Matt Slick Live: August 28, 2024



The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 08-28-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:  Does the word ALL “always” refer to every person What Gender are Angels Radio Show Questions Answered Mormonism/Can or Has Anyone Seen God The Father August 28, 2024


It's Matt Slick Live! Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry found online at calm .org
When you have questions about Bible doctrines turn to Matt Slick Live for answers Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick Welcome to the show. It's me Matt Slick. You're listening to Matt Slick Live If you want to give me a call you can do that 877 -207 -2276
Also, if you're so inclined, you're gonna give me an email. That's easy Just send an email to info at calm org
Info at calm org and put the subject line radio comments or radio question and we can get to them and You know,
I saw one here today And I might get to that a little bit later because I thought it was interesting
Questions that was made that are asked people ask all kinds of stuff all kinds of stuff Yeah, look at all this man,
I got so much to do a lot to do But it's good. That's so much.
All right. So what we'll do we'll get to the colors here a little bit Just want to let you know that we We stay on the air by your support if you like what you hear on this radio
Station and you want to keep it on? Well, it would really help us a lot if you were to support us It's easy.
Just go to calm org forward slash donate See a RM dot o RG forward slash donate and it'll forward you to the donate stuff and We we have a new system there
So what we are working on is that you can now go in there you can adjust your donations
You can see what you've done how much and everything it should all be set up and we're gonna be doing some slow modifications
On the website so that it looks lickety -split and hope you're liking that.
All right Well, why don't we just do this? Let's get to Jermaine from Bay Area in California.
Welcome Jermaine. You're on the air. Oh Hi, man Yeah, just wanted to get your take on I don't know if you've heard anything about the
The Shroud of Turin and the supposed new I guess what they're calling evidence of It being proof.
It was Jesus's burial cloth. I want to see if there was any validity to that and also
Can that move kind of dangerously into idol worship because I know a lot of Catholics really
They like that kind of thing. So I just wanted to hear what you had to say Yeah, they do. It reminds me what you just said when
I was in Jerusalem, we'd go to various sacred sites And all of us Protestants are like, oh, that's cool.
Look at that That's really neat where Jesus did this and Jesus said that and you could tell where the Catholics and Eastern Orthodox were because they're kneeling
Kissing objects and things like that and it was sad But nevertheless, um, it could become an object of worship and adoration
And I can see why and you know if it was really the actual burial cloth of Christ That would be pretty significant now is it
I don't know I haven't been keeping up on the latest though I'd have heard that they found some new stuff with a few months ago or this year
I think and it Supports the idea that it really is old in a time of Christ.
So I don't know learn that Okay, yeah, I think that's true and also
Yeah, I know they I think they had it what was supposed to be a piece of the forearm of James and they were taking that around the
Bay Area take around the Sacramento area and people were Lined up for hours and hours just to kind of be around it because they felt they would get a blessing off of it, so That's why
I was asking because I was like they can get dangerous Yeah, people want a blessing from the
Lord get on your knees and pray and ask the Lord to Change you and to make you more like Christ That's a blessing what people want is a blessing is make me healthy make me wealthy do this do that They want to be blessed the blessing comes for it to be more like Christ and to be able to serve him
Even if we have to suffer in the process, that's a blessing But yeah superstition Abides everywhere
That's all I know buddy. Okay Alright, thank you. All right, man. God bless
Okay Good stuff Well, that was Jermaine and he always has a good stuff to say good questions and stuff like that And if you want to give me a call, the number is eight seven seven two zero seven two two
Seven six. All right. Let's get to Jason from Salt Lake City. Jason. Welcome.
You're on the air I'm at hey, how you doing? Yeah, I'm alright.
I had a question concerning in light of text like Romans 518
And following I guess One trespass leading to condemnation for all men one act of righteousness leading to justification in life
For all men, that's a bad translation ESV that's bad What about the following verse in 19 where it says the many so In reference to sin and righteousness okay,
I can go through both of those verses because I know them both pretty well and What you read was out of the
ESV, which is a bad translation of that particular verse What the best translation is?
Resulted so as then through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men So also through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men
Justification means you're saved and it says it resulted to all men The problem here is not in the translation.
The problem is in what people are doing with it There are two groups called the all each represented by Different people one is represented by Adam and one is represented by Christ.
