TikToker: Christian Modesty Culture CREATES Pedophiles!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So in today's video,
I will be talking about some topics that are definitely meant for a mature audience. Just thought I should give you a heads up so that you can respond accordingly, especially if you're a parent.
In any case, today we're going to review a TikTok from an atheist anti -Christian activist who has proof that modesty culture in Christianity creates pedophile culture.
Yes, you heard that right. The line of logic here is some of the worst I've ever seen, so let's watch this video and refute it.
Check this out. What's a purity culture rule that you were forced to live by that was definitely not cool.
Telling girls, little girls, toddler girls, in tiny tights and mini ribbons that they needed to be modest, training them to pull down their dresses and cover their knees in front of grown ass men before they are even old enough to be potty trained.
Purity culture is pedophile culture. There is so much wrong with this, it's honestly incredible.
I didn't realize that so many foolish things could be said in one 30 second clip, but here we are.
She starts out by saying that telling tiny girls who wear ribbons and tights that they need to be modest is very uncool, it's really mean.
The first thing I want to say to this is an encouragement for Christian parents. First Timothy 2 .9 says likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel with modesty and self -control.
In context, this passage is specifically talking about women in the church wearing overtly lavish and expensive clothing and taking things too far.
This kind of obsession with one's appearance and the way one looks is not respectable for Christian women according to the passage.
Some people, especially progressive Christians and really just casual Christians in general, have taken this passage as only a condemnation of wearing clothing that is too lavish, too opulent, too clearly expensive.
And therefore, these misled people would claim that the Bible actually never condemns dressing in an immodest way with regard to showing off your body.
But this is a horribly wooden interpretation. The underlying principle of the passage of dressing in a modest, respectable way and not drawing attention to oneself is a principle that most definitely influences how much skin you show, how tight your clothes are, how your clothes will cause other people to react, etc.
So biblically, if you are a Christian parent and you're encouraging your little girl to dress in a modest, respectable way even at a young age, rest assured that the
Lord takes great pleasure in that kind of upright Christian behavior. Don't let the whining and complaining of modern feminists stop you from following the clear word of God and encouraging your children to do the same.
That's your job. Galatians 1 10 says, quote, For am I now seeking the approval of man or of God?
Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ, end quote.
But this atheist, feminist, anti -Christian has much more to say. So let's watch the rest of that TikTok again.
Training them to pull down their dresses and cover their knees in front of grown ass men before they are even old enough to be potty trained.
Purity culture is pedophile culture. What a ridiculous argument to make.
The reason these parents are telling their little girls to make sure their clothes cover them properly is because they're trying to prepare them for the rest of their life.
Over the course of their entire lives, you see, they will need to wear modest and respectable clothing and learn to do so with consistency and with the poise and grace that should be characteristic of Christian women.
The parents are not putting them down. They are not dehumanizing these children. It's quite the opposite. They're actually showing their children how to be dignified and respectable human beings.
Christians are governed by the word of God, but this atheist feminist seems to be entirely governed by her subjective emotions and feelings, and it really shows in her poor argument here.
But just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, she makes a claim that's even more absurd than the last two.
She says that if a little girl was told to be modest by her parents in front of a grown man, that is somehow an encouragement of pedophilia.
How she connected these dots, I haven't the foggiest idea, and frankly, I'm not sure she does either.
But the logic is pitiful. If a parent encourages their daughter to modestly wear their dress in front of company, they're not telling them to do that because the company they have over is staring at her lustfully.
No, because no good parent would willingly put their children in the company of such people.
The motivation behind the command to pull down their dress has nothing to do with the wandering eyes of any grown men who happen to be there, again, because no good
Christian parent would think it's a good idea to put their child in front of someone who they believe to be a pedophile in the first place.
This is super basic stuff. If they did do this, they would have done it despite good Christian teaching, not because of good
Christian teaching. But of course, because this TikToker does not understand basic Christian teaching in the first place, she has somehow managed to get her categories all mixed up.
Her argument is absolutely terrible, but by golly, she sure is emotional. I guess that means she must have a good point, right?
Wrong. She says that when a parent tells their child to pull their dress down, they're somehow encouraging and promoting pedophilia in the world.
But that is literally the exact opposite of what the parent is doing. Think about it. By the logic of this atheist
TikToker, you should never teach your children how to properly use a fire hydrant. Why? Well, if you teach them how to use a fire hydrant, you're only encouraging arsonists to set your house on fire.
Didn't you know that? Don't teach your children how to drive cars properly and safely. When you do that, you're creating a culture of road rage.
Don't teach your child how to defend themselves. If you do that, you're simply encouraging other people to attack your kid.
Do you see the problem with these examples and with the examples she brought up? Telling your children to keep their clothes on is not the same thing as encouraging other people to take their clothes off.
That is quite literally the exact opposite of the spirit of the message that's being sent. According to this atheist woman, telling your children to act in a respectable way will inevitably encourage other people to treat your children in a disrespectful way.
Does that make any sense at all? No. Because as Proverbs 9 10 says, quote, the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom, end quote. And that is why this TikToker seems to be so lacking in wisdom.
Telling your children to do the right thing does not equate to telling everyone else to do the wrong thing. And it especially does not equate to telling everyone else to do bad things to your kid.
That simply makes no sense. And this is all a part of the spirit of the age, folks. Telling your kids to be modest is mean and angry and makes them into victims.
And I suppose on the other hand, telling your kids to dress however they want makes them into unique, powerful people that are perfectly in touch with their inner awesomeness, right?
The message being sent here fundamentally is that following the rules of Scripture and encouraging your children to do so and enforcing it in your house will damage your children.
But the message here is exactly the opposite of the one we find in Scripture. Proverbs 22 6 says, quote, train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old, he will not depart from it, end quote.
So parents, keep diligently training your children. In the world we live in, it has become increasingly obvious that those who do not follow the parenting strategies of modern radical secular feminists will be decried as fundamentalist abusers who are damaging their children's mental health.
Do not buy into these lies. Trust in the Word of God, not in the word of your local feminist college professor who has three failed marriages and twice as many cats.
The Lord knew what he was doing when he made the world, yourself, and your children. Recognize that and serve
Him according to His decree. And pray for this secular TikToker that she would repent of this madness and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.