.
Just like coronavirus, there's people who are selling weird relief supplies that don't actually work in the
Christian community. There's Christians who are saying this is the judgment of God. There's Christians who are saying there's going to be 60 billion people who die from this.
And the reality is we're already seeing the tide turn in China itself where they're getting less corona outbreak and where the majority of people who've died, it's less than 2 % and the majority of people who've died in China are over the age of 60.
No children have died under the age of 12. So we're seeing like very specific statistics. This thing is going to turn.
It doesn't take... Yeah, eventually it will. And the whole point of all of us hunkering in place is to slow the spread of this virus in order to lessen its devastating impact on those who are 60 and above so that we can buy some time and let medical science run its course in figuring out how best to attack this virus and to treat those who are infected with it.
That's the whole idea to slow everything down because those who are 60 and above, the chances of them dying from this are significantly high enough that in love for our neighbors, it makes sense for us to slow everything down by not spreading this unknowingly.
I don't want to say that anymore. We can now see it's going to turn. But because it's very real, we're in an election year and every election year realizes there's nothing to do with this.
So you get the idea. You can watch the rest of his video on his own channel. But he was recently on TBN and here's what he was doing again.
He falsely prophesied the end of this thing. Kind of doubled down just a few days ago. Oh yeah, the end is near.
The end is near. No, it's not. And then he was on TBN. Yeah. By the way, you don't want to have some prayers here that I think
I released a book and we'll put the link in the up on the video right now. I released just an e -book.
It's free. You can distribute it. You can send it to your family members. Standing in faith against the coronavirus. A free e -book.
By the way, if you go to the link, what it requires you to do is to give your email address, first name, and last name to Sean Bowles.
Why? So he can market stuff to you. You don't want, number one, this guy is demonstrably a false teacher and a false prophet.
Nothing he says in this e -book is going to be beneficial to anybody. And the last thing you need is for him to spam you with his false doctrine and stuff.
You get the idea. It might be free, but the goal is to actually, it's going to cost you a lot more than free.
And I want to pray the specific part, do declarations with you, rejecting fear about the coronavirus.
Do declarations. Rather than humbly calling out to God. Again, Daniel chapter 9 is a perfect model of what it means to humble yourself and pray.
Rather than doing that, you're going to decree and declare. So false teaching regarding prayer.
Standing against coronavirus. Prophecy, prayer, and declaration. This is much like my Breakthrough book that I did a
TBN special about about prayers, prophecies, and declarations for Breakthrough. Well, this is about standing against coronavirus.
And I just want us to look at this real fast. I'm just going to read the scripture, and then we'll put it up there for you.
And then I'll read the declaration we can make together. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. You are aware that when Christ is saying that, it's really talking about salvation by grace through faith alone apart from works.
You know that, right? Now, here's our declaration. That's Matthew 11, 28 through 29. Our declaration, I come before you,
Lord, totally undone and vulnerable about my fear. My load is too heavy for me, and when I process the coronavirus,
I need you. I choose to take your yoke of peace about the sickness and wisdom upon my shoulders about how to live my life during an outbreak and embrace your rest for my soul.
So that's a declaration we can make. Here's another one. So he's got an entire ebook of these out -of -context biblical passages being turned into decrees and declarations so that you can overcome your fear of coronavirus, all with the assumption that God today would never send sickness as a judgment.
It's just straight -up false teaching. I think you get the idea. Sean Bowles is somebody to be marked and avoided.
Over and over again, we have demonstrated he is a false prophet. He is a false teacher. He is somebody that you should consider to be more dangerous than the coronavirus itself, because he is.
The worst thing that the coronavirus can do to you is physically kill your body, but the false teaching and false doctrines and false prophecies this man is infected with—remember,
Jesus says this is a diseased tree—this disease that he's infected with can do more harm to you than physically cause your death.
It could cause you to spend an eternity in God's wrath in the lake of fire. So avoid
Sean Bowles like the plague that he is, because he is a plague.
Now hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description, as well as the link to our earlier podcast from this week, where I open up the scriptures and lay out the biblical text that say, yeah, actually
God is the one who can and does send judgments like this, and illnesses are on the menu as far as God's judgments, and what should be our attitude in this time as Christians in relation to God and this global pandemic.
So like I said, if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share this is down below. So until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.