This is called federal headship and If you read like starting around verse 15 in that chapter, you'll see that evidence is there but Also, you can go to 1st
Corinthians 15 22, which says in Adam all die in Christ all shall be made alive
So again, we see the word all being in reference to two different groups each represented by their federal head
Adam is the first one and Jesus is the what's called who's called the last
Adam first printed 1545 So Translators what they'll do is because it says the result of justification of life to all men.
They change the the verb form from result to Led to it.
So that way they don't have the implication of universalism, but the problem is it's not universalism
It's federal headship in two different groups, but I get into that more details. So that's what's going on furthermore the the sin of Adam Resulted in everybody falling it didn't make it possible.
It happened We know that from Romans 5 19 for us through one man's transgression.
The many were made sinners They were made sinners by what he did in the Greek. It's an aorist passive indicative and this is significant an aorist passive Indicative aorist means past tense
Passive means it happened to them. The action was performed upon them and Indicative means it's a statement of fact
So aorist passive indicative is saying they were back in back then made sinners
It's a one man's transgression. The many were made sinners. So who's the many who were made sinners interesting?
Even so through the obedience of the one the many will be made righteous. So here what Paul's doing is
He is again using the same word phrase for two different groups
He does this in Romans 5 18 first Corinthians 15 22 in Adam I'll die in Christ all should made alive in Romans 5 18 through one transgression
The result of condemnation to all men even so through one act of righteousness The result of justification of life to all men
So those words all in both of those cases The first part is reference to Adam who he represented and the second is representing
Jesus who he represented Then we see the same thing with the phrase the many For as through the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners
Even so through the one the obedience of the one the many will be made righteous what Paul the Apostle is doing is teaching about Representation it's called federal headship, which is a teaching at the male not a female represents the descendants
So what we have here is simple Adam when he sinned brought
Condemnation everybody and everybody fell in him Romans 5 19. They were made sinners by what he did
Therefore we have to say that the transgression resulted in Condemnation to everyone that's what
Adam did Even so verse 18 that one act of righteousness There resulted
Justification of life to all men and the all there is not the same group of all in the first part
The same thing in Rome verse 19 Through one man's disobedience the many were made sinners even so through the obedience of the one the many will be made righteous
It's a little more advanced theology that people are recognizing or familiar with but that's what's going on.
Don't know if that helps does it? Yeah, I think just like you said it maybe takes a little bit more of an advanced understanding of theology
It's the cursor read just you see all there both both situations. It would seem like Limited atonement wouldn't hold up a lot of the text like that, but you're saying that all are all of two separate groups
Mm -hmm Actually, it's in support of limited atonement because in 18
B There resulted justification of life to all men. The all is only the group of people who are saved
There's a specific group and I can tell you where that comes from, too So this is theology.
I've been teaching for years and years and years. So I'm very familiar with this stuff And most
Christians are very ill -prepared to understand it because they're just not taught deep theology anymore
It's a shame Yeah, I'm just reading my Bible and trying to parse it out on my own
I'm for Bible school or anything, but It's all right. Appreciate the appreciate the insight.
Thank you. All right, no problem I've written an article on this specifically if you want to have information on it where I've actually gone through Romans 5 18 in detail and gone through and talked about it, but you can email me if you want it or whatever
I'll give you the information. Okay Great thank you. All right, man.
God bless Okay, hey well everybody if you want to give me a call the number is eight seven seven two zero seven two two
Seven six. Let's get to Joe from High Point, North Carolina Joe welcome. You are on the air
Hey, Matt, can you hear me clearly? Yes, I can. I hear you fine, buddy. So what do you got?
Great Got a question You know, we've grown up and seen pictures of angels and all of our lives and in different shapes and forms but the one that Gives me reason or gives me a reason to ask this question is
I've got into a discussion with a family member and she believes swears up and down that there are female angels and That doesn't make any sense to me because I've never seen the
Bible referred to any female. They've all been males. Is there any truth to that?
well, there's a yes and no to it, so Biologically angels are neither male nor female.
They don't have a gender when they manifest They manifest typically as male
Some people go to Zechariah 5 9 To support the idea of female angels
Then I lifted up my eyes and looked and there were two women Coming out with the wind in their wings and they had wings like the wings of a stork and they lifted up the
FF If I was giving between the earth and the heavens and so some will go there
That's the only place that they could go to say anything like that, okay, and The problem with that is it's a dealing with a flying scroll
Which dimensions are 20 cubits long 10 cubits wide and we have a break coming up So we come back.
We'll review it a little bit more and I go through it. Okay, buddy. So hold on Hey folks, if you want to give me a call, the number is eight seven seven two
Zero seven two two seven six if you want to give me a call right now at the time. God bless.
We'll be right back It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six, here's
Matt slick All right, buddy welcome back to the show let's get back on with Joe hey
Joe you still there Yes, sir, all right Joe, okay now so Zechariah 5 9 is sometimes used but the
Context in Zechariah Zechariah 5 1 through 11. The context is there's a scroll.
It's a vision thing. That's happening and Zechariah is seeing wickedness is going forth and it's gonna enter into the house of the thief and the you know bad people and he says
You behold verse 7 the lead cover was lifted up and this is a woman sitting inside the ephah
Then he said this is wickedness and he threw her down into the middle of the ephah and cast the lead weight on its opening
Then I lifted my eyes up and There were two women coming out with the wind in their wings and they had wings
Like the wings of a stork and they lifted up the ephah between the earth and the heavens
I said to the angel who was speaking with me. Where are they taking the ephah?
This is critical right here Then he said to me To build a temple for her in the land of Shinar and when it is prepared she will be set there on her own pedestal
So the vision is that the two women with the wind in their hair are taking the ephah to go commit idolatry so we can't say that From this verse that the angels were were women here and but sometimes people use it
Zechariah 5 9 for that purpose. Okay, that's it. All right Well, I have to go back and read that that's it can be a little confusing
So I'm inclined to agree with What you're saying?
So yeah, thank you very much for your input on that Sure, and one thing, you know when they say that there's female angels, maybe there is something in the
Bible that shows that I just haven't seen it or don't recall it So I could be wrong but just ask people okay where what's the verse and Always read something in context always read it in context.
All right, that's what's gonna do You get a lot of wind in the background there Your windows open or what?
Okay, all right, well sounds good. All right. Well god bless. Okay. Okay. We'll see
All right Yeah is we don't have anybody waiting right now
But what happens is generally what's in the Bible is that they appear as male and if some women don't like that Okay.
Now, what do we do? You don't like it or whatever, but I've talked to some women.
They said no, it's it's patriarchal It's misogynistic. There's they're always as males and I said, what do you want female angels?
And I said they said well they should be if it wasn't Peter I actually had this conversation once and I said, okay.
Well is Satan to be considered female then to The conversation ended at that point.
All right, so Let's let's get back over here People trying to set up debates with me and stuff like I'm trying to get to this one
I was gonna look at going where to go. Wait, I think I moved it over here a radio question So tell you what,
I'll get to that if you want to give me a call the number is eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six
And I want to hear from you. Give me a call and also hey, we stay on the air by your support Please consider supporting us.
Just go to calm org forward slash donate and you know what? We don't ask too much. Maybe if you're willing you could do five dollars a month that helps us set up Priorities and budgets and things like that five dollars a month, you know
It's about one and a half two cups of coffee a month if you're out having fun and we could use that So if you'd be so inclined just go to calm carm dot o
RG forward slash Donate. All right So here's a question.
That's a good question My pastor told my husband that Paul did not write Ephesians. Is there any basis for that a statement?
Not that I'm aware of it's general it's understood that Paul is the one who wrote
Ephesians so I've not heard that one not to see the evidence for that Same pastor at a funeral service said that when we die, we go to a holding place for three days
Boy oh boy. Oh boy after three days we can decide to stay or return. Oh my goodness You know,
I think some of the talent of football players is missed in situations like this at a funeral service a football player would be very useful, you know
One of those big guys who can run really fast and fly horizontally tackling somebody as he tackles this heretic preacher
And gets him out of the way, of course at a funeral. I guess it wouldn't be that good. But that's what
I'm thinking Wait, we can decide to stay or return up to three days. Yeah, that's in a book of stupid if occasion
And that's where you get that one next to second Moronicles okay, he said all memories of previous life will be wiped away if we decide to return that is just Where is he getting this this is ridiculous to me this sounded like Reincarnation.
Yeah, it does after the funeral a few of us discussed that statement. None of us had heard of this before Are you familiar with this belief?
Yes, it's in a lot of heresy talks There's variations not the three -day thing.
I hadn't heard but you know, we've decided to return where memories are wiped and blah blah blah
This guy doesn't know what he's doing. He's not qualified to be a pastor He couldn't teach his way out of a wet paper heresy bag if he had a drill press a sledgehammer and a chainsaw
And So much heresy so little time Hey, let's get to John from Raleigh, North Carolina John.
Welcome. You're on the air One minute that is oh Hey, buddy.
Hey, you see the new stuff the new avatar put up yeah,
I'm looking for a background removal I Sent you last night
I finally came across it Well, just so you know, I ordered a white background screen
I'm gonna put up there and do one with a white background screen and Because I think the next level up we get remove it.
What's that? Yeah. Yeah, that's that's the In order to get it removed.
We got a bump up another another level, but I might be able to get a
I'm looking at a couple of programs that will just take the video and remove it so that it basically
Inserts the white screen for for the extraction. Well, I'm gonna try tomorrow a white screen if I have enough time
But for those who don't know this is John and we call him one minute John because it kind of was it just developed because We're working on doing one minute videos
So he calls yeah one minute. Oh, yeah, what about a child? So that's his nickname now and We're working with a system in a program to try and get it.
So that I Can we can just put in text and it'll just show videos and that way it saves me a lot of time
Well, let me ask you. What did you think of the last iteration I gave? Think it's better.
Let me except for the background. It's getting better. Yeah Okay, the one you did last night.
I have not seen I've seen the one before that All right That's when
I that's when I started looking at that software to pull it out, yeah
Yeah, I'll tell you what I supposed to get the white background cloth today
That's what I was I was you know an email and if I can get it and I can Walk, I mean, you know put the dryer and get all the wrinkles down and I'll put it up and I'll do another one
Let's see. Oh, I see. Yeah they've got those those ones that are on a
A Fold up thing and when you unfold it, it keeps it all stretched out really good.
And that way there's no wrinkles or anything But that's your work. I'm sure we'll get it.
Yes. It's just money and then I'm the producer. I'm the I'm the film crew the cameraman the the script writer.
Yeah Okay. Hey, there's a break. So hold on buddy. We right back. Okay. Hey folks
We wrapped back after these messages, please stay tuned It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six
Here's Matt slick. Hey everybody. Welcome back to the show If you want to give me a call the number is eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six
Let's get back to John as soon as they reactivate him. There he is. Hey John. Yeah. All right, buddy Back on the air so we're starting
Genesis Bible study, which is getting back for a couple years since then and I've been listening to it on YouTube and SAB 95 and I'm now looking at it and I'm seeing
Why if you're a blind person you could have the same question I had
So I'm in in chapter 2 verse 23 where the man says This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh
She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man and it continues from the audio for this reason a man shall leave his father etc, etc, and I'm like if he was just Created out of man.
How could man be talking about? having a wife and leaving And I'm seeing as I read it now, you know, man's words and then line 24 is back to being
The word Yeah, because Genesis 1 is not a description that's meant to be taken scientifically
There's a lot of theories about what Genesis 1 is supposed to be there Yeah, and 2 because Genesis 1 has 7 days, but Genesis 2
Basically has 1 in the day that also if you notice day 1 and day 4 are similar and Day 2 and day 5 and day 3 and day 6 you can put them next to each other
You can see a similarity. So something is going on there What he's doing there is just giving the background
Moses has just given the background of the basics He's not talking about chronologically this or that there's a lot of other factors that go in he just didn't write so When this is written he's writing about it to them later
He's saying this was written to Moses. I mean this was written I mean
God did this with Adam and this is why ladies and gentlemen who are reading this we leave our
You know parents when we go get married So he's inserting a then contemporary theological point about what it was related to back then
Does that make sense Mm -hmm. Yeah. Well, I you know, like I said, we're we're in preparation.
We know we're going to Genesis So I've been listening to it as I go to bed and you know I'll wake up at times and it'll be
Jacob and it's been really fun But this one section has always got me because I've been listening to it and when they do it on the playback you you know, you don't get the verse versus the line and like I said the
Bible that the Word is talking about for this reason man shall leave his father as opposed to what man said about calling woman and When they say that they believe it together and you're wondering well, how come
Adam is talking about? The man should leave his father and his mother
Kind of silly and and I finally brought it up in front of me to ask you that question about how that worked and obviously
You know Person could definitely have problems with this unless they're reading through Braille Miss that one
So you want to see the connection between verse 23 and 24? Both of my bones when you're listening to an audio version of the
Bible They believe it together and it's like man Adam is saying that for this reason
Right. It doesn't end the quote. Oh And that's why
I was confused so I figured oh nobody's online So I'll ask you this question was what's going on there and now that I see it
I could have answered my own question That's all right. Yeah, there's just a quote.
It's it's just what it is in Hebrew. There's you know, there's no quote marks But it's just what it is and the readers understood it
You know because the man said and then for this reason and you know, they were both naked
So they're both naked is not something that Adam would be saying it's something that's the commentary by Moses.
So yeah Yeah, right. That's okay It's all right Good stuff.
Oh, I Will let you have a blessed day and evening and we'll talk soon.
Yeah, we will that's right. I'm working stuff Okay, buddy, well god bless thank you sir.
All right. Okay All right, all right, all right now
We don't have any callers waiting. But if you want to call me the number is eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six and I'll do is get some more radio questions.
Let's see Okay, that was about Loverton hearts already did that one recently
I'm a Christian But I don't agree with many of your political views I do catch a radio show
Here and there must protest your assertion that no way could a Christian be a Democrat No, I didn't say a
Christian could not be a Democrat. I said, I don't see how a knowledgeable Christian could be a
Democrat when they understand what the Democratic Party stands for. That's what I say. He says
Person says even though I consider myself an independent voter One could easily conclude there's no way a
Christian could be a Republican and maybe But a Democrats even worse all politicians lie sometimes intentionally sometimes not but mr.
Trump seems to have been taken lying to art for back Yeah, whatever You know that to me just leftist stuff, so let's talk about this can a true
Christian be a real Democrat Now I know that a lot of people their ears are perking up poor
Democrats saying yes, we can Can you If you're a
Christian and you claim to be a Democrat then notice this the Democratic Party is the party that supports killing the unborn in the womb is the party that supports
LGBTQ and it's It's oppressive move in society and getting it into the heads of children and things like that The Democratic Party the
Democrats are been well documented to use deception all the time in Order to gain power and then they just go back to their old ways.
They will lie about something They're also the party that supported that was founded and supported
Slavery That's a truth. Go look it up and they supported the
Jim Crow laws So my question is if you're a
Christian, do you want to support a party that? presently
Supports the idea of killing the unborn and Pro LGBTQ woke stuff which is clearly against Scripture Both are against Scripture vehemently
So my question is if you're a Christian and you're a Democrat, how can you do that and people sometimes say well
Better mean a Republican. Well, maybe it is. Maybe it isn't Republican Party isn't much better So, how could you belong to any party that is for?
killing the unborn and the promotion of the LGBT the alphabet mob and all of it all over our society and Opening the borders to be flooded in by illegals and you know that a lot of countries let their open their prison doors and say go up north go to America and Then that same party leftist a political party
Gives money to infect in California. They're talking about passing a bill to give illegals $150 ,000 loans so they can buy houses and the the vets, you know who
Sacrificed for this country What are they doing? What's the country doing for them and it goes on and on?
I'm not an expert in this stuff, but I know enough to know There's a lot of injustices there. So I have real problems with that kind of thing from the
Democratic Party I don't understand how anybody who's a knowledgeable Christian who truly follows
Jesus Would also belong to a party and give your support to the one party that Supports killing the the unborn and the
LG the alphabet mob. I don't understand that. Let's get to Ken from Salt Lake City Welcome, you're on the air.
Hey, how you doing? I'm doing in there. What do you got buddy? Oh I just wanted to thank you for your testimony and About three months ago.
You were talking about your testimony. I went on Carmen. I read it pretty great testimony and I just wanted to thank you for helping me and my testimony
About the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints. So I appreciate that.
So you have a testimony that Joseph Smith is true Yes, you do.
Do you believe the Bible's true? Yes Okay So did
Joseph Smith see God the Father? And the son So he did see
God the Father. I'll read to you what the Bible says. Yeah, I know I'll read to you what the Bible says
Hey, this is first it says in first Timothy 6 14 and 15 and 16
It and it says to keep the commandments without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Which he the
Father will bring about at proper time He's blessed the only sovereign the King of Kings Lord of Lords who alone possesses immortality and dwells an unapproachable light
Whom no man has seen or can see We'll get back to the break if you're still there
Please tell me how Joseph Smith saw God the Father in the first vision when the Bible says no one can see him
That'd be interesting question. We've right back. Okay, hold on Hey, we'll see the person can answer the question be right back after these messages, please stay tuned
It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six
Here's Matt slick, all right would welcome back to the show as soon as a producer reactivates areas right there can hey
Okay, sorry, but I just turned it up on my end too we're on a different channel and it's it's less volume but Okay, so the
Bible says that the father cannot be seen so that Joseph Smith see the father Did Stephen see him
No, Stephen saw the glory of God. And if you were to go to Acts 7 55 to 60 He saw
Jesus sitting on the right hand of God when he was being stoned Yes, and I was saying it says gained gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God That means on the right side of God the
Father in his glory. He saw the glory of God He didn't see God, but the glory of him is light.
Okay Okay, when when Jesus came back after he was resurrected. He was walking around Quote what you say without his glory and as apostles didn't even recognize him no, and then he disappeared and they said did not our
For them birth what go ahead? No, it wasn't that he was without his glory is because he was crucified. He retained his crucifixion wounds.
You go to act to I'm sorry. Wait, wait, wait, you said he was crucified in what he retained his crucifixion wounds
If you go to John 20 25 to 28, he said after his resurrection put your hand into my side put your finger into my hand
They didn't recognize him They didn't recognize him when he was walking when he was walking
I'm trying to explain it I'll try to explain it. It says in Luke 24 their eyes were beheld from seeing him
They were prevented from seeing him That's what it says. Okay, I would imagine that that has happened to a lot of people that's the resurrection see it says in Luke 24 16, but their eyes were prevented from recognizing him so it's not a good verse for you to use and furthermore what you just hear is because because When he left
They said did not our bosom bird. So the Holy Ghost was bearing witness
Who he was? Yeah, because they're true believers, okay now hold on a sec, hold on a sec, hold on hold on hold on Joseph Smith did not see
God the Father because the Bible says he dwelt in an unapproachable light whom no man has seen or can See cannot see him
Okay Yeah, God the Father Wants to come down and show himself to someone.
Is that okay? No, because he said it can't be done Hey, hold on a sec
God doesn't contradict himself. The Word of God is inspired He's not gonna contradict.
I know that I didn't worry No, you hold on. Hold on.
Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. You're not listening The Bible is not gonna contradict when you say well
God wants to do it come down He's not going to because he doesn't contradict himself. So your question is a false question the
Bible says Yes, it is It's an issue of logic and I'm gonna tell you the father
Cannot be seen. That's what Paul the Apostle says I am saying
That if God the Father Because of truths have been taken off the earth
Had to come down to restore those things that were gone
So Obviously he came down and restored those things, but they were never lost
This is look I've been studying. Sorry. I'm gonna use the word cults for a long time I listen to you all the time.
You're a good guy. I really appreciated your testimony But but I'm grateful.
I'm doing it for all the things you talk about my church because I investigate And I find out what's going on dude
Joseph Smith lied He said he saw God the Father. He did not know look I'm down in so yes, he did
I'm gonna be down in Salt Lake and in on a Saturday and Sunday Now if you want to meet we can meet but we can meet someplace, but I'll tell you
Joseph Smith said he saw God the Father, but the Bible says he cannot be seen He dwells in unapproachable light who meant no man has seen or can see that's what the
Word of God says You're denying the Word of God No, I'm not yes you are does the scripture say that the father cannot be seen with your
I disagree with you telling me That God can't do that He can't because Paul the
Apostle Who's an apostle under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote that he alone possesses immortality dwells an unapproachable light?
Who no man has seen or can see? That's it That's the
Apostle writing he's under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit So no man can see
God the Father. I just proved that Joseph Smith lied and Mormonism is false
Matt Ken yeah, yes in 300
AD and 400 AD Things were taken out of the
New and the Old Testament. That's not true I'm sorry, but that that's just not really
Yes, really. You don't understand what the issue is. You don't understand this stuff. You have not studied it
That is not true. You're being told lies and you're believing them because The night look you just the creed is different than you saying the books of the
Bible have been taken out in the third and Fourth centuries, that's not the case You're okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait,
Ken. You're saying right here in front of all these people that nothing has been taken out of the Bible That's correct
Wow, correct Now what I've shown you from what is in the Bible that God cannot be seen you gotta understand something
I'm gonna tell you you deny what Christ said it through the Apostle Paul because Jesus says
Paul is his witness So Paul speaking for Jesus and this is saying that the Father dwells an unapproachable light
No more no man has seen or can see because you deny it the Holy Spirit that you think you believe in is not really
From God it's from a different spirit and you're being you're believing it and you're being deceived which is why you doubt the authenticity
Authenticity of the Word of God and you you believe in Joseph Smith and Joseph Smith was an occultist
Who was involved in some pretty bad stuff? How can?
Joseph Smith say that the father and the son have a physical body and the
Holy Ghost does not have a physical body and Satan doesn't have a physical body. How can he say that?
By opening his mouth and uttering words. That's how he can say it. Is it true? No, it's not because the
Bible says Jesus says that God is spirit John 4 24 and he says in Luke 24 39 The spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see
I have God the Father does not have a flesh body flesh and bones. He's not six feet tall He's not an exalted man for another world as a goddess wife
When when you are resurrected and you receive all the power that Heavenly Father has what will that make you?
That would make me a false God because it's impossible for me to have all the power that God has because there's only one
God And he was always God Isaiah 43 44 45 says that he was never a man on another planet who became a
God So you're when you get resurrected, what are you going to be doing for the rest of your life for all eternity and all eternity
I'm gonna be with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and glory You just asked me who you keep doing this you asked me
I answer you and you jump all of my words That's what Mormonism teaches you. I'm I can't I'm telling you.
Are you being sufficiently humble you turn your volume up? Are you being sufficiently humble? Come on.
Yeah You are you big sufficiently humble. I'm I am listening to you.
I'm trying to be taught No, you're not come on over 527 you come on you're gonna be okay just use the
Book of Mormon against you look Joseph Smith, he saw God the Father the Bible's the
Bible says you can't see God the Father. You're believing a false prophet So you're telling me and Everyone out there that when we pray to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ and we receive an answer
Satan's going to answer For you. Yeah. Uh -huh For everyone no, not everyone because you see
Jesus says Jesus I can't receive answer to my prayers No, you receive answers from the demonic forces and the evidence that that is the case is because you believe false things
You believe lies like God you you believe God came from their planet That's not
God. I'm telling you. I am telling you or I'm I'm not telling I'm asking
When I pray to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ Which Satan is allowed to step in and answer that yes
Because the Jesus you believe in is the brother of the devil begotten through sexual relations between God and his goddess wife who came from Another planet that's not the
Jesus of the Bible Wait, huh? This is before I was a member of the church
So what Jesus? I mean, I attended
Pentecostal. I attended Salvation Army. I've gone to the Catholic Church I've gone to the
Greek Orthodox Church You're all over the place Have you gone straight to Jesus and asked
Jesus to forgive you all of your sins? Have you asked Jesus to forgive you all your sins?
I know I asked the father in the name of Jesus Christ. No forgive my sins.
No, no No, I didn't say that. I said, yeah ask Jesus not the father Jesus No, can you pray to the father?
Okay, let me show you something the Jesus of the Bible's prayed to He's worshiped.
He's called God. Do you worship? I know he's a God not a God There's only one
God he's called God. No, there's no not three gods The Bible said there's only one God none created before none created after God doesn't even know of any other gods
So so wait, wait, then real quick. What does the word us mean? It means what it means in context
Okay, put it in context. What does us mean us went to the store as most bad people talk now, uh -huh
Okay, when look in the beginning when the world was being wait you I'm asking you a question in the beginning in Genesis when the
God Says let us go down and make man in our image
Mm -hmm put that in context for me Yeah, that's the one God because God is one being because that who's speaking.
There is Yahweh. Who's up? Yeah, I'll explain Yahweh Jehovah is the name of Elohim in first Kings 860.
It says Jehovah is Elohim So when you go to Genesis 1 26, it says
Elohim said let us make man in our image, right? Let us make man in our image according to our likeness you're gonna say it's the three gods but in Isaiah 424 it says this thus says
Jehovah your Redeemer and the one who formed me from the womb I Jehovah and the maker of all things
Stretching out the heavens by myself and spreading out the earth all alone
So if you want to say Elohim and Mormonism is the name of God the Father and yet Jehovah who's supposed to be
Jesus and your theology is the one who did it all by himself How can both be true if they're contradicting each other from your perspective?
I? Don't have a perspective on it. I know who I know Jehovah is Elohim first Kings 860.
It says Jehovah is That's yeah
Hebrews 1 3 look it says Jehovah is Elohim That's what it says.
Oh We're out of time. Hey Ken, look, we got to go. Okay, we're out of time. All right call back tomorrow
We'll go at it some more. Okay. I love this stuff and then we can meet when I come down there a couple weeks Okay, buddy
You too and hey Brett from Buffalo, I want to talk to you about Will Duffy and John from Cleveland can women preach